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AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA, Jurutera Siswazah BEM (No. ruj: 39863R) WC No: 781112-10-5013 Lot 68 Jalan Besar, Selayang Baru, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor D.E., Malaysia Tel: +6019 2632790 Email: & Registrar, Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia (BEM), Tingkat 17, Ibu Pejabat JKR, Kompleks Kerja Raya Malaysia, Jalan Sultan Salahuddin, 50580 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Tel : 03 2696 7095, Fax: 03 2692 5017 (v/p: Ir. Hizamul-Din Ab Rahman) Tuan, 8 hb. Oktober, 2010 PERMOHONAN MENDUDUKI PEPERIKSAAN PENILAIAN PROFESIONAL (KALI KE-2) Dengan segala hormatnya merujuk kepada perkara diatas dan surat pendattaran Jurutera Siswazah (no. ruj.: 39863R } bertarikh 26hb. Februari, 2003 juga berkait, Bersama-sama ini disertakan satu (1) salinan dokumen-dokumen yang diperiukan untuk Permohonan menduduki peperiksaan penilaian profesional seperti yang disenaraikan dibawah:- y 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Form G — Registration OF Engineers Act 1967 Lampiran G1 - Keterangan pengalaman praktikal berdasorkan format Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia. Lampiran G2 - Akuan pemohon peperiksaan penilaian profesional, Surat pendattaran sebagai Jurutera Siswazah ( no. ruj.: 398638 ) bertarikh 26hb. Februari, 2003. Sijljazah Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan (kepujan) Awam dori Universiti Malaysia Sabah {no. ruj: 300365); Kelas Dua : | yang telah disahkan oleh pihak syarikat PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. Transkrip Rasmi Keputusan Pengajian ljazch Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Awam: dengan Kepujian di Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Kelas Dua: | bertarikh O9hb. Oktober, 2002 (Pindaan} yang telah disahkan oleh pihak syarikat PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. Cok, beimrich RM 20000 ates nama Lambaga Jurulra Malaysia (no ry 219920 bank CIMB. Sekian, pertimbangan dan makiumbalas awal berhubung status permohonan diatas amatiah dihargai, wld Terima kosih Yang benar, Pu fo AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA. Senior Manager, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. Civil & Structural Engineering Section, Engineering Deparment, Development Division, Level 17, Tower 1, PETRONAS Twin Towers, KLCC, 50088 Kuala Lumpur. (u/p:_ It, Mohd Nordzi Bin Mohd Rafdzi ) Lembaga Pengarah, ARSEA Consulting Engineers Sdn, Bhd. Ist-3rd Floor, Jalan Wangsa Setia 3, Wangsa Melawatt, 53300 Kuala Lumpur. (u/p.: It. Jatlus Bin Abdul Jalil, Ir. Rosll Bin Daud & It, HJ. Mohd Halimi Bin Abdul Hamid ) NOTA: LEMBAGA JURUTERA MALAYSIA BOARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA THN 9,4 PEEABAT ARR PEPERIKSAAN PENILAIAN PROFESIONAL Kelayakan untuk menduduki Peperiksaan Penilaian Profesional: w 0) (ii) Berdaftar sebagai Jurutera Siswazah dengan Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia tidak kurang 3 tahun, Memperolehi pengalaman praktikal sebagaimana yang dikehendaki di bawah Peraturan 22, Peraturan Pendaftaran Jurutera 1990. a) Jurutera Siswazah dalam kejuruteraan CIVIL_dimestikan mempunyai pongalaman dalam “designioffice” tidak kurang dari 12 bulan. b) Jurutera Siswazah dalam kejuruteraan CIVIL_dimestikan mempunyai pongalaman dalam “site/field” tidak kurang dari 12 bulan, Borang G yang telah lengkap diisi hendakiah disertakan bersama dengan: ‘Senarai untuk Dokumen yang perlu dikemukakan semakan Keterangan pengalaman praktikal (menggunakan LAMPIRAN G1 | \/ yang disediakan), 2._| Akuan di LAMPIRAN G2. wv 3._| Salinan surat pendaftaran sebagai Jurutera Siswazah. wv 4. | satinan iazah kejuruteraan. OAM? TRANSER IA FEPUTUSAN | \/ 5. | Cek/bank draft/kiriman wang/wang pos berjumlah RM200.00 atas: Y nama Lemibaga Jurutera Malaysia. ()Permohonan yang diterima akan diproses dan calon yang layak menduduki peperiksaan ini akan dinubungi oleh Pemerksa Utama yang telah diantk oleh Lembaga (i) Calon hendaklah berhubung terus dengan Pemeriksa Utama sehingga peperksaan tersebut selesal. Pemeriksa Utama akan mengemukakan laporannya kepada Lembaga untuk penlaian Gi) Calon akan cibértahu keputusannya setelah disahkan dalam mesyuarat Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia, SILA RUJUK “GUIDELINES ON PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT EXAMINATION 1990" UNTUK. KETERANGAN DAN PANDUAN. BEMICLPAE/O1 Rev. No Date 15.7:2008 FORMG ISTRATION OF ENGINI CT 1967 REGISTRATION OF BNGINEERS REGULATIONS 1990 (Regulation 37) APPLICATION FOR A GRADUATE ENGINEER TO SIT FOR THE PROFESSIONAL ASSESSMENT EXAMINATION (To be completed by Applicant in BLOCK LETTERS) Amy NATASHA 61m NoRHUDA ‘Address: ..£0,7,,68- YACAN BESAR SECAYANG BARU, 6F/00 BATH CAVES SECANGOR & eHoAn #60/9-263 2990 Name: 693-2381 60/0 08 03-233/1829 (office : ee me 7 Tel. No Fax No E-mait: 1MY-NtA a OR amy-arsea@yahoo: com Nes. ) Identity Card No: FEM2 = 10 °$ O18 pate of pink: 22 LAE 34863R Graduate Engineer Registration No. Date of Registration as Graduate Engineer: cw’ BENG. CHOW.) CIVIC . UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA Branch of Engineering: Academie Qualifications: ‘SABAH have had ene EA years of practical experience in engineering and have complied with section 10(1)() of the Registration of Engineers Act 1967. 1 enclose herewith *mnoney orderbank drach No, 2!9 22476! M4oe ene amount of RM200 00, being the examination fee. Date of previous iting 2.2.7, 0f 52009 (rite NIL if rt applicable) os/ie(2ere a (Signature) Date: PENALTY Section 24(a of he Registration of Engineers Act 1967: “Any pstson, sole proprictrship partnership or body corporate who pure of atemps 0 procute region or a cnifate of rpistation under ts Act by knowingly making o¢ podueng, ‘auring to be made or produced any fle or raulent declaration, cere, application or eptesenation whether im wring or ‘terse shall be guity ofan offence ae shal, on envio, be Habe to a ine ot exceeding te hausand ringgit in the ete ‘fan individual, city thousand rng ia th ase oa Sole pepitrsip, pstneship or boy corporat, ot imprsorment for ‘term ot exceeding te years, oro bah “delete whichever is not applicable LAMPIRAN G2 AKUAN PEMOHON PEPERIKSAAN PENILAIAN PROFESIONAL ‘Saya mengaku bahawa saya YA Tak Tidak pernah menduduki Peperiksaan Penilaian Profesional ” YY di Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia. Pernah gagal Peperiksaan Penilaian Profesional di Lembaga Jurutera Malaysia pada*....22~ yn aelF v Telah memohon/menduduki Temuduga Profesional di Institusi Jurutera Malaysia (JEM) pada *....2....ccssessn x Pernah gagal Temuduga Profesional di Institusi Jurutera x | Malaysia (IEM) pada’ .....7 Lain-ain kenyataan: - TIADA ~ Yang benar, Nama penuh AMY NATASHA BIN WORHUDA No. kad pengenalan : FIN2-10-5013 No, pendaftaran Jurutera Siswazah 3EZR PERHATIAN: “* Sila tandakan (V) di kotak yang berkenaan. * Sila nyatakan tarikh, BOARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) LAMPIRAN G1 Name: AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA Identity Card No.: 781112-10-5013 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Date (Mth & Year) Relating to each ‘appointment Example: July 90 to May 95 = © o = STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE AREA (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) (IN MONTHS) i LC |state concisely Title of Position held, . > 1<.2 IName of Employer, Location and 5 3 | epee beteroton of euch work (Make Be & | 3528 [statement brief and concise, designation be el ele | sete, jeach work upon which engaged with or peg —/2/2e283 af Ichange of position separately: include oe 2/2/88 Be 3 ee jtome indication of magnitude and as g £| E|ge] e288 lcomplexity of work in which engaged, 33s S| e/=| 2 ]2£5) ses : four duties and degree of responsibilty) of >|2}2| 2) 38] 8588 |! necessary, additional sheets may be BE |s| 2/5] 2] 2/88] S835 etched 2" 18] als] 2s |gal""s ‘March 2003 to January 2007 Nome oF Employer [ARSEA Consulting Engineers Sdn. Bhd. INo. 40, 1st-3rd Floor, Jalan Wangsa Setia 3, 3300 Wangsa Melawati, Kuala Lumpur Position: I- Civil structural Engineer (Mar 03 - Dec 04) i- Senior Engineer - Civil& Structural (Jan 0S - Dec 08) il- Principal (Jan 07 - Jan 09) |Job function as a Senior Engineer (Civil & Structural |sy job function as Senior Engineer {Civil & Structural) }wos managing projects under my responsibilty |which include pre and post tender activities, liaison |uith local and other government/related logencies and other related works including office loaministration, inventory, propose solution in solving the design issues, monitoring / review the |design, and dratting resources for he projects \development. | report to the Principal |Head of Technical Department} lob function as a. IM job functions as a Technical / Engineering IDepariment Manager was managing projects under 1y fesponsibilty which include pre and post tender lactivities caried out by Project Managers, liaison |with local and other goverment/related agencies land other related works incluaing office fadministration, inventory, propose solution in bolving the design issues, monitoring / review the \design, and dratting resources for the projects |development. | report to the Board of Directors. cipal (Tech,/Eng. Dept. Manat g E 3 5 2 g . 2 3 E 2 3 2 1125 YARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) Name: Identity Card No.: AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA, 781112-10-5013 LAMPIRAN G1 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE x 7 < 3 = STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE AREA (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) (IN MONTHS) Ge Dr [oa [8s [0 bs 3 & state concisely Tie of Postion held, : >) 2 22 _|Name of Employer, Location and 28 2 | ese: 23 |Description of each work (Make ge a 1 gees & & ,, |statement bret and concise, designation Zag Bl] ele | sete. 2 E 8 [each work upon which engaged wth or zit £|2|8o| 22823 § 8 8 Jenange of postion separately: include eee | 2 | 3s] Fs8e¢ 3 © [tome indication of magnitude and 238 3 S| B]gs)sisse 22 [completyetwoncin wich engoged Bas 8) 2) ele listeiae EE |yourduties and degree of responsibilty) os Sle) e)| ele ages 2 & _|itnecessary, addtional sheets may be ce |e] S| 5) 2] lee] e235 & © |attachea = 3\e(2/2|8|88 g List of Projects involved 1. Planning and Detailed Design of Heritage vs|alale ‘March 2003 to December 2007 Park and Waterfront Structures Project At Precinct [5, Putrajaya (The Pullman Hotel) Iclient: Persadanan Putrajaya Project Cost: MYR ISmil (Maritime Civil Eng.) |status: Construction Completed JA 7.5 acres development ot heritage pork nich consists of hotels, Malay Water Vilage, Viewing Tower, Waterttonts Structures, Bomeo Pavilion . lPre-bore spun piled foundation, R.C. lake ledige wall and sub-soll drainage system. Duties inciude civil structrual design, getting relevant authority’s approval, loreparing lender and construction drawings, |:pecification, attending client-consultant land technical meeting, developing solutions or problems with the application of longineering concepts, accepted practices jand techniques and technical powerpoint presentation preparation, Bin Abdul Hamid, Director of ARSEA Consulting Engineers Sdn. Bhd. tH. Mohd Hall OARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) Name: Identity Card No.: AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA 781112-10-5013 LAMPIRAN G1 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 3 STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) € EXPERIENCE AREA D (IN MONTHS) Date (Mth & Year Relating to each ‘appointment Example: July 90 to May 95 state concisely Tile of Postion held, Nome of Employer, Location and Description of each work (Make talement brief and concite, designation [pachwork upon whieh engaged wi or ‘hange of position separately: include some indication of magnitude and |complexity of work in which engaged, ur duties and degree of responsibilty) I necessary, addlional sheets may be lottached or Dz ps whom served Name, Position and Address of Professional Engineer under Total Design / Office Site / Field Joter Engineering Works Masters / Post Graduate / Study /| Research / Teaching Signature of any Professional Engineers who has personal knowledge of Applicant's ‘or experience in the period mentioned ‘August 2003 to September 2008, 12. Planning and Detailed Design of Maritime [Centre Project At Precinct 5, Pukajaya |Client: Perbadanan Putrajaya JProject Cost: MYR ISmil (Mantime Civil Eng.) fatus: Construction completed lA 5 acres development Martine Centre which lconsiss of business complex, watertront ucture, emergency rescue centre stuctural steel, B.C. ramp, ferry terminal jetty and Jbontoon and launching pontoon, JPre-bore spun piled foundation, R.C. lake edge walt, buties include civilstiuctual design, lgetting relevant outhority’s approval Jpreparing tender and constuction drawings, kpecification, attencing client-consuitant land technical meeting, developing solutions for problems with the application of lengineering concepts, accepted practices land techniques and technical powerpoint Jpresentation preparation. rector of ARSEA Consulting Engineers Sdn. Bhd, it, Hl, Mohd Halimi Bin Abdul Hamid, YARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) Name: Identity Card No.: AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA. 781112-10-5013 LAMPIRAN G1 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 3 STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) c EXPERIENCE AREA D (IN MONTHS) Date (Mth & Year) Relating to each ‘appointment Example: July 90 to May 95 [state concisely Tile of Postion held, IName of Employer, Location and |Description of each work (Make statement briet and concise, designation leach work upon which engaged with or Ichange of postion separately: include lsome indication of magnitude and |complexity of work in which engaged, lyour duties and degree of responsibilty) Itrnecessary, additional sheets may be lattached D2 BS cy whom served Professional Engineer under Nome, Posifion and Address of, Total Design / Office Planning / Management Site / Field ‘Masters / Post Graduate / Study /| &| JOther Engineering Works Research / Teaching Signature of any Professional Engineers who has personal knowledge of Applicant's raining ‘or experience in the period ‘mentioned ‘September 2003 to December 2007 i. Planning and Detailed Design of the IDevelopment of Watersport Complex At Precinct & Promenade, Putrajaya IClient: Perbacianan Putrajaya Project Cost: MYR 70m (C&S and Maritime CivilEng.) |status: Construction Completed [4 9.5 acres development project which consists lof Grand Stand with tensie membrane ond Ise! structure rooting, Finish Tower structural ite! building, swimming pool complex with 1 fevel of basement, regatta course lanes, lpontoons, boat launching ramp. revetment, f.c. wall soft & hardscape, and prebore spun jotied foundation [infrastructure works consists of road, water lkupply, MASMA drainage with STD and 2600 PE sewerage system. Duties include civil siructrual design, lgetting relevant authority's approval. Joreparing tender and construction drawings, kpecttication, attending client-consuitant land technical meeting, developing solutions ior problems with the application of longineering concepts. occepled practices Jond techniques, getting C.F. from local Jouthority for the project and technical Jboworpoint presentation preparation. Z 7 & F j 5 g g : z i i i Ir ai 8) egal PR “Sy 2) TAD 7825 Sj 47 -+—t PEAY yeh ] 4125 Name: Identity Card No.: )ARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA. 781112-10-5013 Lawell RAN G1 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 3 ‘STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) © D EXPERIENCE AREA (IN MONTHS) Date (Mth & Year) Relating to each ‘oppointment Example: July 9010 May 95 Istate concisely Tile of Position held, Name of Employer, Location and, Description of each work (Make statement brief and concise, designation leach work upon which engaged with or |change of position separately: include lsome indication of magnitude and |complexity of work in which engaged, lyour duties and degree of responsibility) It necessary, additional sheets may be lottached D2 Ds whom served Nome, Position and Address of Professional Engineer under Total Design / Office Site /Fietd Planning / Management Jomer Engineering Works [Masters / Post Graduate / Study /| | Research / Teaching Signature of any Professional Engineers who has personal knowledge of Applicant's training or experience in the period mentioned September 2004 to March 2005 |4. Proposed Smart School Precinct 18 Project, Putrajaya Iclient: Perbadanan Putrajaya Project Cost: MYR 40mil (Civil & Structural Eng.) |status: Up fo Planning Stage (Project KIV) [4 5.1 acres smart schoo! development, which [consists of schoo! blocks and its related infrastructures, [Duties inctude civi siructrual planning, Jicison with relevant authoritys, preparing Jconcept plan / preliminary drawings, Jattending client-consuitant and technical |meeting, developing solutions for probiems |with the application of engineering concepts, ‘accepted practices and techniques, and technical powerpoint presentation loreporation, \r, Hj. Mohd Halimi Bin Abdul Hamid, Director of ARSEA Consulting Engineers Sdn. Bhd. e Ts = [lee Vi) LAMPIRAN G1 YARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) Name: AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA, Identity Card No.: 781112-10-5013 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 3 € D E STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE AREA (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) (IN MONTHS) Date (Mth & Year) Relating to each ‘appointment Example: July 9040 May 95 Di] 2 | 63 | 04 [State concisely Title of Position held, |Name of Employer, Location and |Description of each work (Make lstatement brief and concise, designation leach work upon which engaged with or [change of position separately: include lsome indication of magnitude and |complexity of work in which engaged, lYour duties and degree of responsibilty) It necessary, additional sheets may be 3 lattached s rs who has personal whom served Signature of any Professional Engl knowledge of Applicant's training Professional Engineer under fr experience inthe petiod ‘mentioned Name, Position and Address of Planning / Management Masters / Post Graduate / Study /| &| Design / Office Site / Field [Other Engineering Works Research / Teaching ‘April 2005 to March 2006 5. Planning of Marina, Water Transport Terminal. 45} | 3 land Inner Lagoon Berth for The Proposed \Watertront Precinct At Bandar Nusajaya, \Jonor Client: UEM Lond Sdn, Bhd. Perunding Padureka Project Cost: MYR 80mil (Maritime Cvi Eng.) Status: Planning Completed Design of berthing facies for marinas and |water transport terminal including reclamation, dredging, sea edge treatment land the required draught for navigational puposes, Water transport terminal is consists of woter taxi, water bus, feries, and cruise terminals / ties. Sdn. Bhd. In Abdul Hamid, Director of ARSEA Consulting Engi Duties include preparation of technical reports, [TOR preparation for topo ond bathymetry survey Joreliminary planning layout ond urban design |guidetnes, cost estimation attending client [consultant and technical meeting, developing solutions for problems with the application of lengineering concepts, accepted practices land techniques. Hj. Mohd Hal 6125 LAMPIRAN G1 |OARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) Name: AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA Identity Card Nox 781112-10-5013 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 3 € a E STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE AREA (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) (IN MONTHS) May 95 Date (Mth & Year) Relating fo each ‘appointment Example: July 90 to Di] 2 | 6s | 04 a [state concisely ite of Position held, Name of Employer, Location and Description of each work (Make |statement brief and concise, designation Jeach work upon which engaged with or |change of position separately: include |some indication of magnitude and Jcomplexity of work in which engaged, lyour duties and degree of responsibilty) If necessary, additional sheets may be lattached, ‘whom served Signature of any Professional Engineers who has personal knowledge of Applican's training ‘or experience in the period mentioned Name, Position and Address of Professional Engineer under [Masters / Post Graduate / Study / Research / Teaching Design / Office ste / Feld Planning / Management other Engineering Works Total * January 2005 to December 2007 2 6. Planning and Detailed Design For the 28 lsaling-kupang, Road Project, Kedah [Ciient: Jabatan Kerja Raya Negeri Kedah lProfect Cost: MYR 8mil (Roadworks Scope) fatus: Tender Document Completed rector of Sdn, Bhd, JAn upgrading of 6 km existing rural road to |mocitiod R3 JKR standard with 2.5m with Joaved shoulder. in Abdul Hamid, 'ARSEA Consulting Engine Duties inctude supervise extemal designer |works, getting relevant authoritys approval, Jpreparing tender and construction drawings, |specttication, land acquisition drawings. E i [developing solutions for problems with the application of engineering concepts, Jaccepted practices and techniques. 7125 BOARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) Name: AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA Identity Card No. 781112-10-5013 LAMPIRAN GT ‘PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE x . € D E ‘STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE AREA (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) (IN MONTHS) Di] 2 | 03 | ba [os 004 to January 2009 Apa lRedevelopment Of swettenhan Pier, Penang [Clients Jabatan Suruhanjaya Pulau Pinang Project Cost: MYR 7Omil (C&S and Mariime Civil Eng.) status: Construction Completed Marine works - Main T-Pier (Trestle & Jetty Hea), Concrete Pontoon System, Dolphins, kink Bricges. Building Works - Bus parking area, services area deck level), passenger terminal area & Cia (1st Floor) and corporate area (2nd floor} Infrastructure works- road & hordstanding, water supply ond sewerage works. Partly involve the planning and detaied [design work including monitoring the structural |aesign work, developing solutions for problems the application of engineering concepts, jaccepted practices and techniques. $2 $8 _ state concisely Tile of Postion held, 5 > 1.2 2. {Name of Employer, Location and 3s 3 | 22s2 22 [pescrption of each work (Make g& & | ages 8 &.,, |otementonet ond conc, designation 22 glele | ete, & E& leach wotk upon which engaged with or Bee §| 2 |32| see: F 5 B change of postion separately: include FED 8) 2|8s| b2is2 2 [some indication of magnitude and Bs $ S| 3|g8| 3552 EE |compenty ot workinwhich engooed, BBE S/o] =|] 8/25) s8ee EE _|yourduties and degree of responsibility) 2 g >|] 2| 2/8] sees $8 |itmecessary, addtional sheets may be b2 |s/ S/S] =| 8/28) Si35 82 Jottached 7 2| 8 él] e2|s6 ize" s 7. Planing and Detailed Design Of the as| 2 os 8/25 LAMPIRAN G1 OARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) Name: ‘AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA Identity Card No.: 781112-10-5013 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ‘March 2006 to January 2009 = t D z STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE AREA (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) (IN MONTHS) Ge Dr] 02 [os | ba [bs $2 _|stote concisely Tite of Postion held, : >)__2 2 {Name of Employer, tocation and 3s 3 | 2283 22 |Description of each work (Make ge = | eeee % 8 |statement bret ond concise, designation Bee g\ele | shee, © E 2 leach work upon which engaged with or 25 E| 5 |3e| fest § 8 2 [change of postion separately: include He 2) 2/35] F232 £5 * |rome indication of magnitude and 3 38 8 5| elgelsisse EE [complexity of work in which engaged, bo? S|2] =} e}£s] $eas EE |your duties and degree of responsibilty) es > @| 2|e6|/ 322% 2B |itnecessary, addtional sheets may be s@€ |s| els] e] 2] es] 235 8° [attached = El ele|2/ 8 [82 £ Jo. Planning and Detailed Design ofthe Marine wielefs Police Base, Mukim Tanjung Kupang, Johor |Client: Pembinaan BLT Sdn. Bhd. PORM, JProject Cost: MYR 320mil (C&S and Maritime ClvilEng,) |status: Under Construction (Reclamation) JA 110 acres development which consists of 70 Jacres reclamation works, 10 acres mooring lbasin dredging, training and sport complex. Jadministation staff quarters, berthing of vessels, vessel Iting and its storage facies, lsioway ramp and water edge treatment loperational jetty, service jetty berth ond ViP lberth which consisls of reinforced concrete, Isioway and small cratt pontoon system. Infrastructure works involved roadworks, water supply, elevated watter tank, MASMA lcrcinage with STD ond S000PE sewerage system. structural earthquake engineering anaiysis for 18-storey Class F apartments. ABDUL HAMIO| ye louties inctude civil stuctrual desian, lgetting relevant authority's approval lproparing tender and constuction drawings, specification, attending clent-consultant land technical meeting, developing solutions tor problems with the application of lengineering concepts, accepted practices land techniques, getting CF. ftom local Jauthorily for the project and technicot lpowerpoint presentation preparation It, Hl. Mohd Halimi Bin Abdul Hamid, Director of ARSEA Consulting Engineers Sdn. Bhd. 9/25 BOARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) Name: AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA Identity Card No.: 781112-10-5013 LAMPIRAN G1 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 3 © STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) D EXPERIENCE AREA, (IN MONTHS) Date (Mth & Year) Relating fo each ‘appointment Example: July 90 to May 95 2 [03 State concisely Tile of Postion held, Name of Employer, Location and Description of each work (Make statement brief and concise, designation leach work upon which engaged with or ‘change of position separately: Include some indication of magnitude and ‘complexity of work in which engaged, |your duties and degree of responsibilty) necessary, additional sheets may be jottached nal Engineer under whom served Profes Name, Position and Address of Total Design / Office Planning / Management site / Field lother Engineering Works IMasters / Post Graduate / Study /| Research / Teaching 's who has personal knowledge of Applicants training ‘or experience in the period Engines Signature of any Professional ‘mentioned December 2004 to January 2009 9. Planning and Detailed Design of Marine 55 Police Base, Lahad Datu, Sabah Ictient: Kementerian Keselamatan Dalam Negeri Project Cost: MYR 8imil (C&S and Maritime Civil Eng.) |status: Under Construction JA 15 acres development which consists of sea lreclomation works, 1.5m design wave hight lberthing of vessels jetty, ramp cum boat itt Jplattoin, tranining facies, sport and. lccministration complex. Infrastructure works involved roadworks, water supply, elevated water fank, MASMA |dcainage with STD and 950PE sewerage system. structural earthquake engineering analysis for lsstorey Clos F aporiment. Abdul Hamid, Director of ARSEA Consulting Engineers Sdn. Bhd. Panty involve the planning and detailed [design work including monitoring the structural design work, developing solutions for problems the application of engineering concepts, loccepted practices and techniques, and submission to the local authorities. 10/25 LAMPIRAN G1 BOARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA Name: Identity Card No.: 781112-10-5013 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE * = t D F STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE AREA (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) (IN MONTHS) ea Dr] eos | oa os 3g _ [state concisely ile of Poston held, s > 1. 2 2 = _ |Nome of employer, location and 3 3 | 228s 22 |oescription of each work (Make ge 2 | aegis 5 ¥ __ fiotement brief and concise, designation Bez Elele |e8es, © ES leach work upon which engaged with or zee | 2|2e)£3222 § 5 & |enange of postion separately: include He 3) 2/85] Fese2 3 * fome indication of magnitude and 235 g 2/2 |gslsisee EE fomplesyotworkinwnicn engaged, B33 S/o/2| 2/25] sees 2 _hrourduties and degree of responsiblity) ee s|2|] 2] | e8] 2e3s 2B |tnecessary,adtional sheets may be se |s/ B/S] Ee] E/e8 e835 > _|atachea e jel al sle]s ize" s ho. Beautiication Works At Sg. Bernam s |3s|2 fos] |Riverbank, Sabak Bernam, Selangor (Phase 2) 5 {cient: Jabaton Rengairan Don Salvan Selangor 2 Protect Cost: MYR 10.0mi (Civ Eng, & g _otus Desion Completed i $ Riverbank protection works. river beautiication = 3 works nctucing waterront structure on soft 3 2 marine clay. : 2 eosign work including monitoring the structural {sesion wrk. doveioping solutions fr problems the application of engineering concep, loccepied practices and techniques, and kuomission to the local authortes. 11. Geotechnical interpretotion For Bernas 2] 1 | os Jroject, Pulau Indah, Klang, Selangor |Client: Padiberas Nasional Berhad (BERNAS) z Froiect Cost: mv 25k (For investigation fees) : 8 [status investigation Completed gs = Bs 3 cootechrical interpretation fr the proposed 3 2 [portal frame stee! structure, building size 22 B [pear x 64m (m1) 1000 tonnes so foundation Ps] 5 prom 2 _outies inciode study the sol investigation 38 © por, esimation of cobmrn food othe 2s foundation, preiminary design of plecaps 28 election of the suitable ple type and size, = nd estimation of pie penetration length 11725 LAMPIRAN G1 YARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) Name: AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA. Identity Card No.: 781112-10-5013 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE B c D E STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE AREA (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) (IN MONTHS) Date (Mth & Year) Relating fo each ‘appointment Example: July 90 to May 95 Di | 02 | 03 | ba |State concisely Title of Position held, [Name of Employer, Location and Description of each work (Make sHatement bret ond concite, designation leach work upon which engaged with or [change of posiion separately: include ome indication of magnitude and complexity of work in which engaged, |your duties and degree of responsibilty) It necessary, adkltional sheets may be i latched 3 whom served ‘mentioned or experience in the period Nome, Position and Address of Professional Engineer under Engineers who has personal knowledge of Applicant's training Masters / Post Graduate / Study /| 8 Signature of any Professional Planning / Management Research / Teachi Design / Office Site / Field lother Engineering Works ‘May 2007 to January 2009 12. Planning and Detailed Design Of Mosque 55 |Complex, Bandar Puncak Alam, Selangor |Ctlent: Puncak Alam Housing Sin. Bh! JProject Cost: MYR 25mil (Civil & Structural Eng.) Istatus: Design Stage JA 10 ccres development which consists of mosque for 5000 people. staff quarters, student hostels, retail area and 100 nos car parking lorea, Infrastructure works Involves roodwors, |water supply, MASMA drainage, and sewerage system, Abdul Hamid, Director of ARSEA Consulting Engineers Sdn. Bhd. Duties include civi structrual planning, foison with relevant authortys, preparing |concept plan / preliminary drawings, |attending client-consuitant and technical Jmeeting, submission to local authority |developing solutions for problems with the lapplication of engineering concepts, ‘accepted practices and techniques. Ir. Hl. Mohd Halim 42125 LAMPIRAN G1 )ARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA Identity Card No.: 781112-10-5013 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE x = € o E STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE AREA (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) (INMONTHS) Se Dr oz [os | oe os 8g _ |state concisely title of Position held, 3 >]. .2 2 > _ |Name of Employer, Location and 33 3 )2Bs Be pecctoton oteach wore sutake gE a | a2 B & | statement brief and concise, designation 233 E/ ele) eae & ES leach work upon which engaged with or Bae §| 2/29) =82 § & |change of postion separately: include gig 8) 2/58] See 3 & © {some indication of magritude and 238 t 5/3/38] 333; EE _|complexity of work in which engaged, Bae S/o} =] selfs) ses 5 | our duties and degree of responsibilty) ef >| 2] 2) 2|es| se? £8 |itnecessary, additional sheets may be 52 |5/2|/s] 2] 2/88) 858 BE latched 2° [el al gles [ea "s 113. Projek Usahasama Antara Kerajaan eg 4 1 1 1 1 IMataysia Dan Thaltand 3 - Pembalkan Muara Sungai Golok § |Geotechnical investigation of Transit Point B & Client: Jabaton Pengairon Dan Satan Mokaysio 2 Project Cost: MYR 305k (For Study & Investigation) 2 status Fino Report Completed 5 [The light house also known as Transit Point 8 s g Ap. PROFESS located at the centre ot Se, Golok rver mouth 3 Ke y «B Scoundary merk between Natasa orc g 7] afr NZ § finotond end wos bull ona concrete pain the 3 / Butera cent ste measemen : a © visual inspection. managing the engineering é & [studies cary forsol investigation, spot level = 4 ve & survey and concrete laboratory testing, 3 CANS |preparing technical reports, liaison with < to feleventeutnomy for data gathering od g ltechnical presentation powerpoint preparation. E ithe objectives of the report ore; try to confirn 2 {shat was buit, assess the conditon of the z structure, consider options for strengthening ond 3 satising of the structure, onc morior the = stooitity ofthe stucture, 13/25 FEN Name: Identity Card No.: MALA\ AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA. 781112-10-5013 LAMPIRAN G1 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE e ‘STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) © D EXPERIENCE AREA (IN MONTHS) Date (Mth & Year) Relating to each ‘ppointment Example: July 90 to May 95 Slate concisely Tile of Postion held, Name of Employer, Location and Description of each work (Make statement brief and concise, designation leach work upon which engaged with or |change of position separately: include |some indication of magnitude and |complexity of work in which engaged, lyour duties and degree of responsibilty) Ifnecessary, additional sheets may be lottached ‘Name, Position and Address of Professional Engineer under whom served Dr ba [os | of Total Design / Office Planning / Management Site / Feld Other Engineering Works [Masters / Post Graduate / Study /| 5) Research / Teaching Engineers who has personal ‘oF experience in the period ‘mentioned Signature of any Professional knowiedge of Applicant's training Janvary 2007 to Janvary 2009 14. Maintenance, Upgrading And Design of |Schools Project in Sembrong District, Kivang, \Johor |Ctient: Kementerian Pelajoran Malaysia Project Cost: MYR 25mil (Civil & Shuctural Eng.) |status: Construction Completed the scope of works involved design, project Imanagement and supervise the maintenance, lupgrading and design works for 11 schoo’ / staff Jauarters site in Seribrong Disctict, Johor. Ihe maintenance works és for the infrastructure |works and upgrading is for the class F.G and H, existing halls and cdnteen. [The design works include the new building Le. schools blocks, INBs, staff quarters (2.4.68 units), IGrancistand, pump house and covered walkway lintostructures works for roadworks, drainage, |water supply and sewerage system. Duties include civil sructrual design, Jgetting relevant authoritys opproval Jpteparing fender and construction drawings, jipecification, attending client-consultant Jand technical meeting, developing solutions or problems with the application of Jengineering concepts, accepted practices Jand techniques, lbowerpoint presentation preparation. Abdul Hamid, Director of ARSEA Consulting Engineers Sdn. Bhd. nH, Mohd Hal 14725 LAMPIRAN G1 BOARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA Identity Card No. 781112-10-5013 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE x D t o E STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE AREA (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) (IN MONTHS) be Dror [os | or ps Bg _ [state concisely title of Position held, s > /|..2 2 > [Name of Employer, Location and 2 i B | EREs 22 |pescription of each work (Moke ge & /28is & & , }totement brief ond concise, designation Bee se] ele | sae fy 2 E leach work upon which engaged with or Bee £| 2 |3el Essie F & 3 [change ot poston separately: include ore 2 | 2 | 83] Fees2 3 =~ [some indication of magnitude ond 23s g 5) 3 |g8) s2see ZB [comptexty otworkin which engoged, Bas S/o 2) 2/82) 283 i = _fyourduties and degree of responsibilty) ¢ |i] 2/2) 38] sees $B |trnecessar, addtional sheets may be fe |5/e|ele|e|isl sees 32 etachea ey |e] al slels lea "s 15. ropoted Advance Technology Taining Complex s|s 1s | os [(ADTEC), Kemaman, Terengganu |client: Kementerian Sumber Manusia / IMESH Engineers Sdn. Bhd. Project Cost: MYR 120mil (Civil & Structural Eng.) status: Uncler Construction JA 62 acres development which consists of forkshops, training and sporl complex, lacministration building, staff and student lavorters. lIntrastructure works involved roadworks, |water supply, elevated water tank, MASMA larcinage with SID and 2510PE sewerage system. Bhd. Duties include civi structual design, loctting relevant authority’s approval, Joreparing tender and construction drawings, koecification, attending client-consultant Jond technical meeting, developing solutions or problems with the application of Jongineering concepts, accepted practices land techniques, getting C.F. from local Jauthority for the project and technical lpowerpoint presentation preparation. September 2007 to January 2009 in Abdul Hamid, Director of ARSEA Consulting Engineers Sdn. 3 2 15/25 LAMPIRAN G1 YARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEN) Name: AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA Identity Card No 781112-10-5013 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE x 3 € D = STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE AREA (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) (N MONTHS) ee Dr] oa | 3 | be [ps 8 3 _|state concisely Tile of Postion held, 3 > 1.2? 2 [Nome of Employer, Location and 23 2 Bes8 23 |pescription of each work (Make ge 2 | ees 5 & ,, |stotement briet and concite, designation Zig Bl Ele |s2ee, & ES leach work upon which engaged with or BSs §| = |3e)tsee2 3 5 & |change ot postion separately: include gfe 2| 2 \s3| S2oe2 3 F _|fome indication of magnitude and 32 g g 8) 3 |e sz5se EE _ [complexity of work in which engaged, F Sle{=|e|2t) sees EE __|yourdutes and degree of responsibilty) es z}e] 2] 2] es) sees $E _ |itnecessary, additional sheets may be Bf |e] 2!ls]2]8|88| S835 BF [attaches = | él|é/2|s6|gel""s |16. The Design, Construction, Completion, Testing 5 1 4 ‘August 2007 to January 200 land Commisioning Of Submarine Base For Royal |Malaysian Navy At Sepanggar Bay, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Ictient: Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia |Project Cost: MYR 120mil (Maritime Civi Eng.) status: Constuction Completed |As a Maritime Auditor for JKR Malaysia The Maritime Engineering Works are: 1 Navigationat Basin l2- Reclamation works 3- Flooting Breakwater / Jetty 4- Shipttt Platform 5 Pulau Uder Marina Is -Sea Edge Treatment 17- All temporary works inside the water [2- Hydraulic study the scope of works include analyse, audit, |make comments on the maritime engineering }works for the installation of submarine base for Roya! Malaysian Navy. in Abdul Hamid, Director of ARSEA Consulling Engineers Sdn, Bhd, Ir. Hl. Mohd Halim! Ci 78; LA 16/25 ORD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) Name: Identity Card No.: AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA 781112-10-013 LAMPIRAN G1 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE x 7 t v = STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE AREA (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) (IN MONTHS) Ge Dre os | or be $e _|stote concisely tie of Postion held, 3. > )__2 2 = |Name of Employer, Location and 33 3 | bees 23 |Description of each work (Make gs 2 | ees g 5 & _ |stotement ret and concise designation 2a tl ele.) gees, 2 E © leach work upon which engaged with or pee E] 2 |2o) €ege2 § & F |change of postion separately: include eae 8|2|8s| Fee32 5 = * |some indication of magnitude and 238 g B/E |ges S35 i EE |complexty of work in which engaged, as Bl o| 2] s/2o) s8a8 EE |rourduties and degree of responsibitiy) of >|] 2] 2|es] 8oz8 2B |ttnecessary, adaliional sheets may be 52 g|?\e —] 8/28) S835 BE attached 7 2/8|s/2|6[2e/" & [conduct in-house taining and technical seminars 2 | 4 4 gg [ctor tncner itn secon at 8 | noineering software STAADPIO, ORON & teem, | BB 3 | tecanology Produets- a _ [Corrosion protection and protective coating 3 2. [product co, stuctural repair co. SKA, FOSROC, e23 jm — |CEMENTAID & HILTL solar powered zeni ight co. 26% 8 Jencing stucture/etly accessories co. MSL Rubber <8 5 Bridgestone, Doshin Rubber etc, structural product s 2 2 |co. concrete product co. geotechnical & si 35 4 3 [improvement producis co., laboratory testing co. 23 — FapUL HAD) = land pile testing co. fet s\ 5 Tew 17125 BOARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) Name: Identity Card No.: AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA 781112-10-5013 LAMPIRAN G1 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE x = c D t STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE AREA (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) (IN MONTHS) ge Dr [oe [3 | 04 Ios 3 _|state concisely ile of Postion held, = 2 ge 3 2 | asee 35 [name ottmptayer tocaton and Be 3 | 2583 2 [Description of each work (Make gE |. f2 | eeee & & ,, |statement briet and concise, designation 2ay i} 3 2 | Shee E& leach work upon which engaged with or ee £/ 2/22) £8 ac} & 3 |cnange of postion separately: include see 8) 2 | Eel zoaee 3S leome inccatlon of magnude ond bei] |g Bi |o8] S283 3B _|complenty otworkinwhich engaged, Bas S/o] 2/2/25) e828 EE [your duties and degree of responsibility) #8 =|2] 2] 2] e8] e223 £2 [tnecessary, addtional sheets may be 52 3/8] S) 2) 2] $8) e235 8 ottachea 7 2|8lélelslge & ‘March 2009 to Present |Name OF Employer: IPETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. |civil& structural Engineering Section, Engineering Department, Development Division Level 17, Tower 1, PETRONAS Twin Towers, IKLCC, 50088, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA Positions: I- Senior civil Engineer (Mar 09 - Sep 09) li- Senior Geotechnical Engineer (Oct 09 - Present) lay job functions are general as follows: h. Plan, execute and contol Civ, Maritime Civil Js Structural and Geotechnical Engineering lactivitis in development phase Uife-of Feld to Jonsure optimum and cost effective development lst upholding the highest technical integiity In order to effectively monetize and grow PCSB's Jglobal portfolio and opportunities 2. Provide total integrity solutions and expertise [through in the field of Civ, Maritime Civ & {structural and Geotechnical engineering activitios [through technical review / compliance chek and |:neciaiized studies; and continuous assess and Jonhance civ’ facillies / foundation design |concepts, strategies, philosophies, standards and knccitications to domestic and international [3. Tain and develop capability and expertise of [Junior Engineers in the section and PETRONAS Ioroup. II, Mohd Nordzi Bin Mohd Ratdzi, Senior Manager, C & $ Eng. Section, PETRONAS Carigall Sdn. 8hd. LANPIRAN G1 ORD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) Name: AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA Identity Card No.: 781112-10-5013 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 3 € ‘STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) D E EXPERIENCE AREA (IN MONTHS) Date (Mth & Year) Relating fo each ‘appointment Example: July 0 to May 95 ol Dz] 03 | Da aI State concisely Tile of Postion held, Name of Employer, Location and Description of each work (Make [statement briet and concite, designation leach work upon which engaged with or |change of position separately: include |some indication of magnitude and |complexity of work in which engaged, lyour duties and degree of responsibilty) It necessary, additional sheets may be lattached ‘whom served ‘Name, Position and Address of Professional Engineer under Total Design / Office [Masters / Post Graduate / study /| Signature of any Professional Engineers who has personal knowledge of Applicant's training Research / Teaching Jotner Engineering Works Planning / Management Site / Feld or experience in the period mentioned ‘March 2009 to October 2010 List of project / task Involved 17. As a review team members for Line Discipline Review (LDR), Project independence Reviews (PIR), Project Risk Assessment (PRA), and other types of lteview session for the listed projects: + LDR: as a Structural Discipline Reviewer ~Topside: [Tanga Borat Acid Gas Removal System Cluster JDevelopment Project (Gas Platform), Offshore lTerenggonu Platform + Pik (Consituction); as a Structural Discipline JReviower ~ Jacket Platform; Tanga Baral, TBCP-A, Jottshore Terenaganu Piatform + PiR (Construction): 0s a Siructvral Dscipine Reviewer - Jacket Platform: Kinabalu KNPG-8, lottshore Sivan Platform + PiR (ITB EPCC}: as « Civil Discipline Reviewer. lUrga New Facies project, Uzbekistan + PiR (TB EPC}; as a Civil Disciptine Reviewer - Turkmenistan Gas Separation Plant + PIR (ITB; Extraction, Transport and Delivery of Sea [sand For Adttional site Preparation); as a Civil Disciptine Reviewer - Sabah Ol & Gas Terminal Project, Malaysia, As a Review Team Leader + Pik (ITB; Additional site Preparation}: os a Civil Discipiine Reviewer - Sabah Oil & Gos Terminal Project, Moiaysia, As a Review Team Leader + PIR ITB EPC}; os a Cli Disciptine Reviewer |Saban 01 & Gas Terminal Project. Malaysia + PRA; as a Civil Discipline Reviewer -8COT New NGL Tank Project, Bintulu, Sarawak + PRA; 05 @ Chil Discipline Reviewor Sabah Oil 8. Gos Terminal Project, Malaysia. It, Mohd Nord Bin Mohd Rafdz, Senior Manager, C & S Eng. Section, PETRONAS Carigall Sdn. Bhd, | Cont'din next sheet 19126 BOARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) Name: Identity Card No.: AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA 781112-10-013 LAMPIRAN G1 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE x = c z STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE AREA (SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) (INMONTHS) Ga Dr oF [os | oe bs Bg _ |state concisely tite of Position held, s > 1-2 25 |Name of Employer, Location and 3a E | izes 23 |Description of each work (Make gs | gete 5 & _, |statement briet and concise, designation 283 Elle | sees. © E © leach work upon which engaged with or pee 5) 2 lee) f2ee2 § & 3 |enange of postion separately: include gfe 3) 2/85] F2os2 3. = * |some indication of magnitude and B38 g 2| elgelsisae 22 |compiexty of work in which engaged, bas S/e| 5] 5|/£2| $232 = _|yourduties and degree of responsibility) 3 zl/2) 2) 5] es) Bess 2K |itnecessary, additional sheets may be sf |}s/S/S] 2) 3/8 g| B25 BF latachea 2" 12/8] 8] 2] 6 |2e/""8 + PRA, PR (EPCC For EPS & Slorage Tank} & Projoct scheduing Review For Garraf Development 7 Project, roa: os a Civil Discipline Reviewer 2 + FRG (Facites Integrated Review Commies) ~ a huskmeriston Gos Separation Project os o Civil 2 Disciptne Reviewer a [+ toR (FEED), Pik (FEED) PIR (NB EPCC); os a Cli ey B _|oiscione Reviewer Ketopang PSC, Bukt Tuo ee % _|on-snore Receiving Facitties (ORF), Gresk, Eost Be 2 |Javo, indonesia. 52 3 [ere development Pan eviewtorHotaya ie, — | = B 2 | iraq; os a Civi Discipiine Reviewer era B _|+ ioast- as a Review team uncer umbreta of Be _[PetRoNAS Group interno Av (GIA/PEM) or the Bz 3 |[ecrnica votdation Exerc fr cnenge Orde, 22 ze a g 2 2 Labuan Gas Project, Malaysia (3 nos. Of PCC Icontracts with approximately 311 change order lproposais) as a Civ Disciptine Reviewer /+LDR (Engineering) For Craft Berthing Stuctures (20rge), Adcitional site Preparation Package, lSabah OF & Gas Terminal Project; as a Civil Discipline lReviewer Provide technical suppor to the Project Management fearn / Driling Team in Civil, Maritime, |civil and Geolectinical Engineering related lactiviios as sted below: 20125 LAMPIRAN G1 BOARD OF ENGINEERS MALAYSIA (BEM) Name: AMY NATASHA BIN NORHUDA Identity Card Nos 781112-10-5013 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE @ € 5 E STATEMENT OF TRAINING & EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE AREA {SINCE REGISTRATION AS GRADUATE ENGINEER) (IN MONTHS) May 95 Date (Mth & Year) Relating fo each ‘appointment Example: July 90 to Di] o2 | 03 | bf Istate concisely Tite of Position held, Name of Employer, Location and Description of each work (Make |statement briet and concise, designation leach work upon which engaged with or |change of position separately: include |some indication of magnitude and |complexity of work in which engaged, lyour duties and degree of responsibilty) |t necessary, additional sheets may be lottached veer under ‘whom served Signature of any Professional Engineers who has personal knowledge of Applicant's training ‘or experience in the period ‘mentioned Professional Eng Masters / Post Graduate / Study /| | Name, Position and Address of Research / Teaching Design / oMtce ste / Fela Planning / Management lother Engineering Works Total ‘May 2009 to October 2010 June 2009 to September 2010 18, Sabah Oll And Gas Terminal Project, Kimanis, lsaboh Ictient: PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bh! Project Cost: >MYR 600ml (C&S and Mantime Civil Eng.) fats: Construction Stage(Sand supply & Earthwork} Js 250 acres development which consists of Oil & {cas Terminal Complex, Non Process Area |’Administration) and Material OfF-Loading Fracttes. Provide continuous technical support to Project [civi & Structural Engineer for sea sand supply Jbockage, accitional site preparation package, |marine cratt (barge) berthing structures, lseotechnical engineering, EPCC package and Jprovision of consultancy services package for the INon-Process-Building. e.g. provide technical input n troling suction hopper dredger (ISHO) feclamation methods, Material of loading berthing itucture (quay wall berthing structures}, dredging tivities, coastal protection, geotechnical gineering, Non-process building consultancy kervices etc 3 3 3 g 5 2 3 = PETRONAS Carigall Sdn, Bhd, i. Proposed New NGL Tank Project, Bintulu Crude jolt Terminal, Sarawak |Client; PETRONAS Carigali San. Bh. [Project Cost: >MYR 6omil (Civil & Structural Eng.) Istatus: Tender Stage [Assist Project Civi Engineer for Bintulu New NGL [fank project, Sarawak, Malaysia infield related to [Civil & Geotechnical Engineering (e.g. soil fnvestigation works, 118 technical input, [Foundation engineering — settlement issue) ; | : ‘Manager, C & $ Eng. Section, PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd. 21125

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