Design, Analysis and Fabrication of A Formula SAE Chassis PDF

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Paper Number 01

Design, Analysis and Fabrication of a Formula SAE Chassis

Andrew Salzano
2009 FSAE Co-Captain

Eric Klang
Faculty Advisor

Wolfpack Motorsports
College of Engineering
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7910

Copyright © 2009 Wolfpack Motorsports

ABSTRACT • Carry pre-determined suspension points

• Allow space for engine, turbo, intake, exhaust,
This paper is an introduction to the design, analysis, and cooling
fabrication of a steel tube space frame chassis for use in • Have 54% rear weight bias
Formula SAE. A guideline for the construction of this • Hold all electronics within chassis structure
frame will be based upon the Wolfpack Motorsports • Lower center of gravity
2009 car (WMF09) and may be used by nearly every • Keep components as close to car centerline as
amateur formula car racer that would like to build a car possible
for him/herself. • Shallower seat angle for lower driver CG
• Minimum torsional stiffness of 1200 ft-lb/deg in
• Weigh less than 58 lb
The Formula SAE competition requires the construction • Conform to 2009 FSAE chassis rules
of a new car for every competition year. The 2008 • Completed chassis by January 1, 2009
Wolfpack Motorsports effort was disappointing due to
the underestimation of the difficult construction of a steel
space frame chassis. Having built carbon fiber The designer of the chassis must have an idea as to
monocoque chassis for several years before 2008, the how all components of the car are going to function in
team was inexperienced in the design and fabrication of relation to each other. As a result, the designer must
a full steel frame. As a result, the WMF08 was never know how all parts must interact and take this interaction
raced at an official competition, leaving it eligible to be into account when designing the frame.
used in the 2009 competition. However, the FSAE
Rules committee implemented a minimum size Discussion of goals – Since the 2008 car has not
requirement for all 2009 chassis and the 2008 frame competed in an FSAE competition, many of the parts on
would not have met this requirement, so a new frame it are able to be used on the 2009 car. It was
had to be built. determined that the team would try to carry over as
many parts as possible so that design and fabrication of
these parts would not have to be performed. The
advantage of this is the possibility of having a running
car in late winter or early spring that will be able to be
The first step in the design of an FSAE chassis is to tested extensively. Testing is the only way to make a
have a set of goals that the frame must meet. These car faster and more reliable so this is an ideal situation.
goals were compiled after considering the goals of the Transferring these parts allowed the team to set a goal
engine, drivetrain, and suspension sections of the car. of January 1, 2009 as a chassis completion date.
GOALS – The goals for the chassis are as follows: All suspension related parameters for the chassis were
determined through careful examination of data acquired
• Wheelbase – 61.5 in. from the WMF08 testing days and through analysis of
• Pushrod rear suspension, Pullrod front suspension
tire data provided by Calspan. It was determined that packaging issues for the driver and the fuel tank. These
the suspension geometry of the 2008 car performed well issues were resolved by moving the driver forward and
and that 6 of the 8 a-arms would be carried over. The having the seat lean more horizontal than in previous
front upper a-arms would be redesigned to handle the years.
new pullrod actuated front suspension, to allow for an
optimal camber adjustment range, and to fit the Driver Position and Controls – Another important aspect
designed a-arm span. On the subject of camber, the of chassis design is driver positioning and controls. If the
Calspan tire data showed a trend that led the team to driver is not able to operate the car comfortably, it will
believe that the Goodyear tires being used are mostly not meet its full potential. Driver comfort concerns
insensitive to camber. Through testing and the use of include seating angle, elbow space, head height in
an infrared tire temperature sensor rig, WM determined relation to the front of the car, and controls operation
that the tires performed best with minimal negative (pedals, shifter, and steering wheel).
camber and low pressure. Therefore camber gain was
minimized through inboard a-arm point locations. Driver Seating – The seating position in the car was
determined mainly from having the driver test different
Packaging of the engine and its network of supporting seat back angles in a plywood seat mockup. It was
components is a major challenge for the NC State team determined that an angle between 45 and 50 degrees
due to the engine being turbocharged. This adds the from horizontal is ideal for having a driver’s chest and
turbo, oil lines, and an oil cooler to the number of head low enough and for comfort. Decreasing the back
components needed to run the engine properly. As with angle from 65 degrees in the 2008 car to 45 degrees
every FSAE car ever built, the goal of lighter weight drops the driver’s chest by nearly 2 inches. The
applies to this chassis as well. With the new rules shallower seat angle has a positive effect in that it
requiring an overall larger car, an extensive effort was moves the driver’s head and chest lower and therefore
put in to minimize the weight of the 2009 frame. lowers the overall center of gravity of the finished car.
With the driver’s head lower, it will be more difficult for
DESIGN – The design of a Formula SAE chassis, or any short drivers to see over the front roll hoop and
racing chassis for that matter, is going to be based on bulkhead. However, since the members of the team that
suspension points, powertrain layout, driver position and are competition drivers are between 5’11” and 6’2”, it
controls, and safety. These four important points must was decided that the shallow seat would be kept.
come together to form an effective package for the car to
perform as intended. One advantage of the 2009 rules change on cockpit size
is that it allows the driver to have more elbow room
Suspension Points – The suspension geometry is what when driving. With the driver able to place his/her
determines how well the car controls the tires that elbows where necessary, it becomes easier for the
connect the vehicle to the ground. Should the driver to operate the steering wheel and clutch in the
suspension not control the tires correctly, the car will not car. The steering wheel is operated with greater ease
corner as quickly and therefore be slower overall. due to the driver being able to have more leverage in the
Through testing, data analysis, and simulation, WM has cockpit.
developed effective suspension geometry for an FSAE
car on Goodyear tires. As explained earlier, camber Controls Operation - As part of the new chassis design,
gain has been minimized through the placement of the a redesign of the 2008 pedal box was in store. The
inboard suspension points. 2008 box flexed considerably under braking causing a
loss of driver feel and even a drop in braking
Powertrain Layout – Since FSAE cars use motorcycle deceleration. After careful investigation of the front
engines, it is easier to place the engine as it was in the portion of the new chassis design, it was determined that
bike. The location of the engine in relation to the a pedal box could be built into the chassis using steel
wheelbase of the car plays the biggest role in weight tubing. This pedal arrangement is much stiffer than the
distribution of the car. The WMF08 has had previous carbon plate and should provide better braking
considerable difficulty in obtaining traction on launch and characteristics for the car.
on corner exit. An easy way to combat this is to
distribute more of the weight of the car toward the driven
wheels to increase vertical load on the tires. This led the
team to decide on a 54% rear weight distribution for the
2009 competitor.

In the past, the turbo has been located outside of the

main structure of the car. This relatively large mass,
being far away from the centerline of the car, potentially
has a negative effect on the yaw inertia of the vehicle.
By moving the turbo to a location in the center of the car,
we are able to decrease our yaw inertia. But, having the
turbo directly in front of the engine presents some
Modeling of Fixed Elements – Fixed elements include
roll hoops, front bulkhead, suspension points, and
engine mounts. These features will not be moved
around during chassis design iteration so that the
number of variables able to be manipulated may be
decreased. This allows for a quicker design period so
that construction may begin sooner than usual.

The roll hoop and bulkhead shapes are decided upon to

minimize the length of tubing for the elements. Since
the roll hoops and bulkhead are required to be at least 1”
OD .095” wall and 1” OD .065” wall, respectively, the
lengths of this heavy tubing need to be minimized to
reduce weight. Once shapes of the features are decided
upon, they are drawn on their respective planes. A
structural member feature is added to the sketch and the
first tubes of the model are drawn.
Figure 1: 2009 Pedal Arrangement

In previous years, the transmission was shifted using a

manual linkage to the gear selector drum. This
arrangement meant that a shift lever must be placed
inside the chassis within reasonable reach of the driver.
In 2008, this meant that the shifter was encroaching on
the driver’s thigh and caused bruising after hard driving.
For 2009, the team has come up with a paddle actuated
pneumatic shifting system for the steering wheel that
eliminates the need for a shift lever and accompanying

Safety – Fortunately, the FSAE rules committee has set

up a group of rules requiring certain tubing sizes in
areas of the frame critical to driver safety in the event of
an accident. These rules define outer diameters and wall Figure 3: Roll Hoops and Suspension Points
thicknesses for the front bulkhead, front roll hoop, main
roll hoop, side impact tubing, roll hoop bracing, and front The suspension mounting points are the next to be
impact zones. The stated rules are adhered to without designed. These are drawn as fixed points in space in
deviation so that the driver may be safe and the car can the Solidworks model. During suspension design, an
pass technical inspection at competition. optimal a-arm span was determined and this dimension
must now be integrated into the chassis. The front
Design Process - A space frame is designed in several upper suspension mounting tube is modeled as
steps that are based on the design considerations 1”x1”x.049” square box tubing. This box tubing allows
previously stated. A methodical plan must be followed for easy suspension mounting and accurate camber
so that all parameters are considered and the design adjustment with the use of shims. Aluminum mounts are
incorporates every part of the car correctly. The WMF09 bolted to the chassis such that their distance from the
was designed in Solidworks using the weldment feature centerline of the car is adjustable, therefore moving the
to model tubes easily and accurately. top of the upright outward. This box tubing is again used
in the front lower and rear lower suspension mounting
Initial Setup – First, baseline dimensions like wheelbase, locations but the a-arms are bolted inside the tubing in
overall length, width, and height were selected. the rear.
Stemming from these dimensions were roll hoop
locations, bulkhead location, engine mounting location,
and wheel centerlines. Once these dimensions were
selected, a series of planes were created in Solidworks
at these points so that these locations could be

Figure 2: Chassis Planes – Side View

more hours to notch, then it will take much longer to
complete the frame.

Chassis stiffness relies on the effective arrangement of

the connecting tubes. This will be discussed in further
detail later.

Modeling of the connecting tubes is relatively simple in

Solidworks using the 3D sketch tool. Drawing the lines
is much like connecting the dots, or in this case, nodes.
Once a line is drawn between two of the nodes, a
structural member may be placed along that line. A
network of tubes may then be drawn by connecting
nodes in certain places and inserting structural

Figure 4: A-arm Mounting

The box provides a rigid mounting point to reduce

compliance in the highly loaded lower suspension
members. The rear upper suspension mounts are
vertical tabs welded to a round tube that sandwich
rodends coming from the a-arm. These tabs have three
holes at different vertical positions for potential roll and
instant center adjustment during suspension tuning.
Once the lengths, thicknesses, and locations of these
tubes are decided, they are modeled and not moved
during the rest of the design process unless absolutely

Engine mounting locations are also decided upon and Figure 5: Early Chassis Iteration
fixed so that the engine design team can accurately
place their individual part models in the car assembly The final step in the design of the chassis is to put
without having to change their parts. This keeps the together an assembly model with all of the parts that will
team from making drastic changes when farther along in be put on the car, including the driver. This process
the design process. allows the designer to see clearances between parts
and to get an idea as to where certain parts will be able
Modeling of Variable Elements – The next step is to to be mounted. A key part to the assembly of the
model the tubes that connect the fixed elements to each Wolfpack Motorsports cars is the header clearance for
other. Arrangements of these tubes are variable and the turbo and the driver’s seat. Special consideration
careful consideration of weight, manufacturability, and must be taken so that the fuel tank and driver’s seat are
chassis stiffness must be taken, so that the chassis does not too close to the turbo and vice versa. This assembly
not become heavy and too flexible. The 2009 rules must also gives an indication as to where such items as the
also be taken into account when drawing these battery and ECU will be placed on the car. It is
connecting tubes. important to put as many parts as possible into the
assembly to check for clearances and interferences with
Since the weight of the chassis is critical to car every part of the car and the chassis. Figure 6 is an
performance, connecting tubes must be kept short and example of a near full assembly.
thin. Most of the connecting tubes on the WMF09
chassis are 1” .049” wall, 1” .035” wall, or .75” .035”
tubing. The only connecting tubes that are not this size
are the required roll hoop bracing tubes which must be
1” .065” wall. These bracing tubes are kept to a
minimum length.

Manufacturability is important to bear in mind because

the more complex the chassis, the harder it will be to
fabricate. If the connecting tubes have extremely
difficult notches on the ends, it will take the team
member who is making that tube much longer to finish.
Subsequently, if each tube on the chassis takes 2 or
coincident nodes, meaning define them twice. This will
allow movement of these points during the ANSYS run.

Meshing – Once all important features are defined in the

text file, it is imported into ANSYS using the “Read Input
from” option. This brings the chassis model in to
ANSYS and it is shown on the screen as a wireframe.
The following steps are taken to mesh the chassis:

1. Preprocessor> Meshing> MeshTool

This menu is used for creating the chassis mesh. First,
attributes are assigned to the lines and volume that
make up the model.
2. Element Attributes> Lines (or Volumes)> Set> Pick
Figure 6: Full Car Assembly Model After clicking this, a menu appears that allows the user
to select material, element type, and element section.
ANALYSIS – Much like any mechanical design, this This is performed for each tube and for the engine.
chassis must undergo analysis to determine if it meets 3. Size Controls> Lines> Element Divisions
its strength and stiffness goals. The analysis tool that An element size must be chosen for the mesh. This size
WM uses is ANSYS for finite element modeling and will determine how coarse or fine the mesh is and
analysis. It is important to outline the procedure for consequently how precise the results will be.
using ANSYS so that iterations may be performed 4. Mesh> Lines (or Volumes)> Mesh> Pick
quickly and smoothly. This will mesh the model and prepare it for FEA.
5. Preprocessor> Coupling> Coincident Nodes
Modeling – The chassis was modeled in ANSYS using a Since the pivots in the suspension members must be
text file that defines keypoints, lines, areas, and volumes modeled, coincident nodes are created. This will say
in space. Keypoints are all points where a line begins, that all nodes that are within 0.01 inches of each other
ends, or intersects another line. These keypoints model will be called coincident and will be unrestrained.
all of the nodes in the chassis, or where two tubes come 6. Solution> Solve> Current LS
together. The full Solidworks model is combed for all of The solver takes the loading characteristics defined in
the points necessary to define the chassis and these the text file and applies the loads to the chassis.
points are input into the text file and numbered. All of
the tubes are then defined in the file by connecting the Results – Post processing can now be performed to
necessary keypoints. Once the tubes are defined, the figure out how stiff the chassis is in torsion. The chassis
engine must be modeled. As an important structural is analyzed for torsional stiffness because of its
member of the chassis, the engine is crucial to accurate contribution to the car as a whole. A target stiffness for
analysis. The engine is modeled as a set of areas that the chassis is chosen after roll stiffness analysis is
form a volume once meshed in ANSYS. performed on the suspension. The target torsional
stiffness for this chassis is 1200 ft-lb/deg. This is viewed
ANSYS uses certain element types based on the part in the results of the ANSYS analysis by observing the
the user wishes to examine. This selection determines maximum vertical displacement of the front upper a-
which theoretical model will be used in the constraint arms and calculating stiffness using the following
and analysis of the part. The element types used in this equations:
analysis are BEAM188 for the tubing and SOLID187 for
the engine. BEAM188 is based on Timoshenko beam VerticalDeflection
theory and is used in the analysis of slender beam
AngularDef lection = arctan( )
1 MomentArm
structures . SOLID187 elements are 3D, 10-node,
tetrahedral elements used for almost any solid part2.
TorsionalStiffness =
Another important part of the text file is where material AngularDeflection
and section properties are defined. Two materials, 4130
steel and aluminum, are defined using their tensile The input moment arm is half of the track width and the
strengths and Poisson’s ratio. This allows for the input torque is the torque caused by the input
selection of materials when meshing in ANSYS. Section suspension loads on the front a-arms. These suspension
properties are then defined so that different tubing sizes loads are estimated to be anywhere from 200 to 400 lbf
may be selected in ANSYS as well. for an FSAE vehicle. Suspension loading is a function of
weight transfer and static loading. This load is applied to
The analysis of the chassis in ANSYS also requires the the front while the rear lower a-arms are pinned,
modeling of a-arms, pushrods, bellcranks, and shocks. simulating an absolute maximum torque the chassis
These are defined using keypoints and lines much like could encounter.
the rest of the frame. One crucial step is to define the
pivoting joints (inboard and outboard ball joints) as
Once the first ANSYS trial is complete, iterations can be
performed in both Solidworks and ANSYS to optimize
chassis stiffness and weight. Over 50 ANSYS trials
were performed on this particular chassis to meet the
goals set by the team and the designer. During this
iteration process, it becomes apparent to the designer
what tubing layouts contribute to the stiffness of the
chassis and which ones have a negative effect.

It is easy to visualize the chassis as a long rectangular

prism that is loaded in torsion. If there are only
structural members running along the edges of this box,
it will not be able to support much torsion load. But if
bracing is run on each face in the shape of an X, such
as in the picture below, there will be a considerable
increase is torsional stiffness of this box.

Figure 8: Cantilever Section Example

FABRICATION – Fabrication is obviously the most

important part of completing a Formula SAE chassis.
The WMF09 is constructed of 4130 steel tubing TIG
welded with ER70S-2 rod. 4130 is chosen for its weld
ability and strength. Tubes are fitted together through
manual notching on a bench grinder and using the
manual mill. There are other methods of tube fitment
including CNC laser cutting the end of each tube so that
the chassis fits together like a puzzle. Wolfpack
Figure 7: Box Bracing Example Motorsports uses the manual notching method to
promote fabrication education for new members and to
Using this concept, stiffness can be increased by save money. The chassis must be built in steps so that
strategically placing members that run from the left side it is made accurate to the design.
of the car to the right side, or vice versa. The designer
must keep in mind the load paths, however. Jig - The first step is to have a jig designed and built to
locate the critical members of the chassis, or the fixed
The load paths must be visualized as where the load elements as referred to earlier. A jig consists of a table
travels through the chassis once it is applied. A major that is drilled and tapped at certain points to locate a
feature to look for is a cantilevered section, or a space fixture that holds a fixed element in place. In this case,
between nodes on a single structural member. When an aluminum table top is drilled and tapped to locate
the load travels from one tube to the next through one of fixtures for the bulkhead, roll hoops, engine, and all
these sections, it must go through this space and in turn suspension points. These fixtures are also made of
it creates unnecessary stresses in that location. aluminum and are machined precisely to locate these
critical points in space. The fixtures also act as a
restraint for the tubes when being welded. If there was
no jig, the chassis would be warped and unusable.

Roll Hoops – The first tubes to be made are the roll

hoops and the front bulkhead. These are the only parts
of the chassis made off of the jig table. A large scale
drawing of these features is printed and used as a guide
when making bends and welding these tubes. The
following picture is of the front hoop being jigged and
constructed off of the jig table.
Figure 10: Front Node Construction
Figure 9: Front Roll Hoop Construction
The final pieces to be welded to the front part of the
Once these features are completed, they are bolted to chassis are the bellcrank and shock mounts. These
the jig table in their respective locations. The bottom of mounts must be jigged so that the bellcrank and shock
the main roll hoop is used as a height reference for other can rotate in the same plane to produce the desired
parts of the chassis because it is bolted directly to the motion ratio. The bellcrank mount is a short length of
table with no spacer. tubing that is welded to the lower suspension tube. This
small tube carries a bung that incorporates the races for
Cockpit - The cockpit is the first section to be built on the needle and thrust bearings that allow rotation of the
frame. This section is built first so that it can be used as bellcrank. The shock mount is a piece of 1”x2”x.049”
a template for seat construction. The side impact rectangular tubing welded to the front hoop using
structure of the cockpit must be built from the bottom multiple gussets.
toward the top so that during tube notching and fitment,
a tight fit may be achieved for each tube. The rest of the front section of the frame is made up of
miscellaneous bracing tubes that constrain nodes and
Front Section – After the cockpit is built and welded, the distribute loading to other parts of the chassis. These
team moves to the front of the car to build the front tubes are thin since most of the time, they do not carry
suspension mounting locations and front impact any significant load. Weight savings can be made by
structure. The first tubes to be made are the lowest designing this bracing effectively and using small tubing
tubes. On the 2009 frame, these tubes stretch from the sizes.
front roll hoop to the front bulkhead. The tubes also
carry small box tubing sections where the front lower a- Rear Section – After the front section of the frame is
arms are connected using bolts. The box sections are complete, the team works toward the rear. The first
arranged with the angle of the a-arms for clean fitment major tube to be put in place is the shoulder belt tube.
during assembly. This tube is located by a jig attached to the table. Once
this tube is on the jig, all of the tubes that connect to it
The next tubing to be notched and welded is the box can be notched and fit up. At the same time, tubes that
tubing for the upper suspension mounts. It is critical to connect to the engine mount are fit to the main hoop and
keep this tube jigged during all welding so that these the engine mount. The engine mount is a 1.25” .049”
points are not warped. If these points move in space wall tube that is capped on one end with a bung. This
from where they have been designed, the upper a-arms mount is then bolted to one of the stock mounting holes
will not fit correctly and suspension geometry will be on the engine block with a 0.5” aluminum spacer. This
compromised. aluminum will reduce vibration slightly and will permit
easier installation of the engine into the frame.
The front impact structure must form a triangle according
to the FSAE rules. The two tubes that form the triangle The rear suspension tubes are the next to be
connect to the upper suspension tube to form a node. constructed. The lower points are located inside the box
Due to the complexity of notching a round tube to fit a tubing as mentioned before. Another jig is used to
square tube and multiple other round tubes, a small locate the upper suspension tube. This jig holds a set of
cylinder is constructed to simplify this fabrication. The tabs that determine the position of this tube in space.
cylinder is made of 1.25” .049” wall tubing with .040” These tabs are waterjet cut for a precise fit to the tube.
sheet metal caps on the end. This cylinder is placed on The upper suspension tube will stay in the jig as long as
its side and at the front of the upper suspension tube. possible while other welding is being performed so that
warping can be kept to a minimum.
Perhaps the most critical tube of the rear chassis is the
shock mounting tube that runs across the rear of the
engine. Not only does this tube carry the shocks but it CONCLUSION
also contains the rearmost engine mounting tabs. This
tube must have a small bend in the center to The completion of the chassis is a major annual
accommodate the shocks and this bend must be milestone for every FSAE team. A completed chassis
perfectly in line with the centerline of the car. Once this provides motivation to complete other parts of the car
tube is in place, the tabs that the shocks mount to must because the team members can now visualize what has
be located on the tube. These tabs must also be been in the design phase for months. Every team sets a
perfectly centered on the car. goal to complete their frame early, giving them a chance
to test the car for two or three months before each
Once the shock tabs are in place, mock shocks can be competition, but frequently there are delays. These
used to place the bellcrank tabs on the upper delays can range from financial difficulties, materials
suspension tube. It is important to get these bellcrank procurement problems, workshop limitations, and team
tabs in plane with the shock tabs so that the desired member skill development.
bellcrank motion ratio may be obtained. This rotation
being in plane also reduces the chances of bending the To finish the chassis by a deadline that is put in place by
shock shaft in compression and rebound when the the team, the designer needs to have his/her design fully
suspension is in use. completed and frozen by the time construction starts.
Changing design points during fabrication can
The rear section of the chassis also contains bracing significantly hinder progress because days or even
tubing that connects the left and right sides and also the weeks will go by without any construction while the
upper points to the lower points. These tubes must be designer is modifying their model. This can decrease
carefully placed so that the halfshafts that drive the team morale and motivation to finish the project.
wheels clear the frame. There is also bracing in the
large open space above the engine. Small, thin tubing is Steel tube space frame construction gives team
used to create an X and stiffen the rear section of the members an opportunity to learn basic fabrication skills
frame. through sheet metal work, tube fitment, and welding.
This also instills a sense of pride in new members that
Final Preparation - Once the rear section of the frame is make tubes that are used in an integral part of the race
completed, the chassis may be taken out of the jig for car. Space frame construction also provides an
final welding. During construction, most welds on tubes opportunity for veteran members to teach the new
can only be half or three quarters of the way done due to members how the team operates and its standards
space constraints. With the chassis off of the table, regarding finished part quality.
welders can easily reach these places that were
neglected earlier. Welding out of the jig is not normally The chassis design and construction process is a
done due to potential warping but by skipping from one cornerstone of the FSAE project. The many details that
location to another and spreading out the heat of must be considered during this procedure provides great
welding, the chassis will remain mostly as it was in the practice to aspiring engineers and gives them a leg up
jig with minimal warp. on their competition.

After completion of welding, the car is ready to be

assembled. During assembly, mounts are made to
support the various components of the car that need ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
solid mounting. Most mounting is done through the use
of sheet metal tabs that are welded to the frame and The authors would like to thank Max Koff, Drew Ulrich,
have a nut plate riveted to one side. This allows for and the rest of the Wolfpack Motorsports members and
bolting of parts to the car. Careful observation needs to alumni for the support and advice during this project.
take place so that oversized tabs are not used
abundantly as this is an easy way to lose control of the
weight of the chassis. Ideally, tabs will be made of thin
sheet metal and be used by multiple components.
Rivets may also be used to mount parts such as the 1. kxcad. BEAM188. 14 Dec. 2008
firewall, closeout panels, and permanent bodywork. The <
number of rivets should be kept to a minimum because _E_BEAM188.html>.
every rivet requires a hole in the chassis and 2. kxcad. SOLID187. 14 Dec. 2008
subsequently produces a stress concentration feature. <
3. Rouelle, Claude. Vehicle Dynamics and Race Car
Engineering Seminar (2008).

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