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made by soonh

The science or practice of farming,

including cultivation of the soil for the
growing of crops and the rearing of
animals to provide food, wool, and other
Q 1: Give reasons for the heavy dependence
on agricultural sector in Pakistan .

Ans: About 66% of population lives in rural

areas and nearly 68% of them are engaged
in farming, and agro-based
industries. Agriculture sector plays a
vital role in the economic development of a
country. ... Agriculture sector is the single
largest component of GDP in Pakistan. Its
contribution is 21% to Pakistan's GDP .It is
considered to be the backbone of Pakistan’s

Q2: name the important agricultural

products of Pakistan
Ans: the products are textiles (fabric and
yarn) ,apparel and clothing , rice, tobacco
,sugarcane ,cotton ,gram ,pulses ,maize ,
barey ,millet and wheat.

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