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Tinnitus Miracle™
A Unique Easy To Follow 5-Step
Plan For Curing Tinnitus Using
Proven Holistic Strategies

By Thomas Coleman

©2009 Tinnitus Miracle – Thomas Coleman- All Rights Rese rved Page 2

Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2010 All rights reserved.

All content contained within the “Tinnitus Miracle™” book is the copyright © 2005-
2010 of Higher Ways Publishing, Inc.

All literary work contained within "Tinnitus Miracle ™" belongs to, and is the sole
property of its author, and has been reprinted with permission. Reproduction,
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Thank you.

©2009 Tinnitus Miracle – Thomas Coleman- All Rights Rese rved Page 3


While all attempts have been made to verify information that has been provided in
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errors, omissions or contrary interpretations of the subject matter herein. Any
perceived slights of specific persons, peoples or organizations are unintentional. The
Author neither makes, nor attempts to make any diagnosis or cure, or prevent any

This publication is an informational product based on my own experience and

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and is not aimed to replace any advice you may receive from your medical
practitioner. The Author and Publisher assume no responsibility or liability
whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials. The author is
not a doctor, nor does he claim to be. Please consult your primary care physician
before beginning any program of nutrition, exercise, or remedy. By consulting your
primary care physician, you will have a better opportunity to understand and
address your particular symptoms and situation in the most effective ways possible.

As always, before applying any treatment or attempting anything that has been
mentioned in this book, or if you are in doubt, you should consult your physician
and use your best judgment. If you fail to do so, you are acting at your own risk. You,
the buyer or reader of this book, alone assume all risk for anything you may learn
from this book., Higher Ways Publishing INC., the publisher
and Thomas Coleman are not liable or responsible for any increase in severity of
your Tinnitus, or for any health problem you may encounter should you give up
medical treatment.

©2009 Tinnitus Miracle – Thomas Coleman- All Rights Rese rved Page 4

By choosing to use the information made available on the Tinnitus Miracle website
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©2009 Tinnitus Miracle – Thomas Coleman- All Rights Rese rved Page 5


INTRODUCTION:........................................................................................................ 12
The Story of Tinnitus................................................................................................ 12
My Story .................................................................................................................... 13
What This Book is About..................................................................................... 22
How This Book Is Organized.............................................................................. 23
Why Settle for Less Than a Cure?..................................................................... 26
Chapter One:................................................................................................................ 28
How Your Hearing Works....................................................................................... 28
The Outer Ear .......................................................................................................... 28
The Middle Ear ....................................................................................................... 32
The Inner Ear .......................................................................................................... 36
Maintaining Balance ............................................................................................. 38
The Vestibulocochlear Nerve ............................................................................ 41
How Things Can Go Wrong ................................................................................ 42
Chapter Two:............................................................................................................... 51
Everything You Need to Know.............................................................................. 51
About Tinnitus............................................................................................................ 51
What Is This Noise in My Head? ....................................................................... 51
SIDEBAR: You’re in Good Company ............................................................. 55
Determining Your Tinnitus Type ..................................................................... 56

©2009 Tinnitus Miracle – Thomas Coleman- All Rights Rese rved Page 6

The Noises You Hear............................................................................................. 61

What Causes Tinnitus?......................................................................................... 63
Let the Statistics Talk: A Closer Look at Two Important Surveys ....... 74
Today’s Treatments for Tinnitus...................................................................... 79
Chapter Three:............................................................................................................ 89
Diagnosing Your Tinnitus....................................................................................... 89
Comparing Your Symptoms to Others’ .......................................................... 89
The Personality Characteristics........................................................................ 91
That Sufferers Share ............................................................................................. 91
Getting Help: The Tinnitus Consultation and Examination .................... 94
Testing for Tinnitus .............................................................................................. 98
The Emotional Side of Tinnitus ......................................................................101
Things That May Help Your Tinnitus............................................................104
Discovering Your SPADE Levels .....................................................................106
Case Studies ...........................................................................................................112
Chapter Four: ............................................................................................................121
Tinnitus and the Emotional Brain .....................................................................121
The Phantom Perception ..................................................................................121
Is It All In the Ear? ...............................................................................................122
SIDEBAR: The Three Categories That Cause Tinnitus........................123
Tinnitus and Your Inner Ear ............................................................................125
Tinnitus and the Emotional Brain..................................................................125
The Volume and Frequency of the Sounds You Hear..............................128

©2009 Tinnitus Miracle – Thomas Coleman- All Rights Rese rved Page 7

Understanding and Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Tinnitus .................130

Chapter Five: .............................................................................................................132
The 5-Step Holistic Approach to Getting Rid of Your Tinnitus................132
Step 1: ..........................................................................................................................133
Proven Dietary Changes and Herbal/Vitamin Supplementation To
Tackle Tinnitus.........................................................................................................133
How Food Allergies May Be Aggravating Your Tinnitus........................134
A Healthy Diet for Someone with Tinnitus .................................................135
Tinnitus Food Savers..........................................................................................136
Tinnitus Food Sinners........................................................................................139
What You Should Be Doing To Help Your Tinnitus .................................141
Herbal Supplements That May Help .............................................................141
What Vitamins You Need to Reduce Your Tinnitus .................................147
How Exercise Can Help......................................................................................148
Step 2: ..........................................................................................................................150
Powerful immune System Enhancenent plan to Reduce Tinnitus.........151
What is the Immune System? ..........................................................................151
How Does the Immune System Work?.........................................................153
How do Blood Cells Work? ...............................................................................155
Building a Strong Immune System ................................................................158
How Does Tinnitus Affect the Immune System?.......................................164
How Can Vitamins Help your Immune System? .......................................165
Foods to Boost Your Immune System ..........................................................167
8 Great Immune Boosters.................................................................................170

©2009 Tinnitus Miracle – Thomas Coleman- All Rights Rese rved Page 8

Herbs for a Healthy Immune System............................................................172

How exercise CAN Help you Get a Healthier Immune System.............173
Step 3: ..........................................................................................................................176
The 4-Point Tinnitus Retraining Program......................................................176
Introduction: The Treachery of Tinnitus ...............................................176
How the NeuroPhysiological Model Works................................................177
Section One: The Components of the NeuroPhysiological Model.....185
Section Two: The Basics for the Retraining Plan....................................194
Section Three: The 4-Step Retraining Plan to Get Rid of Tinnitus ....197
Step 4: ..........................................................................................................................232
Detoxifying and Cleansing Your Way to Tinnitus Freedom .....................232
Why Cleanse? ........................................................................................................232
General Fasting Guidelines...............................................................................239
the Tinnitus miracle-Three-Day Juice Cleanse..........................................244
During The Juice Cleanse ..................................................................................256
Helping The Organs Of Elimination To Remove Toxins.........................258
Preventing Re-Absorption of Toxins Into The Blood Stream...............262
Colonics ...................................................................................................................270
The Healing Crisis and How To Survive It ..................................................272
Getting Rid Of Parasites – One-Week Program .........................................275
Liver Detoxification ............................................................................................277
Step 5: ..........................................................................................................................280
Using Hypnotherapy to Reduce Tinnitus........................................................280

©2009 Tinnitus Miracle – Thomas Coleman- All Rights Rese rved Page 9

Regression Therapy............................................................................................282
Ego State (Parts) Therapy ................................................................................282
Suggestive Therapy.............................................................................................283
Hypnosis Session For Tinnitus Reduction ..................................................284
What to Do During the Program ........................................................................295
Reducing the Impact of Loud Noise ..............................................................299
Trying Habituation Therapy ............................................................................302
Helpful Suggestions for Dealing with Morning Tinnitus........................303
How Stress Affects Tinnitus.............................................................................304
Reducing Stress ....................................................................................................305
Control Your Anger .............................................................................................308
Get Enough Sleep .................................................................................................309
Taking an Active Role in Beating Tinnitus..................................................310
Appendix I:.................................................................................................................312
Alternative Medical Treatments for Tinnitus................................................312
Homeopathy ..........................................................................................................312
Acupuncture ..........................................................................................................316
Yoga ..........................................................................................................................318
Osteopathy .............................................................................................................320
Healing and Fringe Therapies .........................................................................320
Appendix 2:................................................................................................................322
Medications for Tinnitus.......................................................................................322
Anti-Anxiety Medications .................................................................................322

©2009 Tinnitus Miracle – Thomas Coleman- All Rights Rese rved Page 10

Anti-Depressant Medications ..........................................................................323

Anti-Convulsion Medications ..........................................................................324
Special Note: ..........................................................................................................325
Appendix 3:................................................................................................................326
Tinnitus Associations.............................................................................................326
The American Tinnitus Association ..............................................................327
Tinnitus Association of Canada.......................................................................327
British Tinnitus Association.............................................................................328
Hope for Hearing Foundation..........................................................................328
H.E.A.R. (Hearing Education & Awareness for Rockers)........................329
The National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication
Disorders ................................................................................................................329
Vestibular Disorders Association...................................................................330
American Speech Language Hearing Association ....................................330
American Academy of Audiology ...................................................................331
Links & Other Resources...................................................................................332

©2009 Tinnitus Miracle – Thomas Coleman- All Rights Rese rved Page 11



If you or someone you know suffers from Tinnitus, you will know the
havoc it can cause and how it can wreak your life. Beyond just a ringing
in the ears, Tinnitus causes severe non-stop noise in the head. Some
people have actually gone mad and even committed suicide while trying
to stop these “thoughts.”

If you’re reading this book, then you know all about the decibel damage
Tinnitus can cause to your physical and emotional well being. No one
can truly understand the distress and frustration you are feeling unless
they’ve lived with this painful noise themselves. But I can! You see, I’ve
experienced exactly what you are experiencing right now – the
unrelenting buzz, ring and banging in my head that made me question
my own sanity. I too was a Tinnitus sufferer, with the important word
here being was.

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The Story of Tinnitus 13


I was 29 years old and experiencing life at its fullest. My days were
hectic. I was handling responsibilities at work, and coming back home to
face homework with the kids; running them from activity to activity;
finding quality time for my spouse and all the other stuff modern
families have to deal with. The stress was mounting, but still I was in
control. Unfortunately, that was about to change.

One evening after work I headed to a local restaurant with some friends
for some much needed R&R. After spending three hours in the noisy
restaurant, sitting next to the piano player, my head ached as the dins of
the evening continued to ring in my head for hours.

The next morning I was surprised to notice that a slight ringing was still
left in my ears. Not thinking much of it, I headed off for another busy
day at the office. Little did I know that my life was about to take an
unexpected turn.

Within a few days, that slight ringing became a noticeable buzz, and it
was followed periodically by loud bangs. Before long, the noise that
started as a nuisance was beginning to grind on my nerves. My head felt
like it was going to explode. No matter what I tried, I could not get away

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The Story of Tinnitus 14

from that ear piercing noise -- day or night it was there, and it was
beginning to take its toll.

A trip to my general practitioner did no good. He thought maybe it was

just a migraine induced by stress. I tried relaxing more, and that helped
(a little), but still I couldn’t get rid of that constant buzz in my ears.

Several weeks and several visits later, the doctor began to suspect that
something was indeed wrong, and initiated a series of tests to rule out
anything serious. After undergoing what seemed like endless round of
tests, we finally had a diagnosis: Tinnitus.

“Whew” I thought. “Now we can fix it.” It wasn’t long before my relief
turned into panic as the doctor explained that there is no cure, or even
much treatment for this condition. I would simply have to learn to live
with it like the thousands of other sufferers who are walking the planet.

“Live with this constant pounding in my head!” I thought. “How in the

world am I going to do that?”

After a couple of months, I went to see a doctor (who was also a

psychiatrist), and described the unbearable situation I was in. He

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The Story of Tinnitus 15

recommended several prescription medications, anti-anxiety drugs,

muscle relaxers and a set of anti-depressants.

Needless to say, it didn't help at all.

I travelled from one doctor’s office to another looking for some relief –
any relief! The noise was growing worse – some days reaching 70 or
even 80 decibels – and I needed help!

My life was no longer my own. I couldn’t work (the loud noise in my

ears was making it impossible to deal with my many responsibilities at
the office); I was short tempered with my family (after all, they didn’t
realize that every little noise they made aggravated an already
precarious situation); my health was suffering (I couldn’t eat or sleep
normally); and I was becoming more and more depressed. I was
reaching my breaking point and I knew it. Something had to be done
and it had to be done quickly, or I was going to lose my mind. It was
time to take action!

I took a few weeks off from my work. I switched several doctors and
complained about the stabbing pulsing sounds and other symptoms I
was experiencing. But it seemed that surgery was the only option – this
was the only answer I got. Unbelievable I thought, only to later find out

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The Story of Tinnitus 16

that in the vast majority of cases, surgeries are completely unnecessary

and can often lead to irreversible results.

Deep down, I felt that there must be another option, a healthier


I stopped taking the prescription medications and muscle relaxers. I was

determined to find a natural solution to my problem, despite what my
doctors had recommended.

I became obsessed with the subjects of holistic health and nutrition. I

wanted to find out everything there was to know about how to cure
Tinnitus and prevent it permanently – I was absolutely consumed by
this quest. So I started studying - and hard! I bought every book on ear
infections, nerve damage, sinus issues, sound therapies, oriental
medicine, detoxing, dieting, and nutrition that I could get my hands on.

I spent hours at the library swallowing stacks of books, journals and

magazines about Tinnitus, hearing loss, and nutrition and I read every
word. I have literally read hundreds of medicine books from cover to
cover. My library quickly grew to over 537 health and nutrition books,
and I had read every word almost to the point of memorizing them.

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The Story of Tinnitus 17

But I didn't just read. I interviewed countless other Tinnitus sufferers

and endlessly picked the brains of every doctor, herbalist, homeopath
and naturopath... those who were kind enough to lend me a few minutes
of their time and fragments of their expertise and knowledge to help me
find a solid solution to my Tinnitus.

Book knowledge and interviews is one thing, but it's not the same as
knowledge from actual experience. Scientific facts, figures and theories
weren't enough.

I tried other types of prescription drugs (anti-anxieties and anti-

depressants) and took muscle relaxers, vitamins and oriental medicinal
herbs daily with high hopes for a change. I bought numerous "white
noise" CDs and attended plenty of noise therapies, but to no avail.

I have also tried every Tinnitus treatment known to science and natural
health with conviction, desire and hope that it will make a difference. I
sincerely hoped that it will finally eliminate my Tinnitus and bring me
my life back.

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The Story of Tinnitus 18

Over the years I have spent a small fortune trying every type of product
and treatment you can think of. I have tried: herbal remedies, Cellfood
Oxygen, tonics, habituation, detox diets, vitamin therapy, hydrotherapy,
aromatherapy, macrobiotics, reflexology, Chinese Medicine,
vegetarianism, the Wai diet, magnetic therapy, the mucus-less diet, the
blood type diet, psychiatric treatments and what not.

While I did find some minor relief, but it was always temporary and the
ringing in my ears came back with a vengeance, and sometimes it
became even worse than what it was before the treatments. I just could
not sleep. I was stressed, angry and depressed all the time. The extreme
sleep-deprivation along with the immense anxiety and stress I was
experiencing, took its toll and I even started to hallucinate. I started to
see blinding lights in the middle of the day as I was walking or driving,
and there were many other weird experiences as a result of the extreme
emotional state I was in. My condition had become much more
dangerous and frightening than ever, when I almost crashed into a
street sign on the way to my doctor.

Tinnitus was now a lot more than a tormenting noise in my ears. It had
become a real and meaningful threat to my life.

Facing no other choice due to the extreme condition I was in, and its
potential consequences, I scheduled a surgery to fix my Tinnitus with
high hopes that this was the final resort. I wasn't specifically thrilled by

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The Story of Tinnitus 19

the idea, but after my doctor mentioned the success rate of all Tinnitus
surgeries and praised their effectiveness at reversing the disease, I
decided to go under the knife.

The surgery took about 4 hours, and after I woke up, I felt an amazing
relief. Several days after I was released from the hospital, the operation
seemed to be working. The volume of the ringing in my ears had
decreased and it seemed that there was finally hope for me. I started
sleeping better at nights and became the old relaxed fellow my loved
ones had known to appreciate and relate to.

But my hopes soon crashed. In less than a month, I started feeling an

excruciating pain and pressure in my ears and the ringing in my ears
were back - but this time the noise was louder than ever. I seriously felt
like my eardrums were about to explode. What a NIGHTMARE I thought!
My worst fears had come true. I immediately called my doctor and
shouted that my Tinnitus was back and it was even worse. I already
knew what he was going to say: that it takes several months to see
results and sometimes the condition becomes severe before the patient
experiences relief (as I read about the recovery process of Tinnitus
surgeries years before) - but this was not a recovery process! I tried
with all my powers to convince my doctor that such a loud noise cannot
be part of any recovery and that, the surgery had probably failed. But all
my arguments fell on deaf ears.

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The Story of Tinnitus 20

Three months went by slowly and painfully and by the fourth month, as
my Tinnitus condition became worse than ever, I visited my doctor. He
apologized in a very formal and polite manner and said he was sorry
that the operation did not work, and that he could not help me.

Out of sheer desperation, I purchased additional alternative medicine

books on Tinnitus and was amazed to find out that most, if not all of
them, offered partial dietary advice along with vitamins and special
herbal supplements. These approaches don't work either! I know
because I tried them all, and I still suffered from severe Tinnitus.

Not the kind of person who readily gives up, I decided enough was
enough. If the dozen or so doctors that I had seen couldn’t offer any
help, I would find it on my own. Maybe it was frustration, or maybe it
was a sense of self preservation that drove me forward on my quest to
treat my own Tinnitus, but I was determined to find a cure for myself
and the others like me – and guess what -- I did!

Sure, it took months of reading, studying and experimenting, but I

finally found the right combination of treatments that have since
eliminated the noise I hear in my ears. I’ve reclaimed my life and you
can too!

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The Story of Tinnitus 21

After more than 12 years of diligent work and in depth research on a

daily basis, after experiencing several eureka moments and after a long
process of trial and error and dozens of interviews and self experiments,
I applied my years of training to finally uncover the solution to Tinnitus.
From all the truths and evidence, misconceptions and lies... the Tinnitus
puzzle was finally solved. It took me more than a year to polish and
refine my discovery and in the end, I applied it myself with great hopes
and passion and to my sheer amazement it worked - after few weeks of
following it.

It took me a few years with a lot of research to get where I am today. To

know exactly what works and what doesn't. Yes, after desperate trial
and error, countless of useless treatments, disappointments and agony,
a simple holistic system opened the door to my new and much brighter
Tinnitus free life. I was also excited to see that my Tinnitus and other
related symptoms (such as the minor hearing loss I had) had completely
diminished. After years of suffering, I was finally free from Tinnitus!

Now, I’m no medical doctor and I can’t promise you that you will find
instant relief from your Tinnitus symptoms. But, I do know that there is
help out there. Through the years that have followed since my own
battle with this horrendous condition, I have uncovered dozens of
homeopathic remedies for treating and curing Tinnitus, and I’m going to
share them all with you in the pages to come.

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The Story of Tinnitus 22


This is not your standard book on Tinnitus. My guide goes beyond

explaining what Tinnitus is (although I do that too). I’ve designed this
book to be a road map to recovery, walking you through every stage of
the disease from diagnosis and testing to traditional as well as holistic
treatment, to help you find your own path toward the freedom from the
noise that is disrupting – and ruining – your life.

I’ve been where you are, and that’s why I’ve written this book: to share
what I’ve learned with other sufferers to help you overcome your own
Tinnitus, and finally find relief from the constant buzzing, hissing,
humming, swooshing, screeching, ringing and other sounds that are
filling your head and disrupting your life.

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The Story of Tinnitus 23


I’ve organized this book in several sections, beginning with an

introduction of the ear and how your hearing works. After all, if you
don’t completely understand how your body is intended to function,
how can you figure out how best to treat it when things go awry?

Next, I’ll explain to you what Tinnitus is, and what may be causing your
symptoms. I’ll also offer some simple lifestyle changes that you can
adopt in your daily routine to help relieve some of the noise you are
hearing until you can find your own complete cure.

In section three, the guide will focus on the statistics of Tinnitus, and
offer you a survey to take, to see the degree of your symptoms so that
you can devise a better treatment plan.

Once you know what Tinnitus is; how it is caused and what type of
Tinnitus you suffer from, it’s time to look at some basic treatment
options that are available. This will help you get started on your
recovery journey, while you learn more about diagnosis, triggers and

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The Story of Tinnitus 24

Some of the traditional and holistic treatments discussed in this section


· acupuncture

· vitamin & mineral therapies

· herbs

· laser treatments

· Tinnitus retraining


· Maskers

· Drugs & Steroids

· Neuronomics

· DTM System

· Ear Candling

· Hydergine

· Hypnotherapy and Biofeedback

Of course, you can’t figure out the right treatment for Tinnitus until you
have a solid diagnosis. So that’s what we’ll discuss in the next chapter:
recognizing your symptoms; getting tested for Tinnitus; learning the

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The Story of Tinnitus 25

role emotions play in treatment and diagnosis; figuring out your

individual symptom triggers; measuring the sounds you hear; and more.

As an added bonus, I have also included a section in the book to explain

Tinnitus and the Emotional Brain. This section will discuss Phantom
Perception; how Tinnitus affects the inner ear and your emotional brain.

Finally, in the last section of the book, I’ll outline my own 5-Step Holistic
Plan to Getting Rid of Tinnitus called “From Noise to Silence.”

I consider this the most important section of the book since it gives you
practical ways to stop the noise in your head once and for all. Here is
just a sampling of what you’ll learn in the last section of the book:

Step One: How your diet can increase the severity of your symptoms,
and how simple dietary changes and Vitamin supplements can actually
decrease the noise levels you hear in your ears and head?

Step Two: How to use your immune system to better control (and even
eliminate) your Tinnitus symptoms?

Step Three: A Powerful 4 Point Tinnitus Retraining Program

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The Story of Tinnitus 26

Step Four: The Tinnitus Miracle – Unique Detoxification and Liver

Cleansing Protocol.

Step Five: Using Hypnotherapy to tune out your Tinnitus. This section
includes a unique script for self hypnosis that has proved to decrease
the volume, intensity and frequency of Tinnitus and it can help you relax
and regain your inner peace as well.

While instituting the five step program, you’ll also learn what role stress
plays in increasing your Tinnitus symptoms, and how to be more active
in beating and combating stress in your life so that you can live without
Tinnitus. Other important things you’ll learn include:

· how to use sleep and exercise to your advantage

· recognizing and eliminating harmful toxins from your


· reducing the impact loud noises will have on your treatment

· treating your Tinnitus using Habituation Therapy


The odds are, you have heard it over and over again: there’s no
treatment for Tinnitus - learn to live with it. I ask: Why? Just because
today’s scientists haven’t yet found a “drug” that works to treat all types
of Tinnitus, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t a way to stop those

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The Story of Tinnitus 27

symptoms and live noise free! Tinnitus affects one in ten people. Isn’t it
about time they find a relief? I say yes, and I’m going to show you how!

If you are ready to take back the control Tinnitus has taken from your
life and experience a quieter and calmer existence, than keep reading:
you are about to get started on the path toward a whole new life. Still
skeptical? Keep reading anyway. After all, what do you have to lose but
a little excess noise?

©2009 Tinnitus Miracle – Thomas Coleman- All Rights Rese rved Page 27
Chapter One: 28



Before we can even begin to discuss the causes of Tinnitus and how to
get rid of it, you must first understand how your hearing works. So, let’s
learn more about the workings of the ear…

Although we use our sense of hearing all day, every day, most of us take
it for granted until there is a problem. Whether it’s the annoyance of a
constantly ringing phone or a sweet whisper from a loved one, hearing
is one of the most important ways we experience and interact with the
world. Scientists are learning more and more about how the sounds
that enter our ears are translated into information that we need to
understand the world around us. The process by which sound is
captured and funneled into our ears is simply mechanical - it is not a
chemical process like the others that are related to our senses of sight,
taste and smell. As we will see, each part of the ear has a job to do in
collecting and transporting sound to the brain.

©2009 Tinnitus Miracle – Thomas Coleman- All Rights Rese rved Page 28
How Your Hearing Works 29


When we think of our ears, we generally think of the pinnae, which are
the visible protrusions of our ears. Some of us may have large ears,
others small, but they all serve the same function: to collect the sounds
around us and transport them to the inner ear where they are sent as
signals to the brain. The shape of our ears is ingenious -the curves of
the outer ear, which are made up of cartilage are not simply decorative,
they serve to funnel the sounds in the atmosphere into the ear canal.
The ear is actually much more than what is visible to the eye.

How sound is Made and Carried

To understand the function of the ears, we should take a moment to

discuss how sound is created and how it travels. Sound waves are the
result of vibrations that travel through our atmosphere - basically the
bumping together of particles of matter through the collision of air

Wherever the vibration is made, the sound will be carried, even in water
or in earth. However sound cannot make its way through water or earth,
as well as it can through air. You probably realized that when you were
a kid and tried to talk to your friends underwater in the pool. You found
that the sounds were muffled and were hard to hear. This happens

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How Your Hearing Works 30

because the inertia created by the water molecules stifles the movement
of sound when it passes through water. In the air by contrast, sound
waves are able to move freely and can be heard clearly.

The speed of the vibrations created by an object which is emitting

sound, make a difference in the pitch of the sound we are able to hear. A
high pitched sound is the result of very quick vibrations; and a low pitch
sound conversely, is the effect of slow vibrations. These sound waves
are picked up by the outer ear and channeled into the interior
components of your ear.

Designed for Hearing

Humans have pinnae (the outermost part of the ear) which point
forward and have a myriad of curves that catch the sounds that are
traveling all around us. Unlike other mammals, human beings cannot
move their ears in the direction of sounds. If you have a dog, you have
probably seen him perk up his ears and turn them to the side and
forward again, attempting to find the source of the noise. Predatory
animals as well as their prey use their ears to hunt and to hide,
respectively. Human ears are positioned more for communication than
for hunting, but you can augment your ability to hear by cupping your
hand behind your ear, and this channelizes the sound more effectively.
If you have larger than average ears, take heart - you actually hear

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better than your smaller eared friends, because your large pinnae can
collect more sound than smaller ones!

Our brains are able to interpret the distance and placement of sound
because of the way the sounds reach our outer ears. A sound that is
coming from the front of you will be collected and channeled, and then
translated differently from those sounds that are coming from behind
your back. You are able to place the sound horizontally - whether it is
coming from the left or right because the sound waves will actually
reach the respective ear faster. If your son is calling you and he is
standing to your left, the vibrations he is creating will hit your left ear,
before they make it to the right. The information that gets transferred
to the brain will alert you that the sound is coming from your left side.

The Ear Canal

Measuring roughly an inch in length and about ¼ inch in diameter, the

ear canal carries the sound that is captured by the pinnae into the
middle ear - to the eardrum. The canal is funnel shaped and sloped to
ensure that no water is collected close to the eardrum under normal
conditions. It is sized and shaped for maximum efficiency in delivering
sound to the middle and the inner ear, and also to keep the area free
from infection.

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Earwax, also known as cerumen, is produced in the outer part of the ear
canal to lubricate and clean the interior part of the canal. Earwax
should not cause problems for most people as it helps to rid the ear
canal from dead skin cells. Earwax also defends the ear against dirt and
infection. Many people resort to using cotton swabs to remove earwax
and actually end up doing more harm than good when they push the
wax back into the ear canal towards the eardrum. When it comes to
wax, a hand off approach is best and you should never put anything into
the ear canal.


The Eardrum

As sound waves travel down the ear canal, they will quickly move
through the outer ear and hit what we generally refer to as the eardrum.
This tympanic membrane separates the outer ear from the middle ear
and serves as the sensory component of the ear. This tiny membrane is
not even half inch in size, but it is constantly working and responding to
the many air fluctuations that occur in the atmosphere. Every sound
wave that enters the ear canal through the outer ear will hit the ear
drum and cause a reaction.

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The stiff and rigid piece of skin will be pushed back and forth by the air
particles of sound in relation to their pitch, volume and even distance. A
high pitched sound will vibrate the tympanic membrane very quickly; a
loud sound will vibrate it for longer intervals to represent the intensity
of sound. The eardrum is the beginning of the interpretation of sound
waves into information for the brain to process.

In situations where there are competing levels of sound, the eardrum

will help you to focus and concentrate your hearing on higher pitched
sounds, and essentially drown out the louder and lower pitched sounds.
This would come into play if you are on the playground with your kids
and you are trying to carry on a conversation with your friend. Your
eardrum helps you zero in on what your friend is saying and relegate
the playground noise to the background. When auditory conditions are
less than optimal, the eardrum will actually protect you from loud and
harmful noises. A very loud low pitched sound will cause the tympanic
muscle to contract sharply and not vibrate in its normal way, thus
lessening the amount of sound that will travel to the brain.

The Ossicles

So far, sound waves have traveled through the air. First, a sound was
collected by the pinnae and pushed into the ear canal; second, the
eardrum reacted to that sound by vibrating according to the pitch and
volume. The next section of the middle ear will do the work of

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amplifying that sound so that when it reaches the fluid of the inner ear,
it can stand up to the increased inertia that awaits it. The Ossicles are a
series of bones that react in conjunction with the vibrations created by
the eardrum. If you can imagine a set of dominoes - with each one
tipping over the next, you will have some idea of how these bones work
in conjunction with each other to transfer the vibrations from the ear
drum into the inner ear.

As we have already discovered, the middle ear is an air filled space that
is occupied by three tiny bones: the malleus, the incus and the stapes.
Commonly referred to as the hammer, the anvil and the stirrup
respectively, these bones, although very small, do the big job of moving
sounds into the inner ear. When the eardrum vibrates, it transfers that
energy to the malleus, which is actually connected to the eardrum. The
malleus moves back and forth, side to side; and this in turn moves the
next attached bone, the incus. The incus takes that energy and transfers
it to the stapes. The stapes is positioned to impact the cochlea, which
make up the fluid filled chamber of the inner ear.

Amplification takes place in the middle ear because the bones are
perfectly designed to work together, and their interaction increases the
forces of pressure on the cochlea as they bump up against each other.
The size of the eardrum in comparison to the size of the bones helps this
amplification process. Because the eardrum is larger than the Ossicles,

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the energy can be actually multiplied as it is conducted through these

bones. The smaller parts sustain a greater impact, and therefore pass
on more energy to the next component than the eardrum would on its

The Eustachian Tube

Anyone who has ever suffered a head cold knows that the ears are
connected to the nose, and this connection occurs in the middle ear
through the Eustachian tube. A small tube leads from the middle ear to
the Nasopharynx. The tube supplies the counter-pressure of air to the
eardrum, making the air pressure on both sides of the small drum equal.
It also helps to clear the middle ear of congestion and in doing so,
prevents any infection. If you have felt the sensation of popping in your
ear, it is the effect of air pressure on the Eustachian tube versus the
exterior pressure of the ear canal.

When you yawn, chew or swallow, you usually hear a small clicking
sound in the ear - this is the pressure equalizing between the Eustachian
Tube and the ear canal. If you have flown in a plane, you may have
experienced popping and clogging of your ears - maybe you chewed
gum or tried to yawn to rid yourself of this annoying sensation. You
were letting the interior pressure that is provided by the Eustachian
tube through the Nasopharynx to rise to an equal level with the exterior
pressure that was passing into the ear canal. If this cannot be achieved,

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as is the case with a person who flies when he or she has a cold or sinus
congestion, it can be very painful and can even cause the eardrum to


As we continue our journey into the ear, let’s revisit what we have
already discussed. Sounds created by compression and rarefaction in
the atmosphere are collected by our ears - namely the pinnae or
external protrusion of the outer ear. This sound travels down the
funnel-like ear canal until it reaches the ear drum. This tympanic
membrane vibrates in response to the moving air particles that make up
sounds waves. This vibration puts into motion the Ossicles - the tiny
bone structures that transfers the mechanical energy of sound and
amplifies it as it passes through each in turn: the malleus, the incus, and
the stapes. Once the stapes receives the amplified vibrations, it impacts
the cochlea and brings us to the inner ear.

Up to this point, all sound has been traveling through air, which we
know is much easier than traveling through water. But at the inner ear,
sound will encounter fluid for the first time and the way in which it
travels to the brain changes dramatically. The inner ear is commonly
referred to as the labyrinth due to the shell-like cochlea that makes up

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the space. Much of the work of hearing is done in the inner ear, and it is
the last stop for sounds as they make their way to the brain in the form
of information.

The scala tympani, the scala vestibull, and the scala media are the tubes
in the inner ear, and they are curved together into a shape that appears
like the shell of a snail. These tubes are separated by extremely thin
membranes that move the sound along the tubes, and move the
pressure that is created when the stapes moves against the cochlea as a
whole. The basilar membrane is made up of tiny hair cells – there are
tens of thousands of them, which react to differing frequencies in the
sound that is being pushed through the cochlea. The hair cells identify
resonant frequencies in the sound waves that are transferred through
the cochlea. These create electrical impulses that are transported to the
brain and interpreted as recognizable sounds.

Scientists are still working on a thorough understanding of just how the

brain is able to interpret these electrical pulses into language, music, or
just plain noise. The ear is a complicated and sophisticated system,
which takes an external stimulus and uses mechanical energy to
transfer that information to the brain. As we learn more and more
about how we hear and what we hear, the ear appears even more

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There is more going on in the ear than just hearing, though that one
activity is amazing in itself. The ear is part of the body’s mechanism of
balance that involves sight, input from the muscles, and the vestibular
system of the inner ear. The vestibular system is the central command
of balance in our bodies, and if things aren’t functioning correctly in this
small part of the inner ear, it can mean big trouble for our whole body.
It’s hard to imagine that an area so tiny could control so much! But, the
inner ear is responsible not only for hearing, but also for maintaining

The vestibular system

There are three semi-circular canals in the inner ear and these, along
with the utricle and the saccule make up the vestibular system, which
controls balance and gives us a sense of our body’s position.

If you have ever spun around to make yourself dizzy (or watched
someone else do it), you were witnessing this system at work. The fluid
in the semi-circular canals act in response to our movements: in this
case the spinning. When you stopped spinning, the fluid kept spinning
for a moment or two, or longer. If you were spinning for a long time, it
gave you that “off-balance” feeling. You essentially played a trick on

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your vestibular system to make yourself dizzy, and your muscles

responded to that trick by functioning incorrectly, and this is what made
it difficult for you to stand or walk. Basically, your vestibular system
was giving your brain the signal that you were still spinning, when in
fact, you had stopped.

Let’s take a closer look at what happens in the inner ear with regards to
balance to get a better understanding of the importance of this function.

The utricle and saccule determines the position of your head all the
time, every moment of your day. As you turn your head from side to
side, these two fluid filled cavities send signals to the rest of your body
to adjust and adapt to the changes. We are designed to keep the head in
line with the body, and these two do the work. They contain not only
fluid, but also tiny hairs that are suspended in a jelly like substance as
well as crystals or chalky substances that interacts with the hairs in the
utricle and saccule. These crystals get pushed up against the hairs that
are dependent on the movement perceived by the inner ear.

The three semi-circular canals serve much the same purpose, but they
sense movement, rather than the head position. They are in
perpendicular position to each other so that they are able to detect all
types of movements, and send the necessary signals to the brain to

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maintain balance throughout the body. They also contain hair cells that
act in response to the movement, and generate the information that is
carried to the brain, and then to the muscles in your body to keep you
from feeling dizzy.

The Other components

The inner ear is like home base for the system of balance we rely on
every day, often without even thinking about it. The other components
that work in conjunction with the inner ear are also essential to
maintain balance and interpret the signals that originate in the inner

Sight is an important factor in maintaining balance. Signals the inner

ear is sending about head positioning and movement will generally be
aligned with the signals your eyes are sending. It is primarily because of
this that we see what we feel. In some situations however, there is a
mismatch, and this can leave you feeling queasy and nauseous, or it can
also give you a terrible headache. Consider the plight of the child with
car-sickness. Sitting in a car may not look like movement in the way we
normally think about it. In other words, the child isn’t running or
spinning, or playing, but his body, particularly the inner ear, is sending
signals that he is in movement. If he is looking down and reading while
riding in the car, his eyes will signal that he is still, but his vestibular

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system is responding to every curve in the road. The sight doesn’t

match the feeling and he will end up not feeling so good.

The cerebellum is the portion of the brain that is connected to the

vestibular nerve, which transmits signals regarding balance to the brain.
When a sudden loss of balance (such as missing a step on your way
upstairs or stubbing your toe) occurs, the brain gets an instant message
that there is danger to the system of balance. Involuntarily, you will
move an arm or shift your weight to the other foot to keep your balance
and avoid a fall. This is your vestibular system at work.

Your muscles are the final component in the system and when
everything is working correctly, they receive the information from the
brain to keep your body in line. Picture a child walking along a wall or a
beam: the child will effortlessly know when to put a hand out to the side
or how to correct his/her posture to keep balance and stay on the line.
Now, picture an inebriated adult trying to pass a sobriety test. The
person’s brain function is impaired by alcohol and the messages from
the brain to the muscles are slow and fuzzy. No matter how much
he/she tries, the person will be unable to walk a straight line by putting
one foot in front of the other.

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The nerve that takes the information, both auditory (sound) and
vestibular (balance) to the brain is known as the Vestibulocochlear
nerve. One of the 12 cranial nerves, this sensory nerve is responsible
for the transmission of information about the sounds that enter the ear
canal and the movement of the head or body.

Just imagine yourself on an amusement park ride, such as a roller

coaster. Your ears are in overdrive as the sounds of the screams around
you, and maybe your own are entering your ears. At the same time,
your vestibular system is working hard to make sense of all the input it
is receiving in terms of both head position and movement. Your eyes
are probably sending mixed signals to your cerebellum, and you will feel
that jump in your stomach when you are going over each hill on the
coaster. Your Vestibulocochlear nerve is taking all this information and
passing it on to your brain, which in turn is making sense of it all and
sending its own information to the muscles to compensate for all the
competing signals it has been given.

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How Your Hearing Works 43


We’ve talked a lot about how your ears work, how they allow you to
collect and interpret sound, and even how the fluid in your ears can help
you maintain balance. Most of this happens every day, every minute of
every day, and without much notice. You may remember certain sounds
you have heard, your baby’s cry, your mother’s voice on the phone, or
your children’s laughter, but you won’t be thinking about the mechanics
of hearing or balance too much, unless there is something wrong and
only when it is not working as it should.

There are many factors that influence your ability to hear and hear well,
and your sense of balance. Even the smallest thing, like an
overabundance of earwax can undermine your hearing. Of course, there
are also serious hearing and balance problems that need to be treated
medically. Let’s take a look at the most common hearing and balance

Swimmer’s Ear

This has been named swimmer’s ear because it generally occurs when
the ear has been exposed to water or humidity for an extended period of
time. This condition is also known as acute external otitis because it is
an infection of the ear canal. When the ears are frequently submersed

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in water, the production of cerumen, or earwax and its acidity (that

normally protects the canal) are diminished. This leaves the ear canal
vulnerable to bacterial infection.

While swimmer’s ear is not generally serious, it should be treated by a

physician to avoid a chronic condition or even cellulitis, which is a deep
tissue infection that can become very serious. A person with swimmer’s
ear will experience pain, especially when the outer ear (pinnae) is
touched or moved. A reduction in hearing is normal as the sufferer will
hear sounds in a muffled way, because the sound funneling capability of
the ear canal is diminished. Usually treated with a topical ear drop,
swimmer’s ear is a common, but usually not severe condition of the

Earwax Impaction

One of the most common causes of a decrease in hearing is the

overabundance of ear wax in the ear canal. Some people just produce
more earwax (a condition that is medically known as cerumen) than
others and their ears do not easily rid themselves of the skin cells and
other foreign matter that the earwax collects. Also, many people
mistakenly use cotton swabs in an effort to remove troublesome
earwax, unknowingly making the problem worse by pushing the wax
back into the canal to the ear drum. Your doctor will tell you that you
should never put anything into the ear canal. You should rather use a

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washcloth on the external portion of the ear. This should be enough to

keep your ears clean.

There are many over the counter remedies that can help in earwax
removal. Most of them depend on a combination of peroxides and oils to
soften and remove the earwax slowly. If the problem becomes too
difficult to handle, a doctor should be consulted to thoroughly remove
the impacted wax. Many people with this problem don’t even realize
that their hearing has been impaired by it until they have the wax

Ear Infection

Otitis Media, or a middle ear infection, seems to be part of childhood,

and indeed, this is one of the most common childhood illnesses. The
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
estimates that three out of four children have had at least one ear
infection by the age of three. Untreated, ear infections can lead to
permanent hearing loss. Many children who suffer from chronic ear
infections will experience some loss of hearing. The first line of defense
against ear infection will be the use of antibiotic. When a child either
becomes resistant to the medication or simply continues to suffer with
ear infections regardless of treatment, a myringotomy is performed.
This procedure, done under general anesthesia, involves the placement

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of drainage tubes in the ear canal that removes the fluid build up
associated with frequent ear infections.

Middle ear infections are rarely a problem for adults, but they can still
happen. This treatable illness should not lead to long-term hearing loss
if it is diagnosed on time and treatedappropriately.

Meniere’s Disease

A serious condition of the inner ear that affects both hearing and
balance, Meniere’s Disease affects about half a million people in the
United States. Commonly attributed to an imbalance in the fluid in the
inner ear, which is responsible for hearing and to maintain balance, this
disease is most common in middle aged people. The main symptoms of
Meniere’s Disease are vertigo, loss of hearing, Tinnitus and aural

Vertigo is the term for the sudden feeling of a loss of balance that is
inconsistent with your actual surroundings. Tinnitus (which we will
revisit in the next section) is the sensation of ringing in the ears. Aural
fullness refers to a blocked feeling in the ear canal. With Meniere’s
Disease, the symptoms are generally one-sided in respect to the hearing
problems. The disease can cause lifestyle complications as the sufferer
would be battling hearing loss and dizziness. It also shares some

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symptoms with other more serious conditions such as high blood

pressure, or heart disease, and so a doctor should be consulted to rule
out other serious conditions and to treat the illness.

Common treatments for Meniere’s Disease include anti-nausea

medications and diuretics, as well as lifestyle changes such as reducing
salt intake and avoiding caffeine. In severe cases, surgery may be the
only option to regain balance.


Of course Tinnitus is the reason why you’re reading his book, so let’s
take a quick peek at the condition. Commonly experienced as a ringing
in the ears, Tinnitus is a condition that affects many people, and the
causes can vary from something as simple as ear wax blockage or stress,
to the serious condition of atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries.
A person with Tinnitus will complain of ringing, whistling, buzzing or
other persistent noise, in the absence of a source of this noise. For some
people it is a constant sound, for others it comes in short spurts. In
either case, it is an annoyance and can be a signal of underlying
problems in the ear or elsewhere. Subjective Tinnitus is the condition
where only the person suffering with the condition can hear the sounds;
and objective Tinnitus can be heard by a doctor when examining a

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Some of the causes of Tinnitus include:

· Earwax buildup

· Age related hearing loss

· Extended exposure to loud noises

· Inner ear damage

· The presence of tumors in the head and neck

· High blood pressure

· Hardened arteries

· Use of some medications such as antibiotics and

diuretics as well as aspirin

Tinnitus can develop in people of all ages, but is most common in men
over the age of 65. You are also at risk of developing the condition if
you have been repeatedly exposed to high noise levels over a period of
time, such as working on a construction site without ear protection.

There are few medications that can safely and effectively treat Tinnitus -
lifestyle changes and ear wax removals are good first steps toward
alleviating the symptoms of Tinnitus. Changes in medication or
addressing such issues as high blood pressure may help, as well as a
thorough cleaning (by your doctor) of the ear canal. Hearing aids may

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be of assistance, as well as white noise machines that help to mask the

constant noise occurring in the ears. Doctors have found that certain
anti-depressants may help with Tinnitus, but the side effects make them
a last resort. Prevention may be the best defense against Tinnitus, of
course if you don’t have it already. Protecting the ears from loud noise,
whether you are using the lawnmower or going to a concert, will go a
long way toward ensuring your auditory health in the future. Keeping
your cardiovascular system healthy is another indirect way to protect
yourself against a myriad of illnesses, even those that are not directly
associated with the heart.

The Amazing Ear

From the outer ear to the inner ear, this small sensory organ does a big
job, and one we usually take for granted as long as everything is
working as it should. On taking a closer look however, it should amaze
us when we find just how perfectly and ingeniously our ears really
function. As you are reading this, your ears are responding to the sound
waves in the air around you - maybe you have the radio on and music is
playing, or maybe someone in your family is talking on the phone. You
are able to make sense of that input even as you are able to concentrate
on reading this article.

Your ears collect sound and transfer it as mechanical energy to the

brain, where it is translated and understood as language, music and

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How Your Hearing Works 50

sound. You are able to tell the difference between people’s voices and
even tell if your best friend has a cold when you are talking to her on the
phone. The human ear is an amazing organ that is able to control both
sound and balance and keep the entire body on an even footing.

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Chapter Two: 51




If you suffer with Tinnitus, you’re not alone. Nearly 66 million people in
the U.S. alone will experience some degree of Tinnitus in their lifetime.
For most, the sudden onset of noise in their ears will go away relatively
quickly. Unfortunately for one in 10 people, it will not. If you are indeed
one of the unlucky ones who find the noise in your head continuing to
grow worse, you will need to learn more about this crazy condition. You
will need to know why this buzzing and ringing in your ears appear out
of nowhere and drives you crazy day and night without end.


To truly understand Tinnitus, you must understand how the ear works.
That’s why we took so much time to discuss your hearing in the last
chapter. Here are the basics: sound is carried though the ears like a
moving wave. When this wave hits the eardrum, it makes it and the tiny
bones throughout the ear vibrate. These vibrations create sound. If

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About Tinnitus 52

something interferes with normal vibrations, the brain may think it

hears sound when it doesn’t. This is Tinnitus.

A lot of things can cause this breakdown between your ear and your
head, but for now, we’re only going to talk about the three main causes
of Tinnitus:

1. Brain Lesions

Now before you panic, it is important to understand that the brain

lesions we are talking about here are not deadly. These lesions just
cause Tinnitus. Such brain lesions do not (and will not) cause other
malfunctions within your body.

It has been estimated that more than 90 percent of people suffering

from central Tinnitus -- which originates from the brain and not the ear
– will have side to side perfusion asymmetries involving the medial
temporal lobe system when scanned by advanced SPECT imaging.

Most neuroscientists believe that it is this area of the brain where

memory and stress meet, and this is the area that is probably linking
emotions and the memory – including the memory of sound. The key
here is to remember that Tinnitus is simply the re-running of sound

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About Tinnitus 53

memories that are already heard in an unending loop. Therefore, when

the emotion linked to a certain sound is felt, the patient will hear the
sound again, even if it doesn’t exist at the moment. By breaking the
emotional tie of Tinnitus, some researchers believe that the sufferer can
stop the noise altogether. We will discuss a variety of ways you can
break both the emotional Tinnitus tie and the memory loop. But first,
there’s more to learn about Tinnitus.

2. Damage to the Cochlea

As we’ve already discussed, the Cochlea is the small part of the inner ear
that looks a lot like the shell of a snail. Although small, it is essential
because it helps us hear properly. Within this shell-like tissue are tiny
sensory hairs that tell the brain when sound is heard. Any damage at all
to these miniature sound detectors can severely affect your hearing.
Something as simple as exposure to a one-time loud sound (like gunfire
or an explosion) or even sitting at a loud concert for a few hours can
cause temporary hearing problems. But sometimes, if the noise damage
is more severe, it can cause the tiny Cochlea hairs to bend or even break,
thus permanently damaging them.

When Tinnitus is caused by excessive noise, it is due to the breakage of

these sensory hairs, which results in a misfiring of electrical impulses
that randomly tell the brain that sound is being heard when it isn’t.

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About Tinnitus 54

3. Stress

We all know that stress can play havoc with our hearts, immune
systems and other vital organs. But did you know that it is also a main
culprit that causes Tinnitus?

The Hypothalamus controls many systems in your body, including the

pituitary gland, which oversees the endocrine organs and the autonomic
nervous system. One of the main jobs of the Hypothalamus is to
produce chemicals that are needed by the body to function normally.
Unfortunately, it is very susceptible to stress, shock and grief, and these
causes may interfere with its chemical production. When this happens,
there may be a breakdown in communication between the ear and the
brain, causing the brain to respond as if sound has been heard, even
when all is quiet. This is Tinnitus.

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About Tinnitus 55


One day you seem to be hearing normally, and the next you experience
an uncanny buzzing, pounding or screeching in your ear that only you
can hear. At first you may think that you are the only one on planet
Earth hearing these things. But, you’re not! You’re in good company. It
has been estimated that one in every 10 people are walking around
hearing similar Tinnitus noises, and some of them are quite famous
including the former President Ronald Reagan; the famed singer
Barbara Streisand and actors Peter Townsend, William Shatner and
Tony Randall.

Want to learn more about the others out there who are suffering from
Tinnitus? Here are a few facts that have been compiled by researchers
at the Oregon Health Sciences University:

· 42% of Tinnitus sufferers can link no direct cause to their


· 51% of sufferers noticed their Tinnitus coming on

gradually, while 39% reported a sudden onset of symptoms

· 53% of sufferers only report hearing one noise; while the

rest may hear three or more noises at a time

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· 44% of sufferers report sleeping problems, at least on some

nights due to the noises they constantly hear

· Only 2% of Tinnitus sufferers report a reduction in noise

without any type of therapy


There are many different types of Tinnitus, and your treatment can
depend a great deal on which type you have. For instance, while most
sufferers actually hear noise that is not present, some people can
actually experience an exaggeration of both external noises in their
environment, as well as internal noises that their body constantly

To see what type of Tinnitus you may have, let’s take a look at some
of this affliction’s main categories:

Objective Tinnitus

You may not be aware of it, but your body makes a lot of noise
throughout the day. Your heart thumps, your lungs extract, and your
arteries pulsate among other things. Although these sounds are

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constant, few of us ever notice them. So, if our bodies are so noisy,
why don’t we hear what’s going on? There are several reasons for
this. Firstly, most of our organs are insulated by protective tissues,
muscles and skin, and because of this the noise is kept down. But,
the most important reason why we don’t normally hear our body at
work is because our brain filters out (or simply ignores) these
normal noises. Until they change, thus signaling trouble, the brain
simply doesn’t let us “hear” the noises within. That’s a good thing too,
since they would likely drive us mad if we did notice every sound our
internal organs made.

There are people however, who can hear the sounds within their
body. This is called objective Tinnitus.

For those with objective Tinnitus, these internal bodily noises

become more acute (and noticeable), causing hearing distress, and it
seems that there is no way to get away from the constant noise.

One way to better understand objective Tinnitus is to become aware

of the most common sound culprits within the human body:

1. The Circulatory System – one of the most common causes of

objective Tinnitus is the flow of blood through larger

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vessels in the head or even small arteries in the ear, or those

that lead to the ear.

2. The Heart – the heart can beat quite loudly at times, so

people with an acute awareness of sound may easily pick up
on the noise it makes.

3. The Skeleton – you may have thought that your skeleton

remains relatively silent throughout the day, but that’s
wrong! Next to circulation, the skeleton (usually the bones
in the jaw, neck and back) is the biggest source of objective
Tinnitus. The most common cause includes some type of
injury, deterioration or arthritis. Of course some people
report clicking joints in other parts of the body as well, but
in Tinnitus, what affects most are the ones that are nearest
to the head and ears.

4. The Soft Palate. While muscles rarely cause any type of

Tinnitus noise, the contraction of the soft palate has been
reported to be a source of Objective Tinnitus.

Subjective Tinnitus

All-too-often, a patient describes the sounds he/she hears only to be

told that it is merely in the head. When no outer or internal noises
can be found to be the root cause of a patient’s Tinnitus, it is
considered subjective. This in no way means that the patient isn’t

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hearing these sounds, or that they are only imagined. The sounds of
Tinnitus are real. It’s just that, sometimes no one else can hear them,
or is able to find a reason for them.

Whether a reason can be found for the malfunction or cannot be

found, it does not mean that the brain is not recording or replaying
previously heard sounds in the sufferer’s head. As a matter of fact,
most subjective Tinnitus is eventually linked to some sort of
malfunction within the body, including the auditory center and the
nervous system. When this happens, the malfunctioning organ or
system may actually send sound impulses to the brain, telling it that
a sound has been heard, even when it hasn’t. This can cause
confusion with the medical community regarding what is really being
heard, and what sounds are only perceived.

Another source for subjective Tinnitus is all those unknown internal

sounds that originate deep within the body itself. If no one else has
ever reported hearing a certain sound before, it may be considered
subjective, when in reality, it is actually objective. This is because it is
indeed a real sound that is being made by the body, and one that only
the patient can hear.

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Stereo vs. Mono Tinnitus

Tinnitus presents itself in a lot of different ways, but the most

common are in relation to how loud the noise that the person hears
is (their frequency); how often they are heard (their duration); and
how many are heard. While the majority of Tinnitus sufferers report
only hearing a single noise at a time, as many as 26% report hearing
two noises and 6% can hear three or more at a given time.

In addition, sufferers may hear noises in one or both the ears at a

time; or the noise may move from one ear to another in a type of
stereo effect. In rarer cases, it has been noted that some sufferers
experience the sensation of noise without really hearing it per se.

These types of stereo Tinnitus may be even more severe if such

noises feature an especially high frequency on an ongoing basis.

Significant vs. Insignificant Tinnitus

It can be especially difficult to determine how significant an

individual’s Tinnitus is due to the simple fact that, different people
react to the noise created by the disorder in different ways. While
one person may be able to tolerate several different noises at a lower
frequency, others hearing just one continuous buzz at a higher
volume may find the disorder disabling.

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Generally speaking, if the Tinnitus is more sporadic, despite its

volume frequency, the patient will be able to deal with its symptoms
better. Many sufferers admit that it isn’t necessarily the loudness of
the noise that they find so distressing, but the constant nature of it.
“If only I could get a break,” many report, “I could handle it.”

For diagnosis purposes, insignificant Tinnitus is simply Tinnitus that

is experienced occasionally, and the patient is able to “live with” it
during an attack. Significant Tinnitus on the other hand is
considered more debilitating, and can cause other serious problems
such as depression, immune system deficiency and even hearing loss.


Tinnitus can be experienced by hearing any type of ongoing noise,

but the most common include:

· Ringing Sounds. The most common Tinnitus symptom,

which is ringing in the ears, usually refers to a constant
shrill telephone-like ring that patients hear.

· The Babbling Brook. This type of sound is rather undefined

in nature, but annoying nonetheless.

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· Hissing. Like the steam escaping from a boiling tea kettle,

this is an especially unnerving high-pitched sound.

· Buzzing

· Humming

· Clicking Sounds. Much like the tapping of computer or

typewriter keys, these clicking sounds can either be
experienced in a random form, or in a uniformed sequence
or rhythm.

· Whistling. Although the type of whistling sounds heard

vary, one thing is usually experienced by all patients – its

· Chirping. Much like the sound of a bird chirping.

· A low-pitched throb

· Growling

Of course, some patient’s report more unusual sounds such as:

· Music Notes

· Shrill Voices

· Bits of conversation. This may be caused by the brain

replaying bits of old conversation or sensitivity to nearby

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· Clanking or Clatter. This is much like the sound you hear

when metals bang against each other.


While traditional medicine treats a patient’s symptoms with the right

mix of medications, homeopathic therapy hinges on finding out what’s
going wrong within the body and fixing it. This requires finding the root
cause of your Tinnitus to treat it. This isn’t always easy. Tinnitus can be
caused by a lot of things, and often, patients discover that their
symptoms are caused by a combination of triggers.

To help you discover the probable root cause of your disorder, let’s look
at some of the main causes of Tinnitus:


Considered as one of the leading causes of Tinnitus, noise can affect the
ears in two ways:

· A single incident of high volume, high frequency noise like

what you hear in an explosion or gunfire close to the ears.
When strong enough, a single loud noise can actually

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destroy the hair like receptors in the ear, which informs the
brain that a noise has been heard, and this causes the brain
to continuously run a loop of the last noise heard.

· Prolonged exposure to noise. When your mother told you

to turn down the stereo or risk damaging your ears, she
wasn’t kidding. People who work in noisy environments
over a prolonged period of time may damage the Cochlea,
which can cause Tinnitus.

If you notice that your Tinnitus gets worse when you are in noisy
environments, be sure to take these important precautions to avoid a
painful bout of symptoms:

· Wear proper ear protection

· Avoid being near the stage or amplifiers at concerts, movies

or other noise producing events

· Have your hearing monitored regularly

Earwax Removal

The right amount of earwax is good for you. It protects our eardrums by
repelling moisture; works as a barrier against infection and traps
insects before they can reach the inner ear. Of course, too much earwax
can cause problems.

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A build up of earwax (especially on the ear drum) has been linked to

Tinnitus. The good news is that, most patients report a complete
recovery once the excess wax is removed. So be sure to have a doctor
clear out your ear canal to avoid damage.

In some rare cases, patients have reported Tinnitus symptoms following

earwax removal. However, there is no scientific evidence to support
these claims. Most doctors feel that patients were already experiencing
some degree of Tinnitus before the wax removal, and only became
aware of it once the cloudiness in their hearing was cleared by the

A Blow to the Head

The ear can be damaged by a lot of things, and sometimes it has little to
do with your ears, and more to do with your head. Tinnitus has been
linked in many cases to a mild to severe blow to the head; dental
surgery; and even sports accidents.

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Ear Infections

Severe and repeated ear infections can also damage the Cochlea, thus
causing Tinnitus. For most people, the trouble begins during the
infection, and continues past the recovery phase.


Since stress can be a serious indicator of Tinnitus, it’s no wonder that

unforeseen traumatic events in our lives can trigger it. It is not
uncommon for people who have lived through the death of a loved one;
a serious accident; fire; flood; natural disaster; or some other traumatic
event to experience temporary (and in some rare cases permanent)

Sinus Infections

Chronic sinus infections and allergies cause the mucous in the inner ear
to thicken, and this ultimately builds up and increases the pressure in
the inner ear, thus causing Tinnitus.

Sinus or allergy induced Tinnitus is usually a direct result of an adverse

reaction to the medications taken to relieve sinus symptoms. It is these
medications that cause a buildup of ear mucous and pressure that

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causes the Tinnitus. The most common sounds associated with sinus
Tinnitus include:

· a clucking or cracking sound

· high pitch ringing

· gurgling or whirring sounds

· a periodic ringing that comes and goes in the affected ear

Meniere’s Disease

A chronic disease of the inner ear, Meniere’s Disease is caused by an

increase of fluid in the ear canals. This can severely limit the balance;
cause vertigo, vomiting and of course Tinnitus. If the Meniere’s itself can
be successfully treated, the Tinnitus symptoms often go away. If not,
the disease will progress, eventually robbing the sufferer of all hearing,
which too will take away the Tinnitus.


Those with a high sensitivity or allergy to Aspirin may experience a

constant ringing in their ears after taking it.

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Prescription Medications

All prescription drugs have side effects. Unfortunately for some people,
Tinnitus may be one of them. The following is a list of medications that
have been known to cause Tinnitus in some patients when taken in

Aspirin and Aspirin containing medications

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) such as Advil,

Aleve, Anaprox, Clinoril, Feldene, Indocin, Lodine, Motrin, Nalfon,
Naprosyn, Nuprin, Poradol and Voltarin.

Antibiotics – Aminoglycosides, Erythromycin, Vancomycin

Loop Diuretics such as Lasix, Endecrin, Bumex

Chemotherapy Agents – Cisplatin, Nitrogen Mustard, Vincristine

Quinine – Aralen, Atabrine (for treatment of malaria), Legatrin, Q-Vel

Muscle Relaxant (for treatment of night cramps)

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Antidepressants – while some anti-depressants can reduce Tinnitus in

many people, there are others that actually cause or worsen it.

For a comprehensive listing of all the medications that may cause

Tinnitus, or worsen its symptoms, check the American Tinnitus
Association’s website at

SPADE (stress, panic, anxiety, depression and emotional illness)

Yes, there is a link between stress, panic, depression and emotional

illness (otherwise referred to as SPADE) – and that’s good news! Why?
This is because each of these conditions can be treated, and so, if your
Tinnitus is caused by SPADE, then it can be treated too.


Stress can be one of the most overlooked causes of Tinnitus. While

stress in itself doesn’t cause Tinnitus, but it can still set you up for its
effects by inhibiting your immune system; causing a misfire in your
sound/brain waves; and adversely affecting your nervous system,
among other things.

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More than half of all panic attack sufferers also experience some form of
Tinnitus. While little research has been done to explain why this
happens, but from the researches that have been carried out, it is clear
that panic disorders and Tinnitus are related. So if you can get rid of the
panic, you can get relief from the Tinnitus symptoms as well.


Though anxiety and stress may appear similar, but in reality they are
not the same. Anxiety creates an internal fight or flight response among
those who are suffering, and this heightens their senses, including their
hearing. This may be one of the reasons why Tinnitus sufferers are often
more anxious than non-sufferers. It isn’t necessarily the Tinnitus that is
increasing their anxiety, but their anxiety is actually triggering a
heightened sense of hearing, and this is what causes objective Tinnitus.


Those with Tinnitus often become depressed due to a lack of control

over their symptoms. Of course, this can worsen the problem, and when
this happens, the person experiences Tinnitus attacks – both the volume
and frequency appears bad. Whether or not Tinnitus causes depression
or depression causes Tinnitus is not clear, but a clear link between the
two does exist and must be considered when treating both disorders.

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Emotional Illness

As we have already discussed, any amount of serious emotional upset or

upheaval (including some mental illnesses) may be a precursor to
Tinnitus. This of course does not mean that Tinnitus sufferers are
CRAZY! It does mean that severe stress; trauma and emotional problems
can cause the disorder and also increase its severity.

Hearing Loss

Any type of hearing loss may result in a phenomenon that is known as

loudness recruitment. This causes severe fluctuations in the pitch and
volume a patient hears, as his or her ears and brain try to adjust to the
hearing loss. This fluctuation can cause Tinnitus symptoms since the
affected person may suddenly find that he or she has become much
more sensitive to certain types of sound and/or noise.


The word Ototoxic actually means “ear poison” which is surprising since
drugs containing these properties often cause hearing problems.
Among the most common Ototoxic culprits are anti-inflammatories and
antibiotics. For some reason, these medications often cause Tinnitus in
some people. The good news is that, if an anti-inflammatory medication
such as aspirin or ibuprofen is causing your Tinnitus, it is likely that the

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symptoms will decrease or disappear once you have stopped taking the
medication. Antibiotics on the other hand, often cause permanent
damage. So if you experience ringing in the ear (or any other noises)
after taking a specific medication, you should immediately report it to
your doctor and see if you can switch to another medication to eliminate
any toxicity you may be experiencing.


The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the jaw to the eardrum. If

it is worn out or damaged in any way, it can interfere with the sound
waves, thus causing Tinnitus. One way to see if TMJ may be a cause of
the ringing in your ear is to see if the volume or intensity of the ear
noise changes when you clench your teeth. If it does, TMJ may be a
factor. The good news is that, TMJ can be treated, and this can
ultimately alleviate much of your Tinnitus discomfort. Some simple
tricks that you can use to alleviate your TMJ related Tinnitus problems

1. Tightly clenching the back of your teeth

2. Applying resistance to your forehead with your fist as you

push your head forward

3. Opening your mouth to its widest possible point

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The word tumor often incites fears of cancer. Rest assured, when we
discuss the possibility of a tumor in relation to Tinnitus, we mean an
unusual swelling in the tissues of the ear or a type of benign mass that
may be affecting your hearing.

The most common tumor related to Tinnitus is called an acoustic

neuroma, which affects the nerve that runs from the inner ear to the
brain. Although surgery can be used to remove the mass, it has only
alleviated the Tinnitus symptoms in about half of the patients who have
tried this.


As we age, most of us begin to experience some degree of hearing loss.

For some people, this loss can be more pronounced and debilitating.
Unfortunately, as you begin to lose your hearing due to age, some
pitches may come through louder than before, causing a degree of
temporary Tinnitus.

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The OHSU Tinnitus Survey

More research is needed in the areas of Tinnitus if we hope to

continue to help the sufferers. That is why the Oregon Health
Sciences University has teamed up with the National Tinnitus
Association to conduct a variety of research studies through the
University’s Clinical Research initiative at the Oregon Hearing
Research Center.

Directed by William Hal Martin, Ph.D., the Center encompasses a wide

variety of areas of study, including Tinnitus. Some of their findings have
helped both sufferers and medical practitioners better understand this
disorder and know how to treat it.

Some of the things their research has uncovered include:

How Tinnitus Presents Itself

According to OHSU research, more than half of all Tinnitus sufferers

begin to notice their symptoms gradually, with 39% reporting a sudden

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onset of symptoms (in less than a week), and about 7% reported that
their Tinnitus progressed over a period of about one month.

What Patients Think Caused Their Symptoms

While 42% of all Tinnitus sufferers don’t have any idea what caused
their symptoms in the first place, many have linked the onset of their
symptoms with specific events including:

· extended exposure to noise

· a head or neck injury

· a sudden one-time noise like fireworks, a car backfire, an

explosion, etc.

· medical conditions or medication

The Extent of the Tinnitus

As we discussed earlier, Tinnitus can present itself in many forms. It

can be high in pitch or frequency; loud or soft; long lasting or
intermittent; or contain one or more noises at a given time.

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Where Are the Noises Heard?

In nearly 12 % of all cases, Tinnitus noise travels from one ear to

another without notice.

Its Side Effects

According to the OHSU study, sleep is among the most important things
that are affected by Tinnitus. Nearly half of those studied reported that
their Tinnitus affected the ability to sleep and also the quality of such
sleep at least sometimes; with 25% reporting that it affected their sleep
most of the time.

Another side effect of Tinnitus is irritability & nervousness. More than

70% of study respondents admitted that their Tinnitus caused them to
become nervous or irritable, either some or most of the time.

The Most Significant Tinnitus Survey Ever

In an attempt to learn as much about Tinnitus as possible, an informal

survey of Tinnitus patients was conducted online with the following

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Patient Demographics

According to information gathered from the online questionnaire, the

following was learned about those who suffered from this disease:

· Most Tinnitus sufferers are between the age of 50-59

· More males than females suffer with the condition

· The majority of respondents have dealt with the condition

for more than 5 years, with new sufferers being the next
highest group to respond to the survey

· Nearly half of all respondents reported experiencing their

initial symptoms gradually over a one month time frame

Tinnitus Causes

When it came to citing the cause of their Tinnitus, the following

information was gathered from the respondents:

· The most common cause of Tinnitus was Cochlea damage

(75%) due to exposure to noise (27%); non explosive brief
noise (10%); explosions like gunfire or fireworks (11%); a
head injury (5%); a neck injury such as whiplash (3%);
Barotraumas (lees than 1%); ear infections or inflammation
of the inner ear (14%)

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· Stress (35%)

· Medications (15%)

· Sinus Infections (15%)

The Symptoms of Tinnitus

When it came to their symptoms, survey respondents reported the


· For most people (74%), their Tinnitus became worse with


· The location of the noise remained the same in most


· Nearly 20% of patients reported that their Tinnitus have

moved from one side to both

· Nearly half of all respondents reported that their Tinnitus

grew louder with time

· Nearly 67% reported constant Tinnitus

· The left ear seems to be affected more than the right for
many sufferers

· More than half of all respondents reported a single

predominant sound in their Tinnitus

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· The most common Tinnitus sound is ringing

Although not a “scientific” survey, this informal online questionnaire

offers a lot of insight into the average Tinnitus sufferer and his/her


Here’s the section you’ve been waiting for – treatments for Tinnitus.
Now, hold on! I’m not ready yet to discuss the comprehensive 5-Step
Plan for getting rid of your Tinnitus quite yet. First, I’d like to talk about
a variety of treatment options that are available to give you a better idea
about the options you have.

Everyone’s treatment is individual. What causes my Tinnitus probably

isn’t causing yours, and thus, what I use to treat my symptoms may not
have the same effect on you. That’s why it’s important to know all the
treatment options that are available. The odds are that, you’re going to
have to devise your own plan of treatment, and unless you know what’s
out there to help you, you may miss an important component while you
are making that treatment plan.

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Let’s start with a brief overview of some of the most basic forms of
treating Tinnitus:

The Holistic Approach

Taking a homeopathic or holistic approach to treating your Tinnitus is

probably among the best options available right now. Natural Tinnitus
treatments work well in treating disabling symptoms without causing
harsh side effects, which is what happens with the traditional
treatments. The reasons are simple: homeopathic medicine allows the
body to fix itself. However this does not mean that the homeopathic
medicine is not doing anything. It is actually trying to find out what is
triggering your Tinnitus and treating that, and not the noise itself like
traditional drug therapy. Secondly, homeopathic medicine relies on
minimal doses of medications to alleviate the added stresses of
unwanted side effects.

For many patients, the combination of homeopathic treatment with diet,

exercise and stress management can offer more relief than any other
treatment plan.


More than 2,000 years old, acupuncture is widely accepted as a

homeopathic form of treatment for all kinds of conditions and diseases

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such as Tinnitus. Used as a way to rebalance the body’s energy to treat

just about any ailment, acupuncture uses the insertion of fine needles at
specific focal points to send messages throughout the body. Although
traditional western medicine does not acknowledge the positive effects
of acupuncture in treating Tinnitus, many sufferers claim to have found
relief using it.

Vitamin & Mineral Therapy

Latest research shows that vitamin and mineral efficiency can be a

leading cause of Tinnitus. Adding sufficient levels of the B Vitamins
such as B-1, B-6, and B-12 have all shown success in alleviating Tinnitus

Iron deficiency in the body can also cause Tinnitus symptoms as anemia
becomes a concern. To see if too little iron is the cause of your Tinnitus
or whether it is making the condition worse, make sure that you eat at
least 12 to 18 mg of iron rich food every day including dark green leafy
vegetables, fish, beans, lean meat and whole grains.

Some minerals that you should be sure to get enough of to find relief
from Tinnitus include manganese (2.5 to 5 mg per day) that you will find
in bananas, whole grains, beans, green leafy vegetables and cereals, as

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well as choline (500 mg per day) that can be found in soybean’s,

brewer’s yeast, fish, organ meats and beans.

Herbal Supplements

Herbs have been used for thousands of years to treat both the disease
and its symptoms. While there are a number of herbs (which we’ll
discuss in-depth in a later chapter), that have been known to treat
Tinnitus, it is important to remember here that the purpose of
herbology is to find the root causes of a patient’s Tinnitus and treat
them using natural plant extracts. Since every person’s Tinnitus is
caused by something different, the odds are, your herbal treatment will
be unique and different from others. While one patient may find relief
by sipping a specially made tea; another may need a salve or something
totally different to get rid of the symptoms. That’s why it is so
important to find a qualified herbalist or pharmacopeia to determine
your own individual treatment options.

Laser Therapy

Although not considered a mainstream treatment option, laser therapy

has offered relief to some Tinnitus patients.

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Tinnitus Retraining

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) was created by the renowned

neuroscientist Pawel Jastreboff in the 1980’s. The concept is simple:
when there is no medical evidence to explain the cause of a patient’s
Tinnitus, Jastreboff believed that the brain could be retrained to stop
hearing the noise. This is done by introducing precise sound therapy to
the patient using a white noise generator. By slowly increasing the
volume of the white noise the person hears throughout the day, the
brain is forced to focus on this real noise, and stop “hearing” the noises
of Tinnitus. Although this type of habituation training takes some time,
it has been reported to work in more than 80% of all patients, either
completely relieving or at least lowering the noise they hear regularly
due to their Tinnitus.


It can be hard to relax when the noise of Tinnitus is grating on your

nerves. Yet, it is crucial that you try to relax because this will help you
control your Tinnitus, especially if it is triggered by ongoing stress.
Masking can be a good way to calm your symptoms and block out the
world. Listening to white noise can be very soothing to the Tinnitus
sufferer because it can camouflage the sounds in the head. This can be
an especially good technique to use when you are trying to sleep. Other
patients report that calming sounds such as the sound of flowing water,

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breeze and other sounds of nature can help mask the irritating Tinnitus

There are several ways to incorporate masking into your daily life:

· Wearing an electronic device in your ear. Resembling a

hearing aid worn in the ear, electronic masking devices are
available in a lot of variety. Some allow the wearer to retain
complete control over the tone, pitch and volume of the
masking sounds, while others offer minimal control over
what is heard. Keep in mind that while the device may work
well in masking out the noise of Tinnitus, you will still have
to keep hearing the masking noise, and this can take some
getting used to.

· Radios, MP3 Players and More. Sometimes masking out

the Tinnitus noise is as simple as listening to some soothing
music or sounds of nature.

· Special Tinnitus Masking Audio Tapes. For those unsure

of what type of masking sounds will work best, specially
made audio tapes may be the answer. Designed and
recorded with Tinnitus sufferers in mind, they feature a
variety of masking sounds that many sufferers have found
most helpful.

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About Tinnitus 85

The best way to determine what masking sounds will work for you is to
take notice of any sound that lessons your symptoms during the day.
When you find one, record it and listen to it when you want relief.

Drug Therapy

There are plenty of traditional medications that can be used to control

Tinnitus symptoms. Some of the most commonly used include:

· Anti-Anxiety Drugs are often used to treat Tinnitus since it

is believed that if you can reduce the excitatory activity in
the brain and central nervous system, you will be able to
reduce the hyper-sensitivity that can cause your Tinnitus
noise. Some of the most common anti-anxiety medications
being used to treat Tinnitus include Benzodiazepines,
Xanax, Serax and Klonopin.

· Anticonvulsant. Although meant to prevent seizures,

anticonvulsant medications can be highly successful in
treating Tinnitus – they work by reducing excessive
stimulation in the brain. Two of the most commonly used
anticonvulsant medications used for Tinnitus treatment
include Tegretol and Klonopin.

· Anti- Depressants. Believe it or not, some anti-depressant

therapies have completely alleviated Tinnitus in some

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About Tinnitus 86

patients. Two types that work well in treating Tinnitus

include Tricyclics and SSRI’s.


One of the newest breakthroughs in Tinnitus treatment includes the

Neuronomics device, which has been designed to reduce the
symptoms quickly by treating the underlying causes of your Tinnitus.
This will surely provide long-term relief from all that noise.

Effective in nearly 90% of all patients who use it, the small device
and headphones is used to deliver precisely designed music
embedded with a pleasant acoustic neural stimulus to the ears and
brain. The sounds used in the devise are customized for each user’s
audiological profile to stimulate the auditory pathway and promote
neural plastic changes. Over time, these new connections help the
brain to filter out Tinnitus disturbances, and provide long-term relief
from the symptoms.

When worn two hours every day for several months, the devise helps
the brain develop the transmitters that are needed to block out
Tinnitus noise naturally. Not a re-training devise or masker, the
Neuromonic is actually healing the damage that is causing your
Tinnitus symptoms.

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About Tinnitus 87

Ear Candling

Ear candling isn’t new when it comes to treating Tinnitus. Used to

reduce the quantity of earwax in the inner ear, it has proved to be of
great value in offering relief to some patients. To perform ear
candling, simply place a conical candle into the ear. The heat will
draw out the wax. Don’t be surprised if you feel a bit lightheaded
after the treatment – this is normal.


Known as a “smart drug”, Hydergine is also considered as a possible

Tinnitus cure. By stimulating the growth of dendrite nerve fibers in
the brain as well as the oxygen flow to the brain, the drug may be
able to repair lost connectors between the brain and the ear, and
reduce your Tinnitus noise.

Hypnotherapy and Bio Feedback

Hypnotherapy and bio feedback can be an excellent way to reduce

the stress and negative emotions that Tinnitus causes. In fact, one
study recently concluded that nearly 75% of all those who suffered
from Tinnitus and underwent hypnotherapy designed for Tinnitus,
were able to reduce their symptoms following the treatment.

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About Tinnitus 88

When a person undergoes hypnotherapy and bio feedback, he/she is

put into a state of ultra awareness, and this is then used to
reprogram the brain and get rid of the bad programming that may
keep the sounds of Tinnitus running and rerunning through the head.

For people with Tinnitus, the brain tends to hold onto the feelings
associated with the illness, and this can worsen the symptoms. To
treat this phenomenon, the hypnotherapist must do two things:
defuse the emotions the person is feeling in regards to his/her
illness, and help the patient’s unconscious mind shift the
concentration from the Tinnitus noise.

When audio tapes are used during the hypnosis session, the client is
able to self-hypnotize using bio feedback methods whenever the
symptoms reappear.

Although both hypnotherapy and bio feedback have been used

successfully to treat even the most severe cases of Tinnitus, few
practitioners are qualified to work with patients with the disorder.

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Chapter Three: 89



Recognizing the symptoms of Tinnitus and how your individual

symptoms relate to others can have a big impact on your formal
diagnosis and ultimate treatment.


It is hard to know just how bad your Tinnitus is. With more than 12
million sufferers in the United States alone, and no real method or test
to determine the severity of symptoms, it can be difficult to figure out
just how bad a single patient’s Tinnitus really is. Add to that the
different ways in which people handle the physical and emotional
distress their Tinnitus causes, and doctors can be left feeling just as
frustrated as their patients, when it comes to treatment and recovery.

Dr. Aram Glorig, an internationally known forensic ear specialist, and

the founder of the American Auditory Society, understood these

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Diagnosing Your Tinnitus 90

limitations, and that’s why he worked so hard to develop a basic way to

rate a patient’s symptoms, using this very basic questionnaire:

1. Do you consider your ear and head noise to be: constant

(3); intermittent, but more on than off (2); or intermittent,
more off than on (1)

2. Does the noise from your Tinnitus prevent you from going
to sleep: yes, frequently (2); yes, infrequently (1); no (0)

3. Are your symptoms worse when it is quiet? Yes (1); no (2)

4. Is it worse when you are not busy? Yes (1); and no (2)

5. What does your Tinnitus noise sound like: a high pitched

tone (2); a low pitched tone (2); rushing air (1); static (2);
or other (1)

6. How much does the noise in your head and ears bother you:
mildly (1); moderately (2); severely (3)

Now, add up your score and compare it to the California Scale below:

· Slight Tinnitus: 5 or below

· Mild Tinnitus: 6/7

· Mild to Moderate Tinnitus: 8/9

· Moderate Tinnitus: 11/12

· Severe Tinnitus: 12 or higher

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Now that you have a better idea of the severity of your symptoms,
compared to what others are experiencing, it is important to recognize
the personality characteristics that Tinnitus sufferers share to better
understand the disorder, and how or why it has attacked your hearing.

Although researchers don’t know for sure if the personality

characteristics that Tinnitus sufferers share is caused by their Tinnitus,
or if these characteristics makes them more susceptible of getting
Tinnitus, one thing is for certain and this is that, emotional distress in
varying degrees and Tinnitus often go hand in hand.

The different ways in which patients deal with stress seems to be an

overriding factor in how well a person can deal with his/her symptoms.
However, almost all Tinnitus patients report at least a mild (and in
many cases severe) cases of stress in both aggravating and triggering
the Tinnitus symptoms.

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Diagnosing Your Tinnitus 92

Inability to deal with stress and keeping it from inducing the Tinnitus
symptoms isn’t the only personality trait sufferers tend to share. Many
patients also share these important characteristics:

· Insecurities about their hearing loss

· Varying degrees of depression

· Coping issues

· Varying degrees of anxiety

· Moodiness

· Memory problems

· A inability to concentrate

· Phobias

· Foggy thinking

· Feeling out of control/overreacting to situations

In addition to sharing personality traits, most sufferers report

experiencing these common symptoms when dealing with Tinnitus:

· sleep disturbances

· ongoing pain in the back, shoulder and neck

· tension

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· migraine headaches

· chronic intestinal disturbances (nausea, diarrhea, cramps,


· weight gain/weight loss

· eating disorders

· hair loss

· muscle tension and fatigue

· irregular heartbeat and/or heart palpitations

· shortness of breath

· sweaty palms

· chest pain

· cold hands and feet

· hives, itching and other skin disorders

· periodontal disease

· jaw pain

· fertility issues

· a weak immune system

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Diagnosing Your Tinnitus 94



A true diagnosis of Tinnitus requires an in-depth review of your

symptoms and medical history. Many medical practitioners agree that
Tinnitus is more a symptom than a disease, and because of this, it is very
important to find out the cause of your ear and head noise to treat (or
cure) it. The diagnostic process is likely to begin with a consultation
with an ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialist.

Preparing for the First Visit

While you wait for your first meeting with the ENT specialist, keep a log
of your symptoms (when they start, how long they last, what might have
triggered them, etc). This can be invaluable information for the doctor
to use in diagnosing any underlying problems that may be causing the
noise in your head and ears. This will help the doctor better understand
your Tinnitus symptoms to treat them effectively. Be sure to also keep a
list of all medications you may be taking, since certain drugs may cause
Tinnitus noise.

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Diagnosing Your Tinnitus 95

What to Expect During Your Consultation

Although every Tinnitus consultation is different, you can probably

expect these basic things to be covered, no matter what your

1. A Complete Physical Exam

Tinnitus can be caused by a variety of medical issues, which may or

may not have anything to do with your ears and/or hearing. That’s
why the specialist is likely to conduct a complete physical to rule out
some other medical condition. He may even request a few basic
tests, which we will discuss shortly. In the event, the doctor does
not think there is an underlying medical reason for your Tinnitus;
he/she is likely to proceed with an examination of your ears. This
will include:

a. Looking for inflammation, tenderness or discharge around

the outer ear

b. Checking for inflammation, excessive wax or other damage

in the inner ear

c. Testing the Eustachian tubes to be sure that they are

opening and closing properly. This is done by asking you to
blow your nose; keep your nostrils shut and then swallow.

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Diagnosing Your Tinnitus 96

2. A Detailed Series of Hearing Tests

Once the physical exam is complete, the next step in your

consultation will be to undergo a series of simple hearing tests. A
tuning fork may be used first – this is used to determine what pitches
and sounds you can hear. The doctor simply taps the elongated fork
to make a sound and moves it in different positions around your
head while asking you questions about the pitch, volume, etc.

Next, you may be hooked up to a monitoring device called an

audiometer, which is used to test your hearing in a variety of
different ways. During the test, the audiologist will press a button to
send noises into your ears at different frequencies to see which of
them you are able to hear, and the various symptoms the noise
creates. This comprehensive test is a quick and easy way to track the
hearing in each ear, as well as noise sensitivity.

In addition to testing your hearing and sensitivity, a more advanced

Evoked Response Audiometric test can also be performed. This test
allows your doctor to capture computerized inner ear recordings to
determine any problems that may be present in the ear itself.

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3. An in-depth Interview

It is likely that you will be asked a lot of questions during your first
Tinnitus consultation, and these questions will be both about your
general health and your specific Tinnitus symptoms. Here are just a few
questions your doctor may ask:

· How is your overall health? Have you been experiencing

any other health problems lately? If so, explain.

· What is your family health history?

· Have you held any jobs that put you in contact with loud
noises such as machinery; gunfire; explosives; or others?

· How long have you been experiencing these noises in your

ears and head?

· Is only one ear affected, or both.

· Do the sounds travel from one ear to another?

· What types of sounds do you hear?

· Are the sounds constant, or do they come and go?

· Are the sounds you hear high or low pitched; loud or soft?

· Are you extra sensitive to certain noises? If so, which ones

and when?

· Do you feel any pain in your head, ears, neck or jaw?

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Diagnosing Your Tinnitus 98

· Do you experience vertigo or general dizziness?

· Have you noticed anything that triggers your Tinnitus?

· Is your Tinnitus affecting your physical or mental health?

Does it keep you from sleeping? Does it make you feel
anxious, depressed or overwhelmed?

· Have you experienced any vision problems lately?

Numbness or reduced sensation in your limbs?

· Are you experiencing any other symptoms which you

directly associate with your Tinnitus? What about
symptoms that you don’t think are connected?


After your initial exam, hearing tests and interview are complete,
your doctor may order a series of other tests to try and determine
the cause and severity of your Tinnitus. Sometimes, a variety of tests
are administered so that the specialist can compare results to get an
even clearer picture of your problem. Without a clear
understanding of the underlying causes of your head noise, it can be
very difficult to treat. So don’t be surprised if your doctor orders one
or more of the following diagnostic tests:

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Diagnosing Your Tinnitus 99


Standard x-rays may be taken of your head and jaw to see if there are
any structural problems that are causing your symptoms. Sometimes,
higher quality tests like an MRI or CT Scan are ordered, and these tests
give the doctor an even better understanding.

Tinnitus Pitch Match

Sound waves have different frequencies (the number of cycles a sound

wave can make in a second), and they range from very high to very low.
The Tinnitus Pitch Match Test is used to determine if the tones you hear
match their individual frequencies.

Tinnitus Loudness Match

The sounds you hear from Tinnitus can be very loud, and can vary from
one person to another and even from one situation to another. The
Tinnitus Loudness Match test is used to determine how loud your
Tinnitus sounds really are.

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Diagnosing Your Tinnitus 100

Tinnitus Maskability Test

Some people find masking their Tinnitus to be a good way to find relief.
Others however find it difficult, if not impossible to mask the sounds
they hear. This test is designed to help doctors determine if a patient’s
Tinnitus can be masked, and if so, how.

Residual Inhibition

This test is used to determine how long it will take the noise in your ear
to get less or go away after a period of masking. This is an efficient way
to determine the best treatment.

Although each of these tests is considered non-invasive, they are all

performed differently, depending on the patient’s symptoms and
tolerance levels. And thus, it is difficult to completely describe how they
will be performed. That’s up to you and your doctor.

While some test results may be available immediately, do keep in mind

that more often than not, it’ll take days or weeks for the doctor or
doctors you are seeing to evaluate and compare the results and
determine the best course of action to treat your Tinnitus.

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Diagnosing Your Tinnitus 101

More About Testing

Some of the best ways to learn more about Tinnitus testing is to

research the internet; speak with people who have undergone the same
tests you will face; or contact one of the many Tinnitus organizations,
support groups and other resources that have been listed in the back of
this book.


As we’ve already discussed, Tinnitus can play havoc with your emotions.
It can cause both mental and physical strain, and Tinnitus can become
harder to deal with as the condition progresses. It is thus more
important than ever to undergo testing and diagnosis as soon as
possible to find relief.

Since it can cause trauma in just about every sufferer, the emotional side
of Tinnitus must be considered when you are trying to establish a
treatment plan. The simple act of worrying about your Tinnitus can
make it worse – and this can make it harder to treat. In addition, a lack
of sleep caused by the noises you hear can cause fatigue and a break
down in your immune system.

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Many sufferers report that their Tinnitus interferes with their daily
activities, not to mention relationships. Unable to continue with “life as
usual,” these patients often feel isolated and begin to withdraw from
normal activities just when they need them the most. Even their job
may suffer as they find it more and more difficult to concentrate or even
function due to the constant noise ringing in their ears.

Haunted by the sounds in their ears and head, many sufferers find
themselves growing increasingly more anxious and depressed. And
with that comes the frustration of not understanding what is happening,
and they can be left feeling as if there is no help available. But there is!
If you take the time to learn about the feelings that go along with your
illness, you can better understand your illness and learn how to cope
more efficiently.

Many people with Tinnitus go through the same stages as others who
are suffering from serious medical conditions such as denial, anger and
frustration, hopelessness and depression. Acknowledging these feelings
doesn’t mean that they will stick around.

Sure, you may wonder why this is happening to you and grieve the fact
that you may never be the same person you were before. You may even
experience a degree of fear that things will never be the same; that

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Diagnosing Your Tinnitus 103

you’ll lose your job; your family; and even your sanity. Rest assured,
these are all natural and normal things to feel.

The good news is that, eventually you will be able to accept your
condition and learn to move forward despite the fact that you are
obviously suffering. This is when you’ll be most receptive to finding

Another important thing to remember when you are trying to deal with
Tinnitus is that, it can cause upheaval for your family and friends too.
The fact is, it isn’t just a problem for patients to deal with, but for
everyone who cares about them.

Family members must watch their loved one as they battle the pain and
frustration of Tinnitus, as well as its myriad of devastating symptoms.
In addition to the insomnia, depression and moodiness of the Tinnitus
sufferer, those closest to him/her must sometimes also deal with the
person emotionally closing off from those whom he or she loves and
lives with.

Keeping the lines of communication open is especially important for

maintaining solid relationships despite the ups and downs of the
Tinnitus sufferer.

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How you treat your Tinnitus will depend a great deal on your individual
symptoms; how you react to different treatments and so on. Everyone
reacts differently to Tinnitus, and therefore a person will need to find
his or her own method to treat it. Thankfully, there are a lot of options,
although finding the right one for you may take some time, patience and
further investigation. In the meantime, here are some of the more
common ways to reduce the noise within, while you and your doctor
look at ways to permanently cure your Tinnitus.

Changing Your Environment

Noise itself can have a big impact on your Tinnitus symptoms and how
you deal with them. For some people, reducing or eliminating loud
sounds in the environment is absolutely essential to their recovery.
Staying clear of noise or wearing ear plugs can be a big help when you
are trying to reduce the extra noise you hear in your ears.

Listening to more soothing sounds and masking white noise can also be
used to both drown out the sounds of Tinnitus, and retrain the brain to
stop hearing them altogether.

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Diagnosing Your Tinnitus 105

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining overall good health can also help you reduce your
symptoms. This includes eating a well-balanced diet; staying away from
caffeine, smoking and stress; and exercising regularly. The immune
system that isn’t working properly can actually cause your Tinnitus
symptoms to worsen. So it is very important that you should try to
control high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases to better
manage your Tinnitus.

Medication to the Rescue

As we’ve already discussed, there are medications that can help you
beat the symptoms and this includes anti-inflammatory drugs,
anticonvulsants and anti-depressants. Only your doctor can prescribe
heavy duty drug therapy, so be sure to discuss all the pros and cons of
these medications. Do ensure that you understand the side effects each
of these may cause.

Using a Hearing Aid

As we’ve learned, hearing loss can be a trigger to Tinnitus symptoms,

and thus it is obvious that if you can improve your hearing, you’ll be
able to reduce the extra noises in the head. This can sometimes be
accomplished by using a hearing aid. These aids seem to be most useful
for all those people whose hearing loss is in the range between 100 and

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Diagnosing Your Tinnitus 106

4,000 hz frequency – anything higher, and it could actually increase the

Tinnitus symptoms.

Hearing aids work by amplifying the ambient noise, and this allows the
wearer to hear more of the sounds around and concentrate less on the
sounds that are reverberating in the head. Of course this can take some
time. Most users don’t report instant relief from their Tinnitus once
they’ve begun using a hearing aid. Most say that they didn’t begin to
notice any noticeable difference until they’ve become comfortable with
the device, and this can take weeks for some people.


Stress, panic, anxiety and depression are all emotions (SPADE) that are
linked to Tinnitus. As we’ve discussed, no one is certain which comes
first, but one thing is clear: treating the symptoms can offer the much
needed relief from Tinnitus in those who exhibit high SPADE levels.

Although an unofficial way to track your stress levels, the SPADE tests
can give you a good idea whether your emotional state of mind in the
past 18 months or so could have contributed to your Tinnitus.

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Diagnosing Your Tinnitus 107

Developed by stress researchers Holmes and Rahe many years ago, it is

still used by doctors today to rate a person’s stress levels.

To take the test, put a check mark next to each category that has applied
to you in the last 18 months. If you have experienced more than one
item in a category, place two checks there, counting them both in your
final tally. Ready to get started? Check for the following:

Death of a spouse (100 pts)

Divorce (73 points)

Marital Separation (65 points)

Jail Term (63 points)

Death of a close family member (63 points)

Personal injury or illness (53 points)

Marriage (50 points)

Loss of your job (47 points)

Marital Reconciliation (45 points)

Retirement (44 points)

Change in a family member’s health (44 points)

Pregnancy (44 points)

Sexual Difficulties (39 points)

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Diagnosing Your Tinnitus 108

Addition to the family (39 points)

Business Readjustment (39 points)

Change in financial status (39 points)

Death of a close friend (37 points)

Change to a different line of work (36 points)

Change in the number of marital arguments (36 points)

Loan over $10,000 (31 points)

Foreclosure of mortgage or loan (30 points)

Change in work responsibilities (29 points)

Child leaving home (29 points)

Trouble with in-laws (29 points)

Outstanding personal achievement (28 points)

Spouse stops or begins work (26 points)

Starting or finishing school (26 points)

Change in living conditions (25 points)

Revision of personal habits (24 points)

Trouble with boss (23 points)

Change in work hours or conditions (20 points)

Change in residence (20 points)

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Change in recreational habits (19 points)

Change in social activities (18 points)

Change in church activities (19 points)

Loan under $10,000 (17 points)

Change in sleeping habits (16 points)

Change in number of family gatherings (15 points)

Change in eating habits (15 points)

Vacation (13 points)

Christmas Season (12 points)

Minor Violation of the law (11 points)


Evaluating Your Results

According to research, more than half of those scoring above 300 will
experience health problems during the testing period, while only 10%
of those with scores under 300 will face health concerns during the
same time.

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Diagnosing Your Tinnitus 110


More than half of all Tinnitus sufferers also suffer from some sort of
panic disorder. Although little research has been conducted to better
understand this link, most Tinnitus professionals believe that there is a
strong correlation between the two.


Like stress, anxiety can heighten your senses – even your hearing.
Tinnitus sufferers who exhibit high levels of anxiety often report more
severe symptoms. The good news is that, anxiety is a learned response
and can be treated very successfully with hypnotherapy and self
hypnosis techniques, and this can in turn improve your Tinnitus.


It has been found that treating depression can lower your Tinnitus and
reduce any distress you may experience due to the disorder. More than
just “feeling blue,” true depression needs to be diagnosed by a
professional using a simple screening technique. This is not a sign of
weakness - asking for help to treat your depression is a sign of great
strength, and this can be the first step to your road to Tinnitus recovery.

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Diagnosing Your Tinnitus 111

Emotional Disorders

In some people, Tinnitus can also be caused by an emotional disorder

and if left untreated, it will only cause the noise in your head to grow
louder and more acute.

Ruling Out Any Dangerous Reasons for Your Tinnitus

Don’t treat your Tinnitus until you know what’s causing it! After all, you
wouldn’t get rid of a symptom that’s trying to alert you of a more
dangerous problem!

Although most causes of Tinnitus are not life threatening, it is important

to rule out anything dangerous before you decide about your treatment
plan. So be sure to insist on having a CT Scan or MRI to rule out any
serious causes of your Tinnitus before taking a decision about the
treatment plan.

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Diagnosing Your Tinnitus 112


Alex’s Story

Alex wasn’t about to let Tinnitus ruin his life. That’s why he decided to
do his own research to find treatments and the best method (or
methods) to get rid of the excess noise in his head once and for all.
Maybe you’re like Alex, and have decided to take your treatment into
your own hands. Good for you!

After traveling from one doctor to another for easing his Tinnitus
symptoms, he finally decided to take a new approach: he decided to turn
to homeopathic treatment. First, he found a homeopathic doctor in his
area and began to discuss ways in which he could boost his immune
system and get his body working more efficiently, while they
investigated the root source of his Tinnitus.

While the diet and exercise regiment he was on was indeed making him
feel better (and even relieving some of his Tinnitus symptoms under
certain circumstances), Alex decided to take a more aggressive
approach and opted for habituation therapy. Lucky to find a certified
specialist in his area who oversaw his treatment, Alex began the long

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Diagnosing Your Tinnitus 113

arduous task of discovering which emotional connections were bringing

on his Tinnitus and retraining his brain to break the memory loop.

Although he initially believed that damage to his ears was the root cause
of the constant noises he heard, he soon learned that a traumatic event
in his life prior to the onset of the symptoms was what was really
causing the noise. This understanding, coupled with concrete
habituation therapy methods, all helped Alex to work through his
emotions and break the memory loop that was constantly replaying in
his brain and ears.

Still anxious to find relief while the real habituation work was
progressing, Alex decided to turn to one more method of treating his
Tinnitus: acupuncture. This helped him rebalance his body’s energies
and reduce stress. Alex began to find relief from his symptoms, and felt
comfortable in the knowledge that a cure was on its way. He was
confident that he would eventually find permanent relief from his
symptoms – and he did! Like so many other Tinnitus survivors, Alex
used a variety of treatment options to get the relief he craved – and
deserved. Not always an easy journey, he admits that looking beyond
conventional medicine is what finally cured him of his Tinnitus and the
havoc it was creating in his life.

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June’s Story

It seemed to come out of the blue. One day June was enjoying a quiet
afternoon in her garden, and the next she noticed a slight buzzing
sensation in her right ear. It didn’t bother her much at first. After all,
she’d heard it from time to time in the past when her allergies were
acting up, or she had a really bad cold. But this time it was different.
The noise wasn’t going away and it seemed to be growing louder.
Within a few days, she was experiencing excruciating headaches and
began to fear the worst, so she headed to the doctor for a check-up.

After a quick exam, the doctor assured her that nothing serious was
wrong, and sent her on her way, assuring her that the noise was
temporary, probably induced by allergies, and would disappear in a day
or two. But it didn’t.

Before long, June couldn’t sleep. She felt anxious and jittery all the time,
and was beginning to feel as if the noise in her head was taking over her
life. Depression was setting in and she knew she needed help. Yet, her
family doctor offered no solutions, and so she headed for the local ENT
specialists. There, she underwent a series of hearing tests, an MRI and
even a CT Scan. All showed absolutely nothing medically wrong with
her. That’s when she finally got a diagnosis: Tinnitus.

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“Great, she thought. Now we can treat it.” She was however
disappointed when the doctor told her that there really was no cure for
Tinnitus, and she would simply have to “learn to live with it.”

“I thought he was crazy,” she later confessed. “Who could live with the
incessant noise I was hearing. I was positive that if I couldn’t get it to
stop, it would drive me mad!”

Understanding her desperation, and her obvious signs of depression,

the ENT began trying out all sorts of heavy-duty anti-depressants and
anti-convulsion drugs on her, but none offered even the slightest relief.

Fearing the worst, June began to slide further into a deeper depression.
She pulled away from the people in her life and literally locked herself
away in her home, only concentrating on the noises in her ears. Things
were getting worse and she knew it.

That’s when her daughter suggested hypnotherapy to ease her anxiety

and maybe even offer some relief. She was however doubtful whether it
would help – after all, nothing the doctor had given her eased her
suffering. June agreed to meet the hypnotherapist anyway. What a

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The first thing June noticed was how seriously the hypnotherapist took
her symptoms. She listened intently as June described how her Tinnitus
had started and how it had progressed. The therapist asked her all
types of questions about how she felt right before and after an attack,
and even what she ate regularly. Much to her surprise, the
hypnotherapist had two diagnoses: the first being that, her Tinnitus
was a reaction to a car accident she had experienced a few weeks before
her symptoms emerged. No, she had not been injured in the slight
fender bender, but the emotions that her brain linked to what
happened, had created a memory loop of sounds that she heard right
before the accident. This included a chirping bird, a car horn, the music
from an ice cream truck and even some children laughing and playing at
a playground across the street. Now, every time she heard those (or
similar) sounds, her brain would tell the rest of her body that danger
was lurking, causing it to go into its natural fight or flight response, thus
replaying the sounds in her head over and over again.

The second thing the hypnotherapist uncovered was a possible food

allergy or reaction when June ate citrus. Since her Tinnitus was worse
in the morning after breakfast (at which time she regularly ate a
grapefruit and drank an 8 oz glass of OJ), the therapist suggested that
the citrus in her diet could be aggravating her symptoms.

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To help ease her pain (and the noise in her head), June cut out all citrus
from her diet while she began regular hypnotherapy sessions. True to
the words of the therapist, the morning bouts of higher-pitched noise
eased off within a few days. While June could still hear the Tinnitus, the
volume and frequency wasn’t nearly as debilitating once this simple
dietary change was made. But that was only the beginning.

Within weeks of starting her hypnotherapy, June began to notice that

the noises she was hearing were not creating so much of a problem on
her nerves any more. Yes, the noise was still there, but they were
becoming more of an annoyance and less of a threat to her well being.
Before long, she barely noticed it at all, and in a few months time, there
was absolutely no noise. She admits that the progression was so subtle
that she can’t really pinpoint the exact time when the noise stopped
altogether. “All I know is that one day I noticed that it was gone. What a
relief. I was free at last. Now I can sit on my back porch and enjoy the
peace and quiet once again.”

Doc’s Story

“I am a doctor, so I knew that I wasn’t going crazy – the sounds in my

head were real – but it still felt as if I was…” and so begins Doc’s account
of his struggle with Tinnitus.

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A general practitioner himself, Doc knew all the medical reasons why he
may have begun hearing an incessant whizzing and whirring sound in
his left ear, but after failing to pinpoint an exact cause, he was left
wondering if any traditional treatment options would work.

“Sure, there were drugs that might be able to help, but I hesitated
knowing both the side effects and the stigma associated with many of
the meds being used to treat Tinnitus,” he explained. “So I began to
immerse myself in hundreds of studies on Tinnitus being conducted
around the world looking for answers.”

What Doc found was astounding. In one study he learned that nearly
half of all Tinnitus patients turning to psychiatric drugs therapy found
relief – that left 40-50% still without hope – or help!

Next, he began to look for reasons why some people tended to have a
more difficult time dealing with the noises in their head. His research
showed that those who exhibit higher stress and anxiety levels often
exhibit more distress from their Tinnitus than others. That may explain
why someone with a 70 decibel Tinnitus noise may be in excruciating
discomfort, while another person with the same volume and frequency
hardly noticed the sound.

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This also helped him better understand that Tinnitus isn’t always a
problem in the ear, but that it can sometimes be caused by a disruption
in the emotional brain.

That’s what led him to look at alternative homeopathic treatment

options for those suffering with Tinnitus, and where it wasn’t a result of
an injury, disease or some other malformation of the ear. To his
surprise, he learned how much relief could be experienced by simply
boosting the immune system to guide the body toward optimal health;
using hypnosis to break the memory loop linking the emotions of
Tinnitus to the brain which is telling the ears that it “hears” a specific
sound over and over again; and making sounds using white noise and
even reprogramming the brain with habituation therapy. All of these
methods, used separately, or in conjunction with one another, led Doc to
believe that a cure for his noise could indeed be found.

His quest wasn’t easy. It took almost two years, and there were a lot of
false starts along the way, but Doc eventually found the right mix of
herbal therapy, diet, exercise, stress reduction, acupuncture and
masking that finally eased his symptoms and helped him tune out his
Tinnitus once and for all. Sure, there are days when he says his brain
gets the better of him and he begins to hear the low din of his Tinnitus
noise. But, he says he can easily refocus his attention on something else,

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while taking the time to recognize his triggers (and avoid them) and
finally get his Tinnitus back under control.

While his journey through Tinnitus hasn’t always been easy, Doc is glad
he had to undergo it because now, he can honestly tell his own patients
that help is out there: if you’re persistent and patient, you’ll be able to
break free from the noise and enjoy a quieter life once more.

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Chapter Four: 121



Understanding the way in which the brain stores sensory information is

vital to reducing Tinnitus symptoms and finding your own “cure.”


Let’s begin by discussing the phantom perception of Tinnitus. Have you

ever heard of someone who has had a limb amputated, only to scream in
pain from a limb that is no longer connected to his body? Is this
phantom pain real? Of course it is! Research has shown that the pain
the patient feels is as real as it was when the limb was connected. Why?
Because the brain continues to “remember” it and post those pain
notices to the rest of the body.

The same phenomenon happens in regards to Tinnitus: the brain

remembers certain sounds and continues to send the signals of hearing
it, even when the sound is absent in the environment. This “misfiring”
of neuron connections in the brain creates the sound in the patient’s
ears and head, over and over again. The only way to stop the sound is to

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break the loop that the neurons and the brain have created. This can be
done by rewiring the patient’s brain using specific hypnosis and
habituation therapy techniques.


For years, people have believed that Tinnitus is a hearing or “ear”

problem, while in reality, recent research has revealed that it is more of
an emotional brain phenomenon.

The brain is an amazing thing. It is where we actually “hear.” The brain

not only stores memories and experiences (including sound), but it tells
the ears to hear those sounds. The ear is a mere conduit of sound
waves; it is the brain that actually takes those electrical waves and
creates the “sound” around us.

Long after someone becomes deaf, they often cite hearing sounds in
their dreams. How is this possible if their auditory nerve fails to
function? This can happen because their brain is remembering or
hearing the sounds that have been left in their head. It is this same
phenomenon that creates – or rather recreates – the sounds of Tinnitus.

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By realizing that your Tinnitus may indeed be more a brain matter than
an ear matter, you can begin to treat the brain to decrease the volume of
the sound you hear, and also to lesson your emotional response to it.

Retraining the brain isn’t easy. It takes time, patience and a skilled
professional. But it can be done! The goal of treating your Tinnitus is
meaningless, unless you can train the brain to stop concentrating on the
sounds it creates. You must also train the brain to shift attention to
other areas.


There are a myriad of things that can ultimately cause Tinnitus.

However it can be said that in most patients, the symptoms originate
from one of the following three main cause categories:

1. Ototoxic Drugs. While most medications are

meant to eradicate the symptoms, sometimes
drugs can have a toxic affect, and this can cause
ailments such as Tinnitus as well. Anti-
inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen seem to

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have a serious effect on hearing and should be

discontinued if Tinnitus symptoms begin to
appear after taking this medication. The good
news is that, drug-induced Tinnitus will often
disappear if the medication is discontinued.

2. Physical Disorders/Disease. In addition to

actual disorders of the ears and/or brain, other
physical problems can also cause Tinnitus.
Some of the most common culprits include:

· Diabetes and Hyperinsulinemia – This may create a slowing

of blood flow in the ear, thus causing a nutrient deficiency in
the hair cells that transmit sound waves to the brain. It has
been reported that as many as 84% of all Tinnitus patients
may experience symptoms due to this problem, making it
even more important to regulate their glucose levels.

· Otoscelerosis -- A condition of the ear that can be corrected

with surgery to remove one of the three small bones of the
ear called the staples, and then replaced with prosthesis.

· Meniere’s Disease, Allergies, Blood Pressure Abnormalities

and more -- Since many of these common medical
conditions have been linked to the onset of Tinnitus, it is
important to discuss your symptoms with your doctor to
determine if an underlining medical condition could be

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causing your symptoms. Often, treatment of the condition

will alleviate the Tinnitus noise you are hearing.

3. Physical Trauma. The inner ear is very delicate and can be easily
damaged, and this can cause either temporary or even permanent
Tinnitus. You don’t have to be involved in a serious accident to be
injured. Something as simple as excessive earwax buildup can
damage the inner ear. Even a sudden change in the barometric (air)
pressure due to an air flight or even water sport can cause a ringing
in the ears. Though this is usually temporary, but sometimes the
damage could be more severe, and it could last.


Problems within the inner ear can indeed cause Tinnitus (as we’ve
already learned); but when no malfunction in the ear can be detected, it
is time to turn your attention to the brain to diagnosis the problem and
treat it successfully.

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There is a powerful link between Tinnitus and emotion. Let me explain.

It is believed that in many cases, Tinnitus is a direct result of either fear
or some similar emotion like anxiety and panic that is experienced when
a certain sound is heard.

Let’s say that you have sadly got involved in a terrible car crash. As the
crash occurs, a myriad of emotions will flood your body (and brain), as
you hear a variety of noises ( tires squealing, horns blowing, people
yelling; metal crunching, etc). As you experience the emotion connected
to the scene, it is sent to the brainstem where the brain regulates
survival responses. Once there, the emotion triggered by the sound is
then transferred to the thalamus, which acts as a relay station between
the ears and the auditory cortex. From there, it splits to the amygdale,
hippocampus, the auditory cortex or the temporal lobe, where sounds
are sorted and saved.

As all of this is happening, each place the sound travels has a decision to
make. Is it dangerous? Does it elicit a fear response, and so on? For
instance, if the noise causes fear, the hypothalamus may pull an alarm,
releasing important hormones that are designed to regulate our body’s
fight or flight response. Meanwhile, other parts of the body begin to

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release their own chemicals and hormones that are needed for survival.
This essentially links the noise to a feeling of fear and anxiety within the
brain and in response, every time you hear that noise in the future, your
body will react in a similar way. Over time, this heightened awareness
and the body’s responses can wear down the sufferer’s immune system
and emotions.

To make matters worse, once the brain creates an emotional connection

to the noise, it creates an ongoing memory loop, which will continually
replay it, making you hear the sound over and over again, day or night,
whether the environment around you is quiet or not. Keep in mind that
it doesn’t necessarily have to be a traumatic event that creates this “loop
of constant noise” in your head. It just has to be a noise that is connected
to an emotion that triggers the body’s natural responses. This is why
Tinnitus sufferers continue to hear noise in their head long after the
environment around them has calmed down. Their brain continues to
play the noise loop, despite an absence of any “real” noise.

That is one reason why Tinnitus can be so difficult to treat using

traditional medicine. In patients where the noises stem from an
emotional reaction within the brain, nothing can stop the noise until the
loop is broken and the emotional response created within the brain
itself is dealt with. This is best done with a combination of hypnosis,

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psychotherapy, behavioral changes and medications, which we’ll discus



Why is it that some people suffer endlessly at a certain volume and

frequency, while others are barely bothered by it? The brain has a lot to
do with how a patient reacts to the volume and frequency of their
Tinnitus. If they allow their emotions to rule, then they are likely to
have a more severe reaction to even the slightest volume and frequency
level. On the other hand, if a person is able to tell himself that the
Tinnitus is not bothering him, he would definitely be able to deal with
the symptoms with much more ease.

To better understand the connection between a patient’s reaction (and

distress) to his Tinnitus and its volume and sound frequency, Jane
Henry PhD. and Peter Wilson PhD. conducted a research study in 1995
in Australia that reported the following results:

· Those who cope well with Tinnitus tend to use their anxiety
to their benefit

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· Those who find it difficult to cope with their symptoms

often experience mild to severe depression

· Extremely loud Tinnitus usually results in some sort of

distress experienced by the patient

· Those who experience moderate levels of Tinnitus rarely

report noticeable feelings of distress

· If a Tinnitus patient feels more distressed, it is more likely

that he will experience ongoing depression associated with
the disorder

· Patients who are highly distressed by their Tinnitus

symptoms report more negative thoughts in regards to the

· Negative thoughts regarding the disorder tend to be limited

to the Tinnitus itself, and are not carried over into thought
about the patient’s general life

· While depression is associated with Tinnitus, it is not

considered a depressive disorder

· Some people can be severely limited by their Tinnitus, and

they can allow it to interfere with their normal or regular

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Tinnitus can be a vicious cycle that tends to play off on the emotions of a
patient. For instance, a patient may find himself feeling depressed
because of the limitations incurred by his symptoms, and the symptoms
can worsen because of the feelings of depression. Or, a patient may feel
stressed and overwhelmed by the constant noises bombarding him only
to discover that stress is a main trigger of Tinnitus. This can make it
even more difficult to break the memory loop cycle that may be causing
the symptoms in the first place.

Coming to grips with the fact that the noises you hear are indeed real
(even if they are no longer present in your environment), and that you
are not “going crazy,” can very much help you overcome your symptoms
easily. The key to overcoming Tinnitus is to understand that you are
hearing an ever present memory of sound. Once you understand this,
you will be more open to the suggestions coming up to help you break
this memory loop and finally free yourself from the noises within.

You can indeed tune out your Tinnitus once and for all, if you
understand what is causing it, and can deal with the emotional

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connections your brain has used to replay the sounds that you once
heard over and over again.

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Chapter Five: 132




Tuning out your Tinnitus is likely to take a comprehensive approach

that should deal with several issues at once: any medical concerns that
may be causing your symptoms; physical deformities or problems;
medications that could be worsening the symptoms, and of course the
emotional brain connection. Most patients find that their doctors try
several different treatments before finding the right mix; although some
people respond much better to holistic treatment than anything else.

I, myself used the following five-pronged holistic approach to find relief

for my Tinnitus, and no matter what other treatment options you are
pursuing, it can’t hurt (and most likely will only help) your symptoms.

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Step 1: 133




Can your diet really affect how bad your Tinnitus is, or is likely to
become? Research says yes! The foods you eat can affect your
symptoms; either by increasing or decreasing their severity. Learning
what foods to eat can take a lot of trial and error, since everyone reacts
to foods and other substances differently. We will discuss some
important nutritional rules that are to be followed in this chapter.

While there is no specific diet aimed at keeping Tinnitus under control,

one thing is certain, and this is that, eating a nutritious well-balanced
diet will help you lower your stress levels and boost your immune
system - both important aspects of treating any type of medical
disorder, including Tinnitus.

You may have never realized that the foods you eat are affecting your
Tinnitus, and thus can be used to treat it. Once you begin to log your
food intake and any symptoms you experience afterward, you will begin
to notice patterns that can be used to reduce the sounds you hear.
Learning which foods are good for you and which ones increase the

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noise, can make a big difference in how much your Tinnitus will
ultimately interfere with your life.



But first, let’s talk about the role food allergies play in your struggle
with Tinnitus. There is some debate as to whether certain foods affect
Tinnitus because the patient suffers from some sort of allergy to the
food, or if it is indeed the food itself that causes the hearing problem.
However, there is evidence to suggest that food allergies can cause
chronic inflammation or even infection in the ear, and this can indeed
result in hearing loss and Tinnitus symptoms. The most common foods
that can cause allergy reactions among Tinnitus sufferers include:

· wheat

· soybean products

· milk

· eggs

· peanuts

The best way to determine if any food (regardless of an allergy or not),

is affecting your Tinnitus symptoms is by keeping a log of your

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symptom levels, and trying and link any specific foods to an increase in
your ear noise. If you suspect a food may be aggravating your
symptoms, you will need to eliminate it from your diet for a few weeks
to see if your Tinnitus improves or not.


You’ve heard it before and we’re going to tell you again: the healthiest
diet is a well-balanced one! It doesn’t matter whether you suffer from
Tinnitus or not, if you want your body to work properly, you need to
give it premium fuel. That includes staying away from junk foods that
are filled with empty calories, and increasing your intake of healthy
foods rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins.

Many doctors who treat Tinnitus believe that the Mediterranean Diet,
consisting of whole, freshly prepared foods, consisting of plenty of fruits
and vegetables, whole grains, beans and nuts works very well.

The diet has become extremely popular as a way to maintain a healthier

weight. It is rich in whole grained bread or pasta, fruits, vegetables, olive
oil, cheese and yogurt that you must take every day, fish, poultry eggs
and sweets offered several times a week, and red meat that needs to be
taken several times in a month. Of course, many people believe that
increasing red meat consumption is even better in treating Tinnitus due
to the high protein levels it offers. The point is that, if you suffer from

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Tinnitus, you will need to take special care of your overall health, and so
you must eat a well-balanced diet.


Yes, there is perhaps no scientific proof that says that eating certain
types of foods will decrease the Tinnitus noise in your head. But it
has been proved that nutritional deficiencies are linked to certain
auditory nerve damages, which can contribute to it. To avoid one of
these deficiencies, be sure to eat plenty of foods that are rich in these
important nutrients:

· Vitamin A - to get enough Retinol (vitamin A), be sure to eat

plenty of fresh green and yellow vegetables, cod liver oil,
liver, milk and butter.

· Vitamin D – you can get this when the skin is exposed to

sunlight. You can also get vitamin D from cod liver oil, egg
yolk, and cream.

· Iron – to avoid iron deficiency, be sure to eat plenty of red

meat, chicken, turkey, liver and oysters.

· Zinc – to get enough Zinc in your diet, eat these important

foods: oysters, lamb, pumpkin seeds, eggs, milk and beans.

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· Manganese -- a trace mineral found in some rock

formations, everyone needs a small amount of this in their
daily diet to remain healthy. But do remember, excessive
amounts of this can be very dangerous. It is however
important to get between 2.5 and 5 mg. from foods high in
manganese (bananas, celery, cereals, green leafy vegetables,
beans, nuts and whole grains) in your diet every day.

Other Foods to Eat

In addition to the foods listed above, it is important to eat plenty of the

following foods to ensure that you are getting the nutrition you need to
fight your Tinnitus symptoms:

· Non gluten grains, such as millet, quinoa and amaranth are

a wonderful substitute for wheat products, which has been
linked to an increase of symptoms in some people.

· Yogurt – one of the best foods for boosting your immune

system, yogurt contains a live bacterium that is essential to
keep your body in tip-top shape. Look for brands that
contain Probiotics and live cultures such as Lactobacillus
acidophilus or Bifidobacterium. Recommended daily
allowance: ¾ cup (175 ml).

· Garlic – garlic has been touted as an all-around health saver

in recent years, probably because it contains powerful

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compounds such as allicin, ajoene and thiosulfinates that

can help your body fight bacteria, virus and a variety of
other infections. While you can find garlic supplements in
most health food stores, many people prefer to simply add it
to their regular recipes to enjoy its flavor along with its
health benefits.

· Carrots – Carrots aren’t just good for your eyes, they’re

good for your entire body! They contain high levels of beta
carotene that helps your body fight infection. Simply adding
a ½ cup (or about 1 large sized carrot) to your daily diet can
boost your immune system tremendously.

· Soy (and soy products) – Soy is a great source of

important anti-oxidants, which are known to boost the
production of B cells that help your body make important
antibodies to fight disease and infection.

Of Special Note: While a moderate intake of dairy products and red

meat can give your body the nutrients that it needs to battle your
Tinnitus, it is important to only eat organic products from organic
grass fed sources to avoid any toxic effects from the hormones and
antibiotics that are found in traditional meat and dairy sources. Those
suffering from Tinnitus may also want to avoid eating dairy products
that are derived from cows, opting instead for sheep and goat milk

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Just as there are foods you must include in your diet to keep your
auditory nerves functioning properly and good oxygen flowing to
your inner ear, there are some foods which should be avoided by
some people. But do remember that these foods may not affect
everyone with Tinnitus. Here are a few foods that have been linked
to increased Tinnitus noise in some and should thus be avoided until
the allergy or sensitivity to them has been determined:

Caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea and cola can all increase the
noise of Tinnitus by creating an unnatural high and low, which can
increase anxiety, stress and even depression in some people.

Cocoa, found in chocolate and pastries can also stimulate the effects,
and this can heighten the already overly sensitive senses such as

Saturated fats can increase your blood pressure, which is a direct cause
of Tinnitus. It can also increase the blood level fats that can restrict
oxygen and nutrients to the inner ear, resulting in hearing loss.

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Alcohol may increase symptoms in some people (especially those who

react to alcohol because it stimulates them). However it can also help
those who find that drinking alcohol has a calming effect on their body.
Only you can gauge your own sensitivity to alcohol and determine
whether or not it is bad for your Tinnitus.

Sodium-, (salt) has been linked to increased symptoms in some

patients. When you are trying to limit salt, be sure to check the
processed foods you are eating for sodium levels, because it can
sometimes be quite high in prepared foods.

Sugar too has been linked to hearing loss and an increase in Tinnitus
noise. Like other stimulants, too much sugar can restrict blood vessels
in the inner ear, reducing the amount of oxygen it gets, thus causing
hearing problems.

Dairy and wheat products may increase the symptoms in some people
if an allergy to these substances is present in the body. It is always best
to eat organic dairy products that are void of hormones and antibiotics,
or ones that come from sheep or goat’s milk.

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Citrus. No one knows exactly why citrus fruits such as oranges and
grapefruits seem to increase Tinnitus noise, but many patients report a
decrease in symptoms after eliminating citrus from their diet.


Maintain a detailed symptoms log – this is one of the best things you can
do to see if the foods you are eating are indeed affecting your Tinnitus
or not. You must meticulously record everything you ingest (including
foods, drinks, and medications) over a few weeks or months. In
addition, you’ll want to make notations regarding other things that may
affect your symptoms including stress, fatigue or others that are causing
the problems. Once you begin to keep the log, it is likely that you will
see a pattern of the things that may be triggering more severe bouts of
Tinnitus, or you may even notice things that may be helping it. In any
case, it will help you to see which foods (if any) could be contributing to
your Tinnitus distress.


Herbs have been used for centuries to treat every ailment known to
man – so why not Tinnitus? Keep in mind though that while they can be

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helpful, herbs should be taken with care because they can become toxic
if taken in the wrong amounts or for too long. Be sure to see a certified
herbalist for long-term treatment and let your regular doctor know
what herbs you are using to suppress your Tinnitus symptoms.

Not sure which herbs are best for treating Tinnitus? Here are a few that
have worked well for most sufferers:

Gingko Biloba

If you suffer from restricted blood flow in the ear, Gingko Biloba may be
the answer. One of the most popular herbs used to treat Tinnitus,
Gingko Biloba promotes blood flow and circulation in the inner ear;
protects your body from free radical cell damage; and blocks the effects
of blood or platelet factors. All of this can be used to decrease Tinnitus
noise in some people.

Found in most health food stores in either an elixir, extract or tablet

form, the treatment can take several weeks however. So you must keep
your patience when you are in this treatment method.

Coffee Cruda

The natural question to ask is - if you’re supposed to stay away from

caffeine because it worsens your symptoms, why would you use Coffee

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Cruda to treat Tinnitus? The fact is, one of the most basic laws of
Homeopathic medicine is that, you must treat “like with like”. Although
drinking coffee might stimulate you, Coffee Cruda is actually believed to
work to calm the nerves, and its residual anxiety, to lower the Tinnitus
noise by producing the opposite effect of caffeine.

Goldenseal Hydrastus

One of the most widely used herbs in the world, Goldenseal is a root that
is used to reduce the thickness of the mucous in the inner ear. By
reducing overly thick mucous and encouraging the flow of healthy
mucous in the ear, patients can get relief almost immediately from many
of the pounding sounds related to Tinnitus.

Black Cohosh

Used by the North American Indians as standard medication for a

variety of ailments, Black Cohosh is widely respected as a natural
remedy for Tinnitus due to its ability to increase vascular activity in and
around the ear. Do remember that it can take 2-4 weeks before any
improvements are seen when you are taking this herb. However, most
patient’s report at least some improvement after a few weeks. The
recommended dosage is 20 mg per day.

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Herbal Ear Drops

There are a variety of herbal ear drops that are now available for
Tinnitus patients, but the only that has been proved to work to reduce
the buzzing and ringing of Tinnitus is a formula called Bio Ear. This has
been made in Sweden from aloe, ginseng root, bitter orange, dandelion
root, myrrh, saffron, senna leaves, camphor rhubarb root, zedoary root,
carline thistle root and angelica.


Rich in iron, potassium and magnesium, Sesamum Indicum has been

used by traditional Chinese Medicine for generations to treat Tinnitus,
as well as to bolster overall health. One reason it may work to reduce
Tinnitus noise is because of the fact that it can lower the blood pressure,
which is a major cause of Tinnitus. Simply add the seed to your regular


If you experience echoing sounds due to hearing loss, Lycopodium is

perhaps the answer. Derived from the yellowish powder from the green
mossy Lycopodium plant, the remedy is most recommended for those
who suffer from some hearing impairment along with their Tinnitus.

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Cabro Vegatabilis

By absorbing toxins from the body, this “vegetable charcoal treatment”

doesn’t actually reduce your Tinnitus symptoms. However it can
dramatically improve other symptoms that accompany Tinnitus
including flu-like feelings, congestion and upset stomach.


A black lead powder, graphites are usually recommended for patients

who experience deafness in one or both the ears due to their Tinnitus.

Salicylicum Acidum

If you notice that your Tinnitus symptoms are increasing after taking
Aspirin, you may want to ward off these effects by using Salicylicum
Acidum. It is also good for those who experience a loud ringing or
roaring Tinnitus noise.

Siberian Ginseng

Known for its healing properties and the ability to restore vigor,
enhance overall health, and stimulate the body’s ability to better handle

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stressful conditions, it is sometimes used in treating Tinnitus that is

triggered by stress.

Echinacea Root

Known as the most popular Native American therapeutic herb,

Echinacea Root works by making the white blood cells and lymphocytes
more efficient in their fight to invade the organisms by stimulating the
cell’s activity. The recommended dosage is 500 mg. Take it once a day
for 3-4 weeks; followed by a 2-week respite from the medication.


Garlic is great at helping the body fight all kinds of bacteria, virus and
fungus. Rich in silicin, ajoene and thiosulfinates, garlic is a tasty way to
fight disease, and it also keeps your immune system healthy and strong.


A long green mossy vine-type plant that grows in cool, damp forests in
the Pacific Northwest, it features the bacteria fighting Usnea spores,
which nature uses to protect its host tree from bacteria and yeast. The
same antibacterial compounds that protect the trees in the forest also
fight the bacteria and yeasts that can cause sore nose and throat in

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humans. Usually brewed in a tea or made into throat lozenges, it is a

great herb for clearing out excess mucous in the nose, throat and ears.


The right mix of vitamins in your diet is essential to ward off Tinnitus
noise. The fact is that, the vast majority of people who suffer with
Tinnitus have some sort of vitamin deficiency, and the vitamin B
complex deficiency is at the top of this list.

Getting the proper amounts of Vitamin B-21, B-6 and B-12 can all
improve vascular activity and circulation, which can in turn reduce the
pressure in your ears and stop the noises pounding in your head.

Vitamin E is also a known circulation booster, which can reduce

Tinnitus noise. Vitamin A can lower your sensitivity to Tinnitus noise
and can also encourage the proper development of the actual ear

Getting enough vitamin C is important, since it can boost your immune

system and promote cochlear hair cell strength, and this can help you

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prevent any damage that may occur if you are exposed to loud noises.
Vitamin C is also good at fighting off any infections of the ear, which can
cause future bouts of Tinnitus.


Regular exercise can do a lot to reduce your Tinnitus symptoms. It can:

· reduce stress – a major case of Tinnitus

· improve your immune system – which can keep infection

and inflammation at bay

· improve your energy levels – which can help you cope

better with your symptoms

· increase circulation throughout your body – which can

eliminate many of the diseases that contribute to cause
Tinnitus noise including high blood pressure, diabetes and

· can make your entire body stronger – if you are healthier

and stronger, it will be less likely that you’ll hear excess
noise in the form of Tinnitus.

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Getting Enough Exercise Every Day

Exercise doesn’t have to mean hitting the gym at 5 o’clock every

morning. It does mean making an effort to get off the couch and do
something! That may mean taking an aerobics class, but it may also
mean taking a walk around the neighborhood every morning and every
evening; taking a dance class; finally planting that garden; playing
tennis; swimming; or a number of other exercise-based activities. Even
riding your bike with your kids and playing a game or two of old
fashioned sandlot baseball will do. It’s ok to put together your own
exercise routine, as long as you do something three or four times a week
for at least 30-45 minutes.

Still not sure how to make enough time for a regular exercise regime?
Start with these simple lifestyle changes:

· take the stairs instead of the elevator

· park in the furthest spot at the mall, grocery store, at the

workplace, etc.

· use the bathroom on a different floor at work (and take the

stairs to get there)

· do some stretches or aerobic exercises while watching your

favorite TV show

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· walk the dog (or someone else’s)

· get down on the floor and rough house with your kids (or

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We live in a culture that is obsessed with eliminating germs, and use

antibacterial soaps to hand gels that promise complete removal of
germs. We want to live in a world without the microbes that can invade
our bodies at every turn. We disinfect our homes, our shopping carts
and even our children, but what many do not realize is that, we already
have the ability to fight most of the dangers right within our bodies: our
immune system.

It is true that we come into contact with all kinds of potentially harmful
microbes every day: bacteria such as e. coli, parasites, toxins, viruses all
await us as we make our way through our day. If you have a healthy
immune system, you are however ready to fight off all but the worst
offenders and you won’t even realize you did it!

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Before we talk about the internal immune system, it may surprise you
that your skin is a part of the exterior immune system – this is like a first
line of defense. As the largest organ within us, it protects us against
bacteria that would otherwise enter our body, offers protection against
sun damage through the Melanocyte cells, and it is the Langerhans cells
that alert the immune system when trouble is on its way. Your tears,
mucus and saliva also contain enzymes that can break down bacteria.
Mucus can trap foreign invaders before they can reach the cells and
send them to the stomach where they are no match for stomach acid.

The organs involved in the immune system are:

· The Thymus

· The Spleen

· The Lymph System

· Bone Marrow

These organs work together to attack any perceived threat to our

health. The body is programmed to recognize any foreign material that
is in the bloodstream or the cells, and deploys the immune system to
work and kill whatever bacteria, virus or parasite has been introduced
into the body.

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Now that we know what makes up the immune system, let’s explore just
how this amazing system is set into motion and how it works, killing
whatever microbe would otherwise attack our bodies and run rampant.
Each component has its own job to do, but they all perform a similar
task, determining which cells belong to the body and which are there to
do harm.

The immune system is our protection from disease, but malfunctions of

this important system can cause problems of their own. In some cases,
the harmful microbes attach themselves to healthy cells and the
immune system may actually attack your body’s cells in an effort to rid
the body of the bacteria or virus. In the case of organ transplants, anti-
rejection drugs are given because the body’s immediate response to the
new organ will be to attack it. The immune system recognizes the
foreign body and will work hard to remove it, before it can do any harm.

When the immune system is healthy and working correctly, it is a

powerful force within us. The moment we are injured, whether it is a
broken bone, a scrape or a bug bite, the immune system gets to work to
protect our health and heal the injury. The raised bumps you get after a

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bug bite or the inflammation around a cut are the physical evidence of
your immune system at work.

The Thymus

The thymus is located in your chest cavity close to the heart. While it is
not generally considered important to the immune system of adults, it is
responsible for the production of T-cells and is absolutely essential for
the development of a healthy immune system in babies.

The Spleen

The spleen filters the blood and checks it for foreign microbes. It is
located in the upper left side of the abdomen and creates lymphocytes
that provide protection against disease and replace old worn out red
blood cells.

The Lymph System

If you go to the doctor with a cold or a sore throat, the professional will
often feel your neck to check for swollen lymph nodes or glands. The
swelling of these nodes, which is the end of the lymph vessel, is an
indication that your body is under attack by some kind of foreign
bacteria and that your immune system is on the job. The blood plasma

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carried by the lymph system is essential for filtering the inter-cell fluid
that is under attack when a bacterium is in our systems.

Bone Marrow

Stem cells are produced in the bone marrow, and once they become
mature immune system cells, they get distributed throughout the body.
Stem cells have been in the news for the last few years because they are
like a blank slate until they have been given a purpose, and the research
around them suggests that healthy stem cells will be able to cure many
diseases that have puzzled scientists for generations.


You may remember from a long ago science class that your blood
contains both red and white blood cells. The white blood cells do the
work of fighting infection in the body, and aren’t limited to one type of
cell. In fact, there are many types of white blood cells and each has a
special type of job to do. The white blood cells include:




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Plasma cells


Helper T-cells

Killer T-cells

Suppressor T-cells

Natural killer cells






Don’t worry, there won’t be a quiz on the types of cells, but we should
explore what these hard working immune system cells are doing in your
body right now. All white blood cells come under the heading of
leukocyte, and they begin in the bone marrow as stem cells. Once they
migrate and mature, they find their individual calling and get to work in
the body for the immune system.

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As the name suggests, these cells do their work in the lymph system and
are broken into B-cells and T-cells. B-cells produce antibodies to kill
germs, while T-cells take a more direct approach by simply bumping up
against the microbe and killing it. In the case of the helper and
suppressor T-cells, they work in conjunction with the killer T-cells to get
the job done correctly.


As the name indicates, the granulocytes contain granules and include

the neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils. These cells are the most
populous of the leukocytes and are responsible for finding and
eliminating inflammation and bacteria. Neutrophils are the most
common and they work by engulfing the foreign matter and killing it
with the granular material contained within. These cells create pus to
engulf bacteria that would harm your body.


These cells develop into macrophages, which are the largest of the white
blood cells and eventually specify their task to a particular organ.

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Now that you understand everything your immune system is doing each
day to protect you from bacterial infection, diseases and even the
common cold, you are probably wondering what you can do to optimize
its efficiency. Of course, a healthy lifestyle will result in a good and
strong immune system, but let’s take a look at some specific things that
can help you boost its effectiveness, and also learn what you can do to
strengthen your immune system so that it can work at its best for you.


Diet is a big one. Whether it’s a concern about immunity or heart

disease or fighting obesity, diet is both the topic and the tool necessary
to create a healthy life for all of us. Our culture has become one of fast
food, convenience foods and pre-packaged foods that are high in
saturated fats, artificial ingredients and sodium. All of these contribute
to the growing number of people who are battling weight problems and
the diseases that go hand in hand with obesity: diabetes, high blood
pressure and heart disease.

Eliminating fast food from your diet and avoiding fried and fatty foods
will put your body into a healthy groove and give you more energy and
better health. Replacing these foods with a diet of fresh fruits and

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vegetables (at least 5 servings every day) will put you on the path to a
strong immune system, and also help you lose weight and reap many
health benefits along the way.


When your body is at rest, it is able to repair itself better than when it is
in action. Your mother was right on this one. When you have a cold; you
should get a lot of sleep so that you can fight off the virus that has
attacked your cells. If you keep up with your regular routine when you
are sick, your body will be busy responding to all the activities you are
doing: walking, talking, thinking, and cooking, and all this will create
work for your cells. On the other hand, when you are asleep, your body
is only working on the involuntary functions and there is much less
stress on your cells. The immune system can work its best when you
are not doing anything and just recovering.

When you are healthy, it is just as important to get a good night’s sleep.
Most adults are going through their days without adequate sleep - most
do not get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep every night. This puts
us all at greater risk of an illness and does not allow our immune
systems to function well. Did you know that if you set that alarm to
wake you up, you are actually depriving your sleep? Some other
symptoms of either short or long term lack of sleep are: inability to
concentrate or make decisions; weight gain; clumsiness; poor daily

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function and drowsiness throughout the day. Our society is certainly on

the go, but we need to take our sleep needs seriously to remain healthy
and build our immune system.

If you are not suffering from a sleep disorder, there are many things you
can still do to improve the amount and quality of your sleep. If you
think you are struggling with sleep apnea or insomnia, you should
consult your physician for help as these are true medical conditions and
not the result of a habit. To improve your sleep, you should:

· avoid caffeine or sugar close to bedtime

· establish a good, relaxing bedtime routine

· avoid stimulation such as watching disturbing

television shows or the news right before you hit the
bed if you have a worrisome personality

· improve your daytime habits by exercising

With a few changes to your sleep routine and careful attention to the
amount of sleep you are getting, you will be improving your immune
system and your overall health as well.

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If there was a magical solution to health problems, it would probably be

regular aerobic exercise. From heart disease, to obesity, to depression,
exercise can have amazing results in reducing your symptoms. And
when you are on a healthy diet too, you can often reverse much of the
damage that has already been caused to your body. If you think of your
body as a machine, it needs to be in motion and running to work at its
best. If you left your car in the driveway and didn’t even turn the engine
over for months at a time, it is likely that the car will not start up the
next time you need it. Your body is built in the same way - we are made
for motion and for exercise.

Getting the recommended 30 minutes of exercise at least 3 days a week

will not only help your immune system, but also your heart, lungs,
outlook and it will also help you get more and better sleep!


If you feel thirsty, you are probably already dehydrated! Just by

drinking 6-8 glasses of water each and every day, you have given your
immune system a boost and your whole body will thank you. Your
blood pressure will be better if you stay hydrated as will your resting
heart rate. Many people find that their skin looks better and they sleep

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better when they are hydrated. More than 60% of your body is water,
so water is obviously necessary for proper functioning.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that diet, caffeine, and loaded sodas can be
equal to water because they don’t contain any calories. Diet beverages
are generally high in sodium and increase your desire for sweets
because they deliver the taste of a sweet without any calories. Caffeine
is a diuretic, which means, it eliminates water from the body, and thus
for every beverage you consume with caffeine, you should drink a bit
more water to replace what you are losing. If you cannot face a morning
without your cup of coffee or tea, consider eliminating all other sources
of caffeine from your day. You will soon regain the energy you may feel
you have lost from that caffeine “high.”

Alcohol serves as a depressant in the body and should be consumed in

only small amounts. If you choose to drink alcohol, try red wine instead
of white, as experts have touted the anti-oxidant properties of red wine.

Reduce Stress

Your immune system actually reacts in response to stress. It isn’t all in

your mind; there is a physiological component to stress that puts your
body in overdrive. Adrenaline rises, your heart and breathing quickens
and your muscles tense when you are under stress. Your immune

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system scrambles to push oxygen and hormones to the cells to combat

the effects of your reaction to situations when you are under extreme

When the stress isn’t immediate, but is long term, your body will
respond with lack of sleep or poor sleep, and often this might cause
depression, and this will create problems for the immune system.
Ongoing stress or anxiety can manifest itself in the body in a number of
ways, but mostly it’s our lifestyle changes during times of stress that
damage the immune system. We don’t eat as well, we skip exercise and
we remain awake at night thinking about our worries. This is not a good
way to build a strong immune system.

Ups and downs are an inevitable part of life, and no one is immune to
times of stress and anxiety. The way we react to these circumstances
and how we take care of ourselves in times of stress make all the
difference to our immune systems. Some ideas for managing stress:

· Exercise: exercise releases natural endorphins into

the body and makes us feel good both during the
activity and beyond. This, coupled with the other
health benefits of exercise should keep you exercising
even when life is hectic.

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· Talk: find someone you can talk to about your

problems: a support group, a concerned friend or
family member, a pastor or spiritual leader or even a
therapist. Being able to address your stress factors
and work through them will help you deal better.

· Breathing exercises: because the body is absorbing

the stress, you are probably depriving it of necessary
oxygen. So spend a few minutes a day, a few separate
times each day to do some deep breathing exercises.
This will help you calm your mind and it will also send
the much-needed oxygen to your cells.


Millions of people suffer from Tinnitus in different levels every year.

They are plagued with ringing, buzzing, even whistling in one or both
the ears, and the causes vary from simple earwax to more serious
underlying diseases, and even hardening of the arteries. Tinnitus,
though a hearing condition and not a typical threat to the immune
system, can still have a detrimental effect on the immune system.

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If you are suffering with Tinnitus, it is likely that your stress level
(which we will see is important to your immune system) will be
increased, and it will also reduce the amount of deep sleep you are able
to get at night. Imagine how difficult it would be to get any restful sleep
with a constant alarm clock going off in your head! This starts the cycle
where your immune system is not working at its optimal level, and your
body is vulnerable to everything from strep throat to parasite
colonization. This might sound dramatic, but it’s true.

Unable to restore itself during sleep, the immune system is suddenly

knocked off balance and is unable to function correctly. Treating the
cause and the symptoms of Tinnitus will generally alleviate the problem
and allow the immune system to return to normal functioning.


You may know someone who swears by his/her zinc tablets or huge
doses of vitamin C to cure a cold. The person may be on to something,
because both these elements are able to boost the natural protective
powers of the immune system. While neither can actually “cure” a virus,
which has to run its course by nature, a jumpstart to the immune system
can help you shorten the life of a virus, once it’s gotten hold in the body.

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Vitamin C

Vitamin C that is found in both the citrus fruits like oranges and
grapefruit and other fruits too such as strawberries is a great friend of
the immune system. It increases the amount of white blood cells that
are produced and released to attack an infection, and it increases the
amount of interferon that is produced by the body. 200 mg of Vitamin C
is the recommended dosage for most adults. There are however no
credible studies to support the claims that mega doses of the vitamin
are any more helpful than the standard dosage. As with any vitamin,
they are best absorbed through food, but may be supplemented when

Vitamin E

Vitamin E, found in healthy oils and grains, has much the same effect on
our bodies as Vitamin C. It increases the production of “killer” cells that
seek out and destroy infections. A multivitamin with 100 or more mg a
day will allow you to boost your immune system that is available from
Vitamin E.


Zinc is a mineral that increases the production of white blood cells and
T-cells that emanate from the Thymus. Zinc is thought to be essential to
ear health because of the concentrated amounts of zinc that are found in

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the inner ear. Much like the hype surrounding mega-doses of Vitamin C,
some people and companies claim that large amounts of zinc will fight
off a cold or attacks from other viruses. However be careful because too
much zinc can be dangerous and amounts over 75 mg per day can
actually depress the immune system rather than enhance it. You should
aim for 15 to 25 mg per day of zinc intake.

Zinc is found in food such as meats, beans and certain kinds of shellfish
such as oysters. A good multi-vitamin is likely to supplement your diet
with enough zinc, and it can create a positive effect on your immune


The third member of the “big three” anti-oxidant vitamins, beta-

carotene is another vitamin that increases the number of cells that are
produced to fight infection. It is also essential for fighting
cardiovascular diseases. Sweet potatoes, carrots, collard and other
greens are high in beta-carotene and are great natural sources for the

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We have touched briefly on the idea of diet as a way to build your

immune system already, but we should really spend some more time on
those specific foods that can help you put it on the right track. Every
year, sometimes every month, there seems to be a popular “super food”
that is the answer to all the world’s problems. Sometimes it is the
grapefruit diet or the spinach shake or a berry supplement, but in
reality, there is no one food that is the answer to any health problem. It
takes a variety of foods to achieve optimum health and build a strong
immune system.

As we mentioned earlier, our society has embraced the instant

gratification of fast food and convenience food products. Home made
meals have been replaced, and even the meals made at home have today
a great deal more processed ingredients than what was there just a
decade ago. There are so many convenience foods today that look like
their home made counterparts, that it’s easy to give up the idea of
healthy eating and opt for the time savings of a pre-made item.

Eat your vegetables

Fresh is always the best when it comes to putting together a healthy

diet, and one that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables will be the best

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help your immune system can get. Dark, leafy greens are rich in
vitamins and minerals as are the orange vegetables like sweet potatoes,
carrots and squash. Consuming 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every
day will pay off with big dividends in health improvement. When fresh
food is not available, frozen is the next best, with canned coming in
third. Canned vegetables are often prepared with added salt and should
be avoided when possible.

That’s Hot!

Believe it or not, foods that are spicy hot are good for you. Hot peppers
and even hot sauce can stimulate mucus production in the nasal
passages and can actually help you feel less congested when you are
suffering with cold or flu symptoms. Their strong flavors may also be
the only thing you can taste if you have a cold. Peppers also have good
anti-oxidant properties.

Remember the Protein

Protein is an important part of everyone’s diet. Women especially are at

risk of a lack of protein, particularly when they are on a restricted diet
because they are trying to lose weight. Protein is essential for the
maintenance of cells in the body as well as the repairing of tissues and
organs. If you are deficient in protein, your body’s immune system will
be weaker. Lean protein like the ones you can get from chicken and the

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omega-3 filled salmon should be a regular part of your immune-

boosting diet. Red meats are fine in moderation, but their fat content
should be taken into consideration.

Eat like a bird

Try adding some seeds and nuts to your diet. Flaxseed, sunflower seeds,
and nuts of all kinds are packed with nutrients and can increase
production of the cells that fight infections. Nuts can be very fattening if
not eaten in moderations, but as part of a healthy diet, they are a great

Make yours whole

Wheat, that is. Avoiding simple starches and white flour and using
whole grain in its place is another great way to increase the valuable
nutrients you are getting from the foods you eat. The absolute best way
to ingest your vitamins and minerals is from the food you eat, rather
than from those supplements. So, wherever possible, increasing the
nutrient content in your food will help your immune system perform at
its best.

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Now that you understand the role a healthy immune system plays in
reducing the noises of Tinnitus, you’ll want to do everything possible to
boost your own immunity. Here are 8 great immune boosters to get
your started:

1. Eat a well-balanced and nutritious diet that is packed

with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables!

2. Exercise daily

3. Get enough sleep – the average adult needs at

least eight hours of quality sleep every night

4. Stay hydrated. Drink 10 (8 oz) glasses of water

every day

5. Work on reducing the stress in your life

6. Take a good multivitamin or other supplements

7. Keep your emotional state healthy – socialize

when you can

8. Take time out and listen to what your body is

telling you – you may be surprised at what you

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Just as many vitamins can boost your immune system, there is some
proof that herbs and tea can also give it a kick start and get it on the
right track. Herbal supplements are not regulated or guaranteed by the
Food and Drug Administration, and so you should always consult your
doctor before starting your herbal regimen. Yes, it is natural, but this is
no guarantee that it can’t be harmful or that it cannot interfere with
some prescription or over the counter medication you are already
taking. Checking in with your family doctor is always a good idea and
can help you avoid possible harmful interactions or side effects.


Echinacea is an herbal supplement that boosts the immune system and

reduces the severity and length of the common cold. It is often taken
with vitamin C products.

Green tea

Rich in anti-oxidants, green tea has long been a staple of the very
healthy Asian diet and has gained popularity in America over the last

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decade. It is not only beneficial; it is also caffeine free and can be a good
substitute for coffee for all those who are looking for a warm drink.

Other herbs that are good for strengthening your immune system either
by supporting its function through anti-oxidants, or by producing
bacteria killing cells are ginseng, piperine, olive leaf and garlic.
Probiotics have also become popular and are able to normalize the
bacteria population in your intestinal tract and eliminate harmful
bacteria, and replace them with the healthy bacteria that you need for



As we discussed earlier, exercise is probably the number one best thing

you can do for your overall health. Regular, moderate aerobic exercise
gets your heart pumping and oxygen circulating throughout your cells.
The more you continue on an exercise regimen, the better will be your
health benefits. You will sleep better; have more energy, your sex drive
will improve and even your moods will improve. Exercise fights
depression and obesity and gets your immune system working at its

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How much is enough?

If you are moving from a sedentary lifestyle to an exercise routine, your

first stop should be your family doctor. Most people are healthy enough
for exercise even if they haven’t been active in quite some time. Your
doctor can suggest a good way to get started and inform you of any
concerns there are for your health. Walking is usually a good exercise
for people who are new to fitness, and it doesn’t require a gym
membership or fancy equipment. Just get a good pair of sneakers and
some music, and you are ready to hit the pavement.

Set a realistic exercise goal for yourself and keep at it! Even if you are
only able to go around the block one time this week; next week you
should be doing the same routine twice and pretty soon you should be
looking forward to your daily exercises. Experts recommend that
healthy adults should get 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least 3
days every week, but that is the minimum. Once you get on the path to a
healthy lifestyle and fitness habit, you will find yourself looking for
physical activity daily.

Some ways to sneak in extra exercise are:

· take the stairs instead of the elevator

· park further away from the store

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· walk whenever you can

· encourage your whole family to join you

· plan active outings for your kids (what a great role

model you will be!)

Once you start to exercise, you are likely to find that you are getting sick
less often, and even getting better quicker when you do catch a cold.
Your immune system can function better if your body is working at its
best, when you are getting enough sleep, and when you have reduced
the levels of stress. Exercise can do all that for you!

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Step 3: 176





The noise can be deafening. For those who suffer from Tinnitus (more
commonly known as ringing in the ears), the constant buzzing, whirring
and pulsing in their head and ears can send them into a tailspin. With
little understanding about the condition and only a handful of real
remedies, Tinnitus sufferers often feel isolated and misunderstood. Yet,
they are not alone. It is estimated that 17% to 20% of the world’s
population has become a victim of this treacherous disease.

If you find yourself battling the noise of Tinnitus (or know someone
who is), you have probably tried more than one way to dull the constant
noise that is interrupting your thoughts; your sleep; and your daily life,
to no avail. Thankfully, there is a new treatment option that is growing
in popularity: The Neurophysiologic Method. A remarkable way to treat
Tinnitus, the Neurophysiologic method actually retrains the brain (and
your ears) to naturally block out – and even ignore – those debilitating

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There are people who have compared the method to the sound of
raindrops falling on a roof: you notice them at first, but after some time,
you simply stop taking notice of the noise they are making on the roof.
The same can be accomplished with the sounds of Tinnitus. Of course, it
does take a systematic approach (which we will explain in great detail in
the pages to come), as well as the close help of your hearing

Showing great results among Tinnitus patients, the Neurophysiological

Model has proved to be one of the most comprehensive and effective
ways to tune out the sounds of Tinnitus in hundreds of thousands of
patients in recent years. Ready to learn more? Great! Let’s get started.


Ask any sufferer of Tinnitus to describe their disorder, and they are sure
to answer with a myriad of physical and emotional responses:

· It is excruciating!
· It drives me crazy!
· I have not had a good night’s sleep in months!
· It is taking over my life!

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· I can’t take it anymore!

· I can’t even think through the noise!
· My head aches all the time!
· I’m anxious and depressed!
· I just feel ill all the time!

One of the things that make Tinnitus so difficult to treat is that, it is

more than a physical ailment; it is an emotional one too! Now, that
does not mean a Tinnitus sufferer does not hear the sounds that are
vibrating through his or her ears and head – the person certainly
does hear them! What makes this condition so dangerous (both for
the sufferer and for the medical practitioner trying to treat it), is the
fact that Tinnitus affects several of the body’s main systems:

1. The Auditory System (your hearing)

2. The Limbic System (your emotions)
3. Your Central Nervous System (your body’s messengers)

Tinnitus is caused by a misfiring of one or all of these systems and each

system work closely in conjunction with another. And so, drugs can be
ineffective in treating the sounds that are heard by the sufferer. Other
treatments only aim at fixing one problem that is caused by a single
system (while discounting the others). This approach may lessen the

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symptoms, but it often does not offer complete relief to the person
suffering from Tinnitus.

This is, however, not the case with the Neurophysiologic Model. This
unique treatment modifies the interactions between the Auditory,
Limbic and Central Nervous Systems to alter the messages that are sent
between them, and can thus change the process in which they connect
to break the Tinnitus-inducing transmissions.

A complicated endeavor to say the least, The Neurophysiologic Model of

treatment helps the patient change his/her internal response to
Tinnitus noises to block it out, using individual body responses.

How the Neurophysiologic Retraining Therapy Was Developed

Although Tinnitus has wreaked havoc in the lives of sufferers for

centuries, research into the disorder has been scanty for years. But
even then, dozens of different treatments have been developed despite a
lack of knowledge about this debilitating disorder. Unfortunately, few
have shown the widespread relief that sufferers are looking for – until
now, that is.

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Thanks to the work and dedication of P.J. Jastreboff, who helped develop
the basis for Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, nearly 80% of all Tinnitus
patients can now find at least some relief from their symptoms.

But, before we begin to outline how this unique therapy works in the
pages to come, let’s take a closer look at how it was developed.

Since the beginning, his research into the causes and effects of this
disorder, Jastreboff uncovered some astonishing facts about Tinnitus:

· Nearly 17% of the world population suffers from some degree of

Tinnitus noise
· Only 4% of sufferers have a problem with it (the rest seem to just
find it annoying)
· Evidence shows that there is no difference in the pitch or loudness
patient’s experience, regardless of what their perception of it is, or
how debilitating it may become for them on a more personal level.

What does all this mean for the sufferer, as well as the medical
practitioner who is trying to find a cure for his/her patient? The fact
that individual sufferers can experience the same level of “noise” and
it can mean such drastically different things to their quality of life

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(some people are just mildly irritated and others are literally driven
crazy), suggests that Tinnitus is a phantom perception.

In other words, researchers can find little evidence to link vibratory

mechanical activity in the cochlea with the noise being heard by
patients – and to justify their reaction to it. Because of this,
researchers consider another important link: neuron activity in the
auditory pathways.

So, what does this mean? Basically, severe Tinnitus is caused by

something outside the auditory system. That is why some people find
their symptoms unbearable, while others don’t seem to mind them

This is an important finding in treating Tinnitus for several reasons.

For one, unless you understand the complex connections between
the auditory system and the non-auditory centers in the brain, you
may overlook one or more non-auditory causes for all that noise.

Sounds coming into the ear evoke a number of responses within the
brain as they pass through each system. This can make some brain
signals (or noises) seem bigger and louder; while others may seem

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Discovering this connection is what allowed Jastreboff to develop the

Neurophysiologic model of retraining treatment. During his
research, Jastreboff and the other researchers uncovered two
important issues:

1. The auditory system is not the only one in the body that can cause
Tinnitus noise
2. The way a patient perceives his/her Tinnitus noises on an
emotional level can drastically change how severe the symptoms

SIDEBAR: What Tinnitus Sufferers Experience

Those who find dealing with Tinnitus symptoms difficult, often report a
host of other issues that are associated with the noise they hear. Here
are a few:

· concentration disruptions
· fatigue (often due to a lack of sleep)
· inability to work in a quiet environment (this seems to make the
noise in their ears louder and more disruptive)

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· depression; irritability; and the inability to cope

· obssesive behavior about their symptoms (the sufferer seems to
dwell on their symptoms)

Trying to find answers to these questions, researchers discovered

that when a person is affected by Tinnitus significantly, it not only
affects just the auditory system, but also the limbic system and the
autonomic nervous system. This was a significant finding since it
took their research to a whole new level – and to other parts of the
body as well. Since the limbic system controls our emotions and the
autonomic nervous system controls all the automatic functions in the
body (and the brain), the search for a Tinnitus cure forced scientists
to look beyond the ear, for both its cause and its cure.

Leaving the ears behind, researchers were free to investigate other

sources of noise Tinnitus sufferer’s experience, and thus discover the
best way to ultimately treat it.

Role of Other Systems in Tinnitus

Consider the impact the limbic system can have on the way a patient
perceives his/her symptoms, and this ultimately decides how he or
she will deal with them. The limbic system keeps our emotions in

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check. When it works properly, we can find ways to cope. But when it
doesn’t, we are left feeling helpless and hopeless and out of control.

Connected to all the sensory systems in the body (smell, sight,

hearing), the system allows the body to react either positively or
negatively to any stimulus, including what we hear.

When the limbic system is extremely stressed, it can activate the

autonomic nervous system, which can regulate our heart rate,
breathing, muscle tone and even the release of hormones. This can
put the body on high alert, evoking a natural fight or flight response.
It is good when we are in real danger, but activating this response
too often (or at the wrong times), can cause chaos throughout the
entire body.

How does all of this affect Tinnitus? When the limbic and autonomic
nervous systems are activated during a Tinnitus outbreak, and a
negative association is developed between the stimulus and the
noise, a bad memory loop is created in the brain. This can make the
Tinnitus noises rerun themselves in the brain over and over again,
even when that stimulus is no longer present. This can happen as
long as it is being perceived by the patient.

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Once this negative loop is developed, it can be difficult to break,

especially if you are unaware that it is even there. This can keep the
Tinnitus noise you hear running non-stop in your head.

This may sound like all bad news, but it isn’t. The fact that Jabreboff
and his colleagues discovered this connection is great news for
treatment possibilities. Once they understood the link between the
limbic system, autonomic nervous system and Tinnitus, they were
able to find ways to break the loop. And once the loop is broken, the
patients can be cured of the disturbing noise they hear.

In its most simplistic form, Neurophysiologic Therapy is the method

used to retrain these three important systems (limbic, auditory and
autonomic) to break the unhealthy cycle that is causing Tinnitus
patients so much distress.



Now that you better understand the connection between Tinnitus

and the various systems within the body, let’s take a closer look at
the Neurophysiologic Model and understand it better. Then we can

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discuss how it can be used to develop a retraining program to treat

your unique Tinnitus symptoms.

What Systems Are Involved?

We have established that the limbic, autonomic and auditory systems

of the body all influence Tinnitus symptoms. But how? The auditory
system is what allows you to hear noise. It is comprised of your ears,
ear canal, cochlea and brain. If it doesn’t work properly, the work
can be taken over by the other two systems, and this can cause

This is what causes the perception of Tinnitus. In reality, the patient

is not really “hearing” the buzzing, clicking, whirring or other noises
that are associated with Tinnitus. While the person may have once
heard these noises, the stimulus has long gone, leaving behind a
rerun of the noise in the brain (and not the ears).

Tinnitus often results from a distressing situation. The sufferer may

have experienced a frightening car crash that caused the noises, and
they got ingrained into the memory. Even a somewhat pleasurable
experience can cause Tinnitus noise if the pitch and volume of the
noise causes any type of internal distress. This is often why Tinnitus

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happens even after the person has visited a loud concert or dance

Let’s say that you are at a dance club with extremely loud music. You
may be having a good time, but soon, your head may begin to ache
from the noise, and you begin to feel stressed. This is your limbic
system (or your emotions) warning you of danger. This can cause a
reaction in your autonomic nervous system, which causes your heart
to race, your palms to sweat and even your head to thump in pain.
Now, let’s say that you choose to suffer, and finish out the evening
with your friends.

For some people, there is no problem. They go home, relax and wake
the next morning feeling refreshed. But, for those who have a
sensitive limb or autonomic nervous system, they may have just
created a negative memory loop that will cause a repeat of those
symptoms every time they even think about their experience at the
nightclub. The experience may become a part of their memory, and
the leftover ringing they experience in their ears may become
commonplace in the days to come, leaving them even more
distressed. This causes the problem to recur often, and with more
and more intensity.

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Assuming that this person did not physically damage his/her ears,
ear drum or cochlea during the concert, the result of this constant
ringing is a connection between the three main systems we have
discussed. This conditional response is called a reflex arc, and it can
also develop when an abnormality exists in the auditory system in
conjunction with a high level of emotional stress.

It is important to understand that it is the negative emotions of the

person that creates a link for the loop. In other words, without a
negative reaction, the loop cannot be established, and this is why
some people barely notice their Tinnitus, and others are greatly
disturbed by it.

The Role of Conditioned Reflexes

Our bodies are constantly reacting to what is happening around us.

We smell a cake baking and we suddenly feel hungry; we hear an
unexpected loud noise and we flinch. These are all natural responses
to the world around us. Problems can arise however, when these
responses are linked to either punishment or reward. When this
happens, it creates the arc we just talked about. It can be a positive or
a negative association – that really doesn’t matter – any association
can create a memory loop that can cause ongoing Tinnitus noise.

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However, researchers have found that if a neutral response is

experienced over a long time, it can actually break the negative loop
that is causing distress in the first place. This of course is not an easy
thing to accomplish, but we’ll talk more about that in the pages to

First, let’s look at another way in which Tinnitus can take hold of
your life: by its own negative associations. Sometimes, Tinnitus itself
is the negative stimulus feeding the condition. What may start out as
a temporary auditory response to an illness or an event, can quickly
turn into a permanent ailment once a negative perception of the
noise is established. Unfortunately, this perception is often induced
by the medical community, which tells patients that nothing can be
done to turn off the noise and to just learn to live with it. Of course,
the patient panics, thus stimulating the exact limbic and autonomic
response they want to avoid. It is this negative reaction that
reinforces the Tinnitus, thus exacerbating the problem.

Once a patient begins to view his or her Tinnitus and its resulting
noise negatively, the person begins to concentrate on it more, and
this creates the loop that will feed into it, making it grow stronger
and more debilitating. This is one reason why some people do not
see an increase in the severity of their symptoms. If they never

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associate Tinnitus with something bad, it will cease to be a problem –

and may actually disappear altogether over time.

So, what does this all mean? In short, it means that the more
attention you give your Tinnitus, the louder and more aggressive it
will become. Once the loop is established between the conscious and
subconscious levels of the brain in regards to the noises being heard,
it will become harder and harder to break those loops and find relief.

Much of the loop happens at the subconscious level, and this is one
major reason why Tinnitus can be such a dangerous disorder. Your
body could be igniting responses to certain situations, and that too
without you even realizing it. That is why it is so important to
understand the connections between all of these systems, so that you
can pinpoint where your Tinnitus is coming from, and then begin
retraining that part of the brain to stop it.

When the patient subconsciously focuses on his/her Tinnitus noise,

the body becomes more alert. The person begins to see and feel
things in a heightened manner, and this can make him or her irritable
and exhausted. This tendency of course affects the quality of life
drastically. Suddenly everything he or she thinks, feel and does
revolves around the Tinnitus and the chaos it is creating in life.

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How This Vicious Cycle is Made

The development of these disruptive feedback loops is often referred

to as a “vicious cycle” by medical personnel. Anyone who deals with
Tinnitus would agree that the name is a good fit. It takes a
combination of the subconscious and conscious mind to change the
bad memory loop, and that is why this cycle is so vicious and hard to
change. While we may consciously understand what is happening,
and be willing to work on changing our thought patterns and feelings
to break the cycle; it is actually much more difficult to accomplish
this on a subconscious level.

Changing the way a person’s subconscious mind looks at it and deals

with this ailment can be very difficult, and it requires a multi-faceted
medical/emotional approach to treatment.

The Dangers of Decreased Sound Tolerance

One of the biggest side effects of severe Tinnitus is a decrease in

sound tolerance. Suddenly, even the weakest sound can cause the
biggest response. For these patients, sound itself can become the

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There are three things that must be looked at when discussing

decreased sound tolerance in patients:

1. hyperacusis – an increase in sound induced activity in the

auditory pathways, which results in a limited limbic or autonomic
response by the body. When the person goes through hyperacusis,
there is no relationship between the loudness or pitch of noise,
and the patient’s reaction. Every noise can be excruciating, no
matter how soft or weak it is. This makes listening to any type of
noise uncomfortable and there is a distinct (and usually negative)
response from the autonomic nervous system. This is what
creates that bad memory loop that we have already discussed.
2. misophonia – a negative reaction to sound coming from the limbic
and autonomic nervous system that results in an actual change in
body chemistry and reaction. When this happens, the person
dislikes sound – any sound. Fear too, can be a strong component
of this type of Tinnitus, which is known as phonophobia, and it
requires retraining to get some relief from Tinnitus. There cannot
be any remedy since it is not treating the actual noise inducer.
Misophonia is not caused by any abnormality in the auditory
system – it is actually caused by a rather strong reaction from the
limbic system when the sound was first heard. This reaction is
completely subconscious, and can be rather severe, depending on
whether the link was made during a traumatic event or not.

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3. recruitment – this is considered a higher than normal slope of

noise growth, and is associated with hearing loss. What this
means is that, in such a case, the person’s threshold for noise is
lowered due to the cochlea getting damaged. It is strictly a
physical phenomenon and has nothing whatsoever to do with a
limbic or autonomic response to noise.

Although these are three totally independent phenomena’s, they

usually work in close relation to one another. For instance, a patient
who experiences hyperacusis will soon develop accompanying
misophonia if he/she begins to see the disorder as something
negative in any way.

Once these three different problems begin to intertwine, the patient

becomes even more agitated, and finds it harder to tolerate the
symptoms. Not only does noise become uncomfortable, but now it
has been physiologically linked to the limbic and autonomic nervous
systems, thus worsening the symptoms. This often leaves the
sufferer retreating into the safe (and quiet) environment of his or her
home, unable to venture out and enjoy the things that were once
loved. Sound of any sort becomes the enemy, and the only way to
preserve health and sanity is to stay away from it.

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To treat a Tinnitus patient who is experiencing one or more of these

maladies, it is essential to take several different approaches.

For instance, when treating hyperacusis, the auditory system must

be desensitized so that noise is no longer able to inflict pain on the
patient. This is accomplished by a systematic approach to exposing
the patient to a variety of sounds and pitches to allow the
subconscious to become used to the sounds. This is often done on a
subconscious level using “white noise” since the patient does not
need to concentrate on the noise being heard.

When treating misophonia, the goal is not to get used to the noise,
but to link it with something more positive to break the negative loop
that causes distress. This is done by presenting a sound and
connecting it with a positive or even pleasurable response.

By treating all of these conditions separately, the patient can easily

use the Neurophysiological model to completely retrain each of these
systems and break the cycle of noise that he or she is hearing.


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When trying to come up with an effective treatment for Tinnitus,

Jastreboff and his colleagues had to find the answers to four main

1. Can you reverse the conditioned reflex arc?

2. Can you break or change the perception a person has of Tinnitus?
3. Can you break the connection between a certain noise and a
Tinnitus reaction?
4. What needs to be done to stop Tinnitus in its tracks?

After much research, scientists have learned that the answer to the first
three of these questions is a resounding YES! The brain is continually
learning and adjusting to new facts, information and events. Therefore,
it is possible to reverse the reflex arc and break the perceptions of
Tinnitus, and this will ultimately change the way a patient reacts to it,
thus reducing its symptoms or curing it altogether.

This can be done using habituation therapy. And the fact is,
habituation therapy is often used for this. By reprogramming the
brain and the autonomic reactions to noise, the Tinnitus symptoms
can be alleviated. Here’s how it works:

1. First, Tinnitus related neuron activity must be identified

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2. Once the identification is made, it must be blocked by neuron

networks in the auditory system
3. This keeps it from getting to the area of the cortex where a
negative pathway may be developed, thus causing distress and
increasing the symptoms (and the patient’s reaction to them).

Once these three things have taken place, the patient may still hear
the noise of Tinnitus, but he/she is not bothered by it. Of course, all
this takes time, so the person needs to maintain patience when using
habituation therapy.

It is also important to note here that habituation does not cure

Tinnitus. The noise remains. It actually helps the patient change the
perception of that noise so that it is no longer a problem. It is like
hearing the rain patter on the roof. At first you may notice it, but
since you have no negative reaction to it, you will eventually stop
thinking about it. True, the rain continues to make the same amount
of noise, you just stop concentrating on it and thus it does not bother
you. That is exactly what habituation tries to accomplish: taking
away the power of Tinnitus and replacing it with a no-one-cares

This may sound wonderful, but how exactly can someone who
suffers with this unending noise in the head finally find peace? In the

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next section, you will learn the 4 basic steps to retraining your brain
to stop letting Tinnitus rule your life. There is freedom from all that
noise. Isn’t it time you learned how to achieve it?



Before we delve headlong into the four steps to retraining your brain
to turn off the noise of Tinnitus, you must first figure out what type of
Tinnitus you have, and what category you belong to. Let’s begin with
an overview of the various types of Tinnitus patients suffer from:

The Types of Tinnitus

Objective Tinnitus

You may not be aware of it, but your body makes a lot of noise
throughout the day. Your heart thumps, your lungs extract; and your
arteries pulsate among other things. Although these sounds are
always there, but only a few of us ever hear them. So, if our bodies
are so noisy, why don’t we hear what’s going on? There are several
reasons for this. One is the fact that most of our organs are insulated
by protective tissues, muscles and skin, and this keeps the noise
down. But, the most important reason we don’t normally hear our
body at work is because of the fact that our brain is able to filter out

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(or simply ignore) these normal noises. Until they change, thus
signaling trouble, the brain simply doesn’t let us “hear” the noises
within. That’s a good thing too, since they are likely to drive us mad if
we noticed every sound our internal organs made.

There are people however, who can hear the sounds within their
body. This is called objective Tinnitus.

For those with objective Tinnitus, these internal bodily noises

become more acute (and noticeable), and this causes hearing distress
since there is no way to get away from the constant noise.

One way to better understand objective Tinnitus is to become aware

of the most common sound culprits within the human body:

1. The Circulatory System – one of the most common

causes of objective Tinnitus is the flow of blood through
larger vessels in the head or even small arteries in the
ear, or those that lead to the ear.
2. The Heart – the heart can beat quite loudly at times, so
people with an acute awareness of sound may easily pick
up the noises.

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3. The Skeleton – you may have thought that your skeleton

remains relatively silent throughout the day, but that’s
wrong! Next to circulation, the skeleton (usually the
bones in the jaw, neck and back) is the biggest source of
objective Tinnitus. The most common cause: some type
of injury, deterioration or arthritis. Of course some
people report clicking joints in other parts of the body as
well, but those who are most affected by Tinnitus hear
the noises that originate near the head and ears.
4. The Soft Palate. While muscles rarely cause any type of
Tinnitus noise, the contraction of the soft palate has been
reported to be a source of Objective Tinnitus.

Subjective Tinnitus

All-too-often, a patient describes the sounds he/she hears only to be

told that it is only in the head. When no outer or internal noises can
be found to be the root cause of a patient’s Tinnitus, it is considered
subjective. This in no way means that the patient isn’t hearing these
sounds, or that these noises are only imagined. The sounds of
Tinnitus are real. It’s just that sometimes no one else can hear them,
or is able to find a reason for them.

Whether a reason can be identified for the malfunction or not, it does

not mean that the brain is not recording or replaying previously

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heard sounds in the head of the sufferer. As a matter of fact, most

subjective Tinnitus is eventually linked to some sort of malfunction
within the body, including the auditory center and the nervous
system. When this happens, the malfunctioning organ or system
may actually send sound impulses to the brain, telling it that a sound
has been heard, even when it hasn’t. This can cause confusion with
the medical community about what is really being heard and what
sounds are only perceived.

Another source for subjective Tinnitus is unknown internal sounds

that originate deep within the body itself. If no one else has ever
reported hearing a certain sound before, it may be considered
subjective, when in reality it is objective. This is because it is indeed a
real sound that is being made by the body and only the patient can
hear it.

Stereo vs. Mono Tinnitus

Tinnitus presents itself in a lot of different ways, but the most

common are in relation to how loud the noises heard are (their
frequency); how often they are heard (their duration) and how many
are heard. While the majority of Tinnitus sufferers report only
hearing a single noise at a time, as many as 26% report hearing two
noises and 6% hears three or more at a given time.

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In addition, sufferers may hear noises in one or both the ears at a

time; or the noise may move from one ear to another in a type of
stereo effect. In rarer cases, it has been noted that some sufferers
experience the sensation of noise without really hearing it per se.

These types of stereo Tinnitus may be even more severe if those

noises are heard in high frequency regularly.

Significant vs. Insignificant Tinnitus

It can be especially difficult to determine how significant an

individual’s Tinnitus is due to the simple fact that, different people
react to the noise caused by the disorder in different ways. While
one person may be able to tolerate different noises at a lower
frequency, others hearing just one continuous buzz at a higher
volume may find the disorder disabling.

Generally speaking, if the Tinnitus is more sporadic, despite its

volume frequency, patients are able to deal with its symptoms better.
Many sufferers admit that it isn’t necessarily the loudness of the
noise that they find so distressing, but its constant nature. “If only I
could get a break,” many report, “I could handle it.”

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For diagnosis purposes, insignificant Tinnitus is simply a condition

that the person experiences occasionally, and the person can “live
with” during the attack. Significant Tinnitus, on the other hand, is
considered more debilitating and it can cause other serious problems
such as depression, immune system deficiency and even hearing loss.

The Categories of Tinnitus

Another thing to consider is the category of Tinnitus you suffer from.

When you are planning your Retraining Program, you must
remember that there are five main categories of Tinnitus, and they

Category 1: Low or No Impact Tinnitus

New sufferers who have not had time to make any negative
associations with their Tinnitus may recognize its presence and be
mildly annoyed, but they are not bothered by it yet. A category 1
Tinnitus patient finds the noise mildly annoying, but has not allowed
it to encroach on his/her life and happiness. The person accepts the
noise and continues on with life as usual. This patient is the easiest to
treat, since no negative pathways have been made yet. Usually only

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one or two retraining session is necessary to keep the noise under

control or to get rid of it altogether.

Category 2: High Severity Tinnitus with No Related Hearing Issues

Patients in this category suffer with severe Tinnitus noise, but do not
exhibit any type of physical reason for the noise or any hearing loss.
Their Tinnitus is not damage related, as may be the case with
someone who is continuously exposed to loud noises at work or
home. Category 2 patients are generally fitted with a special hearing
devise that can mask the noise they hear and retrain the brain to stop
noticing it. Of course the person is also undergoing intensive Tinnitus
training and behavioral/emotional counseling because it can help
him/her deal with the disorder better.

Category 3: Tinnitus Aggravated By a Hearing Loss

Category 3 patients suffer from Tinnitus noise, and yet they strain to
hear the voices and sounds they want and need to. This can be
especially frustrating as it tends to affect their quality of life. Such a
patient can be treated in two ways - while Tinnitus retraining is
underway, hearing devices must be used to amplify the noise so that
the patient can hear the sounds around him/her. These devices can
also be used to mask the internal noises, assuming that the patient
can handle being bombarded with so much noise.

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Category 4: Hyperacusis with or without Tinnitus

For some people, sound actually hurts. That is hyperacusis. It may or

may not be continuous (as in the case of Tinnitus), but it does
physically hurt. Most patients experience a combination of the two.
Treatment for Category 4 Tinnitus requires the use of a sound
generation set to desensitize the patient to different types and
frequencies of sound. The device is used on a short term basis, and
when used together with certain amplifiers, it can be very effective.

Category 5: Hyperacusis Caused By Noise Exposure

Those who belong to this category are the hardest to treat. Category
5 patients suffer from severe Hyperacusis that is caused by
prolonged exposure to loud noises. Normal treatment is impossible
since even the slightest sound can cause excruciating symptoms.
Because of this, a very low level of sound must be introduced using
hearing appliances over a long period for desensitization of the

Why is it important to understand your type and category of Tinnitus

to treat your symptoms? As you can see, the degree of your
discomfort is directly connected with different features. Until you can
accurately classify your Tinnitus, it can be very hard (if not
impossible) to develop a suitable retraining program. If you fail to

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properly classify the Tinnitus, you might end up making the

symptoms worse.

One other note: most patients will move from one category to
another during Retraining and their treatment should change based
on the category. This is a sign that it is working. The goal of course is
to reach stage one, where Tinnitus noise fails to be a bother – or even

Step One: Evaluation and Diagnosis

Now that you understand what is causing your Tinnitus better and
can classify it, it is time to begin explaining the four main steps of
developing a successful retraining plan. Step One involves getting a
formal evaluation and diagnosis. Without this, you will have no idea
how to proceed.

The Tinnitus Evaluation must be a multi-pronged approach. This can

sometimes become a bit frustrating to patients, unless they really
understand why they are being asked so many questions, and why
their retraining specialist is looking at so many different aspects of
their disorder. Remember, Tinnitus Retraining Therapy is a very
structured approach to treatment that includes an in-depth

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evaluation and diagnosis before an individualized treatment

schedule can be devised.

The initial stage of any Tinnitus evaluation begins with the doctor
recording the patient history. This first interview often starts with a
basic questionnaire that the patient is asked to fill out either at home
before the appointment or in the doctor’s office when he/she arrives
for consultation.

Some of the things the questionnaire is likely to cover is your medical

history; medications being used; your lifestyle (do you smoke, drink,
etc); as well as some basic questions regarding your Tinnitus (when
it started; how severe it is; what things aggravate the symptoms; if
any other physical ailments are being caused by the Tinnitus, etc).

Once the patient questionnaire has been reviewed, a personal

interview usually takes place. This is when the doctor or counselor
begins to delve deeper into the things that may have brought on the
Tinnitus, and the professional tries to learn how it may be affecting
the patient’s everyday life. Questions asked during this more
personal interview will be a bit more intimate, as the doctor tries to
figure out the stresses and feelings behind the symptoms of Tinnitus.

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Assessing how a patient’s Tinnitus is affecting the life is essential to

developing a treatment that will work to alleviate the noise heard.

During the last phase of the personal history/evaluation, the doctor may
ask the patient to assess his/her own Tinnitus to see how the person
perceives it. The professional will be trying to categorize the Tinnitus
using the information received from written and oral interviews.

The next step to a patient’s evaluation and diagnosis is the auditory

evaluation. This involves checking for any physical loss of hearing in the
patient. It can alert the physician about the physical abnormalities
and/or damage to the ear and cochlea. It is important to establish the
auditory status since some patients may need amplification help during

Some of the auditory tests that may be conducted include:

· the loudness discomfort level (LDL) – this checks for hyperacusis

· pure-tone audiogram
· speech discrimination
· minimal masking level

None of these tests alone can help the doctor arrive at a firm diagnosis
and plan the Retraining Treatment, but when combined with the
written and oral interviews, they can.

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You may be wondering about some of the other Tinnitus tests that are
not listed here, like the loudness and pitch tests. Well, since the
loudness and pitch of sound has no real bearing on Tinnitus, it would be
fruitless to take the time to do these tests when you are trying to
develop a Neurophysiologic Method of Retraining the brain to tune out
the Tinnitus noise.

One test that is essential to characterizing a patient’s Tinnitus is the LDL

listed above. Without an accurate LDL, it is impossible to create a
successful retraining program that does not over-stimulate the limbic
and autonomic nervous system (which could increase the Tinnitus
symptoms). Testing is usually handled using an intermittent test tone to
test the loudness acceptability and frequency aggravation. Although not
an endurance test, it is important to realize that an LDL test is used to
see how much sound you (the patient) can tolerate, and this helps the
physician make an effective therapy model. Remember, the test cannot
cause any more damage or create new systems; it is simply an
evaluation tool.

Once the auditory evaluation is complete, the medical practitioner in

charge is likely to begin a full medical evaluation to make sure that there
are no underlying physical or medical reasons for the Tinnitus (ear
damage, Meniere’s disease, infection or even a brain tumor, etc).

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The medical evaluation usually consists of a complete physical exam, a

review of any and all medical conditions; blood work; CT scans and
MRI’s as well as referrals to other specialists if needed, including
psychiatric care. A review of past Tinnitus treatments is also necessary
since some of these treatments may interfere with the effectiveness of
The Neurophysiologic model of treatment, if it is not adjusted.

In addition to the overall health assessment being performed, patients

should also be aware that a complete otolaryngological examination
must also be performed to check for things like:

· middle ear fluid retention

· inflammation
· negative pressure
· vascular masses
· somatsounds (sounds created by the body)
· jugular compression
· cerebral function and balance
· nerve damage

In the event a pathological reason is found for the Tinnitus sounds, it

may be treated using a variety of drugs and/or surgical procedures.

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Once the medical review of a Tinnitus patient is completed, all the

evidence presented through the entire evaluation process can be
studied to determine a correct and thorough diagnosis. While the
Neurophysiological method of treating Tinnitus is highly effective when
done properly, misdiagnosing or wrongly categorizing the symptoms
can cause more problems, because this can mean that wrong
desensitization and counseling methods might be used.

While diagnosing Tinnitus, patients are placed into one of the five
categories already discussed. The retraining treatment is based on this
classification. Of course, as they progress through therapy, the
classification will change, and the treatment will be altered.

When classifying patients, the following factors are looked at:

· the severity of the Tinnitus noise

· the duration of the Tinnitus noise
· the presence of hyperacusis
· the extent of any hyperacusis
· is there an increase in the symptoms when loud noises are heard

Tinnitus retraining therapy/counseling is designed to cover all aspects

of the disorder to develop a suitable habituation approach to therapy.
This should cover the following concepts:

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· While Tinnitus does not mean that a medical problem exists, it can
be caused because of a neurological side effect
· Misophonia is a direct result of an enhanced connection between
the auditory and limbic systems.
· Tinnitus can make the autonomic nervous system react in
different disruptive ways including a heightened fight or flight
response; hormonal distribution; anxiety and others.
· Although the auditory, limbic and autonomic nervous systems are
usually working normally even when Tinnitus is present, the
disorder can still be linked to an incorrect connection between
these systems. This can happen because of a proper reaction to an
improper stimulus.
· The connections made are then worsened by a natural conditional
· It is possible to change these reflexes to neutralize the affects of
the Tinnitus noise on the patient. By enriching the auditory
environment through habituation, the neuron activity causing
Tinnitus can be disabled.

STEP TWO: Retraining Sessions

Although it is impossible to actually rid a patient of Tinnitus through

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, it is possible to teach the brain (and the

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resulting body systems) how best to react to it, thus making the noise
less noticeable or active. Although the loudness and pitch of the noise
may remain the same throughout treatment, it will lose its negative
aspects; the body will cease to react to it; and it will no longer bother
the patient. In essence, the noise remains, but it loses its power until it is
not even noticed any longer.

Neuropsychological counseling is very important to treating this

disorder. While we will discuss general counseling options in the pages
to come, it is important to realize that every patient is different, and so it
is important to develop an individualized therapy model that can solve
the specific problems and needs of a person. While a person who
belongs to the category #3 may require certain aspects in his/her
counseling, another patient with the same classification may not. That is
what makes this type of therapy so effective. Still, it is worthwhile to
understand the general counseling options to better understand how
the treatment works.

The purpose of this type of specialized counseling is to help the patient

better understand the mysteries behind Tinnitus. Once the person is
able to understand what is happening (and not happening) within the
body, he or she is in a better position to handle it. Fear is a strong
emotion that can create quite a bit of chaos – and noise -- within the
Tinnitus patient. One of the main aspects of retraining therapy is to

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break this cycle of fear and emotion to better control the symptoms, and
stop the establishment of negative connections.

Retraining the brain is all about changing a patient’s perception of

Tinnitus. This will eventually result in removing the annoyance of
Tinnitus from the patient’s life. As we have already stated, each patient
will experience an individual counseling session, but even then, in all of
them, the factors remain common. So, every patient should expect that
all of these areas will be a part of the counseling/treatment sessions:

· An explanation of the results of the patient’s audiological


By giving the patient a comprehensive explanation of his/her auditory

testing, the person will be able to understand better why the Tinnitus
sounds are heard, and why they are not related to the actual hearing,
but are only perceptions and reactions. In cases where a hearing loss is
evident, an explanation of proper amplification and how that will affect
the Tinnitus can be offered in a positive way, so that it does not cause
any negative feedback loops, because this can intensify the Tinnitus
noise heard.

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· A basic explanation of how the auditory system works

Many patients convince themselves that their Tinnitus is a direct result

of a malfunction in their auditory system, and yet, research proves that
few sufferers actually suffer from this type of malady. This is why it is
essential that they understand exactly how the auditory system works,
and the role the ears play in their hearing – and their Tinnitus. Once this
knowledge is acquired, they can more easily disconnect a physical
reason for their Tinnitus, and this also allows the therapist to treat the
patient more easily.

· A rundown of the basic rules of perception and an

explanation on how this can effect Tinnitus signal strength

The sound does not have to change within a room for a Tinnitus patient
to suddenly experience discomfort. Remember, it is not about the
loudness or pitch of the sound, it is about the perception. For instance,
when you are playing a TV during the day with children in the house,
there will be surely other noises around you, and you may not be
bothered by them. But, play that same TV program at the same volume
at 9 pm when the rest of the house is silent, and the noise can suddenly
become excruciating. When patients understand how their perception

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of a noise actually affects their Tinnitus strength, that same noise can
suddenly become bearable again.

· An explanation of how the brain functions and how it works

in conjunction with other systems in the body

The human brain is an amazing organ that is able to perform thousands

of tasks at virtually the same time. However often, it is also unable to do
two things at once in some instances. This is the case when it comes to
hearing. Our ears are constantly taking in sounds and transmitting these
sound waves to our brain. It is up to our brain to decide which ones will
get our attention. Notice how you generally do not hear 50 different
sounds at once (thank goodness). Yet, our ears may be taking in that
many sounds at the moment. It is our brain which decides which one
we will notice at a given moment.

To do this, the brain uses several strategies including:

1. Automation: the first thing the brain does is, it creates a series of
reflexes in the subconscious mind to allow you to do more than
one thing at a time. A great example of this is the ability to read
music while playing an instrument. The brain also prioritizes in a
way that allows the body to tackle the things that need attention

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right away, and put off the less urgent matters. The key to
habituation therapy is to take those higher needs and neutralize
their importance, so that they do not require action from the
body’s other systems.

How wonderful the human brain is; it is able to learn new things and
create new conditional reflexes with time and proper training. That is
what makes this type of training work: the brain is open to change and
that change can heal many things, including Tinnitus. By simply
modifying the strength of the neuron connections that causes Tinnitus,
the condition can be cured.

Are you asking yourself how this is possible? It takes two things: the
proper sequence of exercises and time. Over time, conditional reflexes
can be modified with new experiences. When counseling is offered at
the same time to help the patient view these new experiences in a
positive light, new connections can be made; and older ones disbanded.
For instance, a noise which once caused extreme discomfort is
presented very slowly to the patient, with positive reinforcement over
time, and when done, the sound can (and will) lose its negative power,
and be patient will be able to tolerate it better.

When trying to reprogram the brain, it is important to also take into

account how it works with the body’s other important systems. Since

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Tinnitus occurs when one or all of these subsystems are affected, it is

essential that they (and their functions) be incorporated when the
therapy model is being developed. This includes:

· The Limbic System: Sound and emotion are strongly tied to one
another. Why else would certain songs elicit such strong reactions
in some people? If the right negative connections can be
destroyed, so can their negative reactions, thus stopping certain
stimuli from evoking the Tinnitus sounds.
· The Autonomic Nervous System: While it can be difficult to
control one’s automatic bodily functions like breathing and heart
rate, it is possible to learn to stop your body from responding to
stress in a way that activates such intense feelings that induces
the Tinnitus noise.

· Explaining how all of this works in the specific patient to

create the noises he or she is hearing

As we have already discussed, Tinnitus does not become problematic

until a negative connection is made between the three main sub-
systems (auditory, autonomic and limbic) and the brain. When the
activity level of these systems hits a certain point, the Tinnitus noise can
become more debilitating because the perception of noise changes for
the patient. Once the patient becomes irritated with the sound, he/she

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begins to associate it with annoyance. Then, each time the noise is

heard, the internal stress levels begin to rise, which in turn creates that
negative memory loop we’ve been discussing, and it raises the severity
of the Tinnitus. That is why Tinnitus often grows worse over time in
many patients. It is the body’s way of reacting to it that actually
increases its severity.

This internal bodily reaction to the noise does not just affect a sufferer’s
Tinnitus, but many other aspects of his/her health and well being too.
Some of the most common complaints that are expressed on long-term

1. Insomnia – after all, it can be hard to sleep when your body is in a

constant state of arousal, and is alert to every noise in the room.
2. Increased Heart Rate/Palpitations – the heart is extremely
sensitive to the body’s reaction to stressful situations, and can
become agitated from over-stimulation
3. Digestive Issues – nausea is often experienced
4. Bowel Irritations -- diarrhea is very common among Tinnitus
5. Hypersensitivity -- Tinnitus patients are often very sensitive to all
kinds of noises (even weak ones) and bright lights.

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6. Phobias – it is not uncommon for Tinnitus patients to experience

fears and phobias regarding what will trigger this unending noise
in their head and ears
7. Depression – long-term Tinnitus can become hard to manage for
some, leaving them susceptible to depression

· Explaining what habituation is, and how it works

The wonderful thing about the human body and brain is that, it can be
altered when your health and well-being is at stake. New sounds easily
attract our attention, which is probably why negative memory loops are
created so easily. But, habituation can be used to make them seem
unimportant to your brain if a neutral emotional response can be
established. This is accomplished with slow, safe repeated exposure
together with positive feedback to create a good emotional response to
the noise, and this will eventually neutralize it and make it unnoticeable
– or at least not response-worthy.

When the brain first notices a new sound coming in, it excites the
auditory pathways to the cortex. The cortex then evaluates this
unknown sound and decides whether it is good or bad, and whether or
not to take any sort of physical action. If action is deemed necessary (as
in the case of a frightening sound), the limbic and autonomic nervous
systems are put on high alert.

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This reaction in itself does not produce Tinnitus. In most cases, this
over-stimulation gradually disappears as the body realizes that the
sound poses no real threat. If however, the sound is associated with
something negative as could be the case with the screeching of tires just
prior to an automobile accident, the sound (and others like it) can take
on a negative connotation, thus creating the memory loop that replays it
over and over in the sufferer’s head. This is Tinnitus. Some people are
more susceptible to this negative programming than others, which
explains why some people get Tinnitus and others do not.

Once the noise is programmed into the head, the only way to get rid of it
is to actually put yourself in the position of listening to those sounds
continuously, until they begin to lose their effectiveness and become
neutralized in the brain. This can be achieved by listening to it and
receiving counseling, to change those negative connotations to positive
ones and refocusing attention away from it.

How a patient reacts to certain noises will have a big impact on how
well he or she responds to treatment. Those who tend to get stuck in
negative emotions and thoughts are likely to have a more difficult time
breaking the cycle of Tinnitus, while those with a more positive “can do”
attitude will find their Tinnitus more easily remedied by habituation
therapy. Regardless of which type of person you are, do remember that

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retraining therapy is not a quick fix, and it does require a certain

amount of time and patience to work.

· Outlining a proposed treatment

It is essential that a complete treatment plan is explained to the patient

so that the person understands exactly what steps will be taken to stop
the Tinnitus noise. This includes an outline of the following generic
steps as well as any individualized treatment steps that are deemed
necessary by the habituation counselor:

· The introduction of constant sound to help the patient begin to

disassociate his/her emotional reflexes with the sound. This can
be done with an amplifier, white noise machine or a specific kind
of hearing device. The important thing here is to introduce the
noise in a way that either offers no reinforcement at all, or
showcases a reduction in reinforcement.
· Associated counseling during the noise therapy to help a patient
break the negative loops and replace them with more neutral
ones. It is very important for the patient to stop thinking of – and
reacting to – the Tinnitus as a danger, and begin to see it as what
it is – just noise. This is the only way to take away its power and
its ability to be so bothersome.

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· When noise therapy is first introduced, the patient is directed to

notice it, so that the person can consciously try and change the
perception and reaction to it. Since there is no way to completely
stop the body’s subconscious reaction to the noise, it is important
to find ways to reduce the impact.
· During the sound therapy portion of the habituation process, the
Tinnitus noises being experienced will begin to decrease in
strength and volume.

· Answering any and all the questions of the patient

Of course no retraining treatment can be successful if the patient does

not fully understand and embrace it. Habituation requires a full hearted
attempt for recovery, and therefore, the counselor must be willing to
share all of his/her expertise with the patient, answering all the
questions about Tinnitus and its therapy options to make it work. When
it comes to Neurophysiologic treatment, knowledge truly is power.
Armed with enough knowledge, a patient can – and will – find relief.

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STEP THREE: Sound Therapy

An indispensable component of this type of treatment is sound therapy,

or the introduction of sound to neutralize its effect. It may sound
ridiculous to a Tinnitus patient that more sound is being introduced into
the head, when what he/she is already hearing is causing so much
distress - but it really does work. This is not meant to mask or block out
the Tinnitus noise per se - sound therapy is rather meant to help the
patient stop concentrating on the Tinnitus noise, and offer a safe way
for the body to neutralize it. This is done by continued exposure to pre-
selected sounds and pitches that are known to help Tinnitus patients
change their perception and reaction to certain sounds.

There are several different methods for using sound therapy:

· to introduce the patient to brand new sounds

· to increase the volume of existing sounds
· to amplify environmental sounds with the help of hearing aids
· by utilizing specialized sound generators

Most patients will discover that more than one sound therapy method is
used during the course of treatment – and sometimes they can be used
at the same time! The final approach taken must be determined in
accordance to their Tinnitus categorization.

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One of the most important things that Tinnitus patients must come to
understand is the importance of not avoiding noise. Sound therapy
requires surrounding themselves with some sort of environmental
noise (albeit controlled) 24 hours a day. This is the only way to
neutralize the effects of the sounds heard. By living in complete silence
(which many Tinnitus sufferers strive to accomplish), they can actually
intensify the severity of their symptoms by making even the weakest
sound take on a greater meaning within their subconscious mind and

Some of the best background noises can be found in nature (wind, rain,
birds, etc), and therefore are often used in sound therapy. Not only are
they able to make the person relaxed, but are generally found to be far
less annoying than man-made sounds. Thus, they are more effective in
sound therapy.

Introducing these extra sounds is a great way to decrease the loudness

of Tinnitus, and this can be achieved very easily using a tabletop CD
player or some other sound generator. However do ensure that the
sound is neutral and that, it does not evoke any emotion – this is
important when you are deciding what type of sound to introduce.

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One of the biggest benefits of such sound enrichment, is its ability to

provide a neutral sound background at night that can help reduce the
intensity of Tinnitus, and allow patients to get a good night’s rest.

Selecting Therapy Sounds

The effect habituation will have on a patient’s sound tolerance depends

a great deal on its intensity. If the sound level is too close to the
threshold of the patient’s hearing, it can actually make Tinnitus worse.
To decrease the Tinnitus noise, the sound therapy must be able to
shorten the signal between the Tinnitus and the background neuron
activity. How is this done? This can be done by ensuring that the
background sound does not evoke any negative feelings or reactions;
and that the patient understands the perception of his/her Tinnitus and
why it may come in the way of recovery. It is also necessary to ensure
that the background sounds that are introduced do not grab the
attention of the patient. In other words, these sounds should not
distract or irritate the person.

Remember, to make habituation therapy work, the new sounds being

introduced cannot be annoying in any manner, and the Tinnitus sound
must be preserved. Yes, preserved. It is impossible to retrain the brain
to ignore Tinnitus noise, if you try and mask it with medication or other
methods. The patient must be able to hear it to stop it.

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Wearing Sound Generators

One of the main components of sound therapy is the maintenance of a

constant level of sound; this is a hard thing to accomplish, even when
the best machines are being used. This is why, so many patients opt for
wearing a sound generator (much like a hearing aid) in their ears. This
allows specific sounds at specific levels and pitches to be generated into
the ears and brain at a constant rate throughout the day and night.

With so many broad-band appliance options available today, it is easy

for every patient to find one that fits his or her needs, comfort level and
habituation therapy requirements.

One note of caution here: sound generators alone cannot cure the
Tinnitus patient. The fact is, this is just a single component of a very
structured treatment method. While they are an integral part of the
retraining process, real relief can only be obtained if the patient opts for
the appropriate counseling along with it.

Choosing the Right Sound Generator

There are basically two types of sound generators to choose from:

· behind-the-ear generators

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· in-the-ear generators

Since both work relatively in the same way (emitting just the right
amount of noise at the perfect level and pitch on a constant basis), they
are able to provide the patient with the background noise necessary to
begin the habituation process. The biggest difference between these two
models is in comfort. While some people do not mind having the
appliance inside their ears, thus echoing the noise directly into the
eardrum; others may find the closeness of the noise and the fitting of the
generator disruptive and uncomfortable.

Do remember when you are choosing a sound generator that, they will
be used in both your ears. This will create a more symmetrical
stimulation of the auditory system. If you do not treat both sides of the
auditory system, your Tinnitus may move from one side to the other; or
you may end up curing one side and not the other.

Visit a qualified molder when the sound generator is to be installed.

Proper ear-mold fitting is extremely important to make sure that
environmental noise is not reduced in any manner, since it is needed for
proper therapy.

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When it comes to choosing the best make and model of sound generator,
be sure to get what you are most comfortable with aesthetically, and do
also ensure that adequate sound is generated, and that it fits well.
Though just about any machine can work; but you must be able to
tolerate it and use it.

When it comes to using your new sound generator for therapy, it must:

· work for at least 8 hours during the day (the more you can wear
it, the better it is)
· work when there is little or very low background noise like in the
evenings. But avoid wearing the devise at night because you might
find sleeping a problem.

Sound generators alone cannot cure Tinnitus. Proper counseling is also

necessary to tackle the hard job ahead of breaking those negative
feedback loops that are creating all that noise. However, they are an
important aspect of habituation therapy and patients who have been
advised to use them must understand how they work.

Step Four: Prevention

When it comes to your health, they say that “An ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure”. The same can be true for treating Tinnitus.

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While it makes perfect sense to stay away from loud noises for long
periods of time because this can cause damage, there are very few who
realize the danger of silence.

It is true. Silence may be one of the biggest Tinnitus inducers ever. In a

world where no one rests, silence is indeed considered “golden.” After
all, who would not relish a day without the telephone ringing; children
squabbling; the horns on the highway interrupting thoughts? We are
surrounded by constant noise, and most of us just want some relief.

The problem is, our bodies are not designed for total silence. While it
may be good for us to get away from man-made noise for a while, it is
not good to try and stop all noise. If you do, you risk altering the
receptors in the auditory pathways, which can create hyperacusis,
making all sound (even calming natural ones) painful to listen to.

Not only does soothing natural noise (the wind, animals, rain, etc.)
strengthen your auditory pathways, but it helps to calm the limbic
system as well. And this reduces the risk of altering the autonomic
nervous system.

It is very important that the person who is suffering from Tinnitus

understands this. Too often, those bombarded with Tinnitus noise try

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and escape it by trying to make the environment quiet. But, this only
increases the severity of their disorder. What they are doing to get a
cure is only increasing the problem! Now, instead of the body reacting
to specific noises, it reacts to all noise. To combat this, be sure not to try
and overprotect yourself from noise. Let a little in, you may be surprised
at the result.

Those who live or work in excessively loud environments need to take

special precautions to keep the noise from damaging their cochlea. For
instance, someone who works in a factory should wear a headset to
prevent damage. Just be sure not to avoid other noises when you are
leaving that environment or become a victim of the risks of the side
effects listed above.

Another prevention method Tinnitus patients must be aware of is

negative counseling. All too often, a new Tinnitus patient is bombarded
with negative thoughts and suggestions by their friends, family and even
doctors who actually increase their symptoms. Being told that there is
nothing that can be done to ease your distress, or that you just have to
learn to live with it, will surely worsen your Tinnitus because of the
negative association. Suddenly, Tinnitus becomes a bad thing that you
cannot get away from, and the negative memory loop will play the
disturbing noise stronger.

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A better approach would be to help the patient understand what

Tinnitus is – and isn’t – and to reassure him/her that help is available,
and that, it is possible to overcome this malady. Only when the person is
convinced, will he/she be open to the help needed to get rid of this
annoying noise forever.

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Step 4: 232




Congratulations for getting so far. Now it’s time to lay one of the most
important foundations for tackling Tinnitus by removing the toxins
from your body by cleansing and re-generating your bowels, liver and
kidneys. This step involves a 3-day juice cleansing diet that is followed
by a 7-day parasite cleanse program alongside a heavy metal cleanse
and a liver detoxification protocol.


A good cleansing program will not only

give you the freedom from many disease
symptoms (which manifest themselves as
chronic pain, hair loss, hormonal disorders,
Tinnitus and hearing problems), it will also
give you mental clarity and a serious energy boost and freedom from
many negative thoughts and feelings.

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Most Tinnitus sufferers tend to overlook bowel and liver health in terms of
Tinnitus. Tinnitus can happen because of a side-effect of being too acidic. In
other words, it can be a result of a system that is congested with toxins.

When the digestive system becomes sluggish and over-toxic, it becomes

weak and far less efficient. Toxic bowels lead to blood intoxication and a
sluggish liver. A weak and sluggish liver that is incapable of handling the
over-acidity and toxic overload will release toxins to other parts of the
body such as the kidneys, heart, ears, brain, skin, lymph, nose and
others. And this will lead to symptoms that will begin to appear in the
organ where those toxins have chosen to settle. Clogged sinuses for
example, will back up into the ears.

Before any condition such as ear infections, hearing problems, or

Tinnitus can be permanently cured, these toxins must be removed.

A deep cleansing program will eventually help the body release toxins
from the liver, kidneys and lymphatic system. If followed by a liver
purge, it will strengthen and boost the function of these vital organs of
elimination, resulting in a more balanced and effective internal system
that is capable of self-healing and handling many infections, and
hormonal as well as immune related disorders.

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The easiest and cheapest way to cleanse the colon, blood and lymphatic
systems is by conducting a series of juice cleansings that is combined
with several detox stimulation techniques.

The 3-day juice cleansing diet is a crucial step in the Tinnitus Miracle™
System. You will be able to cleanse and rebuild the organs of
elimination, help your body expel accumulated toxins and fight

Note: I would strongly recommend combining the juice cleansing

session with the excellent colon cleansing kit available here:


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What Is Fasting?

Fasting is a simple technique in which you will be refraining from

consuming any food or specific types of food for a certain period of time,
and this will allow your body to recover and heal itself. It’s a fact that
the human body has the powerful ability to heal itself.

When we consume food, our body is busy digesting, processing,

analyzing and assimilating it. When we go through a stress or do
physical activity, the body is unable to evacuate the toxins that have
entered and is stored in the system. When we fast, our body will
automatically concentrate its energy on eliminating the poisons and
cleaning the system; it will recover and heal itself from the various
disorders and inflictions that may be present.

The principle is simple – we let the body rejuvenate and heal itself
because we have stopped eating, and provided the body enough time to
do some other tasks.

Why Should You Fast?

Our body is limited in its ability to evacuate and eliminate vast amounts
of accumulated toxic chemicals and foreign materials that have become
accumulated through stress and anxiety, or entered through toxic foods

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that we have consumed. These toxic materials and other pollutants are
hazardous to our health as they get mixed with the blood that is stored
in our tissues and vital organs. These poisons create a significant
burden on our elimination organs such as the intestines, kidneys and

When these toxins enter our system, the human body becomes ill. When
our body isn’t able to handle the amount of toxins that is mixed with the
blood and have reached some organ, we become sick.

A sick person’s system is loaded with all kinds of toxins (different types
of metals, medication, metabolic waste, etc.), and the body searches for
emergency ways to discharge these toxic materials. And often, the organ
the body chooses to expel its waste through becomes affected and the
symptoms of the disease are observed.

If the body tries to evacuate poisons from the lungs, you may catch a
cold. If it evacuates toxins through your feet, you get athlete’s foot.
There are various symptoms of overload toxic buildup such as
headaches, stuffy nose, allergies, confusion, diarrhea and yeast infection.

The skin is also an organ from where these toxins are eliminated. It’s
believed that chronic diseases develop when the body becomes
extremely intoxicated and it becomes difficult to treat the organs.

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Fasting is an excellent solution that relieves the body from stored toxics
and allows it to strengthen, heal and fortify itself. Eventually, the fast
will clean the bloodstream, cells, tissues and internal organs and
prepare them for the extreme process of healing.

Types Of Fasting

Many types of diets are also referred to as fasts although they aren’t
particularly so. Fasting in the strict sense is simply avoiding any type of
food. In that sense, juice cleansing or apple/cucumber cleansing are not
fasts but mono-diets.

However for starters, these diets are a great way for newbie’s to get
their feet wet and try out fasting. These mono-diets can work in the
preliminary stages prior to liver flushing or water fasting, but they
cannot be a replacement to them.

Unlike apple or cucumber fasts, juice cleansing is a lot more beneficial. It

not only expels accumulated toxins from your body and allows it to rest
(unlike mono-diets, the digestive system rests during liquid fasts), but it
also allows more intense cleansing, and it also provides a variety of
nutrients that supply energy and vitality. Mono-diets on the other hand
are limited in their nutrient supply to a particular fruit or vegetable that
is consumed.

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This is why I always prefer juice cleansing to mono-diets.

Water fasting is very effective when it comes to healing severe or

chronic diseases. However this is not recommended for inexperienced
fasters and cannot be combined with regular daily activities. It’s always
recommended to start a juice fast plan and “slip” into a water fast to
make cleansing and body reactions less intense.

If you are fasting for less than a week, then it would be known as a short
fast. While a 1-day fast, if done regularly each week, can strengthen the
immune system and provide vigor and vitality, 3-day fasts will give your
body a real opportunity to “get to work” and make general
“arrangements” in your “house”. In 3-day fasts (including juice fasts),
the body will have the time to thoroughly clean itself of the years of
accumulated toxic wastes.

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Finding the Time and Place

The ideal time for fasting is a time of relaxation when you are not under
a lot of pressure or stress, or when you do not have to put in a lot of
energy. This is why a vacation is an excellent and effective time for

Do keep in mind that you cannot be healed if you are fasting and under a
lot of emotional or mental stress. The fasting should be done when you
can save your energies. You must also make sure that you are fasting in
a place where there are minimum or no distractions.

Another important factor to consider is the weather. Transition seasons

are best for fasting, whereas fasting in cold weather would be ill-advised
as the body temperature when you are on a fast decreases due to a lack
of calories. It would also be easier for you to catch a cold when the
temperatures are low.

I usually conduct my fasting sessions from Friday to Monday on the

warm holiday season.

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What to Eat Before The Fast

Fasting is a challenge as you will have to prepare your body for the
extreme transition between solid foods and liquids. You must also
prepare yourself mentally for the change.

Pre-Juice Cleansing Diet

An effective pre-juice fasting diet would span over a period of at least 3

days before the actual fast. An optimal pre-juice cleansing diet will
consist of salads, juices and fruits. You should avoid consuming refined
carbohydrates, bread, dairy products, fish and any kind of meat. It’s also
important to drink a lot of water.

On the first day of your pre-juice cleansing diet, you should eat cooked
vegetables in addition to raw salads, fruits and juices. On the second
day, you should stick to plain raw salads and raw fruits and you must
drink plenty of juices. On the third day, it’s recommended that you eat
only fruits and drink juices.

Be sure to follow the guidelines for optimal digestion.

Another option is to have the mono-diets in your pre-fast program. You

can eat just apples strictly one day and grapes for two days. If you

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replace the apples or grapes with sprouts, you can achieve even better
results as all these foods are very effective cleansers.

Fast-Breaking Diet

Our hunger instinct is extremely powerful, and it can be deceiving. You

need to develop the instinct as you become more experienced when you
are breaking the fast, especially if you have fasted for more than 3 days.
It’s very important to really feel and know when the time is best to stop
fasting. It’s very hard to guess. You must not only know when to stop,
but you must also know how to do so.

Jumping to Burger King and having a Whopper at a time when your

liver, kidneys, heart and bowels are in a very sensitive state can lead to
stress, and this may even be fatal. You don’t want to stretch the fasting
period beyond your needs as well. You must control your ego here.

The rule of thumb is to listen to yourself, and listen to your needs. Try to
distinguish between a false hunger urge and a real craving for food. The
main difference between the two is that, hunger is more gradual and
starts as mere curiosity with thoughts of food and develops slowly.
False hunger is more like a temporary panic attack. This is not hunger;
it’s your mind fooling you. When you get hungry, you’ll know it. Trust
me on this.

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The gradual craving for food has typical forms such as cheating a little
bit and developing a curiosity for food related subjects, etc. If it’s your
first long fast, it’s recommended to stop the fast at that point.

The gradual cravings for food will be followed by real hunger. When you
experience it, you’ll know, and when it comes, you must always stop.
Otherwise, you’re simply starving yourself.

When you are breaking your fast, start off by consuming foods that
are rich in water (lemons, limes, cucumbers). You can then
consume rich protein nut milks. Start eating soups and plenty of
non-starchy vegetables and some whole non gluten grains. 24
hours later, you can start eating fats and grains as normal.

Important Guidelines

· Eat like a baby in small doses, and eat slowly.

· Stimulate the digestive glands by adding celery and clover to your


· Broaden your menu with green leaf salads with avocado, tamari
and sesame seed dressing (Tahini).

· Eat nuts in small quantities only.

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· You should broaden your menu only after 2 or 3 days with whole
grains and cooked vegetables (broccoli, potatoes and beans).

Tips For A Successful Fast

· Take an Epsom salt bath.

· Meditate.
· Turn off the TV.
· Go for walks by yourself.
· Switch off your cell phone.
· Limit your conversations with people.
· Get a good night’s sleep.

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Juice cleanse is a liquid diet consisting of only vegetables, fruit juice,

other liquids and water. The juice extracted from raw fruits and
vegetables is rich in phytochemicals, alkaline elements, vitamins,
minerals, enzymes and natural sugars that are all absorbed directly into
the bloodstream. It requires no effort from the digestive system.

When you do juice cleansing, you mix a lot of different concentrated and
powerful fruits and vegetables such as carrots, parsley, celery, green
peppers, lemon, etc., into one glass. By doing this, you allow the
digestive system to easily absorb most of the vegetable/fruit value.

Juice cleansing is much safer and easier than water fasting because it
supports the body nutritionally as it gently and safely cleanses and
detoxifies it, allowing it to focus entirely on healing itself. Only after you
have practically cleansed years of toxic buildup, can you take a step
forward and start water fasting, which is far more intense.

Juice cleansing operates on two levels. It expels accumulated toxins

from your body, and it supports it with a variety of nutrients that supply
energy and vitality. Juice cleansing supplies the body with sufficient
nutrition and calories, giving you enough energy to work, study or do

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anything else you want to. Although you don’t really need to change
anything in your routine while you are on juice cleansing, I recommend
that you relax during this time and refrain as much as you can from hard
physical activity.

Juice cleansing has freed individuals from most diseases, even chronic
diseases such as leukemia, arthritis, high cancer, high blood pressure,
liver and kidney disorders, skin infections, infertility and hormonal

During juice cleansing, a lot of metabolic changes occur and a great

quantity of toxins are released from the colon, bladder, liver, kidneys,
lungs and skin. The lymph and blood gets detoxicated. By the third day
of your juice cleansing, you’ll lose the craving for food, and your
digestive system will be in rest, allowing your colon to expel years of
disease-causing toxic buildup.

If you find it really hard to keep going, you may eat some slices of
banana or avocado, though it’s not recommended as it will slow down
the healing process.

How much can you drink? I can only say that you should drink as much
as you please; however, you must minimize acidic and high-sugar fruit
juices. They may urge the pancreas to produce excessive levels of

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insulin, which may lead to yeast infection that can aggravate Tinnitus in
some cases.

One last recommendation: Try to buy certified organic fruits and

vegetables instead of regular ones. Vegetables, especially leafy ones that
are not organic, contain a high level of pesticides that get absorbed into
your system (see also “Cleaning Your Vegetables And Fruits”). It is a
good idea to make your own juices. By no means should you replace
freshly squeezed juices with pasteurized juice or V8 bottled juices.

The Holy Grail Of The Tinnitus Miracle™ Juicing Plan

The only way to maximize the effect of juice cleansing is by following

the guidelines below. Do this to the best of your ability.

· Consume as many “green” drinks as possible while minimizing

fruit and starchy or sugary vegetables. Don’t forget wheatgrass.

· Drink a lot of water (not tap water) and herbal teas, and try to
minimize nut milks.

· If you must, take only water-soluble vitamins. Take your EFAs and
Primal Defense daily, but don’t take any minerals.

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· It’s crucial to stimulate the organs of elimination and help them

discharge toxins during the fast (liver, kidneys, lungs, intestines
and skin).

· It’s crucial to prevent the re-absorption of toxins into your blood

by using daily enemas and drinking bentonite shakes.

Cleaning Your Vegetables and Fruits

Vegetables and fruits that are not organic usually contain high levels of
bacteria, pesticides and parasites. Some vegetables and fruits are
however available in organic forms. For example, it’s much easier to find
organic carrots in a local supermarket or health food store. However
finding organic beets or celery is almost impossible.

Agricultural chemicals are hard to get rid of, and some of them are even
found in organic vegetables. With proper means and techniques
however, it’s possible to clean vegetables from some of their chemicals
and parasites.

Use 4 teaspoons of salt and lemon juice in a sink full of cold water – this
is the most common method. The vegetables are then soaked in water
and rinsed. You can also put your vegetables in boiling water. It will kill
most of the germs, but this method isn’t suitable for the more fragile
vegetables such as lettuce.

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Basic Juice Blends

Fruit Combinations

· Watermelon, grapefruit
· Apple, watermelon
· Apple, pear, pineapple
· Apple, grape
· Apple, cranberry
· Apple, pear
· Pear, yam
· Watermelon, lemon
· Pineapple, sweet potato

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Carrot combinations

· Carrot, beet
· Carrot, beet, green pepper
· Carrot, beet, green pepper, parsley
· Carrot, cabbage
· Carrot, spinach
· Carrot, apple, alfalfa sprouts
· Carrot, spinach, kale, red pepper
· Carrot, celery, cilantro, garlic
· Carrot, parsley, cucumber, radish
· Carrot, mango
· Carrot, apple, ginger
· Carrot, celery stick, potato, radish, beet

Warning: Never take beet juice alone. Always mix it with other fruits or
vegetables. Beet is a very powerful cleanser and if taken alone, it can
make the symptoms more intense.

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Green combinations

· Celery, spinach
· Celery, spinach, tomato
· Celery, spinach, tomato, cabbage
· Celery, spinach, tomato, cabbage, lemon
· Celery, spinach, tomato, cabbage, dill, garlic
· Celery, spinach, tomato, cabbage, cayenne, dill, ginger
· Celery, fennel (anise), cucumber
· Tomato, cabbage, garlic, lemon
· Lettuce, cabbage, celery, lemon
· Lettuce, spinach, cucumber
· Lemon, radish, beet, slice of Spanish onion, sweet potato,

Note: Green vegetable combinations are excellent nerve tonics,

detoxifiers and blood cleansers. One drink of such a combination in a
day will be enough.

However having said that, it is also true that there is virtually no limit
on the green vegetable juices you can take. I usually drink between 1 to
2 liters of green juice daily when I am on a juicing fast.

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Wheatgrass – The King Of Greens

Wheatgrass is probably the most powerful juice available on Earth. It

has tons of chlorophyll, the green pigment found in plants (this is also
called the blood of the plants) that has great healing powers.

Wheatgrass cleans the colon, alkalizes the blood, heals wounds, purges
the liver, increases enzyme activity and has lots of vitamin E and

The recommended serving is 2 ounces daily on an empty stomach. Don’t

drink too much or too soon. It can lead to hyper-detoxification, which
can cause nausea.

Other Liquids

Besides juices and water, there are several other healthy options you
can choose from. You can drink herb teas or nut milks, for example.

Herb Teas

Herb teas are made of freshly cut dried herbs that are known for their
culinary and medicinal values. They contain no caffeine and are highly
therapeutic. Some herb teas can help you when you have a feeling of
nausea, and some can also help your appetite. Some teas supply
minerals and vitamins, and some like comfrey are very nutritional.

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There is almost no limit to how much herb tea you should drink during
the fast.

Examples of therapeutic and nutritional herb teas are parsley,

peppermint, cloves, alfalfa, comfrey, capsicum, chamomile, rose hips and

To stimulate digestion use clove, cinnamon, nutmeg.

To stimulate the bowels use licorice, cascara sagrada.

Liver cleansing herbs: dandelion, burdock, yellow dock root (available

separately or in the daily detox tea package at:

Rich in magnesium: kelp, parsley, garlic, peppermint

Rich in vitamin C: oregano, comfrey, rose hips, strawberry leaves

Rich in calcium: dandelion, chamomile, kelp

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Nut Milks

Nut milks are great appetite breakers, and they are usually good for long
fasts (more than 2 weeks) when the appetite may become
uncomfortable for at least some people. Almond and sesame milks are
very efficient at breaking an appetite for protein. They are good as pre-
fast diets, especially for beginners.

Mix these nuts with a teaspoon of honey and a cup of water, and drink
once in two days only when you have been juice cleansing for long, and
only when you start feeling a craving for food. These nut milks are
extremely high in protein and fat and are very nutritious.

Avoid cashews as they form a cashew purée (considered a breach of a

fast), and their fat may slow down the detoxification process.

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Note About Protein and Fasting

Protein exists in every plant on Earth. It’s nothing but a myth that good
sources of protein can only be found in rich protein foods such as meat
and cheese. Nut milk as well as wheatgrass powder can be good sources
of protein during a fast, but they should be taken sparingly. However
when you are trying to detoxify, you will not need protein. You can
practically live without protein for extended periods of time. An
abnormal craving for rich protein foods when you are fasting is a dead
giveaway that it’s time to end the fast.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This is a powerful antiseptic and antibiotic drink. You should buy only
raw and unfiltered apple cider that has been made from organic apples.
This drink will work as a powerful cleanser and will maintain the acid-
alkaline balance in your intestines. Add one tablespoon to a glass of
water each morning on an empty stomach.

Digestive Enzymes

To improve the breakup of plaque that builds up in the bowels, take

digestive enzymes daily. I recommend: Garden of Life Omega Zyme

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Caplets. This is available on the web at

Take the enzymes in the morning with a slice of fresh ginger and plenty
of purified water.


Whatever you do, don’t forget water. Water is a powerful cleanser that
flushes all kinds of liquids from your bladder and kidneys and digestive
tracts. Water is extremely nourishing and it also contains lots of
valuable minerals.

It’s very important to drink only pure water. Remember, no tap water at
all. These waters are polluted in ways that make it a global problem.
Avoid using distilled water also because this is dead water. Try to avoid
drinking spring water, which is what it’s named after – spring water. It’s
not pure like most of our lakes and rivers. Stick to filtered or mineral

Mixing lemon juice in water is a good idea because it has a laxative effect
and can stimulate the digestive system. Squeeze half a lemon into warm

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water. Drink your citrus blend immediately after rinsing it in the

morning and before having the bentonite clay and flaxseed shake.


What To Look Out For During Juicing?

Be on the alert for any allergy symptoms. If you have diabetes or low
blood sugar, refrain from sweet juices as you do with sweet foods. These
are symptoms that may be similar to the symptoms of flu (fever, yeast
infection, muscle aches, weakness, bronchitis, asthma). Do keep in mind
that this is simply the reaction of your body to the vast amounts of
toxins that are present in your blood stream, which needs to be
expelled. Wherever these toxic materials pass, the organ they’re passing
through will show the symptoms of that organ-related disease. For
example, if they are trying to get out through your lungs, you’ll get
asthma, if it is the skin, you’ll get rashes and yeast infection. But don’t
panic. These healing events are short-lived, and the more intense they
are, the better your reward will be later.

Important note: If your symptoms are truly extreme (for example, if

you have a very high fever), it may be time to break the fast. When you
consume food, you’ll dilute the toxics in your blood and feel at ease.

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How To Drink Your Juices

Particularly when it comes to vegetable and fruit juices, it’s highly

recommended that you “chew” your drink and warm it in your mouth so
that it can reach your body’s temperature. Your juice will get mixed with
saliva, and this will allow your body to absorb all the nutrients of the

Also, leave your vegetables outside your fridge for half an hour before
you juice them. It will help the enzymes work even better.


Exercise is always good for the body. It provides oxygen to the skin cells,
and by increasing the flow of blood, it is able to shorten the healing
process of the skin and cleanses it from within.

During fasting and a detox diet, it’s important that you exercise too.

Aerobic exercises such as swimming, walking, jumping on a trampoline

and biking are the best because they require an effort from the
respiratory system, and that too without too much stress and energy
outflow. The lungs are able to increase their activity and expel the toxins
because of this. The lymphatic system is also able to get rid of the waste.

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Yoga is an exercise that is very effective in releasing the toxins,

oxygenating the blood and relieving accumulated tension.

Note: Do not participate in a very extreme physical activity. You must

keep in mind that you’re on a strict diet, and it can cause fatigue and
nausea. This includes running, jogging, weightlifting and others like this.



The liver is an important detoxifier. During a fast, it neutralizes and

filters the toxins that are coming from other parts of the body, and the
liver is also expelling its own toxins. However, it’s also busy processing
the food that you eat. This is the time to let the liver rest and clean itself.
You can consume juices like wheatgrass, dandelion, parsley, lemon and
grapefruit, with a tablespoon of olive oil squeezed into some lemon juice
to stimulate the gall bladder to release bile.

Cara sagrada and black cohosh are great cold compresses on the liver
and gallbladder.

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You can also visit your masseuse and allow him or her to physically
manipulate the liver to detoxify. Ask the person to pump the liver slowly
and gently – this can also release the toxins.


The kidney is very important because it purifies the blood and

eliminates fluid waste. Drinking a lot of purified water when you are on
fast is a real blessing to the kidneys. There are various herbs that can
help you clean the kidney and remove stones (parsley and gravel root,
to name just two).

Cranberry, wheatgrass, cucumber and asparagus are also effective

kidney cleansers. You should take vitamin C if there are any kidney


The colon’s main function is to eliminate waste. When you are fasting,
there is still waste buildup in the colon pockets, and as they begin to
empty, they contain a variety of toxins and acids. Unless these are
eliminated, they will be re-absorbed into your colon, and this will surely
lead to many symptoms such as allergies and headaches.

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Using enemas, flaxseeds and bentonite shakes, you can allow the colon
to expel most of its toxins.

Wheatgrass and peppermint act as colon healers, whereas cascara

sagrada and mandrake can expel the toxins.

Juices from apples and carrots serve as great laxatives. Deep breathing
can also help you regulate toxic elimination and heal the colon.


The lungs absorb and eliminate a great deal of toxins. Practice deep
breathing techniques because they will help the lungs eliminate
pollutants more effectively.

Yoga breathing strategies such as nostril breathing can really be

beneficial. Drinking herb teas with mild aerobic exercise can also help.


The skin, which is the largest organ in your body, expels toxins all the
time. And so, you should treat it with the respect it deserves. So when
you are fasting, it’s advisable to indulge your skin – brush it, clean it and
scrub it to expel and eliminate toxins effectively.

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Make sure that your skin breathes during fasting - avoid synthetic
clothing. Take short sun baths (do not get burned). Take daily Epsom
salt baths and steam baths to accelerate toxic elimination. Rub vitamin E
and aloe vera on the skin to prevent dryness.

Keeping A Diary

When you are fasting, it is a good idea to keep a note of your thoughts
and feelings. You can write what you feel like in a diary – such as your
deepest feelings, and you’ll be able to follow changes in your attitude,
notice your weak moments and differentiate between real physical
hunger and pure boredom.

You’ll be able to observe and educate yourself from your fasting

behavior. Note down your interest in food and your anger about not
having a “real meal.” Usually when real anger attacks you, it’s a sign that
the fast needs to end.

Vitamin And Mineral Supplements During The Fast

Vitamins and supplements are solid foods and cause a breach in your
fast if you are taking them. Besides, you don’t need vitamins during a
fast as the highly nutritional juices (especially if organic) supply your

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body everything it needs. Vitamins can also disturb the delicate

chemistry balance in your system.

The only vitamins you are allowed to take are water-soluble vitamins
such as vitamin C.



Fiber and Fasting

Taking fiber during fasting can slow down the healing process because
it stimulates the digestive system to work. By consuming only juice
without fiber during your fast, you allow your system to rest, which
intensifies the healing process.

However, without fiber, which is essential for sweeping toxins out of

your body, they will not be expelled through the colon properly and may
get reabsorbed into the blood. The following methods will solve this

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No matter what negative associations the enema might stir in your

mind, doing an enema once a day during a fast is not only compulsory,
but also very relaxing, and it is even an enjoyable experience once you
get used to it.

The purpose of an enema is to simply rinse your colon with water.

Enemas are not intrusive. They are cheap and are done in the comfort of
your own home. So when you are opting for them, you are in a way
taking responsibility and treating your organs with respect. You must
help your body discharge the accumulated waste that it cannot expel
itself during the fast, because there is no bulk of food to help the colon
discharge this.

One reason why you should pre-fast with raw vegetarian food is that, it
makes your stool soft and fiber-rich, which is far easier than flushing
with water.

There are several types of enemas, and I recommend using the water
bag enema.

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The Process

1) Rinse the enema bag and fill it with lukewarm purified

water. A mixture of salt and baking soda can be used to
stimulate the immune system. About 1 teaspoon is enough.
2) Hang the bladder about three feet above the floor. This
height makes the ideal water pressure.
3) Use a lubricant gel to lubricate the enema tip and anus.
4) You can lie on your side comfortably or simply position
yourself on the toilet. However the optimal position in my
opinion and one that has been proved to be the most
effective is when you simply stretch out on the bathroom
floor head down, with your buttocks up.
5) Relax and plant the enema tip fully into the anus and put a
steady flow of water in. It’s normal to feel slight cramps;
however, if it doesn’t feel comfortable, close the tap
temporarily, relax and try again.
6) Repeat the process several times until the enema bag is

You can massage your abdomen during the process. This will help the
enema fluid move deeper into the colon.

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Special Enemas

Depending on your purpose, you can add various mixtures into your
enema water to make the procedure more beneficial. For example, you
can add wheatgrass to your water – this can be very effective because it
stimulates the liver to purge itself and can alkalinize the colon. You can
add acidophilus to re-establish the friendly bacteria or add vinegar to
maintain the proper pH in the colon.

Believe it or not, 2 tablespoons of coffee (organic, fully caffeinated)

when taken into the distal sigmoid colon can significantly accelerate the
detoxification and cleansing of your liver and gallbladder. This is
particularly beneficial before conducting a liver flush.

You can get an enema bag at:

Psyllium, Flaxseeds And Bentonite Shakes

Psyllium and Bentonite are known as excellent colon cleansers. They

create a bulk of fluids as they go through the intestinal tract. And as they
move, they are able to absorb and sweep the food materials from the
blocked areas.

Colon cleansers will help you get rid of tons of food debris, which may
be accumulated inside your colon. These powders should be consumed

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with lots of water so that it can soften the bulk and prevent it from
becoming too hard, which would make it difficult to pass through the

Bentonite clay and flaxseeds as a mixed shake also aid the colon
cleansing process. The Bentonite-Flaxseed shake works as a laxative in
absorbing and binding the toxins, such as pesticides to form a gel and
carry it out of the colon. Flaxseeds alone also absorb water.

How To Make The Shake

Mix one tablespoon of liquid Bentonite with one tablespoon of ground

Flaxseed/Psyllium in a glass of water. Take it first thing in the morning
so that you don’t end up with a glass full of gel.

Intestinal Bacteria Replacement

Hormones, antibiotics, drugs and other toxins have a devastating effect

on the friendly bacteria in the intestine, which can help the body fight
Candida, absorb vital minerals and vitamins, get rid of the toxics
accumulated due to constipation, and maintain the proper pH in your GI

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When you are fasting, large amounts of toxins are expelled from the
lymph glands, and this also affects the survival of the good bacteria. The
use of an enema also depletes the friendly bacteria.

Therefore, it’s mandatory that during fasting, you must make an effort
to re-establish these friendly bacteria in the intestine. The solution is
quite simple. Take 2 capsules of Acidophilus and Bifidus together with
one tablespoon of goat milk yogurt, and mix them together along with a
half cup of warm water. Add this blend to the enema kit, and make an
effort to keep the mixture inside your colon for at least 10 minutes.

Make this a part of your daily enema routine, and you can ensure that
the friendly bacteria will thrive when you are fasting.

Warning about Electrolytes

As with beneficial bacteria, you want to ensure that your electrolytes

are balanced, before and after performing an enema or a liver flush. An
electrolyte is a solution or substance that carries electric charges. They
exist in the blood as acids, bases, and salts (such as sodium, calcium,
potassium, chlorine, magnesium, and bicarbonate). The salts or
electrolytes in our bodily fluids allow our nervous system to function

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As such, it is imperative to replace the electrolytes after an enema

or a liver flush.

This can be done by drinking liquids such as Pedialyte, Gatorade or a

glass of water with sea salts.

Choosing a Juicer

When searching for a juicer, you should always consider the quality and
price, but you must also consider another very important factor. The
juicer you choose need to work on low speeds, because otherwise, it
may damage the juice by absorbing too much oxygen, and heat up the
juice to deplete it of the most vital fragile nutrients.

While most juicers operate on high speeds from 1,000 to 24,000 rpm’s
(rounds per minute), low rpm speeds will ensure that the quality
nutrients are preserved, and that too without destroying the natural
flavor of the fruit or vegetable.

A juicer can easily be cleaned and is not limited to juicing only. Certain
fruits or vegetables are also important elements you should consider
when choosing your juicer.

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I found the Omega Model 8003/8005 to be the only cost-effective juicer

that has all the above qualities and more.

It juices all types of fruits, vegetables, wheatgrass and even other solid
foods such as coffee beans, pasta and nut butters. It has a built-in
“reverse” that prevents clogging, turns at a slow 80 rpm's, prevents heat
from building up, and is very easy to clean too.

You can find out more on the Omega Model 8003/8005 juicer at:

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A colonic is a cleansing procedure where water is introduced through
the rectum to clean and flush out toxins from the colon. A typical colonic
session may last from forty-five minutes to an hour. This is best done
under the supervision of a colon therapist, who is an expert in colonic.
This may also be called a colonic irrigation, colonic hydrotherapy or
colon irrigation.

The Colonic Procedure - After completion and examination of your

complete health history, checkup, and consultation by the
hydrotherapist, you will need to wear a hospital gown and lie down,
face-up on the treatment table.

The therapist inserts a disposable speculum into your anus. The

speculum is connected by a long disposable plastic hose to the colon
hydrotherapy unit. The therapist slowly releases warm and filtered
water into the colon, and the water will cause your colon muscles to
contract. This is known as peristalsis. This causes the feces to be pushed
out from your colon through the hose and it will be collected in a closed
waste system for disposal .

Do remember that there could be some discomfort or a weird sensation

in the abdomen during the therapy. The therapist massages in and
around the abdominal region during the therapy to facilitate the

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process. The therapist could comment on the color of the feces, although
no smell would come out of the closed system. After the session, you
may use the toilet to pass any residual water and stool.

Side Effects

Common side effects of the colonic procedure may include nausea and
fatigue that can last for several hours. There may be a risk of perforation
of the abdominal wall as well. Careful monitoring is required to reduce
the possibility of complications like electrolyte imbalance and heart
failure due to excessive absorption of water.

Who should NOT try the Colonic Procedure?

People who are suffering from specific medical conditions like

ulcerative colitis, diverticular disease, Crohn's disease, blood vessel
disease, severe hemorrhoids, heart disease, congestive heart failure,
gastrointestinal cancer, abdominal hernia, severe anemia, or intestinal
tumors should not try the colonic procedure. You should refrain from
this if there has been any recent surgery of the colon as well. Pregnant
women should not have a colonic as it could stimulate uterine
contractions. Before the colonic is prepared, drink plenty of fluids and
just eat light foods.

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After a Colonic

After the colonic process, eat very light foods. I also recommend that
you eat probiotic foods to restore the good bacteria in your gut. Avoid
raw vegetables for a few days.


There is a possibility that every mild cleansing phase such as altering

your diet, taking herbal supplements or extreme sessions like the
parasite cleanse, 3 day juicing or the liver detox, can and may trigger a
healing crisis. When and if the crisis arises, it can cause detoxing or die
off symptoms. The healing crisis is a natural part of the elimination
process of Tinnitus, as the body regenerates itself and expels the waste
products through all elimination channels.

When bacteria or parasites die during the cleaning process, these

microorganisms release toxins and ammonia. The liver releases stored
toxins into the blood stream, and this also causes the healing crisis

The more intense your cleanse is, the faster the toxins will be released
into the bloodstream, and the worse you will feel.

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Here are the most common detoxification related symptoms:

Headaches, fever, whiteheads and acne cysts, diarrhea, weakness,
irritability, mental depression and nausea.

What you must realize is that, once you start improving your diet and
lifestyle and begin the process of detoxification, things are naturally
bound to get worse before your condition improves.

The intensity of the detoxing symptoms as well as the healing process

will depend on several factors: your skin type, your general health
condition, your previous lifestyle, the condition of your elimination
organs, how much toxins are stored in your system, your energy levels,
whether you have allergy to certain foods or not, and how effectively
your body reacts to the program.

There are in fact several stages of detoxing, in which, the toxins are
expelled gradually and in different levels from your system.

There are also three stages of healing that you should know of: At first
the body starts to clean up, and rebuild the vital internal organs. This

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stage depletes energy from your body, and so you can feel weak and

My advice is that, you should sleep and rest as much as possible

throughout this stage. The second phase is catabolism: the body starts
removing waste materials, undigested food, chemicals and hormone
residues and releases them into the bloodstream and the lymphatic
system. During this phase, your condition may get worse, and you may
also experience the familiar detoxing symptoms that have been
discussed above. Gradually, these symptoms will go and your condition
will improve. The final stage is anabolism: the body starts building new
tissues and replacing the old ones. This usually causes your energy
levels to increase significantly.

The two most important rules during detoxification are: rest as much as
possible during the 3 stages (this will accelerate the healing process),
and accept the detoxification process as a natural part of healing. Be
happy with it. Embrace it.

While recovery time varies from one person to another (since it

depends on numerous individual factors), it usually takes
approximately 8-16 weeks for the healing crisis to end and for the
detoxing symptoms to abate.

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No cleansing protocol is complete without killing the parasites that

inhabit your system.

Parasites are living organisms that eat, lay eggs and secrete toxins into
your blood stream. They live off the food you supply them (especially
sugar). They grow healthy and become fat and may remain in your body
for decades without you even knowing it.

These parasites reproduce inside your body, feeding themselves from

minerals like calcium. They eat essential protein and damage your
lungs, joints, nervous system and liver. This causes many illnesses such
as severe allergies, arthritis, anemia, digestive problems, hormonal
disorders, infertility issues and more.

Some parasites can grow up to 15 inches long, inhabit your digestive

tract and secrete toxins that create a toxic overload.

The most effective and natural way I have found to eradicate parasites is
by taking wormwood, cloves, black walnut and garlic herbs daily for the
whole week. This will kill most parasites.

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Note: as parasites secrete ammonia (which is a powerful toxic), you

might feel slightly ill in the process, but don’t panic. It’s only temporary.

An excellent black walnut and wormwood tincture is available at:

Note: Start small; take about 5 to 10 drops of black walnut tincture

in water. Take a few capsules of wormwood, and a few capsules of
ground cloves. Take them all on an empty stomach 2 to 3 times a
day. Increase the dose a little each day for six days.

There are other good alternatives for killing parasites. One such is raw
garlic. Just be careful though. Garlic can encourage a life of solitude. Raw
pumpkin seeds are also a good source – they contain fatty acids that can
eradicate the parasite.

Due to its tremendous nutritional value, coconut oil is also highly

effective in killing the parasites. It should be added to your menu even if
there are no symptoms of parasites.

A good quality extra virgin coconut oil is available at:

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The liver is a remarkably complex and important organ that can help
you maintain overall health. This is particularly true for infertility
patients. Maintaining a healthy liver through liver detoxification is one
of the most crucial factors in the successful treatment of infertility.

The liver produces physiological substances that are essential for the
immune system, and it is also one of the major producers of the lymph
and helps remove cellular debris, yeast and viruses from the body (with
the help of white blood cells). So a compromised liver function or liver
damage can suppress the immune system and contribute to major
hormonal disorders.

Improving liver function and enhancing liver detoxification involves 5


1. Follow a healthy balanced low-fat diet that is based on whole

grains, beans, nuts, seeds and non-starchy vegetables. This will
provide the liver with the essential nutrients it needs, including super
foods such as garlic and onions that improve its function. Avoid foods
such as refined carbohydrates, hydrogenated oils, alcohol and saturated
fats that compromise the liver.

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2. Take high-potency minerals and vitamins. The minerals and

supplements outlined in Step 2 such as antioxidants and B vitamins will
protect the liver from damage and eliminate the toxic materials.

3. Fasting. The 3-day juice fasting plan outlined in Step 4 will greatly
aid liver detoxification, and it will also remove heavy metals and other
toxic compounds.

4. Taking specific supplements to protect the liver. This can be

achieved by taking the following:


This is a group of flavonoid compounds that are extracted from milk

thistle. These compounds protect the liver from damage (using their
highly potent antioxidant properties) and promote liver detoxification.
This is achieved by preventing the depletion of glutathione and even
increasing its content by up to 35% (the greater the content of
glutathione in the liver, the greater will be the liver’s ability to detoxify).

Recommended daily dosage: 80 mg- 200 mg

Available at:

Choline, Betaine and Cysteine (Lipotropic Agents)

These nutrients promote the flow of fat and bile from the liver, improve
liver metabolism and function, and enhance liver detoxification.

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Recommended daily dosage: 1000 mg Choline and 1000 mg Cysteine

Available at:

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Step 5: 280




It is a proven fact: most people can reduce their Tinnitus with properly
administered hypnotherapy techniques. It has been reported that as
many as 50% to 76% of patients who have tried hypnosis to treat their
Tinnitus have experienced a dramatic reduction in the noise and volume
they heard, as well as the stress and anxiety they experienced due to
their condition.

So, why don’t more people turn to this effective method of treatment?
The fact is, a lot of people do not understand what hypnosis is – and
what it can do. Contrary to popular myth, hypnosis does not put you to
sleep, making you vulnerable to any suggestion made. It does however,
put you in a heightened sense of awareness and focused concentration.
This alpha-state allows the patient to better recall memory, and retrain
the brain to break the memory loop of sound, which is ultimately
creating the Tinnitus noise in the head. By defusing the emotional
charge that is associated with specific sounds and steering the
unconscious mind away from the sounds being heard and toward other

©2009 Tinnitus Miracle – Thomas Coleman- All Rights Rese rved Page 280

stimuli, the hypnotherapist can help the patient “forget” the sounds that
is bombarding him/her.

So, What’s a Hypnotherapy Session Like?

The most important thing to remember when treating your Tinnitus

with hypnosis is that, you will need to find a qualified professional who
is experienced in dealing with the disorder. Since you will need to break
the persistent feedback loops in the brain, which constantly runs the
sounds through your head, you will need to find a therapist who is
experienced in advanced hypnotic techniques. Not everyone is.

Now, if you think that a hypnotherapy session will be much like one of
those hypnotic tests performed for an audience, you will be surprised.
True hypnosis and hypnotherapy is nothing like what you’ve probably
seen on TV or in the movies. No one will be making you cluck like a
chicken or any other such nonsense.

Actually, the first thing you will learn to do is relax – and I mean truly
and deeply relax. This can be very difficult for some people since most
of us have no idea how to truly relax every muscle in our body. Once
this has been accomplished, your hypnotherapist is likely to use one of
these basic hypnosis techniques for your treatment:

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If you have no idea what first triggered your Tinnitus, regression

therapy may be helpful in determining (and facing) those initial triggers.
By taking the patient back to right before the original onset of
symptoms, the therapist can find out what its underlying cause was, and
help the patient eliminate the feelings that may have been experienced,
and the ones that are triggering the symptoms now. The therapist can
also help the person become aware of these triggers so that the victim
can make a conscious decision of not allowing it to create more or
louder sounds in the head.


Hypnosis works on the assumption that the unconscious mind will

always do what it thinks is right for the betterment of the body. By
figuring out what part of the body (or ego) is causing the noise you hear,
your hypnotherapist can negotiate that part of the body to convince it
that generating the noise isn’t necessary for your survival. Often, it is
discovered that the noise of Tinnitus is created to signal the body to
“listen” to something else: a life or work change; your inner self; or even
those around you. Once the body “part” can be convinced that your
brain will listen without the noise, it will simply stop making the

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Tinnitus noises. Those who have experienced Ego State Therapy often
refer to it as quite a miracle, because their Tinnitus frequently
disappears after treatment entirely.


Suggestive therapy is just that: therapy that works by suggesting to the

patient (and their unconscious brain) that he or she isn’t hearing the
noises in the head any longer, or that, if heard, they are very faint and

While hypnosis isn’t a cure-all for severe cases of Tinnitus, it can be

used quite effectively to reduce the volume and frequency of the noises
heard, and it can help the patient cope better by reducing stress, anxiety
and even depression that is associated with the disorder.

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Your brain has the potential to have a profound and powerful effect
over the functioning of your body, and hypnosis is the most effective
way to gain that mastery over the workings of your body.

The following hypnotic session that I have prepared with the help of a
colleague (who is a professional hypnotherapist) will have a two-
pronged effect.

1. It will induce deep and profound relaxation that can work directly on
your stress levels to diminish Tinnitus.

2. The session will also provide hypnotic suggestions to turn down and
switch off Tinnitus sounds, thus allowing you to be less bothered by the
sensitive sounds.

So even if this hypnotherapy does not eliminate Tinnitus, it can still

reduce the volume and stress of the negative emotions that are
associated with it. In fact, a recent study of the efficacy of hypnosis in
Tinnitus reduction showed that 73% of all people who took part in this
succeeded in achieving these results.

Important notes:

1. The hypnosis session below has been written for a one-to-one

therapy session by a professional hypnotherapist and a client (you).

2. If you are under a doctor’s care, please consult your physician before
trying this session with your chosen hypnotherapist.

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Close your eyes

and begin to relax deeply to the sounds of my words
or perhaps the spaces in between the words
gently resting


allowing each breath in

and out
to gradually fill that body with pure relaxation
gently caressing every cell and fibre within
allowing them to slumber in relaxation
getting a sense of how that mind can
begin to clear away the thoughts of the day
allowing restful moments to enjoy this relaxation
becoming aware of how comforting it can be to
relax this deeply


you can become aware of a deepening sense of calm

gently flowing within that body

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really allowing each muscle to stretch gently

and relax and rest further
a comforting blanket of warmth
surrounding that body
wrapping it gently in a timeless rest
allowing you deepened relaxation
enjoying that experience
and with each breath


Allow that relaxation to deepen

filling every part of that body with a wonderful


and I’d like you to imagine
that you are walking along a restful pathway
and with each step forward
allowing further relaxation to fill that body
with an increased sense of calm
perhaps becoming aware of the feel
of the ground beneath those feet

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perhaps of grass
allowing a spring in your step
or perhaps the crunching of gravel
getting a sense that with each step you can effortlessly glide
along that pathway
continuing your journey
becoming aware of the scents in the air
perhaps of beautiful flowers that surround you
or the aroma of freshly cut grass
and with each breath in


and out
allowing those scents to relax that body further
getting a sense of the sights around you
perhaps of trees lining the path
or of surrounding patchwork fields
perhaps you can notice a stream to the side of the path
and how this bubbles along as it flows naturally
allowing the light of the sun to glimmer on its surface
becoming aware of the reflections in the stream
taking a few moments to notice how
with this time to reflect
you can allow deeper relaxation and comfort

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And I would like you to become aware

of the sound of a steam train in the distance
chugging along the tracks
chugging along
chugging along
the natural rhythm of the sound
and how in a warm breeze
it can sometimes be difficult to place the direction of the sound
and as you continue your walk along the path
noticing in the distance the sight of the train
the steam rising in the air
as the train meanders through the surrounding hills
keeping on track
continuing its journey
watching that train and noticing
how the steam makes patterns and pictures in the air
just as the clouds can in the sky
allowing a few moments to watch that steam
or those clouds
allowing those pictures and patterns to form
with a deepening relaxation


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Becoming aware that during those few moments

the sound of the train had faded away
as you allowed your attention to focus on your creativity


And as you continue along the path

experiencing more rest and comfort
with each step forward
you can get a sense of a doorway
an arch
perhaps steps at the end of the pathway
and through that door
or under that arch
there is a special place
perhaps somewhere that you have been before
perhaps somewhere that you would like to go
it really doesn’t matter
and with each step moving closer towards this place
that makes you feel so safe
and calm
a comforting place that allows you
deep relaxation and rest
and those last few steps now
taking your journey to this special place
noticing the colors that surround you

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how the shapes can change with the shifting light

and intensify that color
aware of the restful sounds around you
perhaps of a warm summer breeze rustling the leaves in the trees
or perhaps the gentle lapping of water
taking time to really notice
what it is about this place that makes you feel so relaxed
and happy


and when I was young
I stayed for a week with some friends who had a train line
at the end of their garden
at first I was very aware of the noise of the trains
thundering past the house as they shook the windows
and each time those trains passed through on their journey
the sound was still there
after a while
I stopped even noticing the trains consciously
I learnt to forget about the sound
my subconscious mind didn’t bother to pay attention
to the sound any more
because it didn’t need to

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When you focus your attention so strongly that

you fade out all distractions
someone may call your name
or there may be music or the TV in the back ground
but you ‘zone it out’
because your attention
is focused on something else entirely
your brain can choose what to fade out
and what to focus on
you can remember to forget certain things around you
and forget to remember
When you go to sleep at night your senses still work
you may be deep within a dream
or just sound asleep between dreams
and even though there are still sounds around you
and your ears pick up these noises
you just don’t hear them
As you continue to relax in this special place
I’d like you to allow yourself to focus on that breathing
and with each breath in and out


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allowing a deepening relaxation and comfort

to fill every space within that body
getting a sense of that special place within that body
a special chamber
and within that special chamber
are the controls for that body and mind
just getting a sense now
of where that special chamber is within that body


Getting a sense of the controls within that chamber

becoming aware of the relevant controls for
volume control
and pitch control


That’s good
aware of how you have control over these controls
getting a sense of turning down that volume control
watching that control moving and lowering that volume
just as you can turn down the volume on the radio
that volume gently drifting away to nothing


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Good and turning down that pitch control

rotating and turning down that control
noticing that pitch changing
and lessening


becoming aware of how
now that you have turned down those controls
that mind is able to get on with other things
concentrating on many other tasks
able to focus on that enjoyment of pure relaxation


And in a few moments

you can allow yourself to come back to the room
knowing that unconscious can switch off
so naturally and easily
becoming aware of the room around you
knowing that you have learnt well today
getting a sense of the air around you
coming back to the here and now
feeling refreshed and relaxed

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What to Do During the Program 295


No matter how you decide to treat your Tinnitus, remember, it can take
weeks or even months to find relief from your most severe symptoms.
Waiting for improvement can be difficult, particularly when you are
anxious to try a new method of treatment if and when one doesn’t seem
to be working. But, take your time and give each treatment the time it
needs to work. Patience is a key to curing any disease, and Tinnitus is
no exception. There are some things you can do however, to make the
wait easier to handle. Let’s take a look at some things to try while you
are waiting for the program to work:

There are a lot of things you can do while you are working on the
program to enhance its effects and ensure that you get as much
benefit from every treatment option you try. Here are just a few
things to do while you are on the 5-Step Holistic Treatment Plan:


As we have already discussed, exercise is a great way to strengthen your

body; boost your immune system; increase circulation and blood flow to
and from the ears and the brain; and it can also keep your stress levels
low—these are all important to control your Tinnitus and its symptoms.

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What to Do During the Program 296

Sleep Optimization

Your body can’t function properly without enough sleep. Unfortunately,

too many Tinnitus patients report a lack of sleep due to the noise they
hear at night. Do your best to get at least 8 hours of quality sleep every
night by establishing a bedtime routine to signal your brain that rest is
pending; mask the noises you hear with white noise instead; try
napping during the day when your Tinnitus may be less annoying; or
even ask your doctor to prescribe sleep aids when necessary. Also, take
time throughout the day to relax or even meditate to keep both your
body and mind in perfect harmony.

Stop Smoking!

Cigarette smoke can be a leading contributor to Tinnitus – both for

those who smoke themselves, and those who are around others who are
doing it. No one knows for sure why cigarette smoke seems to make
Tinnitus symptoms worse (and there is some debate about whether or
not it actually causes the disorder), but the fact is that, the vast majority
of people who report a sensitivity to cigarette smoke also report a
decrease in symptoms when they stay clear of it.

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Eliminate Environmental Toxins

All of us are bombarded with dozens of toxins everyday – and some of

them may be the root cause of your Tinnitus! Our bodies are under
constant attack from air pollution, cleaning products, garden sprays, and
even radiation from our cell phones and building materials. No wonder
it is fighting back. While many of them can be eliminated from your
immediate environment, some may have to be dealt with in other ways,
such as by taking supplements. Here are the major areas of concern to
investigate for toxins in your life:

· Xenosestrogens

Xenosestrogens are manmade, estrogen-mimicking chemicals that are

found in our environment. They are everywhere: in our soils as
pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers; in our water and in our
food supply – in animals, fish and grains. Avoiding Xenosestrogens may
be difficult (but you can limit your exposure as much as possible). You
should begin by knowing where to find them:

1. Plastics - PCBs in plastics are released every time you heat a plastic
container in the microwave
2. Pesticides – these are stored in the fat cells of fish, poultry and other
food sources

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3. Growth Hormones – used to fatten up animals that are later

consumed such as beef, chicken, turkey, and pork
4. The glues, paints and varnishes in our furniture
5. Personal care products such as soap, shampoo and fragrance

So, what can you do to limit (or even eliminate) your exposure to these
dangerous chemicals? Try these tips:

Avoid plastic packaging and don’t eat anything that has been heated in a
plastic container.

˙ Avoid hormone-containing meat, dairy and poultry by purchasing organic,

vegetarian or free-range options from your natural food store.

˙ Eat organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible, or at least wash

your fruits and vegetables thoroughly with a vinegar and water solution
before eating.

˙ Drink natural spring water instead of tap water.

˙ Eat broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts – they can reduce the effect
of these toxins in your body.

˙ Use protective clothing, proper ventilation and face masks when you are
using common household cleaners and gardening products.

˙ Use natural and organic personal care products

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• Water. Install a high quality water purification system in your

home to remove chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides,
lead, allergens, Giardia and cryptosporidium from the water
you drink, use for cooking and for that shower. Also, consider
installing a filter on your shower for even more protection,
since hot water can make many toxins more volatile and more
easily absorbed.

• Cleaning products. Luckily, green products are easy to find

these days, and they offer a toxin-free way to keep your home
clean and tidy.

• Gardening products. Lawn and garden sprays can all present a

hazard to those couples who are trying to conceive. Forget the
pesticides for a more natural lawn and garden.

• Lead. If you live in a house that was built after 1960, you may
want to consider having it tested for lead. If lead is found, be
sure to follow the recommendations of the tester for removal
and/or encapsulation.

Do what you can to stay clear of these dangerous toxins, and you may be
surprised at the lack of noise ringing in your head.

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Noise in itself may contribute to the severity of your Tinnitus, and you
will thus need to avoid this whenever possible. However this is easier
said than done, considering the amount of noise we are bombarded with
every day. But, there are ways to limit your exposure to find relief.
Here are a few suggestions:

· Ask your neighbors (and your loved ones) to turn down the
volume whenever possible. Certainly, you can’t expect
everyone in your household and neighborhood to stay
stealthy quiet all the time, but you can ask them politely not
to crank up the music too loud (or for too long). And, if they
must, maybe they could warn you first so that you can use
specialized earplugs or a masking device to keep the noise
from causing you severe pain.

· If you live in a high noise area where there are loud trucks,
factories, etc., you may be able to contact the Environmental
Agency or other local authorities to make sure that they are
abiding by local, state and federal noise statutes. Often,
people living in these types of commercial or industrial
areas can find some relief when noise ordinances and
regulations are followed.

· Of course, if you ask for help because there is a noisy

neighbor or a local business whose noise levels seem to be

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What to Do During the Program 301

over the acceptable level, you may need to speak with a

lawyer about taking legal action to reduce the noise.
However this can cause other problems, so you’ll want to do
your best to resolve the issue yourself first.

· Wear protective head gear. Ear plugs and even some

masking devices can be used successfully for protection
from the outside noise.

· Alter your environment if necessary. Some Tinnitus

sufferers have found that once their symptoms erupt, they
can no longer continue living in the same city, town or even
the neighborhood due to the excessive noise they hear. In
some cases, people have found relief by relocating from
busy urban areas to rural settings where it is much quieter.
Though a drastic measure, but moving can sometimes offer
the much-needed relief, particularly for those who are
finding other treatments difficult.

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Habituation therapy can be one of the best resources used to decrease

the Tinnitus noise, both in conjunction with other treatment methods,
and even by itself. However, since there are not a lot of trained
habituation therapists in the U.S., it can takes months (or sometimes
even years), to get into a program. Although formal habituation therapy
is always best, there are some forms of treatments that can be done at
home on your own, while you are waiting to join a treatment program.
There are virtually no side effects of this type of treatment - it is
completely safe. If you want to try this at home, go ahead and read this.
Here is a basic rundown of self-imposed habituation therapy:

1. Eliminate any medical reason for your Tinnitus through

proper medical tests

2. Once it has been determined that there is no medical reason

for your Tinnitus, you can begin self habituation therapy by
purchasing a white noise generator. While any make or
model will do, but it is best to find a manufacturer who
specializes in making machines to specifically treat Tinnitus.

3. Next, be sure that you completely understand that Tinnitus

is annoying, but not life threatening in any way. This will
make it easier for you to ignore the sounds you here.

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4. Instant results are not likely – this type of therapy takes

time as you begin to re-train the brain and erase any
existing memory loops of sound. Patience is the key to

5. Begin the treatment by using a noise masker while you are

awake. Be sure to keep the volume level very low at first
(maybe even one that can barely be heard).

6. Once a week, turn up the volume just a tad, and discontinue

this increase once the volume hits a point where it is no
longer quiet, but is not overly loud either. Warning: if ever
the noise of the masker seems to increase your Tinnitus
symptoms, reduce the volume of the masker immediately!

7. Never increase the volume of the masker beyond the

volume of the Tinnitus noise itself.



Morning Roar is common among many Tinnitus sufferers, because

many of them experience an increase in their symptoms in the early
morning hours. Some simple ways others have found to alleviate this
extra noise in the mornings include:

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· sleeping with your head elevated – by using either a bed

edge or several pillows, you can stop the congestion of
blood in your ear canal, which is one reason why the
symptoms become worse.

· Drinking something sugary like juice, tea with a tablespoon

of sugar in it, or even a plain glass of sugary water. By
raising the blood sugar level when you awake, you can ward
off an increase in the morning ear noise. However only
those who are not suffering from any glucose issues should
try this.


The body deals with internal and external issues and problems in many
different ways. While one person may not be bothered in the least when
someone blows the car horn; another may find it extremely stressful
and do whatever he or she can to satisfy the person’s impatience so that
he or she stops blowing the horn. Stress is a direct result of the way
your body responds to a wide range of daily demands.

So, how does stress affect your Tinnitus? It can weaken your immune
system and make you more susceptible to diseases and infections, and
this is what causes or worsens the Tinnitus symptoms. It can also

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enhance the sounds you hear. Stress is directly related to how bad your
Tinnitus seems from day to day, or even from hour to hour (or it can
even cause it). It is thus important to learn how to control it.


One of the best ways to battle Tinnitus is to reduce as much stress as

you can in your life. This will however mean different things to different
people, but generally speaking, you can try these following approaches:

Identify Stressors in Your Life

Remember, the stress you may feel may have no impact on someone
else. That’s why it’s so important to figure out what puts you on the
edge, so that you can eliminate stress from your life. For instance, if an
overbooked schedule sends you reeling, do your best to cut back on
those non-essential activities to have more time to relax. However, if
sitting around makes you edgy, find more things to occupy your time.
Take a good look at the things in your life which set you off to determine
what stressors can be eliminated, and what stressors simply need more

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There are many signs of stress. Here are just a few of the most common
to watch out for:

· sleep disturbances

· irritability

· back, shoulder and neck pain

· upset stomach, indigestion and heartburn

· bowel issues

· muscle tension

· changes in your weight

· tiredness and fatigue

· chest pain

· high blood pressure

· skin problems

· immune suppression

· nervousness, anxiety

· irritability and frustration

· feeling out of control

· overreactions

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· butterflies

· moodiness

· memory problems

· difficulty in concentration

To reduce some of the stress in your life, try these 10 simple tips:

1. Get up earlier every morning so that you have more time to

get ready without rushing.

2. Be sure to take time every morning to sit down and eat your
breakfast. It’s a great way to focus on your day and fuel your
body in a more relaxed way.

3. Keep a ‘to-do’ list of things you want to accomplish on a

daily, weekly or even monthly basis. As long as you don’t
focus on all the things still left undone, it’ll help you see
what lies ahead, and also what you have managed to
accomplish so far.

4. Take time out to smell the roses (or anything else that
relaxes you or makes you happy). Do something fun every
day, even if it is as simple as sitting in your car at lunch and
listening to your favorite CD, or giggling with a friend over a
cup of hot chocolate.

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5. Avoid negative people when you can. Nothing can stress

you more than being around people who can’t find anything
to be happy about.

6. Take a few moments to brush your hair. Most people find

this very relaxing – and it feels good too!

7. Keep your schedule manageable. Sure, this may be easier

said than done, but take time out each day to see what you
“need” to do and what you “must” do.

8. Stay prepared. Nothing causes more stress in your day than

not being able to find the bill you need to pay; the letter you
need the boss to sign; or the phone number you need to call.

9. Take up a hobby – it is fun!

10. Take a breather. When you are tired, rest. When you
are hungry, eat. When you need to escape, do it!


Anger is a big stressor in many of our lives. One of the strongest human
emotions, anger can be increased by stress, causing you to lose your
temper more quickly and simply over an otherwise unimportant issue.

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By learning to better control your anger (and your temper), you’ll be

able to lower your stress levels, and maybe even reduce the number of
Tinnitus attacks you experience. Here are some simple things you can
do the next time you begin to lose your temper:

· Recognize and admit that you are angry. Then, talk

calmly about whatever is making you angry.

· Walk away or take a time out.

· Find a safe way to release your anger – go into

another room and yell; go for a walk; or even punch a

· Distract yourself with another activity.

· Write down your feelings.


Your brain and your body needs time to rest and rejuvenate. When you
sleep, you give your brain time to go over everything that it has
experienced during the day to purge the unnecessary stuff; and your
body organs get the time to heal themselves and prepare for the next
day. When you don’t get enough sleep, you rob your body of the chance
to get rejuvenated.

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So, how can you get enough sleep when you’re up half the night due to
the noise in your head and ears? Some experts suggest finding ways to
relax before bed time by taking a warm bath; avoiding strenuous
activities before you hit the bed; keeping a regular bedtime schedule
and routine to signal your body that sleep is imminent; planning the
next day’s activities ahead of time so that you don’t need to think about
it at bedtime; avoiding all activities that make you tired and cutting out
all caffeine, nicotine, sugar and other stimulants for at least 2 hours
before retiring.


As you’ve learned, there are a lot of ways to treat your Tinnitus

symptoms. Whatever form of treatment plan you choose to become
Tinnitus free for life, the most important thing to remember is to take an
active role in combating the stressors, which may trigger your
symptoms. This will take an overall approach to your recovery that
includes finding the right mix of medications; treatments and even
lifestyle alterations. This is likely to include:

· Regular Exercise

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What to Do During the Program 311

· Eating a well-balanced diet that is rich in important

vitamins and minerals

· Eliminating any environmental toxins that may be

inducing the symptoms including cigarette smoke and
food additives

· Reducing the impact of harmful noises by taking

necessary precautions

· Finding herbal remedies that work for you

· Beginning a combination of habituation therapy and

hypnotherapy treatment

· Working with your doctor to find traditional

medications that work in relieving your symptoms

· Battling the stress in your life that could be

aggravating your Tinnitus

· Taking the time to allow your treatment plan to work

Finding the right cure for your Tinnitus won’t happen overnight – but
with patience and persistence, it will happen. There is an answer out
there for you. You just have to find it!

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Appendix I: 312




As you’ve already learned, there are a lot of different types of

treatments available to help you better deal with your Tinnitus. Here’s
an overview of some of the most common treatment alternatives that
have helped patients the most:


Homeopathy is probably the most accepted of all the alternative

medicines that are used today. Devised in the 1700’s by Samuel
Hahnemann, Homeopathic medicine relies on two basic principles:

1. like cures like – this means that the cure to a problem

usually resides within the problem itself

2. less is more – this requires only necessary intervention and

minimal doses of all medications

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Alternative Medical Treatments for Tinnitus 313

Homeopaths believe that symptoms are simply signs that the body is
trying to ward off the disease. That’s why these practitioners
concentrate more on discovering and treating the source of the problem
than the actual symptom. It is their belief that the human body has
everything it needs to cure itself of most conditions, if it is in good
shape. Therefore it is the homeopath’s job to strengthen the patient’s
own ability to heal, by aiding and stimulating his/her own natural
mechanisms for healing.

This is usually accomplished by offering the patient extremely diluted

doses of specific medications to jump start the healing process. While
traditional medicine uses drugs to alleviate the symptoms, homeopaths
use smaller doses to guide the body’s own healing principles. Most
doses are so small that the patient doesn’t even need a prescription to
get it. The person is able to purchase the medication off the shelf at a
regular alternative medicine shop or can get it from the homeopathic
therapist. However, this does not mean that the patient should
prescribe his/her own treatment. Proper homeopathic treatment must
be administered by an experienced practitioner in order to work (and
not cause other ailments).

The causes of your Tinnitus may be very different than the cause of
someone else’s, and therefore must be treated differently. This is the
main reason why proper diagnosis and treatment must be prescribed by

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Alternative Medical Treatments for Tinnitus 314

a professional who has experience in dealing with the many facets of

Tinnitus. The other reason why it’s important not to self medicate is
the fact that any drugs you take (homeopathic or not) must be carefully
monitored in regards to your overall health and other medical

That said, some of the most common homeopathic remedies used to

treat a variety of Tinnitus cases and causes include:

· Lycopodium -- a green mossy plant that reduces the

ringing or echoing some patients experience together
with some form of hearing loss.

· Cabro Vegatabilis – created from vegetable charcoal,

this has been useful in treating symptoms that occur
together with Tinnitus such as an upset stomach and
congestion (although it has not been reported to treat
the actual ear noise associated with Tinnitus).

· Coffee Cruda – derived from unroasted coffee and

high in caffeine, coffee cruda calms the nerves and
alleviates some of the associated anxiety that a person
who is suffering from Tinnitus feels.

· Graphites – otherwise known as black lead, this has

been successfully used to treat Tinnitus in patients

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Alternative Medical Treatments for Tinnitus 315

who experience some degree of deafness in one or

both the ears.

· Natrum Salicylic– Generally used for patients who

experience a constant ringing in their ears, it is also
used to alleviate accompanying flu-like symptoms.

· Chininum Sulphuricam – used to treat general


· Salicylicum Acidum – a very promising treatment for

those who experience Tinnitus after taking Aspirin. It
has also been used to treat severe roaring sounds in

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Alternative Medical Treatments for Tinnitus 316


When you think of acupuncture, you may think of people with needles
that are stuck all over their bodies. While this image is true in some
sense, traditional acupuncture involves much more than simply jabbing
a patient with a bunch of needles.

Used for thousands of years now, acupuncture involves penetrating

precise points on the skin to cause an exchange of electrons within the
meridian of the body. It is believed that this can cause a long-lasting
positive effect on each of the organs when used correctly – including
your hearing!

Western medicine attributes its effects to the release of chemicals that

are stimulated by the nervous system during the procedure.
Regardless of why you think it works, the fact remains that, both
Western and Eastern medical practitioners believe in acupuncture
and use it regularly to help their patients in a variety of ways.

How does acupuncture work? There are several theories:

1. Acupuncture needles stimulate the production of

endorphins, which help to relax patients and help
them in their fight or flight response that is associated

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Alternative Medical Treatments for Tinnitus 317

with fear and stress. This rebalances the body’s

energies and keeps the organs working at peak

The pressure exerted by the acupuncture needle actually creates a

micro electric current in the body, and this releases prostaglandins
into the bloodstream and sends messages to the hypothalamus,
which regulates the body’s hormones.

It is important to remember when you are turning to acupuncture that

different points have different effects. The caregiver must be well
qualified to treat the specific issues to treat your Tinnitus.

How Acupressure Can Help

Depending on where you apply acupressure (and acupuncture),

you can actually decrease the sympathetic nervous system and
even change your cells. Depending on the causes of your Tinnitus,
this may be all that’s necessary to relieve its symptoms, or the
treatment may simply help to enhance the effectiveness of other
medical intervention methods.

The body is compiled of a system of reactions and feedbacks: if

you touch a nerve, it will signal the brain to change something
somewhere else in the body like your hormones. Like a chain

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Alternative Medical Treatments for Tinnitus 318

reaction, pressing on certain points or meridians can stimulate a

cause and effect reaction throughout every system and organ in
your body. Your blood may be stimulated to send messages to
specific areas.

Although using acupuncture needles may offer a lot of help for

many people, but there are those who are squeamish about being
stuck with needles, and opt for a less invasive acupressure
treatment. This is perfectly acceptable because acupressure
employs the same basic techniques, only without the needles.

The other nice benefit of using acupressure is the fact that you can
often stimulate the acupoints on your own body, once you learn
the proper technique and understand which points must be
addressed based on your own individual situation and treatment


It has been proved that yoga is very effective in reducing stress levels to
reduce the amount of noise you hear from your Tinnitus. While there
are many forms of this ancient exercise treatment, most people perform
one of these two main types of yoga:

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Alternative Medical Treatments for Tinnitus 319

1. Physical exercise that promotes strength and flexibility by

stretching the muscles of limbs, back and neck. It is also
used to increase circulation, which can dramatically reduce
your Tinnitus symptoms.

2. Mental control and relaxation through meditation to relax

and achieve a state of inner peace and harmony. This is
particularly helpful for those who are suffering from
Tinnitus and exhibiting high levels of stress and anxiety due
to their condition.

Here are some simple yoga exercises to try on your own. It has been
designed to increase circulation to the head, because this can provide
you relief from the symptoms of Tinnitus:

· find a comfortable position

· Tuck your chin into your chest. Now, turn your head
as far to the right as it will go. If at any time, you feel
uncomfortable – stop! Hold the position for 5
seconds. Next, turn your head in the opposite
direction as far as you can, and hold that position for
5 seconds.

· Tilt your head forward. Bring your chin to your chest.

Hold the position for 5 seconds.

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Alternative Medical Treatments for Tinnitus 320

· Tilt your head backward, keeping your chin tucked in,

and hold for 5 seconds.

· Repeat this series several times.


Becoming more and more popular in today’s traditional medical

practices, Osteopathy relies on manipulation techniques that are
applied to the back and neck. While some Tinnitus patients have
experienced great relief using this treatment method, but it should be
noted that others have reported an increase in symptoms when the
procedure was applied by a professional who has not been particularly
trained in treating Tinnitus.


With so many medical professionals now acknowledging a link between

a patient’s medical condition and his/her emotional well being in
regards to diagnosis and treatment (especially in regards to Tinnitus),
many of them are now looking beyond traditional medicine to help their

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Alternative Medical Treatments for Tinnitus 321

patients. This includes the use of some newer “fringe” therapies. Here
are just a few you can consider yourself:


The power of suggesting is strong. For those with a spiritual tie, faith
healing or the laying of hands may offer the comfort and help that they
seek. While there is little scientific evidence to support spiritual or
energy healing as a cure for Tinnitus, some patients have experienced
the much-needed relief after visiting a “healing specialist.”

Therapeutic Touch

Unlike faith healers who use supernatural forces to do the actual healing
on a patient, therapeutic touch is performed by non-psychics. They try
to transfer energy from their own body to the patient as a way to give
them the energy to heal.

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Appendix 2: 322



As we have already discussed, there are a number of conventional

medicines that can be used to treat Tinnitus. While, not a cure per se,
but they can be still useful in controlling (or even eliminating) the
symptoms until a true cure can be found. Most of them do come with
side effects however, and thus, long term use should be avoided.
However, some patients may be more comfortable with traditional
pharmaceutical treatments than the other options that have been
described in this book.

As previously discussed, the medications used for treating Tinnitus

symptoms fall into three main categories:


The most common medications used to treat Tinnitus are anti-anxiety

drugs called Benzodiazepines. They work by suppressing any hyper-
sensitivity being experienced by the central nervous system and the
brain. The most commonly prescribed Benzodiazepines include:

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Medications for Tinnitus 323

Xanax (generic: alprazolam) – while Xanax rarely “cures” Tinnitus

completely, it has been successful in reducing the Tinnitus volume by
40% in more than 75% of all patients. It does come with side effects
though. More than 20% of those using the drug experience blurred
vision; a change in their sex drive; constipation; drowsiness; dry mouth;
fatigue and moderate to severe headaches. This can make it difficult to
handle for some. Most doctors prescribe very low doses, and this seems
to help limit the side effects.

Serax & Klonopin – they work much better with Tinnitus patients. These
two medications seem to relieve the symptoms in 52% to 70% of those
who take it.

Others – of course there are other anti-anxiety medications that can be

used to relieve the Tinnitus symptoms including: Ativan, Traxene and


In some patients, anti-depressants can reduce the Tinnitus sounds, but

it often takes a trial-and-error period to find the right drug and dosage

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Medications for Tinnitus 324

to work. Two of the most commonly used anti-depressant medications

used to treat Tinnitus include Tricyclics and SSRI’s.

Tricyclics work by blocking the neurons and making more

neurotransmitters available in the synapse. The two most common
Tricyclics used to treat Tinnitus include Pamelor (generic: nortryptiline)
and Elavil (amitryptiline). While Pamelor has shown great promise in
the vast majority of patients who take it, Elavil has been reported to
induce Tinnitus in some people, although it works well to reduce the
symptoms in others.

SSRI’s, also referred to as Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors,

include Paxil, Zoloft, Prozak and Luvox. They work by keeping the
serotonin levels stable within the brain. Side effects of these drugs
include jitteriness, stomach problems and headaches.


Working by reducing excessive stimulation in the brain, anti-convulsion

medications such as Tegretol and Klonopin have reportedly provided
relief to as many as 80% of all patients who were suffering from their
Tinnitus symptoms.

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Medications for Tinnitus 325

Those who have been helped the most by this type of medicinal
treatment include people with disabling central Tinnitus (not in one
side or the other), and those in whom Tinnitus Habitual Training have
failed. Of course, the side effects to these medications can be severe in
some people, and so you should talk with your doctor and discuss what
to expect before beginning this type of treatment.


It is important when you are beginning any pharmaceutical treatment to

understand that, relief is not instantaneous. It can take weeks (or even
months) for these medications to begin working, and the side effects can
last up to 4-8 weeks. Still for some people, medicine is a good option for
finding relief.

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Appendix 3: 326



If you have been recently diagnosed with Tinnitus or have suffered with
it for years, you will understand how difficult it can be to live with a
constant ringing, whistling or buzzing in your ears. There are
treatments for this condition if a cause can be found, but often the
symptoms can only be reduced or managed, and the annoying and
frustrating noise continues.

There are organizations that are dedicated to helping people with all
kinds of hearing issues, and there are some specifically for Tinnitus
sufferers. Here are just a few:

©2009 Tinnitus Miracle – Thomas Coleman- All Rights Rese rved Page 326
Tinnitus Associations 327


PO Box 5

Portland, OR 97207-005


The American Tinnitus Association was founded in 1971 to raise money

for research to get a cure for Tinnitus. Today, the organization serves as
a meeting point for patients and doctors and it is also a resource for
people who are looking for support and information about the disease.
Their mission statement is: The American Tinnitus Association exists to
cure Tinnitus through the development of resources that advance
Tinnitus research.


23 Ellis Park Road

Toronto, ON Canada M6S 2V4


©2009 Tinnitus Miracle – Thomas Coleman- All Rights Rese rved Page 327
Tinnitus Associations 328


4th floor, White Building

Fitzalon Square

Sheffield, S1 24Z, UK

+44 (0) 11429 6600



10801 Rockville Place

Rockville, MD


6535 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 255

Los Angeles ca 90048

©2009 Tinnitus Miracle – Thomas Coleman- All Rights Rese rved Page 328
Tinnitus Associations 329




Box 460847

San Francisco ca 94146


This is a non-profit group that was founded by musicians and physicians

dealing with hearing loss in the music industry. They offer hearing
testing, prevention, research information and protective gear.



National Institutes of Health

31 Center Drive MSC 320

Bethesda MD 20892

©2009 Tinnitus Miracle – Thomas Coleman- All Rights Rese rved Page 329
Tinnitus Associations 330



Box 4467

Portland OR 97208



200 Research Boulevard

Rockville, MD 20850-3289

Members: 800-498-2071
Non-Member: 800-638-8255

©2009 Tinnitus Miracle – Thomas Coleman- All Rights Rese rved Page 330
Tinnitus Associations 331


11730 Plaza America Drive, Suite 300

Reston, VA 20190
Phone: 800-AAA-2336

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Tinnitus Associations 332


There are plenty of other resources that can give you a lot of
information about Tinnitus and its alternative treatments. Here is a
listing of additional links that you may find helpful in your research:

Free Government Help

National Institutes for Health:

Your health questions answered at: 1-800-336-4797

Acupuncture Help

International College of Acupuncture:

American Association of Acupuncture:

Alternative Medicine Help

National Association for Alternative Medicine:

Healthworld Online:

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Tinnitus Associations 333

The Journal of Alternative and Complementing Medicine:

National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy:

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine:

Biofeedback Help

Association for Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback

Herbal Help

American Botanical Council:

American Herbal Products Association:

Medical Herbalism:

Homeopathic Help

National Center for Homeopathy:

Homeopathic Associations:

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Tinnitus Associations 334

The American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists:

Hypnosis Help

Academy of Scientific Hypnotherapy:

The National Society of Hypnotherapists:

The Medical Academy of Medical Hypno-analysts:

Self Help Groups

American Self-Help Clearing House:

©2009 Tinnitus Miracle – Thomas Coleman- All Rights Rese rved Page 334

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