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Aaa renown WiC BERSEOTOAN KUALA LouPun Fextaran TuAM ES SABO Eecneroataconrur peta ian Ene Fajukan Kami: JPWP800~ 1717 4a 7 a ¢ Februari 2018, Guru Besar Pengetua SKTSJKC / SJKT/ SM /SMK ‘Wiayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur Tuan, [ASIAN GAMES FUN RUN 2018 Dengan sukactanya perkara di alas diujuk dan surat daripada Persetuan Olahraga \Wiayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur bertaikh & Februar 2018 adalah berkaltan. 2. Dimaklumkan barawa Persatuan Olahraga Wlayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur ‘akan mengadakan program dl tas sopert ketetapan bert 24, Terkh 4 Mac 2018 ( Ahad) 22, Masa 7.00 pagi 23. Tompat : Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur 3. Sehubungan dergan itu, pihak Jabatan Hada halangan malahan menggalakken Sekolah tuen mengambi bahagian dalam program tersebut dengan mengikut syart- syara berkut 3.4. Pelajar mendapat Kebenaran bertuls terebin dahulu daripadaibu bapa / penjaga. 3.2, Tiada paksaan kepada petajar untuk menyeralKejohanan in 3.3, Memastikan kesolamaton dan Kebajkan peljar djaga oleh pihek Benganiurdan sekolah 34. Segala petbelanjaan dtanggung oleh penganjur dan sekolah 35. Piha seloiah peru memastixan guru pengiring mengambd pertimbangan {tentang pengangkutan polajar sebslum dan selepas pertandingan. 28. Tidak melbatkan sebareng imptkasi kewangan kepada Jabaten Pencitikan Wiayah Persokutuan Kuala Lumpur 4. Borsame-samain cisrtakan lampiran uniuk makluman den tndakan selanutnya, 5. hak wan bleh menghubungl Enelk Muhammad Sobri bin Omer Pegawal Penyetaras Sukan Balapan dan Padang di takan 03-40210891 untuk. sebereng pertanyasn. Solin, terima kasih ““BERKHIDMAT UNTUK NEGARA” ‘Saya yang menurut pesniah, Pe Wiayah Bangsar & Pudu bp. ican abatan Pendidikan Wilayah Persekutuan Kula Lumpur “GENILANG DALAM KALANGAN YANG CEMERLANG™ PERSATUAN OLAHRAGA WILAVAH PERSEKUTUAN KUALA LUMPUR FEDERAL TERRITORY KUALA LUMPUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION “ght 2 Wis OOM, nn ag 010 Kal Ls, Ma, Emil: Weta: www Ako 7 . 8 Feary 2018 En. Meh Ain Tan Abeta SEE aie tua Suan Fehuregemnsttonb vow | Siu pussy Pontanginn Kenanstan, ae amas atl Pogjaran Ngor Wajah Peo, BROS yoononen | gla Past Kesineagen Sikan Cotrane, Stier taaaivsivacaa | Jalen ran Of Jaen Kbantn, 53200 Gat Lump. Seu rian ok 034024 O70) Fx Oot ora Sinneueee at sind com APA An Tuan, ‘sanaistiovarssussantan | ASIAN GAMES FUN RUN 2018 AERAcomennone anene | tlw mh pssue we wish o keep yutnfonned hat 1% Aan Games i tbe hain Jakarta, lado em TADIE™ 200018 'n comecon wih the sore Olmptc Coun of AS has romraled lose has one of he 45 PUN ators site ha Fun rant ele an enronese prgranma arian the pute RE ENS The Fun Run in Noli i ches otal fon Sunday 4 March 208 at Dataran Merdeka, SEES ATS ML oso | Kala Lumpur. tating t 7:00am, ‘ns tng conduc nd ogee by OC, KOM and FTALAA i the clabraon of KL, AMAL S=eereer= ‘hans did categoria nated blow RO macain ee cone | evtezones | satorour | asrasce | AIRING | REPORNG | TG ‘en Open [pea EERIE samme A | (Fromteagesof | om 20038 | 10k | tty.30n | 6:30am | 7:00am ‘5y3) Sn) FPN waz a xian ae nme, | le 8 | grombeaperot | (Gonzan08 | tam | th.3mm | 630m | 7Otem FER ‘ee ao © | Aiancomesrinnin | M#% | sm | | satan | 60m FERN owns muvanoo {EDALS AND CERT MUA 4) Al agtrot pateanis wil be fed wh 18" Asian Games Lapa Shits dng re ‘alecon assay 2A spct maa being provide by Omi Conc of Ai (CCA) as wing awards or Liekinsictmetiatel tho fOkm dines, 15 for Men Opan an 15 Women Open sa 3) Afshin foln rn wil be awarded wih fr medals and artes wth thir ESSE frishing postion airing we (2 woot alr cation ae 4) Panipat nt Si Fun un wl be sed ote of parc frie whut SEARS tinhg ardnane 5) Woda wile enstind ater he endothe nn RecIsTRATION Tot- 035657 9821 03.5657 2688 Weirton ‘0.00 an ~200pm (Sey) Wa FIRLAA Of 2 Fa, Wa OOM, an Hag bl 5150 Ku Lnpar ‘leaB27i5 283 cial tla psa tos 000 a 600 pn Monday = Fay) 2 Opting ‘nina Region onto ane et- a 3) “aximanftsertinssts on Press ote: Inston 5.0 wie charg for nine senvces. ENTRY FEE -Reitaton Code | cago Eyre [Wer RAD | Were Opn fav ob20 [Ase Ge FR RUSSO soci Iitipiacebockcomitias73s31225855) lsh be much appecist f Tuan coud ny pert cho Posokuan Kuala Lumpur wth al of enoorageen Thankyou, VEsivarauman Hon, Soran FTL Ce) Presdot cmt A Presdea ETILAA pariopats by frvaring ha ety fas oa etc WMayeh 18T™ ASIAN GAMES FUN RUN [rowowluston} —— ‘)OBECTIVES +: a} The 18% Asin Games sokata- Palembang 2018 Official Fun Run Progra is a dedcstd OCA socal spot evelopment sed pronaton rogram be ol uang 4 Sean OC, acre aartes ag We pablo hee Aaan Games Jkar-Pabsng 28 2)oxre ‘iach sons) 2yveWuE Slt Fish Dalaran ed, us Lampur (Ony ln al tbe we), i 1) 1003m "0km) 11730 am Sen Fan Ru) 3) cone. caTebons, SE GnOUP, STANCES, UALS ‘| Opn ami eso ra] —[ aoe Gon 0 S| oan | 909_| Bo E espe #155) mah Tun“ sap | “as [sensi Tye Sve San 18 Ga) er 9 auoBiLTY fi Asn Gomes Fun ur Sl econo une hoes loan Abe Feetin NAF oak eta crngson es ge untientse l> thon 9031 sun 208 82 Finseavptzenscpants sss an orerd 1) AWARDS, weDALs aN CERTIFICATES. 2" Avg propane ile ets lo 12" Asian Ges Loy T-Shi rig cit cates, 12 ‘Mapes as prod by Oy Cast has 008 sewn vad rb ke 15 en 1. Alterin mun bred st ond nent Wh ting os tee sss erbacompaien “ ° 114 Patcpncn be mun Fn Mi beacon of pret te i wt ring and nae. 15 Ncube ont ahr he ont eu RUNNERS NCEMTNES ess 5) Reoisreaton Faia — ca} SP STRfern maneten cee 222 eee Siar AA Nese aaa (patna Dim -S0 pm Mey ‘unin 20rpe ee) FSi kone stent 9) pureysee ae [7 ra cae ‘aa [ae Sa Socal dia (epstctokcomita rata) ‘weak one ova As 10) LOSNGDATE—20Febuary 208 or spon cechng 00 et whichever ae, 1) NcomPLere posraL ewrREs ees ote en aoe he lap, [ora esate wero eaie ‘Palemig ete ape spotty. Hos, bn puss emy. cape senna et PHO 8p (2) RACE coLLECTON NUMBERS, 7 SHES ANO CHIPS SYSTERGAR CODE}, ‘a peau tye Pe ‘rn a eee, nS amp gb Rapa set oss nt ao on 3) REFRESHMENT STATIONS ‘Th Woe Sse oat (I-85 of anf Fan a, +) FuvRUN {Put sow ek en gst eS Fn Rta oP ye ch yet ay ah 1 A ePaper m9 ay Fa pee ose "Reston ptr iden eo oases Bey sora eam te yw nti tet a ds, poeceerens Unio cpster eo hg testy stent ea ox gots mal & etcting no coo (For 18" Asian Games Fun Run) ‘his to cotfy that haworend and understood the rules and regulation porting tomy prtlpatin nthe HERA (Geen lind oneanzed under horus of Malaysian Athletes eration (MA) and tof competion rules. In consdecation af the acceptance of ny entry for my hes, executors & administrators, release and forever discharge the organizar,therparners, sponsor, appointed staff and ofall lables, dims, ations, damage, casts or expenses ‘whieh may have aginst them arising xt of my prtpstien in tls even, Indding travel to and rom tis event and Inca alias that maybe sued by me befor, daring and after the event ‘understand hat this charge and indemnity indudes any clams bated on nleees, acton orinaction af any ofthe ‘hove partes. | ecagalze the affieuites ofthe event and atest that am suficently physical fit to compete safely in the #8 Aline Kn and i have no been advised otherwise by a qualfiedmosieal profesional Wiis every easonable precaution wl be taken bythe organizes to ensure the participants safety, participants ae strongly encouraged ogo fora medics examination and/or consult ther medal practioner pio io reistation and ‘The organza reserve the right to dea the commencement ofthe race nthe event ofheavy ain a thunderstorm or extreme weather condition, Should the heavy ral thundes storm or extreme weather condition pers after delay, the rganlzrs reserve the right to canea th ace without any refund In the event of heay an thunderstorm oF Catastrophic natural deste esltng na postponement or ancliaton ofthe above event, the organizers shall not be hel erponssefor any cles whatseve in any form made by any india or partes concerned ‘The organizer reserves the Fight tous any photograph (nding those of parcipets) motion pctures; recordings, or any ‘ther media records of the event taken bale, ting and afte the event, for any legate purpose inceing commercial Advertsing apd stbutlon to sponsors 18 ASIAN GAMES FUN RUN 2] omen | =— acpi cha bs hl on A el ft 1 hart Paling An Games 018 fl Fun Run gg Cain, {pre nb orn et Peso (ne xpi ay ‘Money Ore Pest rer an ker Ces asad) pyle tO CNEL OF HALAS THERE [rece poate gactiopaa) | Tas ee seuR |e | — are S| Mens bat ont sl Shon) | petal anes [a sa [emote Teas it Beever | — Bin USS AGEN FULL Lock LETTE vawreieo: [ro woowurr : enowAssronr No paTE OF BIRTH : [| EMAL ADDRESS Se, [maaan | rmaeieae | eI Tareaa] je | nena” | ea | a xe co | a ionZ,e_ WAVER CLAUSE meancamy et, re rPagnne ana a a ai psig iy uepls hh aa Fann ile 0, OB. AF XPT Incomes eons yy, yh, ect & msi aay 1 fae ia, ay he OL Sir ten aaa hs fap aaa em gee Ie tinh att anes ys pt tee a ae aa tn hee Local pe sr cians vs os As Ge Fi bh act EF os gpd

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