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Centurion Based Crowd Belt Tensioner Wiring


The Automatic Crowd Belt Tensioner, when applied to a Centurion based system will
utilize 24 VDC components. The following is a brief description of the I/O electrical
components and their connections to the Centurion System Control.

A 24VDC power source is supplied to the Amplifier Card in the CBT (Crowd Belt
Tensioner) enclosure. The Positive 24 Volts is sourced via wire number 091013 and is
shown on schematic page 189. The common for the Amplifier Card is also shown and
is wire number 091022. This same power and common is used for additional
components and must also be connected to the terminal board in the enclosure.

PWM Control:
The Amplifier card is supplied prewired to a proportioning valve, also in the CBT
enclosure. (This too on schematic sheet 189.) The valve is controlled by a DC Voltage
input applied to the Amplifier. This voltage comes from a Centurion Analog Output card
located on schematic page 188. Wire number 188131 being the Positive Voltage and
wire 188161 being the signal Common.

Brake Release Switch:

On schematic page 185 there is an Input Card (2.31.2) that monitors the CBT Proximity
Switch via input #1 (DI0). The switch itself has European type color-coding… Black is
the signal (wire 185351), Brown is the Positive 24 VDC Voltage Supply (091013), and
Blue is the Common (091022). Interconnection between the switch and I/O will pass
through a terminal block in the CBT enclosure. The Signal (185351) is on terminal 7,
the 24VDC power (091013) should be on terminal 8, and Common (091022) will be on
terminal 9.

Pressure Transducer:
Schematic sheet 186, Input Card 2.31.5 shows the 4 to 20 mA pressure transducer
connected to input 1 (AI0). This too connects to the CBT terminal block. Terminal 11 is
the +24VDC supply (sensors red wire) (091013) and terminal 12 (sensors black wire) is
the 4 to 20 mA signal (186261). Shield would be on terminal 10.

CBT Brake Release Solenoid:

The CBT Brake Solenoid is controlled by output 1 (DO0) of card 2.31.15. Refer to
schematic page 189 where wire number 189011 connects to the solenoid coil. Note;
the coils terminal number would be 1 (brown wire) and the interconnection point on the
terminal board in the CBT enclosure also has this connected to terminal 1. Likewise,
the coils common (terminal 2 or the blue wire) also connects to the CBT terminal block
#2 (091022). The shield if used, connects to terminal 3 of the terminal strip.

Centurion_Based_Crowd_Belt_Tensioner-1.doc 1 DFS – 4/18/2005

CBT Regen Solenoid:
Also on the 2.31.15 output card is output 1 (DO1), wire number 189071 which controls
the regen solenoid. It will connect to the coils brown wire (coil terminal 1) via the CBT
enclosures terminal block, terminal 4. The common – 091022, (coils blue, #2) will
connect to the terminal strip at position 5. A shield if used, it connects to terminal 3 as
with the brake release solenoid shield.

Pump Directional Control Valve:

This valve is located on the CBT pump assembly in the lube room. The DCV valve
solenoid is controlled by output 1 (DO0) of the 2.31.16 card. This wire number (189131)
and the common (091022) will terminate at the solenoid coil on the valve.

Not indicated in this document is the actual high voltage pump control and auxiliary
starter circuitry.

This completes this document…..

Centurion_Based_Crowd_Belt_Tensioner-1.doc 2 DFS – 4/18/2005

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