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Quantifiers: all, every, most, no, none, any, both, neither, either

1. Use all or all (of) the + a plural or uncountable noun. All can’t be used without a noun.
All animals need food. (plural)
All fruit contains sugar. (uncountable)
All = in general / All (of) the = specific.
All of the animals in this zoo look sad.
All can be used before a main verb (and after be).
The animals all looked sad.
2. Use everything / everybody, + singular verb.
Everybody is here.
Everything is very expensive.
3. Use every + singular countable nous to mean ‘all of a group’.
Every room has a bathroom.
I work every Saturday.
4. Use most to say the majority. Most = general; Most of = specific.
Most people live in cities.
Most of the people in this class are women.
Most can’t be used in mid-position.
The people in this class are most women.
5. We often use all of and most of + an object pronoun.
All of us work hard and most of us come to class every week.
6. Use no + a noun and a positive verb, or any + noun + a negative verb to refer to zero quantity.
Is there any milk? Sorry, there is no milk. / Sorry, there isn’t any milk.
Any can also be used without a noun.
Is there any milk? Sorry, there isn’t any.
7. Use none in short answers, or with a positive verb to refer to zero quantity.
Is there any food? No, none. / No, there is none.
You can also use none of + pronoun /noun.
But none of us are hungry.
Which of your sweaters can I borrow? None of them.
8. Use any (anything, anyone, etc.) and a positive verb to mean it doesn’t matter when, who, etc.
Come any weekend!
Anyone can come.
You can also use any of + pronoun /noun.
Which of your sweaters can I borrow? Any of them.
9. Use both to talk about two people, things, actions, etc. The verb is plural. Use a positive verb. Both = A and B.
Both Pierre and Marie Curie were scientists.
When both refers to the subject of a clause it can also be used before a main verb.
She and her husband both won Nobel prizes.
10. Use either to talk about two people, things, actions, etc. Use a positive verb. Either = A or B
Marie Curie wanted to study either physics or mathematics.
11. Use neither to talk about two people, things, actions, etc. The verb is singular or plural. Use a positive verb.
Neither = Not A and not B.
Neither Pierre nor Marie was/were aware of the dangers of radiation.
12. You can use not either instead of neither… nor. This is also more informal than neither… nor which can sound
quite formal in spoken English.
Neither Tim nor Andrew can come.
Tim can’t come and Andrew can’t come either.
13. We often use both / either / neither + of + object pronoun.
Neither of them realized how dangerous radium was.

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