Olimpiada de Limba Engleză 11 Section B

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CLASA a XI a si a XII a


QUESTION 1 50 points

Read the text below and ten write an essay in which you suggest solutions to the problems
illustrated in the article ( 350 and 400 words)

“Teens argue that cell phones are a quick easy way to contact family and friends. However teens
are becoming “glued” to their phones. 75% of teens own a cell phone and 87% of them send and
receive text messages everyday (Reinburg). Teens are constantly receiving messages and texting
back whether it is at a family dinner, a movie or while driving a vehicle. They just cannot put
their phones down. California has enforced a law to prohibit using cell phones while driving due
to the numerous amounts of accidents. Even in school, teens are texting during class distracting
them from the teacher’s lecture. Electronics result in spending less time with family and friends.
They also can be dangerously distracting from schoolwork and driving. While cell phones can be
an easy way to contact someone, teens are using them in an obsessive manner.

Not only are teens not paying attentions during class; they are also taking the “text language”
into their real writing assignments. 38% of teens say that they have used text shortcuts in
schoolwork such as “LOL” (which stands for “laugh out loud”) (Lenhart). Abbreviations and
slang created for texting does not follow proper English grammar. Since teens are constantly
texting, they subconsciously use this language in schoolwork. The teen texting language is
limiting teen’s vocabulary and written communication skills.”

(“Technologies negative impact on teens”- www.teenink.com)

QUESTION 2 50 points

Starting from the text below write an article of 250 words, in which you express your
opinion on people spending too much time and money on clothes.

“I have such a complicated relationship with clothes. On one hand, I absolutely adore them.
Nothing makes my day quite like someone complimenting my outfit or asking where I got
something. On the other hand, however, I used spend way too much money on clothing. Like,
too much. I never really knew how much should I spend on clothing because, it was a free for

Since my shopping addiction therapy, I’ve had to learn how to get my spending under control
and identify my spending triggers. This is important because impulse shopping can be extremely
dangerous for your bank account, and it is important to figure out where you should draw the
line. But at the same time — it’s not like you can go without clothes. So, what’s the baseline?
What’s the hard and fast rule for spending limits when it comes to clothing – for both work and
play. How much should you spend on clothing in one year?”


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