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Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:1–11

DOI 10.1007/s00421-012-2402-0


The influence of vibration type, frequency, body position

and additional load on the neuromuscular activity
during whole body vibration
Ramona Ritzmann • Albert Gollhofer •

Andreas Kramer

Received: 16 February 2012 / Accepted: 4 April 2012 / Published online: 27 April 2012
Ó Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract This study aimed to assess the influence of be achieved in the selected muscles. The combination of
different whole body vibration (WBV) determinants on the high vibration frequencies with additional load on an SV
electromyographic (EMG) activity during WBV in order to platform led to highest EMG activities. Regarding the body
identify those training conditions that cause highest neu- position, a knee flexion of 60° and forefoot stance appear to
romuscular responses and therefore provide optimal train- be beneficial for the knee extensors and the plantar flexors,
ing conditions. In a randomized cross-over study, the EMG respectively.
activity of six leg muscles was analyzed in 18 subjects with
respect to the following determinants: (1) vibration type Keywords Electromyography  Parameters  Vibration 
(side-alternating vibration (SV) vs. synchronous vibration Training  Exercise
(SyV), (2) frequency (5–10–15–20–25–30 Hz), (3) knee
flexion angle (10°–30°–60°), (4) stance condition (forefoot
vs. normal stance) and (5) load variation (no extra load vs. Introduction
additional load equal to one-third of the body weight). The
results are: (1) neuromuscular activity during SV was Scientific research with respect to whole body vibration
enhanced compared to SyV (P \ 0.05); (2) a progressive (WBV) has increased in the last decade. However, func-
increase in frequency caused a progressive increase in tional and neuromuscular adaptations to WBV are not
EMG activity (P \ 0.05); (3) the EMG activity was highest entirely understood. Since vibration training is a form of
for the knee extensors when the knee joint was 60° flexed training that uses an external drive to stimulate the muscle
(P \ 0.05); (4) for the plantar flexors in the forefoot stance (Rittweger 2010; Wilcock et al. 2009), this external drive
condition (P \ 0.05); and (5) additional load caused an (generated by the vibration device) and its adjustment (i.e.,
increase in neuromuscular activation (P \ 0.05). In con- the choice of frequency and amplitude) have a big influence
clusion, large variations of the EMG activation could be on the muscles’ response to WBV training (Rauch et al.
observed across conditions. However, with an appropriate 2010; Rittweger 2010). However, despite the substantial
adjustment of specific WBV determinants, high EMG amount of WBV-related articles, there are few that address
activations and therefore high activation intensities could fundamental questions such as optimal frequency or body
position on the training device (Abercromby et al. 2007a;
Berschin and Sommer 2004; Hazell et al. 2007, 2010).
Communicated by Arnold de Haan. Only a few studies focused on the systematic variation
of WBV determinants in order to define adequate training
R. Ritzmann (&)  A. Gollhofer
Institute of Sport and Sport Science, University of Freiburg, conditions. In the latter studies, the electromyographic
Schwarzwaldstraße 175, 79117 Freiburg, Germany (EMG) activity was analyzed regarding specific vibration
e-mail: determinants, i.e., frequencies (Cardinale and Lim 2003;
Cochrane et al. 2009), amplitudes (Marı́n et al. 2009), or
A. Kramer
Department of Sports Science, University of Konstanz, additional load (Hazell et al. 2010) or vibration types and
Constance, Germany body positions (Abercromby et al. 2007a). In general, the

2 Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:1–11

studies demonstrated that acute WBV is accompanied by of five different vibration determinants (vibration type,
higher EMG responses compared to conditions without frequency, knee angle, stance condition and load varia-
WBV. More specific, it has been shown that neuromuscular tion) and the influence of two factors (muscle group and
responses increase with increasing amplitudes (Marı́n et al. gender) on the EMG activity during WBV. Based on
2009) and additional loads (Hazell et al. 2010). The effects findings in already existing literature, the following
of the vibration frequency remains unclear, as studies have hypotheses were established: (1) we expected that side-
failed to produce consistent results so far (Berschin and alternating vibration causes higher neuromuscular
Sommer 2004; Cardinale and Lim 2003; Hazell et al. responses than synchronous vibration and (2) a progres-
2007). However, at least there is some indirect evidence sive increase of the EMG activity in response to a pro-
suggesting that the neuromuscular activation is related to gressively ascending vibration frequency. With respect to
the level of frequency during WBV training (Ritzmann the subjects’ body position, we focused on the static
et al. 2010). As the number of vibration-induced stretch variation of the knee angle and foot position according to
reflexes increase with ascending frequency, it might be the findings of Abercromby et al. (2007a). We assumed
suggested that the EMG activity is increased as well that (3) the more the knee joint is flexed the higher the
(Cochrane et al. 2009; Ritzmann et al. 2010). With respect EMG activity in the knee extensor muscles. Accordingly,
to the body position there is only one study conducted by we hypothesized that (4) a plantar flexion in the ankle
Abercromby et al. (2007a) focusing on different knee joint results in a higher EMG activity in the plantar flexor
flexion angles during WBV. Their main finding was that muscles. Furthermore, we assumed that (5) an additional
WBV in a static squat position caused higher neuromus- load during WBV causes higher EMG responses com-
cular responses compared to several modalities of dynamic pared to WBV without additional load.
Each of the vibration determinants mentioned above has
its own impact on WBV training and training adaptation Methods
(Cochrane 2011). However, until now, there has not been a
systematic approach focusing on the combination of the Subjects
WBV training determinants in an effort to identify condi-
tions, which provide the highest neuromuscular responses Based on the results of a power analysis (f = 0.4;
during WBV. It is well known that during a voluntary alpha = 0.05; power = 0.9), 18 volunteers participated in
action, the muscles’ EMG activity is related to the extent of this study. The participants were physically fit students at the
the muscle fibers’ recruitment (Aagaard 2003; Hogrel department of sports science (8 females and 10 males, age
2003; Milner-Brown et al. 1973a, 1973b; Riley et al. 2008) 25 ± 4 years, weight 66 ± 15 kg, height 174 ± 10 cm)
and frequency (Aagaard 2003; Milner-Brown et al. 1973a). with no previous neurological irregularities or injuries to the
A high EMG activity results from a high number of lower extremity. All volunteers gave their written informed
recruited muscle fibers and high motor unit discharge fre- consent. The study was conducted according to the latest
quencies (Moritani and Muro 1987) and is accompanied by revision of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by
high forces generated by the target muscle (Freund et al. the ethics committee of the University of Freiburg.
1975; Moritani and Muro 1987). Hence, based on these
relations, the EMG activity could be used to easily deter- Experimental design
mine the activation intensity of the muscle in a given set of
WBV treatment at least within limits mentioned as cross In order to examine the influence of five vibration-related
talk and nonlinearity (Farina et al. 2004; Keenan et al. determinants on the neuromuscular activity during WBV, a
2005). Within those limitations, the EMG activity can single-group, repeated measures, crossed-study design was
serve as an adequate parameter to estimate the muscles’ used (Fig. 1). For that purpose, the EMG activity of six leg
activation intensity. Designing a WBV-based training muscles was analyzed with respect to (1) two different
regimen with the objective to achieve a distinct type of vibration types (side-alternating vibration vs. synchronous
adaptation (e.g., improved power generated by a specific vibration), (2) a progressive increase in vibration fre-
muscle group) requires a thorough understanding of the quencies (5–10–15–20–25–30 Hz), (3) three knee flexion
influence of the training setup and the selected WBV angles (10°–3°–60°), (4) two stance conditions (forefoot vs.
parameters (Cochrane 2011; Rittweger 2010). normal stance) and (5) load variation (no extra load vs. an
This work presents a systematic approach to indenti- additional load equal to one-third of the respective body
fying conditions that provide a high neuromuscular weight). Among the subjects, the order of the test condi-
activity and therefore high activation intensities during tions was randomized to control for confounding effects
WBV. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect such as familiarization or fatigue.

2 Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:1–11

studies demonstrated that acute WBV is accompanied by of five different vibration determinants (vibration type,
higher EMG responses compared to conditions without frequency, knee angle, stance condition and load varia-
WBV. More specific, it has been shown that neuromuscular tion) and the influence of two factors (muscle group and
responses increase with increasing amplitudes (Marı́n et al. gender) on the EMG activity during WBV. Based on
2009) and additional loads (Hazell et al. 2010). The effects findings in already existing literature, the following
of the vibration frequency remains unclear, as studies have hypotheses were established: (1) we expected that side-
failed to produce consistent results so far (Berschin and alternating vibration causes higher neuromuscular
Sommer 2004; Cardinale and Lim 2003; Hazell et al. responses than synchronous vibration and (2) a progres-
2007). However, at least there is some indirect evidence sive increase of the EMG activity in response to a pro-
suggesting that the neuromuscular activation is related to gressively ascending vibration frequency. With respect to
the level of frequency during WBV training (Ritzmann the subjects’ body position, we focused on the static
et al. 2010). As the number of vibration-induced stretch variation of the knee angle and foot position according to
reflexes increase with ascending frequency, it might be the findings of Abercromby et al. (2007a). We assumed
suggested that the EMG activity is increased as well that (3) the more the knee joint is flexed the higher the
(Cochrane et al. 2009; Ritzmann et al. 2010). With respect EMG activity in the knee extensor muscles. Accordingly,
to the body position there is only one study conducted by we hypothesized that (4) a plantar flexion in the ankle
Abercromby et al. (2007a) focusing on different knee joint results in a higher EMG activity in the plantar flexor
flexion angles during WBV. Their main finding was that muscles. Furthermore, we assumed that (5) an additional
WBV in a static squat position caused higher neuromus- load during WBV causes higher EMG responses com-
cular responses compared to several modalities of dynamic pared to WBV without additional load.
Each of the vibration determinants mentioned above has
its own impact on WBV training and training adaptation Methods
(Cochrane 2011). However, until now, there has not been a
systematic approach focusing on the combination of the Subjects
WBV training determinants in an effort to identify condi-
tions, which provide the highest neuromuscular responses Based on the results of a power analysis (f = 0.4;
during WBV. It is well known that during a voluntary alpha = 0.05; power = 0.9), 18 volunteers participated in
action, the muscles’ EMG activity is related to the extent of this study. The participants were physically fit students at the
the muscle fibers’ recruitment (Aagaard 2003; Hogrel department of sports science (8 females and 10 males, age
2003; Milner-Brown et al. 1973a, 1973b; Riley et al. 2008) 25 ± 4 years, weight 66 ± 15 kg, height 174 ± 10 cm)
and frequency (Aagaard 2003; Milner-Brown et al. 1973a). with no previous neurological irregularities or injuries to the
A high EMG activity results from a high number of lower extremity. All volunteers gave their written informed
recruited muscle fibers and high motor unit discharge fre- consent. The study was conducted according to the latest
quencies (Moritani and Muro 1987) and is accompanied by revision of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by
high forces generated by the target muscle (Freund et al. the ethics committee of the University of Freiburg.
1975; Moritani and Muro 1987). Hence, based on these
relations, the EMG activity could be used to easily deter- Experimental design
mine the activation intensity of the muscle in a given set of
WBV treatment at least within limits mentioned as cross In order to examine the influence of five vibration-related
talk and nonlinearity (Farina et al. 2004; Keenan et al. determinants on the neuromuscular activity during WBV, a
2005). Within those limitations, the EMG activity can single-group, repeated measures, crossed-study design was
serve as an adequate parameter to estimate the muscles’ used (Fig. 1). For that purpose, the EMG activity of six leg
activation intensity. Designing a WBV-based training muscles was analyzed with respect to (1) two different
regimen with the objective to achieve a distinct type of vibration types (side-alternating vibration vs. synchronous
adaptation (e.g., improved power generated by a specific vibration), (2) a progressive increase in vibration fre-
muscle group) requires a thorough understanding of the quencies (5–10–15–20–25–30 Hz), (3) three knee flexion
influence of the training setup and the selected WBV angles (10°–3°–60°), (4) two stance conditions (forefoot vs.
parameters (Cochrane 2011; Rittweger 2010). normal stance) and (5) load variation (no extra load vs. an
This work presents a systematic approach to indenti- additional load equal to one-third of the respective body
fying conditions that provide a high neuromuscular weight). Among the subjects, the order of the test condi-
activity and therefore high activation intensities during tions was randomized to control for confounding effects
WBV. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect such as familiarization or fatigue.

Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:1–11 3

In order to control the body position, ankle angles (dor-

salflexion and plantarflexion) and knee angles (knee flexion
and extension) were recorded by electrogoniometers (Bio-
metricsÒ, Gwent, UK). For that purpose, one goniometer
was placed over the lateral epicondyle of the femur with one
endplate attached to the shank and aligned to the lateral
malleolus of fibula and the other to the thigh aligned to the
greater trochanter. The knee flexion angle was set to zero at
180° angle between the femur and the fibula. The second
goniometer was fixed at the lateral aspect of the right ankle
with its ends attached parallel to the major axis of the foot in
line with the fifth metatarsal and the major axis of the leg in
Fig. 1 Schematics of the study design. During WBV the EMG line with the fibula. An angle of 90° between the fifth
activity of six leg muscles was analyzed with respect to the metatarsal and the fibula was defined as 90° ankle angle,
determinants vibration type, vibration frequency, knee flexion angle, whereas a plantar flexion was reflected by an ankle angle
stance conditions and load variation
greater than 90°. To control the vibration amplitude, an
accelerometer was fixed on both vibration devices. All
General procedure signals were recorded with a sampling frequency of 4 kHz.

Vibration exposure during a single trial was limited to 10 s Independent variables

with at least 30 s of rest in between trials. At the beginning
of each measurement, baseline activity in that position Vibration type
without WBV was recorded. This procedure allowed an
assessment of the vibration’s contribution to the neuro- Two different WBV devices were used: a side-alternating
muscular activity. During testing, the subjects were bare- vibration platform (Novotec Medical, Pforzheim, Ger-
foot in order to avoid any dampening effects due to many) and a synchronous vibration platform (Power Plate
different footwear. The subjects were instructed to direct Germany, Frankfurt am Main, Germany). The side-alter-
their head and eyes forward and distribute their weight nating vibration platform generates vibration by rotating
equally on both feet. Prior to data collection, familiariza- along the sagittal axis. Thus, the positioning of the feet in
tion sessions for both WBV devices were conducted to relation to the axis of rotation determines the vibration
make sure that the participants were able to maintain the amplitude. The frequency is adjustable in steps of 0.5 Hz
defined positions at higher vibration frequencies. In case of within a range of 5–30 Hz. The synchronous vibration
trunk movement, foot sliding, changes in body position or platform moves synchronously in vertical direction, so that
any other disturbances the measurements were repeated. the amplitude is fixed at 2 mm and does not change when a
The body position was controlled by two operators. different foot position is assumed. It is adjustable in steps
of 5 Hz within a range of 30–50 Hz.
EMG recordings and kinematics For a direct comparison of the two types of vibration,
the frequency was set to the only frequency the two devices
Bipolar Ag/AgCl surface electrodes (Ambu Blue Sensor P, had in common (i.e., 30 Hz) and the foot-to-foot distance
Ballerup, Denmark; diameter 9 mm, center-to-center dis- was set to 21 cm (resulting in a amplitude of 2 mm on the
tance 34 mm) were placed over the M. soleus (SOL), the side-alternating platform, making it comparable to the
M. gastrocnemius medialis (GM), the M. tibialis anterior fixed amplitude of the synchronous vibration platform).
(TA), the M. rectus femoris (RF), the M. vastus medialis This identical foot position was marked on both platforms.
(VM) and the M. biceps femoris (BF) of the right leg. The For the evaluation of the vibration frequency, only the
longitudinal axes of the electrodes were in line with side-alternating vibration device was used, with a foot-to-
the presumed direction of the underlying muscle fibers. The foot distance of 42 cm, resulting in a vibration amplitude
reference electrode was placed on the patella. Interelec- of 4 mm (Marı́n et al. 2009). This foot position was also
trode resistance was kept below 2 kX by means of shaving, marked on the side-alternating platform.
light abrasion, and degreasing of the skin. The EMG sig-
nals were transmitted to the amplifier (band-pass filter Vibration frequency
10 Hz–1 kHz, 1,0009 amplified) via shielded cables and
recorded with 4 kHz. The cables were carefully taped to To examine the effects of vibration frequency steps
the skin. of 5 Hz were selected in a range from 5 to 30 Hz

4 Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:1–11

(i.e., 5–10–15–20–25–30 Hz). In this setting, only the side- was different from the other conditions performed without
alternating vibration platform was used. an additional load in which the hands have been on the
hips. In order to control for possible differences due to the
Knee flexion altered hand position an additional experiment was con-
ducted in 8 of 18 subjects. For that purpose, we compared
Knee angles of 5° versus 30° versus 60° were compared to hands on the hips (identical to the unloaded condition) to
each other (0° corresponding to the fully extended knee). In hands high (identical to the load condition) in the forefoot
order to control each of the defined knee flexion angles, the stance and a 5° knee angle as well as in the forefoot stance
subjects’ knee joint position was adjusted by means of and a 60° knee angle without and with 30 Hz vibration on
templates given in 5°, 30° and 60° before each measure- both devices.
ment. Trials were repeated when a subject could not
maintain the given position. Data processing
The rationale for the parameter selection was based on
several studies that have shown that WBV training with a For each of the recorded muscles in each condition, EMG
knee flexion angle of 5°–60° causes beneficial effects on signals with a length of 3 s were rectified, integrated and
jump height, lower extremity muscle torque and flexibility time normalized (iEMG [mVs]). This kind of data pro-
(Jacobs and Burns 2009; Stewart et al. 2009; Torvinen cessing was selected as the integrated EMG signal has
et al. 2002). shown to be a reliable predictor for the level of neuro-
muscular activation (Kellis and Katis 2008), i.e., the extent
Stance condition of the motor unit recruitment and discharge frequency
(Aagaard 2003; Moritani 2002; Moritani and Muro 1987).
Standing on the forefoot (i.e., forefoot in contact with the Subsequently, the vibration gain was calculated in order to
platform and heel without contact) was compared to a allow for a comparison between subjects and to quantify
normal stance (i.e., heel and forefoot in contact with the the vibration’s contribution to the neuromuscular activity:
platform). In order to control the forefoot stance, a foam in case of the independent variables vibration type and
cube (3 9 3 9 3 cm in dimension) was fixed under the frequency, the iEMG during WBV was normalized to the
subjects’ right and left heel, in order to reduce the variance corresponding stance position without vibration. For the
in ankle joint position within and between subjects. The independent variables load variation, knee flexion and
subjects were instructed to keep contact with this foam stance condition, the iEMG was normalized to the standard
cube without deforming the cube. Measurements were stance condition (standing on the forefoot with a knee
repeated when the defined position could not be held. angle of 5° without additional load).
Mean ankle and knee angles were calculated for each
Load variation subject and each of the WBV conditions. The vibration
amplitude was calculated indirectly by means of an
In order to quantify the influence of load variation, control accelerometer signal (Fig. 2) via the formula amplitudecalc
trials (without additional load) were compared to trials with (m) = 2 9 a (m/s2)/(2 9 P 9 Frequency)2 (1/s2), where
an additional load equal to 1/3 of the respective body a is defined as the peak acceleration and P is pi (see e.g.,
weight. One-third of the body weight as an additional load Rittweger et al. 2001).
has been selected based on studies that showed that WBV
training in combination with an additional load has a Statistics
beneficial effect on performance and metabolic power
(Cochrane et al. 2008; Garatachea et al. 2007; Rittweger We used an analysis of variance (ANOVA) to analyze the
et al. 2001). The additional load was applied via a standard data. The dependent variables in all statistical tests were
weightlifting bar (180 cm in length and a weight of 10 kg) iEMG values measured from the muscles SOL, GM, TA,
with weight plates attached to each side. The bar was RF, VM, and BF. The independent variables were vibration
positioned on the shoulders of the subject. According to the type, vibration frequency, foot position, knee angle, and
recommendation of Abercromby et al. (2007b), we omitted load variation. Muscle group was included as a within-
the additional load in the condition with a 5° knee flexion subject factor to detect differences between the recorded
and a normal stance as this combination has been shown to thigh and calf muscles and gender as a between-subject
cause excessive head acceleration. All participants were factor. In order to test hypothesis (1) and to detect inter-
familiar with loaded squat techniques. action effects between the independent variables, a repe-
As the load was applied via a bar on the subjects’ ated measures ANOVA [type (2) 9 stance (2) 9 knee
shoulders the position of the hands in the load condition angle (3) load variation (2)] with Bonferroni corrected post

Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:1–11 5

within a given specification. Further, Student’s t tests were

used to test for differences in the hand position.
The level of significance was set to 0.05. All analyses
were executed using SPSS 17.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,
USA). Group data are presented as means ± SD unless
otherwise stated.


In Table 1, mean values of the vibration amplitude, knee

and ankle angles for the different vibration condition are
displayed. No significant differences could be observed for
the knee and ankle angles across conditions. Although the
subjects were instructed to maintain a knee angle of 5° (30°
Fig. 2 EMG data, joint angles and kinematics of one subject during and 60°, respectively), the analysis of the goniometer sig-
10 Hz (5 vibration cycles), 20 Hz (10 vibration cycles) and 30 Hz (15 nals revealed a mean flexion angle of 10° (30° and 60°,
vibration cycles) WBV. All signals were recorded in the forefoot
stance condition with 10° knee flexion without additional load. The
respectively). The vibration amplitude was significantly
top shows the EMG data of the gastrocnemius medialis (GM), tibialis smaller (-5 %) during vertical compared to side-alternat-
anterior (TA) and rectus femoris muscles (RF). Note the frequency- ing vibration (P \ 0.05).
dependent increase in EMG activity from 10 to 20 to 30 Hz. In the
middle, the frequency-dependent oscillation of the electrogoniometer
signals within a range of approximately 6° reflecting the dampening
Vibration type
effects of the ankle and knee joint. The curves at the bottom illustrate
the platform acceleration and the vibration amplitude Figure 3 illustrates the effect of the two different vibration
types—side-alternating and synchronous vibration—on the
hoc tests was used. To test hypotheses (2)–(5) and to detect EMG activity during WBV. In all recorded muscles (SOL
interaction effects between the independent variables, a ?67 %, GM ?91 %, TA ?70 %, BF ?74 %, VM ?69 %
repeated measures ANOVA [frequency (7) 9 stance and RF ?66 %), the EMG activity was significantly
(2) 9 knee angle (3) load variation (2)] with Bonferroni enhanced during side-alternating vibration compared to
corrected post hoc tests was used. In addition, to verify the synchronous vibration (P \ 0.05). Furthermore, for both
kinematic data, i.e., vibration amplitudes of 2 and 4 mm, vibration types the EMG activity was higher during WBV
knee flexions of 5°, 30° and 60°, forefoot and normal compared to the control condition without WBV
stance, Student’s t tests were used to reveal differences (P \ 0.05, Fig. 3).

Table 1 Mean values of all participants of the vibration amplitude (amplitudecalc), knee flexion and ankle angles for the different vibration
Vibration type Synchronous Side-alternating

Load variation No load Load No load Load No load Load

Amplitude (mm) 2 2 2 2 4 4
Amplitudecalc (mm) 1.90 ± 0.06* 1.86 ± 0.08* 1.98 ± 0.04 1.98 ± 0.08 3.96 ± 0.06 3.96 ± 0.10
Knee flexion
5° (°) 9±7 11 ± 6 12 ± 4 11 ± 7 7±3 8±6
30° (°) 27 ± 6 29 ± 10 32 ± 4 33 ± 6 31 ± 8 29 ± 5
60° (°) 61 ± 4 57 ± 6 57 ± 5 59 ± 8 65 ± 5 63 ± 3
Stance condition
Forefoot stance (°) 101 ± 12 98 ± 9 97 ± 13 103 ± 14 96 ± 11 95 ± 7
Normal stance (°) 85 ± 6 82 ± 11 80 ± 9 79 ± 7 81 ± 9 79 ± 12
Values represent MW ± SD. The first column contains the specification according to the predefined vibration determinants. The three rows at the top
display the vibration conditions. Note that the vibration amplitudecalc was calculated by means of the acceleration signal. No significant differences
could be observed for the knee and ankle angles across conditions, whereas the amplitudecalc differed significantly during vertical compared to side-
alternating vibration. Although the knee flexions have been predefined as 5°, 30° and 60°; the analysis revealed mean values of 10°, 30° and 60°
* indicates a significant difference (p \ 0.05)

6 Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:1–11

Knee flexion

Increasing the knee flexion from 10° to 30° to 60° resulted in

increasing EMG activity in the knee extensor muscles (RF:
?27 % P \ 0.05; ?30 % P \ 0.05 and VM: ?29 %
P \ 0.05; ?44 % P \ 0.05) and TA (?24 % P \ 0.05;
?39 % P \ 0.05; Fig. 5a). In contrast, the EMG activity of
the plantar flexors (GM: -14 % P \ 0.05; -16 % P \ 0.05
and SOL: -9 % P \ 0.05; -15 % P \ 0.05) was signifi-
cantly reduced (Fig. 5a). The BF (-1 % P = 0.74; -10 %
P = 0.39) remained unaffected in response to changes in
knee flexion. These results show that the muscles were
Fig. 3 Changes in neuromuscular activity during WBV in response
inversely affected by different knee angles: the knee exten-
to two different vibration types: black bar symbolizes side-alternating
vibration and white bar synchronous vibration. The EMG activity sors and TA showed highest EMG responses when the knee
during WBV was normalized to the corresponding stance condition was flexed at 60°, whereas the plantar flexors showed highest
without WBV. As a reference, the horizontal dashed line marks the EMG responses at a 10° angle, i.e., nearly extended knee joint
stance condition without WBV. In all recorded muscles, the EMG
(see Figs. 5a, 6).
activity was enhanced during side-alternating compared to synchro-
nous vibration. Note that between the vibration types, the only
comparable frequency was 30 Hz and the only comparable amplitude Stance condition
was 2 mm. Data are presented as mean values ± SD of all subjects
and conditions. Asterisk indicates a significant difference (P \ 0.05)
Forefoot stance in comparison to normal stance resulted in
significantly increased EMG activity only for the plantar
Vibration frequency flexor muscles SOL and GM (for details see Fig. 5b). In
contrast, the EMG activity of the knee extensor muscles
The average EMG activities of all recorded muscles were (RF and VM) and TA showed a significant decreased EMG
significantly affected by the vibration frequency activity during forefoot stance compared to normal stance
(P \ 0.05). Figure 4 illustrates the progressive increase in (see Figs. 5b, 6). The BF (P = 0.10) remained unaffected
the EMG activity as the vibration increases from 5 to in response to changes in the stance condition (Figs. 5b, 6).
30 Hz. The frequency-dependent increase in EMG activity
was highly pronounced in the shank muscles SOL, TA, and Load variation
GM proximally located from the vibration device and
slightly less pronounced in the distally located thigh mus- Figure 7 illustrates the effect of an additional load on the
cles BF, RF and VL (Fig. 4). EMG activity during WBV. An additional load caused an

Fig. 4 Changes in neuromuscular activation due to progressively line marks the stance condition without WBV. The EMG activity
enhanced vibration frequencies on the side-alternating vibration during WBV was normalized to the corresponding stance condition
platform: the higher the vibration frequency, the higher the EMG without WBV. Note that pooled data from all the conditions except
activity in all recorded muscles. As a reference, the horizontal dashed the vibration type are presented as mean values ± SD of all subjects

Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:1–11 7

a stance and vibration frequency [stance 9 frequency] with

respect to the EMG activity in SOL (P \ 0.05), GM
(P \ 0.05) and TA (P \ 0.05): for the shank muscles, the
effect of the vibration frequency on the EMG activity was
more pronounced during the forefoot stance than during the
normal stance (where the heel is in contact with the plat-
form; see Fig. 5).
Furthermore, the variable load significantly interacted
with the variable stance [load variation 9 stance] in Sol
(P \ 0.05), GM (P \ 0.05) and TA (P \ 0.05): in the
forefoot stance condition the additional load had a signif-
icantly greater effect on the EMG activity than in the
normal stance condition (see Fig. 6).
For RF (P \ 0.05) and GM (P \ 0.05), the knee angle
significantly modified the influence of the vibration fre-
quency [knee angle 9 frequency]; however, the muscles
were inversely affected: the more the knee was extended
b the greater the effects of vibration frequency on the EMG
activity in GM were. In contrast, in RF the effect of
vibration frequency on the EMG activity was more pro-
nounced when the knee joint was flexed.
For RF (P \ 0.05) and VM (P \ 0.05), the knee angle
significantly modified the effect of additional load [knee
angle 9 load]: the more the knee was flexed the greater the
effects of the additional load.
The variable vibration type did significantly interact
Fig. 5 Differences in joint torque in the given knee joint position
(10°, 30° and 60°) and changes in neuromuscular activation during with the knee angle [knee angle 9 type] in VM
WBV with respect to different knee and ankle joint positions. (P \ 0.05): during side-alternating vibration, changing the
a Illustrates the changes in EMG activity due to progressively flexed knee angle from 10° to 30° to 60° caused higher EMG
knee angles from 10° (nearly extended) to 30° to 60°. Note that with
responses compared to synchronous vibration.
an increased knee flexion the residual knee joint torque (Tk) increased
in response to an increase of the lever arm (Lk). b Shows the changes Moreover, the factor muscle group significantly inter-
in EMG activity during forefoot stance compared to the normal acted with the variables frequency [muscle group 9 fre-
stance, where the heel was in contact with the vibration platform. quency] (P \ 0.05), knee angle [muscle group 9 knee
Note that in all conditions, the subjects maintained a static body
angle] (P \ 0.05) and stance [muscle group 9 stance]
position. Data are presented as mean values ± SD of all subjects and
conditions. Asterisk indicates a significant difference (P \ 0.05); (P \ 0.05). No statistical differences could be observed
mechanical parameters are abbreviated as follows: center of gravity with respect to the factor gender.
(COG), axis of rotation (R), weight force vector (Fw)

increase in EMG activity in SOL (?11 % P \ 0.05), GM Discussion

(?14 % P \ 0.05), RF (?21 % P \ 0.05), VM (?15 %
P \ 0.05) and TA (?13 % P \ 0.05). The changes in BF The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of five
were not significant (?17 % P = 0.31). Detailed results are different vibration determinants on the EMG activity dur-
illustrated in Fig. 6, which shows the changes in EMG ing WBV. The main findings were that (1) during side-
activity due to an additional load and with respect to the alternating vibration the neuromuscular activity was
different knee angles and foot positions. Note that no dif- enhanced compared to synchronous vibration. Further-
ferences could be observed due to altered hand positions more, (2) the neuromuscular activation during WBV was
(i.e., hands high vs. hands on the hips) with respect to the shown to be closely related to the frequency of vibration:
knee and ankle joint position as well as in the EMG activity. the higher the frequency, the higher the EMG activity. The
body position was demonstrated to affect the neuromus-
Interactions cular activation during WBV exposure: (3) the EMG
activity for the knee extensors was highest when the knee
Interaction effects are illustrated in Fig. 6. Significant joint was 60° flexed and (4) the EMG activity for the
interaction effects were observed between the variables plantar flexors was highest in the forefoot stance condition.

8 Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:1–11

Fig. 6 Interaction effects:

alterations in EMG activity in
response to load variation and
changing foot and knee
positions: on the x-axis the knee
angles (10°, 30° and 60°), the
foot positions (forefoot stance
and normal stance) and the load
variation (in gray without load
and in white with an additional
load equal to 1/3 of the subject’s
body weight) are illustrated.
The y-axis illustrates the EMG
activity. The EMG activity
during WBV was normalized to
the standard stance condition
(without WBV on the forefoot
with a knee angle of 10° without
load). All vibration frequencies
were pooled and data are
presented as means of all

some other aspects should be considered as well (Aber-

cromby et al. 2007b; Pel et al. 2009; Pollock et al. 2010).
The comparison between side-alternating and synchronous
vibration devices revealed differences with respect to the
mechanical induction of vibration stimuli to the human
body (Abercromby et al. 2007b; Pel et al. 2009; Pollock
et al. 2010) and those differences might be associated
with substantial consequences for the neuromuscular
system (Abercromby et al. 2007b; Pel et al. 2009). Firstly,
it was demonstrated that side-alternating vibration gener-
ated acceleration magnitudes that were twice as high as
Fig. 7 Changes in neuromuscular activity in response to load
during synchronous vibration (Pel et al. 2009). Secondly,
variation during WBV. Black bar symbolizes the EMG activity the dampening effect of the ankle joint was shown to be
during WBV with an additional load and white bar symbolizes the smaller during side-alternating vibration than synchronous
EMG activity during WBV without additional load. In all recorded vibration (Pel et al. 2009). Both aspects indicate that the
muscles, an additional load caused an increase in EMG activity. Data
are normalized to the conditions established without additional load
mechanical induction of the muscle and tendon structures
and data are presented as mean values ± SD of all subjects and of the lower extremities is extensively more pronounced
conditions. Asterisk indicates a significant difference (P \ 0.05) during side-alternating vibration than during synchronous
vibration. Thus, the enhanced transmission of the vibra-
Moreover, (5) an additional load caused an enhancement in tion stimulus during side-alternating vibration might have
EMG activity. contributed to the 66–91 % higher EMG responses
obtained during side-alternating vibration. However, this
Vibration type conclusion is based on vibration exposure of 30 Hz,
which was the only comparative condition between both
The vibration type extensively affects the neuromuscular vibration types. For training purposes, it can be concluded
activation: during side-alternating vibration the EMG that during side-alternating vibration the mechanical
activity was significantly greater than during synchronous stimulation and as a consequence the muscles’ activation
vibration in all recorded muscles and conditions. As intensity is higher than during synchronous vibration.
Marı́n et al. (2009) have shown that neuromuscular Based on the positive relation between the muscles’ EMG
responses increase with increasing amplitudes, it can be activity and its motor units recruitment and discharge
deduced that the 5 % difference in vibration amplitude frequency (Aagaard 2003), side-alternating vibration
between the vibration devices could have had a consid- training might be more efficient compared to synchronous
erable impact (Table 1). However, based on the literature vibration training.

Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:1–11 9

Vibration frequency Knee flexion

The EMG activity increased in response to a progressive The modulation of the knee joint flexion substantially
increase in vibration frequency in all recorded muscles. influenced the EMG activation as well. For the knee
These observations are in line with the findings of extensors, neuromuscular activation was highest when the
Berschin and Sommer (2004) and Pollock et al. (2010); knee joint was flexed at an angle of 60° (Fig. 5a). This
they documented a linearly increased EMG activity as a finding might be attributed to the residual joint torque (Tk,),
function of the vibration frequency. As the vibration which is related to the length of the lever arm (Lk) in a
energy is dissipated by the ankle and knee joints as well given knee joint position (see Fig. 5a). According to the
as the calf muscles, the proximity of a muscle to the muscles’ anatomical functions, a progressive increase of
vibration stimulus might also have affected the magni- knee flexion might enhance the voluntary activation of RF
tude of neuromuscular responses to WBV exposure and VM in order to generate higher forces that compensate
(Abercromby et al. 2007b). In the present study, the for increased joint torques (Kooistra et al. 2006; Pincivero
frequency-induced increase in EMG activity was depen- et al. 2004). In addition, the size of the stretch reflex
dent on the muscles’ anatomical location - proximal or amplitude is related to the amount of voluntary background
distal from the vibration platform. Accordingly, the activation (Bedingham and Tatton 1984). Based on both
proximally located shank muscles (SOL, GM, TA) were aspects it might be supposed that larger knee angles would
more affected by vibration frequency than the distally result in a greater muscle stretch in the knee extensor
located thigh muscles (BF, VM, RF; see Fig. 4) and the muscles in each vibration cycle and that the increased
slope of the EMG activity in response to increased fre- Ia-afferent stimulation would result in greater neuromus-
quencies was also steeper. Therefore, the cushioning cular responses (Abercromby et al. 2007b). For WBV
effects caused by the angle and knee joint during WBV training purposes aiming to achieve high neuromuscular
compromizes the transmission of the vibration stimulus demands in the knee extensor muscles, a flexed knee joint
from the proximal to the distal ends with respect to the position is advisable in any given WBV training setup. In
vibration platform (Bressel et al. 2010; Pel et al. 2009; contrast, it should be considered that in more extended
Pollock et al. 2010). knee positions, the neuromuscular activation of the plantar
From a functional point of view, the general increase flexors is increased (Fig. 5). Therefore, for the plantar
in neuromuscular activation in response to an increase in flexors a knee extension rather than a flexion is recom-
vibration frequency leads to an enhanced co-activation of mendable. In conclusion, in order to achieve high EMG
lower extremity extensor and flexor muscles (Pollock activations and consequently high activation intensities in
et al. 2010; Roelants et al. 2004). This co-activation is specific muscles, an appropriate adjustment of knee flexion
considered to have a positive effect on joint stabilization dependent on the targeted muscle group is necessary.
associated with postural control strategies during WBV
(Berschin and Sommer 2004; Pollock et al. 2010; Roe- Stance condition
lants et al. 2004). Based on the data presented by
Cochrane et al. (2009) and Ritzmann et al. (2010) it can The plantar flexors are extensively more activated in the
be assumed that during WBV the muscle tendon units are forefoot stance condition compared to the normal stance
stretched in every WBV cycle (Cochrane et al. 2009), (with the heels in contact with the platform). In contrast,
these stretches induce a frequency-dependent activation the knee extensors and TA are more activated in the normal
of the muscle spindles and thus elicit stretch reflex stance condition, whereas BF remained unaffected. The
responses detectable in the EMG signal (Ritzmann et al. distinct increase in EMG activity of the plantar flexors in
2010). In consequence, it can be assumed that the the forefoot stance condition might be attributed to the
increases in EMG activity due to enhanced vibration muscles’ anatomical functions and thus, to the level of
frequencies were caused by the higher number of stretch neuromuscular activation. The residual ankle joint torque is
reflex responses. higher in the forefoot stance condition compared to the
Cardinale and Lim (2003) showed that EMG response normal stance. Thus, the voluntary activation of SOL and
using WBV frequencies above 30 Hz in the half squat GM might be enhanced in order to generate a higher force
position were lower. In summary, both findings indicate that compensates for the increase in angle joint torque
that high vibration frequencies of 30 Hz are efficient for a (Nolan and Kerrigan 2003; Sasagawa et al. 2009). Fur-
WBV-based training regimen aiming to achieve high thermore, the size of the stretch reflex amplitude is related
activation intensities in the muscles of the lower to the amount of voluntary background activation (Bed-
extremities. ingham and Tatton 1984). Thus, based on both aspects it

10 Eur J Appl Physiol (2013) 113:1–11

can be proposed that in the forefoot stance condition the stance had the same effect for TA. In summary, those
vibration-induced stretch reflexes are enhanced during interaction effects indicate that the body position is the target
WBV compared to the normal stance due to an increase in parameter, which predominantly modifies the effect of the
voluntary activation. For WBV training purposes, a forefoot other determinants. Second, the between-subject factor
stance is recommendable if the main focus is on the plantar muscle group (thigh vs. calf muscle) interacted with the
flexor muscles. A normal stance condition should be pre- variables frequency, knee angle and stance condition. Based
ferred when the emphasis is on the knee extensors, TA or on these interactions it can be proposed that vibration
BF. One limitation of the study could be that the back- and training recommendations should be specified with respect
forwards shifting of the weight towards the forefoot or to the muscle group and their anatomical location, i.e., the
towards the heel has not been controlled. Although we proximity to the vibration device.
instructed the subjects to distribute their weight equally and In contrast to recently published studies demonstrating
we supervised the trunk movement visually, we cannot gender-specific differences in response to WBV (Sañudo
exclude slight changes in weight shifts possibly influencing et al. 2011; Merriman et al. 2011) the present study
the data in the normal stance condition. revealed no gender-effect. The contradictory results could
be based on the discrepancy between neuromuscular
Load variation properties and functional aspects. The studies so far con-
ducted to evaluate the effect of gender have focused on
The current study provides evidence for load-dependencies physical performance (Merriman et al. 2011) and knee
during WBV training: In all recorded muscles, an addi- stability (Sañudo et al. 2011) within a given functional
tional load caused an increase in EMG activity during setting. In contrast, in the present study the activation
WBV (Fig. 7). This indicates that the pre-loading of certain intensity was evaluated in a given WBV treatment.
muscles during WBV exercise enhances the activation of
those muscles according to the suggestions of Rittweger
et al. (2003); they observed an increase in metabolic power Conclusion
in response to an additional load. Moreover, the present
result is well in line with the findings of Hazell et al. (2010) The objective of the current study was to evaluate the
who documented an enhancement in EMG activity during influence of vibration type, vibration frequency, additional
WBV due to an additional load in a dynamic squatting load, knee angle and stance condition on the neuromuscular
condition. For WBV training purposes this data suggests activity of the lower extremity muscles during WBV. The
that the training effectiveness of WBV exposure can be rationale of the study was to define specific recommenda-
boosted by means of external loading. One limitation of the tions for WBV training purposes.
present study is that in contrast to the knee and the ankle, The combination of high vibration frequencies of 30 Hz
the hip angle has not been controlled. The hip angle is an and an additional load on a side-alternating vibration
important ingredient in static squat and might be modified platform is associated with the highest EMG activity dur-
in the loaded compared to the unloaded condition. ing WBV exposure. Therefore, this combination is sup-
posed to be the most efficient for WBV training purposes.
Interaction effects Regarding the body position, a knee flexion of 60° and
normal stance conditions with the heels in contact with the
There are two main aspects that might be derived from the platform seem to be most beneficial for the knee extensor
observed interaction effects. First and most importantly, the muscles. In contrast, forefoot stance and a nearly extended
effects of the selected WBV determinants can be enhanced knee position is recommended for a specific training of the
by each other. Thus, the most relevant parameter seems to be plantar flexor muscles.
the body position consisting of knee angle and stance con-
Acknowledgments This study was funded by the Federal Institute
dition. As the variable knee angle interacted with the vari- for Sports Science (BISp AZ 070608/10).
ables vibration type, frequency and load variation, it is
concluded that independent of the level of voluntary acti-
vation, the more the knee joint is flexed the more the effect of References
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