Meeting Minutes (DRAFT) 1st July 2018 - GSoA Fire

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Draft #2: Minutes, Meeting at Garnethill Multicultural Centre, 1st July 2018, 2.


Changes vs. Draft #1:

• Chris Collins corrected the record that in fact apologies had been received las week
from Cllr. Philip Braat, but he had accidentally ommitted them.
• Alan Horn “quickest and simplest” changed to: “quickest and safest“
• Following that comment, clarifcaton that the oor was given back to Raymond Barlow.

Gill Hutchison (Chair),
Adrian Nairn (Garnethill Displaced Residents Group),
Sgt. Stephen McAllister,
PC Robert Hill,
Pauline McNeill MSP,
Two representatives from Charing Cross Housing Association,
Cllr. Eva Bolander (Lord Provost),
Cllr. Angus Millar,
Cllr. Philip Braat (Depute Lord Provost),
Cllr. Susan Aitken (Leader, GCC),
Annemarie O’Donnell (Chief Executive, GCC),
Raymond Barlow (GCC, Building Control, Assistant head of planning),
Dominic Dowling (GCC, Economic Development - Business Liaison),
Alan Horn (GSoA),
Chirsty Hamilton (Garnethill Multicultural Centre),
Jane Sutherland (Garnethill CC),
Chris Collins (Blythswood & Broomielaw CC),
Irene Loudon (Blythswood & Broomielaw CC),
Sean Mackay,
Jamie (Hellfre Club).

Additionally, a number of private individuals and business representatives, members of the

press. (Sorry if your name has been missed).

Alison Thewliss MP, Adam Tomkins MSP, Martyn McIntyre, Scott McMaster, Ian Gordon,
Cllr. Christy Mearns.

Meeting Details.

Gill Hutchison (Chair):

• Thanks to Garnethill Multicultural Centre, staf,
• (NB: We all thank FROGGS and TESCO for the food/drink).

Chris Collins:
• Ran through the list of “Common Questions” (see next page), requesting written
answers from the relevant panel members.
• Detailed solutions to these questions may not be known, however it is important that a
way is found to communicate progress on the issues automatically, pro-actively.
• ACTION: Chris to make sure that 4 relevant email groups are included for updates.
• Chris Collins corrected the record that in fact apologies had been received las week
from Cllr. Philip Braat, but he had accidentally ommitted them.
• Progress report since last week:- Communications have been established with
relevant GGC ofcials elected members and leadership. A disbursement of GBP3,000
has been announced (more info later on)..
Common Questions: Garmethill Multicultural Centre, 1st July – 2.30pm

Those present do not necessarily expect full answers today on every point; but they need to know
how to get those answers; who is going to provide them? This must be done pro-actively, and
automatically disseminated; NOT everybody individually having to telephone.

Access - Is there yet a date or an estimated date for work starting on taking down unsafe walls?
Estimated dates for short accompanied access in the different areas around the Mackintosh?
->Ideally before complete demolition, once the Mackintosh is lowered to a certain point.
HOW will people be told when this is allowed?

Is there a timescale estimate for a walkway along the south side of Sauchiehall St.?
HOW will people and businesses be notified?

Regarding the £3,000 - how do residents get it?
Do households get all of it, or ‘up to’ that amount?
HOW will residents be told how to claim?
Regarding the £165 bill for door-repair, why was this billed to residents and who is going to pay?

Security – why is the site not as secure as it could be?
• First hand report from the cordon: no staff at several barrier points.
• No protection at rear of some properties.
• There could be a better police presence.
• Patrols can not cover the entire site, due to the hazardous nature.
• Site security at specific points on the cordon could be increased by the use of self-powered
automatic alerting equipment.
NB: To our knowledge, no residents have ‘broken through the cordon’ or been arrested. Some
“revellers” were intercepted about a week ago…

Insurance - Homeowners + businesses in many cases are apparently not being covered.
Alison Thewliss MP has led this effort, but who on Glasgow City Council is sorting this out?

Business Rates – most businesses are aware of the rates rebate, but this does not affect many of
them, because they are too small to pay Business Rates anyway!
Can rent relief be sought?
Relocaton allowances?

Why was the organisational aftermath of this fire allowed to develop in such a way?
(This is a crisis which requires a national-level response.)
Many pieces of the project are interlocking: bottlenecks can be eased by good management.
Communication has been lacking.

A supplemental question submitted by a landlord (a written reply would be ok if no time spare):
I am a landlord … and I am trying my best to support my tenants, but as I am sure you appreciate
this is not easy. Could I ask if the reported financial support is available for landlords or tenants or
both, and how we can claim for this support? Also my flats are very different in size is the financial
support per property, or per resident?

On relevant questions, written responses from the panel should be sent to:-,,,
and posted on the Garnethill Displaced Residents Facebook page.
Sgt. McAllister (Police Scotland):
• Comments around security.
• Crime prevention survey provided recommendations. As a result site security was increased.
• There have been a couple of minor breaches, not resulting in any break-ins, and
nothing criminal since the Campus Bar incident.
• Regarding the Fire: Fire service is leading, Police Scotland are assisting investigation.
• Nothing to suggest criminal actvity yet.
• Residents and businesses are urged to supply footage or information to 101 or the
officers at Douglas St.
• In response to a comment that 10 people had breached security on Saturday, he advised he
would follow up.

Raymond Barlow (Building Control, GCC), with comments from Alan Horn:
• Comments around security: where cordon has been breached, they have fixed it and will
continue to work with police.
• There is on-site security, with line-of-sight, and mobile CCTV, plus wardens.
• Comments around physical works: start-date Monday 2nd July.
• Works commencing with South elevation, as this is highest risk section.
• Proceeding to East and West elevations, which will be looked at.
• Contractor must re-assess as they go, an iterative process.
• More information will come as they progress.
• Can not as-yet take the risk of any public access.
• In response to a question, the East elevation has moved ~6”.
• A Member of the Public complained about their enquiry having received no follow-up from
Building Control / Brian Tierney.
• In response to a question, Muriel Gray was alowed access when the Fire Service had control
of the site.
• Since GCC has had control, there has been uniformly NO ACCESS except to the
surveyors/demolition contractor.
• The damage to GSoA was a lot worse than hoped.
• If security staff are walking in danger areas, this is not acceptable.
• Access is not even possible with Police or Fire Service accompanying.
• A question was raised regarding speed of demolition – would it be archaeological /
preservatory or as rapid as possible?
• Finials would be lifted off, but the rest “put-in” (demolished) into to the structure.
• Alan Horn (GSoA) stepped in:- For the avoidance of all doubt, the intention is to
facilitate the downtaking a.s.a.p. This is the quickest & safest way.
• Raymond Barlow commented on Sauchiehall St.: looked at hoarding to open footpath,
being thought about, but due to danger of collapse can’t give a date yet.

Dominic Dowling (Business Liaison, GCC):

• Since the fire, there have been 2 Business Advisors in the Dental Hospital, and 2 in Savoy
Tower. M-F, 10-4.
• Recommended: please take advantage of the Business Advisors.
• Social Workers also present at Dental Hospital.
• Principal issues: Access & Alternative Premises.
• Support can be provided to businesses regarding locating alternative premises.
• Month-by-month leases were mentioned.
• Will update a.s.a.p. on a potential ‘package’, possibly (though not certain), relating to
Business Rates, Rent relief and Relocation Allowances.
• Can register for “The Glasgow Guarantee” - employment support for people affected.
• Insurance (ABI) – work is ongoing, expect an update Monday or Tuesday.
• A Clinic will be held this Thursday if there are difficulties with Insurance co.’s.

Cllr. Susan Aitken (GCC Leader)

• Apologies for not being able to come last week
• Decision to cordon and displace absolutely necessary for safety.
• As soon as there is a timescale for supervised access to collect belongings, “we will do that”.
• Information has not been withheld.
• Security has been kept as tight as possible.
• No access allowed for anyone, incl. David Mundell MP.
• If workers are not observing rules, they should be taken off site.
• GCC have rehoused 17 families, in what is a finite supply of accomodation.
• City hotels are very full.
• Priority is a roof over the head.
• We know people have had to move, as soon as temp. furnished accom. Is free, they are
moved in.
• GCC are working with Housing Associations & Social Landlords.
• Member of public commented that this is not the first time a crisis like this has hit – there is
nothing in place.
• The Council’s resilience team was on-site on Saturday morning.
• GCC have a mailing list.
• Mailing MPs and MSPs
• Getting the message out through media, social media.
• Members of the community, such as Community Councils can also help disseminate
• Councillors from this ward and Alison Thewliss have been feeding back specific cases.
• Next priority is getting people back in their homes as quickly as possible.
• Indicative timescale: 2-3 months.
• Scottish Welfare Fund (SWF) is available (but public thought GBP80 for two weeks was
• Can re-apply to SWF after two weeks.
• Supplying funds to people is not usual, and is not a statutory duty.
• Insurers are not behaving well - we can’t make them, but can provide letters saying
properties are uninhabitable.
• GBP3,000 – people will find out more information tomorrow (Monday 2nd July).
• Many members of the public agreed that GBP3,000 was not enough.
• Susan Aitken was surprised charities had not been more pro-active.
• Many members of the public agreed that it should not be charities, but GCC who help.
• Members of the public mentioned the Bellwin fund / scheme as a possible source of funds.
• Members of the public mentioned “100ResilientCities” ; Chief Resilience Officer – where is
• GCC will ask for money from the UK Government. Some already provided by Scot. Gov.
• GCC not able to give public funds to businesses.
• There are specific funds or grant schemes for businesses.
• GCC has identified charitable funding due to the delay in insurers recognising their
• Lord Provost was going to encourage Red Cross & charities to join GCC and put funds up.
• Member of public asks how long is the GBP3,000 supposed to last? Answer was that GCC
cannot provide an income.
• Council Tax is not payable on uninhabitable properties; to include anyone inside cordon.
• Member of the public felt that GCC systems are wrong if repeatedly failing citizens.
• Susan Aitken does not believe GCC fails citizens, and that expectations placed on GCC are
too great.
• Member of public comments that most people’s insurance is null & void after 13 days, if
property unoccupied. Also asks: how do we claim from site-security’s insurer?
• Bills from the police of GBP165 should not have happened. Police will be contacted to
say this, but can not guarantee the outcome.
• Properties are secure – there are no front doors which are open and unsecured.
• Member of public comments: It is day 16, our third meeting, this is all being done by
residents/volunteers. Issues such as internet access, phone chargers, GCC has the reources
and must coordinate. The response from Susan: use the Dental Hospital.
• It is good that GCC can be supplemented by Community Councils.
• Member of public responds that there has been no supplement, it has been just Community
• In response to a question, there is no GCC money to rebuild the Mackintosh.
Eva Bolander (Lord Provost):
• Expressed sadness for those affected.
• Bellwin fund was mentioned, and the Lord Provost’s welfare fund.
• Regarding GBP3,000 disbursement: Tomorow at 09h30, the proposal will go to the
trustees on how funds to be distributed.
• After the meeting, there will be a communication as to outcome and how people can
apply for funds.
• It is expected that the GBP3,000 will be for households inside the cordon.
• Eva will ask other charities to step in to help.

There was an interjection from a member of the public regarding how an Avenues Project contractor
broke planning guidelines, dug a trench and disappeared. Is this money to reopen the street as
opposed to the Mackintosh? Susan Aitken responded that it was for the street, not the site.

Annemarie O’Donnell (GCC Chief Exec.):

• A member of the public asks about a more definitive timesccale being required for insurers.
• A letter from GCC/ Building Control is needed, to get long-term accommodation.
• Annemarie O’Donnell responded that the period is more likely to be 10-12 weeks.
• Annemarie O’Donnell also said she is working with Insurance Co’s and has written to some.
• All circumstances are different, we need to understand what they are
• If GCC don’t have your information, let us know.
• GCC will establish regular communications in order to update you.
• Chris Collins – we have been trying to get automatic communications in place. Please can
updates be sent to a list of key addresses, and the updates also posted on the Garnethill
Displaced Residents Group Facebook page.
• Chris Collins also explained how communications broke, and contact person was on holiday.
• Annemarie O’Donnell said she would follow this up.

Adrian Nairn (Garnethill Displaced Residents Group), plus some other residents:
• 17 days later, we are still waiting for a timeframe.
• Good coverage in the press.
• GBP3,000 is some good news.
• People still not getting what they need.
Private residents commented that:
• Initial responses from Councillors largely paid attention to the GSoA, not residents.
• No support over 17 days, and this is the first meeting at which we’ve had GCC officers.
• Residents have not been included in communications.
• Residents should be updated and included in all relevant discussions.
• Residents need to know news before the press knows!
• One resident was worried about losing her job, and needed a letter explaining her
circumstances from GCC.
• Distressed about not having access to personal posessions, and worried about security.

Umar (Business owner of iCafe):

• There are roughly 350 jobs at stake.
• Small business resources are finite.
• Many businesses in the area are Small / Medium Enterprises.
• No longer able to pay staff, soon will be let go – lost staff expertise can be disastrous.
• Potentially facing Employment Tribunal cases.
• Communications need to get better.
• SMEs are having to research themselves what is available, rather than getting help.
• There needs to be a more streamlined process for dealing with crisis situations.

Jane Sutherland (Garnethill CC):

• Can residents / business owners sign waivers to get access to property?
• Raymond Barlow said “no”.
Pauline McNeill (MSP):
• Came to listen to what people had to say.
• She hopes in the next weeks/months that coverage would move to the people.
• Pauline will see anyone who comes to her.
• Everyone needs a single point of contact.
• She supports the need for daily updates.
• All need confidence that information is the most up-to-date.
• Residents must be represented at every single meeting.
• She hopes for another meeting of residents in an appropriate timescale.

Jamie (Hellfire Club, Glasgow):

• Jamie had to leave before being able to speak.
• There is a charity auction being run by him / Hellfire – Thanks, Jamie!

Charing Cross HA were available to answer questions at the end.

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