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General Meeting

Date: May 1st, 2018

Sherry Halls, President called meeting to order & did introductions at: 7:16pm

Members Attending: Pat Suter, Ruth Burzek, Linda Rooker, Kristine Brownscombe, Maureen
Nielsen, Cliff Halls, Niels Nielsen, Joanne Kirkland, Stephanie Smith, Art Kaehn, Willie McAuley,
Kassandra Merritt, Val Merritt, Sherry Halls

House Rules by President, Sherry Halls: One person talking, no cell phones except on vibrate

Adoption of Agenda: Motion made to accept amended minutes by Cliff Halls. Seconded by
Maureen Nielsen. Discussion. All in favor. Accepted.

 Amended to add in Community Grants under new business.

Adoption of minutes from April 3rd, 2018: Discussion. Motion made to accept amended
minutes by Niels Nielsen. Seconded by Linda Bolstad . All in favor. Accepted.

 Member’s present was missing a name: Niels Nielsen.

 $2,000 not $200,000 for the Endowment Grant.

Treasurers Report: Pat Suter

 Computer
o $79 per year subscription for Microsoft. It doesn’t come on computers anymore
o $169 Lifetime program.
o Needs Microsoft to make the program work for book keeping.
o Motion for Pat Suter to purchase the Lifetime Microsoft Office program made by
Maureen Nielsen. Seconded by Cliff Halls. All in favor. Accepted.
 $100 donation from Shirley Davidson for use of hall was handed to Pat Suter from
Joanne Kirkland at meeting.
 Discussion. Motion to accept Treasurers Report by Kristine Brownscombe. Seconded by
Niels Nielsen . All in favor. Accepted.

Old Business:

 Outside Lighting – Pat Suter

o Pat Suter purchased the light for all to see. It was $44.99
o Will be left with the building committee to install it.
 Kristine Brownscombe mentioned that maybe it could be left to the
Saturday clean up to be done.
o Denco Electric, Cliff Halls stated will come out and see about wiring in a light.
 Calendar Board – Niels Nielsen
o He has checked and got very odd prices.
o He is wondering due to pricing, that it needs to be decided whether it should be
inside or outside.
 On the stairway is a thought.
 He doesn’t have firm quotes. $50-$200 It has changeable letters. High
end if it has the fiberglass cover.
 It shouldn’t need a lock was mentioned.
 Niels Nielsen will get a price for the Plexiglas front and covered board for
next meeting
 Fall Fair Grant & Community Grants – Art Kaehn
o $5,000 seed grant was approved for fall fair.
 Not using the full amount each year, Kristine Brownscombe mentioned
would be a good idea to be able to keep it able to stay at the full amount.
o $3,000 grant was approved for general administration and putting on programs.
 Spring Clean Up Dates – May 5 & 12th
o Fire department is having a full day event on May 5th. Concern that it would be
too much for one day to have both.
o Fire chief, Bruce Perrin, will mention to the fire department that maybe if we
cancel our 5th then maybe they could help on the 12th.
o Motion was made to cancel 5th by Niels Nielsen. Seconded by Kassandra Merritt.
All in favor. Accepted.
o Art Kaehn asked has insurance coverage been figured out. Need to add to our

Committee Reports:

 Hixon Seniors Society – Niels Nielsen

o Rolling right along. Attendance down due to spring weather.
 Trophy Cabinet – Niels Nielsen
o Niels Nielsen would like to build a cabinet for trophies in cupboard at hall. He is
to get price to make it and where to put it. The only cost he thinks would be for
the glass.
o John Tibbles will supply the lumber and Niels Nielsen will look after the situation.
o Seniors might be able to help with price said Niels Nielsen.
 Hixon Hill Riders – Joanne Kirkland
o Just received official word Hixon Woodpecker Endowment fund has been
approved. $2,500
o Spring Fling sold 9 tables = $90 coming back to the hall from it.
o Sand for arena, donated. Clean up will be on the 12th.
o Possible function on Friday before Fall fair.
 4H Club
o No one here.
 Building Committee
o GET FROM ABOVE regarding outside lighting & Calendar Board.
o Cliff Halls thanked for chewing up ice.
o Ground water application license
 Letter from Ministry of Forest Lands …. Tag needs to be put on building
(I.D. Tag) Mandatory. Email sent to Willie McAuley as he is head of
Building Committee.
o Joanne Kirkland said that she and Sherry & Cliff Halls checked into Dunkley
Lumber for material for 4 picnic tables. They will donate lumber. She will go to
Eagle for screws to possibly donate them.
o Ramp going into concession, mentioned by Cliff Halls, needs to be fixed with
treated wood for it to be proper. Money from Endowment Fund could be used
for it, was mentioned.
 Fall Fair Committee – Kristine Brownscombe
o Have all the leaders in charge of their spots.
o Looking for volunteers and they don’t need to be in charge of anything, just help.
o Posters on walls have details.
o Next meeting May 29th, 6:30pm at hall.
 Kristine Brownscombe will put posters up for it.
 Gardening Workshop – Linda Bolstad
o Went awesome!
o Covered multiple subjects.
o Way more people than she expected.
o Some people have asked for some one on one with them.
o Working on more ideas.
o Started a Hixon Gardening and Homesteading Facebook page.
 Motion to adopt committee reports by Linda Bolstad. Seconded Cliff Halls. All in favor.

New Business:

 Enbridge Presentation – Joanne Kirkland

o Email came in regarding it.
o June 5th, 2018 new date for presentation. 12noon need it. Starts at 3pm,
o Also our hall meeting date. They feel it is good.
o Hixon Hill Riders will do the lunch. Use of kitchen will be needed.
 (Rental 12-7pm being done as afternoon and evening at $150 plus
refundable deposits.)
 Amended. Decided at Director’s Meeting. It is a Town Hall Meeting,
therefore there is no rental, just a donation.
 There are no table rentals when the hall is rented.
o Motion by Joanne Kirkland that for Embridge event we have a hall rental from
12-7pm with full afternoon and evening price which would be $150. Seconded by
Cliff Halls. All in favor. Accepted.
 Possible rental wants to know about renting tables and chairs off premises. They are
non members. Joanne Kirkland said that she needed more details.
 Co-op Grant – Joanne Kirkland.
o Told to reapply next year due to so many applicants.
 Post office grant is in the fall.
 Imagine is May 18th, 2018

Next Meeting Date: June 5th, 2018

Adjournment: 8:26pm

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