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Thief WeaDon Nonweapon

Bonus Slovlvls

Proficiency # Re1 Check


- Roll number or less on ld20 la succeed

Type (GP Value) Carried Cached

Treasures (Gems, Jewelry, etc.)

(213 Move)

(112 Move)

(1/3 Move)

Severe or Max

By permiss.on 01 TSR. lm t m page may be reproaJceD lor pemanai JSP on y (cy994 TSR. Inc A R gnls Re5ewed 1115xxx 1902

Weaponry Information Nonpmliciency





Proficiency # Re1 Check


Racial Abilities
I Roll number or less on ld20 to succeed

~ ~ Carried ~ Cached

Treasures (Gems, Jewelry elc )

caie!@q Wwht Combat

?rmisstonof TSR, Inc this page may be reproduced for personal use only TSR, Inc All Rights Reserved 11 15xxx 1902

Prohciency X Rei Check


Roll number or less an ld20 to Succeed

Type (GP Value) Canled Cached

Category Weight Combat Efleds


By permission d TSR. Inc this page may be reprodbcsd lor personal J S on

~ y f'1994 TSR. Inc All R gnls Reserved IIlSXXX 1902
Surprise Missile Defensive
Adjust. Attack Adjust.

Hit Point System Ressured

Adjust. Shock Survival

Addl. Max. Spell %Learn

anguages Level Spells

Magical Bonus Spells % Spell Spell Immunity

Defense Failure

Bonus SlOVlVlS

Proficiency # Re1 Check

Name Slots Abby Mod.

__ -
Roll number or less on Id20 io succeed

Type (GP Value) Carried Cached
I i n n

Treasures (Gems. Jewelry, atc.)
Character Name Class (Kit)
Hit Points n
Alignment Race ExperienceLevel Wounds Sulfered

Age 8 Sex Helght Welghl Hair a Eyes

Distinguishing Features

Attack Table
Melee Melee Weight Maw Open Bend

Strength Attack Damage Allowance Press Doors iLlH

Hit Point S stem Ressured Poison Reg-

Adjust &ack Survival Save Rate

Intelligence Languages LeYel Spells /Level

Magical Bonus Spells %Spell Spell Immunity


Henchmen Adjust Adjust

I Weaponry Information Nonproficiency


Roll number or higher on ld20

Armor Class
Armor worn

rxperierice ruirits mm Surprised AC

m m
+io% XP Bonus?
Next Level XP Goa

PalalySlS Rod Petrification Breath Magical

Polso" stan or Weapon Spell
or Death or Wand Polymorph

c I
I Thief WeaDon Nonweapon
Abilities Proficiencies Proficiencies
pG"'rlSlofflvls Penalty
Bonus Slofflvls

Proficiency # Rei. Check


Roll number or less on id20 lo succeed

1 3acial Abilities
Type (GP Value)
, ,
,Carried ICachedl

Treasures (Gems, Jewelry, etc.)

llegory Weight Combat Effects
me None (Base Move)
IM None Light
(213 Move)
-1 Attack
WVY -2 Attack, +1 AC
lWrE 4Attack,+3AC (113Move)

Utack, +3 AC Severe or Max


.. . . .. . ...- . . . -
. .. . . . ... .~


Bonus Slofflvls

Proficiency # Re1 Check


I__Roll number or less on Id20 to Succeed

~ ~ Carned ~ ~ Cached
Proficiencies Proficiencies

Proficiency t Re1 Check

terncarrw i,: 1~
Racial Abilities

Roll number or less on 1620 to succeed


~ ~

~ ~
NonweaDon I
Character Name Class (Kit)
Hit Points -1
Alignment Race Experience Level

Age 8 sex Height 8 Wetght Hair & Eyes

Attack Table






Weaponry Information Nonprdiciency

4 8
. Armor Worn

or Death or Wand Polymorph



Proficiency t Re1 Check


Roll number or less on id20 to succeed

~ ~ Carned ~ ~ Cached
f i e Begin
Guide to
Design: William W. Connors
Editing: John D. Rateliff
bordination: Bruce Nesmith
Interior Art: Terry Dykstra
Photography: Charles Kohl
Models: Dennis Kauth
roductlon: Nancy J. Kerkstra

material is protecfed under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any unauthorized use of the material M a m contained hemin is
essly pmhibited wifhouf the wmen mnSemof TSR, Inc. Copymhtel994 TSR, InC. All Rihts Rese~ed.Printed in the U.S.A.

ndom House and aS affiliate mmpanies have worldwide disnibutbn rights in the b o k trade fn English language pmduds of TSR, Inc. DiStribufed to
e book and hobby trade in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd. Distributed m the toy and hobby trade by 'wional distribkdors.

D DUNGEONS 8 DRAGONS and AD&D are registeredtrademarks owned by TSR. Inc.

trademark owned by TSR. inc.
E, character names, and thedistinCtive likenesses thereof are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.

TSR, Inc.
Po Box 756
Lake Geneva
WI 53147 Cambridge cB13LB
U.S.A. United Klngdom

1115XXX1901 ISBN 0-78694042-3'

Tricks of the Trade
Once a player has created his cert xpose his or her
or her thief character, the chal- character to any unnecessary
lenge really begins. Because of risks and should avoid combat
the special abilities and disad- whenever possible. Frequent
vantages of the thief class, use of the Find and Remove
players running thief charac- Traps, Move Silently, and Hide
ters will want to keep a number in Shadows abilities will do
of important points in mind dur- wonders for the character’s life
ing play. expectancy. a
Combat: While thieves are Breaking 81 Entering: Of
no match for fighters in head- course, one of the things thata
thief does best is steal. This
could mean cutting a wealthy
ambush. Depending upon the merchant’s purse, cracking the
type of thief that a player is run- lock of a stout safe, or simp@
ning, the types of attack that he waylaying a few sailors. 1
or she employs will vary. Sur- Most adventuring parties,
orise. however. will alwavs be however, don’t depend upon
an important element. An assassin or ninja-like the thief in the party to raise money. After att,
character will often spring from the shadows to knocking a few ogres on the head is hardly a
strike with a small weapon such as a knife or good way to accumulate a steady supply of gold.
garotte. A thief acting as a scout might strike This does not mean that the skills of a burglar OT
from cover with a short bow or poisoned dart. pickpocket will be wasted in their company.
Most thieves will in time develop a “signature Instead of targeting loot, the thief often turns
style” to let others know he or she is responsible his or her talents toward the party’s special
for a particular crime, thus enhancing the char- needs. Perhaps an important document has
acter’s reputation. been hidden away in the library of the local BUI+
Leading the Way: One of the most common gomaster. While the party attend a formal din-
roles assigned to the average thief in an adven- ner at the Burgomaster’s, the thief slips away
turing party is that of the scout. This is not from the company, makes his or her way to the
unreasonable. Because most thieves can move safe, and extracts the document.
quietly and avoid being seen, they are often With a little thought, the player can find co
able to spot an enemy, trap, or other hazard less ways for a thief character to use his or
before it can pose a threat to the rest of the talents. For example, as the local sheriff throws
party. the party into a jail cell, the thief might bump
Of course, there are great dangers associ- against her and lift the spare key out of her
ated with this role. If the thief fails to notice a pocket. When a party is faced with a pit too wide
trap, he or she may fall subject to its effects. In to jump, their thief can scale the walls to the
many cases, a trap that would only injure a other side, set a spike, and create a rope bridge
rugged fighter will inflict enough damage to kill a for his or her companions to cross.
thief. Similarly, there is always the danger that Of course, none of these actions (or t
the thief will stumble upon a monster that is too others that will present themselves to an a l a
much for him or her to handle. After all, even player) is free of danger. The slightest mi
the best thief doesn’t always manage to sur- take, and the thief may be rewarded only wi
prise the enemies he or she encounters. a quick death. But as they say, if it‘s easy, i
When acting as a scout, the player must be not worth doing.
The Chara&er Record Sheet
Included with the Thief's P k p r :modifiers ikf&alppWd %hen
Pa& is a tabtet of 12 character
record sheets (often just.called .cottann; instead,
character sheets). T h s e pro- shwW..wriW.imthe
vide a simple way for players to
keep track of the important
information that defines their
characters. TSR grants perinis-
sion to photocopythese sheets :T,& ~ . i s p e c # ~ s n-&e
for personal use. s! &
ahcL favoc&eN
These sheets are designed a b g wilh~thediatk
to be easy to use. All of the the characte? 5wftw
information on the sheet -is l>*hi& h e
grouped into the following The .inks-
blocks for easy reference. m a t i i is grouped by general
1. Persmal Information: In notes, attack data, and dam-
this area the player can:mord
the name he or she makes UD
for the character, as well as information about
thecharacter's race, dass, level, andaligstment.
Addibional spaces permit.the-playerto~remrd a
general description of his
2. Ability Scores:
area of the character
out when creatinga
spaces for
by them.
3. Hil Paint-Record:
acter record sheet is
easy to see and use at atl.'times.
currant hitpoint total

4. A
- Tabte:'TWspart
record sheet v.!ill-pmbaloly be
often than any other. There is a:

Once these three boxes at the tapare fiad .
in, the pleyer can quickly fill ?JMt the t @ayet:.can.:rea
rolls required to hit various& *rapria@ t o t
from 10 to -10. It is recomrne dass andfed.
The Mapping Tablet
One of the most useful things creating a strategic map of a
included with the Player Pack is large structure, such as the
a pad of mapping paper. A close dungeon complex beneath a
look at this tablet will reveal that castle. Once a hexagonal
there are actually four types of regional map has been made
paper in it. Each of these has a of an area, the buildings on (or
special use and allows the under) it can be mapped with
player to keep careful track of this type of paper. This is the
his or her character’s various type of paper that players will
adventures. Care has been generally use when mapping
taken to make the papers in this the dungeons their characters
tablet useful to both players and are exploring. In addition, when
Dungeon Masters. In addition, a character designs and builds
TSR grants permission for * + * * * * + * a castle, temple, tower, or other
AD&D game players to photo- large structure, the player can
copy these sheets for personal * * * * * * * * map it with these sheets.
use, so you’ll never run out of
them. Just make sure that you Tactical Maps (%-inch
don’t use your last original, or you won’t have a squares): This paper is intended for use in
good master left to copy. making maps of smaller areas, usually a close-
A quick look at these sheets will reveal that up shot of some area on a strategic map. Play-
the grids on them are not composed of solid ers can use it to make more detailed maps of
lines. Rather, a pattern of crosses (or triads for unusual rooms (tombs, shrines, and the like)
the hex grids) is used. This is because a map that their characters encounter while exploring
drawn on a standard sheet of graph or hex the dungeons recorded on the strategic maps.
paper is difficult to reproduce on a photo- Once a player has mapped his or her charac-
copier: the solid lines printed on the paper tend ter’s stronghold, he or she can detail the most
to make the hand-drawn map difficult to read. important areas of it on a tactical map.
By contrast, photocopies of maps made on The larger size of this grid makes it easy to
these sheets should be just as readable as the use with metal miniatures as well. Players who
decide to become Dungeon Masters will find

- Regional Maps chinch hexes): The regional

map sheet is covered with a hexagonal grid.
these sheets useful for making maps of the
rooms in a dungeon where combat is likely to
take place. When the characters reach that
These sheets should be used for mapping area, just pull out the map of the area, place it
large geographical areas, like a country. It on the table, and let the battle begin!
can be used by players to map unexplored
territory as their characters move through it or Parchment Blanks: The last type of paper
to lay out a plan of the grounds surrounding a included in the kit is simply a blank sheet with
player character’s castle. The scales used on a border on it that looks like curling parch-
these maps will vary with the size of the terri- ment. This is intended primarily for those
tory being mapped. wishing to make props for use during game
play. Players and Dungeon Masters can use
Strategic Maps (%-inch squares): The this to create wanted posters, public notices
next type of paper in the mapping tablet is a
simple square grid. It is intended for use in
Many garners find that their
role-davino Sessions. are
g f d y e&& by the use Of
mmature tigures. M i l e true
that a whde bodc could be writ-
ten on the many techniques
involved in pain- figures, the
basics can be explained fairly
briefly. Remember, ihou
best way to become addNed
tnhiatures painter is to practice.

1. Cleanjng: Even the bast

miniatures will need ta b e
deaned before they are ready
to paint. Start by trimrningawq
any excess metal and carefully I
filing away obvious seams,
especially on the underside of the figMe's base.
After that is done, the figure should stand a gray cloak, you could-ush? a4iglM:gtayof:
steadily on its avn. maybe evefitwhite.After y~~guE~the;paint.on
Once the miniature has been trimmed and y m c brush, dab witha piace ofpapar. Be
smoothed, wash it in warm, soapy water to earefut not tomush the
remove any dit,grease, or oil. Settthe fi- out that.there ism0 visibte I
to dry, preferably oveunight. After yeu have Qimedhzd isdone,. lightly b s h nhe col
deaned your figures, try to handk them aslime thearea yopwant to highlig&&,
as possible. . , If you do .$tiright,hightigbtining.wdI.kave.ypu
with 1ighttraees.dpaint m t h d s e d areas of
2 Mowling: It is always best to secure a fjgure
to a base. f o r hwnaksizd figurn, it kawbom- . .
ary to use a %-inchsquare-af poster board. In r all of your higkg
most cases, e p y or swpe&rength&ewmrk go back and paint the little detalls. Now is the
best. Of course, always use fast-bondingadhe- getrthe. buRona
sives with care. nd the like;'Whsn,a(l,is.said-and~,
Jigh&mn make an ethewise . a w *
3. Priming: It is best to apply an undercoat, or
primer, to your miniatures before painting them.
The best d-around primer for miniatures i9 light
gray in cdor and applied with a spray can, It is rniniaWre.;s,d it .aside and kt :i#dry;overnight.
best to use a fcm, thin coats of primer r&a than
a single thicker tayer. After you prime yoclr Hg- tw.ta;proteCt it frornin rt.
ures, let them dry overnight. Acrylic sealers come or
gloss (shiny) finishes. Most people use a
4. Base Colors: After your primed figures are ake thsir Si& MEW@-
ftiliy dried, it is time to start painting them. It is istic as pgssible. Use sewera#%kncoats of
usually best to start by painting the areas that acrylic rather than one h q ow.
acter Rec d Sheet
10. Class Abilities: This she is carrying. Tne brmer is
area can be used to record mainly for eimekkeeping-pw-
important information abou poses, whi4e the tatter is used
the special talents a characte in conjunction with the ruleson
has due to his or her class. movement and encumbran'ce
Thief characters, for example, (Blocks 16 and 17).
can recwd theirspeckd &ili 15."Hleelth: Asla,charWar
ties and the extra damage
they do with a
attack; bards their spells and deal of wealth. This block
Legend Lore and morale- a l l o w a piaywto recordthe
boosting abilities. +extent,ofhis or her,&wac-
11. Racial.Abilltles:
special abitities a char -columns are prwided. to,ibt
has due to his or her race each. difkenltype of
as infravision or silent move-
ment) can be recorded here. coinage:is mrried~ by the:char-
12. Weepon Pmikkncies: a c t e r w h he or.she,goesen
Players in campaigns that use the optional an adventure,,and how much.he or-sheihaS
weapon proficiencies rules should write down hidden.away in caches. A box,at W,baltrngf
those weapons with which their character is the block. provides space for .theiecor&mg.of
skilled. Space is also provided to record the unusual valuable items lik gemstones;ar
number of slots the character begins the cam- piveces ofjewelry.
paign with, as well as the rate at which he or 16. Encup+branse:~-For- pkaysrs in campaigns
she accrues additional stots. The penalty far using the optienal e n c u m h m e rules; this
using a weapon with which the chaTacter is not space reamidsthe caMfigroapaoity'c4.a chaise
proficient can be recorded here as well. ter (as indicatedby M s o ~ h e r ~ ~ s ~
13. Wanweapon WMenmia Like Bbck addition, notes remind the player of the negatiwe
12, this area is intended for use by,thDse cam &ects that encumbrance wWk&vemn thwchar-
p~ignsemploying the aptional proficiency rules. acter's combat abilities..
The number of slots that a character begins l-7:Wm&nent: This bloc& CDnta
with, the number of bonus slots he or she to-use table ZhaMhe pld.yer.can
receives for high Intelligence (see the add'l law for referenwdwing play. F i ,t
guagps box in Btack 2), and the rate at which ment rate k t h e
he or sheacquires new slots can be recorded at elves, and half-el
the top of the box. The name af emch skill and-gnom&) is
selected by a player, the number of slots allo- The firsVcokumn, whi
cated to it, its relevant ability score, and any -ra@of a waking ch
needed modifiers to praficiency checks oitn be of' encum,bramce, can t
recorded on the lines-. quktdy:One+his is dene,
14. Equipment Ca his block can be mine the^ rates
used to record all of the equipment thata &af- character is jogging or running by simplymulti-
acter takes along on an advenfime, as well as plying...row by row. Thus, for human8 the
the cost and wGght of each item. A space at numbers i n the first column will he 12, 8, 6,
the bottom of the block allows the pkayer to 4, and 1, while the nwnbers irrthe taptow
total the value and weight of the items he or ,36,48, and 60.
Song,Stories, & S mhip
Closely related to the thief is, standout. . .'
the bard; in fact, both are part Remember<our.example of
af the larger rogue class. Mas- the juggler? This-descriptionaf
ters of song, story, and show- thechameter is all well. and
manship, bards enjoy life to its, good, but jaggbrs are, %.they
fullest, looking upon ;each say, a.si1-r .piece a dozen.
adve.nture as noth,ing more: Now, U t h e . h r d 3
than inspiration for their next I -things.likeweowsharp
great tale. axes, burning tor
As a ctass, bards are &le to obatic :mice;his.a
employ many of the..abitities
normally associated~'with come h
thieves. In addition, they can i
cast a few spells, holdtheir I e:
Been Them, Dene TLwrB: As
noted in the Player's H a d -
own in a fiaht. and serve as
great sowcis of information or ook, b a d tend-to accqsnu-
morale building. late a !dof unusualknowdec$E
With so many talents and in the m p s e of +heirtraoets
abilities, bards are a difficultclass to play! With
that in mind, here are a few tips that novice and
veteran players a l i i should k e p in mind when
running a bard.
Role-Playing: Bards are, fi& amd faremost,
entertainers. They love nothing more than a
good tale by a campfire, an exchange of wit in
the local pub, or a reading of romantic poetry
before the royal court.
Each bard has a favodte typeofperformance.
Sonze. might be primarilrsingeffi or instrumen-
talists, others mainly actors, art$ some acrobats
or jesters. The m e idkidualizad the charm-
ter, the betterthe player and others in the r n u p
can form a m t a l image of kim or heK,
This can easily be done &pmfi&n&. An
unusually agile bard withthe jugglingtskilt may
well buiW his or her whole routine arbund that

technique, allocating additionat proficiencyslots
to it, while having RO great inter t in playing a
musical inshument.
This is a good start, but the isstill more to
be done. Just as no two swordsmen or archers
e m b y exactry the same teahnques: natwo
sinoers or comedians w i U use identic& r8u-
t i i s to win the favor of an autlience. To.t.hat sppreciation~ofbeauty. E n d l e d
end, each player should a-shtick 01 they feel tbat the...harderthe.gdventur
identifying style for his better tk.story it witlhaaloe afterwards
The Making of a Thief
Thieves can be one of the most or Open Locks.
entertaining character classes Proficiencies: In addition to
in the AD&D@game. In order to the various thief abilities, a
have the greatest possible fun player can further customize
running such a character, how- his or her character by careful
ever, it is wise to think about a selection of proficiencies. A
few points during the process spy will be well served by skills
of initial character generation. such as disguise or lip reading,
Initial Concept: No other while a fence will no doubt
character class offers a player want to master appraising (to
the Dotential diversitv of skills identify the best loot) or gem
and'abilities that the ihief class cutting (to dispose of-the
does. With just a little bit of goods).
work, a player can design any- In addition to the obvious
thing from a deadly assassin to skills suggested by the player's
the most skillful cat burglar in vision of his or her Character,
the city. it's always a good idea to select
In some cases, Dungeon one or two out-of-the-ordinary
Masters may have suggestions (or even require- proficiencies that will give the character a dis-
ments) about what type of thieves will fit best in tinctive personality. For example, imagine a cat
the campaign. A back-alley thug, for example, burglar who selects the animal training profi-
would hardly be appropriate to a campaign in ciency and thereafter sends her trained ferret
which the characters hobnob with royalty in the into a target's house first to make sure no one i
palace on a regular basis. Any player planning home. Such a character would be all the mor
to run a particularly unusual type of thief should interesting to play if the thief thinks of himself or
be certain to clear it with the DM before starting herself as a nocturnal creature as well.
the character-generationprocess. Weapons, Armor, & Equipment: A charac-
Ability Scores: The most important ability ter can be further defined by the equipment he
score for any thief character is Dexterity; a high or she carries. A pickpocket will usually avoid
score here entitles the character to an experi- wearing any armor, in order not to attract atten-
ence point bonus and provides him or her with tion, while an adventuring scout is not likely to
bonuses in the various thief abilities. But it is the be found without it. A burglar will typically carry
other attribute scores which will individualizethe some small, easily concealed weapon, while a
character. A thief with high Strength and Consti- robber will brandish a large, intimidating one. A
tution scores may be a combat-oriented mugger player should always select equipment that fit@
or Guild enforcer, while one with good personal- the distinctive personality and expertise of his OF# 3

ity attributes (Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma) her character.

might make a good confidence man. For the most part, thieves of any type will
Thief Abilities: The way in which a player to travel light, depending upon their wi
allocates points to his or her character'sthieving agility to escape danger. The special equ
abilities goes a long way toward defining that of their class, lock picks and the
character. A sneak thief might allocate the to nothing. Any player should thi
maioritv of his or her Doints to the Hide in making his or her thief carry too much
ment-after all, it cuts down on the amount &
, I

Shadows and Move S/lently abilities, while <:

another thief might specialize in Pick Pockets loot he or she can make off with!

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