Gum What Was Done by Someone-Passive Voice

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Supplementary Material


( Supplementary Material for Gamma Upper Module)

We use Passive Voice when we want to say that something was done by someone or something without
necessarily specifying who did it. We form this structure using the auxiliary verb to be plus the main verb in
past participle; for example:

ACTIVE VOICE: Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.

PASSIVE VOICE: Penicillin was discovered in the 20th century.

EXERCISE 1. Underline the twelve passive verb groups in the following paragraph. It is from a newspaper
and it is about a stolen painting.

Two men tried to sell a painting that had been stolen. The painting was owned by Maimi Gillies, aged
84. She said it had been presented to one of her ancestors by the artist. She had owned it since 1926,
when it was given to her as a wedding present. One of the men, Mr. X, who cannot be named for legal
reasons, pleaded guilty. He told the police he was willing to sell it cheap because it was stolen. A
meeting was arranged at an airfield near Retford, where the money for the painting was to be flown in
and exchanged, but the airfield had been staffed by police officers in plain clothes. Mr. X took the
painting to the airfield and was shown the money in a suitcase. The buyer was then taken to see the
painting in a barn. Mr. X was arrested but Mr. Thompson was able to escape.

EXERCISE 2. Match the sentences in column A with the ones in column B to complete
the idea.

1. Petrol prices... a) to be won.
2. This jacket... b) have been increased.
3. Grand contest! 5,000 prizes... c) has been disconnected.
4. Five people... d) will be sent to candidates.
5. The telephone... e) was made in Hong Kong.
6. It appears the phone bill... f) were killed in the rally.
7. Further information... g) is not permitted inside the building.
8. Before the storm everyone... h) had not been paid.
9. Smoking... i) is currently being rebuilt.
10. The old theater... j) was told to stay inside their homes.

Supplementary Material
EXERCISE 3. Fill in the blanks with the correct passive form. Use the verbs in parentheses.
Example: Few women have _________ president around the world. (elect)
Few women have been elected president around the world. (elect)

1. Only experienced candidates have_____________________.(consider)

2. Application forms must___________________by December 12.(return)

3. Interviews will______________________________in early January.(hold)

4. Teachers have______________________accommodations in college.(offer)

5. Names of the referees should________________________________.(give)

6. Further details may________________________from the Senior Tutor.(obtain)

EXERCISE 4. Re-state the active constructions as passive ones. Identify the doer when necessary.

Example: Susan called the fire brigade.

The fire brigade was called by Susan.

1. The Queen expected the Prime Minister at three o’clock.

2. The King granted the criminal a pardon.

3. Everybody drinks tea in England.

4. A soldier has handed the telegram to the general.

5. People in Switzerland speak more than one language.

6. The Minister granted me an interview.

Supplementary Material


had been stolen / was owned / had been presented / was given / be named/
was stolen / was arranged / was to be flown in and exchanged / had been
staffed / was shown / was taken / was arrested.


1. b
2. e
3. a
4. f
5. c
6. h
7. d
8. j
9. g
10. i


1. been considered
2. be returned
3. be held
4. been offered
5. be given
6. be obtained


1. The Prime Minister was expected by the Queen at three o'clock.

2. The criminal was granted a pardon by the King.
3. Tea is drunk in England.
4. The telegram has been handed to the general.
5. More than one language is spoken in Switzerland.
6. I was granted an interview by the Minister.

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