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A Gift For You

Lenten Devotions for 2005

Jesus in the Garden of

These forty days each central idea,

of devotion are otherwise known
based on a form as a station, is
known as the accompanied with
“Stations of the a text for
Cross.” In this meditation. The
form of devotion, focus of each
which is at least station is Christ's
1600 years old, Passion for the

universe. Some of the most famous versions of the stations use texts that are not
found in the Bible. This version uses the Gospel accounts of Jesus's walk to the Cross.
Many of the permanent stations of the Cross, which can be found in meditation
gardens or inside naves, have artwork associated with each station. This devotion
follows that tradition by having some form of art for each of the forty days. We pray
that by the power of the Holy Spirit these forty devotions will give you a brief glimpse
into the mysteries of Christ's Passion and Death.
Ash Wednesday, February 9
Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane; and he said to his disciples,

“Sit here, while I go over there and pray.” Matthew 26:36.

We do not normally associate ashes with reminded of the death that was required
a garden since we tend to think of to achieve the garden's looks. In order to
gardens as a place of life and vitality trim the trees, wood was removed. The
and not a place of death and destruction. grass has not been allowed to grow as it
pleases but instead it has
Most of us hold the been cut down. The old
Victorian model of flowers along with the
gardens in our weeds have been pulled
minds when we up and tossed away. In
think of a garden. each of these examples,
We expect that all some measure of death
hint of death and has come into the garden
decay to be hidden from our view when in order to make it pleasant to our
we visit a Victorian style garden. We senses.
only want to see the nicely trimmed
trees, the well-mown grass, and the Today on the start of Lent, we are once
beautiful flowers. We do not wish to be again reminded that we are nothing
more than dust and one day we too will He has learned the Law with His entire
return to dust. being. He has lived the
All through our Law as God intended it by
lives, we have been loving God and others. He
shaped by our has taught those who
encounters with would listen about how
God and the one does God's will. And
world. We are now in His passion, He
just like flowers; prays.
we only live a short time. Even
the trees one day too will die.

In the garden of Gethsemane,

Jesus went to go and pray
about His future. Throughout
His life, we have seen a man
that has a passion for living.

Heavenly Father I need to take time to be still. I pray for the desire
to slow down and spend some time with you. Help me to have a set
time that is just ours, yours and mine together.
Thursday, February 10
He took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be grieved and

agitated. Then he said to them, “I am deeply grieved, even to death; remain here, and

stay awake with me.” Matthew 26:37-38.

Jesus has a passion for life. We often “became sad.” Jesus is sad that His life
forget how much He loved to live since we on earth will soon be over. He has told the
only focus on His pain and suffering disciples that He will be betrayed. This
during His trial and death. But the news has made the disciples “sad.” And
narrator tells us once again that Jesus after Jesus told the disciples that they
loves life when the narrator tells us that would all leave Him, Peter speaks up and
He was “grieved and tells
agitated.” Jesus
that he
Today, we really do will not
not talk about being leave
grieved anymore Jesus.
and a better But Jesus
translation for us tells Peter
may be the phrase that Peter
will deny Jesus, not once but three times. Another way to say that one is “agitated”
Anyone with any feeling would “become is to say that one is “troubled.” Not only
sad” if their closest friends left them in is Jesus “sad” about what is happening to
difficult times, denied that they knew Him but also He is also “troubled.”
Him in front of others, and handed them These unsettling developments in
over to be put to death by torture. Christ’s passion have made Jesus “sad.”

The author of Matthew only uses the In times of stress, we often do not want
Greek word, translated here as “agitated,” to be left alone. We want our near and
this one time. This single occurrence of dear friends to be with us. All that Jesus
the word should alert us of the word’s wants us to do in times of trials and
importance. It is essential for us to tribulations is stay awake with Him and
notice that Jesus is “agitated” about the to experience His passion for us. He did
developments in His life. His passion for not ask any more of the disciples and He
us is changing His composure. will not ask any more from us either.

Dear Lord I know there are grieving times to come. Help me to be a

comfort to others, as you have been in my distresses.
Fr i d a y, February 11
And going a little farther, he threw himself on the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it

be possible, let this cup pass from me; yet not what I want but what you want.” Matthew


We feel that we are in charge of our life center of the universe because this action
and that we can is a sin.
do what we want.
No one can tell We sin because we
us to do have moved ourselves
anything that we in front of God. We
do not want to do this action for
do. We think that many different
we are our own reasons but the most
boss. common reason
seems to be that we
Jesus clearly tells want to hide God
us that we from ourselves. We
cannot place feel that our being
ourselves in the not only overshadows
God but completely obliterates God from ourselves. We feel that no one will hold
the scene. We hope that if we cannot see us accountable for our actions.
God, then God is not present. And we bet
that if God is not seen, we can get away Jesus models for us a different action.
with anything. Instead of crowding out God, Jesus let
God stay where God should be: in the
We also sin when we crowd God out of center of life. Jesus offers to God an
our life because when we try to move God, alternative view but He does not force His
we also remove those people around us image onto God. Jesus lets God decide
from our view. When we inflate our egos, what to do.
we push others away from us, and we
forget that we are to love them as we love What would the world look like if we
followed the lead of the Master?

My Father in heaven. Life has cups of blessings and woes. Help me to

realize that your plans for me are more supreme than I can imagine.
Bless me with the faith to trust and be guided by you.
Saturday, February 12
Then he came to the disciples and found them sleeping; and he said to Peter, “So, could

you not stay awake with me one hour? Stay awake and the spirit indeed is willing, but the

flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:40-41.

Jesus asks us just to stay awake and to envisions the world. We are not only
focus our vision on Him. Will we be asking God to cover up our marks on the
ready when God calls us? world but we are also asking God to give
us another chance to see Him.
Jesus warns us that we will never know
when we will run into God because God When we fast, we are training our bodies
is always with us. On Ash Wednesday, to spend more time with God. Instead of
we were invited to work on seeing God eating, we take the time to encounter God
through the practice of: repenting, through prayer, worship, and service.
fasting, praying, and working for
others. Each of these actions provides us In our prayers, we are asking God to
with new ways to see God. change us into God's image of a human.
One that not only serves God and
When we ask God to forgive our sin, we neighbor, but also one that walks with
acknowledge to God that our actions have God in the cool of the evening.
not been true to the way that God
In our service for others, we are doing the own power. For some of us, it will take
will of God. When we give of our time time before we realize that God was with
and talents to our neighbors, we are us. We will be like Jacob and remember
seeing God's image in them. our encounter with God. For others of us,
we will know God immediately. We will
In addition to these Lenten disciplines, be like Moses at the Burning Bush or
we also meet God in worship. Jesus has like the psalmist who sees God in the
promised to come when we are gathered in House of the LORD. And for others of us,
His Name. God has we will not know
promised to send the that we gave Jesus
Holy Spirit to us in the food and water,
Sacrament of Baptism. gave Him clothing,
Jesus is with us when we and visited Him in
celebrate His meal. prison and in
sickness until we
The only way that we see Him in Heaven.
will know when we see God is by God’s

Dear God: It is my desire to be ``awake'' to your teachings. My desire

is hindered by my busy life and daily concerns. May the Holy Spirit
cause my desire to become action.
Soli Deo Gloria
Let them praise the name of the LORD, for his name alone is exalted; his glory is above

earth and heaven. Psalms 148:13.

Ann Wofford -- Prayers

Elaine Lenz -- Crosses

Jody Winston -- Writing and Photos


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