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{tr.(0} XfSrdlrcr*rtm,ttc Frprseeg @ril.

I{5rdrorta,ttc Fornces o. Fl=r,rne Burfa.aer Clrmre E}urrfmcenr


t t = e.1s (2) ( 1.7+0.2E1) f; f.a1z

t, Pt = 19.52 kN
Pr/1,,:,*::r,Sbri* pp*til;,,:,:,',1:tb,t:b.wpondrt::::r,r:rJ:i::::i:rtar
ftjdrosrolde press$re fu e$tilt l:o |hg.tofat
rl p,fcSs*G...on i:W .ffia'jecitfrnlh$,;i
hril;,,s aee:
trl :on;::orrudr*r*a4{,plafiDr:w&e$& d*,., p*!,.,t,.,*
. -/* a*A*gA,.ffi r,r...r.:.,....,lr....,' r.rr

,r=$#Sin4-5. *6 =Strxrl
r* /8 = o.ot4
Ss*Ai Ph * 8 w Newfi,:m per rn of section

.-"- hinge

0.8 Sin 45 Ss * 0.9h17

c * 0.014
,P*,*,,,*'e ..fs t,..ofi ,,/lydmsialiii
preiswa is cqiwt to,'tW,weigh,t,;bf rhat
ualrunre a{,wa,Eer .*r' liquid ,extending
,wt,i;iialli.,fi ,rcc
I/r4r-o .,';,ih1,1i,,;ila,ffae*:,t',;,;',ot,;t,th,i:;,,;,
swfmc dWNil" , ,, ,

P1 (0.4 la) r. 2(0.a) Coe 45. ,* F(0.40)

Fv = cEu.l"vwlent wt. of wdter on tlw shaded

r e.52 (0.4 r 4)+().566 - 0.40 p (f)ro nr sectip.n

P - 43 KI'a nv *ff{.+P {l)w

Pv * 4rwv N/m of sec&iom

\.. -,J

Iil;rdrotta,tlo Forceg orl Cursrrcr turfarce; Iil;rdrortatt'o Forrce; on Gunre Glurrface:

,A,,iluicr: *ltt: is im the,'fonn :of a,circuhr .,fu teimina.,.tltC,.n trluG...*td i..b iif i6il,',oii,fi c,.l
are of rrdlus 6 nu as itoum,:in,tht fiursl
'CalculCtr,tho magnitude ..h0nitont i:..fiffi...v iC ..::EofiD0.nent$.'..0f..
bi the iffiiiitsnJ, ,tua.,',ioice,,.oue, io..nlie1:::{tiiu[,.bU.:..tUtile,
force ot ihe grt6. ',, ',',, ,,', ',, ',',.,.i ,,,,,, 1:,,,,, ',,,,,,,1:i $riifaCdAB bet footoflsteqlth,:'::, :: ::'
lr ffia)
179"45 kN Ba) 1764 1b.,2.55
b) 146.32kN
It c) 182.46 kN
1795 lb.,3.10
d) 132.46 kN d) 1823 tb.,
Solution: Solution:
Considcr I m. length af gate
Ilorizontal forcc: ph=Tw M
Ps= w hA Ph=62.4 (3X6Xl)
Pr = 9.81(3X6Xt)
Fr = 176.5t1kN
Ph= llZ3lb.

Vertical fopc: P,-a.ql $)

P" = weight of w$ter displaced
Pv * 1764 lb,
by segnwnt,ABC
P, = A (lX9"til)
At= area t{sectar AABC
Ar _ n (6)1
60'- 3(il' J,[
Ar = ltl.tlS rnz
x * 255ft.from B
A2 t l.5.Jt) 62

A = 3.26 nr? .ifhi8ii6iii .i.did. 6te*iiitjiin[fi.1w,ei$s1:;5000:;,
P,=A(l)etll , lb:.,...and...,Ic,..5,fti , Ibng,:, :.,.:,nGleimine the,,
F,* 1.2h ( tX9 Bt) i.rc[Iftff n.,u[glecffi giifiicfi oul::li:ii:i
P, - 3l -9tl klo,l
,g"a) 44931b., l47l lb.
,t = r/[,^iz fffi b) 43561b., 1520 tb.
r = ilrrri'i8)r;p,"ryf c) 4mtb.,2101lb.
R- t"/9.45 hN d) 4631 lb.,1933 tb"

X*}r*ffixncxutm*{.m forcenr on Gu.nre Bu.xfaceel o Flrprwxmm oxx ffiwaxyw:ras ffi U.extd,m"ces

Ph= 62.4 (.80X3)(6XS) An E ft" di*nm" *Y!flmder Plugs &

Ir PA = 4493 lb. nectangrdnr hr!!+ flci ,s Esmk that f,s 3 ft-

rl Ra= 4493 lb. to rhe left. Iomg. Witlt what force is the cylimder
presseri xgalum8 the botlorm of tfue tank
Fy=TwV due to the $ ft" de Pth o[ watcr"
Pv = 62.4(0.81$dCl
il ffia) 4090lh"
Pt Pv = 3529lb. (upward)
b) 419X lb.
Rg+Pv=50(X) c) 42E? lb.
its=5000-3529 d) 4165lb"
Rn = 14f I h. (upwurd)
{r Fv * 6?."4{7} (8) (3) ,r.u-{dldtU
" 6?..4 (?) (0"54) {3} (?)
Determ lne lhe hortrsofital,::And ::ivCiiital , - (r) 14f i t;rr
r_rlj6fl:1r*," r.1
forces due to lhe llflter actin'g on the - 62.4 (3) (?)
cylinder pcr frxrt of its length. 67-.r, {3.M\
+ :-j::'."r::::1.(2 t (3) {?)

a) l7tt0 1b.,26.51 lb. Pv * d#9S f&.

6u) torcrb..2-s0l tb.
c) 1720Ib., 25tt() lb"
d) l6tt4 lh.,2612lt).

Solution: The & flt" cfl$am, *:yl[md*r wef;ghs SS0 lb.

Ph- Pt - I't mnd re;ss s-rr $lrr bqrufls]ffi mfl m tsnk that is
P1- yn-l,tA S ft" tCI;lH, \i),,eter all,{-i {}il .are ry"ruu'ed finto
P r = 62.4 (+ r2.55)(S. t2)(l) ,tfue }r*fn axet. nfrg&r$. ptlr$lm$ru rpff -*f.ce *umk,(o
Pt * 2UJ6 lh. d€pehs CIf ? ft" aud 4 ft. nespectively.
Find $he mr*g:tituults <"lf the horieontal
P2*'y* M nmd vartlaul $,ilrep$hemts of $lre fov'ce that
Pz = tZ-q (8.I)HX0.88Xl) witl keep th* ey[ittetrer fuuclufrmg the tank
Pz=4.1'l llt. 8t B.
Ph * 2U)6 47'7 s 1619 lb. to tlu rigkt
Pv = "l*V ffia) ?frg+ !i*", ?1.&4}tu'
b) ?ssCI $h", ?280 ltr.
44 pv - (t2.4fog.ro1 +*,W'U)- ry] c) ?'7.5S [h." ?]9* nt]"
Pv . lh. (upward)
d) 271; trtr".221-i ;i

I{Srdrrorrtatlc F<>rpcel on CrrrsrrE tuda,cer I{;ta,tlc Forces on Cu.x*lre Bu.xfaceg

Solution: Solution:
P1=^ye M p1r= "1n lre
Pr = 62.4 (l) (2) (3)
Pt = 374Ib.
; Plr = 63439 kN

t,r P2="{n M
lr Pz = 62.4 (2) (4) (3) (0.75)
Pv =^lwV
t Pz = ll23lb.
r, =')
F P1
Fh= Pz - Pt l/3( I 8)=
Fv = 99650 kN
Ph = 749lb.
fi =./a9%5oP * (6343#
Fv1=g2.4# ,rno.rt,
Fv1 = 176411r.
tafl u =
Fv2=62.4 [rqp).***] o, 634.39
0 = 57.5'

Fv2 = 921 .

Fv*1754*921, ) = 18 - l8 Sin 57.5'

Fv; 261t4 lb. J =2.82m.
Fg+5(XX)=261]4 .r = 18 Cos 57.5'
Fn *2lM lh. (downward) x=9.67 rn.
C.P. is at y = 2.E2 m. and x * 9.67 m.

The cnnul rhown rutrs 40 m. into thc,

peper. l)cterrnine the horizontal and:
vertlcrl romponent$ of the hydrostatlc Gate-,AS is's q.uattdr cirele S ft. wide into
lorcc aguinst [lre quarter circle wall Cnd the paper. F'iud thc force F just
lhr polnt C.[,- whefO the resultant stri**,: rufficient, t'o prevent rrtatlon alout hinge
ihO Wfll. , ,,11,.:.:.t.t...l ,.t ..,.,.:....t,.,.,:,,tt,,:
B. Neglett wt of gate.

Ba) 2.82 m.,1).6? rn.

a) 24/'3lb.
b) 2.90 m.,9.70 rn.
b) 3130 rb.
c) I ll m..8.87m. l/3tl)=:.::: Fc) 52491b.
d) .1.2-5 m., 8.95 nn. d) '$4571b.

}{Sa"cxxeexmo*"xx,**.m: ffi*aliewmffi m emxa cxxr:rre sua:rfa,ce:r If5rd.rostatLc Forceel om" Grxx'sre: Elax-fm.*ew

Ft * 62.4 (7)(7X{l)
* fu461 ..ffi$utt,.,.lthe.i,iifi$*fi n6mts[ ..ehd. .,.iter*iCnI
,ilr F1
: D0!lqntg,r:*f:rtke,,,Iuy$*{ffi*s{ie.So*eeCIm
t ,, **(62.4Xs) tht tcruS@erlcsl bsuld*r $h+w*-

l,[ Fz * l92lt a) 18690 ltr.

Fv*Fl-Fz sb) 17643 lb.
il Pv = 5250Ib.
tfl c) Itt575lb.
Fh-Tn il d) 21032tb.
Ph * 62.4 (3.sX7XB)
Ph * 1223(l lb.
ilorizonlc!farcc ., {J
5250x = 24461 (i.5) - (4.U29) *
Vertical torce Fv
x = 1.564 [r.
Fv *.{wV
F(7) = 122111(2. 1 1,3) + 5250(l.5da) Fv =b)-.4
lr 1, , .1"
(3r? ( c ,' t
F * 52"19 lb- (down)
Fv = i7643 lb"

Compute the horf;zonial and ieitical

B'ind the force om tfue cqrmira! gatmgq shuwn"
c(rrnponrnt.$of rfue hydrostatic force on
;*;-t I
the rluarter. tr,f eircte face of the tank Neglect the weight of th* plwg.
tl l
shtlwn- ' ,, ,' i: ,1 ' 1,,,1',
a) 680 ib"
@"a) 3(ttt kN" 289 kN b) 7321b.
".". I i b) 310 kt!, 3iD kN
ffic) 685Ih.
,-"1 I
c) 1l2l kN. ?99 kN d) 7?r lb.
d) 410 kN, 31? kN 1'

2.' Solutton:
.:"'.:i |
Solulion.: i
1,51 = y* tti', L
r =4 s(144)rLlP"
n'# (4i($:] 4)
l '.vl'l 4'
I { 14: Ph = e.]e (4.sx1x7)
I tt:a;
#*' li r
Ph - "l0E kN

. .pill-1 '{'Li'!t?) ,A?

J--"+-/ ,,{ i{i

\ r', = fr (7) (r) - ql-f rrl)

lr-..*_*_.=_1 t
F= 6ES lb.
l- l'; l- I'y - 289 kN


Iif;yrd.norrta.t!.a Forces ora Cb.x5r,e Bur.fa,ce; IfSrdr.orrta.tic Forlce:r on Cunre Etur:fa.cor

The,hemispherical dome ln the figurc tma.:'ditmetCi:,:,water,tCnlr,...toffi ts1111of

shown,is filted with waterland ls attai*.a
!g lhe floor by two diametricaily oppa$€d .kN/mr.,..,D-oitEd......t-b hei' ..m,.sho*u....,,......If
boifts. \ilhat force in either,holt is suIport...,,bf f he,,,,.lend. :tnp
required to hotd thi dome ao*n; :.r
dome weighs 25 kN?
' :: - ' :'I if' ttre
-.i= :dCt iiie:thbfofterihduced::irt::tach:ltdt;:.

a) 4.59 kN
a) 188.7 kN rab)
b) 178.4 kN 4.42 kN
!sc) 177.7 kN
c) 4.87 kN
d) 5.12kN
d) 160.9 kN
Boh spacing = 25 crn.
Solution: Consi&r A.25 cm. length of tatk;
Fy = wt. of inruginary warcr above the
-lF Ft = 9.79 (2.5X3X0.25)
Ft = 1E.356 kN
w = wt. of water + wt. of lwf tank
Fv = e:te [n 1 r .s12 10.1 -
lnQ's)3 , =$to.2sxe.ze) + 3.5(0.25)
w = 9.525 kN
f to.o+yr 151]
Fv = 3110..5 kN (upward) 2T = 18.356 -9.525
T = 4.42 kI{

Net upwurd ftirce on dome

= 380.-5 - 25

= 355.5 kN .iAii;ii$.iiift;;,;.;UIAmlier.;iiilCIB1 i{Sn..iSriri .*iiii;D r}1il

,dividcs'two Shaltow pbnds as sn6*h.,

C.ompUtt,:thC:,r[etr::v€rtical: hnd]::h oil1g4ts[:i
Force per futlt:
iif:ff9tiotrs..lrt.,.pbin i,llCi if ,.,the .toEi...i*iiiiU.i.iffi .ii

^ 35s.s

F * 177.7 H{ a) 45401b.,380llb.
b) 4923 lb.,398 lb.
Bc) 43401b.,371 lb.
d) 4621 tb.,462 lb.

If; Forces orr Grlnre Bu.da,ceg If5rdro;ta.*ic Forscet on Crrrnre Bulcfa,aer

P1 =7r, ltA F =^'lwV
Pt = 62.4 (l.5X3Xl?.)
V = Area of shadcd section imes its length
|rl P2=.yn iA
( Pz = 62.4(0.1 5X I .-5X I 2)
o =d$b+ 0.5 (0.5)
Pz=&42tb. A = 0.839 m2.
ri Rx=Pt-PZ
Rx =3370 - M2 F =9.79 (0.839X8)
Rx = 25211lb. (n the right) F = 65.71 ki.{
Ff 0.50m
Hzo F1=7nV w=F
Fr = 62.4(rO1!, .!f qrzl n (0.5)? (8X9.79)(sp. Br.) = 65.71
W.9.= 1.07
{* F; = 26461b-
F2= yn V

Fz=62.4" 0 t'1rzy
.gurveiwAIIrnf0:::l$ n,::quAntef:::Ciidh:.r9:.ft
Fz = ll21 ltr- into the paper,, Compute ,the horizpntal
w = n (r.5)2 ( r2X6z.4X0.s2) and vertical hydrostatic:forcet or thc
w = 4140 lb- watt anA- the: line' of aclion of the
:] . : t::
: : t:ii:::i:i:,:iii:.:it::::i::::i:t: i:t]t ,:t..i:....::: i:i..

Ry+F'1 I;")=w
Gra) 14040lb, 14007 lb., 15.9'
Ry +2(A6+ 1323 =4340 b) 15543 tb,t4347lb., 16.8'
Ry = 371 lh (up) c) 14531 lb, 1il521b., 17.7'
d) 16767Ib, l,g30lb., 18.1'
I/ = 5 Sin 45'8 (2)
'Ihe I nreter dlflfireter,:cyliiidcf:,]:ffrr::r8iltir: H|L
long into the paper and rests in statie
erluilibrlunt against r frictionless walt et::
ph="1* il
poirrt ll. Cornputr the specific gravilyrof Ph= 62.4"yr(T.o7txe)
lhe ryliudtr. , :r ; ,, ,h.' Ph= tr4M0 h.
o< )e0' pv
n) l-19 X-- H =,,lwV
b) l.t0 Pv=62.4t#-?]o'
Bc) L07
d) I20 Pv = 4007 lb.


Ir:Tdrostatlc Force; c,,r G*mro Bueda,ce: I{;rd"norrtatl'o lF"orces orr Gur:re Burface;

R={1490?;2+gaf.lfuf Notc : Centroid af Prabola:
f = l4{i0015. t
4ffi7 ;=f(6)=2.25
Em u = Ho4o
Q = 15.9'
Area=i(6X9.6) = 38.4
Ph=^tn il
Ph=9.79 (4.8X9.6X7)
Pft * 3158 kN
Pressurized water:,::filli,ihei., tank. Pv =9.79 (38.4X7)
k ()nt .-
Compute the net hldrostaiii :force on Pv * 2632 kt{
conicalsurfacc anCi, i ,i:
F = (9.O = 3158(3.2)+2632Q.25)
a) 369kN k*l
b) 370kN P6 i( F = 1670
c) 378kN l/3(9.6)=3 2
&ro) lot tnt
Solution: 3t8(6)=2 25
The cylindrical lank in'the figure shorvn
Equivalent luight af wtter obave ttrc gage.
tras u nemisphiiical end'eaP ABC;
F =fw h. Compute the total horizontal ''and
100 = 9.79 } vertical forcca sxbrted on ABC,by the oil
& = 10.215 m. andnrater. : ' .',, ",-' ', :::i

Fv = wt. of *naginory water above tlu cone

a) 670 kl"I., 170 kN
rv = e.7e&XJE g.zts)+e.7ery9 l€u) ssgkN.,156kN
Fv*361W(uPward) c) 598 kN., 179 kN
d) 612 kl.I., 164 kN
P1 * p,I4
Parabolic g4te AB ,f,s ?m.,:perpcndicular
to the paper. Compute the iorcq:,f P1 = e.7e(0.eXl+r1$
required to prevent rotati'on about thi P1 * 221 kN
hinged at B- ruegiect:::,atmospteiic Pt 2m
'preSSUfC. ,: ,,,, :, ' ,,': ' '';..;;',;,',;,'; -l 12 = [l.zl1o.eX3+2]+e.7e(1)l #
Pz" 2m Pz * 338 kN
a) l750kN Pfi= P1 + P2
bI 1687kN
c) l742kN Ph*221+3N
Ph = 539 fi{ to tltc left"
rro) loronni .&
t10 il,
IfSrd,rro;ta.tlc Forces oaif, Crrrrre Buda,ae; I{lrdro:tatlc Fclreces on Cu'nre Elu'r'face;
Fv = e.7e1s e,
Fv = 156 kN
(1) Y* rr(*);oe Pz=0.6
P2= - l.23Psi. (suction)
0.6 psi P2= - 177.12psf.
0 ran 15" =
$ r = 0.804 ft
,Find rthO force on,,ths rrWdy ,(Dsiiiofr:ril
Ft = l77.I}t (0.80a)2 = 360Ib.
,t palaboic cylinder). The length normal to
w = n (0.804)2 (s.1X62"4X0.83)
thepaher ls4,5 m.:ahd,f,{..9.20,tsN/ r..,.,,,
w = 852lb.
6a) 44.20t<N ., =@Y0(62.4x0.83)
b) 45.32 kN
c) 44.87 kN F2 = l05lb.
{t d) 45.10kN LFv=0
v I"+ 350 + 105 = 852
,=*'/22 Solwtion:

lo F = i87 lb.
*=8y x2=tl x=2.83
Ph=^l* M
Ph=e.x) o.sxlx4.5)
* Plr = 20.7 kN.
Pv = wt. of fuxly above 0A A 30 mm. diCmeter steel fi = ,? kNlmz)
pv t1ri,D(l)t+.s) ball'covers c,: I5 mm. diam. holb'in the
=9]! bottom of e thf,mbtr::in *hich gas
Pv = 39.05 kN pressute'is 27'10{$ KPa" whst:forcg is
required tO'push the ball up into the
n = {ire or)d(roJf chamber? ': ::: ' j':
R = 4,1-20 kN

ffia) 4.77 kN
b) 5.30 kN
c) 4"80 kN
d) 5.24 kN
Determlne lhe force,tieqiilred to hold:thc:
qlnt$hOwn tnffiifuhi,,.r,,r,rlt;..,,,.',,.r.:.:.t,:.t.,.:tt:rr,.,.,i:
F = w +forcc duz ta gas pressrre (Ft)
a) 190 lb.
b) 4 r0 rb. Note: Vol. of sphere =tt F
I' Bc) ltt'/ lU.
{ d) l')6 tb. v,r.=|n(il'=#
il 1fl


r$rdrorrtatlo Forsce; ore cunrc Errrcfaceg GB-@ Iifooar Tems*f,oxa

t'=-6-.h+ pA

"=ry*I{ er+z7,ooo"qff
F = 4.77 Lettu consirler a seffti'circvlfrr scgmet AB
fi of unit tength, tretd in equilibiurrt by wo
forces T Assumits liw unit prisstue to bc
, then lhe value ot'T is aiso the
santc at all points in the circryrderence,
.f,Flr = 0
T= 2
{ a) 123.54 kN/m
rsb) 137"17 kN/m
c) 101.36 kN/m
P = pressure
o 261.75 kN/rn
Solution: h = ht. of wster
PxnwhA D = diameter
Pr - 9.81(1.8X3.6X1) = 63.57 kt{ T = Tensile force
*s-i.i B=14.03.
Considering thiekness af tankwall
0 - 1X) - 14.03' =75.%' T=As S
,r3..U1(ZS.9e.)_ 4.8(1.2) T = (r)(t) S
3({)2 T
A* 12.39 m2 S=,
Py * nt. of imaginuy uwtcr bru
ontl* slradcdsectbn
Py - 9.8t(t2.39X1) - 121.55 kN .t- -PQ
Pv 3.6
fr"-T u-
" -P4
,*#P or.8B
S = fersile srress

urB*i* P = unil pressure

t * thickmess af wall
ll= 62.43' D * inside diar*eter
I n - {e:szpflffip
R * tl7.I7 *Nlm


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