Objectives of Layout Design by Adnan Khan

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Topic; Objectives Of Layout Design

Submitted to; Mr. Sajid Khan SadozaiSir

Submitted by; Adnan khan, Abdul Ghani,
Abudul Hadi, Abdur Rahim, Abid Hayat.
Pharmacy; 10th Semester
Group No. 1,2,3,6,7

Topic; Objectives Of Layout Design


It is an art of preparation, compounding and dispensing of medicines, so as to make them
suitable for therapeutic use.

Layout means arrangement in which parts of something are laid out or arranged especially
schematic arrangement.


1) To attract customer
2) Efficient use of available space
3) Proceeding of work without any delay
4) Efficient utilization of labor
5) Minimize hazard to personnel
6) Reduce the movement within premises
7) Reduce material handling cost and increase sale
8) Ensure enough production capacity along with proper entrance of materials
9) Improve productivity

A retail pharmacy practice that services prescriptions directly to the public and over-the-counter
(OTC) products.

Prepared by Abdul Ghani, Abdul Hadi, Abdurrahim, Adnan khan and Abid Hayath Page 1
Topic; Objectives Of Layout Design


Community Pharmacy can be defined as an area or place under the supervision of pharmacist
where pharmacy practice occur and prescriptions are compounded and dispensed other than
limited service pharmacy. It is a unique hybrid of business and professionalism.


The factors on which the success of community pharmacy depends are:

 Location
 Physical environment
 Sufficient Finance
 Staff experience, sincerity and behavior


Before designing a layout one must consider the following:

 Objective of the design

 Type of community pharmacy
 Type of layout design
 Style of layout design
The first step involved in layout design of community pharmacy is

Following factors must be considered for the selection of location:

 Sufficient Finance must be available

 Such area shall be selected that has dense population and need medicines
 Pharmacy site shall be such that it is center of population and is accessible and
convenient to the customers

Prepared by Abdul Ghani, Abdul Hadi, Abdurrahim, Adnan khan and Abid Hayath Page 2
Topic; Objectives Of Layout Design

 Pharmacy site shall have proper parking area

 Surrounding area of pharmacy site shall have hospital and doctors around it.
 Other drug stores around the pharmacy site
 Flow of traffic


 A person who is interested to start a retail sale drug store must be registered pharmacist
with State Pharmacy Council.
 A person without diploma or degree can also start pharmacy but he/she shall employ a
registered pharmacist because license will be granted to the registered pharmacist
employed for the purpose.

The space for the premises of a pharmacy shall not be less than 140 sq. feet with minimum
readth of 8 feet in the front and height of 8 feet.In case of medical store 96 sq.ft. with minimum
breadth of 08 ft. in front and height of 08 ft.

The pharmacy and medical store shall display a sign board of minimum length of 5 feet and 2.5
width on the outside wall with displaying word ‘Pharmacy’ in white writing on a green colored
signboard in case of pharmacy while the word ‘Medical Store’ in white writing on a blue colored
signboard in case of medical store.


Prepared by Abdul Ghani, Abdul Hadi, Abdurrahim, Adnan khan and Abid Hayath Page 3
Topic; Objectives Of Layout Design

The premises has proper and adequate facility for storage of drugs and for their protection from
direct sunlight, dust or dirt, including refrigeration facility.


A person who is interested in starting a pharmacy must submit application for the grant of license
to the licensing authority.

Physical environment is yet another factor along with the location, sufficient capital and
management that plays an important role in the success of pharmacy. Physical environment and
its characteristics help to develop and maintain the image of pharmacy along with drawing
customers. It consist of

Exterior design:
Promising pharmacy image can be created with unique store front and use of creative
display, entrance, windows and outdoor signs.

Interior design:
The various interior attraction attractors include flooring, colors, fixture lightening,
cleanliness and sound width passageways with modernization products assortment along
with price display and well behaved personnel.

Store layout involves various factors such as planning the internal organization of
sections, allocating the space to each section and arrangement of drugs in each section.

Prepared by Abdul Ghani, Abdul Hadi, Abdurrahim, Adnan khan and Abid Hayath Page 4
Topic; Objectives Of Layout Design


Community pharmacy has four major types that must be consider to choose the type of retail to
be adopted.

Pharmaceutical center sell medicines, surgical and orthopedic appliances and
convenience articles. No product of any kind is displayed and the décor and the organized
floor space are its hallmarks.


Prescription oriented pharmacies occupy a space of 1000 to 2000 sq. feet. They have
comfortable waiting area for the customers so that they can wait while the prescription is
being processed. Drugs, health related items and prescriptions accessories are displayed
in its vicinity while a separate room is used to keep surgical and orthopedic appliances.
Cosmetics and other limited number of items are displayed in other areas of pharmacy.

Traditional pharmacy also known as conventional pharmacy occupies a space of 2000 to
5000 sq. feet. The entire pharmacy is expose to the customer. It must have pleasing
appearance and environment for both the customers and the employees and have
capability of giving maximum sale with minimum expenses.


The super drug store occupy a space of 5000 to 10000 sq. feet. The entire super drug
store is exposed to the customers where they can handle and select articles by themselves,
which self-service pattern except for the prescription department.

Prepared by Abdul Ghani, Abdul Hadi, Abdurrahim, Adnan khan and Abid Hayath Page 5
Topic; Objectives Of Layout Design

The following facilities must be provided in any community pharmacy

 A room or partitioned area that can be used by pharmacist as his office.

 Comfortable waiting area shall be provided for the customers to wait.
 Drug products shall be maintain and display in neat and tidy manner in the cabinets.
 Counselling area shall be such designed that is comfortable and isolated.
 Medicine dispensing area and prescription counter shall be such designed that they are
under the direct supervision of pharmacist and are isolated so to prevent the entry of
 Adequate lightening and ventilation shall be provided.
 Noise level shall be controlled.
 Refrigerator shall be provided and maintained at a temperature between 2-8˙C.
 Cleanliness shall be maintained in the pharmacy.
 Safe disposal facility shall be provided for disposal of pharmaceutical waste.
 Adequate and clean toilet facilities shall be provided.
 Bulk storage area shall be provided.
 Narcotic or dangerous drug locker shall be provided.
 The floor of pharmacy shall be smooth and washable.
 The walls shall be oil painted or tiled or plastered to maintain smooth, washable and
durable surface.


 Clerkship or personnel services:

The clerk service layout is the old traditional design that is still in most pharmacies. It
consist entirely of complete assistant service except a small part of the products exposed

Prepared by Abdul Ghani, Abdul Hadi, Abdurrahim, Adnan khan and Abid Hayath Page 6
Topic; Objectives Of Layout Design

for customers to handle. This is one of the compulsion for prescription products where
there is no selection of the consumer at retail level. There is no self-service or self-
selection in this setup. The pharmacy staff supplies drugs to the consumers, itenables
maximum interchange between pharmacy staff and customers. The modern example of
this layout design is the pharmaceutical center in which no product is on display. This
type of layout design exist for prescription and selected non-prescription drugs, surgical
and orthopedic appliances and supplies.

 Self-selection:
Self-selection provides adequate personal service in a more efficient manner and as a
result more competitive with larger super drug stores. Many independent pharmacies are
now trying to use the self-selection layout design. In this type of layout design clerk
service is maintained at all service-oriented sections such as, cosmetics, photo
supplies,prescription, and selected nonprescription drugs, surgical and orthopedic
appliances and supplies, and veterinary sections. However other products are displayed
so that the customer can see, handle, and select themselves but prescription items have no
possibility of self-selection. But nutritional supplements, cosmetics, contraceptives and
other OTC health related items can be self-selected. A retail setup due to availability of
prescription medicines can’t be entirely based on self-selection. This layout is most
frequently found in the modern conventional pharmacies.

 Self-service:
Self-service utilizes a minimum of clerk service and exposes the maximum number of
products to be handle by customers. It is not possible to have entireself-service in
pharmacy because of the prescription drugs and item. This type of layout is most often
used in super drug stores but for the non-drug items and commodities such as cosmetics
and nutritional supplements.

Style of layout designs:

1) Grid layout:
Prepared by Abdul Ghani, Abdul Hadi, Abdurrahim, Adnan khan and Abid Hayath Page 7
Topic; Objectives Of Layout Design

Here the products are displayed in parallel lines.

 More product exposure.
 Increase self-service possibility
 maximize the use of available space
 familiarity with products that can be needed in future

2) Free flow layout:

Here the fixture are arranged in irregular shaped circles or triangles.

 Flexibility and visual appeal
 Maximize impulse purchases

 Costly
 Waste of floor space

Prepared by Abdul Ghani, Abdul Hadi, Abdurrahim, Adnan khan and Abid Hayath Page 8
Topic; Objectives Of Layout Design

Minimum requirements for pharmacy:

 The word Pharmacy shall be displaced on green color sign board in white writing
with minimum of 5 feet length and 2.5 feet width.
 The premises shall be well lit, ventilated and built dry and shall be suitably
arranged and have sufficient dimensions to allow goods such as drugs and poisons
to be kept visible.
 The area for dispensing department shall not be less than 6 sq. meter for each
additional person.
 Height shall be at least 2.5 sq. meter.
 Floor shall be smooth and washable.
 Walls shall be oil painted, tiled and plastered to avoid cracks, holes and maintain
smooth, washable surface.
 Separation shall be made in dispensing department to avoid public entry.

Prepared by Abdul Ghani, Abdul Hadi, Abdurrahim, Adnan khan and Abid Hayath Page 9
Topic; Objectives Of Layout Design

Hospital pharmacy:
It deals with procurement, compounding, manufacturing, storage, distribution and dispensing of
pharmaceutical goods.

Typical location and layout of hospital pharmacy:

Community pharmacy:
It deals directly with local people of the area and have responsibilities of compounding,
checking, counseling, and dispensing of prescribed drugs.

Selection of the site, location and layout of

community pharmacy:
 Located at needy town city.

Prepared by Abdul Ghani, Abdul Hadi, Abdurrahim, Adnan khan and Abid Hayath Page 10
Topic; Objectives Of Layout Design

 Select suitable site that provide easy access to majority of customers

 Should be equipped with free parking facilities

Physical facilities:
 Administration section
 Storage for bulk items
 Inpatient department
 Outpatient department in case of hospital pharmacy.
 Emergency medicine storage.
 Medicine information resource center.
 Narcotics and other dangerous drugs locker.
 Manufacturing and repacking

Prepared by Abdul Ghani, Abdul Hadi, Abdurrahim, Adnan khan and Abid Hayath Page 11
Topic; Objectives Of Layout Design


1. Publication by Maham Shafiq. (Published in: Health & Medicine, Business )

2. Google Wikepeidia.

Prepared by Abdul Ghani, Abdul Hadi, Abdurrahim, Adnan khan and Abid Hayath Page 12

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