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Good afternoon teacher and fellow friends, today I want

to give a talk to you all and the topic is alcohol abuse.

Alcohol abuse means the habitual excessive 习惯性过度
use of alcohol. Alcohol loosens your inhibitions 禁忌, you
might not control yourself and you might make bad judgments
坏判断. Furthermore, alcohol does many different things to
your body. While drinking might make you feel good, abusing
alcohol may lead to serious complications 并发症. It effects
the body both mentally 精神上 and physically 身体上. Alcohol
will slur your speech, increase your reaction 反应 time and
make you lose co-ordination 失去协调. So, it is very dangerous
when people drive car after drinking alcohol.
Also, alcohol effects almost every cell in the body. One
disease that you can get from drinking too much alcohol is
heart disease. Large amounts 共计 of alcohol can cause the
heart to beat irregularly and also raise the blood pressure. It
also damages the heart muscle.
Alcohol abuse not only does it effects your body but it
effects your budget 预算. Drinking alcohol can cost a lot of
money. Many people have been reduced to poverty 贫穷 and
ruined 毁了 because of drinking alcohol.
Besides, the solutions of alcohol abuse is drink more
water. Water will help keep you hydrated, make you feel
better, and help flush out toxins from your body. Another
solution is often reminds yourself about disadvantage of
In conclusion, we need to cooperation to encourage our
friends and family that keep away alcohol and try to minimize
the harm cause by alcohol.

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