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International Journal of Infectious Diseases (2010) 14, e141—e146

Etiology and clinico-epidemiological profile

of acute viral encephalitis in children of
western Uttar Pradesh, India
Farzana K. Beig a, Abida Malik b,*, Meher Rizvi b, Deepshikha Acharya a,
Shashi Khare c

Department of Paediatrics, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
Department of Microbiology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh 202002, India
Department of Microbiology, National Institute of Communicable Diseases, New Delhi, India

Received 10 May 2008; received in revised form 22 December 2008; accepted 31 March 2009
Corresponding Editor: William Cameron, Ottawa, Canada

Viral encephalitis; Objectives: To study the etiology of viral encephalitis (VE) in the children of western Uttar
Enterovirus 71; Pradesh, India and to assess the clinico-epidemiological profile of these children in relation to VE.
Measles; Methods: Both cerebrospinal fluid and serum samples were collected from pediatric patients
Mumps; suffering from encephalitis hospitalized at Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh from July
Varicella zoster virus; 2004 to November 2006. Viral isolation was done on RD cells, HEp-2 cells, and Vero cells from the
Herpes simplex virus cerebrospinal fluid samples of children with suspected VE. A microneutralization test was per-
formed for enterovirus 71. An enzyme immunoassay for IgM antibodies was performed for measles
virus, mumps virus, varicella zoster virus, herpes simplex virus 1, and Japanese encephalitis virus.
Results: Eighty-seven patients were enrolled in the study. The most common etiology of VE was
enterovirus 71 (42.1%), followed by measles (21.1%), varicella zoster virus (15.8%), herpes simplex
virus (10.5%), and mumps (10.5%). Japanese encephalitis virus was not found in any case.
Enterovirus 71 infection caused significant morbidity in children; mortality occurred in 50%. A
preponderance of cases occurred in December. In our study generalized convulsions along with
altered sensorium were the significant findings in patients with VE.
Conclusions: Enterovirus 71, the major etiology of VE in our study, was associated with significant
mortality and morbidity. Such studies should be conducted frequently to assess the role of
emerging VE in different regions.
# 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Infectious Diseases.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +009837007606;
fax: +91 0571 2704498. Acute viral encephalitis (VE) is often an unusual manifesta-
E-mail address: (A. Malik). tion of common viral infections and most commonly affects

1201-9712/$36.00 # 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Infectious Diseases.
e142 F.K. Beig et al.

children and young adults; it can lead to considerable mor- the virus concerned. In the case of EV-71, on the basis of the
bidity and mortality. Epidemiologic studies estimate the national registry, the baseline titer was 32, while a titer
incidence of VE at 2.5—8.8 per 100 000 persons per year.1,2 64 was taken as the positive cut-off.
However the annual incidence of VE is most likely under-
estimated, especially in developing countries where there Specimen collection
are problems with pathogen detection. Very few studies of VE
have emanated from India, although it can be considered the Acute phase samples of CSF and serum were collected with
epicenter of many emerging viral diseases. proper aseptic precautions from all patients. CSF was trans-
Every day new viruses are being associated with encepha- ported on ice and stored at 70 8C until processed.
litis of varying severity. It would be useful to harbor a strong
clinical suspicion for an unusual viral etiology in cases of both
Viral isolation
sporadic as well as epidemics of encephalitis. Japanese B
encephalitis virus (JEV) is an emerging pathogen in North
All CSF specimens were inoculated into RD cells, HEp-2 cells,
India and has entrenched itself firmly in the eastern parts of
and Vero cells. Detection of viral growth in the cell lines was
Uttar Pradesh. This study was undertaken to assess the viral
done by the characteristic cytopathic effect of some viruses.
etiology and epidemiology of acute encephalitis in children in
Each tube of recently monolayered cultures was inocu-
western Uttar Pradesh. As a microbiological diagnosis of VE is
lated with 0.2 ml of specimen and incubated in the stationary
not always possible in India, we attempted to identify surro-
sloped position at 36 8C. Observations of cytopathic effect
gate markers for the diagnosis of VE. These included clinical
(CPE) were recorded daily for 4 days. CPE was allowed to
signs and symptoms, radiological and cytological findings,
develop until 75% of the cells were affected. Negative cul-
seasonal variation, socioeconomic status, and other demo-
tures were discarded after 14 days.
graphic variables. No such study has been conducted in this
region, and so far no case of Japanese encephalitis has been
reported from this area. Viral serology

Materials and methods A microneutralization test was performed for EV-71. IgM
antibodies for HSV-1, measles virus, mumps virus, VZV, and
This was a prospective cohort study of consecutive patients JEV were estimated by capture ELISA as per the manufac-
with acute febrile encephalopathy syndrome conducted at turer’s instructions (EIAgen Herpes Simplex Virus IgM kit
the Department of Paediatrics in collaboration with the supplied by Adaltis, IgM ELISA classic kit supplied by Virion,
Department of Microbiology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical Col- Parotite IgM EIA well kit supplied by Radim, Varicella Zoster
lege and Hospital and the Department of Microbiology, kit supplied by Adaltis, and IgM antibody capture ELISA
National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD) from provided by the National Institute of Virology, Pune, India).
July 2004 to November 2006. Patient age varied from 6 Samples were considered positive for any of the viruses
months to 12 years. Acute encephalopathy was defined as including HSV-1 when the optical density was above the
fever with alteration of consciousness and/or with neurolo- cut-off specified by the manufacturer.
gical deficit, secondary to central nervous system involve- Wherever feasible both acute and convalescent sera were
ment lasting more than 24 hours, and not more than a one- collected from the patient if the initial serological diagnosis
week history. Patients with a different final diagnosis (e.g., was of EV-71.The background seropositivity of EV-71 is rou-
epilepsy, febrile convulsion, bacterial meningitis, tubercu- tinely monitored by the NICD so that distinction of acute from
losis, brain tumor, cerebral malaria, or metabolic disorder) past infection is not a problem even if a single acute phase
were excluded from the study. Patients were managed symp- serum sample is tested.
tomatically until a definite cause could be found. Patient sera were inactivated at 56 8C for 30 min. A 1/8
A detailed clinical history was elicited and a rigorous dilution of each test serum was prepared in serum diluent;
systemic examination was performed. The outcome was 0.025 ml of diluent was added to all wells except row A. A
noted, and any sequelae and residual neurological disability similar volume was added to another plate for back titration.
were observed and categorized. The investigations carried Test sera — 2  0.025 ml of 1/8 dilution — were added to row
out were complete blood picture, peripheral smear for A only of the test serum plates. Serial two-fold dilutions of
malaria parasite, and blood culture and sensitivity. Cere- the test sera were made until the serum dilutions ranged
brospinal fluid (CSF) examinations were carried out for viral from 1/8 to 1/1024. Virus antigen — 0.025 ml of 100 TCID50
isolation and serology, bacterial culture and sensitivity, cytol- (tissue culture infective dose) — was added to all wells in the
ogy, and blood urea and creatinine. A computed tomography test serum plate. Back titration of the virus was prepared.
(CT) scan of the head was done whenever indicated. Both CSF The serum plates, virus back titration plates, standard
and serum serology were done for the detection of antibodies serum control plates, and the cell control plate were
to herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1), measles, mumps, varicella wrapped in tin foil. These plates were gently shaken to
zoster virus (VZV), and JEV. Acute phase serum was used for ensure adequate mixing of the container and then incubated
the detection of IgM antibodies to enterovirus 71 (EV-71). The at 36 8C for 3 h in CO2. Subsequently 0.1 ml of HEp-2 cell
NICD, New Delhi monitors the nationwide etiology of VE and suspension was added to all the plates. They were then
maintains a national registry of baseline and significant cut- incubated at 36 8C in a CO2 incubator for 5 days.
off titers for serological diagnosis of encephalitis from acute After 5 days the test was read microscopically and plates
phase serum. A positive case was defined as one that had a were stained with crystal violet. The presence of stained
cut-off well above the baseline titer and varied according to cells meant antibody was present or that there was normal
Acute viral encephalitis in children, Uttar Pradesh, India e143

Table 1 Diagnosis of viral etiology

Viral agent causing encephalitis Serology Cell culture

Total positive Positive in CSF Positive in acute serum
Herpes simplex virus 1 2 2 2 0
Varicella zoster virus 3 3 2 0
Measles 4 4 4 0
Mumps 2 2 2 0
Enterovirus 71 8 - 8 0
Japanese encephalitis virus 0 0 0 0

growth of cells. The absence of stained cells meant that significantly associated with EV-71, measles, VZV, and HSV.
antibody was absent and that virus grew. The end point of No other clinical finding was significantly associated with VE.
neutralization was calculated using the Kärber formula, log A skin rash was present in two patients, one with measles and
50% neutralization titer (log CCID50 (cell culture infective the other with HSV infection. The other three cases of
dose)) = TCID50 = L d (S 0.5), where L = log of lowest measles had a history of rashes when they presented at
dilution used in the test, d = difference between log dilution our center. Out of the two patients with mumps, one had
steps, and S = sum of proportion of positive tests (i.e., neck swelling and both had a history of parotid swelling. The
cultures showing CPE). three patients diagnosed with VZV encephalitis gave a history
The serum dilutions were transcribed into log terms. The of a centripetal distribution of dewdrop-like rashes, which
serum antibody titer is the highest dilution of serum that subsided after a week or so. All three gave a history of
protects 50% of the cultures against 100 TCID50 of the chal- chickenpox within the last 4—5 weeks. Patients diagnosed
lenge virus. Antibody titers were expressed as reciprocals. with EV-71 and HSV-1 gave non-specific histories. When a
comparison was made between the above viral etiologies,
Results differences between the epidemiological as well clinical
features of the patients were not found to be statistically
significant ( p-values for age = 0.69, sex = 0.25, and clinical
The study group comprised a total of 87 patients with a mean
features = 0.17 (raised intracranial tension), 0.32 (meningeal
age of 4.35  3.32 years, ranging from 6 months to 12 years.
signs and skin rashes), and 0.72 (neck swelling and focal
The median age was 3.5 years and the male to female ratio was
1.27:1. Almost two thirds of the cases of acute encephalopathy
No diagnosis was possible in 34 (39.1%) cases. These cases
(n = 61 (70.1%)) were from Aligarh and the rest were from
were classified as patients with possible VE. Thus it can be
neighboring districts. Sixty-four (73.6%) belonged to the lower
presumed that there was a total of 53 patients with VE, 19
socioeconomic class according to the Kuppuswamy scale.3 CSF
confirmed and 34 suspected cases.
and acute serum samples were collected for all these cases.
There was a significant clustering of confirmed cases of VE
Convalescent sera were collected from four cases.
in December (n = 13, 68.4%). On comparing the final diagnosis
A viral etiology was diagnosed in a total of 19 (21.8%) cases
with socioeconomic status, the lower socioeconomic class
(Figure 1). Among these, the most common etiological agent
was seen to be significantly associated with VE, p < 0.001.
identified was EV-71, which was found in eight (42.1%) cases,
The mean CSF cell count in the 53 patients was <5  106
followed by measles in four (21.1%), VZV in three (15.8%),
cells/l, mean CSF protein was 43.39  33.39 mg/dl, and
mumps in two (10.5%), and HSV-1 in two (10.5%). In all these
mean CSF glucose was 66.21  25.21 mg/dl. No statistical
cases the etiology was established by serology (Table 1). No
significance was observed between CSF findings and VE.
virus was isolated in the cell lines in this study. EV-71 was
A CT scan was done in 25 of the 53 patients with confirmed
detected by microneutralization test. Convalescent sera were
and suspected VE; six (17.6%) patients with unknown etiology
positive in all the four surviving cases infected with EV-71. No
had abnormal CT findings, while one case each of EV-71, HSV,
Japanese B encephalitis virus was identified in this region.
and VZV had abnormal findings as shown in Table 3.
A comparison of clinical features with viral etiology is
The mean age was lower in the unknown etiology group.
given in Table 2. Generalized convulsions appeared to be
Although death was more common in the unknown etiology
group (35.3%) as compared to the known etiology group
(26.3%), the difference was not statistically significant.
The mortality in children infected with EV-71 was 50%. Con-
valescent sera were available in two cases with EV-71 infec-
tion, which showed a four-fold rise in titers in comparison to
acute phase titers. Sequelae were more common in the
known etiology group (10.5%) as compared to the unknown
etiology group (5.9%) as seen in Table 4. Children with a
Glasgow coma scale (GCS) score >12 had no sequelae, i.e.,
the outcome was good. When the day-to-day progress of
symptoms was recorded, the patients who had a GCS of
Figure 1 Viral etiology of encephalitis. >12 on day 1, improved without any sequelae. When the
e144 F.K. Beig et al.

Table 2 Comparison of clinical features of patients with enterovirus, mumps, measles, herpes simplex virus, and varicella zoster
virus infections

Clinical features Number of cases

EV-71 (n = 8) Mumps (n = 2) Measles (n = 4) HSV (n = 2) VZV (n = 3)
Generalized convulsions 6 (75%) 1 4 (100%) 2 (100%) 3 (100%)
Focal convulsions 1 0 0 0 0
Meningeal signs 0 0 1 0 1
Raised ICT 0 1 1 0 1
Focal deficit 0 0 0 0 0
Cranial nerve palsy 0 0 0 0 1
Skin rashes 0 0 1 1 0
Malaise 0 0 0 0 0
Mild URTI 0 0 0 0 0
Neck swelling 0 1 0 0 0
Mean CSF cellularity, 106/l <5 260 <5 <5 <5
Mean CSF protein, mg/dl 40 60 34 38 48
Mean CSF glucose, mg/dl 68 70 77 80 62
Death 4 0 1 0 0
Sequelae 0 0 0 1 1
EV-71, enterovirus 71; HSV, herpes simplex virus; VZV, varicella zoster virus; ICT, intracranial tension; URTI, upper respiratory tract
infection; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid.

Table 3 Computed tomography features of patients with suspected viral encephalitis

Etiology Normal CT (n = 16) Abnormal CT (n = 9) Abnormal CT finding CT not done (n = 28)

Unknown 11 6 Loss of gray—white differentiation 18
Hypodensity in basal ganglia
Infarcts in fronto-temporal region
Global ischemia with diffuse brain edema
EV-71 3 1 Hypodensities in thalamus and parietal lobes 4
Mumps 2 0 - 1
Measles 0 0 - 3
HSV 0 1 Hypodensity in basal ganglia 2
VZV 0 1 Prominence of temporal horns 0
CT, computed tomography; EV-71, enterovirus 71; HSV, herpes simplex virus; VZV, varicella zoster virus.

Table 4 Comparison of patients with suspected viral encephalitis with known etiology and unknown etiology

Parameter Known viral etiology (n = 19) Unknown viral etiology (n = 34) p-Value
Mean age, years 4.39  3.36 3.34  2.85 0.042
GCS score
<6 8 10 0.026
>6 to <14 7 22
<48 h 3 3 0.003
>48 h 2 9
Sequelae 2 (13.3%) 2 (6.3%) 0.069
GCS, Glasgow coma scale.

final outcome of patients with suspected VE was correlated Discussion

with age, coma scale, and death it was found that the
correlation was statistically significant ( p-values of 0.042, The most common etiological agent of VE in our study was EV-
0.026, and 0.003, respectively). Correlation with respect to 71, which occurred in 42.1% of cases, followed by measles in
sex was found to be statistically insignificant ( p-value of 21.1% cases, VZV in 15.8%, HSV in 10.5%, and mumps in 10.5%.
0.375). JEV was not found in any case.
Acute viral encephalitis in children, Uttar Pradesh, India e145

HSV-1 is the most common cause of acute sporadic ence- Microneutralization testing for EV-71 though time consum-
phalitis in the USA. Owing to its ubiquitous worldwide dis- ing is cheaper than the more sensitive molecular tools. Since
tribution it should represent an important etiology of we used both acute and convalescent phase sera, the sensi-
encephalitis in India too. However, data pertaining to its tivity for detection of EV-71 increased. In the cases that
prevalence in India are lacking, thus making its inclusion in demonstrated a four-fold rise in titer, the evidence for acute
the study essential. Similarly VZV, measles, and mumps are EV-71 is excellent; however in the remaining EV-71 serologic
important causes of encephalitis and their prevalence in this positive cases, the serologic data are suggestive of EV-71, but
region is high, making them likely etiological agents of not confirmatory.
encephalitis. EV-71 is emerging as an important encephali- Enteroviruses appear to be significant pathogens in the
togenic virus. Given the poor sanitation services, overcrowd- East as seen in the studies undertaken in Taiwan and China,
ing, and lack of awareness of good hygiene habits in this area as well as in our study.3,10,11 The pathogenesis of EV-71 in
we felt EV-71 could be an important but little sought for causing encephalitis is not very clear. Some believe that
etiological agent in encephalitis. Since JEV has already particularly virulent strains of EV-71 lead to encephalitis
established itself firmly in eastern Uttar Pradesh, surveil- and subsequent mortality. Others believe that it could be a
lance to determine if it is gaining a foothold in western Uttar case of hypersensitivity to EV-71 just like there is in dengue
Pradesh is absolutely essential. shock and dengue hemorrhagic syndrome.10 Whatever the
In a study conducted in Beijing on childhood encephalitis, pathogenesis, we need to be aware of its capacity to cause
enterovirus was most commonly identified (15.4%), followed large epidemics that may lead to death. EV-71 is emerging as
by mumps (7.2%), rubella (6.1%), JEV (5.1%), human herpes a significant pathogen in this part of the country. It is usually
virus (2%), and Epstein—Barr virus (1%).4 In contrast, in a Thai associated with sporadic VE. In this study too, EV-71 was
study, dengue virus was identified in a maximum number of sporadic in nature. However it was quite virulent, as 50% of
cases, followed by JEV, HSV, human herpes virus 6, enterovirus, children infected with EV-71 died. A significant finding in
VZV, and rabies.5 In a European study conducted in Finland, this infection was generalized convulsions with altered
varicella predominated (25%), followed by mumps, HSV, and sensorium.
measles.6 In Slovenia, Central European tick-borne encepha- Herpes simplex encephalitis remains the most common
litis topped the list with 28.8% of cases, followed by VZV (17%), and important cause of fatal sporadic VE in the industrialized
HSV (10%), rubella (2.9%), mumps (2.3%), and measles (1.1%).7 world.12 However in the Indian as well as Asian context it does
Thus a wide variation exists in the viral etiological agents across not appear to play a major role.
the globe and even in the same continent. Several factors such Japanese encephalitis, although a big public health pro-
as age, geographic location, season, climate, and host immune blem in eastern Uttar Pradesh, has not made any inroads into
competence affect the epidemiology of VE. However measles, our region of western Uttar Pradesh. However we need to be
mumps, and VZV appear to feature quite prominently in both extremely vigilant because the primary host and vector are
Asian and European countries. Interestingly this is despite present in abundance here, not to mention a large suscep-
effective vaccination programs against mumps, measles, tible human population. Vector control should be practiced
and rubella in the developed countries. stringently to prevent the onward march of JEV.
In our study, a preponderance of cases was noticed in The microbiological diagnosis of VE is usually difficult.
December (68.4%). A similar variation was observed in a Despite using various cell lines, no virus could be isolated
multicenter study in Finland where most cases occurred from from the CSF. Similar results were reported in another
September to January, with the lowest number seen from May study.13 This is the first study of its kind from this region.
to August.8 However in other studies the highest rate of EV-71 emerged as the major pathogen in our study. There is a
infection was seen in summer.4,7 In another study no seasonal need for more such studies to further delineate the etiologies
pattern was noticed.5 Thus no clear pattern emerges. How- of viral encephalitis.
ever in the Indian context, the index of suspicion should be Conflict of interest: No conflict of interest to declare.
higher in winter.
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