Classroom Procedures

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Classroom Procedures  

Mrs. Gallagher’s Class  

1. ​Manners/Respect​:​ Our classroom is like our second home, and everyone has a right to feel safe and
comfortable. There will be absolutely NO bullying, laughing at, teasing, touching others, or disrespectful behavior of
any sort. We are a community and need to respect one another and use manners.

2.​ Active Listening​: ​ Whenever a teacher, adult, or student is speaking to the class, you are to give him or her your
undivided attention and actively listen to what he or she is saying. Side conversations are disrespectful and will not
be tolerated.

3. ​Class - Yes​: Whenever the teacher says, “Class, Class,” you will respond with, “Yes, Yes.” This means to stop
what you are doing, stop talking, and look at the teacher for directions.

4. ​Hands and Eyes​: Whenever the teacher says, “Hands and Eyes,” you need to stop what you are doing
immediately, fold your hands together, look up at the teacher, and wait for instruction.

5. ​5 Classroom Rules​: My 5 Classroom Rules are as follows: Rule #1 - Following Directions Quickly, Rule #2 -
Raise Your Hand for Permission to Speak, Rule #3 - Raise Your Hand for Permission to Leave Your Seat, Rule #4 -
Make Smart Choices, and Rule #5 - Keep Your Dear Teacher Happy (Whole Brain Teaching - Chris Biffle).

6. ​Asking a Question​: Raise your hand and wait to be called on when you have a question. Make sure that your
question is respectful and on topic.

7. ​Guests in the Room​: At different times we will have guests in our room. We need to make our guests feel safe
and welcome. We must remember the procedure for manners and respect. Comments and questions are to be
respectful and appropriate.

8. ​Textbooks​: Textbooks must be covered at all times. Do no write in or on your book, fold or tear any pages, tape
the inside, etc. Please do not use sticky book covers. If you find that you have to force a book cover onto the book,
then the cover is too small and will damage the binding. If necessary, cover the book with a paper bag or wrapping
paper, but please do not put tape on the book itself. You are responsible for returning your book in the same
condition in which it was assigned to you.

9. ​Reminder Books​: At the end of each day, make sure you have all required information recorded. It should be
looked over each night by a parent or guadian in order to keep them informed of all work and activities. It must be
signed every Thursday and will be checked each Friday. Daily notes may be written to parents in the R.B. as a form
of communication. At the end of each day, you are to have a daily highlight written.

10. ​Tickets​: There are various ways to receive tickets, such as being at school on time, good behavior, job
completion, etc. Tickets are used for privileges, such as “purchasing” supplies, auctions, and raffles.

11. ​Using the Restroom​: It is expected that you will use the restroom during break time and recess. If there is an
emergency, you may use the restroom during class (with permission), though it will cost you 3 tickets.

12. ​Feeling Ill or Injured​: If you feel ill or have become hurt, please let an adult know. If it is severe, go directly to
the office. If you are going to vomit during class, whisper to your neighbor and go quickly to the restroom.
13. ​Drinking Water​: Closed, clear water bottles are strongly encouraged and may be kept on your desk. They may
only contain room temperature water (please do not freeze). You may fill it up before school, at recess, or at lunch.
The water fountain may be used during class at my discretion, though it will cost 5 tickets.

14. ​Sharpening Your Pencil​: Please be careful when using your small personal sharpener so that pencil shavings
do not get on the floor or desk. If you need to use the electric sharpener, you may do so for 1 ticket. Pencils may not
be sharpened during instruction.

15. ​Missing Something?​: If you are missing something you need to describe the missing item to the Supplier, who
will then check the lost and found for you. Please do not take something if it is not yours.

16. ​Loss of Items​: If you are playing with or using items inappropriately or when you are not supposed to (i.e. during
instruction), they will be taken away. You may retrieve your item at the end of the school year.

17. ​Heading on Papers​: Your first and last name, the date, your room number and assigned number should be
neatly written in the upper right hand corner. Each paper should also have a title on the top line.

18. ​Finished Work​: Quietly work on a selected activity when you are finished with an assignment. Refer to the
board in the classroom for ideas.

19. ​Getting Ready for Recess/Lunch​: You must have all you work organized on your desk or put away, all trash
thrown away, and sit quietly. You will be dismissed by groups or individually. You are to line up without talking in two
lines. You must walk to recess and lunch. If you run, you will owe the Running Monitor 3 tickets (subject to change),
and you will be benched. Please remember to walk.

20. ​Lining Up After Recess​: Do not bounce balls or continue to play while lining up after recess. After the second
bell, you are to cease all talking and wait politely in line, regardless of which adult(s) is on duty.

21. ​Coming into the Classroom​: End all talking and noise making at the door. Without talking, walk directly to your
seat and begin your assignment promptly.

22. ​Orderly Desks​: Your desks must have your books and folders neatly stacked on your side and be free of any
trash, graffiti, stickers, and paper. You may only have your language arts book, writing journal, science book, and
science journal inside of your desk. You will be fined 3 tickets for leaving extra items in your desk.

23. ​Getting Ready to Switch​: Pack all belongings and throw away trash. The top of your desk needs to be clean
and dry for the next student. Do not leave any personal items inside the desk. You will not be allowed to go back to
your desk if you forget something. You will be dismissed by group.

24. ​Switching​: Once you are outside, you may not talk, as the other classes are in session. Walk toward the end of
the building and file in facing the door.

25. ​Getting Ready to Go Home​: Before you go home, you must record all assignments in your R.B., make sure you
have all homework materials, pick up trash around you, and have a neat and orderly desk. Wait quietly to be
dismissed by the Dismisser.

26. ​Completing Homework/Classwork​: All assignments are expected to be completed and turned in on time. In
order to receive full credit, you must complete all problems (if you are unsure, just try). Work must be corrected in red
ballpoint pen only (not a gel-ballpoint).
27. ​When You are Tardy​: It is critical to be on time each morning. You are expected to be in line or at the door
when the bell rings; this will be strictly enforced. If you are late, come into the classroom quietly and hand me your
late slip. Sit down immediately and begin the assignment we are doing. If you do not understand the assignment,
please quietly ask your neighbor for assistance.

28. ​When You are Absent​: The Absent Assistant will record assignments and collect worksheets for you. Your
work will be sitting on your desk the day you return. Try to complete the work in a timely manner, and place in the
“Late/Absent” tray (write “Absent” on each paper). You are responsible for getting your work in and finding out what
you missed.

29. ​Turning in Late Work​: Write “Late” on the top of your paper and turn it in the “Late/Absent” tray. You will
receive only half credit at most for late work.

30. ​Classroom Library​: If you would like to check out a book, you may go quietly to the library, select one book,
write your name on a Post-It note (stick on the front of the book), and put it in the “Check-Out” basket. When the
Librarian is available, he or she will check it out for you. You may keep the book for up to two weeks. When you are
finished with the book, put it in the “Check-In” basket. If you lose or damage a book, you will be expected to
purchase the same book and turn it into the Librarian.

31. ​Computer Lab/P.E./Music​: Other teachers or adults will be instructing you while at these activities. You are to
follow their rules and instructions at all times. Rude or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated. Be respectful of all
materials and equipment. If you have any questions, ask the adult in charge.

32. ​School Library​: Due to our tight schedule, we will not be going to the school library on a weekly basis as a
class. If you would like to check out a book for pleasure or research, you may do so during recess or lunch. We may
visit the library as a class throughout the year for specific projects.

33. ​Emergency Drills​: In the event of an earthquake drill, duck under your desk with your head and neck covered.
Remain quiet and listen to all directions. Stay under your desk until instructed to come out. In the event of a fire or
lockdown drill, remain quiet and listen for instructions from the teacher. Leaving the room: When instructed, line up
quickly (do not run), carefully, without talking, and exit through the door. The 1st or 2nd person in line should carry
the red emergency backpack as we walk quietly and orderly to our designated area. If you are on the playground
during an emergency, walk to our designated area quietly and promptly, unless otherwise directed. These drills are
to be taken seriously and mature behavior is expected.

34. ​Getting Tests and Quizzes Signed​: All tests and quizzes are to be signed regardless of the grade. If a test/quiz
is not returned the following day, the student will be benched and possibly call their parent at home or work. After
three days, a detention will be given.

Created by Jennifer Heffner - revised by Rachael Gallagher 07/01/20180

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