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Understanding Inherited and Acquired Traits and

Instincts and Learned Behaviors:

A Lesson Plan to incorporate Informal Learning in your classroom.
S5L2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information showing that some
characteristics of organisms are inherited and other characteristics are acquired.
a. Ask questions to compare and contrast instincts and learned behaviors.
b. Ask questions to compare and contrast inherited and acquired physical traits.

ELAGSE5W7: Conduct short research projects that use several sources to build
knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.

ELAGSE5W4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and
organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific
expectations for writing types are defined in Standards 1–3 above.)

Essential Questions:
What are learned behaviors and inherited traits?
How can I tell what characteristics are inherited and which ones are acquired?
What behaviors are animals born with and what do they have to learn?

Students will explain the difference between instincts and learned behaviors.
Students will create a photojournal demonstrating their knowledge of inherited and
acquired traits.
Students will write about traits and behaviors as related to their project.

Ask students how they would describe themselves to someone who has never met
them. For example: eye color, hair color, what they like to do, etc. Have a few
students share their answers. Then, have students create a circle map with their


Day 1: (40 mins including activator)

Have students watch the following video on heredity:
(I post the video on Google Classroom. This way students always have access to the
video, and students with accommodations can pause the video to take notes, or to
rewind if they do not understand something.)

Once they all finish the video at their table, students need to talk with their partners at
their table about what heredity is and what they learned from the video.

Students should have their chromebooks, or other internet accessible device. Have
students research heredity, and how to determine whether a trait is an instinct or a
learned behavior. Students need to write notes in their interactive notebook to refer
back to.

Day 2: (40 minutes)

Ask students about heredity, and what they learned yesterday from their reading.

Pull up this photo or you can create your own of a dog.

Have students read the caption next to the picture. Ask students to begin thinking
about what Hank inherited from his parents and instincts he was born with. They also
need to describe what he has learned and the traits he has acquired since he was

Tell the students that they will be taking pictures of animals or people around the
school. They may also take photos at home for homework, and upload them to their
Google Drive.

Describe the project that students need to prepare for.

Students will need to take at least three pictures of animals or people* that they can
describe their traits. *I teach my students that we are also animals when we study
They will need to create a Google slide presentation that consists of at 6 slides.
A title slide called “Photojournal: Traits and Behaviors.”
1 slide describing heredity in their own words
3 slides for each of their pictures listing the traits and behaviors of their animals
1 slide of a conclusion of what they have learned

Have students get their electronic devices that have a camera. My students have a
chromebook that has a camera. Take students around the school to take several

Day 3: (40 minutes)

Have students choose their top 3 photos to include in their presentation. Once
students have chosen their photos, have them begin their slide show. Students will
work on their presentations with support from the teacher if needed.

Day 4 & 5: (40 minutes each day)

Students will continue to work on their presentations, and should complete it by the
end of day 5.

Day 6: (40 minutes)
Have students share their presentations with their table, and submit on Google

Inherited traits, acquired traits, heredity, learned behaviors, instincts

Extra time
Meet with them to ensure they are on track.
Ask questions to ensure their understanding of the content

They may add extra slides to their presentation.

Formal: Students presentations will be graded to ensure they have mastered the

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