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Brighton’s Classification for AEFI cases

S.No Valid Diagnosis / Case Levels of diagnostic certainty Window period

1 Abscess at injection site: Level 1 of diagnostic certainty
Abscess at injection site is a A. Abscess of infectious etiology
localized soft tissue collection • Spontaneous or surgical drainage of material from the
of material, occurring at the site mass; AND
of immunization • Laboratory confirmation (Gram stain, culture or other tests) of microbiological
organisms with or without polymorphonuclear
leukocytes in material drained or aspirated from mass.
Abscesses of infectious etiology may be accompanied by
fever and/or regional lymphadenopathy.
B. Sterile abscess
• Spontaneous or surgical (see Footnote 3) drainage of material
from the mass;AND
• Material obtained from the mass prior to initiating antimicrobial
therapy, but with negative evaluation for infectious
etiology (which may include Gram stain, cultures or other
Sterile abscesses are typically not accompanied by fever and/or regional
Level 2 of diagnostic certainty
In settings where laboratory evaluation for infectious etiology
(Gram stain, cultures, or other technique)was either not
performed, performed after starting antimicrobial therapy, or
not reported.
A. Abscess of infectious etiology
Spontaneous or surgical (see Footnote 3) drainage of
purulent6 material from the mass;
• Collection of material diagnosed by an imaging technique
(e.g., sonogram, CT, MRI, or other modality) or
fluctuance7; AND
• Localized sign(s) of inflammation including at least one
of the following: erythema, pain to light touch, or warm to
touch at the injection site;
• Resolution/improvement temporally related to antimicrobial
Abscesses of infectious etiology may be accompanied by
fever (see Footnote 4) and/or regional lymphadenopathy.
B. Sterile abscess
• Spontaneous or surgical (see Footnote 3) drainage of
non-purulent (see Footnote 5) material from the mass;
• Collection of material e.g., fluid diagnosed by imaging
technique (e.g., sonogram, CT, MRI, or other modality) or
fluctuance (see Footnote 6);
• The absence of signs of local inflammation such as erythema,
pain to light touch, and warm to touch at the
injection site; OR
• No resolution/improvement temporally related to antimicrobial
Sterile abscesses are typically not accompanied by fever (see
Footnote 4) and/or regional lymphadenopathy.
C. Type indeterminant: Insufficient information to determine
whether abscess is of infectious etiology or a
sterile abscess; i.e., report of incision and drainage of
the injection site mass but no culture results reported,
or report of the collection of material at the injection
site demonstrated by an imaging technique but clinical
symptoms or response to antimicrobial therapy not
Level 3 of diagnostic certainty
Not applicable.
For all levels listed above, the following in and of themselves
do not constitute abscesses at the injection site: superficial vesicles or pustules on the
• suppurative lymph nodes adjacent to the site of immunization,
• septic joints adjacent to the site of immunization, or
• cellulitis and nodule at injection site
2 Anaphylaxis is a clinical Level 1 of diagnostic certainty
syndrome characterized by • ≥1 major dermatological AND
• sudden onset AND • ≥1 major cardiovascular AND/OR ≥1 major respiratory criterion
• rapid progression of signs and Level 2 of diagnostic certainty
symptoms AND •≥1 major cardiovascular AND ≥1 major respiratory criterion
• involving multiple (≥2) organ OR
systems, as follows • ≥1 major cardiovascular OR respiratory criterion AND
• ≥1 minor criterion involving ≥1 different system (other than cardiovascular or
respiratory systems) OR
• (≥1 major dermatologic) AND (≥1 minor cardiovascular AND/OR minor respiratory
Level 3 of diagnostic certainty
• ≥1 minor cardiovascular OR respiratory criterion AND
• ≥1 minor criterion from each of ≥2 different systems/
Major criteria
Dermatologic or mucosal • generalized urticaria (hives) or
generalized erythema
• angioedema*, localized or generalized
• generalized pruritus with skin rash
Cardiovascular • measured hypotension
• clinical diagnosis of uncompensated
shock, indicated by the combination of
at least 3 of the following:
• tachycardia
• capillary refill time >3 s
• reduced central pulse volume
• decreased level of consciousness or
loss of consciousness
Respiratory • bilateral wheeze (bronchospasm)
• stridor
• upper airway swelling (lip, tongue,
throat, uvula, or larynx)
• respiratory distress—2 or more of the
• tachypnoea
• increased use of accessory
respiratory muscles
(sternocleidomastoid, intercostals, etc.)
• recession
• cyanosis
• gruntingMinor criteria
dermatologic or mucosal • generalized pruritus without skin rash
• generalized prickle sensation
• localized injection site urticaria
• red and itchy eyes
• reduced peripheral circulation as indicated
by the combination of at least 2 of
• tachycardia and
• a capillary refill time of >3 s without
• a decreased level of consciousness
Respiratory • persistent dry cough
• hoarse voice
• difficulty breathing without wheeze or
• sensation of throat closure
• sneezing, rhinorrhea
Gastrointestinal • diarrhoea
• abdominal pain
• nausea
• vomiting
Laboratory • Mast cell tryptase elevation > upper normal
Level 1: Criteria as specified in the anaphylaxis case definition.
Level 2: Criteria as specified in the anaphylaxis case definition.
Level 3: Criteria as specified in the anaphylaxis case definition.
Event does not meet case definition
Additional categories for analysis
(4) Reported anaphylaxis with insufficient evidence to meet the case definition12.
(5) Not a case of anaphylaxis13.
(32) The interval between immunization and reported
anaphylaxis could be defined as the date/time of immunization
to the date/time of onset5 of the first symptoms
and/or signs consistent with the definition. If few cases
are reported, the concrete time course could be analyzed
for each; for a large number of cases, data can be
analyzed in the following increments:
Subjects with anaphylaxis by Interval to Presentation
Interval Number Percentage
<30 min after immunization
30≤60 min after immunization
60≤90 min after immunization
90≤120 min
Hourly increments thereafter
3 cellulitis at injection site Level 1a of diagnostic certainty
Cellulitis is defineda as an acute, infectiousb, At least three of the following four
and expanding inflammatory signs/symptoms:
condition of the skin that is characterized by • Localized pain or tendernessd (pain to
the following inclusion and touch);
exclusion criteria. Of note, cellulitis may be
accompanied by feverc and/or • Erythemad;
regional lymphadenopathy, however, their • Indurationd or swellinge;
presence or absence does not
influence the level of diagnostic certainty. • Warmthd;
• Reaction is at the injection sitef; AND
• Laboratory-confirmation by culture.g
If known,h exclusion criteria are:
• Spontaneous rapid resolutioni; AND/OR
• Fluctuance.j
Level 1b of diagnostic certainty
• A diagnosis of cellulitis by a qualified
health care providerk;
• At the injection sitef; AND
• Laboratory-confirmation by cultureIf known,h exclusion criteria are:
• Spontaneous rapid resolutioni; AND/OR
• Fluctuance.j
Level 2 of diagnostic certainty
At least three of the following four
• Localized pain or tendernessd (pain to
• Erythemad;
• Indurationd or swellinge;
• Warmthe;
• Reaction is at the injection sitef; AND
• Has been diagnosed by a qualified health
care provider.g
If knownh, exclusion criteria are:
• Spontaneous rapid resolutioni; AND/OR
• Fluctuance.j
Level 3 of diagnostic certainty
At least three of the following four
• Localized pain or tendernessd (pain to
• Erythemad;
• Indurationd or swellinge;
• Warmthd;
• Reaction is at the injection sitef; AND
• Has been reported by any person (not
specified as a qualified health care
If known,h exclusion criteria are:
• Spontaneous rapid resolutioni; AND/OR
• Fluctuance.j

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