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Educational Strategies

Problem Solving Concepts and Theories

Laura E. Hardin

Many educators, especially those involved in professional curricula, are interested in problem solving and in how to support stu-
dents’ development into successful problem solvers. The following article serves as an overview of educational research on
problem solving. Several concepts are defined and the transition from one theory to another is discussed. Educational theories
describing problem solving in the context of behavioral, cognitive, and information-processing pedagogy are discussed. The
final section of the article describes prior findings regarding expert–novice differences in problem solving of various kinds.
Any problem has at least three components: givens, goal, domain-specific situations or problems, based on prior
and operations. Givens are the facts or pieces of information knowledge of that domain.
presented to describe the problem. Goal is the desired end
Basic, automated skills in any domain are those that allow an
state of the problem. Operations are the actions to be per-
individual to perform necessary and routine operations
formed in reaching the desired goal.1
without much thought. These skills are overlearned to the
Problems are categorized as ill defined or well defined, point that they become habitual and even unconscious,
based on how problem and goal are represented. Problems enabling individuals to operate quickly and accurately
with complex representations and/or more than one solu- without taxing their short-term memories. Automaticity
tion are termed ill defined. Problems with discrete represen- allows individuals to focus their attention on the more com-
tations and finite goals are termed well defined. The plex tasks associated with a specific domain and is a general
distinction between ill defined and well defined is a contin- attribute associated with experts in a domain. Automaticity
uum, based on the complexity of the problem and what is supports the expert’s speed and skill of execution.
required cognitively to solve it.
Unlike basic, automated skills, which occur unconsciously
Problem-solving knowledge is, conceptually, of two kinds. and thus do not tax short-term memory, domain-specific
Declarative knowledge is knowing that something is the case. strategies remain under conscious control. They are the pro-
It is knowledge of facts, theories, events, and objects. Proce- cesses and procedures in a domain that an individual, even
dural knowledge is knowing how to do something. It includes an expert, must consciously think about in order to solve a
motor skills, cognitive skills, and cognitive strategies. Both problem. They are, in other words, the procedural knowl-
declarative and procedural knowledge are activated in edge associated with a domain.
working memory as problem solving occurs. Psychologists
Expert–novice differences have been studied and described
who distinguish between declarative and procedural
within the context of these three attributes: Experts (1)
knowledge believe that the two forms of knowledge are
exhibit better conceptual understanding of their domain; (2)
both distinct and interdependent. Declarative and proce-
use more automated skills and domain-specific strategies;
dural knowledge interact in a variety of ways during prob-
and (3) have a conceptual understanding that is declarative,
lem solving.
while basic skills and strategies are procedural.3
A basic unit of declarative knowledge in the human infor-
mation-processing system is the proposition. This expresses HISTORICAL PROGRESSION OF PROBLEM SOLVING
or proposes the relationships among concepts. For instance, THEORIES
the phrase, “the man fixed the tire,” depicts a complete idea.
As theories of how learning occurred evolved, the under-
A proposition always contains two elements: a relation and
standing of the problem-solving process also evolved. The
one or more arguments.2
following section will present the model of problem solving
There are three attributes that are commonly used to differ- associated with each concurrent learning theory. The domi-
entiate expert from novice problem-solving characteristics. nant learning theories discussed are within the conceptual
These attributes are conceptual understanding; basic, auto- domains of behaviorism, cognitive psychology, and infor-
mated skills; and domain-specific strategies. The following mation processing. Behaviorists view problem solving as a
paragraphs explain these attributes and how they are used process that develops through positive and negative rein-
to distinguish expert from novice problem-solving charac- forcement mechanisms. Cognitive psychologists view prob-
teristics. lem solving as a process that includes introspection,
observation, and the development of heuristics. The infor-
Conceptual understanding refers to both the actual informa-
mation-processing view of problem solving is based on gen-
tion in memory and the organization of that information in
eral problem solving skills and artificial intelligence.
memory. Conceptual understanding is closely related to
schema theory, in which information is considered to be Behaviorist
stored in memory as frameworks or structures that, once
instantiated, provide a lens through which to view new Behaviorists’ understanding of learning was based on cause
information. Having a conceptual understanding of a and effect. In this conceptualization, a behavior was fol-
domain means that an individual can make meaning of lowed by reinforcement. If the behavior was followed by
positive reinforcement, then the behavior was more likely to

JVME 30(3) © 2002 AAVMC 227

be repeated; if there was negative reinforcement, the behav- the problem. These heuristic methods can be applied to a
ior was less likely to be repeated. problem in any content domain; thus they are considered to
be general problem-solving skills.
Two problem-solving methodologies explain the problem-
solving process within the framework of behaviorist learn- In addition to the problem-solving processes already dis-
ing theory. One such method is trial and error. This involves cussed, other heuristics have been identified. People often
attacking the problem by various methods until a solution is have to make decisions in the face of uncertainty, with
found. Young children solving a jigsaw puzzle exhibit this sketchy information about the situation, on the basis of sug-
type of problem-solving behavior. The children try fitting gestive but inconclusive evidence. The reasoning processes
different pieces into the same spot until eventually they find used to resolve the uncertainty are often called judgment
the piece that fits.4 heuristics. One form of judgment heuristic is similarity
judgment, where an instance is evaluated based on prior
Another method consistent with behaviorist learning is
knowledge of a similar instance. A similar type of judgment
Hull’s response hierarchy.5 This method involves learned
is representativeness, where an assumption is made based
responses that are applied to a situation in a hierarchical
on the belief that the characteristics of the individual are
manner. The hierarchy is based on the response for which
representative of the group.
habit strength is strongest. Stimuli in a problem situation
may evoke several different responses, and responses will Another heuristic is the availability heuristic. In this case,
be produced, one at a time, in order of strength, until either judgments are made based on which elements can most eas-
the problem is solved or the organism exhausts its reper- ily be retrieved from memory. Analogical reasoning is
toire of responses. another heuristic method, where judgment is made by
drawing similarities to events that have occurred previ-
In their emphasis on trial-and-error learning and habit
ously. Still another judgment heuristic is the development
strength, behaviorists focused on the role that stimulus–
of a mental model (simulation) to predict the outcome of an
response interactions might play on problem solving.2
event.7 These heuristics are examples of general-purpose
These early conceptions of learning and problem solving
thinking skills, which seem applicable to many domains.
described the observable characteristics of the process and
The heuristics approach emphasizes finding a good repre-
did not seek to elaborate on the cognitive mechanisms of the
sentation of the problem. While content-specific knowledge
is required to solve the problem, the belief that general
Cognitive problem-solving skills were also valuable was supported by
studies in the domains of math and computer science.8
As cognitive psychology progressed as a discipline, more
interest and effort was directed toward the mental processes Information Processing
of learning and problem solving. An early cognitive
As elaboration on problem solving and expert–novice dif-
approach to problem solving was to identify the mental
ferences continued, the information-processing theory of
stages through which problem solving proceeded. Two
learning emerged. This theory emphasizes the role of fac-
noted cognitive psychologists, Wallas and Polya, developed
tors such as working memory capacity, organization of
a four-stage model of problem solving. The four stages of
long-term memory, and cognitive retrieval of relevant infor-
problem solving identified by Wallas were (1) prepara-
mation. The bulk of current research in problem solving
tion—defining the problem and gathering information rele-
reflects inquiry into the nature of these cognitive processes.5
vant to it; (2) incubation—thinking about the problem at a
subconscious level; (3) inspiration—having a sudden Newell’s early work in artificial intelligence1 (AI) sustained
insight into the solution of the problem; and (4) verifica- the general problem solving theory. AI is the study and devel-
tion—checking to be certain that the solution was correct.5 opment of computer programs to solve problems. An AI
program uses a finite set of functions to work from the prob-
Similarly, Polya6 described the following four steps in the
lem state to the solution state. Many simple puzzles and
problem-solving process: (1) understand the problem, (2)
problems in logic were successfully completed with AI pro-
devise a plan, (3) carry out the plan, and (4) look backward.
grams, supporting the idea that problem-solving success
Cognitive Heuristics was directly related to general problem-solving skill.

Polya6 promoted the idea that the application of general Newell and colleagues proposed a theory of human prob-
problem-solving strategies was key to problem-solving lem solving that emphasized the similarities between AI
expertise and intellectual performance. General problem- and human problem solving. There are four underlying
solving strategies have also been called heuristics. The word principles of this theory: (1) A few gross characteristics of
heuristics comes from the Greek, heuriskin, meaning “serving the problem-solving process are invariant over the task and
to discover.” A commonly used synonym for heuristics is the problem solver, (2) the characteristics of the problem are
rule of thumb. In problem-solving literature, the term implies sufficient to determine the problem space, (3) the structure
the general methods used in problem solving. of the task environment determines the possible structure of
the problem space, and (4) the structure of the problem
The heuristics Polya6 identifies in mathematical problem space determines the possible programs (methods) that can
solving are discussed within the framework of a four-stage be used for problem solving.
problem-solving model as discussed earlier. Some of the
heuristics applied within this plan include understanding
the unknown, understanding the nature of the goal state,
drawing a graph or diagram, thinking of structurally analo-
gous problems, simplifying the problem, and generalizing

228 JVME 30(3) © 2002 AAVMC

HISTORICAL PROGRESSION OF EXPERT–NOVICE for student behavior. A study comparing expert and novice
PROBLEM-SOLVING THEORIES teachers also revealed that expert teachers thought about
learning from the perspective of the student and performed
General problem solving knowledge was determined to be a cognitive analysis of each learning task, which they
an incomplete explanation of how problem solving adapted to students’ needs during teaching. Novice teach-
occurred. A close look at the expert–novice research reveals ers used specific objectives to form lesson plans and did not
that the expert does need domain knowledge, basic auto- adapt to student needs during teaching. 12
mated skills, and domain-specific expertise to exhibit the
characteristics of expert problem solving. Several studies Barba and Rubba’s13 research with 30 expert (in-service) and
reveal that expertise relies on both domain-specific knowl- 30 novice (preservice) earth- and space-science teachers was
edge and problem-solving skill. The following examples, conducted to study the cognitive differences between
from various domains, illustrate the body of research that experts and novices.
has been conducted to reach this conclusion. Data from audio-taped interviews revealed that expert
teachers were more accurate, verbalized more declarative
knowledge (facts and concepts), used fewer steps, and gen-
A key area of expert–novice research has been the study of erated more subroutines than their novice counterparts.
chess players. The game of chess is thought to require sub- Experts generated more alternative solution paths and
stantial skill and cognitive ability for successful play. Cogni- moved less between procedural (rules and strategies) and
tive researchers began studying expert and novice chess declarative knowledge than did the novices.
players to develop understanding of the underlying cogni-
tive processes. Research by De Groot, as cited by Chase and As the authors noted, these findings support Norman and
Gagne’s theories of cognitive learning—specifically, that
Simon,9 indicated that master chess players are better at
knowledge is hierarchically arranged in schemata. Accord-
reconstructing chess positions due to chunking information
ing to this theory, facts unite to form concepts, concepts join
within a relational structure.
to form rules, and rules join to form problem-solving struc-
Chase and Simon9 conducted further research to discover tures. These findings also support Norman’s (1982) theory
and evaluate the structures, or chunks, that are perceived by that expert performance in procedural knowledge is charac-
the chess player. Three chess players (a master, a Class A terized by smoothness, automaticity, and decreased mental
player, and a beginner) conducted memory tasks on posi- effort, as compared to that of the novice.14
tions derived from 20 published chess games. Participants
were asked to view a game board layout, then reproduce, Experience and Training
from memory, the layout on another board. Results of this A study by Schoenfeld and Herrmann15 showed that
study indicated that the information extracted from a posi- domain-specific content is relevant to successful problem
tion, briefly exposed to the viewer, varies with playing solving. Nineteen college students participated in this
strength (the more expert player derives more information). study, which evaluated the differences between experts and
The data also suggested that experienced players are able to novices in mathematical problem perception. Experts deter-
encode the positions into larger chunks (than novices). The mined the deep- and surface-structure properties of each
number of chunks in short-term memory appeared consis- problem prior to initiation of the study. All students were
tent across levels of playing expertise, thereby strengthen- asked to sort the 32 math problems, based on which, if any,
ing the belief that content-specific relationships are chunked were mathematically similar (each of the similar problems
in a cognitively accessible framework. would be solved in the same way). After completion of the
Contrary to original speculation, studies describing the cog- first sort, subjects either participated in a course in mathe-
nitive processes of experts and novices have indicated that matical problem-solving strategies that stressed a system-
experts (chess players) do not consider plays farther ahead atic, organized approach to solving problems or took a
than the novice; rather, experts choose among vastly supe- structured computer programming course that taught a
rior (complex) moves. The expert is able to chunk relevant structural, hierarchical, and orderly way to solve non-math-
information, while novices envision single pieces of infor- ematical problems using the computer.
mation.10 Upon completion of the course, subjects sorted an equiva-
Researchers began to look beyond chess into other knowl- lent set of mathematical problems. Those completing the
edge-rich domains. Studies have described the problem- mathematical problem-solving course were more accurate
solving process in physics, mathematics, computer pro- in identifying the appropriate deep and surface structures
gramming, and medical diagnosis. Language skills, such as of the problems than they had been prior to the course,
reading and writing, and the question how students used whereas those completing the programming course were
these skills to acquire more knowledge were also studied not. This study showed that training within the problem
intensively.10, 11 domain affects problem solving more than training outside
that domain.
Schema Theory
Differences between expert and novice teachers have also
been studied. Research has shown that teachers, like experts Bruer summarizes the research on domain-specific problem
in other fields, possess well-elaborated schemas that pro- solving as follows: “Expertise, these studies suggest, relies
vided a framework for meaningful interpretation of infor- on highly organized, domain-specific knowledge that can
mation. Expert teachers also had an understanding of what arise only after extensive experience and practice in the
to expect in the classroom and set up procedures and rules domain”10

JVME 30(3) © 2002 AAVMC 229

Studies in domain-specific problem-solving expertise also and evaluation and strong self-monitoring skills can be rec-
introduce the underlying principle of metacognition. Meta- ognized as general problem-solving expertise.
cognition is the ability to think about thinking, the self-
awareness of problem solving, and the ability to monitor REFERENCES
and control one’s mental processing. According to Bruer, 1. Newell A, Simon H. Human Problem Solving. Englewood
Bransford’s self-study of physics revealed several aspects of Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1972.
metacognition, which ultimately constitute an awareness 2. Gagné ED, Yekovich CW, Yekovich FR. The Cognitive Psy-
and control of learning that can cross content domains.10 chology of School Learning. New York: Harper Collins, 1993.
The ability to solve problems successfully depends on a
3. Miller K. Differences between expert and novice writers.
number of factors related to the human information-pro-
Unpublished, 1996.
cessing (IP) system. This higher order learning theory elabo-
rates the cognitive processes of problem solving. There are 4. Chi MH, Glaser R, Farr MJ. The Nature of Expertise. Hills-
six attributes that define expert–novice differences in prob- dale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1988.
lem-solving skill within the IP framework, regardless of
5. Ormrod JE. Human Learning. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
content domain. Through years of study of the cognitive
Prentice Hall, 1987.
processes applied during problem solving, six characteris-
tics of expert performance have become widely accepted: 6. Polya G. Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning. Princeton,
Experts perceive large, meaningful patterns in their domain. NJ: Princeton University Press, 1954.
The ability to see meaningful patterns reflects organization 7. Glass AL, Holyoak KJ. Reasoning and decision making. In
of the knowledge base. An expert has the knowledge Cognition. New York, NY: Newberry Awards Records, Inc,
required to solve a problem, and this knowledge is assess- 1996:333–363.
able in a way that does not tax working memory.
8. Nickerson RS, Perkins DN, Smith EE. The Teaching of
Experts are faster and more accurate than novices at solving Thinking. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1985.
problems within their domain. There are two likely reasons
for this phenomenon: Experts have developed the basic, 9. Chase WG, Simon HA. Perception in chess. Cognit Psychol
automated skills applicable to the problem, and they have 4:55–81, 1973.
an organized database from which to retrieve the solution. 10. Bruer JT. The mind’s journey from novice to expert. Am
• Experts have superior short- and long-term memory, Educator Summer:6–46, 1993 p15.
again based on superior memory organization, rather
11. Perkins DN, Salomon G. Are cognitive skills context.
than volume.
Educ Res Jan–Feb:16–25, 1989.
• Experts see and represent data at a more conceptual
(principled) level than novices. 12. Westerman DA. Expert and novice teacher decision
making. J Teach Educ 42:292–305, 1991.
• Experts spend more time analyzing and evaluating a
problem quantitatively before beginning to solve the 13. Barba RH, Rubba PA. A comparison of preservice and
problem. in-service earth and space science teachers’ general mental
abilities, content knowledge, and problem-solving skills. J
• Experts have strong self-monitoring skills. They are
Res Sci Teach, 29:1021–1035, 1992.
more aware when they make errors, why they fail to
comprehend, and when they need to check their 14. Norman GR, Learning and Memory. San Francisco, CA:
solutions.4 W.H. Freemen, 1992.
The preceding review of research in general problem-solv- 15. Schoenfeld AH, Herrmann DJ. Problem perception and
ing methods and domain-specific problem-solving charac- knowledge structure in expert and novice mathematical
teristics has concluded with a summary of the problem solvers. J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn 8:484–494,
characteristics of expert problem-solving. The discussion of 1982.
both general and content-specific problem-solving
attributes leads to the conclusion that both content knowl- AUTHOR INFORMATION
edge and general problem-solving skill are necessary for Laura E. Hardin, DVM, MS, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of
expert problem solving to occur. Content-specific knowl- Veterinary Basic Sciences, Mississippi State University , College
edge allows the expert to perceive information in a way that of Veterinary Medicine. E-mail:
maximizes memory and information is conceptualized
more on the level of principles. Superior problem analysis

230 JVME 30(3) © 2002 AAVMC

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