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The following verbs: say, tell, believe, expect, know, think, suppose, deem = consider,

etc. make the Passive Voice as follows:

1. Present S/ Future S <=> Infinitive (eg. to ask)

People say /that he is handsome./ => It is said /that he is handsome./(impersonal)

=> He is said to be handsome. (personal)

E.g. They believe that she will live in Paris.

b) She is believed to live in Paris.

2. Present Cont./ Future Cont. => Infinitive Continuous: to be + vb.-

ing (eg. to be sleeping)

People say /that she is crying./ => It is said/ that she is crying./

=> She is said to be crying.

3. Past S/ Present Perf. S/ Past Perf. S. =>Perfect Infinitive: to have +vb.III/-ed (eg.
to have eaten)

People say/ that he lived in Germany./ => It is said/ that he lived in Germany./

=> He is said to have lived in Germany.

4. Past Cont./ Present Perf. Cont./ Past Perf. Cont. => Perfect Continuous
Infinitive: to have been + vb.-ing (eg. to have been talking)

People say/ that they were stealing./ => It is said/ that they were stealing./

= > They are said to have been stealing.

e.g. People considered that he had fled the country.

a) He was considered to have fled the country.

Transitive verbs used without using the passive (ergative verbs):

The cat opened the window. (active)

The window was opened by the cat. (passive)

The window opened. (ergative – as if the window opened by itself)

Other examples:

These jeans sell well. (These jeans are sold well by the shop assistant.)

I photograph well. (sunt fotogenic)

The door opened with a creak. (was opened)

The soup boils fast.

The snow melts in the sun.

The book reads fast.

The letter writes that he misses us.

NEED + VB.-ING -> the need to have a service done.

Eg. The house needs painting./ needs to be painted.

Causative -S + HAVE + OBJECT + VB. III/-ED

I clean the car. (I do it myself)

I asked the man to clean my car.

I had my car cleaned (by the man, I didn’t do it myself).

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The verb to have must stay exactly in the same tense as the verb in the
Active Voice.

1. Misfortunes and accidents:

2. A thief broke into my house. ->

I had my house broken into.

Her hand was broken in the fight. ->

She had her hand broken in the fight.

2. Used to say that someone else does the action for me:

Eg. Present Simple: She cleans my house every week.

a) I have my house cleaned every week.

Present Continuous: A mechanic is repairing my car.

d) I am having my car repaired.

Present Perfect Simple: They have painted his house recently.

b) He has had his house painted recently.

Present Perfect Continuous: They have been cleaning her room for two hours.

She has been having her room cleaned.

E.g. We ... the house cleaned by the maid all day.

c) have been having

Past Simple: We washed their clothes yesterday.

They had their clothes washed yeasterday.

Past Continuous: The teacher was correcting my paper.

I was having my paper corrected by the teacher.

Past Perfect Simple: They had washed her windows before she came home.

She had had her windows washed before she came home.

Past Perfect Continuous: She had been doing his homework for hours before I arrived.

He had been having his homework done for hours before I arrived.

Future Simple: She will iron his clothes tomorrow.

He will have his clothes ironed tomorrow.

Future Continuous: She will be bringing his mail.

He will be having his mail brought.

Future Perfect Simple: I will have typed your letters by tomorrow.

You will have had your letters typed by tomorrow.

Future Perfect Continuous: He will have been washing her clothes for an hour when she

She will have been having her clothes washed for an hour.

Modal Verb: She must tidy his room.

He must have his room tidied.

He may be mowing your lawn tomorrow.

You may be having your lawn mown tomorrow.

They should have delivered his parcel.

He should have had his parcel delivered.

Gerund: I love her cooking my breakfast.

I love having my breakfast cooked.

TO BE GOING TO: He is going to wash my linen.

I am going to have my linen washed.

TO HAVE TO: They have to wash her car.

She has to have her car washed.

S + GET + OBJECT + VB. III/-ED -> orders and imperatives

Eg. Get your clothes washed!

Get the job done!

Get your hair cut!


Insist => make : He insisted that I stay. -> He made me stay.(Make+ Short Infinitive)

Ask => have: He asked me to stay. -> He had me stay.(Have + Short Infinitive)

Persuade => get: He persuaded me to work.->He got me to work.(Get+Long Inf.)


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