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Only Theatrical Newspaper on the Pacific


Second Class Matter, April 29, 1927, at Post-
Vol. XIII Entered as
office.Los Angeles. Calif., under Act of March 3. 1879 Saturday, March 14, 1931 Published Every Saturday at 6253 Hollywood Boulevard,
Hollywood, Calif. No. 10


Gigolo Is Battle On
Here And As Mirror
My, My! Is Opened
The Gigolo has hit L. A. Union labor and the Hughes-
And how he's going! Picture Frariklin theatre group were this
stars are falling for this racket like week verging toward a deadlock
nobody's 'business. And so are all which might involve the whole -pro-

the sweet little social debs. So the posed chain in a bitter labor war.
Gigolos are grinning, as Gigolos J. J. Franklin and H. B. Frank-
usually do, and raking in nice coin lin, representing the H-F group, and
for the management of the recently Walter J. Croft, international vice-
inaugurated afternoon tea dances at president of the Operators’ organi-
the Ambassador Hotel. zation, and H. A. Starke, business
The Ambassador Hotel manage- representative of Operators’ Local
ment took a chance that now was 15(1 (Los Angeles) held a series ot
the time to revive interest around conferences throughout the week
these parts in the once so popular prior to the opening of the new H-F
Argentine Tango. New York is in theatre, The Mirror, on Vine street.
the midst of another Argentine The object of the conferences was-
Tango craze, and the class spots in to open the house with union oper-
San Francisco also have been try- ators but the talks came to nothing
ing to revive the dance. Latter spot except some very definite and force-
has been handicapped however by fully uttered opinions, -and the house
inability to obtain the right kind of opened, non-union.
true-to-the-pamuas music. To See Hughes
It is understood that the labor
Every Thursday
The Ambassador policy is exclu-
representatives now plan to con-
sive Tango teas every .Thursday tact Howard Hughes, feeling that
it is J. J. Franklin’s personality
afternoon in the French room, with
which is the obstacle in the way of
music by a real Argentine aggre-
gation, under leadership
the of
coming to a peaceable settlement.
Failure to contact this source, or
Carlos Molino, who
plays the violin
to get satisfactory adjustment of
like nobody’s business and looks
the matter there would result in
like a Valentino with a touch of
national action against all Hughes
Barrymore thrown in.
Franklin houses, now owned or
Mrs. Jeffers, whose name is al-
which may be purchased, it is
ways way up in the social doings
of L. A., is hostess, and under this
Starke was outspoken in assign-
mantle of social correctness there
ing the whole blame for the trouble
are two large tables, one for male
Gigolos and one for a bevy of ex-
to J. T. Franklin. He declared that
Franklin’s attitude was that he
ceptionally pretty Senoritas, latter
should be given advantages over
under chaperonage of Rosita Duval,
other theatrical men because he is
who betwixt times does exhibition
dances with Ernesto Pidria. J. J. Franklin.

It’s all very proper, of course. No

“But just because he has the repu-
tation of being a big theatrical mag-
one “picks up’’ anybody, or any-
thing so vulgar as might be found nate is certainly no reason why he
in the jitney dance spots. Oh no, should be catered to with a lot of
indeed: one must be properly intro- special concessions,” Starke de-
duced. Which is accomplished by
sending notice to one of the spon- Same Terms
sors that you wish to meet so-and-
“There is no reason in the world

so for a dance, and that’s that. So- why 'he should be conceded a lot of
points are conceded to no
cially correct.

And with
Oh my,
All For $1.50

bunch of Senoritas
under the tutel-
AL K. HALL, JR. one else. And if there were any rea-
sons for conceding them, we could
not do so without materially injur-
like Jliose corraled
age of Miss Duval, and -everyone
Featured with hit. father, AS 14. Hail ing ourselves. We are on very happy
of the Gigolos primed to kill with
and amiable terms with West Coast.
that old insistent Latin adoration,
the times when someone isn’t meet-
At ISili’vlrrtS, l_os Angeles, this neck But if we cut the scale, or other-
wise made special concessions to
ing .someone (with social correct- Franklin, West Coast would logic-
ally and inevitably ask for similar
ness, of course) are few and far be- HOUSES CLOSE
terms, and so would anyone else.
And all for $1.50, which admits
So what Franklin is doing in reality
to the exclusive French Room, fur-
The following theatres were re- Bill Cullen is planning an Easter
is asking us to lower the union
which has
"Paris in Spring,”
scale for operators. Which, of course
nishes tea, cake or what-have-you, cently closed: Arcadia Theatre at week offering for the Hollywood
just completed two weeks at the is ridiculous.
and permits dancing as above out- Arcadia; Sommerton Theatre at
lined. Hollywood Playhouse to practical Playhouse. The proposed show is a “We tried in every way possible
Sommerton, Ariz.; ICeyo- Theatre, capacity, moved downtown to maintain peace with Franklin.
But be the Senoritas and the to the musical comedy, and Cullen is un-
sheiks as they will, the real pull to San Diego; Cucamonga Theatre at Majestic Friday night. It was a derstood to be seeking an inter-
We serviced his house for him right
the French Room of a Thursday Cucamonga; Iris Theatre at Chino, up to the opening, installing and ad-
nationally known star for the lead- justing the equipment, etc. Then.
afternoon is the Molino group of and the Riverside Theatre, Los sellout for Friday and Saturday at
(Continued on Page Angeles. its new location. ing role. (Continued on Page 2)
Page Two INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN 1 Saturday, March 14, 1931

Repertory Reported In Red To $40,000 Tune

Face Union War'FME pened equipment due
11 10
to his . to the New .Paramount contracts have Charles Saxon and Scott Darling
(Continued from Page been signed by Dorothy Arzuer, di-
on the -opening day. lie fired our
1) inexperience of the non-union oper-
ators he got.
I ill
rector; Edward Montagne, associ-
have been signed to write two-reel
original comedies for Radio Pic-
men and hired non-union men to ate editor, and Samson Raphaelson, tures.
take their places. So it's not in “Above want to emphasize
all, I

staff writer.
anywise a strike by us against his
house; it is plainly a lockout.
National Issue
that our offers were fair in every
way. We made him exactly the
D. Ross Lederman, who directed
Frances Marion has been signed
under a new long term contract by
same propositions as those under six Rin-Tin-Tin’s, and Buck Jones' M-G-M.
“Our overtures were all of an ex- The Civic Repertory, which is
The Fighting Patrol,” has been
which our men work in similar

tremely amicable nature. We pointed understood to he due to close this signed by Columbia to direct the
out the fact that what he was de- West Coast and other houses. It is Ralph Graves has been signed to
manding would make a national, not our policy ••ways to aid managers
week at the Hollywood Music Box, r.cxt Buck Jones. Lederman and a. new long term contract by M-
tn ha v George Morgan are working on the G-M.
merely a local issue. Also, that he pi-tnrl r-<\ a pi r- 1

could not get good operators for the

in every way tokeep their houses story.
for $40,000 during its run at that
low scale lie was demanding, even going, as is. evidenced by the fact Monroe Owsley has been signed
house. B. P. Schulberg has returned to M-G-M
should we permit our men to work that in several instances recently by for the leading male
that cheaply. Which, we believe, lie we have permitted" cut-downs in And this despite the fact that Los Angeles from the annual ex- role in "Five and Ten.”
personnel when we were shown that ecutive -conference on production
discovered on his opening day, as the Repertory sold 2200 subscrip- plans in K,ansas City.
we understand several things hap- such relief was needed.
tions at $15 prior to opening, and
Frank Albertson, Gwen Lee and
Won’t Budge Constance Cummings, have been
William Jackie was signed bv At
“But Franklin made it impossible also received other contributions Ncitz signed by R-K-O for roles in
during the run. for comedy relief in “The
Outdoor News to: negotiate even on these consum-
mately fair terms, and now we The $40,000 red ink figure is Phantom.”
“Traveling Husbands, which Paul
Sloane will direct.

won’t move aninch. feel cer- We ascribed by those who pretend to

Virginia Sale has been signed for
tain, if it comes to a ‘dog fight’ we know as being due to too many

By Rube Cohen will emerge victors, as a national a part in "We Three” which John

Out Among’ Em
managers, pseudo managers, and
Adolfi is to direct for First Na-
SAN FRANCISCO, March 12.— circuit cannot conduct itself in the others who arrived at differing
Foley and Burke are all set for an manner which Franklin apparent- conclusions and jumbled up the
in .
ly proposes to conduct the H-F •conduct of the finances according- By Matson
April 11 opening in Oakland of chain. “Nancy’s Private Affair,” stage
ly. Or, as one party said, “Too

their 20-car carnival show. They “In fact at the present time, the much organization.” play purchased recently by Radio My last week-end spent in San
will make two stands of one week proposed circuit is understood to be Pictures,: has been selected as Mary Francisco proved many things
Announcement is made at the .

each, one at Fruitvale and the other negotiating for several houses -which Astor’s next. Gregory La Cava Sixteen candy shops on Powell
house that it will reopen after
at 86th and East 14th Streets. have union men on, and which will direct. Street from Market to Post , . .

This outfit started in 1910 as a would immediately be affected by Lent, but other quarters doubt The Mark Hopkins on the Hill to-
one-car show and is a California the policy at The Mirror should (his, due to the heavy loss sus- Gunis Davis has been signed for gether with the St Francis . . .

they come under the H-F banner. tained.

•organization, operated by Califor-
The Repertory got off to a hot a part in Radio Pictures’ “Madame Fairmont and Palace are all break-
nians. Carries 12 riding devices and “And not only would this issue Julie.” ing even in business that it is
effect houses of the Hughes-Frank- start with George Bernard Shaw’s
. . .

seven shows and will be on the easier to drive on Wilshire even on

h.n chain, but it would also operate “The Apple Cart,” but then came
road for seven months. George Kelly, New York play- Sunday than on the seven Hills .
concerning tile conditions under the grief. It is understood that no
. .

wright, iias signed as writer and Sid Goldtree, the Earl Carroll of
and animal
circus which pictures run in the houses other show did anything to he
Schell Bros.’ director for Metro-, Goldwyn-Mayer, North Beach, preparing for his new
show, wintering at Man- were produced. joyous about, and the management
at present
Nothing to Say finally decided to turn from their
and will shortly leave- New .York show at the Green Street Theatre
teca, is getting ready to start with for the coast. Carter the Great showing the
30 trucks. George Engrosser is
"For that reason we feel sure that policy of play draw to the old . . .

other men of the H-F organization, standby name- draw. So they put writer and our editor through his
manager. Barbara Stanwyck has signed a new palace now building overlook-
who have money involved in it, will Patsy Ruth Miller in in “French
see the ridiculousness of following Leave," but either Patsy is not the long term -contract with Warner ing the Golden Gate, “Carter Man-
Gentry's show will use 72 trucks the policy of union labor hostility draw she is reputed, or else it's Bros. or,” in Seacliff Tait's of old . .. .

and travel North. It is stated they under which the Vine street house all just too had, and that one also closed and dark echoes of Fanchon
are coming up San Joaquin Valley, was opened.’’ Anthony Bushell has been given and Marco dancing, Natalie King-
understood to have done no bet-
returning south by the Coast route, When inquiry was made at The is ter than weak box office.
a long-term contract by Warner stone in gingham, Rube Wolf,
thence to Las Vegas and into Utah. Mirror concerning the row, it was Bros. Francis Williams, and many others
stated that negotiations to unionize . -Peacock Alley” in the St.
. .

Mrs. Bud Earle has brought the the house were now in progress, and Robert Milton has signed a long Francis Flotei hut only ghosts of
four Earle midgets into Wonder- thr t there was, therefore, nothing term contract with First National
land, where they are a featured at-
definite to announce at the present 0I00LB IS HERE Pictures as a director.
the past .strutting their stuff
Drug store Bourbon lots better

. .

time. cheaper than same packages in

Robert Lord,
connected with Hollywood ... Adele Windsor up
Red Bluff rodeo
been ad-
vanced from April 25 and 76 to

April 18 and 19 in order not to con-

OPEN ONE-NIGHTER 10 SOU STRONG Warner Bros, and First National from Hollywood entering the Mark
Pictures for some time, has been Hopkins with another familiar face.
elevated to the post of story super- . . . Kolb and Dill opened and
flict with a similar Los Angeles (Continued from Page 1)
The MacQuarrie Brothers, util- visor of First National Pictures at they had a chorus and they let
show. musicians. There are 10 pieces in the Burbank studios.
izing the name of Gotham Produc- the chorus go and one was invited
the aggregation, including three out to eat Eighty joints were
Concord, near here, is planning tions, opened a dramatic show from . . .

Gus Arnheim’s orchestra. Edward Goodman has been as- dosed and the other three hun-
big celebrations on July 2, 3 and “Red Helen O’Brien,” in San Ja- Fair enough, as Molina and his hoys
4. Concord July Fourth Association,
cinto, Friday (March 6). Played intersperse Argentine melodies in signed to direct Ruth Chatterton’s dred and seventy-nine barely mak-
new Paramount starring picture, ing the payments on the- Rolls'
John L. Garaventa, secretary, is that stand one night, with bookings Arnheim’s nightly program from
handling the affair. for one night in Oxnard, and in
the Cocoanut Grove.
“Women Love Once,” from Zoc Royce Walker Whiteside . . .

Glendale, the latter for the follow- Akins’ stage success, “Daddy's Gone suite-ing it at the Sir Francis Drake,,
Those Music Boys
A-Hunting.” Paul Lukas has been
Ben Austin, general agent for ing Tuesday. Plans are to take the The three are William Ellfeldt, a hotel catering heavily to theatri-
Barnes Circus, was here recently show into, San Francisco and Los one
of the few pianists in America
assigned the lead opposite Chat- cal folks Pat Frayne, sporting . . .

Angeles. who can catch the real tempo of the terton. editor of the Call-Bulletin, who
looking for a lot and finding it
•difficult to get since the former
The show carries nine people, Argentine; Tony Travers, who gets writes football as well as he quar-
spot at 16th and Bryant has been
among them being Herbert Hayes, that stuff out of the accordion, and terbacked it with me hack in the
converted into a bail park. Show’s
Isabelle Dawn and Lee Prather. Samuel Pedroza, who lilts forth MARION LORD HERE dark ages of 1916 .. Phi! Sinnott, .

Luther Justin is stage director. with solos that melt the air, such coast manager for the NE A serv-
firstdate is at Baldwin Park, it's
Marion Lord, who recently be- ice out of
winter quarters, on March 22.
No bond was filedon the show, Latinized amour are they. Add S. F. and in L. A., this
which is an original by Herbert these three to the Molino group, came Mrs. Arthur M:cLag!en while week visiting
both were members of the Duffy
Danny Thomas, L. A,
G. A-rthur Blanchard, theatrical
Ashton. and remembering that when Carlos
stock company in San Francisco, is
NEA rep Phil, who looks like . .

printer, lias returned from the an- lays his cheek to violin the fern the Prince of Wales But when
OPENING FOR F-M in Los Angeles to do picture and . .

nual rodeo convention at Cheyenne. sighs are like a rising tornado it comes to that Danny is some
and no wonder the French room is stock work here,
Reported some 200 in attendance sheik, too Jan Rubini walking . .

The Great Raymond, magician, filled to its 250 capacity every .

and a good season in prospect. opens for Fanchon and Marco Thursday with a standout waiting STARTING COMEDIAN in the sun on Market Street . . .

The Lee Kids on their way to the

April 2. for every vacated spot.
The annual Boat Show is slated The'- Johnny Auer Productions Golden Gate, where they’re head-
The boys get a break on the mu-
to get under way March 20 for a
MARCO BACK sical end, too, for there is Chiquita,
are expecting to start within a day lining as Jane and Katherine Lee
one jveck run at the Civic Audi- or two on their Spanish picture, John B arrymore and his pro-
beautiful and tempting soloist, who
. . .

torium. A! Crooke and Doc Wed- “The Comedian,” made from the file, also his wife, buying tickets for
Marco arrived hack from New has that It for every number she
tlleton are- working on the affair. well known Spanish stage play of the Pantages Theatre to see how
York Thursday of this week. On gives.
that name. Ernesto Vilches is the Frederic March does His matinee-
account of snow storms in the Peeking in last Thursday, the
According to Eastern advices the
middle west, he made use of the glance disclosed a miniature slice
star. idol stuff A1 Boasherg in Clif- . . .

101 Ranch Wild West Show is due ford and Marion’s dressing room
train instead of his airplane. of Hollywood’s Who’s Who, with •

to open soon at Ponca City, Okla., such names present as Dolores Del flashing a check for $1500, which
and wants acts whose, salaries
“must be in accordance with the
Rio, Gloria Swanson, Mae Murray,
Greta Nissen and Fifi Diorsay.
Jack Warner’s was advance payment on $7500
for the story “Call Me Flash” which
times.” Big Ballyhoo Just a Gigolo um hum, hut what —
Party Has Lot
he has peddled to Flarokl Lloyd
a break for the L. A. Cadillac deal- . Bill Wrigley’s $10,000 horse
. .

For Charlie is— ers, -or else. (all paid for) taking a trip to his

A! Boasherg has signed a new NEXT HOOT of Par Guests new home on Catalina
Mehlinger, of Harms, and Artie
Artie ;
. . .

contract with Radio Pictures. His

last two were originals for Radio,
Or Is It Not?
M. H. Hoffman, Jr., producer for
Swartz, of Witmark, who Siamese
Jack Warner gave a party, Twin it extensively, seen hopping
“Should Wives Work?” a Mary As- Allied Picture Productions, is plan- out of a car at the" F. and M. of-
It is said (to use Holly- and unlike the w. k. party of
ter vehicle, and “Going, Going, ning on starting the next Hoot The way the boys were
wood’s best known expression) Mother Goose fame, plenty of fices . . .

Gone,” a starring story for Robert

AVoolsey. that Charlie. Chaplin wasn’t
Gibson picture within the next
three weeks. It is an original by
people came —
some of whom post-hasting up the stairs they must
were invited. have had a flock of hot numbers
taking any chances on not Peter B. Kyne, with release title not
It seems Jack wanted to en- under their arms Arthur Mc-
M. C. AT MULLER’S being riotously received on his yet set. Otto Brower is to direct,
tertain Bobby Jones, who is Comas also noted paying his re-
. . .

current European trip. with Sally Eiiers opposite Hoot.

The story says that was The first Allied Gibson picture, not unknown golfing cir-
in spects around the F. and M. head-
Earle Waterman, billed as “The it
cles. So he hired
a table, spe- quarters ... as was Willard Hall
Canadian Singing Fool,” is now m. planned for two publicity ex- “Clearing the Range,” is shooting
cial of course, in the Blossom ,. • and the old key still works on.
c.’ing at Muller’s on Hill street. He perts to hop out two weeks currently.
ahead of him, well supplied
Room of the Roosevelt, and Bush Street.
recently was at the Paris Inn and word was bruited around the
the Oaks Tavern. with cash, with which to stir SID WITH ALLIED Warner Bros, lot that the WOOLFOLK
IN L. A.
up enthusiasm for the recep- party was to be held. Boyle Woolfoik, accompanied by
“JUNE MOON” NEXT tions of the comedy king. Sid Algiers,formerly business
So the Warner Bros, people his wife, has arrived from the East,,
With a nucleus insured by manager for Tiffany and recently
turned out for the event no- visiting Los Angeles for a few
“June Moon,” comedy by Ring choice expenditure of the do- with Liberty Productions, has taken
blesse oblige, hut the Para- months. He is connected in a man-
J ardner and George S. Kaufman, is re-mi, it is stated, it was felt charge of affairs for Allied Pic- mount people went them bet- agerial capacity with Col. W. S.
the next production scheduled for sure that rabble sediment tures Corporation. ter, much better by actual Butterfield, who has a chain of over
the Pasadena Community Play- would gather, as it will any- count of noses present. 70 theatres the East. Col. Butter- in
house. to be presented from March where, a group appears. BEGINS MELOS The reason: well, since field, who
already been here has
19 to 28. While the two-man proposi- Warners’ recent million dol- for some
and Woolfoik are time,
tion didn’t go through, the Duke Worne has begun produc- lar raid on the Paramount combining vacation and business
OPENS UNION SQUARE one who went, if the report is tion on “The Last Ride,” the first ranks with Ruth Chattcrton activities during their stay here.
true, seems to be doing well, of a series of eight melodramas, at and Bill Powell as the raidees,
The Union Square Theatre, Los judging by wire stories reach- Tec- Art studios. Heading the cast the Par, folks have had their Charles “Chic” Sale has signed
Angeles, was opened March 13 hv ing back here. are Dorothy Revier and Charles minds to windward. with Radio Pictures to write and,
its new owner, H. M. Peterson. Morton. star in a series of six two-reelers.
Saturday, March 14, 1931 r

All Local Bookings For Paramount Soon

SPECIALTIES ID u. s, forei gn ver s io^marke t Gaining
Stage shcr.vs are to be taken out
of the The Los Angeles Theatre, which
Paramount Theatre, accord-
opened recently with a big bally- Spanish versions are bringing in
ing to well authenticated reports
this week. hoo, a stage show and a class 24- surprisemoney to some of the pro-
As offset, the orchestra is to be piece .orchestra under the manage- ducing companies. Made at first
increased materially and specialties ment of Jacques .Beaucaire and the exclusively for foreign exportation,
arc to be put on stage. Oscar baton of A1 Short, this week went several companies tried out South-
Baum, present Paramount orches- on an all-screen policy. western United States territories as
tra leader, will remain in that ca- The house management could not an experimental market for these
pacity, and will also have charge of be reached for a statement prior to versions. While the German, French,
the orchestral prologues and the press time, but other sources de- and Italian versions are practically
stage and pit offerings. clared it was because the house, an unmarketable in this country, with
Organ offerings will be discon- independent, could not get pictures the exception of incidental show-
tinued, it was stated. Con Maflie of sufficient box office class to draw ings for foreign club's and organiza-
is at present officiating at the con- the money necessary to in-person tions, Spanish versions are growing-
sole keys at this spot. entertainment. increasingly important for release
the shore next week is the last The first picture in at the house in this country.
one to play the houSe, it was said. was Charlie Chaplin’s “City Lights.” M-G-M lias thirty foreign version-
Rumors that Fanchon and Marco U. A. is badly handicapped by lack features scheduled, with some itn
might produce one week show- of good release, and the L. A. The-
for production and others already re-
ings at the house were branded as atre was a natural spot for the leased, and at least that many com-
being highly improbable. synchronized C h a p n. Opening 1 i edies, the comedies running front
The reason for the lopping off of with the picture was an elaborate two to five reels. Fox has twenty-
stage shows at the Paramount was stage show and Short’s orchestra. two foreigns planned for the com-
the expense of getting them here. However, Chaplin’s demands on ing year, with eight Spanish ver-
They produced in New York the fast money in at the box-of-
are sions now selling. Paramount, too,
and routed west from there. The fice, coupled with lack of drawing is reported to be going heavy. Uni-
jump here is from Denver, and power in the picture, caused a versal, Warner Brothers, and Sono-
there follows a two weeks' layoff change of policy during the “City Art have a few each.
afterward, meaning a lot of invest- Lights” run. The stage show was C. E. Buchanan, foreign salesman,
ment for the one Week's engage- eliminated,- a singing trio being sub- for M-G-M. states that Arizona,
ment here. stituted for the prior elaborate re- ,
and California territory are at pres-
vue. Jacques Beaucaire came in to ent the most profitable spots for
conduct the orchestra pending a Spanish versions. Conditions are
change which brought Willie Stahl bad in New Mexico due to wide-
in as conductor. Then the Beau- spread unemployment, but it is ex-
caire group, was let go entirely last
pected that the state will be open-
to Spanish service in a very short
ATiffany picture, “Aloha,” fol-
time. The border towns of Arizona,
lowed the Chaplin opener, and now
RATES H. 0. current as the third picture in at the
are an especially" good outlet just
now. Dallas territory, too, is said
house is Fox’s “Once a Sinner,”
to be doing well.
“Unfaithful,” a sexy title with
practically no competition as titles
with Dorothy M'ackjaill, and not
rated as any box-office wow by any
Jane and Katherine Lee Locally, the California Theatre
means. is doing good business with first
go, skyrocketed the Paramount Now playing runs and week’s stand policy. Fred
gross into holding Ruth Chatter- Miller has put on some special pre-
ton s worst picture over for a sec- Hillstreet Theatre, Los Angeles mieres for the Spanish versions.
ond week. Outside of the Chat- West Coast is running these fea-
tures in class A houses in Douglas,
terton draw and a hot label there Calexico and Nogales.
was little to warrant the contin- KEN DAILEY JOINS
uance. More evidence that a good


name and a stimulating tag is the Jr.
thing that pulls.
United Artists did a great week Dot Darling, off-rhythm dancer Scoring Big In
Kenneth Dailey has switched his it; 'Pis’
with “Reaching for the Moon,” at Zucca’s Silver Slipper Cafe,
booking activities to the RKO book-
carrying Douglas Fairbanks. suddenly emerged into the midst of ing offices, which continue under the
The outstanding b.o. feature, romance, real money, and perhaps First Season supervision of Bern Bernard. DO BIG GROSSES
however, “Trader Horn” a deal of trouble this week.
in its
Dot, who is reputed to be only
Ken got into the booking racket
seventh week at Grauman’s Chi-
A1 K. Hall, Jr., whose pic- when a mere boy, succeeding his The Mayan is still well up in
nese doing $18,01 1. “Min and Bill” 16 years old, took a wedding jaunt
ture appears on page one of father, the William R. front of the legit field with “Once
downtown at Loew’s State culled to Agna Caliente with Paul Mit- late (Bill)

$29,680, which was expected. This chell, 28, son of a Hollywood mil-
this issue, is still in his ’teens, Dailey, who was general manager In A
Lifetime,” the Grauman im-
but already he is establishing of the Levey offices in its heyday. portation The take for the week
feature playing lionaire, and then set off for a
the downtown a goodly reputation for himself Starting as office boy, during the was well over $14,280. The satire
stand second run was augmented honeymoon in Paris.
as a comedian.
But Dot’s mother many years of his association with on Hollywood will continue for two-
by Vic luce, ace trumpeter and is said to be
no wonder, for his dad
m. c. and a Fanchon and Marco not so joyous at this sudden de- the Levey forces, Ken held down more weeks.
isnone other than that A1 K. every important post in the organi- Out Hollywood way the “Butter
Idea. velopment in the life of her child.
Hallwho is knffwn to vaude
RKO Orpheum did approximate- In fact she is understood to be zation. Young Dailey was office and Egg Man,” starring Johnny
fans the country over, and
ly $19,000 for its considering the filing of annulment manager, man, traveling repre- Arthur, at the El Capital! did
last seven days of wherever known, known with
Cimarron, which could have con- proceedings and also the asking of sentative, and finally general man- $6,500 for its closing week. Frank

gusto to those who like their
ager, and this at a time when the Craven moved in Sunday with
tinued but had to make room for investigation as to whether any laughs.
Millie, the Radio hit that smash-
’ criminal action is possible, due to A! K., Junior, is at the RKO Levey offices rated at the leading "That’s Gratitude,” the New York
the youth of the bride. independent boking offices in this smash,, authored by and produced
ed records in New York- Hillstreet Theatre this week,
Out Hollywood way “The Royal And this despite the fact that country. by the star. It got away to a
having arrived here in his first
Family of Broadway with Fred- ’
Dot protested when young Mitchell season as a comic. Fie works Due to his loyalty and great record business for the opening and
die March and Ina Claire collected proposed that she couldn’t accept with his dad in a number of friendship for Bert Levey, Ken an increasing gross for the first

him, as she was her mother’s sole gags, and for the encore which stuck to the ship the last couple of half of the week. Looks good for
$12,930 This gross was aided ap-
preciably by Slim Martin, a Fan- support. Upon which Mitchell is they always take, Senior arid years despite the many offers that a run and some predict will kick
chon and Marco Idea and Flarry said to have given her a $1000 bill Junior have a “My boy— My he had for more lucrative positions. over a record.
Holman, to give her mother, hoping thus to dad” line that always serves The big surprise was the gross
rushed in as a special
added attraction. assuage any possibility of maternal to tie tighter an already tied MURNAU KILLED IN that Lillian Albertson’s new
cal, “Paris in Spring” built up at
The Egyptian offered Marion
The romance was of sudden hap-
tight show.
Plenty of future for this lad,
CALIF. AUTO CRASH the Hollywood Playhouse. Highly
Davies in “Bachelor Father” and a
pening, with the young heir a vaude, pictures and what-have- enthusiastic and more than favor-
Buffano stage idea for $5,190. F. W. Murnau. considered by able notices from the press gave it
Warner’s did $13,500 even with nightly visitor at the Silver Slipper you in the show line all look-
for the four or five nights prior to ing ready fields of conquest
many as Hollywood's most asrtistic a deserved boost and the collection
Viennese Nights” and no addi- director, was killed in an automo- plate showed $13,500 for the second
tional attraction. the elopement. for one with his personality
This is consid- bile accident this week. Fiis car week. Two weeks is all that this
ered very, good for this musical. and ability.
GOES TO HOSPITAL swerved to avoid a truck 20 miles musical has been slated for at
Vv arner s downtown rang up north of Santa Barbara and over- this house. It moved Friday to
$9,000 with “Captain Applejack”-
Things broke tough this week for
THEY LIKE LEE turned. the Majestic, downtown. Perry
which was well within expectations. At the time Murnau was en route Askam, Eddie Lambert, Richard
RKO Hillstreet responded nobly Arthur George, ex-actor and now
Lee Wilrnot playing a return to San Francisco and thence to Powell, Janice Joyce, Georgia Har-
to the new eight-act vaude policv doorman at the RKO Orpheum. All
benefit performance this week at Germany for a vacation. ris, Cecil Stewart, musical director,
offermg “Behind Office Doors” set in his job, and enjoying the the Soldiers’ Home, Sawtelle. This
work and the contacts which it Murnau sprang into American and an unusually fine mounting
one of the finest programmers is the sixth time recently he’s gone
prominence by his direction in contributed a lot to the success of
emanating from the Radio studios. brought him, illness which has been
out there to give the ex-soldiers a Germany of Emil Janniugs in “The “Paris in Spring” and Albertson
The B.O. checked up $16,795 for of several years standing, took a
treat, they clamoring for him when- Last Laugh,” and he directed a showed prime judgment in casting.

the seven days, an increase of bet- turn for the worse, and he was
ever there is to be a show put on number in this country for Fox, his
ter than $5,000 over the preceding forced to return to the Veterans’
can't get enough of that dumb-
week. Flospital at Sawtelle, Friday.
pan class dancing of his, it seems.
first outstanding one being Gaynor- OPENING STOCK
Farrell in “Sunrise.”
STOCK CLOSES Morton Lloyd is opening a stock
SIGNED FOR EUROPE The Savoy Stock Company in Lawrence of the Savoy Theatre
San Diego has closed after five
Bud Murray staging the dances
is The Catholic Motion Picture will direct. Jacobs and O’Brien
Eddie Peabody signs a European years there. The Savoy Theatre is for a series of two-reelers directed Guild has moved its offices from have cast the' following people for
contract. He leaves May 15 for doing musical tab shows, retaining by Flal Roach and featuring Thelma 817-818 to 716 Taft Building, the new company: Milo Boulton,
London where he opens at the Pal- some members of the former stock Todd and ZaZSu Pitts. Hollywood. The phone remains Sanford Macauley, Virginia True
ladium for seven weeks. Jean Ar- company. GRanite 2251. Boardman and Ray Lawrence.
mand, Peabody’s representative, will STACKMAN ILL
the over-seas tour. Peabody’s op- A. W.
Stackman, secretary of A special course in interpretative
tion reads for 24 weeks but it is Belasco and Curran are currently the Motion
Picture Relief Fund, work and platform deportment is Newton Kelly, film and legit
doubtful if he will exercise it as he casting for “Elizabeth,” in which isconfined to his home by illness. being given by the Harrison- Wal- player, and cabaret entertainer and
feels obligated to Fanchon and Pauline Frederick is to star. Re- His recover is expected soon. lack Studios of Dramatic Art. The m. -c., has returned to Los Angeles
Marco who released him from a hearsals were set to start late this course, which is for children from from an engagement at the Willows
24-week contract to take advantage week. BACK FROM SALT LAKE four to fourteen years of age, start- Cafe, Reno, Nev.
or the London booking. Eddie fin- ed March 7 and will continue until
ishes his last far eastern date at Rose Valyda back in town from Cameron Prud’homme and John June. All children taking the les- CHANGE TITLE
New Jersey and goes to the Fox a Fanchon and Marco tour and De Weese have returned from Salt sons are also being given the regu- “Laugh and Get Rich” is the new
Detroit for four weeks before em- says she is going to buy a home Lake City, where they were in lar courses in dancing, singing and title for Radio Pictures’ “Board and
barking. up in the hills. stock at the Playhouse Theatre. drama. Room.”
Page Four INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Saturday, March 14, 1931

good looking, and a great voice, handling of the spoken lines that the screen. She did a smart job of gages himself to a daughter of so-
next to Miss Segal gave the out- registers deep. Fie gives dialogue it, and along with Hobart Henley’s cial prominence and wealth does
standing performance of the piece. a warmth and sparkle that enhances brainy direction, it is a worthwhile she head for an illicit week-end at
— A- *-

his personal value, immeasurably.

piece of entertainment merchandise. Atlantic City. Then, on the verge
By Ted Price “UNFAITHFUL” The story of ‘Reaching for the
of. surrender, she discovers she can't
PARAMOUNT THEATRE Moon" is nothing to wake the folks “FLAME OF LOVE” cheapen herself.

“VIENNESE NIGHTS” Los Angeles up out of a sound, sleep about. It FILM ARTE THEATRE
WARNER’S HOLLYWOOD This latest of Chatterton is a far-fetched thing even in its
the Los Angeles
Los Angeles dramas is neatly and deftly handled most lucid moments, but the writer (Reviewed March 9) Presentations
Considered from a production as far as John Cromwells end of was forced to dabble in the realm A plot worn past the point of ac-
it is concerned, but it is either ap- of the extremes to give Fairbanks tive service, unless caught from
angle, this is probably the best class
musical to date. Story, technicolor, parent that he had little to say his proper medium of expression. some new angle, stilted dialogue, FOX
libretto and vocalization all blend about the adaptation or a dense fog It was woven for the purpose of situations that got no one —
least of San Francisco
to make it a soothing relief from settles over who gets the major getting laughs, and that is exactly all the open-minded customers There was an hour and forty
an overdose of gangsters, sex, free credit for “Tom Sawyer.” The w-hat was accomplished. anywhere, and an assortment of ac- minutes of stage and orchestral
love and week ends without the same grade and quality of crafts- Starting off in a brokerage office, cents purporting to he Russian, show at this Saturday midnight
manship is not in this picture. That Doug manipulates a battery of tele- combined to make "The Flame of performance. Augmenting the us-
benefit of a license. With this pic-
one scene where the menace is elim- phones in the approved or imagined Love” a weak and vacillating flick- program was a section done by
ture Warner Brothers are releasing
inated in a car crash and the faith- big business manner. Belie Daniels, er that finally sputtered but at the A1 Pearce and his Happy Go
a Yv-ell balanced output with a good
less wife emerges from the wreck wealthy scioness, just for a gag, end of the requisite number of reels. Lucky gang from ICFRC, credited
sense of saturation point at this
time, evidenced by this and their without a thread of her clothing breaks into his exclusive presence Anna May Wong and George with the extra draw for this show.
disturbed is not John Cromwell di- and yanks him out of a lifetime of Schnell were worth watching de- Pearce's show ran the best part of
“Captain Applejack” at the down- an hour, and though you’d think
town location. The public will wel- rection. Another inconsistency is celibacy. Through his valet's, Ed- spite the picture.
the customers Would finally get
come this operetta and the exhibi- the picture's major motivation,; The ward Everett Horton's; promptings A Grand Duke wants
a little Chi-
tired they applauded all the way
tor will heave a sigh of relief on fem lead ferrets out clandestine and instruction, fie is taught the nese gal, a Lieutenant loves her,
through for their aerial favorites.
its release. meetings between her highly es- tricks of making love and bids bach- she loves the Lieutenant. Her Radio show had A1 and Cal
“Viennese Nights" is intelligently teemed husband and her sister-in- elorhood fare-thee-well. Most of brother shoots the Grand Duke Pearce, Norman Neilsen, tenor;
produced. Story and music have law, and to protect a shell-shocked the laughs are in Fairbank’s trying without waiting for his legitimate Edna O’Keefe, novelty singer;
been kept where they belong. At brother she martyrs herself to a to follow out Horton's instructions. cue. The censors, with their omni- Monroe Upton, comedy monolo-
no time is human interest and story married-in-name-only existence with There is a nance sequence that goes potent scissors, left not so much as gist; Charlie Carter, carbon copy
thread rudely or ridiculously inter- her faithless spouse. Although clev- for howls and collects ’em without the talkie equivalent of an asterisk of Chevalier; and Tommy Harris,
rupted by the dashing lead wailing er otherwise, the misled wife was a let-up. to indicate that the psychological who came near the end of the of-
his sentiments to an orchestral ac- not astute enough to use incom- Bebe Daniels does the chief fem moment for such a shooting had fering and stopped it cold with his
companiment. The writing and di- patibility to secure a separation and support, and creditably. Photo- occurred. The Duke pardons the Jolsonesque warbling. A1 Pearce
recting gang out at Burbank used at that in a day when freedom is graphy and sound is maximum for brother just before the lady comes rn.c.'d throughout. Henry Starr
the head this time for results. It secured for far less cause. Just quality, the recording of the Fair- to give herself (body, not soul) to was sandwiched in between the
will be highly instructive to those one of those obviously manufac- bank's voice particularly good. him. He lets her go witfiout a leer KFRC artists and also did mighty,
in production whose ambition runs tured plots that reflects no credit Background technique stands out in or a chuck under the chin when mighty well with his singing and
to doing it musically. on Paramount. the scenes aboard the ocean liner. she promises to leave her lover and pianoing.
The story has its beginning in This picture, although entertain- —
A very good picture and shouid the country and that’s all. Walt Roesner and orchestra did
the magic city of Vienna, where ing highly with personalities that build Fairbanks following to ad- Anna May Wong was fascinating “Song of the Rivers” as an over-
music and love is the breath of life. everyone does not at any time
likes, vantage. in the ancient and inscrutable Orien- ture, arranged by Earl Sharp.
A cobbler's daughter is strategically ring true enough to accept it in a tal manner. Her voice is expres- While Joaquin Garay was on a va-
maneuvered out of the idea of mar- class with “The Right to Love.” “CAPTAIN APPLEJACK” sive, and she deserves a better cation Eddie Bush’s Trio (formerly
rying the man she loves,' and there- Locale and theme appeal are a bit WARNER’S DOWNTOWN break. George Schnell, as the ,
of the L. A. Biltmore) did “Little
with holds his memory in fond em- too far withdrawn from the real Grand Duke, was impressively real, Things In Life”, and “Body and
Los Angeles
brace for the rest of her days. It things. of life for it to develop any managing with intelligence and sin-Soul”; encoring with an Hawaiian
the story of a niillion women who word-of-mouth.
sensible laugh melo, this pirate
number and encoring agUn with
is health}- Casting, cerity to create a regal Russ at-
ancestor opus, and timely withal.
marry the wrong man. Because of though, is heavy with B.O. and the mosphere. John Longden was “Just a Gigolo.” Boys were im-
With most of the celluloid output
this its appeal should reach from title “Unfaithful"; should exercise a
sworn to love without honor these handsome and British in the part mensely popular.
here to the Battery. vigorous pull. Paul Lukas .plays -a of Lieutenant Boris. Mona Goya, Funeral March of the Marion-
recent weeks, this hidden treasure
Elsa, girl of dreams, was por- powerful role and. makes it as con- thing is a healthy injection for the
female heavy, agonized about, ettes was the dance fantasy, well
trayed in her youth, womanhood vincing as the story will permit. flaunting a highly disagreeable ar- done by the mixed men and fem
congested area. One might call il voices.
and the silvery character of the Juliette Compton does well with an ray of posturings, vocal dissonances,
"Treasure Island” with long pants Preceding the radio show Ar-
twilight years by Vivienne Segal. unappreciative role. For the brief on, which will or should broaden its
and an irritating personality. Percy
The characterization drew widely moment he is in the play. Sid Say- Standing was an overly arch and in- manda Chirot worked in one to
appeal. It is a rambunctious, rois- coloratura soprano a Spanish num-
upon Miss Segal's talent and she lor'ssmile and personality clicks a tering, boisterous answer to every
sinuating commandant, and J. Ley-
ber and seconded with, “Estrel-
met all the requirements, vocally hundred per cent. Donald Cook, grown-up's dream, to live the days
on gave a mildly impressive per-
lita.” Great hand for her.
and in make-up. Jean Hersholt, as Emily Fitzroy and Bruce Warren of bold freebooters, and stand on
formance as the brother.
episode featured Edna
the crafty and determined father, dispose of their assignments with the chest of doubloons- holding a
The film is a British Elstree pro-
Covey her burlesquing of a
gave perhaps the best performance a sure hand. duction, directed by Richard Eich-
of his enviable career: Bert Roach,
bloody knife in the teeth and a skull
berg and creditably photographed
toe Drew great laughs
the left mitt. This thing rollicks
in throughout, and with the -voices,
as a tuba player in the military band by Henry Gartner.
and later as a promoter of things “REACHING FOR THE and burlesques through a good hour
built up a neat and well accepted
of hilarious danger and thrill, with
musical was convincing, and gar- MOON” no attempt to conceal the facial
Picture was “East Lynne” and
nered many good laughs. Louise UNITED ARTISTS THEATRE
bulge which indicates the tongue “BEHIND OFFICE DOORS” business okay.
Fazenda, as his -giggling sweetie, Los Angeles Bock
gave her role the right amount of
in the cheek. This is in the last
The fetching thing about this lat- word riotously healthy screen fod- HILL RKO STREET
butter and hoke to make it stand est Fairbank's picture Was the way Los Angeles
out. Walter Pidgeon, as the offi- the audience warmed to that Fair-
der for those who enjoy adventure Congratulations to and RKO LOEW’S STATE
cer and a baron, was admired for bank's personality and voice. They
and mystery with a big laugh every Radio are in order. Flere is one of LOS ANGELES
few minutes. the finest programmes the Gower (Reviewed March 12)
both his vocal efforts and poise; went ga-ga over it. Doug w-as a The big thing here Was Vic Ince
quite military withal. Not to be charmer in' the sileiits and held his Exhibitor should welcome “Cap- Street organization has turned out
and his greater Loew’s State band
overlooked was the winsome love- spot deservedly in the admiration tain Applejack,” arm flung wide. yet. It is one of the best examples with Vic selling the “'St. Louis
of his public, but in this speaking He can post his
notices on its ar- of smoothly coordinated intelli-
liness of Alice Day, who has not Blues” a la trumpet of the bog-me-
been seen in these parts for main' role he is doubly appealing. There rival in his neighborhood in two di- gence that has reached the RKO down soul-swaving vintage that
rections: At the juvenile and the screen in many, many moons. Direc-
-days. Alexander Cray, youthful, is a finesse and buoyancy to his
oldsters. Everybody will like it. tor and adaptionist have selected
isn’t being imitated anywhere and —
along with that he directs an or-
A penned-in son of an old and from a more or less dubious story chestral accompaniment to the
wealthy' family, whose resources the one motivation and characteri-

IR €1 D
newsreel that sure adds a lot to the

D are on the decline, has suddenly de- zation that gives its transfer to the
cided to sell the castle and venture screen maximum entertainment and
forth in search of romance and appeal. And their judgment of val-
thrills. A prospective buyer turns ues was as unerring, as though they
up in the shape of Anna Valeska, had been lettered and pointed out
(Continued on Page 5)


name appears in
this column, Inside Facts
an adventuress, who sirens her way to them. All credit for this splen-
Skating Narrcls into the scion’s affections. Anna, did piece of work goes to Melville
however, is no other than a gang- Brown and Carey Wilson, and it is
IF recommends you to the
attention of picture pro-
Featured in “LIFE’S MASQUERADE” Prologue ster's moll left handing it for a hinted here that if Radio has a par-
fnap that tells the location of a ticularly tough assignment on their GUY KIBBEE
San Francisco ttrpiicmii vast treasure in the castle. The hands it would do well to turn it
scion finds the map before the oth- over to, the Brown- Wilson duo.
Thanks to JACK LAUGHL1N and ELLIS LEVEY ers and learns that it was scrolled After what they accomplished with JAMES BUSH
by none other than his own an- “Private Secretary” now “Behind BETTY FARRINGTON
cestor, a Pirate Chief. Office Doors” they can be relied on JUANITA WRAY
Believing that he has inherited to handle anything, no matter how BILLIE VAN EVERY
the piratical boldness of his great- complicated, and guarantee to get ARNOLD GRAY
AHMANDA CHIROT grandsire, he proceeds to defend the the most out of it.
treasure. How he outwits the gang boys who know values. *
of thieves is capably portrayed by
There are two

“Behind Office Doors” is the


Capitan Theatre
John Halliday, who carries the big- story of a stenographer who tips JANE and KATHERINE LEE
COLORATURA SOPRANO gest part of the acting assignment and guides a paper mill salesman
along with Kay Strozzi, playing the into leads and angles that make him
RKO Hillstreet
seductive vamp from Chicago. Sup- a big shot in the industry. The BLOCK AND SULLY
port is capable whenever the assist- gal does this because she loves him “OF Man Rythm”
Week of Mar efi 6 ing players have an opportunity to and all she gets is thanks in return.
do their stuff, which isn’t often. She sacrifices fun and passes up EDDIE LAMBERT
Halliday dominates the action with whoopee, preserves her self respect RICHARD POWELL
Strozzi. through it all, even when a mil- JANICE JOYCE
The story is an original stage lionaire playboy tempts her to the GEOKGIE HARRIS
play by Walter Hackett, dialogued gaudy path. .And .not until the man “Paris in Spring”
and dapted by Maude Fulton for she sacrifices and works for en-

Just finished an extended engagement at the

Seattle -Par amount Theatre


Opening a return engagement at the Fox-Oakland March 19 th
Saturday, March 14, 1931 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Page Five


(Continued from Page 4) team of gagsters, hopped in next their act as a whole as they have
thing w~as a pushover from start to :
nice hand at the finish of his dizzy
entertainment value of that subject. for a few belt agitators. Their finish. in. their individual playing and their
Fanchon and Marco’s “Micky clowning is aces and their material and orchestra drew looks they’d stop ’em anywhere.
First Rube Adams and Rooney, in the dcucer,
Mouse Idea'’ held the stage for the on the up and over without a miss. with “I Surrender.
the spotlight Murray and Alan, a couple of
week. Sully and Thomas, Chrissie Also delivered some neat hoofing offered a musical oddity, their se^
Dear,” which included vocalizing gouiy looking song salesmen bur-
and Dalev, Louis and Chcri'c, Toots and bowed off to a pip of a hand. by Frank McKee and trumpeting lesqueing it, started off with lyrics, lections sufficiently light not to rasp
Novelle and Helen Fetch make up George D. Washington came by Rube. Then the handcome ill. did a couple eff store window dum-

the temperaments of this Main

the roster with a chorus of F. and forth to a big reception and did c. stepped on stage to gag through mies with the “Song of the Sap” Street house. Could have.-ruiig up ,

M. girls that left little to be de- "The Song of the Moon.” He then a number, the band boys giving and tickled ’em pink -and panicky an encore had- they- willed to -do spy ,

sired in the way of unison work and drew on “Ol’ Man River” from his him plenty of support and the cus- with “Three Thousand Years Ago” but left them easy for the trey spot
looks. ‘‘Show Boat” repertory and gave tomers giving him plenty of laughs. dressed a la King Tut. A neat and to follow.
The Oliver and Lee corraled laughs
girls started things off in yel- ’em another handful of minutes. “Love Letters” had plenty of tal- classy singing turn.
low and blue and a baby "Mouse” They pulled him back for a pop ent including Limberlegs Edwards, Guido Deiro, acknowledged the a-plenty. Billed as “The Rube and
on the knees. Classy routine with number. the Girl,” Oliver tied things up cold
Will Aubrey, Nelson and Knight, greatest of all accordionists, had no
“Micky, Sr.,” who is Toots Novelle, Dave White and' Ruth Stanley Georgie Ward and Jeanne Deve- trouble convincing them he was just with his chatter, effectively straight-
doing an acrobatic routine with the wowed them with a tap waltz for reaux in addition to a line of 16 that. Fie was welcomed with the ed by Miss Lee. Material used was
line. Bozo the dog, guided by fliat a cloesr and a grand finale with girls who hoofed and did a crash- kind of a hand that tells those who none too modern, but the laughs
sweet bit of feminine loveliness, came plenty fast, so what more?
everybody on. ing finale on skates. Edwards are not. acquainted hereabout that
Helen Petch, trying to keep peace Another juvenile
scored big with a drunk dance, Deiro has a big following and a lot act this half.
between “Micky Mouse” and the ORPHEUM

impersonated by Daley.
cleverly routined, that brought of admirers on the Pacific Coast. He Minz Twins arid Brother, while not

San Francisco down plenty of solid applause and rendered three classicais and they a “find,” are clever kids. The twin
Great turn for the kids. Helen Petch wouldn’t let him go, so he finished girls presented a stepping routine
topped the turn with some remark- (Reviewed March 1!) revealed Edwards as a pantomime
off with a pop and had to take a hit which held up well. Accordion
able back flip and tap dancing. Had Staged by Jack Laughlin, this 28 comedian of note. Will Aubrey
of bows. What this boy doesn’t do playing by the brother sold nicely,
to take two bows. minutes of stage show was one of usual songs and
contributed his
with the piano accordion isn't be- hut rather heavy for this house.
the fastest oprys yet to hit the lo- gags with the same result: plenty
An X-ray number followed, offer- cal boards. Under the title “Life’s qf hand organ music.
ing done. Can hold down any spot Using the "Bill Robinson” finish of
And Nelson anywhere.
ing all of the funny looking birds step tapping, the act went over very
Masquerade” (for no reason at all) and Knight continued pulling the
and animals made famous by the jane and Katherine Lee, oiic time well.
this revue skimmed along at a laughs further with a layout of
cartoons. This’ one clicked solidly.
rapid pace. Best of all, it got away gags that got over well. Georgie sweet and charming flicker kids, Frank Rogers, a colored vent,
Sully and Thomas are a person- have certainly developed into first wowed them with his dummies in
able team of funsters who can hold from the usual prologue type of Ward worked throughout the show
entertainment, and - brought into hoofing and singing in nice style. talent funsters and all ’round stage the next-to-closing spot. Seen and
their own in any company with performers. They have a style about heard many times in this house,
either gags or pedalistic work. They play a few of the variety acts. Jeanne Devereaux’s work as a toe
dancer was outstanding and drew a them at one and the same time Rogers still goals them with a veri-
are packing a lot of new and funny Setting was a Viennese carnival
material and they don’t miss. on the scene. The twenty male voices with heavy hand. Mildred Stencil and charming and finished. Their clown- tiilloqual imitation of a sideshow
ing white they sing, dance or get barker, using it for an applause exit.
deliver}'. Plenty of class and just a few fern singers included Jean Reynolds vocalized in a Colo-
ready to do both or either has that Closing, The St. John Trio, had
whammed with a burlesque on and the dancing of Marietta were nial episode and Kathleen French
certain big time touch that only no trouble in pulling a hand with
the show’s outstanding features. did some flashy trapeze work dur-
.broadcasting. Later on. Toots first line performers can boast of.
That vocal ensemble was particu- ing the roller skate finale. their exhibition of hand-stand and
Novelle, still originating new ones, They stopped the proceedings cold. balancing stunts. LTsing a trampo-
larly good and the few women in

did a hot and difficult stair step

the group carried it along in great
How come they are not in feature line for a get-away finish, these

dance routine on his hands that pictures; none of the now com-
threatened to stop the show. The style. Marietta was the individual
hit with her excellent acrobatic and
Vaudeville ediennes are topping them for either
three boys scored a solid hit.
Betty (Tompson in the RKO
Micky Mouse Circus was the set- style, talent or looks.
ting for the Louis and 'Cherie bar contortionistic dancing. “Midnight Mystery” furnished the
A1 K, Hall and the Junior need canned entertainment.
artists. This chap is one of those Rodriguez Bros, scored with fast RKO HILLSTREET no ballyhoo from this reviewer. AI Til and.:
acros who can sell slow lifting for roller skating, Joy Bros, did a few LOS ANGELES K. has post-graduated in the tech-
big results. The team clipped fast dance steps and Adriano Del- (Reviewed March 12) nique of building for laughs and the
through a routine of difficult and mar contributed considerable toe First half of RKiO’s second week offspring is going- to be a swell dup- MILLION DOLLAR
speedy tricks and unloosed the dancing throughout the show. Ken of the eight-act policy ran mostly licate. Their burlesque dil an LOS ANGELES
wrists plenty. Kennedy did two banjo numbers to music, both instrumental and Apache dance, a jazz drummer and (Reviewed March 8)
Ted. and Donna, Arthur and Eddy did vocal. The last section made the Trilby vs. Svengali are all three Offering Ted White, brought over
their body tossing act as another offering balance with socko comedy classics that haven’t as yet been from KHJ as the chief attraction,
OLD MAN RHYTHM feature. Minette singing, and the both and refined. The Lee successfully imitated. Everything this vaudefilm house had an all-
PARAMOUNT THEATRE Sullivan Sisters, in more rapid kids, Jane and Katherine, furnished from mugging to hoofing is indi- around good bill, the entire show
(Reviewed March 12) dancing, completed the show. Line- that just right touch of restrained, vidually Hall marked. Al’s argu- moving with speed and swiftness,
Oscar Baum and the greater up of twelve girls was the weakest sophisticated yet riotously funny ment with the drummer is a gem, with the ether Romeo deserving
Paramount orchestra gave the fol- part of the prologue. Show would clowning, that -sends them into mild ami he doesn’t open his mouth. major part of the. draw credit.
lowers a magnificent Spanish dis- have been better with the inclusion hysterics and A! K. Hall accom- Madam Olympia closed .with a Spotted in the opening, Colster

play musically and scenically. Some- of a good comedy pantomimic plished the same thing without the troupe of well trained dogs and pa- and Hewlett, harmonists- of more
thing tells this reviewer there’s dancer that's what it needed:
. . . restraint. These two acts along raded a trio of Russian hounds that than ordinary caliber, presented a
magic in that Baum baton two laughs. with Guido Deiro succeeded in stop- drew a big hand. Act leans to pos- variety of old melodies, operatic and
ways; in the arrangement and the Preceding the stage offering Uzia ping the show, which is a way of ing and leaping tricks and well re- pop songs in a pleasing manner.
control. Qscar has given the. pit. en- Bermani was in the pit with his saying that the customers got just ceived. Following a black-out number of
tertainment at the Paramount more RK Olikns to do several Russ num- about twice what they paid for. “Darling, I Growing Old.” the Am
class and enchantment, glamour bers including “March Slav” and Smiling A1 Erickson led off an- silver-thatched duo changed to bits
and wallop than any leader hitting Rachmaninoff’s Prelude. LTsing the nouncing that the Erickson gang in HT PPG
these parts in a long time; you ap- vocal chorus and with good lighting the pit was bent on giving the folks
DROME of opera, well freighted with mel-

preciate phrasing and timing after effects this number was very well something new in the way of a
LOS ANGELES ody. Closing with a pop tune; they
(Reviewed March 8) scored easily. A little toning down
you listen to this Paramount en- received. medley. It was an unique layout of
Nothing unusual in The Hip cf the male voice (in the opening
semble. "Millie” got a tough break on the babv songs that gave everyone a
Con Maffie, organist splendide, show this first half, the acts work- number especially) would accom-
opening matinees through rain but chance to air their own special tech-
repeated with “The Lung Tester” nique, and they did it well. Charles
ing to the usual capacity house, plish more pleasant results.
at this night show appeared to be which probably explains the hefty The Three Silvers deuced it, danc-
as his contribution to the “Unfaith- holding own. Bevnon topped the going with a
ful” hold over. Did as. usual which
trio and that just about oka}'s any
applause given all turns. ing their way to instant favor. These
Bock Harry Robettas worked like a sea- boys have plenty of poise and are
was par excellence. orchestral finale.
George D. Washington, colored Paul Gordon, “Rollin’ in Fun” soned trouper to get things started, fast steppers. While their present
baritone out of “The Show' Boat,” WARFIELD led off the stage show on a bicycle succeeding fairly well, and getting a (Continued on Page 11.)
led off the stage doings with a solilo- San Francisco and pyramided the cyclopede for
quy on the spell of rhythm and (Reviewed March 6) lots of laughs. Gordon really has
eleven Dave Gould girls picked If the Warfield's total gross something to sell in the bicycle
things up as “Kingesses” of rhythm,
each in red and each with her own
sheets at the end of the week don’t
show the best intake this house has
tricksand collected both laughs and
applause, but it is this reviewer’s
had in several months, check us off opinion that he laughs too much
little crown of gold and a garter
just below the knee—
son wasn’t apparent — for whatrea-
very little to
your lists as just another lousy
prophet. With Keaton, Greenwood.
himself. He clowns well, sings and
announces that he is going to play
Custom Tailors
hold up. Denny and Edwards in some 60 the clarinet —
he is a great bicycle 5622 HOLLYWOOD RLVD.
Dave White and Ruth Stanley de- solid minutes of laugh in “Parlor, stuntster. HOLLYWOOD, CALIF.
livered a semi-slue foot
slap, slap Bedrom and Bath” (Metro), and
The Five Rhythm Girls, three
routine with a song number that Fanchon and Marco’s “Love Let- saxaphones and two pianos, open- Phone
stood out nicely and the Dave ters” Idea m. c.'d by Rube Wolf, ing musically and five charming HEmpstead
Gould girls on for another lot of Manager A1 Warshauer has a swell ladies as eye openers. Every man
look-see. Dave knows exactly how show to sell. That picture got in the audience could be seen reach- 6 2 2 4
to bring out their charms —
hoofing these customers in the mood for ing for pencils, and they were not
“We perforin what we promise”
it and aw you know. smash bang acceptance of stage en- making sketches. The girls can play
Block and Sully, that delightful tertainment and the whole darned and if they had as much wallop in

W. J
4 A

America’s crack colored band. Ballroom and Nile Club sensation from New York to California. Just closed successful run at Rose Room Hotel Butler, Seattle. Now
open for engagements. Address 1628 23rd Ave., Seattle. —

Page Six INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Saturday, March 14, 1931


Ben Gould, manager

of Fox Ex-
Expert Exploitation
change, and Salesman W. T. Wall
San Francisco Office, inside Facts
left for San Diego and La Jolla
More of the gross receipts is probably spent on advertising in the theatri-
Published Every Saturday and
One Year Wednesday morning, selling
cal business than in any other line of endeavor. And probably also, less
- $4.00 Foreign $5.00
calling on the boys. attention is paid to this expenditure. It is the old story of familiarity breeds
Advertising Rates on Application contempt. The house budget calls for so much to he spent, which is divided
A. L. Sanborn is installing West- into several groups —
billboards, newspapers, lobby, radio, windows and vari-
Established 1924 ern Electric sound-on-film equip- ous special appropriations. No other business advertises through a greater
As a weekly publication: Entered as Second Class Matter, April ment at his El Monte Theatre. B. variety of mediums, and it is imperative to the welfare of the theatre that
29, 1927, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act F. Robinson, Fox city salesman,
these items be properly apportioned, so that each receives full value for the
of March 3, 1879. has a fund of technical information money expended.
on sound equipment that he can, These arc the points that it is the wish of this department to bring out ,
Published by and docs, explain in a highly illum- To spend the advertising appropriation wisely and well, and to heed the
INSIDE FACTS PUBLISHING CO., LTD. inating manner. After being ex-
successes of others as well as to profit by their errors.
230 Bank of Hollywood Building, Hollywood, Calif. posed to such explanations clut- Fox West Coast's recent acquisi-, Francisco Fox tied a semen maga-
Telephone HEmpstead 8797 tered up with technical phraseology tion of the Sal* Francisco Para- zine to his coming attractions in an
Downtown Office: 809 Warner Bros. Downtown Theatre Building in the past and being left sadder, mount chain manufactured a siz-
but no wiser, it’s a relief and a exceedingly novel manner, in that
able stack of work for Paul Spier,
pleasure to hear him discourse on but he is plenty capable of handling he received full window space in
JACK JOSEPHS the subject in a way one can un- it, and each new attraction secs several stores for both the Fox the-
President and Editor
derstand. quantities of smart advertising and atre and the magazine. The tie-up
exploitation for these houses. was. effected by featuring the stars’
Vol. XIII Saturday, March 14, 1831 No. 10 RKO theatres have completed On “Fighting Caravans” at the pictures and stories in the book and
arrangements to play the series of Paramount, Spier paid particular ilie copy that they would be seen
Johnny Farrell Golf shorts which attention to the window displays soon on that theatre screen with a
are being released currently. Kay in the downtown locations. He list of his forthcoming attractions.
Hush, “the world’s most beautiful wasn’t satisfied with the stock win- Advertising of this nature never did
golfer,” plays opposite Farrell. dow cards, but made up a special any theatre anyr harm, hut to the
in half-sheet, size. Using a 11 by contrary has been the means of sell-
Camille Kelley, contract clerk
at 14 colored still, he mounted it on a ing a number of seats that would
RKO-Pat-he, and Emanuel Kauk bright cardboard backing, and had otherwise remain unoccupied. The
manager who neglects the back of his house is doing his
were married on Thursday, March dates printed and pasted. This Fox is also a consistent user of in-
employers an injury that no amount of fixing up out front can 12th. saved heavily on the cost of the job sert cards and has acquired some
overcome. and was by far more attractive than excellent locations in prominent
The bowling season is on at the average. [places. Frames were 'made for these
For the tempo of a show, and the manner of its delivery for ,

Plugs For Rango and they are changed each week

public consumption depend in the last analysis upon the" dis- Film Row. The 22-week run start- j

“Ranges” is the next attraction- and on the day preceding a new attrac-
ed Tuesday. The teams are backed j

positions of the performers when they step out to offer their is now receiving his full attention. tion. 1

by various business organizations, Paul is using the same thought in

stint, of entertainment. If they are unhappy or angry, this will including three, cafes on the Row. Bob Gilmore, at the Warfield,

the window cards but is duplicating used the title of "Parlor, Bedroom
show in their work, and it takes a consummate showmanship, It’s still too early in the season as nearly as possible a circus job. and Bath" to the fullest possible
which is possessed in its extreme degree by only a few, to over- to start predicting results of the .
This same thought applies on all extent by tie-ing with one of the
plenty of tournament, but there’s
come the handicap. this attraction s advertising. And city’s largest furniture stores. The
speculation even at this date. no better way could be found of! store built a special display on their
Dressing rooms for the performers are a matter which will
selling this calibre of picture. The mezzanine floor and threw a three
warrant constant thought by a house management. Neat, airy, Charles Rosenzweig, vice-presi- lobby of the Paramount will be column ten inch ad in the papers
clean places for the hetween-show waits, and ones to which a dent of RKO Distributing Corpora- transformed into an African jungle with a still from the picture and
performer likes to go, mean a lot to the tempo of the bill. tion, is in town on a brief business’ tor the occasion, but once again co-op copy. ;

trip. Spier departs from the cut-and- Chinese Selling

From satisfied cows comes the best milk, and from satisfied dried formulae with a live* animal

William B. Wagnon, of the


performers comes the best work. Unpleasant dressing rooms The RKO sales drive is keeping lobby. By robbing, begging and Davies, San Francisco,, booked an
borrowing from the various zoos “Anna May Wong” feature titled

are not only unhumanitarian but also bad business. There are Fred Wagner, salesman, on the
several spots where we could name names in this regard, both hop, but just for the moment he’s and animal stores he has quite a “Flame of Love.” And knowing the

menagerie of wild animals all set city’s Chinatown to be one of the

complimantarily and otherwise, as by no means is Los Angeles in town again. ,

to go in the outer foyers on the largest in the world, figured out a

a 100 per cent efficient city in this matter. opening day. And it is understood way to tell the clever Chinese of

A few more who have made ap- that only expense is the cartage it.

He noticed that on certain

pearances on the L. A. horizon and feeding of same. corners there is a sort of a free
REHEARSING ACT IS NOW IMPERIAL are Gil Haline, exhibitor, who came For “It Pays.. to Advertise,” com newspaper service composed of
in from his Palomar Theatre at mg to tile ^California, ten thousand many, colored posters in Chinese

Tack Trainor, who was with Jack The Victory Theatre at San Oceanside. Max Kravatz of miniature bars of soap were pro pasted on the walls. So he had a
Lait’s vaude act, “Help Wanted,” Diego has been re-named the Hughes-Franklin has come back moted from a local manufacturer. Chinese printer set up his story in
Im- from a 10 weeks trip, and Nick . These are labelled on one side with similar style with a cut of Miss
recently arrived here from the cast. perial, under the new ownership of Diamos is in from Tucson buying the cop.v, “This cake of soap, cour- Wong in a hot pose for good meas-
He is rehearsing an act, “Girl Edward Zabel. pictures for his Plaza Theatre. tesy of L. A. Soap Co, 'It Pays to ure and plastered Chinatown, both
Wanted,” which carries three peo- Advertise’ ” and on the reverse with on the walls and as throwaways.
"13 soap unlucky for dirt, but lucky They
OPEN REDONDO Reporting considerable improve-
mentaround the -territory, Jack
— were sold all right, as the
for entertainment ‘It Pays to Ad- Chinese attendance at the theatre
MIDGETS SIGNED Nelson is back at his desk at the vertise’ at the California Theatre. transcended all bounds for the week
Barsky Brothers, new owners of Educational exchange after a 10- A stunt of this nature is a variation of the picture's showing.
Paul Remos’ Midgets have the Rcndondo Theatre, Long day trip to Arizona. of the candy or gum gag and is Emil Umann put out a great cam-
signed a contract to open for Beach, opened the house March 7
sure to be successful if the distri- paign on “Millie” at the Orpheum
Fanchon and Marco shortly. with “Renegades.” Carl Drane of the Lark and Ar-
bution is well watched. hut the best and the least expensive
Magazine Co-operation was a gingcr-alc tie-up. Placards
row theatres, was doing business
Herman Kersken, of the San with a still reproduction from the
on the Row, looking very well,
feature showing the leads and a
thank you, after a three weeks’
bottle of ginger-ale, and appropriate
illness, and recuperation at Palm Carl Walker on his way up from


Warner Brothers-First National

Exchange is busy working on their
supervising in Huntington Park for

strolled into F. F. Benson's office

theatre copy, and the selling copy,
the ginger-ale were posted at
and San Pedro for W. B.-F. N. all accounts handling this brand.
And this is a large coverage as the
at United Artists Exchange with ginger-ale
is a popular product and
6162 Hollywood Blvd. contest honoring Sam Morris, a tough tale. While driving along a big seller even in this age of pro-
cleaning up contracts and going he obediently halted at a stop sig- hibition. In practically
every, fea-
great. nal, and in return for his good be-
ture there is an opportunity for a
havior got an awful whack from stunt of this kind for the wide-
Conveniently located in the The first release on the new the car behind him, whose driver awake lad who will take advantage
RKO-Pathe set-up is a Constance was not so conscientious. The re- of it. And Emil never misses,
center of Hollywood’s business Bennett picture. The working title, suit is that he’s got a jammed up

and theatrical district, The Re- "Lost Love," lias been changed to auto and an aching diaphragm WITH BUD MURRAY
$2.00 per gent has gained much favor "Born to Love.” from being thrown with sudden
Up with visitors to this famous force
against his steering wheel. Eddie Larkin, who was with
Co-operative will release the But Walker came up smiling just Larry Ceballos and Jack Haskell at
city. The hotel is also within Special
Hoot Gibson in May. Otto Brower the same, after the first shock wore the First National and Warner
easy reach of all the important Rates is directing and the story is by- off, so all’s comparatively well. Brothers studios, is now with Bud
studios and only twenty min- Jack Cunningham. Murray in the capacity of assistant
utes from the seashore and
The Continental-Syndicate-Ray- dance director and stage manager
Lola Adams Gentry
finds time to art Convention with W. Ray John- for the Orpheum stage shows.
beaches. ston presiding will be held at the
make a wide variety of thoughtful
gestures in addition to her Film Ambassador Hotel, Atlantic City, BUYS AVALON
Board of Trade activities. On next month. George N. Mont- The Avalon Theatre, Los An-
Wednesday she got up an im- gomery, representing All Star Ex- geles, has been taken over by A.
Every Room with Private Bath promptu birthday party for Polly changes will be present. Willis.
and her Film Row pals, who
Located across from Pantages Theatre dropped in with congratulations.
Joe Stout was birthdaying on Wed-
nesday, too, but whether or not he H. E. BILLHEIMER
got a-ny of the cake is problem-



HOlIy 0738
6122 Salem

“Gymnasts of France”

Fanchon and Marco’s “Mickey Mouse”, Idea VILLAGE INN HOTEL

Featuring Our Sensational Spin At Finale. One Block from Fanchon and Marco’s Office
Trick Fully Protected and Copyrighted.
Making Special Low Theatrical Rates
Wire, Write, Phone for Reservations
This Week Loew’s State Los Angeles 5724 Sunset Blvd.
Telephone HO. 4735
Hollywood, Calif.
Saturday, March 14, 1931 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Page Seven

Harold Beck

Rep resentati ve
935 Market St.
Phone Douglas 2213


Market Street Gleanings
U. 1,

SAN FRANCISCO, back from Cheyenne with a bright red March 33. — Blanchard, show printer,
shirt that looks well in his canary-colored coupe Arnold Hutto explains that his alias, Roland . . .

Crash, means Roland Crash, and we are, still wondering Bruce Quisenberry of NBC hates . . .

those paper matches and keeps his desk piled high with good old-fashioned wooden pipe light-
. . .

SAN FRANCISCO, March 13.— ers . Joaquin Garay and his firewagon were vacationing in Los Angeles last week
. The . . .
SAN* FRAN CISCO,* March 13.—
Laugh pictures led the field. The Harmonizers ambling down the avenue after a Ki’O program George Riley of Honolulu, Los
combo of Keaton, Greenwood, Angeles and way points, parked in his Warner Bros.’ lobby Abe Lubfin fishes every week, so he . . .
. . .

A deal was completed this week

Denny and Edwards in Metro’s says Bill Wagnon trades his crutches in on a cane
. . .
and Bill, Jr., is spending a lot of . . .
whereby United Artists takes over
“Parlor, Bedrom and Bath'’ did time at the Davies Dave Richards on his way to a home-cooked dinner . .
Will King night
. . . . the Premier Theatre on April 1.
great things for Loew’s Warfield, at the Roof Carden wdth much gala galaing . . .
Through Cohen Bros, of the
smashing all records for several Clarence Foster postcards a greetingg all the way from Hong Kong, aboard the President Fill-
months back when more Josef Swickard, vacationing here, phones for a bit of info on his native Hollywood
Strand Theatre, the Premier was
house hit the , .
. . . .

a high of approximately $33,000. Harold Wenzler taking charge of the candy butchers at the Gaiety with. great aplomb, but missing his leased from Fox West Coast which
Rube Wolf and F. and M.’s “Love speech Pat Casey busily engaged in making up the Examiner’s theatre page
. . .
Georgie . . . group, under its recent Publix deal,
Letters” Idea supported. “Body Ward trying to guitar his own tune, “Gee, But I’d Like to Make You Happy,” much to the annoy- was leasing the house to M. L.
and Soul” is current. ance of “Limberlegs” Edwards, Will Aubrey, Nelson and Knight and sundry other “Love Letter’” ar- Markowitz.
Fox got way over the top, too, tistes Bob Drady, John Victor, Sam Marx and our exploitation department pony golfing at the
. . .
When U. A. takes over the place
with “East Lynne” holding the Caliehte Bert Darrell chewing on a hunk of Spearmint
, . .
Joe McCarthy is back on his . .
. considerable money will be spent
screen and a stage show that in- feet again aftef that Notre Dame-U. S. C. game .Ike Marks on an elevator Mike Garrity . . . . . to make it one of the city’s ace
cluded Walt Roesner’s concert and on another Walter Barusch on still another . . , . . . picture palaces. Shortly thereafter,
the Fox Follies. Figure was $38,- Walt Roesner wants to sell that Deusenberg of his’n ... a distinguished gathering of the Fox probably about April 18, “City
500 and more good intake is looked clan in the Downyflake including Bob Gilmour, Frances Breker, Robert Edgar Catley, Esther . . . Lights” will go in as the first at-
for this work with Will Rogers on Leon and Ethel Seavers incidentally, the latter has retired to devote Her time and attention to
. . .
traction. Cohen Bros, will be as-
screen in “Connecticut Yankee.” her husband and husky young babe Jeanne Devereaux spends all her time between shows . . . sociated with U. A. in operation
Radio’s “Millie” opened at the practicing toe work Helen Holtz is Spanish Cliff Work and Bern Bernard were in
. . . . . . of the Premier and meanwhile will
Orph. on Wednesday, getting a from Los Angeles to oversee the inauguration of augmented RKO stage shows Clay M. Greene, . . . keep their Strand.
tough matinee break with rainy vet playwright and critic, observed his 81st birthday this week Rufus Freiling had a birthday, . . . It is understood that Markowitz
weather but picking up at night too ,
staff of Walker Whiteside in “Chinese Bungalow” at the Curran includes Clark Brown,
had some 10 months yet to go on
Looks hke an okay first week. manager ... C. H. Brown, representative Bill Wagner, stage manager Carl Vose, art . . . . . . his lease from Publix and that U.
First week of Warners’ “My director August Meininger, carpenter . Tom Seymour, props.
. . C. C. Courter, elec- . . . , . A. paid him a sizeable amount to
Past' at Warner Bros, did a satis- trician Bill Blackburn busted a door the other night and don’t let him kid you, either
. . . Jfte . . . give up the house.
factory $11,000, and it stavs on. A1 Warshauers and the Bob Harveys holding a lobby conference Ellis Levey, E. Umann and . . . Current rumors link Markowitz
Paramount had “Fighting Cara- G. B. (can’t leave you out entirely, Gawge) talking over a lot of things Walter Gilbert, Grace . . . with the Tivoli, claiming he is
vans" tor one week and did $14,- Stafford and Isabel Withers, Anna and Harry Seymour, Velda Robinson and Marie Leader chinning planning on taking over the house
000. “Rango” there now. -
with William Bernard Foy Elaine Kingston Leightcning it with Willis Wood and Harold Peary . . . from Doc Leahy and operating it
California did a weak $9500 on interested spectators .... but the lone diner pays her own check Mr. and Mrs, Gus Oliva, . . . as a grind picture place.
Father’s Son’ double billed with Mrs. Lydia Quarg, Bill Murphy, Ed Murphy, District Attorney Matt Brady, Chief of Police Bill Deal gives U. A. two houses in
“Wild Men of Kalihari." It will Quinn, Jim Fiske, Doc Pucinelli and sundry others viewing Kolb and Dill’s show Doug Rich- . . . the Bay District, the Premier here
be followed by “It Pays to Adver- ardson a hit at the Roof Garden with his songs and gittering Lloyd Yoder is a song writer, as . . .
and the Roxie in Oakland.
tise.” well as a director of public relations what a combination . . . .


SACRAMENTO, March 5.— In- cracked out with four additional
corporation papers have been filed SACRAMENTO, March
here for Gloria Swanson Pictures Mull Building tenants are vacating Mrs. Jan Rtfbini (Adele Crane) is
13.— PRO-ACTOR BILL SAN FRANCISCO, March 13.— acts at its local Orpheum this week,
as part of a Coast campaign to
Corporation of Los Angeles, with their offices to make ready for con- through with riding as a sport. In build up flesh entertainment.
Miss Swanson, Irving Wakoff and struction of a Warner Brothers
c her first public appearance astride Booked iocally were St. Johns
Lance Heath named directors. Theatre, on which work will com- a local academy’s horse Mrs: Ru- Brothers, Davey Jamieson, Neapol-
mence within the next few weeks. bini was thrown to the ground itan Four and Hugh Johnson, while
SACRAMENTO, March 13. - when her nag bolted and ran away. RKO units acts were Joe Brown-
TO DO SCENERY PLANNING STOCK Her arm was broken in three ing, Gallo and Tissen, Melino and
Friends of show business are opti- places and she suffered body bruises J lavis and Kilkutas. “Resurrec-
SAN FRANCISCO, March 13.— SAN FRANCISCO, March 13.— mistic regarding the passage of a and an injured knee that probably tion” was the picture and Nick
Hanemann Studio has been award- Walter Gilbert has left his direc- bill here to prohibit cops and will confine her to Dr. Morris Hep- Sturiale’s orchestra was in the pit.
ed the contract for ’scenery con- torial job with Koib and Dill to go ner’s care for the next six weeks.
struction of the Orphenm’s pro- Purists from arresting members KING RETURNING
to Spokane, where he is planning
formation of a stock company at an of the cast when a play is ar- WITH MATHEWS COWL
WITH OPPENHEIMER unselected house. rested for alleged indecency. OAKLAND, March 13.— Her-
sponsored by As- SAN FRANCISCO, March 13.— The bill is
mie King will return as m. c. at
SAN FRANCISCO, WON’T REOPEN Floyd Mathews has resigned as
semblyman Ray
the Fox Oakland on March 19 and
March 13.— Williamson, of
manager of “Topaze” to return to Flank R. Newman is planning a
Having recovered from an auto ac-
cident of several months ago, Cur-
SAN FRANCISCO, March 13.— San Francisco, and theatrical folks Chicago where he will take the whale of a welcome home fete for
Gus Oliva and Doc Pucinelli have are giving him a big hand for the Jane Cowl company on the road. Hermie, who has been m. at
ran Swint has been named assistant
abandoned plans to reopen the Sil- way he is exerting all efforts to Group is expected to arrive here the Fox Paramount, Seattle.
to Selby Oppenheimer, concert ver Slipper Cafe as the result of see that its passage is fissured. At some time in May, when two plavs,
hooker. Swint was former drama- recent abatement proceedings present the bill is in Crime Com- “Art and Bottles” and “Twelfth INVITE PATRONAGE
tic critic on the Scripps-Howard against the night spot before it mittee, and just when it will be Night," will be presented.
News. SAN FRANCISCO, March 13.—
folded. reported out for House action is
LTpon final squaring up of the two-
uncertain, but it is expected to NEW LITTLE year battle between Nasser Bros,
make the grade to consideration by
and organized labor, local unions
SAN FRANCISCO, March 13.— SAN FRANCISCO, March 13.— the solons en banc. SAN FRANCISCO, March 13.— carried space in the dailies to pro-
Paderewski played to a capacity The bill would provide against Wayfarers, new little theatre group,
nounce Nassers’ Castro, Alhambra
Bill Wagnon has shaved the Da-
house of 6000 in a Sunday matinee such absurd yellow-journalistic pro- have opened a house on the water- and Royal theatres
vies admission prices from 40 to 35 as okay and to
at Dreamland Auditorium with cents at night, with a two-bit top ceedings as happened when “De- front, where a series of one-act invite patronage for them. Nassers
about a thotisan d turnaways sire Linder the Elms,” “The Cap- plays will be presented beginning called off a
on matinees. $100,000 damage suit
claimed. Polish pianist said to tive’’ and “Bad Babies” were ar- March 26..* Jack Thomas is direc- against the Musicians’. LInion for
have been guaranteed $10,000. rested in Los Angeles, which town
Oppenheimer managed.
Selby PROFESSOR HENRY DIES holds the California palms for get-
tor of the group. Players include alleged boycotting and bombing ac-
Eleanor Raphael, Astore Sevison, tivities.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 13.— ting on its ear occasionally con- Bonita Lester, Feme Cantwell, C.
BOOKS GERMAN FILM Prof. E. Henry (Eugene Fried-
cerning stage morals. In no case J. Cook, Larry Kempton, Fred 4* 4* ‘I* v **- 4* d* AA 4* v A -** 4’*3 4* v vy

has a conviction been obtained Cantwell, William Hansen and Ter-

SAN FRANCISCO, March 13.— lander) passed away last week after
Ralph Pincus has booked the Ger- a short illness. For a number of
old Elwood. against any member of the cast,
and the arrests have served mere-
man talker, “Two Hearts in Waltz years he had a vaude agency but
Time,” for two weeks at Erlanger’s lately bad been playing clubs with them undue embarrassment through
OPENS ly to annoy the actors and cause STUDIO
—now available in any

a sleight-of-hand act. Though the standard size is
Columbia, opening March 15. unfavorable publicity. The William- SAN FRANCISCO, March 13.— ^
son bill would prohibit arrests of Carol Weston, violinist, and daugh- * ei«Kt>— ten Lxchsa, we -5*
577 Geary
s-ttoto or
San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO, March 13 —
performers until a conviction has
been obtained against the pro-
ter of F.lla Weston, has
music, stijurs.
a 1

^ ZZ** now equipped to make


ducers of the alleged- ^ miniatures as well as enlarge- 4*

Franklin 2562 Connie and Natalie, dance team,
Acrobatic, Stage, Tap, Rhythm,
week flew to New York, wiigr.-.
shpy.-s R tnis is done, then, un- BOZO OPENING A ments.
Ballet and Ballroom Dancing
Routines for the Theatrical People hey open,^j^b^tcmT '^iltoward der the bill, charges could be
brought against such of the per- Delivery cn all orders with-
Private Lessons by Appointment-
an RKO act.
formers as could be brought with- Bozo Fox opens March 16 at the
Chi’tucA.-. O’-:.*:; ILUrday. 11 -

ng People’s Clases, Eves., 8 Roof Garden with a novelty acro- in seven days. «?*
11 in the scope of allegations of hav-
OPENING VALMAR ing participated in the proved batic act. % A representative will call 4*
T 4*
VALLEJO, March 13 — Phil
crime. In practical application, how-
^ with samples at any time.
Downyflake Shop Frease is set to open his Valmar ever. it is construed as being a
prohibition against arrests of casts
“Just Wonderful Food” Theatre Saturday night with Ra-
At Popular Prices dio’s “Cimarron.” He has a number of shows other than those frank- Producing Her Rhythm Revue I JAY PERRY SILVEY |
Headquarters for the Profession of publicity splashes ready for the ly appealing to .vulgar tastes, to-
2 Doors East Warfield Theatre opening night in the three local wit, dancing girls, dives, etc., and CAFE MARQUARD San Francisco Office •E*

Inside Facts
978 Market St., San Farncisco dailies. would not applicable to be such San Francisco 40th Week |*
high class shows as “Desire,” “The
Sid Goldtree has* signed
Cooper for the lead in his revived
Special Limited Course
"Easy For Zee Zee” which re-
sumes the Green Street stage on
March 13.—
in Travers has created and costumed all dance numbers now en tour Fox
New Movement of Dance Art
the Thursday next. She is the “dis-
166 Geary St. Phone PRospect 0842 in rehearsal for his Fairmont Ho- &
Circuit with F. M/s “Brunettes” Idea
appeared" aviatrix who Wood Brown

crashed big in tire dailies. is musical director.

Page Eight INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Saturday, March 14, 1931








Saturday, March 14, 1931 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Page Nine

Ramblin’ With Vi Ramblin’ With Hal

By Vi Hegyi By Harold Bock
This looks like International underground and equipped with a SAN FRANCISCO, March 13.-- K\A has a novelty orchestra the
Broadcast Week for KFL On Sat-

special sprinkling system to keep it The flood of recent letters to radio personnel of which includes Ken-
urday the Prince of Wales speaks at the proper moisture. The tow- editors demanding less radio adver- nedy at the piano, Phil Fallon, ma-
from the Argentine. (For a while

ers will soon be completed.

An inrush of stage and screen
tising has caused station managers rimba; Leo Catalano, sax: Manuel
it looked as if this one wouldn’t people to the radio field will be in-
evitable if the present radio trend to perk up an attentive ear. With- Tapia, guitar; Melvin Dunn, ac-
come off.) Then on Sunday Wil- Tom 'Brenneman (“Tom
continues, in the opinion of one in the next three months it’s a cordion; Norman Wier, string bass
liam T. Cosgrove, President of the Wash”) is transferring himself and cinch that radio stations will have'
and Adeie Burian, vocalist.
high studio executive, expressed
Irish Free State, is slated to be his talents from KFWBto KNX.
this week.
swept out much of the superfluous
heard in a talk on economic de- He starts Monday, doing programs, blurbing now going on. The sta- Don McNeill and Van Fleming
velopment. writing continuities and making He Stated that the tendency now tion with the least advertising and have arrived from the East to do
himself generally valuable his
is for completely dialogued acts
to the best programs will get the lis- their Quaker Oats program from
new station. and playlets, and that the next step
Freedheim, often heard teners and the minute a studio this end of the NBC chain. They’re
will be to present them for visual

locally over KFI, has gone to New as well as oral entertainment. This, starts giving ’em a lot of adver- on the air every morning, except
York to play a series of concert en-
There’s a new composition floor- tising blah— well, the dials are too Sunday, at 7:45, which is much too
he continued, will bring about ra-
ing in the large studio at IvFWB
gagements. He may return to Los dio studios resembing the inter- easily turned to listen to that sort early for our editorial ears.
that’s proving a success, the acous- of thing.
Angeles for a short time next sea- iors of theatres, with large seating
tics of the studio being greatly im-
son. capacities, and the inevitable after- National Broadcasting Com-
proved, with tones coming up more Tragedy entered the ranks of lo-
brilliantly than before. _ math to this will be casts recruited pany’s annual birthday is slated to
week when the wife
cal radio tnhis
come off April 4. The El Sidelo
The Oldsmobile Motor Works is for their acting as well as speaking
of “Wee Willie" Hancock of KPO,
sponsoring a new one over new Con Conrad song will ability. Which means the afore-
KHJ A passed away within a few short
and Spotlight Review bands will
featuring Hazel Warner and the make its radio debut over KFWB
mentioned inrush from stage and
months of the couples’ marriage
provide entertainment for the usual
Hallelujah Quartet. Naturally on Sunday. The Locus Sisters, will screen. and before they had even left on
enough, the theme song is a revival harmonize and Conrad is. slated to He pointed to the Rainbow Gar-
dens project as what radio will a belated honeymoon to Honolulu.
of “In My
Merry Oldsmobile.” accompany them in the new tune; Known as Virginia Sedberry, the According to Hollywood advices,
come to within the near future.
deceased did considerable contralto
Tom Catton is now managing
is constantly increasing the
short new feature program The Gardens are planning an audi-
work over KPO.
Frank Watanabe (Eddie Holden)
Combining semi-classics with con- toriutn seating 5000 to 6000 spec-
number of programs originating in tinuity describing the numbers will tators, from which fully
of KNX.
staged and
their studios to go over the coast After three or four nights on the
chain of the CBS. So far there are
start next week over KMTR.
directed plays will be broadcast
11 p.m. shift the Who Cares hour,
look at Lloyd Yoder, NBC's
over the air. publicity maestro, you wouldn’t
seven, with more to come. Twenty-five of K PCs Ambas- M
The exec declared his belief that

KPO; has been shifted back to its think he was a song writer but his
original 3 p. m. spot. Audience re-
sador of the Air programs are be- other studios will follow this ex- song “Carnegie Victory Song” has
The Ranch Boys of
•i KTM
were ing collected and elaborated for ample in the near future, there
action is better there.
just won a Carnegie Tech prize
very much on deck to bid Charlie publication. The book will be called ing a natural tie-up between the and will be included among
The Don Lee system’s technical that
Chase goodbye when he left for “The Little Red Schoolhouse,” and class of entertainment university’s fotball songs.
material to- department one not to be )
Panama. They worked in some of includes topical discussions, mis- ward which radio is is

his pictures and couldn't resist join- pronounced words

now tending sneezed at if you'll pardon a
(with correct and its
presentation to itj-persOu
. . .

Theatres are not the only ones

ing the party. pronunciations) and other handy preposition ending a sentence.
audiences. going after kid business. Radio
bits of information, in addition to Headed by Harold G. Peery the is
A survey of figures coming from local KFRC gang includes Alan
following the same idea. Two
Falling for the w. k. lure of the timely philosophies.
one of the minor broadcasting stu- local programs came on the air this
Sea, Roland Haynes has left KTM Cormack, technical director; Vic
week, seeking the kiddies as listen-
K.FI-KEGA has added a new in- have shows
dios that 450,000 persons de Roco, chief operator; Jim Mc-
and is now on a boat running be- been drawn to the station ers. NBC did “Cowboy Kills”
Ardle, Don Cameron, Bob Baldwin
tween San Francisco and New strument to its musical equipment, over a -ten month period to watch with Billy Page and Jack Mery
York. He was, at the last bearing, the reed organ, or harmonium'. a routine program built as nearly and Carl Bensberg, operators.
featured and will continue to- do
doubling from purser to entertain- George King lias been elected to along the lines of visual entertain- them every Monday and Wednes-
play the harmonium, which is often Our old friend and Oakland ra- day
er, besides having charge of enter-
used to imitate wood wind solo ment as is .possible for an air fea- dio columnist, Dinty Doyle, is back
p. m. KY A had “Children’s
tainment on the ship. This is another forecast of Lodge of the Air.”
voices and mass effects in small or- ture. on the air again since KTAB re-
chestral ensembles. radio's next big step, the exec turned its Pepper Box to the ether
There is such a thing as too much stated. Slipping off to \ uma, for a *)en
lanes, Dinty is still , doing his
popularity after all. The Ranch A
new program, the Book-Drama ‘Rambles of a Newspaperman” and
days, “Sleepy of KNX's Arizoii: ’

iBoys of KTM
have had to discon- Hour, with Guy Hedlund and Caro- Gustavo F. Moran, who conducts for varied entertainment there is
Wranglers, was married. No cins
- tinue their Monday night request line Cooke, is slated for KFI the Mexican - American program none better than his. weekly chat.
at the station knew about it uiiti
program. They just weren't up to from K MFC. is a brother-in-law

be rcurned and drawled the reeiv;

KF.CA. Both are old time stage and of
* at. But then, 400 requests per hour to the gang. It’s Mr. and Mrs. <3u
screen players. Ramon Novarro. Under Clem Kennedy’s direction "Sleepy”
^|is a bit heavy, even for this ener- Short now,

getic gang. From now on they will
jjust follow their regular continuity.

si KTM donates a half-hour every

Saturday afternoon to the City De-
partment of Playground and Recre^
ation. Nellie Frizelle, who is in
Dial — 'Manager. Glen Rice of KMltC
estimates that 779,000 people hav<
visited the studios to watch tin
Beverly Hill Billies’ broadcast. Nc
mean figure. Thfey draw a mol
wnerever they appear. 200, 00!

charge there, puts on a program of turned out at the airport for tlreii
kid talent that has its own faithful
KHJ The introductory
signing-off and KMTR four appearances there.
song of the Alabama Boys is a Cambria Pines

following. 9:30-10 p. m.
California plug to the tune of 6-6:30
p. m. A string quintette instruments
Jimmy Bittick and his Town “Marching -Through Georgia,” in Spanish fashion, Luis Alvare;
Vi Curtiss, like strummer and House Orchestra are just so much which sounds like nothing more Andy, Chester and Del, the
and Mildred Laughlin wll appeal
warbler of KELW’S Mackies String class in. the pop music line. His serious than a slight inconsistency Banjo Boys, are one of those de- in a newly scheduled program Iron
Trio, has joined Billie Rush and half-hour was ace high for either pendable combinations, never fall-
Beth Haynes in a series of horse- ear entertainment or melodic, har-
of names and places.
ing down on the many musical as- KECA as a weekly feature. i

back rides that will not be broad- monic, and rhythmic support for signments they fill for their station.
cast until the equestrienne trio be- dance devotees. Don Abbott’s mel-
NBC They’ve worked together long sate, and Cyril Scott’s “Lotu
comes as proficient as the musical low croon on choruses came in for VAGABONDS enough to keep the informal chatter Land,” arranged by Kreisler, fotin
6 to 7 P. M. between numbers up to tempo.
ditto. In the meantime they are a good share of appreciation. their way into his broadcast,
suffering for their "art.”
One of the ace aerial dance Even reading excerpts from re- toe
Bittick’s strings and reeds (he bands on
the Coast, the Vagabonds, quest letters doesn’t sound like
It was a program planned w;it
uses no brasses) are more than suffi- directed a discernment and played with tech
by Mahlon Merrick, set a stall for time. In other words, the
The Texas Longhorns of KELW
cient to handle the requirements of fast pace for competitors.
11 cal
< and emotional beauty and ap
made a couple of personal appear- any of the tunes, from hot to sweet. was brilliance and life to this hour boys are showmen. They have a peal.
ances around their home grounds in With his obvious musical sense and of music and its qualities neat way of turning incidents Claire Mellonino not only accom
were in- around the station into
Burbank last week. They are draw- clever arrangements-, this aggrega- creased by an intelligent selection very ac- panied, but also played a quota, c
ing a flock of new followers to tion, as it stands, is completely sat- of numbers; not the usual ones ceptable gags. The Banjo Boys ;
piano solos with her customar
their broadcast. isfying. strum and croon a wide variety of distinction. Her Chopin
caught on almost every number of is alway
Don Abbott’s vocaling showed to the dial. Plenty of smart batoning tunes, from old-time sweet songs noteworthy, and “Sometimes I Fee
Ground has been broken for the best advantage in such songs as by Merrick evident throughout. to the newest super-hot oops. Like a Motherless Child” was on
studios and towers of KMTR’S new “Would You Like To Take A In addition to straight dance of the highlights of the broadcas
U. A. station. The studios will be Walk,” and “Wedding in the Ark," tunes Clarence Hayes vocalized in KNX Tudor Williams, sang sever:
located at the United Artists lot. which had the novelty stamp in ad- a mighty pleasing fashion; Fred groups of ballads in a fine baritone
9-10:30 p. m.
and the towers at Calnienga and dition to being okay jazz. e ward did some torrid fiddling
1 1
Calmon Luboviski continues to Two Irish songs, simple and melc
Santa Monica Boulevards, on the and Alvino Rey went great guns hold dions, were his best numbers.
old Keaton lot.
up as one of the outstanding
with guitar soloing that included
John Hilliard is the radio engin-
KFI an excellent interpretation of Rach-
musical personalities on the coast.
eer under whose direction the work 4:15-4:30 p. m. maninoff's Prelude.
He is a concert violinist who does
A syncopating vocal combination, not make a practice of bowing to
is being carried on. The towers
have the most extensive ground- the Alabama Boys, Royce and Ron-
work and insulation yet attempted ald, proved themselves strong and KTM
popular taste in his radio programs
and gets by with it. Where a — FILMARTE 1228 Vine Street
on the west coast. There are three warm rhythmic specialists. Their 9-10 P. M. lesser artist, after venturing the
songs were taken from the “I Ain’t Dorothy Dee's “Readers’ Hour” Handel Larghetto, would rush into Hollywood
miles of copper wire, interlaced, in
Got Nobody,” “Toot, Toot, Tootsie. of organ music well named. something or other of spring to
:the ground work, which is 10 feet is
Goodbye” era, but were plenty hot There were no interruptions in the square himself with the ether pub-
and new in manner of delivery. This program other than the necessary lic for getting so highbrow over
“Loose Ends”
broadcast could be extended to half- station announcements. The music their loud speakers, Luboviski
Behrendt-Levy hour length and still carry interest flowed on and on, unpretentiously topped the number with the Devil’s With EDNA BEST, Owen Nares
Co., Ltd. through. Largely because offered, making no demands upon Trill Sonata by Tartini, with
General Insurance Royce and Ronald give their per- the dialist. Dorothy Dee can pull cadenzas by Hubai. He is not a and Donald Calthrop
Insurance Exchange Building formances with 100 per cent spon- some stuff at the console of the hard and fast classicist, either. The
Robert Morton makes Directed by Norman Walker
VA. 1261 taneity and pep, this is one of the .
that her aural Seidel arrangement of “Eli Eli,”
best teams of its kind on the air. audience sit up and takeaiotice, but “Song of the Nightingale” by Sara-
for these broadcasts she contents
herself with soothing the too often
musically harassed auditors.

She played pops and ballads, of-
fering a variety of moods without
imposing any of them too strenu-
ously upon the relaxed tune-in. The
Sadie Halpeiiu
¥HieatricaI Agency
way this hour is serves its
purpose right down to 'the last
Sydney, Australia HARMONIZERS SOS Warner Bros. Downtown Bldg.
Pit Orchestra of 30 Stage Band of 20 Telephone VAndike 3234
Page Ten INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN ) Saturday, March 14, 1931


Conceived and Staged By

Willi a
Superb Cast ©f Seventy People

Just Finished Three Tears for Publix

MACE Dancing Personality

Presenting His Original
Dance Creation

IJncier Supervision of Boohed By

Divisional West Coast
Manager For P, 14 , R. 14. O. Office
Saturday, March 14, 1931 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Page Eleven

In Hollywood " Now

SR&JYti fclDWAiiDS district manager
OREGON 3910 Eddy St. Phone Ranier 3241 MONTANA
the Masquers, for a special meeting, preceded by a very fine Seattle, Wash.
dinner as the guests of Masquers, and at the large table were Edward
Earle, chief worrier of the Entertainment Committee Harry Joe Brown, — MABEL SUING
now at Pathe Studios, and who presides as chair-
man of the entertainment for the'Masquers— Our old
boy friend Bobby Woolsey let loose a .gag— Here .SEATTLE. March 1.3 — Mabel Vancouver
'tis- Bobby says when you call the Studios? RKO Mohrman, well known Seattle pian-
— By A. K. MacMartin—
the sweet-voiced operator hilariously answers, and radio entertainer, has
“Hello — RKO
Studios and Pathc. Ha! Ha! Ha!” — SF. ATT Lie. March 13. — Looks ist start-
VANCOUVER. March 13.— Fritz
(The good old prop laugh) Sitting next to Jimmy — like a Walkathon along Fifth Ave- Hubert, of the team of Fritz and
ed action in superior court to di-
Gleason, who labors at Pathc, and Willie Collier, nue this week —.snap and speed in vorce E. L. Mohrman, assistant Jean Hubert, was admitted to St.
writing -at Fox Studios Imagine sitting between a — every instep But just the same manager of a local investment Paul's Hospital here last week suf-
pair of "wits” like these Joseph Santley and his

brother Fred Eddie Cline, Sennett picture direc-
— Lucille Page stops long enough for company. She was married in Los fering
. ,

from razor blade wounds in


the neck. They were playing the

tor —
Mel Brown, another ace director Larry Ce- — a greeting that extends to chat Angeles in 1914.
RKO circuit. Fritz did not state
ballos, now producing for Fanchon & Marco — An length with Mayor Edwards . . .
how he received his injuries.
old-timer at the table we had several occasions to MITZI SIGNED

Tubby Garron looking busier than

be with, Johhny Hyams Johnny had the most — a “cranberry merchant” and being
beautiful shade of red hair, not dyed. Taking some

new hair treatment Bobby Woolsey mistook him besieged before lie has a chance to SEATTLE, March 13 — Mitzi,
Leach, Ken
veteran manager
from Calgary, Alta., who has been
Bud Murray for Frank Fay
is a pretty busy man around these
— —
Don Lee, Ponehinello of the Club, make his tuneful
Guimard walking
off his waistline
. . . Andy diminutive musical comedy
star, with the F.P.C. Carp, interests for
parts -And, so when the dinner was has signed appear as guest some time past, has leased the Co-
ovei, everyone settled down to business —
In the very near future the
-Masquers will do their proposed shorts, with most of the above writers,
successfully, too
among those missing,
.Jimmy Hicks
. .

star with the Bainbridge-Bostick lumbia theatre from W. P. Nichols,

on the sick list “Uncle” Frank Players, starting April 5. Ellis
who has been operating it for some
directors and dance directors staging the two-reelers for Pathe Studios . . .

run talkie house.

I his meeting really showed that when a body of men really Coombs in the deuce spot on the Bostick closed the deal. “Dear time as a second
want to do Leach has had the house complete-
something when they “knuckle” down to business they do it- Pronto — laid-up list . . . arthritis in his foot MV wil be her first vehicle.
ly done over outside and in, and
Actors, directors and writers are always doing benefits for the entire . . . Elmore Vincent recommending
a chiropodist as a cure for “Uncle” the front makes quite a flash on
lay public and here is a chance for this Club, composed of stage
screen people, to do something where they will be the sole gainers, and
Frank’s off-rhythm waddle Now .
Hastings Street. A “tab” show con-
. .

what would he prescribe for “flu”? sisting of eight principals and a

they are all IN HOLLYWOOD NOW. At the Moore, Bill and Mrs. Mc- line of six girls, headed by Dave.
Dropped into a performance of “Paris in Spring” and two of our old Curdy eagle eye young Jackie while Denton, producer, opened Monday.
hoy friends, Dick Powell and Georgie Harris, who played in “Oh, Su-
sanna’ last year, are. giving a very fine account of themselves in this
does his stuff Hm the boy’s
lie (Continued from Page 5) The Columbia in days gone by . . . —
actor Joseph Regan -routine is good, it will not put them housed the old Hipp vaude time
quite an

play- Eddie Lambert has finally gone the way of all flesh He has —
emerging from an Avenue barber in the show-stopper class. For a booked by Bert Levey.
. .

gotten rid of those big shoes, and is making them laugh just the same shop with a shave and a very swank getaway a fast routine in a sort of
I he scenery in this production by George Ormiston
was beautifully hair-cut
done, and with much technique— During the intermission we ran into seph rushes into the
Two minutes later Jo- Pat Rooney style brought good ap- The British Cabaret Variety
. . .

gym Now
our dear friends, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Algier— Sid was our boss with “Oh, why get so fixed up for a work-out? plause returns, Show, which opened at the old Ave- . . .

Susanna,” and a good one, too He has gone back into the talking pic-
ture business, and is happy again— A girl that was in a Winter Garden Hermic; King almost succumbing to
. .
Irving and Joe, in a condensed nue theatre some time ago, playing
Paying the price of popularity, school act turn, followed. Mediocre a three day a week bill, has folded,

show with us about 1914, “Maid in America,” in the lobby; we refer to writer’s cramp front autographing material, following a fast tempo act, after a couple of weeks of heart-

Katherine Perry, now Mrs. Moore Antonio Moreno, brother Masquer, pictures dozens and dozens of
slowed them down; but the laughs breaking business. Outside of ow-
. .

in sufficient quantities to sat- ing themselves some salary and the


s enjoying the show— a few words with our song-writing boy friend from ’em Tiny Burnett trying to get came . .

Noo Yawk, Jimmy Hanley, who moved out of his Malibu- Beach Home into his stride doing the four-a-day isfy. While not so hot on har- house rent, not much damage vva.s

just before the big fire —

What a break for him A1 Newman, a little — 'Casey Jones requesting the .
mony, the boys registered fairly done.

short "feller” but a great big man when it comes to the “Musical Direc- writer to give Hal Bock his re- well with "I’m Alone Because


tor” racket gards Here y’are, Hal Ai l

ove You,” the like accompaniment
. .
concert pianist,
. . .

So then, we drift into Henry’s Restaurant for a morsel of food De Vito and Russ Denny shopping a standout all the way through. stood ’em out at the Vancouver
ovation accorded Ted White, and filled the 1800 seats in that
We find Armand Kaliz, formerly a vaudeville star, but a picture, actor for props and scaring off Fifth in The the next-to-closing position, was house for an evening concert last
here IN HOLLYWOOD for quite a long time, starting out in the Avenue’s female competition with
silents — —
Georgie Harris drops, in for a chat Larry MacGrath sporting their heavy business air Lucky genuinely breezy and showed he week. . . .

Bert Nagle strolling with a quorum has built a following. Crooning -in
a, shock of jet black, hair, covered with “axle-grease” The pleasant cou- of —
his girls.. Dot Stevens on the a most singularly appealing manner, The boys of His Majesty’s Savoy
ple, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Paley— Violinsky is still IN HOLLYWOOD . .

arid making, his gags, go around —

That famous musical comedy, star,
Leon Errol, and now a screen actor, is cordially greeted by Joe Ber- o’clock date
skip and jump to make a 5 the romantic singer of the air of- Chapel Choir, of England, who are
Not a smile on Jim fered “On Top of the World” as his- on a tour of Canada, played a three . . .

which, gave him day engagement at the Vancouver

liner, head man for Henry —
The big surprise, is George Rosener drop-
Clemmer’s map, but a telling crinkle opening number,
audience. “Mine, theatre 'the last three days of the
ping into Henry's out of the sky, when we thought he was still in Noo around the eyes for some occult full control of the

Yawk George has his full quota of the Big Town—-He is signed to reason. AH Mine” appealed to the fans en past week. They drew fair busi-
direct a Jack Lait picture for Patlie Studios, ttiled “Put on the Spot”
Ken Stuart giving his all to masse with its melodic romanticism. ness.
broadcasting a hockey game With knack of radio delivery.
..IX HOLLYWOOD NOW. result, okay
Home from the White followed with “Gigolo,” sell-

And now for a jump into the picture racket at Hal Roach Studios hospital and doing nicely, Leyla ing it easily. “I Surrender, Dear” The Capitol gave a pre-view mid-
where Hal Roach is personally directing the start of a series of shorts Page .ventures a few experimental night matinee of “Cimarron” Friday
built up a climax for “Ninety-nine

featuring Zazn Pitts and Thelma Todd A set of our California Sun- steps up the Avenue Jack Paige Out of a Hundred,” used- for a
of last week at regular prices. Plen-

. .

beams did the dance numbers, headed by. Dorothy Grainger Gertrude and Francis Sayles arguing over closer, leaving no room for com- ty of advance plugging and its suc-

filled the big Gran-

Messinger and David Sharp, leads of the “Boy Friend” Hal Roach pic- who is the greatest actor Well, ment. Unostentatious and present- cess elsewhere . . .

tures, did their Russian acrobatic routine, and how that couple worked— who? Carl Reiter at the fights ing a most striking appearance, an ville house. It should do a record
. . .

We really enjoyed doing this routine for the two “friends” On the set and taking it calmly — Making unbilled fern, presumably “Nell” of business the current stanza. It
we again ran into our dear old friend James J. Corbett, and Jim, as the general public see red (hair) “Ted and Nell,” ably assisted White opened on regular schedule the day
. . .

usual, looked very “chipper” —

Maurice Black, brother Masquer, working Tack La Vier wanders amiably at the piano. after the preview.
in this one —
also Mickey Daniels and Mary Kornman; in fact, it looked along ... Danny Beck keeping in
In the closing spot, Eva Norton
like an all-star Plal Roach cast —
Roy Shields and his orchestra fooled character by dining on drumsticks and.. Co. start slowly but finished IS GUEST STAR

us They played all our dance tempos perfectly We give in, Roy —
between shows And what about rather well. Contortionistic bend- . . .

What we noticed on this lot mostly is the fine spirit of cooperation, even Jud Griffith and Donna Messecar ing and high kicking highlighted SEATTLE, March 13— Leo Car-
the run who doing the “Moochi” dance at the star with
to boys,
out for a glass of for the dancers
water A violin number by rillo will appear as guestplayers
without a “squawk” — We
also thought it pretty square of Hal Roach, Trianon Better go see An- the
nouncing the “Sun Dodgers” makes the blonde-haired member

scored the Bainbridge-Bostick

. . for . . .

when he asked Dave Sharp and Gertrude Messinger IF they could do

— Fast action on the hoofs a two weeks’ engagement
that routine once again— We
have heard many a director say “C’mon, Earl Hcroux so hoarse he can heavily. March His play
brought good applause- returns at Sunday, 15. first

do it again” Time flew by here without much gab and waste of time, hardly speak after the session
So he waves his greetings this time the finish.
will be his coast success, “Mr. . . .

which is as it should, and would be, if the bosses in all pictures directed-

as Hal Roach does -and we can truthfully say it was one of the finest . Up, down and across Fifth
. .
Paramount’s “Fighting Caravans,” Antonio.”
Avenue. a news weekly, and “Toby the Gat"
engagements, we have had for a long time- Mary Frances Taylor, our — rounded out. a good entertainment. START “JULIE”
Ballet Dictress, held over for a bit —
So we are taken to. lunch by
“Gertie” and we, are paraded through the Roach streets, with everyone


“Madame Julie” has gone into
wandering where Dave was— BUT
Dave met up with us and wc went to RKO. Featured are
production at
Wan Duesen’s Eating Place where it seems all Pathe Studio players met SEATTLE, March Lily Damita, Lester Vail, O. P.
with Roach players —We
run smack into our gentlemanly protege, Jun- perial Grand Orchestra,” under the Los Angeles Fleggie, Miriam Seegar, Spencer
ior Coghlan, with his. sweetheart, “Mother” Benny Rubin in a booth — personal direction of Henri Dam- (Reviewed March 1) Charters, Anita Louise and Ruth

wise-cracks Jimmy Gleason in another booth Franklyn Pangborn and — ski, heard over the U.B.C. net- Looks like a cheater at this Weston, directed by Victor Schert-
Dot Farley clowning Junior Coghlan grabbing the check. “Always a work of 12 stations every Sunday house with only three acts on the zinger. ,

Boy Scout”—and we all IN HOLLYWOOD NOW. between the hours of 8 and 9 bill, but with ‘‘Hell’s Angels” run-
drop into the Hollywood Legion Friday Kite Fites rite next to — p. m., is strictly symphonic and ning a 2-hour-40-minute show-,, the H.-F. BUY LARGO .

us Marjorie White, the clever comedienne at Fox Studios! and her — features the highest type of con- house is not kidding its patrons,
hubby, Ed Tirney, who runs a darned good dancing school, too, only it’s cert music. This orchestra is the as is evidenced by capacity busi- Hughes-F'ranklin Circuit i: a(
in Pasadena —
Mr. and Mrs. John Medbury rite in back of us John try- — largest to play over any North- ness. taken over the Largo Theatre at

ing to fix it with our Mrs. Playfully asking the writer, has he seen west station. Appearing as solo- Feroi and Grey served out a Watts.
Mrs. Murray lately, and the wifer ite with us. Nice boy, Johnny and — ists Agatha Turley, silvery-
are swiftly paced routine of stepping

how’s your wife? Johhny Beck, of the RKO Booking offices with
Jimmy Lucas, comical fellow, playing vaudeville B.B.B. still losing bets —
voiced soprano, and Gene Ivantner, that scored handily. Without a
Artistic Scenic Advertising
baritone. This broadcast origin- dead wait in the act, these two

—-Mr. and Mrs. Skeets Gallagher Two of the four Marx Brothers Harry — ates in the studios of KJR. boys make a speedy opener. While Curtains
— —
Ruby Olsen & Johnson Bert Wheeler Benny Rubin that isn’t a bad — — none of their steps evidence any- By Far the Best in America
bunch of comics IN HOLLYWOOD
NOW. Rite in the first row with MRS. KRISKE DIES thing distinctive, the act has plenty CURTAIN PRIVILEGES
his nose in the resin is our brand new dance man at the RKO Orpheum BOUGHT FOR CASH
For the finale, the sup-

Theatre, Los Angeles -We refer to dapper Eddie Larkin, who has SEATTLE, March .3 - Henry
of merit.
posed feni of the act doffed the OR SCENERY
helped us admirably on the Millie stage show opening Friday, March
blonde wig and gave this mob a
Kriske, old time and well loved
the 13th —
complete surprise, sending the boys
stage hand at the local The- RKO Thompson
We haven’t had time to get up to the Brown Derby in ages, and
_ atre, was recently bereaved by the
off to tumultous applause.
Chas. F.
Nick, the head man, seems peeved to think that we haven't partaken
The funeral
Alice Hamilton, in the deucer,
death of his wife.
of his splendid hospitality, BUT we must try and keep our nose to the

grindstone eating lunches in arm-chair “quickies” downtown while-
took place Thursday, March 12th.
warmed them up with imitations Scenic Co.
staging “Millie” stage show
The performers took up a collec- and mimicry. An impersonation 1215 Bates Avenue
tion and sent a beautiful floral of a wise-cracking youth slew them. Phone OLympia 2914
Tuesday nite we were again taken to the Olympic Fites by “Gertie”
and naturally Dave was there Dave is a real fitc fan He ducks every piece. Joseph Regan, Irish tenor, While her singing was never meant
— — Hollywood, Calif.
blow and we bump into Bryan Foy, now producing independently acocmpanied by his pianist, Larry to be taken seriously, it served its

Chuck Riesner, Fox Film director For the first time in months we see Walker, sang Mrs. Kriske’s favor- purpose, the act receiving a good
Charley Murray and George Sidney together (at the fites) Buster Col- ite songs, namely “Vale,” “End of reception at bows.
lier and his pop, Willie Collier —
Alice White (one of our first pupils), a Perfect Day”' and “Rock of I'oland.

and Sy Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Brown— Charlotte Greenwood Ages.” THE

back in town Archie Mayo and David Butler, a couple of old standby RKO GOLDEN GATE HIGHLAND TAVERN
directors —
Edward G. Robinson, the boy who can't take it, “In a picture” ON SPOKANE HOOK-UP San Francisco

— So the ceremonies start for the “Up-side-own-Kennedy” fite in which —
SEATTLE, March 13. Owen (Reviewed March 11) Best Eats

Mister Kennedy was knocked silly in a few rounds What a man that Sweeten and his Washingtonians First of the new 8 act vaude 187 Broadway Portland, Otu

wood-chopper is Jack Dempsey received a tremendous reception and featured at 10:30 every Wednes- bills to strike this house, this line-
he refereed that fite like a VET and lie was in a spot, too'— But he day night over KOMO, are now up left much to be desired but still
made the boys step
— on the hook-up with Spokane.
Another dearly beloved ex-heavyweight champion, James J. Jeffries,
was a step forward to the presen-
tation of more flesh entertainment.
was acclaimed, and how —
tiie usual routine of many pictures and then MAY REOPEN FOLLIES Four of the acts were booked lo- SPECIALISTS IN PERMANENT
the fun began After the —
fites for the first time to the Paris Inn; quite cally by Ellis Levey of the local
a novel place which reminded us of Barney Gallant’s in Noo Yawk SEATTLE, March 13— Julius Sax RKO office. And while none of WAVE

Greenwich Village In the party, Dave, Gertie, and Ed Larkin, and a and John Danz arc contemplating them stood up as exceptionally
CO., Inc.
Elliot 3414
good time was had by all, so we wend our way home through the misty reopening the Follies Theatre to good vaude stuff they at least con- TACOMA — Phone Main 5335
nite and disappear into the laud of pleasant dreams —
IN MOLLY- run on a straight picture policy. continued on Page 14)
Page Twelve INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Saturday, March 14, 1931


Headlining for Fanchon and Marco



J immy W alker WILLIAM FOX MAY Knute W on’t BISS HI N.V«A*, Radio
Reported With Know Himself In Rescue Of
If He Tunes In
Latest reports on the Fox finan- The much talked of Hammons A big flash a couple of
Jimmy Walker, dapper mayor cial situation are to tlie effect that
SEATTLE, March 13,— Ro- merger was still hanging fire this decades ago, Charles "Wil-
of New York City, is reported William Fox is making a bid to

din announcers make ‘bobbles” week. lard’s act, “Temple of Music,”

to have a weather eye out for was featured over every cir-
the picture racket should the
come back as active head of the at times. They admit it. While the Educational president cuit in the country. Ten years
next elections return him to organization, with prospects good Recently a KJR
announcer was reported in some spots to have ago he gave up his act, com-
make the grade.
was reading an announcement
private life. that he will completed his plans to bring Edu- ing to California to care for
coming of Knute
telling of the
Jimmy on his
is way here, It is said that the $55,000,000 in Rockne, famous Notre Dame cational, Tiffany, Sono-Art and his invalid mother. After her
and it is understood his domi-
notes coming due within a few
death his own health broke
cile wili be Charlie Chaplin's
coach, as a feature on a special Worldi-Wide under one banner, and he had a tough battle with
home, the comedian now being

months are a problem to the pres- program. The a n nonncer those who would be the first in- pernicious anemia for several
on a European tour. Fox chiefs, to which there has started out o. k., but vfhen he
> ent formed were still professing com- years.
came to Rockne's name it be-
1 Jimmy's New York town not yet been found a solution. It
came Rut Knocknee.
plete ignorance of what was trans- J. Allison Phelps, KFVD
recently got a bit of front piring. nouncer, accidentally found, the.
was understood that Harvey Clark, Listeners who knew the an-
'page publicity when
banker-president of the Fox inter- nouncer’s voice weren’t long Meantime the organizations in- old man in a storeroom in Cul-
Compton of “The
York- New volved were virtually at a standstill. ver City where he was quar-
ers” suddenly married Eddie ests, and Winfield Sheehan sought ing telling him about it.
| On the Tiffany lot nothing was tered in abject poverty. Phelps
Dowling not the picture Ed-
help from Joseph Kennedy in the doing, at Educational only a few broadcast the ex-performer’s
die. Dowling, but ail unknown), financial embroglio, hut that Ken- finishing shots were being made, condition at a time when
nedy, who still has money in Pathe, and around all the organizations the H arry E n gl i s h, Hollywood
wasn’t responsive. •

watchword was N.V.A. representative, was lis-

I - wonder - what -
Upon that, the story goes, the RKO-PATHE now? teningin. English immediate-


of getting an extension on them.
chieftains turned from thoughts
meeting the notes to thoughts SPANISH PLAYERS HERE
ly had Willard removed to
comfortable rooms, and made,
arrangements for much-needed

This brought William Fox into the HAVE BIG PROGRAM

Seven Spanish players, taken medical attention. .

picture, as the notes were executed
by the Fox interests when Fox was
still active head and engaged upon
and distribution plans, include 21
from the stage in Madrid and
R-K-O-Pathe’s new production signed to long term screen con-
tracts by Fox, arrived here re-
Universal will spend $1,500,000 the expansion policy which later led cently. They are Enriqueta Ode- H.-F, SEEKING TO
to his losing control. It is stated big star productions and approxi- na, Carmen Jiminez, Jose Nieto,
«n short reel subjects during the that Fox can get the desired exten- mately 450 short subjects,
includ- Jose Camellas, Rafael Calvo, Felix
1931-32 production season to begin sion if the reassumes control of
ing the expanded Pathe News, Tomes and Mendoza Laraberti.
in April. This will be in addition Fox, but that otherwise the notes
Grantland Rice Sportlights, the Nicholas Jordan de Urries, Span- 5. G. GET THEATRE
to the $18,000,000 to be spent on will be pressed when due. ish playwright, is with the group.
One of the largest stockholders Audio Review, 52 two-reel come- Spnish players already
feature length productions. under con-
in the present Fox lineup is the dies and single reel sport specials The Hughes-Franklin organiza-
tract are Don Jose Mojica, Juan
One of the short reel series on! General Theatre Equipment Com- along- the line of the Knute Rockne Torena, negotiating with John
Charles Viliar and George tion is
Universal's new program will be pany, and these people are said to "Football'’ series, beginning with Lewis. Stephen McGroarty and the Mis-
be in favor of Fox’s return as presi-
the "Christy Waljh All-American "Golf," a group of six single reels sion Playhouse in San Gabriel for
dent and executive chief.
Sport Subjects" in which athletes featuring Johnny Farrell. GUILD BREAKFAST a lease of that house. McGroarty
and athletic directors will appear. BONUS TO BENEFIT On the new program, Constance The Catholic Motion Pictures denies the rumor that Franklin and
Knute Rockne will make a series Ann Harding, Helen Guild will hold its seventh annual Hughes are to take over the Mis-
Payment of the veterans’ bonus Bennett,
of gridiron pictures, the first to be is looked to
by theatre men as con- Twelvetrees. Bill Boyd, and Eddie
Communion and breakfast on Sun- sion Play as well as the Playhouse.
made at Notre Dame, Indiana, siderable stimulant to show busi- Quillan will each be presented in day morning, March 22. This year According to his statement the

the Mass will be at 8 o’clock in the lease will probably be signed with
about May 1. ness. Box office returns took a neat groups
of four productions. Miss
upward trend at the beginning of Bennett has already completed her morning at the Church of the Good the proviso that from the middle

Babe Ruth will be starred in a the current year, but now are dis- first, a special
Shepherd in Beverly Hills, where of January to the middle of May
series or shorts and Charles Pad- feature by Ernest Father Mullins, the chaplain and the Mission Play will continue
tinctly on the down grade.
dock will contribute several sub- hoped the bonus will again turnIt the is
Pascal, tentatively titled "Lost founder of the Guild is pastor. The there as in past seasons. For the
jects dealing with sprinting and tide Love." She will follow this by Mass will be celebrated by the rest of the year the theatre is to
preparation for the Olympic Games. starring in the Robert W. Cham- Right Reverend John J. Cantwell, be used for picures by Hughes-
Other leaders of sportdom will be “DISRAELI” LEADS
bers story, "The Common Law.’ Bishop of I_.os Angeles and San Di- Franklin, who are anxious to ob-
signed for other of the 26 subjects Subsequent Bennett pictures and ego. Following the Mass, the mem- tain a house in that section.
to comprise this series. the four vehicles selected for Ann bers and their friends will gather at
A voting contest canducted by
Among the comedians Universal “The Photoplayer,” a fan publica- Harding, Helen Twelvetrees, Bill the Beverly Hills Hotel where a BRIDGE TEA
has already signed are Lloyd Ham- tion of Australia, gave Boj'd and Eddie Quillan will be an- breakfast will be served.
first place nounced within
ilton, Charles Murray. George Sid- to the next few The Harrison-Wallack Dramatic
Warner Brothers’ “Disraeli.” weeks. CHANGE NAME
ney, Gene Morgan, Daphne Pol- Leaders were: Studios, 2504 W. 7th Street, will
“Rebound” will be (W. B.); Ina Claire in give the first in a series of The-
lard, Waiter Merrill, Don Brodie, “Atlantic,” "All
Quiet on the West- an early special release. Miss Opening under the management
former Cincinnati stage atre Studio Bridge Teas on St.
player, ern Front” (U.), "Gold Diggers of Claire is now at the
Slim Summerville and Eddie Grib- Broadway” (W. B.), "The Desert R-K-O-Pathe of L. Tost and Ray Morton, the Patrick’s Day from 2 to 4 p. m.
Studio preparing to start work in Garden Theatre, Los Angeles, is Ralph Thomas will be guest artist.
bpn. I
Song” (W. B.). the production. now known as La Habra. The table charge is 50 cents.





R.K.O. Theatre, Los Angeles —Week of March 12th
Dir* Chas. Morrison Special Material

Saturday, March 14, 1931 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN i Page Thirteen


Bert Hollowed, who was ni c. at Ten best sellers for the" week "are
Loew’s State until recently, when 1. “I Surrender, Dear” Powers. —
March 13.— he was laid up in hospital for two 2. “Blue Again”— Robbins.
SAN FRANCISCO, weeks because of stomach trouble, After a dark period when the syn- 3. “Just a Gigolo” De Sylva.— Following a general expansion
.Gidqago Civic Opera Company, giv- opened at the. Colorado Theatre, chronized screen cut deeply into the 4. “I'm Alone Because I Love policy, Witmark has opened offices
ing seven perfonnances at the Au- Pasadena, Thursday night to a big ’
ranks of employed musicians, the
musical fraternity is now coming
You ” — W-i tm a rk. on the sixth floor of Warners’
ditorium last week, grossed over reception. Bert m, c.’d it in great 5. “You’re the One I Care For” Downtown Building in addition td
$90,000. Flopping of “Die Wal- Style and led his orchestra through
into its own with a bang, according
to an opinion expressed this week

Santly Bros.
the offices they maintain in War-
an overture that panicked the cus- 6. “Reaching for the Moon”
kure” and the brody of one matinee tomers. That genial and expansive by Ed Smith, business manager of Berlin. ners’ Hollywood
Building. Mitr
pulled down the sum total, however, personality from below the Mason-
and the company tooK a. loss of Dixon, eh, Bert?
the local musicians’ union.
7. "Lonesome Lover” — Feist. mark pathfinding in having the
foresees the day, right at 8. “You Didn’t Have to Tell double set of offices, they being the
several grand.
That was much better, however,
hand, when the legitimate orches- Me” Donaldson.
tra will be as big a draw at the pic-
— only music publishing firm with lo4
“Ninety-nine Out of a Hun- cations both downtown and in the
When it comes to a musical 9.
than the German company did on
trump hand, you must count in
ture houses as the best class of dred” —
Robbins. Cinema City.
its recent appearance when the
those two boys, Oscar Baum and
screen product. He thinks the new 10. “Consolation” Famous. — Art Schwartz, who is coast man-
losses hit the $15,000 mark.
They both rate
day will bring with it a return large- SAN FRANCISCO ager for Witmark, has just received
Selby Oppenheimer will bring the Carlton Kelsey. ly to the better class of music, Following are the 10 best song the copies of “Say a Little Prayer
Pacific Opera Company into the
way up there, being two of the symphonic in nature, with jazz sellers for San Francisco: for Me,” an English song hit td
Tivoli Theatre late in March for
classiest leaders that the coast has

conclude the local had in a long, long time. Baum’s

waning but still used in part for 1. “I Surrender, Dear” Powers. — which Witmark has purchased
two weeks, to some time. The musician who is 2. “Bine Again,” Robbins. American rights. The song has
opera season. offerings at the Paramount are equally good at both brands of mu- 3. “I’m Alone” -Witmark. been a sensation overseas, and
sure-fire at every show, and Kel-
sey’s are equally so at the RIvO
sic will be the one in demand, Smith 4. “Walkin’ My
'Baby” De — Schwartz is looking for a big play
opines. For the symphonic class of Sylva. for in his territory.

Old But These

Theatre. music, orchestras will be built up to 5. “Tears.” Shapiro.—
Kelly, trombone player in
big proportions, he believes. 6. “My Ideal” Famous. — Home”— De Sylva, Brown.
Bill A check-up by Inside Facts this 7. “Reaching for the Moon”
Babies Hop It Vic luce’s
State, -is
orchestra, at
spending his
off moments
week gave weight to Smith’s opin- Berlin.
ion. It was discovered, that the 8. “Imagine” —
Hollywood Syn- —
“You’re the One I Care For”
Santly Bros.
“I’m Alone Because I Love
Up Like Sixty these days looking for those things
one looks for when expecting a lit-
tle visitor to the home. His wife
Paramount Theatre intends to aug- dicate.
ment its orchestra considerably, un-
der the baton of Oscar Baum, that
“You’re the One I Care For”


Y on” Witmark.
“Ninety-nine Out of a Hun-
Gae Foster, popular unit pro- the Loew’s orchestra has been 10. “Don’t Forget Me In Your —
dred” Robbins.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 13.— ducer
for Fanchon and Marco. augmented by the addition of sev- Dreams”— Robbins. 8. “Sweet Jennie Lee’’ Donald- —
In the prancing parade passing the eral men, that one man has been NORTHWEST son.
bandstand musicians see a flock of added to the RKO orchestra, and The 10 best sellers for the week 9. “Just a Gigolo” —De Sylva.
Jack Robbins and wife will ar-
funny things. But John Wolohan rive on the coast March 14 on a (verifying a story carried in Facts in the Northwest were: 10. “Lonesome Lover” — Feist.
Is sure that he and his El Patio
business and pleasure trip. last week) at least one and probably 1. “I Surrender, Dear” Powers. — Other hot sellers were “Over-
musickers view the prize comedy both of the Warner Brothers houses 2. “Blue Again” Robbins. — night.” “Take
“Long Story
a Walk,” “Beautiful,”
Short,” “Sing Song
team of dancedom. will shortly return to a stage show 3. “Hair. Has Turned to Silver”
El Patio ballroom’s hottest danc- Jack Reid, who recently repre- policy with big orchestras getting- •

Morris. Girl,” “Some Sunrise,” “Moonlight
ing couple are the cup winners. sented the. Red Star Music Corpo- featured play. 4. “Walkin’ M,y Baby Back on the Colorado,” “It. Must Be
ration, says he is going to have True.”
Pie’s about 60. She’s slightly young-
er. He wears white pants, a tux something very big to announce in TAKES MANAGEMENT
coat, and rubber-soled shoes. She the near future. HARVEY VALL1E
wears a gray dress with a high
choker collar and probably is some-
body’s grandmother.
manager for Leo Feist. Fred
Fred Dempsey arrived from New Bob Cole has returned to Los An-
York and will, be the general coast geles to take over the general man-
As a team they're up on the of Hollywood Syndicate,
latest steps. The hotter the better. states he has a catalogue of brand music publishers, replacing Ray 7377 Beverly Boulevard ORegon 2688
Stomps, kicks, whirls and jumps, new
songs, and it Won’ t be long Canfield. Cole will continue to
they’re part of a dance rou-
until they are paying big dividends. maintain offices in the Majestic
tine. They’re great in a corner building there and -will alternate
Harry Coe, who recently took
away from the mob and always
dance to a -holdout of onlookers.
But let a young passing couple
over the Los Angeles office for
Robbins', says lie has just received
two new tunes from New York,
between L. A. and this eitv.


Anid His San Francisco
bump into them and they glide
away- in long,.- collegiate strides, “Were You
heaping, vindictiyes on .the younger Like Love.” Balconades Ballroom is stepping Featuring His and Gene Rose’s Song Hit, “Tonight”
generation.- '
s \- out on publicity for Joe Wright’s
MUSICIAN DIES orchestra and has put out a flock
of three sheets on the baud in ad-
Jack Robbins, head of the Rob- died at his home this week. Her-
Theodore Herzog, 83, veteran
musician here for the past 50 years,
Jack Archer of Donaldson, Doug-
dition to remote controling over
bins Music Corporation, has con- zog, a widower, had not been act- las and Gumble. went with his
cluded arrangements with Aarons ive in working but had been teach- “Hello Beautiful” to San Francisco 1187 South Rodeo Drive, Los Angeles OXford 6571
and Freedley, musical comedy pro- ing for some time. and points north this week.
ducers, to public the score for their
forthcoming production, “Singin’
the Blues’’ musical drama by John
This marks the first time that an
music publishing concern
succeeded in associating itself
with the Aarons and Freedley con-
McHugh and
working, immediately on the score
Fields will start
for “Singin’ the Blues,” which is
expected to have its first


Another indication that the films
are going “single” again happened
this week on the lot. “Cracked
Nuts” was practically completed,
but at the last moment it was de- - -


cided to spot a song in it for Bert

W heeler and Dorothy Lee. Harry
Tierney and Ray Eagan are writ-
ing the number, which is titled
“'"’one OLympia.2914

MEL HERTZ [Vnic^ue Effects^ settings the modern stage

Organist — Entertainer DROP CURTAINS
CYCLORAMAS opecated by


Open for Radio and Club Dates
Call inside Fact3 for Information


l D. MARTIN STUDIOS 4110-18 Sunset Boulevard

OLympia 1101
— :

Page Fourteen f INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Saturday, March 14, 1931

lywood Owes Henry Duffy a per- in excited colloquial French, or was key. Iton the tryout.
flops Pie
sonal debt of gratitude for bringing it patois, was a classic. Excellent unloads 49 on a hotel keeper who
Reviews Legitimate it here, and that includes those in performance all around and highly-
Los Angeles, a neighboring suburb. enjoyed.
has productitus. The play hits on
the New York
showing. An at-
But let’s get down to persons and torney charges plagiarism. Peter
(Continued from Page 11) MAGGIE MULLDOON” things. There’s Frank Craven and “THE BUTTER AND works fast to unload on the orig-
tributed the basis for a fine exploi-
GAIETY Guy Kibbee never heard of the r
— EGG MAN” inal owners and then takes the
gentleman but will from now on EL CAPITAN angel hotel keeper for his end of
tation and advertising campaign to
San Francisco
in a nip-and-luck scene; first a nip Los Angeles the profit to buy' a hotel back in
(Reviewed March 9)
pull the people in. And once in the and they' tuck another, and Guy- (Reviewed Feb. 24) Chillicothe. The action moves fast
customers couldn’t kick at a lineup The Del Lawrence" Players en- told Frank how grateful he was for Henry Duffy rings the bell again. and hilariously through a cycle of
of 8 vaude acts, a feature picture deavoring to cater to the demand saving his life. Every move and It’s a highly amusing but noisy chiseling and angling and a good
ajnd short subjects. for a popular-priced flesh show in every- word spoken was a laugh, farce this tirne and well time was had by all. Well* worth
Show was copped by Ann Sey- this neighborhood house. If the with a few wows. Leo Linhardt, How long it will be with us is very the ticket.
mour, who, with her brother present attraction, is a criterion, we the attending physician, left noth- problematical. The run is in the
Harry, held the sixth groove, and do not prophesy a bright future. ing to be- desired iii his portrayal cards. It bows in with a full
got over exceptionally well with a “The Makin’ of Maggie Muldoon" of that character: dignity, poise, word-of-mouth rep from its New
hand: “MRS. MATT”
most clever layout of songs while just misses being a Toby show. precision and as authentic as a Nor- York run and Johnny Arthur
in the Seattle
Harry did a dance or two and Cast includes Inez Bauer, Aline man Rockwell painting. title role. Other names like Helen
helped his sister generally. Jack George Ball, Taylor
Nathan, This week the Bainbridge-Bostick
Effie Alton appeared next. Sweet, Bolton, Ben Taggart and Robert
Frost was at the piano. Graves, Kneeland Parker, Florence pretty, and in her part clear up to Players presented as their guest
Keith, along with a well selected May Robson
Diamond Boys, three roughouse Printv and Del Lawrence, with her tearful eyes. James Bush, a
star in “The Making
supporting cast, are all in its favor. Over
comedians, ryere in next to shut Printy and L a w rente featured. new type of juvenile who gives his of Mrs. Matt.” This play is
Performance throughout uniformly a delightful comedy of mother "love
with a routine of gags, songs, Players working on a co-op basis lines that touch of spontaneity that
good but no high spots. Nature of and husband who wishes to trans-
hoofing and kicking-on-the-shinand doing a new show each week. makes one forget one is in the the-
the -story doesn’t offer much in the
comedy. Afternoon mob went for Lines were spottily delivered at atre. Betty Farrington, a mother
plant his wife into society.
them heavily. times, apparently through lack of
way of dramatic meat, but enough The role of Mrs. Matt Lamson
ty'pe, and out of a mold that comes luaghs to make it an evening of
Roxy La Rocca, in fifth spot, rehearsals. Performers are all ex- closer to representing the universal is typically a May' Robson role
good entertainment. and she was at her best. With
went well with his harp stuff work- perienced troupers and capable of mother of today than anyone I have
The display opens with Joseph
ing the folks up into singing and better things than the current ve- seen y'et.
whistling along with him. Okay hicle.
Wray dis- Juanita how —
Lehman, producer, played by Ben
the passing of years she has lost
none of her charm and Vivacity
appointed they' were when Juanita Taggart in the middle of
throughout. Five Jewels proved a House has been dolled up to
stepped out as Bill’s fiancee and al and no dough to
a rehears- and the ease with which she went
good novelty closer with their com- some extent, with all
seats reserved go ahead with. from comedy' to pathos is marvel-
at a 50-cent top. Policy of eight
how they applauded when she sang With his partner. Jack McClure,
bined juggling. ous.
performances a week with a mati-
and how they gasped when she played by Robert Keith, they'
Four local acts opened the bill argue Jack Paige gave a splendid per-
nee on Saturday. With some at- stepped out on the stair landing in the possibility
of digging up another
and did their total stuff in 25 min- formance as the husband and
Opener was Ricardo aiid tention paid to the choice of plays the third act. Wotta radiance, and angel. They have just
utes flat.
Ashforth in rather roughly routined and casting, the house might get can she act? Now -it’s y'our turn hausted the supply and about Lehman's
ex- father.
John W. Moore is at last being
to ask foolish questions. last hope, the wife’s property, is
aerial work. Eddie and A1 followed over. given an opportunity to show what
with three dances and in the trey Jay. There was Billie Van Every' a"s being held onto by' said wife
like he can do. His portrayal of
Was Bert Nelson doing about four Norma, the maid, on for three min- grim death. She happens to
be a Junior was outstanding.
utes, and drew a hand. Just a smart trouper who knows the
minutes of fooling around in a “THAT'S GRATITUDE” characterization, that’s all. And Things look black when McClure
curves. Dorothy Rich as the Secretary
cage with Princess Pat, his 9 year EL CAPITAN THEATRE and Georgia Neese as the Fortune
old lionness. Lane and Harper held Arnold Gra.v, as Clayton Lorimer, runs into Peter Jones,
Los Angeles played by Hunter handled their parts com-
fourth position with a few songs the head man in the show that gave Johnny Arthur,
(Previewed March 9) a hotel clerk who petently.
and their w.k. baseball gag routine. Juanita Wray her chance to make inherited some dough from an
If this Frank Craven masterpiece Jessie Pringle as the overly frank
Claude Sweeten and RKOiians good. This hoy' was made to order uncle back in Chillicothe. Peter had
doesn’t hold over at the El Capital! for the part, and he satisfied on de- maid was as always, enjoyable.
did a medley of baby numbers as produced some plays for the hos- Parts were played
for six weeks and crack a box office livery.
Just one closing comment: pital drive back home and the
by Edgar
an overture. Picture was “The
score on the third, I am a monkey’s Go and see “That’s Gratitude.” Go die Reeves, Francis Sayles, Andy Gun-
Flood.” Business couldn’t have
nephew. “That's Gratitude” has ev- late if y'ou like, but don’t miss that is cast. nard and others.
been better. Maybe they want flesh Peter buys 49 per cent of the tur-
erything nine out of ten comedy scene where the baritone is prac- Ruth.
after all.
Bock dramas should have and rarely 'ever, ticing in the parlor and Mr. Max-
achieve, and that’s a total absence well is trying to get a word in. It’s
Joseph Regan, the Irish-Ameri-
of cloying sweetness and maudlin a gem and alone worth the admis-
sentiment. The first item in its fav- sion.
or is a motivation so pregnant with Ted
Fanchon and Marco
interest to the average person it
can with the great tenor voice,
topped the vaude bill, and how! simply represents word-of-mouth
His repertoire was par excellence, made to order. Add to that a tempo HOLLYWOOD MUSIC BOX
Route List of “Ideas”
and from the time he sang the first from pathos to comedy temperately (Reviewed March
note the audience was with him. and intelligently paced, and as many 3) ...

The Civic Repertory Theatre re- Following is the Fanchon and Marco UTICA
Was called back for many encores laughs in each act as you’ll find gales its clientele this week with Ideas route schedule, with the opening and
Avon Theatre
and the applause he collected was in an eight-reel Lloyd slapstick, closing dates, all of the current month, “Society Circus” Idea
that amusing farce-drama, "French
well deserved. Accompanied by- and you have a pretty fair idea of Leave,” by Reginald Berkely, and in parentheses beside the name of- the Tabor and Greene Harry Wooding
town Harris Twins
Larry Walker at the piano. what I mean by busting B.O. The Betty Martin
favors with Patsy Ruth Miller, PASADENA
Bert Nagle and his Tivoli Girls house was four-fifths filled on Mon- (12-18) SPRINGFIELD (13-19)
opened the show. Bert puts on a day evening, its second showing in erstwhile Cinema star, in the fea- Colorado Theatre Palace Theatre
“Olympic Games” Idea
Tom cat bit that is especially amus- the El Capitan, and, mister, that tured role. It is a situational thing,
Paul Remos Co. Francia
“Moonlite Revels” Idea
George Broadhurst
ing for the children. Martha Besta spells happy days for the ticket cleverly wrought, witty and humor-
Melvin Brothers
Hal Haig Charles Brugge Freda Sullivan
ous. in dialogue and heartily re-
stepped out in two well executed spec. LOS ANGELES
dance numbers that went over big. ceived. A good, attendance was a (12-18) WORCESTER (13-19)
“That’s Gratitude” is so infern- testimonial to Patsy Ruth's popu- Loew’s State Theatre Palace Theatre /
A1 DeVito and Russ Denny in ally' sensible and entertaining “Mickey Mouse” Idea “Espanola” Idea
and larity. The producer was fortunate Sully and Thomas Mayo, Caruso and Suzanne Harry Vernon
“Anything for a (Laugh” was slap- so universally Chrissie and Daley
reflective of normal, in the selection of his entire cast. Louis and Cherie Toots Novelle John and Harriett Griffith May Packer
stick aplenty and brought main- Helen Fetch
healthy' altruism on its subject, it Every rale is fittingly characterized Abbey Green
laughs and plenty of applause. Do’t
Stevens suppliedscenery and
reaches pretty nearly everybody. It both in personality and talent. -Call- SAN DIEGO (12-18) HARTFORD (13-19)
shows us humans up .without of- ing in the main for the personnel of Fox Theatre Capitol Theatre
did some fast stepping. Recommend
this act as a sure cure for the blues.
fense and ill a way no psycho-an- an English regimental headquarter’s Dorothy“Hollywood
Collegians” Idea “Gondoliers” Idea
Guy Buck Jazzlips Richardson Ben Ali’s Blue Devils
The Four Ortons did a little wire alyst can ever hope to. Dad will staff the casting hewed consistently
HOLLYWOOD Moro and Yaconelli The Romeros
walking, one chap making difficult love it, mother will rave about it, to the line.
Pantages Theatre NEW HAVEN (13-19)
stunts look simple. The fourth man and that great percentage of mor- There were many surprises in “Submarine” Idea Palace Theatre
went in for comedy in a big way tals who never enter the theatre store for the civic repertory' cus- Radcliffe and Bob Aerial Bartletts “Seasons” Idea
tomers, not the least of which was Ward and Pinkie Claire and Stuart Frank Melino and Co. Lotti Loder
with the assistance of a well trained except when the Church leases it Robert Cloy Steve Moroni Aida Broadbent Russell and Marconi

goose and we must say the goose for a special get-together will be Patsy Ruth Miller’s quick transition
from the pure and undiluted French
stole the show. urged and wheedled into seeing it.
“The Last Parade,” starring Jack Everybody will be thankful to
Holy, Tom Moore and Constance Frank Craven and every member
Currings, was the screen offering. of the cast for being born in time
to the broken English and then to
the pure English form of speech.
Each change, no matter how abrupt,
found her ready and equal to the
Ruth. to appear- in it. Everybody- in Hol-
demand on her talent. This lady is FRESNO (19-21) BRIDGEPORT (13-19)
Wilson Theatre Palace Theatre
all of versatile and this factor “Talent” Idea “Enchantment” Idea
should be in mind when appraising The Marinellis George P. Wilson Meyakos Togo Jue Fong
STUDIOS Kohn and de Pinto Gaynor and Byron
Harrison Wallack - DRexel 0544
her for coming- picture roles.
Forrester Harvey and Eric Snow-
den were a pleasant and fortunate
SAN JOSE (15-18)
Jean Carr and Family
Sanami and Co.
Jack Lester

New Location —2504 W. 7th Street selection in casting the mess cor-
California Theatre
“Moroccan” Idea F ox Theatre
STAGE AND SCREEN TRAINING poral and mess waiter. These chaps Ferdna and Co. Gaylene “Doll Follies” Idea
James Gaylord Gayl, Bert and Daro Les Klicks La Salle and Mack
gave their respective roles that au- Ramon and Virginia Bebe Sherman
SPARKLING MUSICAL COMEDY thentic touch of the cockney which
Sherry Louise Eva Nightingale
Now Being Staged by Mr. Edward N. Wallack reflects well not only their skill but Warfield Theatre NEW YORK (17-19)
the judgment of the director. Henry “Golden West” Idea Audubon Theatre
Interviews Given Mondays, Thursdays 2 to 4 P. M. and Harriett Hutchins Ben Hur Ponies
Mowbray’s blustering, formidable BillChief “Way Back When”
Eagle Feather Jimmie Ames Chare's Irwin Arthur Turelly
but withal generous natured briga- Valerie Wade Be Ho Gray and Co. Madeleine du Val Three Bennett Brothers
dier general was -heartily enjoyed. Albertina Rasch Girls Six American Belfords Carla Torney Girls
He gave the venerable old survivor OAKLAND (12-18)
Has Trained and Exploited Many of the Biggest Dance Names in the
of many campaigns a convincing
bombast and ruggedness. Ravmond Nelson and Knight
Oakland Theatre
“Love Letters” Idea
Lawrence did very well with the Jeanne Devereaux “Liinberlegs” Edwards
Will Aubrey
Fox Theatre
U. S. Indian Reservation Band
Brengk’s Golden Horse Marian Belett

Business part of acting staff captain. An un- George Ward French’s Aeroplane Girls Gil Lamb De Lara and Lolita

BELMONT THEATRE BLDG. usually versatile bit of acting- was PORTLAND (13-19) WASHINGTON (13-19)
Paramount Theatre
VERMONT AT FIRST EX. 1198 that rendered by Rose Dione and “Headliners” Idea Fox Theatre
Allesendro Giglio. Their argument Mel Klee Great Yakopis “Fountain of Youth” Idea
over the -scandalous and dangerous Gay Sisters Walter Jennier Lottie Mayer Eddie Hanley and Co.
presence of a female spy delivered Wells Winthrop and Stanley Frank Stever Crosby Brothers
SEATTLE (13-19) Ed. Cheney
George and Florence Barclay Paramount Theatre
“Top Of World” Idea
ATLANTA (14-20)
Fox Theatre
Gene Morgan
Fawn and Jordan “New Yorker” Idea
now associated THE OPENING OF BUTTE (14-15) Jackson and Callahan Whitey Roberts
Leah Sonneborn
1416 7th Avenue — Seattle Lucille Page
“Prosperity” Idea
Danny Beck National Theatre
One of the finest theatrical producing dance studios
on the Pacific Coast Supreme j
Jack la Vier and Co.
ST. LOUIS (12-18) Hatt and Herman
Derby Wilson
“Southern” Idea
Jimmy Lyons
Helen Warner
“Regards to our many friends in Los Angeles” Fox Theatre
Joe Rose
Dollar Hosiery “Vaudeville Echoes”
Eight Allisons Bobby Henshaw MEMPHIS (13-19)
Four O’Connors Aerial Rooneys
Loew’s State Theatre
Shop Doreen Rae
“Modes of Hollywood” Idea
Royal Gascoynes Sylvia Shora
Helen Moore Ilaline Francis
6382A Hollywood Blvd. Wisconsin Theatre
“Icy-Hot” Idea Danny Joy Jack Sherlin
A1 le Groii Ileras and Wallace
The 48 guage 3 thread Blomberg’s Dogs Helen MacFarland NEW ORLEANS (13-19)
Loew’si State Theatre
picot top DULL sheer
DETROIT (13-19)
“Wild and Woolly” Idea
Fox Theatre Kirk and Lawrence Aussie and Czech
(FACULTY)— 3ud and Gladys Murray, Byron Cramer — (BALLET) — Mary Frances Taylor Chiffon Hose “Topical Tunes” Idea .RayAngwin
PRACTICAL DRAMATICS AND STAGE DANCING Caligary Brothers Alexander Sisters Bud Carlell _ _
TAP, Off-Rhythm, “Modernized” BALLET & Acrobatics
Bob and Eula BurrofT
Don Carroll
Niles Marsh
. Dorothy Thomas
Hart’s Xrazy Kats
HOUSTON (13-19)
NIAGRA FALLS (13-19) Loew’s State Theatre
Strand Thearte “Gems and Jams” Idea
IMARRON” Prologues Conceived and Staged by Bud Murray STORE NO. 1 “The Dance” Idea Joe and Tane McKenna Nee Wong
At Los Angeles and San Francisco Orpheum Theaters —NOW! Everett Sanderson Arnold Grazer Will Cowan Jim Penman
6623 Hollywood Blvd. Lee Murray Patsy Boland Jean MacDonald Beatrice Franklin
Saturday, March 14, 1931 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN ( Page Fifteen


Now Playing
(Week of March 12)

Special Engagement At
Los Angeles
Pa-ge Sixteen INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN ! Saturday, March 14, 19,31

Fanchon and Marco

45 Minutes of Sensational Thrills and Beauty
With The Following Artists


Distinctively Different Doings

A Little Girl With A Great Big Voice


Sunny and Vina Jean

Twin Mistresses of Ceremonies

That Sensational Dancer

At Loew s State, Los Angeles
Scanned from the collection of

Karl Thiede

Coordinated by the
Media History Digital Library

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