Vocabulario Leaves of Grass

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Leaves of Grass, W.

W (Vocabulary)

 Utter (v)(/'ʌt̬·ər/): to say something.

 Physiognomy (n)(/ˌfɪz.iˈɑː.nə.mi/): t.fisiognomía- estudio del carácter a través del aspecto físico y,
sobre todo, a través de la fisonomía del individuo.

 Worthy (a)(/ˈwɜː·ði/): t.digno.

 Cheerful (a)(/ˈtʃɪər·fəl/): t.jubiloso.

 Ponder (v)(/ˈpɑn·dər/): to think carefully about something.

 Linger (v)(/ˈlɪŋ·ɡər/): to stay somewhere for a long time

 Arose- past tense of Arise (v)(/əˈrɑɪz/): t.surgir

 Distrust- antonym of Trust (v)(/trʌst/): t.confiar

 Menacing (a)(/ˈmen.ɪ.sɪŋ/): t.amenazante

 -est or -’st: archaic second-person singular simple present form of a verb

Ex: singest/cantas

 Thou (pronoun)(/ðau/): old form of ‘you’

 Enduring (a)(/ɪnˈdʊr.ɪŋ/): existing for a long time

 Haughty (a)(ˈhɔ·t̬i/): t.arrogante

 Wage (v)(/weidʒ/): t.librar, hacer (la guerra).

 Flight (n)(/flaɪt/): escape.

 Retreat (n)(/rɪˈtrit/): t.retirada.

 Defer (v)(/dɪ-ˈfɝː/): t.diferir

 Wavering (a): incierto

 Methinks (/mɪˈθɪŋks/): old use or humorous for I think.

 Certain (a)(/ˈsɜr·t̬ən/): t.cierto.

 Lo (/lou/): old expression indicating surprise etc at seeing or finding something.

 Chant (v) (/tʃænt/): to repeat or sing a word or phrase continuously.

 Above all: most important of everything.

 Cabin (v)(/ˈkæbɪn/): confine something or someone in small place.

 Boundless (a)(/baʊnd.ləs/): having no limit.

 Whistle (v)(/ˈhwɪs·əl/): to make a sound by breathing air out through a small hole made with
your lips.
 Bark (n)(/bɑːk/): t.barca.

 Buoy (v)(/bɔɪ/): keep (someone or something) afloat.

 Joyous (a)(/ˈdʒɔɪ.əs/): full of joy.

 Faith (n)(/feɪθ/): t.fe.

 Spread (v)(/spred/): t.extender.

 Sails (n)(/seɪl/): a large piece of material that is fixed to a mast on a boat to catch the wind and
make the boat move.

 Cleave (v)(/kliːv/): to split or divide.

 Mid (prep)(/mɪd/): among or in the middle of.

 Sparkle (v)(/ˈspɑr·kəl/): t.brillar.

 Foam (n)(/foʊm/): a lot of small, white bubbles on the surface of a liquid

 Sailor (n)(/ˈseɪ·lər/): someone who works on ships or boats, or who sails as a sport.

 Haply (adverb)(/ˈhapli/): by any chance; perhaps.

 Reminicense

 Rapport

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