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Fire Protection in Buildings

Roldon Q. Pinedo

Fire can be defined os .......

I A comburtioa rroccl r.Ecicody lDt or. to .@tt lcct nd tistt of vrryDt
r A grcet nunbcr of qucrtioor or conpleinte

I To throw or dircc et rooctliug witl grcet forcct

r ltc Lcrt or Luralag tlet coolo our 6od earl Locp ur wrrn durlag cold wcethcr.

' Tcmiution&oacnploymcatwit[r ceur. (Finout)

r Shootingrgua.

r Grcet wrratt fccliag towu& tlc opporftc rcrl

(Fircuadcrcoutrol) t
t Hcet ot buming urcd in tf,c proccl to colwrt rrr mrtrrirte hto Gljrtod prc&cr.

r Ttc Lat or [uahg t[rt d..Esyr Uyr, *-f rad pogrria.

Fif e - the resu Lt of rapid,

of combustible matenals ( Fue[ ) with air ( Oz)
ln the presence of enough agent (Heat) .


Records showed thot the loss of

life ond domoges to property is
considerobly enormous in eYery
incident of fire.

Classes ofFires


llDOO. Drlllr EtlE


orc'try Class A ru
- Water is used in cooling or quenching effect to reduce the
temperature of the burning material below its lgnition

- The smoldering or blanketing effect of oxygen exclusion ls most
effective. Other extinguishing methods include removal of fuel
and temperature reduction


Classss of Fires


l+ot *


g Class C rc
- The safest procedure is always to attempt to de energize high
voltage circuits and treat as a Class A or B fire depending upon the
fuel involved.

tr class D
- There is no agent available that will effectively control f ires in
all combustible metals. Special extinguishing agents are
available for control of fire in each of the metals and are marked
specif ically for that metal.

Class K

Cooking media- Vegetable oils or animat oils

.Can be extinguished by smoldering or blanketing

effect of


Potentiol of Fire a

tn build ings

l. Light moteriol construction methods do not of fer inherent

p'otection cgclnsr fire unlike the cement ploster or concrete.

2- \sr-integrclly constructed floors ond woils provide fuse for

fire cnd s.,,noke.

3. Fclse ceiling contoining electricol, ond other services, ore

hidden locotions where fire con stort unoticed.

4. Punched-hole for instollotion of telephone ond other reloted

services, violotes the design structurol integrity.

5. The centrol oir conditioning system con serve os

possctge for smoke. .

6. The use of plostic moteriols for trim ond covering of

interior structures creote potentiol ignition for fire ond

7. turniture style ond moteriots ptus interior deslgns

could ignite or fuel fire.
f t 7t lULl

Plonning for Fire Protection

u one of the mony responsibilities given to Architects

ond Engineers by their License to Procticg is the
protection of buildings ogoinst loss of life ond
domoge to ProPertY from fire'
u by moking their plons ond construciions conform to the
Fire Code Requirements'
moy be encountered lncludlng fire sofety'

u The owner lsvery much concerned with the

preservotion of the structure ond its contents from
the destructive effect of fire'

Fire protection problems on toll

l. Too high to be completely qccessible to fire fighting
equipment from the ground.

2. Too high to moke o complete evocuotion of the


3. Tqll enough to moke possible chimney for qir ond

smoke possoge.

To oddress to those problems

n The Notionol Fire Protection Associotion mointoined

o comprehensive set of stondord rules in plonning
to minimize flre hozord. The guidelineE include the
equipment design for fire fighting which is

o The Fire Code (PD 1 'l 85 ond lotely repeoled by RA
9514) on the other hond, considers the building
density in the locolity ond the flqmmobility of the
structures ond its contents.

It olso imposes the following requirements:

I. Fire resistonce of the building ond its contents
2. Limitotion of volume to odiocent vulneroble
3. Exits ond fire tower stoirs

4. Protection ogoinst ective electricol system

5. Lightning protection
6. Dgtection ond olqrm systems
7. Automotic sprinkler systems
8. Stondpipe ond hose systems
9. Automotic smoke ond heot venting
10. Smoke: ond heot shofts
I '1. Control of qir conditioning ducts
Communicotion in high rise buitdings
Elevotor control
1a. Fl:'e cornnnond stotion in toll buildings

Woter & woter suPPlY

' rt,
s Wqter is the number one enemy of fire.
o On high rise building, woter is supplied through,
o Elevoted woter tonk
o Underground reservoir

Elevcted Tonk: Purposes

o To supplyo constont pressure of woter in the

distribution lines
n To store sufficient woter to bolonce the supply from
the demond
n To prevent excessive storting ond stopping of the
o To provide dependoble supply for fire reserve

Elevoted Tonk: Disodvontoges

o Unsightly oppeorsnce
o High cost of construction
o Requires mossive structure ond foundqtion for its
tremendous weight

Underground Reservoir

o An olternote to reploce the elevoted woter tonk

which is o reinforced concrete structure.
o lt is covered with eorth 60-90cm blended with lqwn
& londscope shrubbery.

The use of the wster reservoir

A 30 minutes supply thot could be used by the

building personnel, in the meqn time thot the fire
deportment hqs not orrived yet, is sufficient.
Thereofter, the troined personnel of the fire
deportment, will toke over with their own woter
supply or drswn from the street fire hydront.

{; i'

Stondby Power

J s ln cose of fire incidencg the power supply in the

building is outomoticolly cut off which could be o

s A stondby diesel powered generotor is o must. This

unit ond its fuel stock ore seporotely housed in o
fire resistont enclosure sufficiently owoy from the
possible locotion of fire in the moin building.,

The Up-feed Pumping System

o provides o continuous flow of woter from the deep

well through the domestic ond fire reservoir. The
continuous flow of woter prevents it from becoming
stognont qnd roncid.
o The fire reservoir hos the priority over the domestic
reservoir by meons cf o simple weir. Even if the
domestic reservoir is totolly emptn the fire reservoir
would remqin full of woter.

Do' rr.tvlt Fr.


or areixlrnc llAtln
arto anottto ocf,aND f oR Doracstlc

:tL, -_
n The sensing unit which control the operotions of the
PUmps qre:

l. The Bubble Control Units in eoch of the two


2. The Duol Control Unit thot regulotes the suppty for

a> the pressure tonk,

o l'ilydropneumotic pump is used to store oir under

pressure thot'wlll bolonce out-surge from the two
domestic pumps ond reduce the frequently storting,
ond stopping of the motor. tt is on improvement of
the closed system, where severot pumps ore
seqqenced outomoticolly to supply on even
pressure. lt hos the odvontoge of using only two
pumps when necessory

The Stondpipe ond Hose


s The Stondplpe is o pipe insrolled In buildings not Es
port of the woter supply or disposol system, but
prlmorlly, for use os woter conveyonce ln cose of
o The Fire Hose is olwoys locoted neor the stoirs for
use by firemen in cose of fire. lt is incosed in gloss
cobinets with the following !obel: Breok Glqss in
Cose of Fire.

iiE EE n &Cf tG FnE fff*.tErCf: ry €&-[i S+]n


The Automotic Sprinkler System

u lt consists of horizontol pottern of pipes ptoced

neor the ceiling of industriol ond commerciol
buildings, worehouses, stores, theoters ond olher
structures where flre hqzord require their use.
o These pipes ore provided with outtet ond sprinkler
heods thot open outomoticolly ot temperotures of
l35o F to l60o F qnd emit o series of fine woter


n The Wet Pipe refer to the piping instollotions
wherein both the mqins qnd the distribution pipes
qre constontly filled with woter. Operotion of the
wet pipe system, depends upon the nozzles opening
in the oreo offected by the sensitive etements within
the nozzles themselves


o The Dry Pipe refers to the piping instollotions where

there is no woter stondlng in the distribution pipe,

generolly confined to unheoted buildings.

o Remote volves in the dry pipe system moy be

octivoted by sensitive element lo odmit woter lo
sensitive heods ; --


frrDB ,

Mounting position

The spocing of sprinkter heods

"_ d t-
:lL_ @ rh e felt pu!rc_candtionri

l. Fifb roting of the building

2. Constructions of ttec c*illng

3. Types of occr,pw......,ncy

: "!lhr :s*lurlagc ione .prinkler heod vories from 20

ryrryrc ffifi{1w$ rcr lf€rff i.rozord occuponcy to obout
Wu mauur fpr ertrc hozord condition.
rtrcrorrlG @!r ZAC to 3.60 meters oport on
turyq# 1&H- w @ obout 3.OO to 4.00
ffi:w# Er l@nr srnqile errcsed beqms or

Speciol lnstollotion Requirements

l. At leost one fire deportment connection on eoch

f rontoge.

2. A moster olorm volve control for olt woter supplies

c:her thon fire deporiment connections ..

S:e:lci fire wolls between protected oreos.

* i:€r proof f loors with drqins or scupper

* 3s*€ ,,ctef.



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