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Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain

in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.

This we recognize as essentially Galileo's concept of inertia, and this is often termed
simply the "Law of Inertia".

Newton's Second Law of Motion:

II. The relationship between an object's mass m, its

acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma.
Acceleration and force are vectors (as indicated by their
symbols being displayed in slant bold font); in this law the
direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the
acceleration vector.

This is the most powerful of Newton's three Laws, because it allows quantitative
calculations of dynamics: how do velocities change when forces are applied. Notice the
fundamental difference between Newton's 2nd Law and the dynamics of Aristotle:
according to Newton, a force causes only a change in velocity (an acceleration); it does not
maintain the velocity as Aristotle held.

This is sometimes summarized by saying that under Newton, F = ma, but under Aristotle
F = mv, where v is the velocity. Thus, according to Aristotle there is only a velocity if there
is a force, but according to Newton an object with a certain velocity maintains that
velocity unless a force acts on it to cause an acceleration (that is, a change in the velocity).
As we have noted earlier in conjunction with the discussion of Galileo, Aristotle's view
seems to be more in accord with common sense, but that is because of a failure to
appreciate the role played by frictional forces. Once account is taken of all forces acting in
a given situation it is the dynamics of Galileo and Newton, not of Aristotle, that are found
to be in accord with the observations.

Newton's Third Law of Motion:

III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

This law is exemplified by what happens if we step off a boat onto the bank of a lake: as
we move in the direction of the shore, the boat tends to move in the opposite direction
(leaving us facedown in the water, if we aren't careful!).

 Types of force Analysis
 Static Equilibrium of Various members

Forces can still add to zero even if none of them are in exactly opposite directions. Consider the
forces from the ropes that are pulling on the box shown. These forces can add to zero if the
force vectors add to zero. How does that work? Actually, it's easy. Simply add the vectors head
to tail (don't change the magnitudes or directions!) and see if they add up to zero. (Remember
that the size of the force vectors represent the size of the forces, not the length of the ropes.)

There is another useful concept for forces ... components. Each force can be thought of as being
composed of a horizontal component and a vertical component. (Actually, any two mutually
perpendicular directions will work.) The components of any force are the perpendicular
projections onto the horizontal and vertical lines. Look at the two diagrams and convince
yourself that components are merely an extension of the previous rule for adding vectors. Any
vector is the sum of its components.

Components are particularly useful for those forces for which you do not know the direction.
Simply represent the force as two forces, one vertical and one horizontal. And there is another
benefit to this method. The sum of all the horizontal components must be zero, and the sum of
all the vertical components must be zero, independently. In other words,

 Fhorizontal = 0  Fvertical = 0

 Equilibrium of members with two forces

 Equilibrium of members with three forces
 Equilibrium of members with two forces and torque
 Equilibrium of members with two couples.
 Equilibrium of members with four forces.
 Principle of Super Position
 Free Body Diagram.
A free body diagram, also called a force diagram,[1] is a pictorial
representation often used by physicists and engineers to analyze the forces
acting on a body of interest. A free body diagram shows all forces of all types
acting on this body. Drawing such a diagram can aid in solving for the unknown
forces or the equations of motion of the body. Creating a free body diagram can
make it easier to understand the forces, and torques or moments, in relation to
one another and suggest the proper concepts to apply in order to find the
solution to a problem. The diagrams are also used as a conceptual device to help

identify the internal forces—for example, shear forces and bending moments in
beams—which are developed within structures
 Static Force Analysis of Mechanisms by superposition principle.
 D’Alemberts Principle
 Dynamic Analysis of Four bar Mechanism
 Dynamic Analysis of Reciprocating engines.
 Inertia force and torque analysis by neglecting weight of connecting rod.
 Velocity and acceleration of piston.
 Angular velocity and Angular acceleration of connecting rod.
 Force and Torque Analysis in reciprocating engine neglecting the weight of
connecting rod.
 Equivalent Dynamical System
 Determination of two masses of equivalent dynamical system
 Correction Couple to be applied to make two mass system dynamically
 Inertia force and torque analysis in reciprocating engines by considering the
weight of connecting rod.


 Turning Moment diagram for various types of engine
 Single cylinder double acting engine.
 Four Stroke IC Engine.
 Multi Cylinder Engine.
 Fluctuation of Energy
 Fluctuation of Speed.
 Determination of Maximum fluctuation of energy.
 Determination of Work Done per cycle.
 Coefficient of fluctuation of speed.
 Energy stored in flywheel,
 Flywheel in punching press.

 Rigid and elastic body cam system.
 Mathematical Model of rigid body cam system.
 Mathematical Model of Elastic cam system.
 Analysis of eccentric cam
 Problems on Cam –follower system.
 Unbalance, Spring Surge, Wind up.


 Balancing of rotating masses.

 Static balancing
 Dynamic balancing
 Various cases of balancing of rotating masses
 Balancing of a single rotating mass by single mass rotating in the same
 Balancing of a single rotating mass by two masses rotating in the
different plane.
 Balancing of a several masses rotating in different planes.

 Balancing of Reciprocating masses.
 Shaking Forces and couples.
 Primary and secondary unbalanced forces of reciprocating parts.
 Balancing of single cylinder engine
 Partial balancing of Locomotives.
 Effect of unbalanced primary force along the line of stroke
 Variation of Tractive force.
 Swaying Couple.
 Hammer blow.
 Balancing of Inline engines.
 Balancing of radial engines.
 Balancing of V-engines.
 Balancing of linkages.


 Basic elements of lumping parameter.

 Causes of vibration.
 Effects of vibration.
 Methods of reduction of vibration.
 Types of vibratory motion..
 Types of vibration.
 Degrees of freedom.

Longitudinal Vibration:

 Free undamped longitudinal vibrations.

 Natural frequency of free undamped longitudinal vibration.
 Effect of inertia in longitudinal vibration.
 Equivalent stiffness of spring.
 Damping
 Types of damping, Damping Coefficient, Equivalent damping coefficient.
 Damped Vibration.
 Free longitudinal vibrations
 Natural frequency of free damped vibration.
 Degree of dampness
 Damping factor.
 Critical damping coefficient.
 Logarithmic decrement.

Transverse Vibration.

 Natural frequency of free transverse vibration- single load.

 Natural frequency of free transverse vibrations – Multiple loading.
 Whirling of shaft.
 Torsional Vibration.
 Natural frequency of free torsional vibrations of a single rotor system.
 Equivalent torsional stiffness of shaft.
 Torsionally equivalent shaft.

 Free torsional vibration of geared system.


 Basics of forced vibration- Forcing function. Types of forced vibration.

 Damped forced vibration with harmonic function.
 Forced vibration due to rotating unbalance.
 Forced vibration due to reciprocating unbalance.
 Forced vibration due to support motion..
 Vibration Isolation and Transmissibility.


 Introduction.
 Differences between flywheel and governor.
 Study of centrifugal governor
 Principle of Working, Characteristics, Terms used.
 Study of pendulum type governor- Watt Governor.
 Study of loaded type governor
 Gravity controlled governor- Porter governor, Proell Governor.
 Spring Controlled Governor – Hartnell Governor, Hartung
 Governor,
 Sensitiveness of governor.
 Stability of governor
 Isochronous governor
 Hunting Governor.
 Effort of governor.
 Power of governor
 Controlling force.
 Coefficient of insensitiveness.

Gyroscope and its applications

 Active and reactive forces.

 Angular velocity.
 Precessional angular motion.
 Gyroscopic couple.
 Effect of gyroscopic couple on airplane
 Effect of gyroscopic couple on ship.
 Stability of an automobile.


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