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x = (a × c) / b

A car travels 240 km in 3 hours. How many kilometers will you have traveled in 2

Rta: They are directly proportional magnitudes, since less hours will travel less

x = (240 km × 2 h) / (3 h) = 160 km

Ana buys 5 kg of potatoes, if 2 kg cost 0.80 €, how much will Ana pay?

Rta: They are directly proportional magnitudes, since more kilos, more euros.

x = (5 kg × 0.8 €) / (2 kg) = € 2

Jose works on Saturdays cutting the grass to his neighbors. Knowing that he
works every Saturday for the same hours and for every 6 days he charges € 150,
how much does Jose charge for 15 days of work?

Rta: These are directly proportional magnitudes, since the more days worked,
the more euros you earn.

6 days --- → 150 €

15 days --- → x €

x = (15 days × 150 €) / (6 days) = € 375

100 liters of oil cost € 189. How much do 125 liters of the same product cost?

Rta: These are directly proportional magnitudes, since the greater the quantity of
liters of oil, the greater its value.

100 liters --- → 189 €

125 liters --- → x €

x = (125 liters × 189 €) / (100 liters) = 236.25 €

Today we go on a field trip with the school and we have had to make sandwiches
for the whole class. If to make the sandwiches for my 4 brothers we spend 2
loaves of bread, how many loaves of bread will we need to make the sandwiches
of the 24 students that are in class?

Rta: They are directly proportional magnitudes, since more people, the greater
the number of bread sticks to make the sandwiches.

4 people --- → 2 bread sticks

125 liters --- → x €

x = (125 liters × 189 €) / (100 liters) = 236.25 €




x = (a × b) / c

3 workers build a wall in 12 hours, how long will it take to build 6 workers?

3 Workers --- → 12 hours

6 Workers --- → x hours

x = (3 Workers × 12 hours) / (6 workers) = 6 hours

To remove water from a plastic pool you need to make 10 extractions with a
bucket of 10 liters capacity. If the bucket is 20 liters, how many extractions will
we need to get all the water out of the pool?

Rta: It is a rule of three inverse because the cube capacity corresponds less

10 extractions --- → 10 liters

x extractions --- → 20 liters

x = (10 extractions × 10 liters) / (20 liters) = 5 extractions

If with 70 Kg we have to feed 25 chickens for 30 days. If 15 chickens die, for how
many days will there be enough food?

25 chickens --- → 30 days

15 chickens --- → x days

x = (25 hens × 30 days) / (15 hens) = 50 days

A farmer has feed to feed his 12 cows for 45 days. If you buy 3 more cows, how
long will the food last?

12 cows --- → 45 days

15 cows --- → x days

x = (12 cows × 45 days) / (15 cows) = 36 days

Eighteen students have paid 6 pesos each to buy a gift to a partner, how much
will each have to pay if 24 students participate in the end?

18 students --- → 6 pesos

24 students --- → x pesos

x = (18 students × 6 pesos) / (24 students) = 4.5 pesos


A colony of 55 bacteria consumes 2 grams of meat in 20 minutes. How long will

87 bacteria take to consume 3 grams of meat?

RTA: Inverse relationship because when increasing the amount of bacteria, the
consumption time will be shorter.

55 bacteria → 2 grams → 20 minutes

87 bacteria → 3 grams → X minutes

x = (55 bacteria × 2 grams × 20 minutes) / (87 bacteria × 3 grams) = 8.4 minutes

A 4-burner stove has consumed $ 50 of gas when 2 of them are on for 3 hours.
What is the price of the gas consumed if the 4 burners are lit during the same

RTA: Direct relationship because by increasing the number of burners, the

greater the gas consumed

2 burners → 3 hours → $ 50

4 burners → 3 hours → $ X

x = (4 burners × 3 hours × $ 50) / (2 burners × 3 hours) = $ 100

In a tour 4 cars carry 16 people in 90 minutes. How many cars are needed to
transport 58 people in the same time?

16 people → 90 minutes → 4 cars

58 people → 90 minutes → X cars

RTA: Direct relationship because by increasing the number of people, the greater
the number of cars.

x = (58 people × 90 minutes × 4 cars) / (16 people × 90 minutes) = 39 cars

15 workers working 8 hours a day build 6 houses How many houses will be built
with 23 workers working 7 hours a day?

15 Workers → 8 working hours → 6 houses

23 workers → 7 working hours → X houses

3 hoses fill a 350 m3 tank in 16 hours. How many hours are necessary to fill a
1000 m3 tank with 5 hoses?

3 hoses → 350 m3 → 16 hours

5 hoses → 1000 m3 → X hours

Percentages problems

Probability problems

Random experiment
Sample space


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