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A Research Paper

Senior High School

Caraga Regional Science High School

Surigao City

School Year 2017-2018

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

Of Regional Science High School Curriculum


Jezzabel Roxy T. Agape

Shaina U. Santillana

YM Phillipp Laurence M. Adlao

March 2018

This research paper entitled, “THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MAYANA

MARKERS”, prepared and submitted by Jezzabel Roxy T. Agape, Shaina U.
Santillana, and Ym Phillipp Laurence M. Adlao is hereby recommended for approval.

Mrs. Louredil F. Longos

Date: _____________

Lloyd P. Dizon Hazel T. Oliquino

Panelist Panelist
Date: ______________ Date: ______________
Mark Anthony T. Bangao
Panel Chair
Date: ______________

This research paper is approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Regional

Science High School Curriculum.

Mrs. Louredil F. Longos, MAED Mr. Reymond A. Mosquito, MAENG

Research Instructor Coordinator, Senior High School
Date: ______________ Date: ______________


Principal IV
Date: ______________

We, the researchers, would like to express our deepest and sincere gratitude to
those who helped us in the achievement of this scientific study, especially to the

First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty, for the protection
and ability to do work, specially, for His showers of blessings throughout our science
investigatory project.

Second, to our research adviser, Mrs. Louredil F. Longos, for her motivation,
enthusiasm, and immense knowledge and for encourages us to pursue this study.

Third, to the researcher’s parents and friends, for the nonstop support and for their
supply of the equipment needed in this study, the Mayana and San Francisco leaves, that
were the primary tools for the completion of the experimental process.

To the panelists for our oral defense, Mr. Mark T. Bangao, Mr. Lloyd P. Dizon,
and Ms. Hazel P. Oliquino, for their corrections, for giving us the opportunity to critique
our research study in order to guide us further of our study.

Lastly, to our fellow researchers, who have provided us ideas, opinions, and
suggesting information, to make this study a memorable one.

Thank you! May the Almighty God richly bless all of you.

In today’s modern world, almost every product has been commercialized and
people sought for products that are more natural and cheaper instead. Ink is an ordinary
item but prevalent in everyday use. Competition is indispensable in the world of business,
especially on the ink factory. Invention and innovation of ink is made and introduced but
still needs to vary with its own quality.

Philippines is known for the abundance of natural resources, it is also known for
its massive sufficient resources of plants that have been used as valuable sources of
natural products. Some things that provide ink for its functions are expensive that not all
people can afford. That's why the researchers investigated a project that can help lessen
the economic crisis for the production of ink out of Mayana (Coleus blumei Benth) and
San Francisco (Codiaeum variegatum) leaves. The researchers thinks that Mayana
(Coleus blumei Benth) and San Francisco (Codiaeum variegatum) leaves have great
potentials in having an alternative permanent marker ink due to its strong tanning color
and decided to test its effectiveness as an ingredient for permanent marker ink.

Furthermore, this study was conducted as an attempt to discover an alternative

source of marker ink, which is safe to users and even to the environment. The researchers
added a small amount of vinegar and salt to add stability to the ink. The vinegar also
makes it more permanent, once it has dried on the paper. Strained and transferred it to an
empty marker container. After the study, the researchers found out that it is possible to
utilize Mayana (Coleus blumei Benth) San Francisco (Codiaeum variegatum) and make it
into an alternative ink.

Introduction 1
Review of Related Literature 3
Statement of the Problem 6
Hypothesis 6
Significance of the Study 7
Scope and Limitations 8
Definition of Terms 8
Research Design 9
Experimental Prodecure 9
Textual Explanation 10
Summary of Findings 18
Conclusion 18
Recommendation 18
Bibliographies 19
Pictures 20
Statistical Analysis 27

Table Page

1 Amount of Extracted Leaves 11

2 Ink Content of the Markers 12
3 Quality of Ink on Setup 1 13
4 Quality of Ink on Setup 2 14
5 Quality of Ink on Setup 3 15
6 Colors extracted from the Mayana and San Francisco Ink 16
Figure Page
1 Collection of Mayana and San Francisco Leaves 20
2 Preparation of Materials 20
3 The Mayana and San Francisco leaves were washed thoroughly 20
4 The Mayana and San Francisco leaves were thinly chopped into 21
little pieces using the knife and cutting board.
5 The Mayana and San Francisco leaves were transferred into the 21
pot and poured 350mL of water
6 Experimental Set-ups 22
7 The Mayana and San Francisco leaves extract in each setup of 25
the treatments were transferred into an empty marker container
8 The Products of the Researchers’ Study 26
Chapter 1



In this modern world of technology the price of the products becomes a challenge
to every users particularly the scarcity of resources in order to address the demands of
consumers. Nowadays problems to supply the needs of pens and markers ink will be in
demand especially in the modernized and young industrialized countries throughout the
world. Even the government encourage young scientist to discover things that can be
useful and answer to the needs of social changes (Nildo Olivera, 2012).

The Mayana (Coleus blumei Benth) is a genus of perennial plants native to

tropical Africa, Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands. It is composed of about 150
species under the Mint family of plants (Lamiaceae) and closely related to spearmint,
peppermint, basil, thyme, oregano and salvia and found all over in the Philippines
archipelago. Mayana foliage is also rich in colored molecule which can produce ink.

The San Francisco (Codiaeum variegatum) is a low branching shrub with

attractive and variedly shaped and colored foliage. Leaves are thick and leathery, ovate,
oblong to linear, the margins entire, lobed or spirally twisted. Young leaves are usually
green, yellow or red, later changing to single color or variegation of gold cream, white,
red, maroon, purple, black or brown. A milky sap bleeds from cut stems. Flowers are
small, long, axillary, usually unisexual racemes. It is very popular cultivated ornamental
in the Philippines. Its leaves considered purgative, sedative, antifungal, antiamoebic,
antioxidant, and anticancerous. San Francisco leaves are also rich in colored molecule as

Ink is liquid pigmented substances used for writing and printing or even for
drawing purpose. For which of is used; All ink, however contain two or more
rudimentary components, a pigmented or dye called a colorant and a vehicle, a liquid
form into which the colorant is dispersed for. Many inks differ from the paint only in the
purpose which they are used. Ink is one of the most important components of pens and
markers. Without ink, all of these are useless (Nildo Olivera, 2012).
The purpose of this study is to produce an alternative ink for markers from
Mayana (Coleus blumei Benth) and San Franciso (Cordiaeum variegatum) leaves extract.
The researchers come up with this study to have a new source and solve the problem for
high value of commercial ink. Producing ink with alternative ingredient is a demand for
the students, artists, calligraphers, as well as for the people. The researchers decided to
test its effectiveness as an ingredient for markers ink.
Review of Related Literature

Mayana (Coleus blumei Benth)

Mayana is an erect, branched, fleshy, annual herb, about 1 meter high. Stems are
purplish and 4-angled. Leaves are variously blotched or colored, usually more or less
hairy, ovate, 5 to 10 centimeters long, rather coarsely toothed in the margins; and in the
most common form uniformly velvety-purple. Flowers are purplish, numerous, and borne
in lax, terminal, simple or branched inflorescences, 15 to 30 centimeters long. In
the Philippines, pounded leaves used as a cure for headaches, applied to the temples or
nape of the neck. Also used for healing bruises.

According to Swtmine (2009), the Mayana leaves can be made into a food
coloring and can be a potential source of food coloring production. The food coloring
observed to be violet in color and pure odor. According to the result of the survey, the
product was food coloring like in odor.

San Francisco (Codiaeum variegatum)

According to Nildo Olivera (2012), the San Francisco leaves contain green, red,
and yellow pigments respectively. These dyes are used for coloring paper and textile
since they are thin and transparent.

Caparas (2010) conducted a study to determine if the extract of San Francisco is

effective as a dye. There were 30 randomly selected respondents as the sample size. The
result obtained shows that 75% of the respondents said that San Francico can be made
into a dye for clothes. However, 25% of the respondents say that it can’t be a dye.
According to the observations and results obtained, Caparas concluded that San Francisco
leaves can be a source of natural dye which is very effective, and it produces more dyes
that are environmental-friendly.


According to (Lopierre, Lopi), long before, ink is usually made from natural
products such as berries, barks, and leaves extract. They have been used for centuries to
create numerous colors and when mixed to other substances can be ink, dye or paint. Tea
leaves have been also used for centuries to make ink because of its various shades that
create yellow, green, brown or black ink.

Robbins (2010) described marker pens as pens which have their own ink sourcw
and usually has a tip made of absorbent and pressed fiber and was first created by Sidney
Rosenthal in 1952. This marker pen had been one of the commonly used writing
instruments for about fifty years.

Ink, according to (2011), is a combination of a coloring agent,

pigment and liquid containing oils, resins chemical solvents. In the past, ink was
fashioned from different colored juices, plant and animal extracts. But today, synthetic
materials are used in addition to these natural ingredients to improve the quality of
ink making; however, ink must have two basic components: the pigment coloring and the
vehicle, a liquid which allow the ink to be dispersed.

In addition, according to the article found in the Student’s Encyclopedia, “The ink
should make a clear permanent mark that when dry does not fade from exposure to light
or run from exposure to moisture. It should flow freely and dry quickly when written in a
surface and it must contain nothing that might damage either the pen or the paper.”

The most permanent black ink is iron-gall ink, made by mixing an iron salt, usually
ferrous sulfate, with a mixture of gallic acid and tannin in water. The iron combines with
the gallic acid and tannin to form ferrous tannate. This compound has little color when it
first is applied to the surface of the paper, but, as the ink dries, the soluble ferrous tannate is
oxidized by contact with the air and becomes insoluble ferric tannate, which is black in
color. To aid the user in seeing the trace of the unoxidized ink as she or he writes, a dye,
usually blue, is added to the liquid. Writing inks of colors other than black are usually
water suspensions of natural or synthetic dyes plus gums. The dyes used in washable inks
are more easily washed out than those in permanent inks. Special inks that contain wetting
agents are manufactured for use in fountain pens. The addition of a wetting agent permits
the ink to flow freely from the pen and to penetrate the paper speedily so that such inks dry
at once. The ink used in ballpoint pens is similar to printing inks. The concentration of the
dyes in ballpoint ink must be much higher than that in fountain-pen ink, because the
ballpoint writes with a much finer line. (“Ink”, Microsoft Encarta Reference Library, 1992-

(Neumann’s and Schluttig’s) definition of ink as cited in Lindquist, clearly stated

the properties of ink that would be helpful in having a good quality ink. The ink must be
clear, filterable solution but not a suspension, should flow easily from the pen and should
not spread on paper. Since the ink is natural, no mold must be seen on the solution and
has no pronounced unpleasant odor. Likewise, it must have an intense color which does
not become paler nor bleach out entirely as it is used in writing.
Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this study is to determine the Effectiveness of Mayana

(Coleus blumei Benth) and San Francisco (Codiaeum variegatum) as an alternative ink
for markers. Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions:

1. Is the quality of Mayana (Coleus blumei Benth) and San Francisco

(Codiaeum variegatum) extract ink effective in terms of:
a) Color
b) Texture
c) Absorption
d) Fast drying
2. What are the colors can be extracted from the Mayana (Coleus blumei
Benth) and San Francisco (Codiaeum variegatum) to prove it as ink?
3. Is there a significant difference between Mayana (Coleus blumei Benth),
San Francisco (Codiaeum variegatum) and the standard or commercial
ink in terms of color, texture, absorption, fast drying?


H0: There is no significant effect of Mayana (Coleus blumei Benth) and San
Francisco (Codiaeum variegatum) as an alternative ink for markers.

H1: There is a significant effect of Mayana (Coleus blumei Benth) and San
Francisco (Codiaeum variegatum) as an alternative ink for markers.
Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will redound to the benefit of all human beings by
producing an alternative inks. These other manufactured inks nowadays come quite
expensive prices, but since the materials to be used in our project are common and easy
to find, you will be spending less money. Also, no harmful chemicals will be used in
making our ink. Therefore, it is non-toxic compared to commercially sold inks which
have the tendencies off causing harm to one’s health and to the environment.

The results of the study will be used for:

A) Users. This study would be very beneficial to the users of permanent

markers, white board markers and pens. This study provides many
advantages to them, such as they would have a more natural and cheaper
way of having ink for their pens and markers.
B) Agriculture. This study provides farmers and planters an additional source
of income. Also, this will increase the number of Mayana (Coleus blumei
Benth) and San Francisco (Codiaeum variegatum) leaves to be planted in the
C) Environment. This study will help to replenish the atmosphere and
surroundings from getting destroyed.
D) Other Researchers. This will help other researchers as that it will serve as
additional information and will add factual concepts for their review of related
Scope and Limitation

The general purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of Mayana

(Coleus blumei Benth) and San Francisco (Codiaeum variegatum) leaves extract as an
alternative ink for markers. The study would also help us determine or verify if the
Mayana (Coleus blumei Benth) and San Francisco (Codiaeum variegatum) ink is equally
effective or more effective than commercial ones.

Definition of Terms

Absorption –It is the ability of the ink to uptake into the fibers of the paper.

Fast drying –The rate of how fast the ink dries up.

Mayana –An erect, branched, fleshy, annual herb, about 1 meter high. Stems are
purplish and 4-angled. Leaves are variously blotched or colored, usually more or less
hairy, ovate, 5 to 10 centimeters long, rather coarsely toothed in the margins; and in the
most common form uniformly velvety-purple.

San Francisco –A species of plant in the genus Codiaeum, which is a member of

the family Euphorbiaceae. It is native to Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, and the
western Pacific Ocean islands, growing in open forests and scrub. It is an evergreen shrub
growing to 3 m (9.8 ft) tall and has large, thick, leathery, shiny evergreen leaves,
alternately arranged, 5–30 cm (2.0–11.8 in) long and 0.5–8 cm (0.20–3.15 in) broad.
The inflorescences are long racemes 8–30 cm (3.1–11.8 in) long, with male and female
flowers on separate inflorescences; the male flowers are white with five small petals and
20–30 stamens, the female flowers yellowish, with no petals. The fruit is a capsule 9 mm
(0.35 in) diameter, containing three 6 mm (0.24 in) seeds. The stems contain milky sap
that bleeds from cut stems.

Texture –The feel, appearance, or consistency of the ink to stick in the paper.

Vehicle –The liquid component of ink that holds the pigment and binds the
pigment to the printed surface (or substrate) after drying.
Chapter 2


Research Design

The research design that will be used by the researchers will be Descriptive
Experimental Design since experimentation of the tests will be done to describe the
effectiveness of Mayana and San Francisco leaves extract as an alternative ink for
markers. Different samples on Mayana and San Francisco leaves are collected and tested
the component through component analysis. Descripted analysis will be used in the
analysis and interpretation of data.

Experimental Procedure

A. Collection of Mayana and San Francisco


B. Preparation of Materials

C. Experimental Set-ups

D. Extraction Method Use

E. Transferring the Leave Extract

F. Testing the product

Figure 1. Flow of the Study

Textual Explanation

A. Collection of Mayana and San Francisco Leaves

Five hundred grams each of Mayana and San Francisco leaves will be gathered
around Brgy. Washington, Surigao City. The leaves will be thoroughly washed in
running water.

B. Preparation of Materials

Knife, cutting board, salt, vinegar, pot, strainer, stove, water, bowl, strainer,
empty pens and markers and jar will be prepared at Santillana’s residence.

C. Experimental Set-ups

Three treatments of ink will be prepared with three different set-ups each. The
treatment 1 set-up 1 will be mixed with 50g of Mayana and San Francisco Leaves; set-up
2 will be mixed with 75 g of Mayana and San Francisco Leaves and set-up 3 will be
mixed with 100g of Mayana and San Francisco Leaves. The treatment 2 set-up 1 will be
mixed with 50g of Mayana Leaves; set-up 2 will be mixed with 75g of Mayana Leaves
and set-up 3 will be mixed with 100g of Mayana Leaves only. The treatment 3 set-up 1
will be mixed with 50g of San Francisco Leaves; set-up 2 will be mixed with 75g of San
Francisco Leaves and set-up 3 will be mixed with 100g of San Francisco Leaves only.

D. Extraction Method Use

In treatment 1 set-up 1, 50g of Mayana and San Francisco leaves will be thinly
chopped into little pieces using the knife and cutting board. The leaves will be added to
the pot and 350 mL of water will be added to cover the leaves. The mixture will be boiled
and simmer covered on the stove for approximately 15-20 minutes. Then, let it cool. . A
strainer will be placed over a jar and the Mayana and San Francisco solution will be
poured into the strainer, allowing the colored ink to flow into the bowl. A teaspoon of salt
and a teaspoon of vinegar will be added into the bowl with ink and stirred thoroughly.
Same as with setup 1 in treatment 1, the setup 2 will have 75g of Mayana and San
Francisco leaves while setup 3 will have 100g of Mayana and San Francisco leaves and
the process goes the same way.
E. Transferring the Leave Extract

The leaves extract in each setup of the treatments will be transferred into an
empty marker container with the use of dropper and was left undisturbed for 30 minutes
before undergoing a series of test.

F. Testing the Product

The following setups were taken to test the quality of the ink based on four
characteristics: Color, Texture, Absorption and Fast Drying. The tests were taken after
the production of the ink.

1. Color
The colors of the ink were observed and recorded. Each sample of the
three treatments was used to write on a bond paper.
2. Texture
The textures of the extracted ink on paper were felt by hand after it
totally dried. Observations were recorded.
3. Absorption
The quick absorption of the ink in the paper were observed and
4. Fast Drying
The fast drying of the ink in the paper were observed and recorded.
Chapter 3


Table 1. Amount of Extracted Leaves

Treatments Setup 1 Setup 2 Setup 3

Treatment 1

Mayana 50g 75g 100g

San Francisco 50g 75g 100g

Treatment 2

San Francisco 50g 75g 100g

Treatment 3

Mayana 50g 75g 100g

TOTAL 200g 300g 400g 900g

The table 1 showed the amount of Mayana and San Francisco leaves extracted in
each setup of the 3 treatments. In treatment 1 setup 1, 50g each of Mayana and San
Francisco leaves were extracted. In treatment 2 setup 1, 50g of San Francisco leaves were
extracted. In treatment 3 setup 1, 50g of Mayana leaves were extracted. In treatment 1
setup 2, 75g each of Mayana and San Francisco leaves were extracted. In treatment 2
setup 2, 75g of San Francisco leaves were extracted. In treatment 3 setup 2, 75g of
Mayana leaves were extracted. In treatment 1 setup 3, 100g each of Mayana and San
Francisco leaves were extracted. In treatment 2 setup 3, 100g of San Francisco leaves
were extracted. In treatment 3 setup 3, 100g of Mayana leaves were extracted. With a
total of 200g leaves in Setup 1, 300g leaves in Setup 2, 400g of leaves in Setup 3 and an
overall total of 900g of leaves were extracted.

Table 2. Ink Content of the Markers

(Setup 1) (Setup 2) (Setup 3)
1 A 3 mL A 3 mL A 3 mL

2 B 3 mL B 3 mL B 3 mL

3 C 3 mL C 3 mL C 3 mL

The table 2 showed the amount of ink refilled in each marker. They were all filled
by a 3mL ink before the test was conducted.
Table 3. Quality of Ink on Setup 1

Light red violet Silky Ink absorbs Dries slowly

slowly and
smudges if
(Mayana and touched
San Francisco) immediately

Magenta Silky Ink absorbs Dries slowly

slowly and
smudges if
(San Francisco) touched

Light violet Silky Ink absorbs Dries slowly

slowly and
smudges if
(Mayana) touched

The table 3 showed the result and observation of the researchers on testing the
quality of the ink in the paper on Setup 1.
Table 4. Quality of Ink on Setup 2

Light red violet Silky Ink absorbs Dries slowly

slowly and
smudges if
(Mayana and touched
San Francisco) immediately

Magenta Silky Ink absorbs Dries slowly

slowly and
smudges if
(San Francisco) touched

Violet Silky Ink absorbs Dries slowly

slowly and
smudges if
(Mayana) touched

The table 4 showed the result and observation of the researchers on testing the
quality of the ink in the paper on Setup 2.
Table 5. Quality of Ink on Setup 3

Light red violet Silky Ink absorbs Dries slowly

slowly and
smudges if
(Mayana and touched
San Francisco) immediately

Magenta Silky Ink absorbs Dries slowly

slowly and
smudges if
(San Francisco) touched

Violet Silky Ink absorbs Dries slowly

slowly and
smudges if
(Mayana) touched

The table 5 showed the result and observation of the researchers on testing the
quality of the ink in the paper on Setup 3.
Table 6. Colors extracted from the Mayana and San Francisco Ink
(Setup 1)
(Setup 2) (Setup 3)

1 A Light red A Light red A Red

violet violet violet

2 B Magenta B Magenta B Magenta

3 C Light C Violet C Violet


The table 6 showed the extracted colors from each setup of the three treatments.
The interpretation of the table was based on the opinions and observations of the
Chapter 4


Summary of Findings

In the given data, the quality of Mayana (Coleus blumei Benth) and San
Francisco (Codiaeum variegatum) ink is effective in terms of Color, Texture,
Absorption and Fast Drying. The colors that can be extracted from Mayana and San
Francisco leaves were light red violet, red violet, magenta, light violet and violet.


Based on the data gathered, the alternative ink that contains Mayana and San
Francisco Leave Extract is an effective ink for markers.

The researchers conclude that in order to create your own marker ink out from
plants extract you need to balance the amount of water and plant source for it to
produce a natural odor and color; to avoid the spreading of ink on the fabric or paper
and to maintain the good quality of the marker ink.

Furthermore, the ink that the researchers made will help people specially the
students to use our products instead of buying expensive markers; to be able to save
money for its ingredients and the materials are just easy to find so as the procedure is
just easy to follow.


1. The researcher advices to improve the color of the Mayana and San
Francisco ink and research more other ingredients can improve the color,
texture, viscosity and absorption.
2. The researcher advices to conduct other parallel tests based on the
components of the standard ink and the Mayana and San Francisco ink.
3. The researcher advocates re-associating the difference between the two inks
using other tests in order to justify the result of this study. Furthermore,
having a good quality ink must be focused on before undergoing a series of

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[2] Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph. D., 2010
[3] How to Make Inks Using Petals.2011 petals.html
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[6] "Marker." 1998. How Products Are Made
[7] Paul, Werner. "Calligraphy Idea Exchange." N.D. Dragon's Blood and Ashes
[8] Robbins, Nicholas. "Yahoo! Contributor Network." 2010

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