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Fethullah Gülen & the Gülen Movement in 100 Questions

Dogu Ergil

ISBN 9781935295150
Blue Dome Press

Turkey has been the rising star of Eurasia in the last decade in all possible
parameters. It rose to the seventeenth largest economy in a world of
financial bankrupts, and it has a growing political influence in the region.
Civil society and mass movements with a large following have a significant
share as the driving force behind this rebirth of a long-dormant nation.
Independent businessmen, social workers, relief organizations, and
educationalists, which are active in territories around the world far distant
than they have ever visited, are the key players in this recent
transformation. Fethullah Gülen and the movement inspired from his ideas
stand out distinctively in this context with a discourse emphasizing quality
education and promoting intercultural dialogue.

This book introduces this relatively recent social phenomenon that started
in modern Turkey and has grown to be a transnational movement with
schools and dialogue centers in more than 130 countries. Professor Dogu
Ergil answers a hundred most frequently asked questions about Fethullah
Gülen and the movement associated with his name.

Dogu Ergil is a Professor of Political Sociology. He currently teaches at

Fatih University, Istanbul.

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