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OPINION Lactation and contraception
Neha R. Bhardwaj and Eve Espey

Purpose of review
This review examines evidence relevant to the effect of hormonal contraception on breastfeeding; and
compares global and US recommendations for contraceptive initiation and use. Breastfeeding and use of
postpartum contraception have high public health priority, making research in this area critical for
optimizing guidance.
Recent findings
High-quality evidence remains limited with only a small number of well conducted randomized controlled
trials of hormonal methods and breastfeeding/neonatal growth outcomes. More evidence supports early
initiation of progestin-only methods. Evidence on early initiation of combination hormonal methods is
The WHO Medical Eligibility Criteria (MEC) differs from that of the US MEC. Generally, the WHO MEC is
more restrictive, reflecting the potential greater impact on maternal child health if there is a negative impact
from hormonal contraception on breastfeeding. Only well conducted clinical trials will further elucidate
such an impact.
Video abstract:
breastfeeding, hormonal contraception, lactation, long-acting reversible contraceptives, postpartum

INTRODUCTION about the effect of hormonal contraception on lac-

Few postpartum health issues are as controversial, or tation as well as guidelines for use of these methods
raise as much emotion, as that of lactation and by postpartum women.
initiation of hormonal contraception. Caregivers
may become polarized by their beliefs that hormo-
nal contraception has a negative impact on breast-
feeding. A major reason for the controversy is the The physiology of lactation has fascinated since
lack of high-quality data on the impact of hormonal ancient times; Hippocrates hypothesized a diverting
contraception on a number of breastfeeding out- vessel from the mother’s uterus to her breast, allow-
come measures. ing for menstrual blood to nourish her child via
The importance of both contraception and breast milk [5,6]. Lactogenesis begins in midpreg-
breastfeeding is undisputed. The WHO and Centers nancy and results in milk secretion.
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recom-
mend exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months, and (1) Stage I lactogenesis spans midpregnancy to the
continuation of breastfeeding through two years initial postpartum period and is characterized
based on good quality evidence that breastfeeding by secretory differentiation of mammary glands
reduces infant mortality and prevents acute and [6,7] through production of colostrum [8].
chronic disease in both the infant and mother
[1–3]. Similarly, health benefits of contraception
to avoid the negative effects of unintended preg- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of New Mexico,
nancy and short birth interval are broadly appreci- Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
ated [4]. Given the widespread practice of both Correspondence to Neha R. Bhardwaj, MD, University of New Mexico,
hormonal contraceptive use and breastfeeding, 2211 Lomas Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA.
understanding the relationship between the two is E-mail:
of paramount importance. This article reviews the Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2015, 27:000–000
physiology of lactogenesis and current knowledge DOI:10.1097/GCO.0000000000000216

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GCO 270613

Family planning

for the neonatal liver, brain, and sex organs from

KEY POINTS exposure to exogenous steroids. The amount of
 A large unmet need for postpartum contraception hormone transferred appears to be small and the
exists, and filling this need may help decrease rapid few studies that have examined effects of transferred
repeat pregnancy and unintended pregnancy. hormones show no adverse newborn outcomes.
In one of the largest and longest studies, 48
 Progestin-only methods of contraception likely have a
breast-fed children whose mothers began hormonal
minimal impact on breastfeeding.
contraception 2 months postpartum and matched
 There is insufficient evidence examining the possible controls whose mothers used nonhormonal contra-
effects of hormonal contraception on breastfeeding; ception were followed until age eight [14]. No differ-
additional research is needed. ences were found in serious illnesses, need for
 Women should be provided with additional lactation special tutoring in school, hyperbilirubinemia,
support in the postpartum period. and height or weight [14]. Another study showed
no differences between male infant follicle stimulat-
ing hormone, luteinizing hormone, and testoster-
one levels in mothers who began levonorgestrel
During stage I, serum progesterone and prolac- (LNG) oral pills or Norplant 4–15 weeks postpartum
tin increase. as compared to controls [15].
(2) Stage II lactogenesis occurs from postpartum The amount of hormone transferred depends on
days 2–5 after a sharp decline in serum pro- the hormone type and dose and the delivery system.
gesterone. Secretory activation and onset of For oral contraceptives, the percentage of hormone
milk secretion characterize stage II lactogenesis transferred to the newborn compared with the dose
[6,7], culminating in production of copious ma- administered to the mother is <1% for ethinyl
ture milk [8]. estradiol, 2.6–3.7% for etonogestrel, and 2.8% for
LNG [16–18], or approximately one pill per 4 years
While numerous hormonal changes occur of full lactation [19,20]. In examining a 30 mg LNG
during the immediate postpartum period, progester- intrauterine device (IUD), 0.1% of a daily dose was
one withdrawal is the likely trigger for production of transferred to the infant via breast milk [21].
mature milk [7,9,10]. During pregnancy, high-levels Although depot medroxyprogesterone acetate
of estrogen and progesterone inhibit lactation from (DMPA) is found in breast milk at the same levels
occurring, despite high-circulating levels of prolac- as maternal blood, male infants of lactating mothers
tin. Delivery of the placenta, the primary producer receiving DMPA for contraception on postpartum
of progesterone, results in a sharp drop in progester- day 41–43 showed no changes in hormone profiles
one and serves as the trigger for secretory activation. as compared to controls [16,22].
Plasma progesterone levels fall to follicular phase The amount of hormone transferred is similar
levels by postpartum day 2–3 [9]. Lactation depends between progestin-only pills (POPs) and the contra-
on withdrawal of steroid hormones, thus the con- ceptive implant, and no differences in psychomotor
cern that initiation of hormonal contraceptives development were noted between the implant and a
could have a negative impact on lactogenesis and nonhormonal IUD after 3 years of use [23,24].
lactation. Although large studies with follow-up are lacking,
Nonbiological factors may be as important or the small amount of steroid transfer is not con-
more important for lactogenesis. Numerous new- sidered a contraindication for use of hormonal con-
born reflexes, such as rooting, sucking, and swallow- traceptives in lactating women.
ing are key to the establishment of lactation.
Suckling also stimulates prolactin secretion. The
health status of the mother, birth interval, fre- GUIDELINES FOR USE OF HORMONAL
quency and intensity of suckling, early separation CONTRACEPTIVES IN POSTPARTUM
of the mother and infant and cultural and socio- BREASTFEEDING WOMEN
economic factors and pressures also impact lacto- Recommendations for hormonal contraceptive
genesis [8,11–13]. method used by postpartum breastfeeding women
are informed by systematic reviews of the evidence
and published by the WHO as the Medical Eligibility
STEROID TRANSFER Criteria (WHO MEC). The USA adapted the guidance
Steroids within hormonal contraception are trans- as the CDC MEC. Four categories of recommen-
ferred from the mother to her newborn via breast dations guide decision-making for both the WHO
milk. There is a theoretical risk of adverse outcomes MEC and the US MEC (Table 1 [3,25,26]). The WHO

2 Volume 27  Number 00  Month 2015

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CE: Alpana; GCO/270613; Total nos of Pages: 7;
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Lactation and contraception Bhardwaj and Espey

Table 1. Categories of recommendations for women’s use of contraceptives [3,25,26]

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

WHO-MEC A condition for which there is A condition where the A condition where the A condition which represents
no restriction for the use of advantages of using the theoretical or proven risks an unacceptable health risk
the contraceptive method method generally outweigh usually outweigh the if the contraceptive method
the theoretical or proven advantages of using the is used
risks method
US-MEC No restriction (method can Advantages generally Theoretical or proven risks Unacceptable health risks
be used) outweigh theoretical or usually outweigh the (method not to be used)
proven risks advantages

Source: World Health Organization, Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use, 4th edition and 5th edition Executive Summary. Geneva, Switzerland:
World Health Organization; 2010 and 2014.¼1 and
bitstream/10665/172915/1/WHO_RHR_15.07_eng.pdf?ua¼1&ua¼1. CDC. U.S. medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use, 2010. MMWR 2010;59
(No. RR-4); 1–86. CDC. U.S. medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use, 2011. MMWR 2011;60 (No. 26); 878–883.

and USA both make recommendations for post- Progestin-only pills

partum breastfeeding women with respect to hor- The effect of POPs on lactation is relatively better
monal contraception (Table 2 [3,25,26]). studied than that of other hormonal contraceptives,
although randomized controlled trials are few. A
number of cohort and nonrandomized studies
HORMONAL CONTRACEPTIVE METHODS suggest that women using POPs breastfeed for as
Review of hormonal contraceptive methods is div- long with no difference in supplementation as
ided into six sections: POPs, DMPA, etonogestrel women using nonhormonal contraception. In two
contraceptive implant, LNG IUD, progesterone vag- nonrandomized studies comparing women using
inal ring, and combined hormonal contraceptives POPs (LNG and norgestrel) with women using non-
(CHC). hormonal contraceptives [27,28], those in the

Table 2. WHO and US Medical Eligibility Criteria for use of hormonal contraceptives in postpartum breastfeeding women
Combined hormonal Progestogen- Progestin-only Levonorgestrel Copper
Time contraceptives only pills injectables Implants IUD IUD

WHO-MEC <48 h 4 2 3 2 2 1
48 h to <4 weeks 4 2 3 2 3 2
4 weeks to <6 weeks 4 2 3 2 1 1
6 weeks to <6 months 3 1 1 1 1 1
6 months 2 1 1 1 1 1
US-MEC <10 min of placental NA NA NA NA 2 1
10 min to <4 weeks of NA NA NA NA 2 2
placental delivery
4 weeks NA NA NA NA 1 1
<21 days 4 1 1 1 NA NA
21–42 days with other 3 1 1 1 NA NA
VTE risk factors
21–42 days without other 2 1 1 1 NA NA
VTE risk factors
>42 days 1 1 1 1 NA NA

Source: World Health Organization, Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use, 4th edition and 5th edition Executive Summary. Geneva, Switzerland:
World Health Organization; 2010 and 2014. ¼ 1 and
bitstream/10665/172915/1/WHO_RHR_15.07_eng.pdf?ua ¼ 1&ua ¼ 1. CDC. U.S. medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use, 2010. MMWR 2010;59
(No. RR-4); 1–86. CDC. U.S. medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use, 2011. MMWR 2011;60 (No. 26); 878–883. IUD, intrauterine device; MEC,
medical eligibility criteria; VTE, venous thromboembolism.

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nonhormone group were more likely to supplement injection on postnatal depression, but also measured
nutrition or perceive decreases in milk production. breastfeeding duration. No difference was found
One study found that women using desogestrel between the placebo and NET-EN groups for number
POPs breastfed longer than women using a copper of women breastfeeding at day 1, 6, and 12 weeks, or
IUD [18]. In a large prospective study conducted number of women reporting ‘not enough milk’ [36].
across five countries, no difference was found in In a cohort study, women who received DMPA had
breastfeeding performance among women initiat- lower pregnancy rates and were more likely to breast-
ing POPs or nonhormonal methods [29,30]. In feed for over 20 months than women on nonhormo-
Halderman and Nelson’s study [31] of early initiation nal methods [37]. In a retrospective cohort study,
of POPs before hospital discharge, no difference was women using DMPA or nonhormonal contraception
found between POP users and nonhormone users in were more likely to breastfeed longer than those not
breastfeeding initiation or outcomes after 6 weeks. In using contraception or CHC [38].
another study where POPs were initiated at 57 days In several nonrandomized trials, early initiation
postpartum, no difference was noted in mean and of DMPA – prior to hospital discharge, within 48 h
total breastfeeding time as compared to nonhormo- of delivery, or immediately postpartum – does not
nal contraceptive method users [32]. appear to affect breastfeeding continuation or
In the previously mentioned large prospective duration, supplementation, or perception of insuf-
five-country study, women were prospectively fol- ficient milk production [31,36,39,40].
lowed after choosing a contraceptive method of Among a cohort study with almost five years of
their choice [29,30]. Method choice included LNG follow-up, children of mothers using DMPA as com-
0.0375 mg POPs, DMPA, norethisterone enanthate pared to those using nonhormonal methods showed
(NET-EN), LNG subdermal implant, nonhormonal no differences in growth and development or health
methods (IUDs), barrier methods, or sterilization. Of status [41]. Of note, a common cause of breastfeed-
the 2466 women participating, 475 chose POPs that ing cessation was a new pregnancy, highlighting the
were initiated 6 weeks postpartum. No difference importance of contraceptive efficacy when consid-
was noted between contraceptive groups in breast- ering the potentially small changes in breast milk
feeding duration or number of feeds per hour. volume that DMPA may or may not be associated
Additionally, numerous prospective nonrando- with [38].
mized studies show no difference in infant weight
when comparing POP users to nonhormonal contra-
ceptive method users [18,27,29,30,32,33]. The larg- Etonogestrel contraceptive implant
est study across five countries shows no difference The etonogestrel contraceptive implant offers
between POP users and nonhormonal contracep- highly efficacious long-acting reversible contracep-
tion users in infant growth and development tion. Although it is a newer form of contraception, a
[29,30]. In a similar study, no difference was found few fair and good quality studies examine the
in infant growth parameters at 9 months, even when implant and its possible effects on breastfeeding.
POPs were initiated at 1 week postpartum [27]. A A prospective cohort study compared 38 women
recent systematic review of progestogen-only con- choosing a nonhormonal IUD and 48 choosing the
traceptive used among breastfeeding women con- etonogestrel implant initiated at 28–56 days post-
cluded that while studies investigating this topic are partum [42]. No difference was noted between
fair or poor in quality, progestogen-only methods groups in breast milk volume, infant weight or milk
do not reduce the ability to successfully breastfeed composition. Furthermore, infants whose mothers
or have a negative impact on infant growth or used the implant tended to have a higher rate of
development during the first year of life [34]. growth in body length. A subsequent prospective
cohort study showed no difference in growth
parameters or psychomotor development among
Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate infants whose mothers initiated the nonhormonal
DMPA is a safe, highly effective long-acting proges- IUD or etonogestrel implant at 28–56 days postpar-
tin-only contraceptive injection. In recent years, its tum [24].
use has increased: 4.5% of US women reported ever As the immediate postpartum period is an
use in 1995 compared with 23% in 2006–2010 [35]. opportune time to initiate contraception, a pilot
Although few randomized-controlled trials study examined the safety of immediate postpartum
evaluate the effect of DMPA on breastfeeding out- insertion of the etonogestrel implant [43]. Forty
comes, most suggest that DMPA does not appear to women were randomized to implant insertion
decrease duration of breastfeeding. One double- within 24–48 h postpartum or DMPA initiated
blind trial evaluated the effects of a NET-EN 6 weeks postpartum. Over the 12-week follow-up,

4 Volume 27  Number 00  Month 2015

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Lactation and contraception Bhardwaj and Espey

no difference was noted in infant weight gain. In six cohort studies, the PVR and copper IUD
Almost half of women initiated sexual intercourse appear to have similar pregnancy rates of 1.5% at
prior to 42 days postpartum, emphasizing the 12 months [32,47–52]. Compared with non-
importance of early postpartum contraception. A hormone IUD users, PVR users had equal numbers
subsequent randomized controlled noninferiority of breastfeeding episodes per 24 h period and equal
trial evaluated lactogenesis among women who lactation performance at 1 year postpartum
initiated the etonogestrel implant 1–3 days post- [48,50,51]. In the majority of cohort studies, no
partum compared with 4–8 weeks postpartum [44]. differences in infant weight were noted between
Early initiation was noninferior to delayed insertion PVR and nonhormonal IUD users at 12 months
for lactation failure and time to lactogenesis stage II. [48–52]. However, studies suggest that women
No difference was noted in mean milk creamatocrit may be less satisfied with the PVR than with the
values between the two groups. copper IUD since more discontinued the PVR than
Current evidence suggests that the etonogestrel the IUD, citing ring use-related problems and
implant has no effect on breast milk amount or vaginal problems [48–50].
composition or infant growth and development. The PVR is a new contraceptive method and is
Although data remain limited, early initiation not included on the CDC or WHO medical eligi-
appears acceptable. bility contraceptive guidelines. A recent systematic
review concludes that although current evidence is
poor to fair, the PVR does not appear to affect
Levonorgestrel intrauterine device breastfeeding performance or infant weight gain
In a single randomized controlled trial examining in the first year [53 ].
the effect of IUDs initiated at 6–8 weeks postpartum
on breastfeeding outcomes, women in the LNG
intrauterine system group (n ¼ 163) were similar to Combined hormonal contraceptives
women in the copper IUD group (n ¼ 157) in breast- The effect of combined – estrogen and progestin
feeding duration and infant growth [45]. containing – hormonal contraceptives, on lactation
A secondary analysis of a small randomized trial is particularly important because they are used so
of immediate (n ¼ 27) vs. delayed (n ¼ 21) IUD place- commonly. Worldwide, the ‘pill’ is the third most
ment showed no difference at 6–8 weeks and common method, used by 9% of reproductive-aged,
3 months of patient reported breastfeeding; how- married, or cohabiting women and is the second
ever, more women in the delayed placement group most common method in the USA, used by 16% of
reported they continued to breastfeed at 6 months women [35,54]. The pill also has the widest geo-
[10]. graphic distribution of any contraceptive method
As with all hormonal methods, women should and is available over the counter in many countries
be counseled regarding the theoretical risk of [55].
reduced breast milk production. Overall current Few high-quality studies have examined the
studies have not shown a negative effect on breast- relationship between CHC use and breastfeeding
feeding with immediate postpartum placement of a outcomes. A recently updated rigorous systematic
hormonal IUD. In women who receive immediate review by Tepper et al. [56 ] includes 13 studies, all
postpartum hormonal contraception and have reporting on combined oral contraceptives (COCs)
difficulty with lactogenesis, removal of the implant examining two questions: does initiation of COCs
or LNG intrauterine system may be considered by breastfeeding women have worse breastfeeding/
although other forms of breastfeeding support infant outcomes as compared to nonhormonal/no
should also be considered first line. method use; and does initiation of COCs before
6 weeks vs. after 6 weeks postpartum have negative
effects on breastfeeding/infant outcomes.
Progesterone vaginal ring Six studies examined the impact of COCs
The progesterone vaginal ring (PVR) is a new form initiated prior to 6 weeks on breastfeeding and infant
of contraception currently only available in Latin outcomes including duration of breastfeeding,
America and whose target market is breastfeeding supplementation/time to supplementation, exclu-
women. Currently in its infancy, the potential impact sive breastfeeding, and infant weight and length.
of the PVR is large given its effectiveness and that Five of six studies were published prior to 1985; four
it is woman controlled. PVR releases an average of of six were considered to be methodologically of poor
10 mg/day of progesterone and is used continuously quality and the other two of fair quality. The only
over a 90-day period [46]. In preliminary studies, PVR recent study, published in 2012, provided indirect
is initiated on postpartum day 29–60. evidence as it compared breastfeeding/infant

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Family planning

outcomes among women who initiated COCs vs. CONCLUSION

women who initiated progestin-only pills at 2 weeks Postpartum contraception is increasingly recognized
postpartum. Although this study found no differ- for its role in reducing rapid repeat pregnancy and
ences in breastfeeding continuation or infant growth unintended pregnancy; a large unmet need for post-
between the groups, it had small numbers, short partum contraception exists globally. Evidence has
follow-up of infant outcomes, and over 20% loss to yielded mixed results on the impact of hormonal
follow-up in both groups. contraception on breastfeeding, but the majority
Five studies examined the impact of COCs supports minimal impact of progestin-only methods
initiated after 6 weeks on breastfeeding outcomes. and less conclusive effect for combined estrogen–
Four of the five were published prior to 1990 and progestin methods. Although timing of initiation
were of fair quality at best. The only recent study, of hormonal methods is controversial, with advo-
published in 2013, is a prospective cohort study of cates lining up for early vs. delayed, other factors
40 women who chose one of four contraceptive may have a profound impact on breastfeeding.
methods. No major differences in breastfeeding or There is good evidence that additional lactation
infant growth outcomes were seen between the support is effective in increasing the duration of
groups, but small numbers and the nonrandomized breastfeeding [57]. Best practices include face-to-
design limited this study. face support, ongoing scheduled visits and support
Overall, due to poor methodology, research that is sensitive to the needs of the individual
examining the possible effects of CHC on breast- woman. The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, a
feeding is highly limited. All but two of the studies comprehensive program and certification that
are old, conducted at a time when standards for includes training of providers and staff in active
study design were considerably less rigorous than support of breastfeeding, provides a high standard
those for today’s trials. The authors concluded that of support for breastfeeding women.
fair to poor quality data were conflicting on whether Given the major public health impact of breast-
early or late COC initiation has a negative impact on feeding and use of hormonal contraception, more
breastfeeding. Although the authors considered studies are urgently needed to elucidate the effect, if
these data to be conflicting on impact of early any, of hormonal contraception on breastfeeding
COC initiation on infant growth, they concluded performance. Only high-quality evidence can pro-
that late (>6 weeks) initiation of COCs did not vide best guidance to postpartum women to opti-
appear to have a negative impact on infant growth. mize their own and their families’ health as they
make important contraceptive choices.


WHO and US MEC recommendations differ widely Financial support and sponsorship
with respect to use of hormonal contraceptives in
breastfeeding women. These differences may reflect
the potential differential impact on maternal–child
health between developing countries and the USA. Conflicts of interest
Although the majority of data presented for most There are no conflicts of interest.
hormonal methods suggest no or minimal effect on
breastfeeding performance and neonatal growth
parameters, the quality and quantity of the data REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
remain limited. If there were even a small negative READING
Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have
impact on breastfeeding performance for women in been highlighted as:
& of special interest
developing countries, substantial differences in neo- && of outstanding interest

natal and maternal morbidity and mortality could

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