Set A JUJ 2012 p2

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Section A
[15 marks]
[Time suggested: 25 minutes]

1. What does the sign above mean?

A. Do your own laundry
B. Donate to the poor
C. Please take one
D. Do not litter


2. The statement tells you that

A. you need to get a ticket to get a job
B. having a good job will give you a ticket
C. you need to have good qualification to get a job
D. having a certificate does not guarantee you a good job

Janet: My dad bought me an iPad for my birthday present.

Karen: It must cost him an arm and a leg.

3. The proverb an arm and a leg means

A. Work hard for it
B. Get extra pay for it
C. Spend a lot of time on it
D. Spend a lot of money for it

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4. Why is Charlie Brown not laughing?

A. He is tired.
B. He is scolded.
C. He wants to sleep.
D. He wants to go home.


a.m p.m
TEMERLOH Rain Cloudy
JERANTUT Rain Heavy showers
ROMPIN Sunny Cloudy

5. From the weather chart above, which district will have similar weather throughout the day?
A. Kuantan
B. Temerloh
C. Jerantut
D. Rompin

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6. What is the item that is not entitled to this $5 off?

A. Towels
B. Coffee
C. Linens
D. Plates

Questions 7 – 8 are based on the following newspaper extract.

Rural change centre in Gopeng
GOPENG: Thousands of locals here no longer need to travel to major towns to seek services from
government agencies, advice for ways to enhance their income, be employed and develop
entrepreneurial skills.
These can now be obtained through the Rural Transformation Centre (RTC) here, which had
been operating since mid-last year.
The centre is to be launched by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak on Saturday, with more
than 30,000 people expected at the ceremony.
Adapted from News Straits Times, February 2012

7. What is the function of the Rural Transformation Centre?

A. To give government agencies services to people
B. To give extra income to people
C. To encourage local people to travel to major towns
D. To make a change in Gopeng

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8. The word launched in the extract means
A. began
B. opened
C. started
D. officiated

Questions 9 – 15 are based on the following passage. Choose the best answer to fill in each blank.

A 13-year-old girl, who is suffering from thoracolumbar scoliosis, is in need 9

funds for treatment to enable her to lead a normal life. Woon Huang Yuan was diagnosed with the
condition 10 young and it has worsened as she grew older. Thoracolumbar scoliosis
11 the area between the thoracic and lumbar areas of the spine and is known as a spinal
Her 12 mother, Gan Siew Chin, said she was scheduled for surgery
tomorrow at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre. “The doctor said her spine 13
curving at 56 degrees. My daughter is also asthmatic.” Gan, a housewife, said her husband, Woon
Chee Hong, worked as a chef and 14 RM1,900 a month.
“My husband’s salary is just enough to pay for our basic needs. 15 do
not have enough savings for her treatment,” said Gan, who has another daughter aged 11.

9. A. at
B. in 12. A. humble
C. of B. caring
D. from C. pretty
D. generous
10. A. since
B. from 13. A. is
C. even B. are
D. though C. was
D. were
11. A. affect
B. affects 14. A. earn
C. effect B. earns
D. effects C. earned
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D. earning
15. A. They
B. She
C. He
D. We

Section B
[10 marks]
[Time suggested: 25 minutes]

Questions 16 – 25
Read the following advertisement and answer the questions that follow.

Excellence Is Our Commitment

invites applications for the position of

(Based at branches nationwide)

 Sell and market the Bank’s financial products and services to meet set targets

 A recognised Degree / Diploma
 Working experience is not required
 SPM holders with sales experience will also be considered
 Outgoing with excellent interpersonal and communication skills
 Performance-driven, dynamic and motivated towards building a successful career in sales
An attractive remuneration package and a wide range of benefits which amongst others include
medical, insurance coverage, staff housing loan at 0 – 2% interest rate depending on loan quantum,
staff car loan at 2.5% interest rate and opportunities for development of potential awaits successful
Those interested are invited to submit their applications indicating their preferred location, full
personal particulars, qualifications, working experience (if any), telephone contact number, current
and expected salary and a photograph to:
Human Resource Division
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P.O. Box 12542, 50947 Kuala Lumpur
Closing date: 5 March 2012

Questions 16 – 20
Based on the advertisement given, complete the table below.

Position 16. .....................................................................................

17. .....................................................................................
18. .....................................................................................

19. .....................................................................................
Ways to submit
application 20. ...................................................................................

21. ...................................................................................
[6 marks]
Questions 21 – 25
Complete the sentences below based on the information given.

22. The motto of Public Bank is ......................................................................................................

[1 mark]
23. The person holding the post will be responsible to ...................................................................

[1 mark]

24. To build a successful career in sales, one must be .................................................................

[1 mark]
25. Interested candidates must send the applications before ...........................................................
[1 mark]

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Section C
[25 marks]
[Time suggested: 50 minutes]

Questions 26 – 31 are based on the following passage.

1 In 1990, after I finished my training, I signed up to teach in Sarawak, in the

Malaysian part of the island Borneo. I had heard so many horror stories about the
schools in the state’s interior – tales of head-hunters and black magic. Every teacher
wanted to avoid working anywhere outside Kuching, Sarawak’s capital.

2 I flew out of Malacca, my hometown, with a large group of teachers all headed for 5
assignments in Sarawak. Our plane finally landed on a wet tarmac. Officers from the
State Education Department took us to a briefing, where we were given details about our
postings. After a tense wait, I finally got my assignment: SRK Nyelitak in Simunjan. The
following morning, I was driven for almost an hour in an old jeep over gravel roads and
uneven terrain. Finally we arrived in Kampung Giam, the nearest village to my school. 10

After greeting the village headman, it was time to get moving – I had to get to the
3 school before dark. Some villagers helped carry my luggage, and we started walking. I
felt very uncomfortable and odd walking through the jungle in my long-sleeved shirt,
dark pants and black leather shoes. After 45 minutes, we entered a clearing with two old
wooden structures on stilts. One building held the classrooms; the other was the teachers’
quarters. With only four classrooms and 45 students, it was a very small school indeed. 15

A fair-looking gentleman in his 40s came out of his quarters. He smiled, extended his
hands in welcome and introduced himself as the school’s headmaster. He showed me my
4 room, which was located next to his. It was a very basic place to live: just a bed frame
and a long table. No sofa, no dining table, no TV.
A few of the students, who were either in slippers or barefeet, swept the dusty
wooden floor. Villagers from Giam came to see the new teacher, and one of them offered
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5 me a woven mat to sleep on until I could get a proper mattress for my bed. Since I had
no cooking utensils or rations, the headmaster cooked for me that night. We sat and
enjoyed our first meal together as colleagues, chatting until bedtime.
In all I spent three years as a teacher at SRK Nyelitak. During that time, I learned to
live a simple life. I ate what the villagers ate – squirrels, pythons, ferns, wild
6 mushrooms. I learned to cook and wash my clothes. And I learned to be humble because
I had to get assistance from strangers who knew far more about life in the jungle than I
I had to be brave enough to bathe outside, in only my underwear, exposing myself to
the eyes of elderly villagers who passed by on their way back from their farms. To them,
7 it was a normal scene. They smiled and teased me a little.

I returned to Malacca in 1993, tougher than I was before I left. I have never regretted
making the decision to teach in Sarawak. And I felt sorry for those who were given the
8 same opportunity but chose to stay put in the comfort of their hometowns. A teacher is 35
not a teacher until he had served some time in the interior of Sarawak.
Adapted from READER’S DIGEST

26. From paragraph 1, what did the writer do after he finished his training?

[1 mark]
27. From paragraph 2,

a) how did the writer go to Sarawak?

[1 mark]
b) describe the road to Kampung Giam

i) ..................................................................................................................................


ii) ..................................................................................................................................
[2 marks]
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28. a) From paragraph 3, which word means an open space?

[1 mark]
b) From paragraph 4, why was the room a basic place to live in?

[1 mark]
29. From paragraph 6, what are the things the writer learned while he was in SRK Nyelitak?

i) ..................................................................................................................................


ii) ..................................................................................................................................
[2 marks]

30. If you were given an offer to work in Sarawak, would you accept it? Give a reason to

support your answer.


[2 marks]

31. Based on the passage, write a summary on

 the difficulties faced by the writer
 how he adapted to the situation

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original
Your summary must:
 be in continuous writing form (not in note form)
 use materials from line 9 to line 34
 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:

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The writer was posted to SRK Nyelitak and the next morning ...
[15 marks]
























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Section D
[25 marks]
[Time suggested: 35 minutes]

32. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

Are you still playing your flute?

Are you still playing your flute?

When there is hardly time for our love
I am feeling guilty
To be longing for your song
The melody concealed in the slim hollow of the bamboo
Uncovered by the breath of an artist
Composed by his fingers
Blown by the wind
To the depth of my heart.

Are you still playing your flute?

In the village so quiet and deserted
Amidst the sick rice field
While here it has become a luxury
To spend time watching the rain
Gazing at the evening rays
Collecting dew drops
Or enjoying the fragrance of flowers.

Are you still playing your flute?

The more it disturbs my conscience
To be thinking of you
In the hazard of you
My younger brothers unemployed and desperate
My people disunited by politics
My friend slaughtered mercilessly
This world is too old and bleeding.

Zurinah Hassan
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(a) In stanza1, what is the word that means “hidden”?

[1 mark]
(b) In stanza 2, which line shows that the persona has little time for leisure?

[1 mark]

(c) In stanza 3, why are the people disunited?

[1 mark]
(d) Without using examples from the poem, give two problems that exist in our society.

i) ........................................................................................................................................

ii) ........................................................................................................................................
[2 marks]

33. The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language.

The Curse - Lee Su Ann

Step By Wicked Step - Anne Fine
Catch Us If You Can - Catherine MacPhail

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.

Write about a character who plays a major role in an event.

Give reasons for your choice with close reference to the text.
[15 marks]




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Blacken only one space for each question. If you wish to change your answer, erase the blackened
mark that you have made. Then blacken the space for the new answer.


For examiner’s use

Examiner’s Code
Section Marks
A 15
B 10
C 25
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D 20
Total 70

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