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"UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT . Memorandum 10 Director, Philadelphia District Date: January 31, 1963 Hubbard Dianetics Foundation, Inc. FROM Inspector W. Remle Grove Founding Church of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard bm [6 Distribution Center, Inc. SUBJECT: 4a etal Hubbard E Meter Washington, D. G. FDC 48405 Division of Regulatory Management's (BE) memo of 1/25/63 to Phila, Dist. requested a visit to the Board of Medical Examiners at Trenton, New Jersey to obtain details of a surmons served on the Hubbard Dianetics Research Foundation, N. J. in 1951. On January 31, 1963, a visit vas made to the Board of Medical Examiners office at 28 West State St., Trenton, N. J. (telephone No,: EXport 2-2131, Ext. 272). I identified myself to the secretary of/Dr. Butler} Chairman of the.Board, and explained the purpose of my visit. The secretary called /Dr. Butler}and obtained permission for me to review the Board's minutes for 1950, 51, and 52. The minutes for these 3 years were reviewed and in only one instance was the Hubbard Dianetics Foundation, Inc. mentioned. The Board meeting of October 11, 1950 with Dr. David B, Allman presiding and Dr. E. S. Hallinger, Secretary, made the following mention of Hubbard Dianetics Foundation, Inc., "The Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation of Elizabeth, N. J. is conducting a medical school without. a License and practicing medicine. This Foundation charges $500. for @ course of one month and we have been told upon completion of same they issue a certificate or diploma with an 'M.D.' degree, meaning‘ Master of Dianetics, These people treat by mental means only, After some discussion(Dr. Schaaf? moved, ‘That the Secretary be instructed to write 2 letter to the AttorneyiGeneral stating that this matter has been referred to us and the Board is without juris- diction and request him to refer it to the porper authorities - in our opinion it is a vital matter and we are deeply interested in the dis- position made of this case.' Seconded by fDr. Corrigan) and unanimously carried.” fbr. Butler's/secretary indicated that all tecords prior to 1960 relating to the illegal practice and the Illegal Practice Com- mittee are kept at the Attorney General's office, 1100 Raymond Ave., DIVISION OF REGULATORY MANAGEMENT This answers requests for information in paragraphs 3 and 4 of your 1/25/63 memo to P, Dist. Other information will follow : shortly, Please note that NY District's assistance will be necessary for full details in N, J. Board of Mggical Exagine: Attorney General, Newark, N. J. FoR/E See iw -2- ye Newark, N. J. The individual that is presently handling all the legal | matters for the Medical Board and who might have information on this case is Dept. Att. Gen. Nickolas Saros,) j We suggest that NY Dist. contact Dept. Att. Gen. Garos jin |, Newark, N, J. for additional information on this case. The same memo from DRM requested an investigation of any {police record) of Mr. Irving Garfield, 2255 Baird Blvd., Camden, N. J. (WO 6-2414), “an auditor for the Distribution Center, Inc. A check with thefamden police) failed to show any record for Mr. Garfield, W, REMLE GROVE Inspector, Philadelphia District yWRG/fmz 4 | Tass ce EW YORK DISTRICT DIRECTOR February 19, 1963 UWobbard Dienetics Fountation, Inc. Inspector Michael P. KeDerastt Founging Church of Scientology z L. Boa Hubbard Foe 5 i Distribution Center Inc. 4-093 V et al. —ubbard E-Heter FDC 48405 In wenerandim, Inspector Grove/Philadelphia Diatrict Director, dated Jonuary 31, 1953, Inspector Grove reported that he had revieved the minutes of the New Jczsey Bosrd of Medical Examiners for the year 1950, ‘$2 and $2, and found that the Loard's mimstes of a mecting of October 21, 1960 : sported thet the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation of Elizabeth, Row Jerocy waa conducting a medical school without a license and practicing medicine. These minutes also report that this matter hod been referred to the State Attorney General. Inspector Grove further reported that he hed teen advised by the secretery to the Ueard's chairmea, that «ll records prior to 1960 relating to the illegal practice and the Tilogal Practice Comittee ere kept at neral's office, 1100 Rayuond Ave., Hevatk, Nev Jersey. mopectix Grovele rezort, Supervisory Inspector York iistrict"s accictence vill he necessary for Jersey Bocrd of Medical Franiners" xeport to the hk, Nev Jersey, Piskett s:. full det: Attorney Woneral, on Gonoral, 1400 Rayecol Aves, Duggan, scctotazy t Ana Duggan of eer Fa: to Review the Attomwye Genoreis records regan 19, 2983, I vont to the offices ef the Attorney atk, New Jexooy and interviewed dan atkorney Geneval Nickolas Sores. 1 advigad District's findings end requested permieston ‘ing this matter. 2-19-63, stigation indicates that the desired records eve not available ot Reveri:, Vow Jorsay. We suggest that you contact Mr. Walter Hetlale, Chisel ses or in the office of the Attorney General, Trenton, Nev Jersvy, who ve boon clerted to our interest fn thie matter. lBimep WILLIAM J, BARROUR Eleleys orvicory Inspector Enelocuras: 0 + CCRBPA ; DKON, Ad/£ile, 22." Ann Duggan told me that there appareatly had been sose misunderstanding since all ouch records prior to 1957 were kept ot the offices of the Attorney General in Trenton, Now Jersoy. During ny vieit to tha offices of Deputy Attorney General Seren, Z epoke on the tclephane to Dr. Dutler, chairmen of the Board of Medical Bxsninere. I advised Dr. Dutler of our Philadelphia District's findinge rogarding the Yubbard Dieneties Fowidation Ine. Dr. Butler teld me that bio sccretery had advised hin that ene of cur inspectors had reviewed the Board's minutes. > said that he wan curprised, however, that montioa of the Hubbard Dtanctics Foundation Inc. is reported caly once in the winutes “of the Board's macting of October 11, 1550, He caid thet vion tha Zoard refers 2 matter to tho Attorney General's office, a report on the follow-up action token by the Attorney Gencrai's office 16 usually included 4a the Board's mleutes approxisstely two to three couths after tha matter vos originally referred to the Attorney Cencral's office. Dr, Butler edvicod me that the reports relating to the Hubbcrd Dienetice Foundation Inc. would be on file at the office of the Attorsey General, Trenton, Nov Jersey. Dr. butlor edvieed that we contest Ks. Walter McHale, Chief Adninistrater in the office of the Attorney Gencral, Treaton, Sew Jersey. He caid that te would be persoual-y in contact with Ur, Molisle and that he would slert lir. vcale to our intercst in this mattar. MAtieep 7 MICDAES P. ECDHUIOTT. y DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE, FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION . Bi) 0e PHILADELPHIA 6, PAL ur) Walter McHale; Chief Administrator a Attorney Generals Office 0 x Trenton, New Jersey eet : od Dear Mr, McHale: OX On October 11, 1950, the New Jersey Boatd of Medical Examiners reported to the New Jersey, Attorney General's office that the Hubbard +o Dianeties Research Foundation of Elizabeth, N, J. was operating @ _-L-medtcalSchool without. a license and practicing medicine. E A check has been made at the Attorney General's Office in 7 Newark, Ne J. by the U, S. Food and Drug Administration for any records concerning this incident but we were informed that records prior to‘ : |. 1957 were kept in Trenton, N. J. In Line with your telephone conversation today with Inspector Grove, ve are requesting that a check be made of available records in the Attorney General's Office for any action taken against the Hubbard Dianetics Research Foundation, Inc, of Elizabeth, N. J. or Mr. L, Ron Hubbard since 1950 FRANCIS J, FIS } Supervisory Inspector PHtate of New Jersey DEPARTMENT OF LAW AND PUBLIC SAFETY ARTHUR J. OLE DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL BOARDS: WALTER P MOHALE ‘Avromney Genena, April k, 1963 Francis J. Piskett, Supervisory Inspector, Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Food end Drug Administration, Room 1204 - U, S, Customhouse, Philadelphia 6, Pennsylvania. Dear Mr. Fiskett: Subsequent to receiving your letter’of Merch 20, 1963, ccn- cerning the "Hubbard Dianotics Research Foundation of Zliza- both, WN. J.", I caused all available records to be reviewed tn order to obtain information relative to your inquiry. The only reference to this case is reflected in the Minutes of the October 11, 1950 meeting of the State Board cf Medt- cal Examiners, wi ‘state as follor " {he Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation of £liza- beth, New Jersey, is conducting a medical school yithout a Mcense and practicing medicine. This Foundation charges $500.00 for a course of one month and we have been told upon completion of same they issue a certificate or diploma with an M.D." degree, meaning Master of Dianetics. Thess people treat by mental means only. “after some discussion, Dr. Schaaf moved - 'That the Secretary be instructed to write # letter to the Attcrney General stating that this matter has been referred to us and the Board is without jurisdictic and request nin to refer it to tke proper authorities - in our opinion it fs a vitel natter end we are deeply Interested in the disposition mace of this case.! Seconded by Dr. Corrigan and unanimously carried.” The meeting date of the Beard indicates that t occurred during the Administration of former sovernor Alfred E- Dris- coll, and at that time, the Attorney general wes Thecdore D. Parsons. Since the records fail to dlsglose anything other “2 April h, 1963 thon that mentioned above, I telephoned former Attorney Gonoval Parsons to determine if he might possibly remenber any information in this oa Mr, Parsons advised me that hg had absolutely no recollestion of the matter and, further, that his Deputy-Attorney Gonoral at that timo, who was cosign- g a2 counsel to the Medical Board, vas one Joseph Murphy, doooased. The Seoretary of the Medical Board at that time we Patrick F. Corrigan, who is also decoased. one Dr. Very truly yours, pidioes ol, Walter P, NoHale, Chiof Administrative Officer. WPMtk UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum To: Philadelphia District DATE: April 8, 1963 PROM : Inspector W. Remle Grove Hubbard Dianetics Foundation, Inc. Founding Church of Scientology 5 — L, Ron Hubbard i, sunyecr:_4-093 ve WS Distribution Center, Inc. fibbard E-Meter et al FDC 48405 Letter from Mr, Walter P. McHale, Chief Administrative Officer, Attorney Generals office, Trenton, N. J., datelApril 4, 1963, indicates that the State of New Jersey cannot supply any further information on the "Hubbard Dianetics Research Foundation of Elizabeth, N. J." than already given to the Administration in Phila. District's memo of 1/31/63. A copy of Mr, McHale's letter is attached to this memo. , 4, , 7 ¢ Vl Kbsake Link ‘W. REMLE GROVE Inspector, Philadelphia District BUREAU OF FIELD ADMINISTRATION This completes cur follow up to McDermott/NY Dist memo dated 2/19/63 reporting N. J. Board of Medical Examiners" reports on Hubbard Dianetics Foundation, Inc. pe Q fed et FRANCIS J, FISKETT Supervisory Inspector RJE/ tmz . Enc. Fiskett/McHale itr 3/20/63 McHale/Fiskett itr 4/4/63 ccs DRM State of New Jersey eee | DEPARTMENT OF LAW AND PUBLIC SAFETY — ‘TRENTON 26 September 26, 1962 Sometime in early 1951 a complaint was filed against the above named charging a violation of Title 18 in that the Dianetic Research Foundation conducted a school and college within the State of New Jersey for the purpose of training and qual‘ fying its students to practice medicine, without first obtaining from the State Board of Medical Examiners a license authorizing such school. The offense involved a $500 penalty. After the complaint was filed, and before trial, it was agreed that the State's action would be withheld upon the stipulation that the defendants would remove themselves from the jurisdiction and not attempt to engage in any similar practices in the future. IZ you have any evidence that Hubbard has re-engaged un these practices here in the State of New Jersey, you are instructed to immediately contact the State Board of Medical Examiners and present your evidence to them so that they may proceed against Hubbard or his representatives, = Very truly yours, Guo [UL Remo M. Croce Deputy Attorney General RMC:ew Article apneaving in New York Times, May 15,1951, Tuesday, pease 29, colum 3 ° Elizabeth, N.J., Moy 14,1951. of th onc A bank account and office furniture ¢ Hubbard Dienetic Research Foundation, Inc., were atteched anlaint of the Barton Press, Inc. of Newark,.which his a printing bill for £2,728. wes to for the Dianetics, a system of self-psyckoanalysis, feunded by L. Ron Hubbard, who recently anncunced he was movin: Wichita, Kenses. The District Court postponed a hearing set ‘Thursday until June 5, for a preeentation of a con-lrint ageinst foundation by the State Board of Medical Examiners. sen ae R Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation my we sometime in early 1951 a complaint ws above named charging 2 violation of TL te 3, Dianetic Research ao Ce iacey [=o aaere within the State of New Je ey or etiee 4 qual! fying its students to P' a firee obtaining from the State Boar ath license authorizing such school. 710)" penalty. After the complete tea a eed that the State ue “tipulation that the defendants weed the jurisdiction and not attempt practices in the future. Lz you have any evidence that 1 in the . n these practices here in : are instructed to imnediate)y con Medical Examiners and presen’ Y'"\, they may proceed against Hubbo vers t BEST AVAILABLE COPY \ BMC: ew

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