Planning Guide Maintenance PDF

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Disciples Church Extension Fund

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For example, the average lifecycle

Church Facility Maintenance

for a standard forced air furnace is 15
years. Taking into consideration the
age, condition and cost of equipment
replacement, a facility manager can

T he goal of every facility maintenance program is to determine the break-even amount

for repairing or replacing the equip-
preserve and maintain the resources of a building for ment. A lifecycle analysis also can help
its use and operation. For congregations, this goal should congregational leaders estimate the
be expanded to include the stewardship of resources for amount of financial reserves needed to
adequately maintain the facility. For
ministry and their communities.
more information on lifecycle analysis,
please visit http://www.oldhouseweb.
For most congregations, the purpose be performed by a professional auditor,
of facility maintenance includes the architect or building inspector, who
following objectives: can help church leaders identify poten-
1. Preserve the value of the tial problems and design an effective
3. Create an annual mainte-
facility for the congregation maintenance plan.
nance plan based on the service
and community
and operating needs of the fa-
2. Operate the facility safely Major items on this list should in-
cility and its equipment. Initially,
and efficiently clude building systems like the roof,
leaders should create a checklist of
3. Prevent system failures that fire prevention, heating and cooling,
maintenance activities that need to
can interrupt the operations drainage, insulation, building envelope
occur regularly (daily, weekly, monthly,
of a church and its ministry (exterior walls, doors, windows), and
quarterly, etc.), and develop a main-
4. Protect the larger assets of the structure of the facility. Additional
tenance plan based on this timeline.
the congregation items may include flooring, sound
In addition, leaders should plan and
equipment, lighting, office equipment,
schedule additional preventative main-
To achieve these objectives, churches bathroom fixtures, furniture, interior
tenance and repair as they correspond
should consider adopting the following walls, ceilings and kitchen equipment.
to the checklist. For example, if the
best practices for maintaining their
roof of the facility needs to be replaced,
facilities: 2. Create a method for identi-
it may be a good idea to schedule the
1. Create and maintain an fying and ranking maintenance
cleaning of the ventilation ducts for the
inventory of building compo- projects and activities. After the
HV/AC system while the attic is open
nents and the condition of the facility inspection, it is important
and accessible. Finally, leaders should
facility’s equipment. In order to to create a plan for how to address
create an operations manual to help
evaluate the various components and maintenance problems and needs. Most
explain maintenance procedures and
systems of a building, church leaders professional facility managers do this
activities on the checklist.
should conduct an annual inspection by using a lifecycle and cost analysis
of the facility. This inspection should system, based on industry norms and


Church Facility Maintenance

4. Develop financial plan for important to let your congregation

system and equipment upgrades know how resources are being used.
based on short-term and long- Unlike most large commercial build-
term objectives. As noted above, ings, congregations usually do not
facility maintenance plans can help have a professional facility manager
congregations evaluate and financially and instead rely upon volunteer leaders,
prepare for the repair and replacement which sometimes results in deferred
of equipment. It is important that these maintenance and facilities that do not
maintenance plans exist in the context operate at optimum efficiency. By tak-
of the larger financial and ministry ing the above steps and communicat-
goals of the congregation. ing maintenance needs more broadly,
congregations are more likely to care
These goals, along with financial for their facilities.
budgeting, will help determine the
priority of projects. Some best prac- By taking these steps, including in-
tices are to 1) develop a 10-year capital specting and adjusting building inven-
improvement plan; 2) create a reserve tory annually, leaders should be able to
account for emergencies and repairs; operate and maintain their facility with
3) create an annual maintenance plan; higher efficiency, better maintenance,
and 4) link the annual maintenance and lower operating and repair costs,
plan to the annual budget, seasonal resulting in more and better resources
tasks/calendar and cash flow for the for ministry.
For more information about
5. Communicate maintenance church facility maintenance,
needs and plans with staff and please contact
congregational leadership. While Disciples Church Extension Fund
communication is not a direct action 800-274-1883
related to maintaining a facility, it is


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