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Press release

Algiers, June 27th 2018

Launching code213, Algeria’s first coding school

The Algerian digital sector faces a serious dilemma: many companies struggle to recruit suitable
candidates to fulfill their needs. Meanwhile talented Algerians are struggling to find employment in
line with their aspirations.

code213 intends to solve this dilemma by launching a training program to prepare tomorrow’s
workforce for digital careers. The program, in partnership with, will start at the beginning
of the 2018-2019 academic year, and aims to equip highly-qualified individuals with high-level digital
skills to facilitate the Algerian labor market’s transition to a digital economy.

code213 offers courses that run for 3 to 6 months and that are rooted in project-based learning (6
month internships, close collaboration with businesses, and real-world, professional problem
solving). Our innovative pedagogy, “powered by” Simplon, is based on "learning by doing" and "peer
programming", participative processes that allow students to unleash their creativity through
project-based learning.

code213 has a social goal: to make the digital world an inclusive one, and to bring out the talents of
audiences as yet unrepresented in the sector. In addition to our full-time curriculum leading to a
diploma, code213 will offer introductory coding classes for children, as well as programs reserved for

code213 prides itself in the quality of our programs. We are able to guarantee our students 6 month
internships with our partner companies in Algeria or abroad. As we strive to promote social
inclusion, the strongest candidates will be eligible for merit-based scholarships to cover tuition fees.

Registration will be available online via our school website (, until September 27,
2018. Classes are set to start in mid-October. The first information meeting will take place on July 1st
at 10am in El Biar (more information on our website).

code213 has received the support of several international institutions, amongst them the Wilaya
d’Alger and the World Bank Group.

code213 – 2 rue Omar Bouneghaz, El Biar, Alger -

About code213
code213 is a school dedicated to digital skills, offering a range of training programs from app
development to web marketing. Based in Algiers, code 213 offers short 6 month trainings followed by 6
month internships.

About Simplon
Simplon is a network of over 40 social digital factories in France and around the world. Since its
founding in 2013, it has trained over 2000 students in the digital sector. Simplon's pedagogical
approach and its strong network of partner companies will put Code 213’s training program at the
highest level by international standards.

Press Contact
Maxime Gfeller
2 rue Omar Bouneghaz
16003 El Biar, Alger
(+213)6 61 14 88 07

code213 – 2 rue Omar Bouneghaz, El Biar, Alger -

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