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Course: Practicum 1a

Code: EPC 1403

Observation Task 3: Mapping the

Learning Environment

Prepared by: Fatema Saeed Alshehhi

ID: H00271530
Prepared to: Ms. Hamada Al-awadi
Date of submission: Thursday June 21, 2018
Observation Task 3: Mapping the Learning Environment
Focus: The learning environment.
Objective: For student teachers to map the learning environment that exists in
the classroom including the layout of the seated area and learning centers.
1. Draw a map of the learning environment within the classroom (you can use computer
2. List the functions of each of the activity areas.
3. If possible take photographs of the classroom including displays on the wall.
4. Think about why the classroom layout is organized as it is. Ask your MST why the
desk/tables are arranged as they are and the function of each area of the classroom.
Write your answers
Draw the classroom

Area Function
Teacher table The teacher uses it to put her lesson materials and
student's lesson material as worksheet.
Students table The students work on it in groups.
White board The teacher writes learning objectives and the lesson
requirements and students use it during lesson to write
their answers.
Computer The teacher uses it to show students videos, PowerPoint
and online website.
Data show The teacher uses it to show her materials as PowerPoint
on white board.
Lights Provide a clear visible to teacher and students.
Air conditioner Provide a good cooling to teacher and students.
IT support center Help students to fix their laptop and I pad.
Printer Teacher uses it to print student's worksheets before
lesson start and students use it to print their papers.
Clock The teacher uses it when she gives them time for activities
or break.
Library of the college The students use it to find books for their projects.
*Add rows as needed
Based on your observations and discussions, summarize what you have observed.
Think about:
 The idea of learners being ‘active’ learners. Discuss how the classroom
organization facilitates activities for the learners. Give examples of activities you
observed and the way in which the classroom organization makes these activities
accessible. Consider ease of movement within the learning environment.
 How and where are materials stored in the classroom? Do the children/learners
need to be able to get and put materials away?
 Where does the teacher have her table/papers/materials?
 Are there areas that encourage independent learning? Give some examples.
Why are these areas important?
Classroom Environment

Classroom environment is one of the most important factors affecting

student learning. As we all know, large amount of the student’s time sitting in the school
classroom. So very necessary arrange this place very well to for them to achieve success
in their learning. I noticed that Ms. Fiona’s class with Level 4 of foundation arranged in a
good way. The desks of students are new and comfortable. They arranged 3 groups.
Sometimes students work in groups or individuals. The teacher can move around them
easily because it has distance between each group. Furthermore, the teacher brings her
material and put it on her table. In fact, they do not need busy materials as the children in
their learning .they often use worksheets and materials shown by using data show on
white board. Moreover, the classroom provides with one white board, both students and
teacher use it during lesson. The teacher uses it while explain the lesson and writes
learning objective while; students use it when they write their answers. Also, there are
data show that teacher depend on it a lot in her learning process. She uses to present
PowerPoint, online web and blackboard's materials. Additionally, the class provides with
lights and air conditioner. This is very important because the students need to stay in a
comfortable place to learn in a good way.

Outside the classroom, there is printer near of their class. The students use it to print their
work and homework .Also, the teacher prints the worksheets before lesson start. In
addition, there is a library helps student to get academic sources to their projects and

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