ALE Review 2017 Coaching 1

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Coaching in Crop Science

Ace L. Agustin MSc (PRC #-9663)

Where is the exact site of the light reaction in

A. Leaf B. Chloroplast

C. Thylakoid membrane D. Stroma

The movement of photosynthates in the plant
is from __________.

A. high concentration to B. from the sink to the

low concentration source

C. goes with the flow of D. from the base to the

water tip of the plants
The immediate reaction of plants when added
with urea is to________.

B. Create different
A. Produce high yield

C. increase chlorophyll
D. improve water uptake
Where is the exact site where the Krebs cycle
takes place?

A. The cytosol B. The mitochondria

C. The matrix of the D. The inner membrane

mitochondria of the mitochondria
The ascent of the sap is through this

A. Phloem B. Xylem

C. Veins D. Stomates
This company is the maker of eco friendly and
world class handmade paper products made
mostly of local agricultural wastes such as
pineapple, banana fibers and cogon grass

A. Dasaeco B. Masaeco

C. Saktana D. Sakuna
What is the scientific name of bayog?
Kawayan tinik – Bambusa blumeana
Bayog – B. merrilliana
Giant bamboo – Dendrocalamus asper
Bolo – D. latiforus
A. Bambusa textilis B. Bambusa levis

C. Bambusa merrilliana D. Bambusa latiforus

This is considered as the “Queen of Flowering

A. Amherstia nobilis B. Saraca declinata

C. Dracaena fragrans D. Gardenia jasminoides

Water Lily belongs to what family?

A. Liliaceae B. Tiliaceae

D. Araceae
C. Nymphaceae
What is the smallest flower in the world?

A. Strelitzia reginae B. Wolffia globosa

C. Rafflesia arnoldii D. Nymphaea pubescens

Commonly called kapeng barako and known
to produce the biggest berry among coffee

A. Coffea arabica B. Coffea liberica

C. Coffea robusta D. Coffea excelsa

What is the color of Rongrien variety of

A. red B. blue

C. yellow D. purple
The first alcoholic drink brewed by men
earlier than wine or tea.

A. bignay wine B. honey wine

C. rice wine D. blueberry wine

Smallest seed that can produce oil?

A. sunflower B. soybean

C. corn D. canola
Which of the following places is the Kaong
capital of the Philippines?

A. Guiguinto, Bulacan B. Valencia, Bukidnon

D. Daet, Camarines
C. Indang, Cavite
Which of the following is a hybrid coconut
cultivar from Malaysia?

A. Christie B. Kim Chou

C. Malag D. Mawa
Monk’s pepper tea can reduce the sexual
urge, what is the scientific name of Monk’s

A. Coix lacryma-jobi B. Arenga pinnata

C. Carmona retusa D. Vitexagnus-castus

Which of the following is a Malaysian
pummelo variety?

A. Magallanes B. Nam Roi

C. Tha Koi D. Milo Mas

Which of the following countries bred or
developed colored rice which is called rice

A. Malaysia B. Vietnam

C. Thailand D. Indonesia
In a 3-line hybrid system, where do you
harvest the hybrid seeds that is sold to

A. A-line B. B-line

C. R-line D. Both B & C

In backcrossing, what do you call the parent
that is always used from generation to

A. Recurrent parent B. Concurrent parent

C. Current parent D. None of the above

A conservation technique in which the plant
genetic resources are conserved in their
natural habitat.

A. In-situ B. Ex-situ

C. Cryopreservation D. In-vitro
ICRISAT is an international organization that
caters to agricultural needs for dry and hot
areas. What does ICRISAT mean?

A. International Center for B. International Crops

Research in Semi-Arid and Research Institute for the
the Tropics Semi-Arid Tropics

C. International Consortium
D. Independent Crop Relay
of Research Innovations in
System in the Tropics
Sub-Atomic Typology
Which of the following organization aims to
advance the conservation and use of plant
genetic resources for the benefit of present
and future generations.


How many anthers does a rice spikelet have?

A. 4 B. 5

C. 6 D. 7
This distinguishes rice from weeds

A. Ligule B. Auricle

C. Awn D. Both A and B

This is a global research partnership for a
food-secure future. Its science is dedicated to
reducing poverty, enhancing food and
nutrition security, and improving natural
resources and ecosystem services.


The repository of different crops in the
Philippines is the NPGRL at UPLB. What does
NPGRL stand for?

A. National Plants B. National Plant

Genebank Resources Genetic Resources
and Laboratory Laboratory

C. Nutritious and D. National Plant

Palatable Germplasm Growing Resources
Linkages Laboratory
This describes the condition when the male
and female flower are present in one plant
but are on different location.

A. Monoecism B. Dioecism

C. Trioecism D. Bioecism
How many seedlings of papaya will you need
in a 1-ha farm considering 3m x 3m planting
distance in square planting method?

A. 999 B. 1111

C. 2222 D. 3333
How many seedlings of papaya will you need
in a 1-ha farm considering 3m x 3m planting
distance in triangular planting method?

A. 1111 B. 1283

C. 2135 D. 1024

In a seed laboratory, a new employee conducted her first ever

germination test on rice seeds. She set up the test using the
ragdoll method. She was able to sow 88 seeds. After 7 days,
she counted the number of normal seedlings that germinated
was only 55. Compute for the percent germination.

A. 61.0 B 61.5

C. 62.0 D. 62.5
In cleft grafting, two plants are fused into one.
What do you call the part that you insert on
the rooted plant?

A. Rootstock B. Stemstock

C. Scion D. Young plant

The ideal propagation for sugarcane and

A. Leaf-bud cutting B. Leaf-section cutting

C. Stem Section cutting D. Stem Tip Cutting

Philippine pomologist who registered the
cultivars RCF morado starapple and RCF gold
abiu to the National Seed Industry Council

A. Roberto E. Coronel B. Rodolfo F. Carbonel

C. Rolando E. Castro D. None of the above

The smallest cultivar of coconut

A. Typica B. Javanica

C. Nana D. Makapuno
The scientific name of bignay

A. Citrus micrantha B. Antides mabunius

C. Eugenia carissoides D. Anacolosa frutescens

Fruit in the Philippines that is tasted like
sweet avocado is Anacolosa frutescens
commonly known as

A. governor’s plum B. galo

C. mansanitas D. haggis
Kaffir lime has a sour juice that is used for food
seasoning of sinigang and tom yum. In the
Philippines, the common name of kaffir lime was
derived from the place where it is widely

A. Cabuyao B. Calauan

C. Cavinti D. Calamba
The pattern of leaf arrangement of macadamia

A. spiral B. whorl

C. alternate D. opposite
Which among the following crop has the smallest
surface area to volume ratio that corresponds to a
low rate of transpiration?

A. Pummelo B. Lemon

C. Calamansi D. All of the above

Which among the following crop has a largest
surface area to volume ratio?

A. cucumber B. santol

C. Long eggplant D. Both a and c

Recommended relative humidity for the storage of
squash and onion

A. 80-95% B. 70-75%

C. 40-50% D. None
The compound that is widely used today that delays
ripening and senescence by blocking the ethylene

A. Aminovinylglycine B. Amino-oxyacetic acid


C. 1-
methylcyclopropene D. All of the above
Which of the following is an example of non-
climacteric fruit?

A. tiesa B. Cashew

C. avocado D. breadfruit
What is the scientific name of white-fleshed dragon

A. Hylocereus undatus B. Hylocereus polyrhizus

D. Hylocereus
C. Hylocereus albunus
Fullness of finger or the loss of angularity is one of
the maturity index for banana. However, this index
is not applicable for what variety of banana

A. Lakatan B. Latundan

C. Saba D. None
Incidence wherein impact damage is produced in
the harvested crops?

A. Vehicle suddenly
B. over stacking

C. Loose packs D. None

A method of pre-cooling for produce with high
metabollic rates such as cutflowers, mushrooms,
okra, cabbage, strawberry

A. Vacuum cooling B. Forced air cooling

C. Hydro-cooling D. Icing
A pre-cooling technique that is best suited to less
perishable commodities such as potatoes, onions,
apples, sweet potatoes and citrus fruits

A. Room cooling B. Forced air cooling

C. Hydro-air cooling D. Vacuum cooling

Postharvest treatment that controls fruit fly in

A. Hot water treatment B. Vapor heat treatment

C. Extended hot water

D. All of these
Respiration provides ________ for the growth and
development of the crop.


C. C-skeleton D. A & C
Mang Pedro wants to produce grafted planting
materials from his sweet and productive mango
tree. Since grafting is a type of asexual propagation,
seeds are not needed anymore.

A. True B. False

C. It depends D. None
What part of germinating seed protects the true
leaves and usually emerges first under anaerobic

A. Leaf bud B. Leaf sheath

C. Coleorhiza D. Coleoptile
What is the scar in the ripe bean seeds because of
penetration of pollen tube during fertilization?

A. Embryo B. Testa

C. Micropyle D. Endosperm
What chemical prevents the germination of the
seed even if the condition favors germination?

A. α-amylase B. GA

C. ABA D. Auxin
What is the phenomenon wherein some mature
seeds germinate before harvesting?

A. Pre-germination B. Post-harvest

C. Vivipary D. Vivigandahari
What is the phytohormone responsible for bending
of shoot towards light, and root towards the
direction of gravity?

A. GA B. Cytokinin

C. Ethylene D. Auxin
A farmer tested the percent germination of mungbean. He tested 100
seeds using Seed box method and after 7 days he counted the
number of seeds germinated: 5 seedlings without cotyledon; 3 seeds
with split stem; 2 seedlings are decayed; 7 seeds do not germinate;
while the remaining seeds germinated normal. What is the percent
germination of the seed?

A. 83% B. 93%

C. 91% D. 95%
What is the main enzyme involved in seed

A. Catalase B. α-amylase

C. α-amylose D. B & C
A farmer has seeds with the following characteristics: 1000-grain weight
of 2.89 grams and 85% seed germination. He wants to compute the
theoretical number of seeds needed to plant his one hectare field with
the following conditions: planting distance of 20 cm x 15 cm and three
seedlings per hill. Assuming all the germinated seeds or all seedlings will
survive after transplanting, how many seeds he needed to plant the
whole field?

A. 39, 215, 647 B. 1,176,469

C. 392,156 D. 999,999

From the condition above, how many kilograms of

seeds he needed to plant the whole field?

A. 113.3 B. 1.1

C. 2.9 D. 3.4
What is the NSIC code used for naming Glycine max


These phyotohormones are considered as growth

A. Ethylene, Cytokinin,
B. Auxin, Cytokinin, GA

C. Auxin, Ethylene, GA D. Auxin, Cytokinin, ABA

What is the phenomenon wherein (usually)
temperate plants set flower only when subjected to
low temperature condition during seedling or shoot

A. Photoperiodism B. Vernalization

C. Thermoperiodism D. Blossoming
PSB became NSIC through RA No. _____, March,

A. 7308, 1992 B. 7038, 1997

C. 7803, 1992 D. 8073, 1997

What is the right sequence of preparing the land for
irrigated lowland rice?

A. linang→basag→ B. araro→halang→
halang→araro basag→linang

C. araro→basag→ D. araro→linang→
halang→linang basag→halang
•B & C

What do you call a phenomenon wherein

vegetative organs can regenerate into a new plant?

A. Regeneration B. Rejuvenation

C. Totipotency D. Priming
•B & C

What is the scientific name of okra?

A. Abelmoschus
B. Hibiscus chinensis

C. Hibiscus esculentus D. A & C

•B & C

Which of the following is/are variety of Citrus


A. Suprema B. Magallanes

C. Davao D. B & C
What is the recommended trellis type for Lagenaria

A. Fence-type B. Arbor-type

C. Pole trellis D. A-type

What is the plant population of mango trees in a
half hectare field when planted with 10 m x 10 m
planting distance using quincunx system?

A. 86 B. 50

C. 58 D. 181
What is the first hormone that was discovered?

A. Cytokinin B. Auxin

C. Gibberellin D. Ethylene
What practice regulates water and temperature to
avoid full germination of the seeds? It is believed
that during this process some DNA are being
repaired thus, better DNA or protein synthesis.

A. Soaking B. Heat treatment

C. Germination D. Priming
If an agri-entreprenuer wants to establish jackfruit
orchard in his 100 ha land, what planting system he
should use to plant more jackfruit trees?

A. Quincunx system B. Square system

C. Triangular system D. Contour system

If this hormone is applied to sugarcane, the cane
yield will increase.

A. ABA B. Auxin

C. Gibberellin D. Cytokinin
What is the hormone responsible for seed

A. Gibberellin B. ABA

C. Ethylene D. Auxin
What type of mungbean leaves develop after the
first two leaves?

A. Compound leaf B. Simple leaf

C. Unifoliate D. Trifoliate
What do you call to the starch granules found in
specialized cell in the root cap?

A. Amyloplast B. Statolith

C. Amylocytes D. Statocytes
What is the propagule used to propagate Zingiber

A. Cloves B. Rhizome

C. Corms D. Sucker
What is the species of N-fixing bacteria used to
inoculate peanut?

B. Rhizobium
A. Bradyrhizobium spp.

C. Rhizobium
D. Rhizobium butter
What is the propagule used to propagate Allium

A.Cloves B. Rhizome

C. Corms D. Sucker
The conditions below can be achieved under
dryland preparation except ________.

A.Incorporation of OM,
B. Development of soft
fertilizer and other soil

C. Improvement of soil
D. B & C
What type of accessory is used in land preparation
which breaks the hard portion of the subsoil for
deeper root growth?

A. Plow B. Hoe

C. Subsoiler D. Harrow
The conditions below can be achieved under
wetland preparation except ________.

A. Incorporation of OM,
B. Development of soft
fertilizer and other soil

C. Improvement of soil
D. Better aeration
What tool is used to ensure the straightness of rows
during planting of seedlings?

A. Meter tape B. Planting board

C. Meter stick D. Peg

Which of the following seedlings will emerge slower
if these crops are sown with the same depth and
assuming that all seeds will germinate at the same

A. Rice B. Okra

C. Corn D. Pea
What is the main hormone responsible for
flowering of most crops?

A. Auxin B. Cytokinin

C. Gibberellin D. ABA
During rainy season, the seeds should be sown

A. In ridge B. In list or furrow

C. Not too deep D. A & C

In three-line hybrid system, the maintainer line is
also called the __________.

A. A-line B. B-line

C. R-line D. S-line
A plant sample, strain or population held in a
genebank or breeding program for conservation or

A. Genotype B. Phenotype

C. Accession D. Cultivar
Plants should be planted using _______ planting
during dry season.

A. Ridge B. Hill

C. List D. Drill
To maximize the fertility of the soil, jute can be
planted with _______.

A. Wider planting B. Closer planting

distance distance

C. Organic fertilizer D. Less seeds

What main tool is used to ensure the straightness
of rows during lay-outing?

A. Planting board B. Stick

C. Meter tape D. Peg

What is the hormone responsible for stomatal

A. Ethylene B. ABA

C. Cytokinin D. Auxin
The female line in a two-line hybrid system in rice is
also designated as the ________.

A. A-line B. B-line

C. R-line D. S-line
= End =

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