Alte Prepozitii RO en

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Alte prepozitii importante

 cu
 in sprijinul
 din cauza, de

I write with my left hand - Scriu cu mana stanga.

He came with a present - A venit cu un cadou.
He left the keys with the neighbors - A lasat cheile cu (la) vecini.
I'm with the peace movement - Sprijin (Sunt cu) miscarea pacifista.
trembling with fear - tremurand de frica.
sick with diabetes - bolnav de diabet.
sick with an infection - bolnav din cauza unei infectii.

 cu
 cateodata se traduce cu in
 dupa
 in onoarea
 se foloseste si ca infinitiv fara verb cand verbul se subintelege

face to face - fata in fata

face pressed to the window - fata apasata in (de) geam
They danced to the music - Au dansat dupa muzica.
According to his abilities - Potrivit/Dupa capcitatile lui.
A toast to my guest - Un toast in onoarea musafirului meu.
I'll drink to that - Voi bea/inchina in onoarea acestei idei
Sing if you want to - Canta daca vrei (sa canti este subinteles).
I hurt his feelings but I didn't mean to - L-am jignit dar nu am vrut (sa-l jignesc se subintelege)
E gresit sa zici: I hurt his feelings but I didn't mean, desi in romaneste pare corect.

 cateodata inseamna si fata de

Her feelings towards me - Sentimentele ei fata de mine.

ale, de
in: Doctor of Law - doctor in drept, doctor of medicine - doctor in medicina etc.
din partea
Observatie: expresii cum ar fi: Cadoul e din partea lui, din partea dreapta etc se formeaza cu

the customs of Romania - obieiurile Romaniei

west of here - la vest de aici
dress of silk - rochie de matase
glass of wine - pahar de/cu vin,
they were dying of hunger - mureau de foame
how nice of him! - ce dragut din partea lui

 de pe, din

I got off the bus/the train/the boat/the plane - M-am dat jos din autobuz/tren/vapor/avion.
I raised the book off the floor - Am ridicat cartea de pe podea.
Take this burden off my back - Ia-mi aceasta greutatea din spate.

OFF se poate folosi si in alte contexte:

He drove off - El a plecat cu masina.

He dozed off - a atipit
He shaved off his beard - si-a ras barba.
Turn off the light/the radio! - Stinge lumina/radioul!
I took my clothes/socks/hat/shoes off - Mi-am scos hainele/ciorapii/palaria/pantofii.
The show/wedding etc is off. - Spectacolul/nunta etc nu se mai tine.
We're off to see the wizard! The wonderful wizard of Oz! - Am plecat sa-l vedem pe vrajitor! Pe
minunatul vrajitor din Oz!
I'm off duty - Sunt in afara programului

 (afara) din

He got out of the car - A coborat din masina.

What is the wooden statue made of? It's made out of wood, silly! - Din ce e facuta statuia din
lemn? E facuta din lemn, prostavanule!
He did it out of spite - A facut-o de ciuda.
Out of town by sundown - Afara din oras pana la apusul soarelui.

 despre
 aprximativ

A book about parrots - O carte despre papagali

That happened about a year ago - Asta s-a intamplat cam acum un an.
He is about my age/height/weight - El este cam de varsta/inaltimea/greutatea mea.

 pe punctul

I was about to miss the train - Am fost pe punctul sa pierd trenul.

 printre, dintre, intre:
Totdeauna se foloseste BETWEEN in cazul a doua optiuni si nu AMONG.

This is between you and him. - Aceasta problema este intre tine si el.
The choice between good and evil - Alegerea dintre bine si rau.
I talked on the phone between classes - In perioada dintre cursuri am vorbit la telefon.

 printre, dintre, intre.

AMONG spre deosebire de between arata apartenenta

Daca sunt numai doua substantive implicate folositi between.
He is among the winners - El se afla printre castigatori.
The money was divided among the winners. - Banii s-aui impartit intre castigatori.

 pe, asupra

The wrath of God be upon you! - Fie mania lui Dumnezeu asupra ta!
The little girl climbed upon her dad's shoulders. - Fetita s-a urcat pe umerii tatalui ei.
The statue is upon a pedestal - Statuia este pe un piedestal.
Combina up si on.

 are si intelesul de terminat

Over and out - La aparatele walkie-talkie: Convorbire terminata

The movie is over - Filmul s-a terminat

A nu se confunda TO cu TOO care inseamna DEASEMENI sau cu TWO care inseamna DOI.

I too want to go with those two - Si eu vreau sa merg cu cei doi.

 de la
 datorita
 de
A letter from my aunt. - O scrisoare de la matusa mea.
I walked home from school - Am venit pe jos acasa de la scoala.
Taking a book from the box - Luand o carte din cutie.
He collapsed from all the hard work. - S-a prabusit datorita (de la) muncii istovitoare
She knows right from wrong - Ea stie binele de rau.
It is 100 kilometers from here. - Este la 100 de mile de aici.

Vorbitorii nativi de multe ori pun prepozitii la sfarsitul frazei ceea ce poate incurca pe un strain:
That's where I'm going to. - Acolo ma duc
That's where I'm coming from - De-acolo vin
The money was not accounted for - Banii nu au fost explicati.
Which class is he in? - In care clasa e?
What are you talking about? - (Despre) ce vorbesti
That is something I am aware of - Sunt constient de acest fapt.

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