LWMC Final HR Manual

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Lahore Waste Management Company

1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 8
1.1 AUTHORITY .................................................................................................................. 8
1.2 MISSION STATEMENT ....................................................................................................... 8
1.3 HR POLICY STATEMENT .................................................................................................... 8
1.4 TERMS USED IN THE MANUAL.............................................................................................. 9

2. CUSTODY AND REVISION ................................................................................................................. 16

2.1 CUSTODY .................................................................................................................. 16
2.2 REVISION ................................................................................................................... 16
3. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................................... 18
3.1 RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................... 18
3.2 ORGANOGRAM OF HUMAN RESOURCE (HR) DEPARTMENT .......................................................... 18
3.3 KEY POSITIONS AND JOB DESCRIPTIONS ............................................................................... 19
3.3.1 GM (HR&A) ................................................................................................................................... 19
3.3.2 Manager HR .................................................................................................................................. 21
3.3.3 Assistant Manager HR .................................................................................................................. 22
3.3.4 Manager Administration............................................................................................................... 23
3.3.5 Assistant Manager Administration ............................................................................................... 24
4. RECRUITMENT, SELECTION AND INDUCTION ............................................................................... 25
4.1 RECRUITMENT ............................................................................................................. 25
4.1.1 Responsibility ................................................................................................................................ 25
a. Head of Department ....................................................................................................................................... 25
b. GM (HR&A) ....................................................................................................................................................... 26
4.1.2 Search Committee ......................................................................................................................... 26
4.1.3 Recruitment Procedures ................................................................................................................ 26
a. Need Assessment ............................................................................................................................................. 26
b. Recruitment Process ....................................................................................................................................... 27
4.1.4 Recruitment Method ..................................................................................................................... 28
a. Preparing the job description and personnel‟s specification .................................................................. 28
b. Approval ........................................................................................................................................................... 28
c. Preparing the advertisement ........................................................................................................................ 28
d. Recruitment schedule .................................................................................................................................... 31
e. Appointment by Invitation ............................................................................................................................. 31
f. Cost of Advertising .......................................................................................................................................... 32
g. Closing Dates ................................................................................................................................................... 32
h. Placement of Advertisements ....................................................................................................................... 32
i. Receipt of Applications .................................................................................................................................. 32
4.2. SELECTION PROCESS ..................................................................................................... 32
4.2.1 Accountability ............................................................................................................................... 33
4.2.2 Selection Procedures ..................................................................................................................... 34
a. Short listing ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
b. Short listing candidates against the selection criteria ............................................................................. 34
c. Conducting interviews .................................................................................................................................... 37
d. Selection of Candidates ................................................................................................................................. 37
e. Non-appointment ............................................................................................................................................ 38
f. Successful candidates ..................................................................................................................................... 38
g. Offers of employment .................................................................................................................................... 38
h. Unsuccessful candidates ................................................................................................................................ 39
i. Staff Appointments ......................................................................................................................................... 39
4.3. INDUCTION AND ORIENTATION ......................................................................................... 39
4.3.1 Responsibility ................................................................................................................................ 40
a. Head of the Department ................................................................................................................................ 40
b. GM (HR&A) ....................................................................................................................................................... 40

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4.3.2 Procedure ...................................................................................................................................... 40

4.4. PROBATION AND CONFIRMATION ....................................................................................... 42
4.4.1 Responsibility ................................................................................................................................ 42
4.4.2 Probationary Period ...................................................................................................................... 43
5. COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................... 45
5.1. SALARY MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................... 45
5.1.1 Responsibility ................................................................................................................................ 46
5.1.2 Salary Grade ................................................................................................................................. 46
5.1.3 Salary Increment ........................................................................................................................... 47
5.1.4 Disbursement of salaries ............................................................................................................... 47
5.1.5 Salary Advances from Current Month’s Pay ................................................................................. 48
5.2. REIMBURSEMENT-TRAVELING EXPENSES .............................................................................. 48
a.Payment............................................................................................................................................................ 48
b.Allowable Travel Expenses ............................................................................................................................ 49
c.Local Conveyance Allowance ........................................................................................................................ 50
d.Advance for travel expenses ......................................................................................................................... 51
e.Air Travel (Domestic) ..................................................................................................................................... 52
f.Air Travel (Foreign) ........................................................................................................................................ 52
g.Daily Allowance (Local) .................................................................................................................................. 52
h.Daily Allowance (foreign) .............................................................................................................................. 52
i.Room Rent ........................................................................................................................................................ 52
5.3. REIMBURSEMENT – FUEL COSTS ......................................................................................... 53
a. Claim and Reimbursement Process .............................................................................................................. 54
5.4. ALLOCATION AND USE OF COMPANY PROVIDED MOBILE PHONES .................................................. 54
5.4.1 Responsibility ................................................................................................................................ 54
a. Entitlement ...................................................................................................................................................... 54
b. Responsibilities of Users of Mobile Phone ................................................................................................... 55
5.5. ATTENDANCE.............................................................................................................. 55
5.5.1 Responsibility ................................................................................................................................ 56
5.5.2 Marking attendance ..................................................................................................................... 56
5.5.3 Attendance and Punctuality.......................................................................................................... 56
5.5.4 Office Timings ............................................................................................................................... 56
5.5.5 Operational Staff Timing ............................................................................................................... 57
5.5.6 Attendance Policies ....................................................................................................................... 57
5.5.7 Break during Working hours ......................................................................................................... 58
5.5.8 Publication of Holidays and Weekly Off Days ............................................................................... 58
5.5.9 Overtime ....................................................................................................................................... 58
5.6. LEAVE MANAGEMENT..................................................................................................... 59
5.6.1 Annual Leave................................................................................................................................. 59 Responsibility ................................................................................................................................ 59 Procedure ...................................................................................................................................... 59
a. Notification ...................................................................................................................................................... 59
b. Grant of Leave ................................................................................................................................................. 59
c. Benefits during Leave ..................................................................................................................................... 60
d. Calculation ....................................................................................................................................................... 60
5.6.2 Maternity Leave ............................................................................................................................ 60 Procedure ...................................................................................................................................... 60
a. Notification ...................................................................................................................................................... 60
b. Grant of Leave ................................................................................................................................................. 60
c. Benefits during leave...................................................................................................................................... 61
5.6.3 Casual Leave ................................................................................................................................. 61 Procedures .................................................................................................................................... 61
a. Grant of Leave ................................................................................................................................................. 61
b. Entitlement ...................................................................................................................................................... 61
c. Benefits during Leave ..................................................................................................................................... 62
d. Calculation ....................................................................................................................................................... 62

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5.6.4 Sick Leave ...................................................................................................................................... 63 Procedure ................................................................................................................................................ 63
a. Notification ...................................................................................................................................................... 63
b. Grant of Leave ................................................................................................................................................. 63
c. Benefits during Leave ..................................................................................................................................... 63
d. Calculation ....................................................................................................................................................... 63
5.6.5 Extraordinary Leave ...................................................................................................................... 64 Procedure ................................................................................................................................................ 64
a. Grant of Leave ................................................................................................................................................. 64
b. Study Leave Sponsored by the Company ..................................................................................................... 64
c. Resignation during Leave without Pay......................................................................................................... 64
d. Termination during leave without Pay ........................................................................................................ 65
5.6.6 Public Holidays .............................................................................................................................. 65 Responsibility ................................................................................................................................ 65 List of Public holidays ............................................................................................................................ 65
5.6.7 Hajj Leave...................................................................................................................................... 65 Procedure ................................................................................................................................................ 65
a. Benefits during Leave ..................................................................................................................................... 66
5.6.8 Short Leaves .................................................................................................................................. 66 Procedure ................................................................................................................................................ 66
5.6.9 Compensatory Leaves ................................................................................................................... 67 Procedure ................................................................................................................................................ 67
a. Notification ...................................................................................................................................................... 67
b. Grant of Leave ................................................................................................................................................. 67
5.6.10 Leave Record ................................................................................................................................. 67
6. BENEFITS MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................ 68
6.1 PROVIDENT FUND ......................................................................................................... 68
6.1.1 Procedure ...................................................................................................................................... 68
a. Benefits............................................................................................................................................................. 69
b. Advances secured by Provident Fund .......................................................................................................... 69
6.2 BONUS ...................................................................................................................... 69
6.2.1 Procedure ...................................................................................................................................... 70
6.2.2 General Bonus ............................................................................................................................... 70
6.2.3 Performance Bonus ....................................................................................................................... 70
6.3 POOL CAR USE POLICY ................................................................................................... 71
7. SEPARATION FROM EMPLOYMENT................................................................................................. 76
7.1 SEPARATION PROCEDURES .............................................................................................. 76
a. Exit Interview .................................................................................................................................................. 77
7.2 MODES OF SEPARATION .................................................................................................. 78
7.2.1 DEATH ....................................................................................................................... 78 Responsibility .......................................................................................................................................... 78 Procedure ................................................................................................................................................ 78
7.2.2 RETIREMENT .................................................................................................................. 79 Procedure ................................................................................................................................................ 79
a. Notification ...................................................................................................................................................... 79
b. Application ....................................................................................................................................................... 80
c. Retaining of Employee ................................................................................................................................... 80
d. Benefits............................................................................................................................................................. 80
7.2.3 RESIGNATION ................................................................................................................. 81 Procedure ................................................................................................................................................ 81
a. Confirmation of Resignation .......................................................................................................................... 81
b. Benefits............................................................................................................................................................. 82
7.2.4 DISMISSAL/TERMINATION...................................................................................................... 82 Procedure ................................................................................................................................................ 82
a. Conditions for Termination or Dismissal ..................................................................................................... 82
b. Notice................................................................................................................................................................ 85

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c. Benefits............................................................................................................................................................. 85
7.3 LAY OFFS ................................................................................................................... 85
7.3.1 Procedure ................................................................................................................................................ 85
a. Conditions for Layoff ...................................................................................................................................... 85
b. Notice................................................................................................................................................................ 86
c. Benefits............................................................................................................................................................. 86

8. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT................................................................................................. 87

8.1 MANPOWER BUDGETING ................................................................................................. 87
8.1.1 Responsibility ................................................................................................................................ 87
8.1.2 Procedure ...................................................................................................................................... 87
8.2 CODE OF CONDUCT ....................................................................................................... 88
8.2.1 Responsibility ................................................................................................................................ 89
8.2.2 Procedure ...................................................................................................................................... 89
a. Conflicts of Interest ........................................................................................................................................ 90
b. Improper personal benefits ........................................................................................................................... 90
c. Financial interests in other businesses ........................................................................................................ 91
d. Outside employment or activities ................................................................................................................ 91
e. Protection and Proper use of LWMC Assets ................................................................................................ 91
f. Full, Fair and Accurate Disclosure of facts ................................................................................................. 91
g. Workplace Harassment ................................................................................................................................... 92
h. Weapons, Workplace Violence, Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling ................................................................ 92
i. Loans and other Credit Facilities from Financial Institutions .................................................................. 92
j. Responding to Inquiries from the Press and Others .................................................................................. 92
k. Confidentiality ................................................................................................................................................. 93
l. Compliance with laws and the Code ............................................................................................................ 93
m. Rights Created ............................................................................................................................................. 94
n. Disclosures of interest, affiliation or activity ............................................................................................ 94
o. Sanction ............................................................................................................................................................ 95
p. Integrity ............................................................................................................................................................ 95
8.3 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT .......................................................................................... 95
8.3.1 Procedure ...................................................................................................................................... 96
a. Planning the Training ..................................................................................................................................... 96
b. Planning the Development Activities ........................................................................................................... 97
c. Delivery of Training ........................................................................................................................................ 98
d. Evaluation of Training Effectiveness ........................................................................................................... 98
e. Development Counseling................................................................................................................................ 99
8.4 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................... 99
8.4.1 Procedure .................................................................................................................................... 100
8.5 CAREER AND SUCCESSION PLANNING ................................................................................. 101
8.5.1 Responsibility .............................................................................................................................. 101
8.5.2 Procedure .................................................................................................................................... 101
a. Individual plan ............................................................................................................................................... 101
b. Management Co-ordination Meeting .......................................................................................................... 101
c. Procedure for Head of Departments .......................................................................................................... 102
d. Basis of Succession planning ....................................................................................................................... 102
8.6 TRANSFERS AND PROMOTIONS......................................................................................... 105
8.6.1 Responsibility .............................................................................................................................. 105
8.6.2 Procedure .................................................................................................................................... 105
a. Transfers......................................................................................................................................................... 105
b. Promotions ..................................................................................................................................................... 105
8.7 DISCIPLINARY POLICIES ................................................................................................. 107
8.7.1 Procedure .................................................................................................................................... 107
a. Appeal ............................................................................................................................................................. 110
b. Penalties ......................................................................................................................................................... 111
c. General ........................................................................................................................................................... 112
8.8 GRIEVANCES .............................................................................................................. 112
8.8.1 Procedure .................................................................................................................................... 112

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Stage - I: Head of Department ........................................................................................................................ 112

Stage - II: GM (HR&A) ........................................................................................................................................ 113
Stage - III: Grievance Committee .................................................................................................................... 113
Stage - IV: The Managing Director ................................................................................................................... 113
9. HEALTH AND SAFETY .................................................................................................................... 115
9.1 PROCEDURE .............................................................................................................. 115
10. EMPLOYEES RE-DEPLOYED FROM CITY DISTRICT GOVERNMENT ............................................ 117
10.1 PROCEDURE .............................................................................................................. 118
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................................... 126
RECRUITMENT PLAN ................................................................................................................................. 127
APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT ........................................................................................................... 129
INTERVIEW EVALUATION SHEET ............................................................................................................. 135
INTERVIEW PANEL RECOMMENDATION FORM ....................................................................................... 140
OFFER LETTER .......................................................................................................................................... 141
APPOINTMENT LETTER TEMPLATE ......................................................................................................... 143
JOINING REPORT ....................................................................................................................................... 148
ORIENTATION EVALUATION FORM ......................................................................................................... 151
PROBATION PERIOD COMPLETION REPORT ........................................................................................... 154
CAR ALLOCATION FORM .......................................................................................................................... 158
LEAVE RECORD FORM (YEAR).................................................................................................................. 160
LEAVE APPLICATION FORM...................................................................................................................... 162
APPROVAL.................................................................................................................................................. 162
HR DEPARTMENT....................................................................................................................................... 162
TRAINING NEED ASSESSMENT FORM ....................................................................................................... 163
TRAINING EVALUATION FORM ................................................................................................................. 165
PERFORMANCE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FORM (FOR GRADE M-1 TO M-6) .................................... 168
PERFORMANCE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FORM (FOR GRADE M7-M11) .......................................... 173
TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE BILL ............................................................................................................... 177
CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE ........................................................................................................................ 178
EXIT INTERVIEW FORM ............................................................................................................................. 183
POOL CAR USE FORM ............................................................................................................................... 184
VEHICLE LOG BOOK .................................................................................................................................. 186
VEHICLE SERVICE RECORD ....................................................................................................................... 187
ORGANOGRAM ........................................................................................................................................... 188
LIST OF S.W.M EMPLOYEES ..................................................................................................................... 189
FLOW CHARTS ........................................................................................................................................... 191

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LIMITS OF EXPENSES ................................................................................................................................ 192

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This Policies and Procedures Manual developed for the LAHORE WASTE MANAGEMENT
COMPANY (“LWMC“) provides guide lines for effective management of Human
Resource. It applies to all staff members on the permanent payroll of LWMC and re-
deployed staff of City District Government, Lahore.


The mission of the Human Resource Department is to support the goals and
challenges of LWMC by providing quality service in all personnel operations with
integrity, responsiveness and sensitivity to the employees and to promote a work
environment that is characterized by fair treatment of staff, open communications,
personal accountability, trust and mutual respect. Engage the best possible human
resource, and raise a dedicated and loyal team, to meet the requirements, mission
and objectives of LWMC.


This manual is not intended to be, and should not be interpreted as, a contract
between LWMC and any employee. In the event of a discrepancy between this
manual and the collective bargaining agreement covering employees, if any, the
terms of the bargaining agreement will govern.

This manual should be used as a reference and as a general guide. It is expected

that managers and heads of departments will strive to apply these policies
equitably, and that appropriate consideration will be given to previous actions that
may have been taken prior to implementation of this manual. However, this
manual is not intended to be an inflexible rule book; rather it should be a resource
for interpreting the variety of individual situations that can occur in the workplace.

The manual will be helpful to:

 Provide an on job reference guide for the written policies and procedures to
be followed;

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 Clarify the HR organizational roles, structure and responsibilities;

 Provide guidance to ensure the adoption of best practices;

 Provide means for the constant review and improvement of policies and
procedures; and

 Aid in performance management of the permanent and contract staff of LWMC.

In each case when the policies in this manual are applied to different situations
including employee performance and counseling, action will be determined by
LWMC on the basis of the particular facts or circumstances. Human resource issues
which are not directly addressed in this manual should be referred to the Human
Resources Department. The HR Manual should be read in conjunction with the
relevant labour laws.


Terms Description

Persons engaged in general

administration, supervision of specific
Administrative Staff
major functions, like procurement,
finance and HR

Attendance Evidence of persons present on duty

A forecast of the manpower requirements

in the foreseeable future

Means a leave, taken for relaxation or

Casual Leave
some urgent private business

Permanent staff positions and other

Casual Position
positions of fixed term

Persons providing services to Federal

Civil Servant of Federation

Persons providing services to Provincial

Civil Servant of Province

Leave granted in lieu of working during

Compensatory Leave
the holidays or working overtime

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Terms Description

A conflict of interest may occur when a

person involved in making a decision
Conflict Of Interest
regarding an appointment has a non-
professional interest.

Shall mean any one of the General

Managers, Chief financial Officer,
Department Heads Company Secretary, Managers or other in-
charges of independent function with
whatever designations addressed

Developing knowledge, skills, and

Development expertise and attitudes keeping in view
the future job roles

Observance of rules and procedures by


Involuntary termination of the

employment from LWMC

Acquiring knowledge and understanding of

related jobs, subjects or advancements.

It means the absence of discrimination, in

the workplace, based on race, color, age,
Equal Opportunity Employer
gender, national origin, religion, or
physical disability.

Fair and open to all without bias, whether

systematic or unintentional, on the
Equitable grounds of gender, marital status, race,
disability, religious or cultural beliefs, or
trade union activity.

Means leaves granted to employee to deal

Extraordinary Leave
with extraordinary circumstances.

A financial year is a period of twelve

months starting from the month of July 01
Financial Year
and ends on June 30 of next calendar

Prescribed formats of LWMC for various

purposes including leave, code of conduct
and ethics statement for employees and

General Manager Human Resource &


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Terms Description

A complaint of one or more employees in

respect of salaries, allowances, conditions
of work and interpretation of service
stipulations covering such areas as
overtime, leave, transfer, promotion,
seniority, job assignment, and termination
of service and includes the grievances of

Employees absent on ten (10) or more

occasions in a year, without approval,
Habitual Absence
shall be considered to be having habitual

Any violation after 3 verbal warnings of

Habitual Breach of Law any breach of applicable laws shall be
considered as habitual breach of Law.

Employees who are late more than nine

Habitual Late times in a quarter, without sanction, shall
be considered to be habitual late.

After 3 verbal warnings of any breach of

Habitual Negligence LWMC policies, any violation shall be
considered as habitual negligence

Proper procedure for employee‟s training,

Health and Safety to prevent injuries, work-related illnesses
and accidents in the work place

All time spent by a staff member that is

primarily for the benefit of LWMC and that
Hours Worked
is controlled or directed by LWMC is
considered hours worked

Human Resource department of the

HR Department

The process by which employees are

inducted in their new work unit and
environment, including local policies,
standards, safe work procedures,
administrative procedures, and training in
relevant systems.

The elimination of jobs, often without

regard to employee performance, usually
when LWMC is experiencing financial

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Terms Description

The power of human physical strength,

power in terms of the workers available to
a particular group or required for a
particular task.

Leave to cover a specified period of time

Maternity Leave
during pregnancy and child birth

A certificate signed by a licensed

Medical Certificate
Physician or Medical Doctor

Includes any of the following acts:

 Willful insubordination or
disobedience whether alone or in
combination with others to any
lawful and reasonable order of a
 Abusive behavior towards colleagues
on the basis of favoritism, bribes and
threat rather than performance of
the colleagues;
 Theft, fraud, or dishonesty in
connection with LWMC matters;
 Willful damage to or loss of LWMC
goods or property;
 Taking or giving bribes or any illegal
Misconduct  Habitual absence without leave or
absence without prior approval;
 Habitual late attendance;
 Habitual breach of any law
applicable to the establishment;
 Riotous or disorderly behavior during
working hours at the establishment
or any act subversive of discipline;
 Habitual negligence or neglect of
 Striking work or inciting others to
strike work in contravention of the
provisions of any law, or rule having
the force of law;
 Taking part or suspected of being
engaged in subversive activities or
reasonably suspected of being

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Terms Description
associated with others engaged in
subversive activities;
 Collection or canvassing for personal
benefits for the collection of any
moneys within LWMC premises;
 Gambling within LWMC premises;
 Leaving work without permission,
disappearing from seat or place of
work without permission and
loitering during the duty hours;
 Sleeping on duty;
 Conviction in any Court of Law for
any criminal offence involving moral
 Giving false information regarding
name, age, father's name,
qualifications or previous service or
anything relating to service at the
time of employment; and
Carrying any fire arms, lethal weapons, or
prohibited items within LWMC premises.

Persons who are directly engaged in the

Operations Staff
operations of LWMC.

Means the formal introduction between

employee and the employer and
familiarization with the organization and
job requirements

Performance evaluation is defined as the

appraisal of an employee's performance
Performance Evaluation
against the performance requirements for
the employee's position.

Means advancement to a higher-level job

Promotion with increased authority, responsibility
and pay within the organization

To enroll somebody as an employee, or to

take on people as employees.

Means a voluntary separation from LWMC

with notice on the part of the employee

Retirement Means cessation of employment with

LWMC on a specified date i.e. on attaining

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Terms Description
the age of retirement

Retirement Age Means the age of sixty (60) years.

Salary means the amount of monthly basic

remuneration paid for services rendered
by the employee. It also refers to the
basic pay, which the staff is entitled to
Salary according to salary grade and pay range
formulated from time to time and it does
not include any fixed or variable
allowances, bonus, subsidies or any other
benefits in kind.

The salary structure utilizing multiple

salary grades. Each salary grade has its
Salary grid own salary range made up of the following
a minimum and a maximum level within
the grade.

Planned absences and other excused

Scheduled Absences absences with or without pay shall be
requested and approved in advance.

It is the methodical placement of

individuals into jobs. It refers to the
Selection process of identifying the best
candidate(s) from a particular field for

Leave taken when an employee is ill and is

Sick Leave
unavailable for work

Succession planning is a process ensures

that employees are recruited and
developed to fill each key role. Through
succession planning process, recruit
Succession Planning superior employees, develop their
knowledge, skills, and abilities, and
prepare them for advancement or
promotion into ever more challenging

Persons providing support to the executive

Support Staff
or administrative positions.

Employees of City District Government

Lahore providing Solid Waste Management
SWM Employees
services to LWMC who may be redeployed
to LWMC.

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Terms Description

Tardiness Being late or a delay in attending office.

The employees engaged to work full or

part time with the understanding that the
Temporary Employees employment may be terminated on a
specific date or upon completing a
specific assignment.

The Code means this code of conduct and

The Code ethics developed and implemented by

The activity of recording the length of

Time Keeping
time worked by an employee

The systematic process of developing

knowledge, skills, and expertise and
Training attitudes for current job requirements
arising from current needs and upcoming

Means movement of an employee from the

position at which he is employed to
Transfer another position, where he is ordered to
take up a post or from one department to
another department.

Processes that are clearly defined, easy to

understand and are open to scrutiny

Being absent without intimation.

Unscheduled Absences Unplanned absences can be very
detrimental to work place efficiency.

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This manual shall remain in the permanent custody of the following:

 Managing Director;

 GM (HR&A); and

 Chief Financial Officer.

This manual shall remain the property of LWMC; therefore, copies of this must not
be provided to any external party except with the prior approval of the Managing
Director and the GM (HR&A). However, access to this manual shall not be restricted
from such external parties who are entitled to it in accordance with the provisions
of LWMC rules or any law for the time being in force.


The overall responsibility for maintaining and updating this manual resides with the
Board of Directors. Changes in statutes and other conditions and practices may
require periodic modifications of these policies and procedures. However the
fixation or revision in working hours, declaration of holidays and fixation or revision
of mileage allowance per Km for personal conveyance (due to change in fuel
prices) or other such actions, shall not be considered as a revision in the manuals.
These modifications shall be advised by the HR department and approved by the
Managing Director.

Feedback comments, corrections and improvement suggestions on this policy

manual (including any areas that are not sufficiently or well covered) can be
received from those who were informed about the required changes.

The GM (HR&A) shall collect feedback from reviewers on the following template:

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Name: _______________________
Designation: __________________
number Comments & suggested changes

Signature: _____________________________________
(N/A if submitted through official email)

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The Managing Director and the GM (HR&A) shall have the overall responsibility for
the implementation of this manual.

In case any position given in the manual becomes vacant, authorities associated
with the relevant position shall automatically escalate to the next higher authority
in line; unless a temporary authority has been granted and authorized by the
Managing Director.


Following are the personnel who shall be performing the duties on different


Manager Manager HR

Asst Manager Asst Manager HR


The complete LWMC Organogram is given in Appendix 26

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3.3.1 GM (HR&A)

GM (HR&A) is one of the most important key positions which plays pivotal role in an
organization like LWMC. Following are the roles and responsibilities of the GM
(HR&A) in LWMC:

 Plan, develop and implement strategy for HR management and development

(including recruitment and selection policy/practices, contracts, discipline,
pay and conditions, performance appraisals, training and development,
succession planning, morale and motivation, counseling, grievance handling
and other issues related to human resource management);

 Establish and maintain appropriate systems for measuring necessary aspects

of HR development;

 Coordinate the LWMC equal opportunity programs to achieve diversity goals;

 Monitor, measure and report on HR issues, opportunities and development

plans and achievements within agreed formats and timescales;

 Manage and develop direct reporting staff;

 Manage and control his departmental expenditure within agreed budget;

 Liaise with other functional/departmental Heads to identify all aspects and

needs of HR development, and to ensure that they are fully informed of
HR objectives, purposes and achievements;

 Maintain awareness and knowledge of contemporary HR development theory

and methods and provide suitable interpretation to the Managing Director,
department heads and other employees within LWMC;

 Contribute to the evaluation and development of HR strategy and performance in

co-operation with the Managing Director and Board of Directors;

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 Ensure that activities meet and integrate with LWMC requirements for quality
management, health and safety, legal stipulations;

 Oversee compensation programs to ensure regulatory compliance and

competitive salary levels;

 Oversee the design and development of compensation strategy and programs;

 Oversee the administration of benefit programs to include: health,

retirement, death, disability, and unemployment;

 Evaluate and recommend improvements to benefit programs;

 Develop and coordinate grievances resolution and mediate workplace


 Evaluate procedures and technology solutions to improve human resources

data management;

 Recommend and maintain an organizational structure and staffing levels to

accomplish LWMC goals and objectives;

 Evaluate LWMC culture and provide recommendations on changes for

effective accomplishment of LWMC goals and objectives;

 Evaluate and recommend human resource outsourcing opportunities and

identify potential vendors;

 Develop and manage annual budgets for the HR department and perform
periodic cost and productivity analyses;

 Work with department heads and corporate staff to develop human resource
plans for LWMC;

 Establish and implement departmental goals, objectives, policies, and

procedures; and

 Other duties as assigned by the Managing Director or the Board of Directors.

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3.3.2 Manager HR

 Provide support to GM (HR&A)in the recruitment process of the new


 To maintain and develop HR systems and processes to address the effective

management of people in relation to the following in order to maintain
competitive advantage:

 Employee Offer Letters;

 Staff induction;

 Reward and recognition;

 Performance management;

 Staff retention;

 Management development / career development;

 Succession planning; and

 Competency building / mapping.

 Assist GM (HR&A) in the conduct of new employee orientations;

 Perform specific research/investigations into operational issues, as


 Prepare the necessary documentation which is necessary for the operation of

HR department;

 Provide advice, assistance and follow-up on LWMC policies, procedures, and


 Other duties as assigned by the GM (HR&A);

 Counseling and Guidance to provide support to GM (HR&A) in case of

disciplinary issues;

 Be responsible for corporate HR function;

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 Provide counsel and assistance to employees at all levels in accordance with

LWMC policies and procedures as well as relevant legislations;

 To facilitate / support the development of the team members;

 To recommend and ensure implementation of strategic directions for

personnel development within LWMC;

 Prepare the employment contracts;

 Responsible for all human resource activities to include employment,

compensation, labor relations, benefits, and training and development;

 To keep the record of all the employees of the LWMC in their personal files;

 To assist the GM (HR&A) in preparing the HR plan;

 To keep the attendance register of all employees of LWMC;

 Responsible for all human resource activities including employment,

compensation, labor relations, benefits, and training and development; and

 Prepare and maintain LWMC salary structure, job documentation, job

evaluation systems and complete salary survey questionnaires.

3.3.3 Assistant Manager HR

 Preparing necessary documents concerning induction and separation of the

personnel, creating the personal files and making the required legal
notifications on time;

 Prepare the salary slips of all employees at the month end;

 Maintaining the leave record of the employees in their personal files;

 Keeping the records and data regarding wages, overtime, leave permission
and reports;

 Preparing various reports required by other departments;

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 Preparing the attendance check chart concerning the entry and exit hours of
the personnel;

 Executing all the correspondences within and out of the company concerning
the department;

 Assist Manager HR to prepare the employment contracts;

 Maintaining employee files and the HR filing system;

 Assisting with the day-to-day efficient operation of the HR office;

 Forward the payroll sheets to the accounts department;

 Participating in the performance improvement programs;

 Other duties as assigned by the Manager HR &GM (HR&A).

3.3.4 Manager Administration

 Provide necessary support on administration matters to the GM (HR&A);

 Scheduling and organizing meetings and training programs;

 Responding to interoffice queries;

 Providing support to other departments.

 Analysis of the attendance and punctuality record.

 Responsible for proper physical management of fixed asset;

 Check log books of all company maintained vehicles on regular basis.

 Handling repairs and maintenance of the premises, vehicles and other

company assets;

 To manage all documentation including registrations, renewals of

registrations, licenses insurance, renewals, cancellations, claims.

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 To manage and lead the Admin team and ensure that all assigned functions to
each team member are properly performed, executed and delivered within
time frames.

 Deal with legal and Police matters and issues pertaining to Public Relations or
Communications including Employment Offers, Contracts, Labor procedures;

 Deal with fresh recruited employees needs such as office space, company
issued assets, access cards, etc.

 Manage travel and hotel bookings for official visits

 Plan and organize the Security System and deal with any special assignments
given by Management from time to time.

 Organize and coordinate activities such as awards, annual functions ,

presentations and conferences;

3.3.5 Assistant Manager Administration

 Maintaining insurance records related to employees and company assets

 Monitoring surveillance system maintaining inventory stocks.

 Properly maintaining the files of Admin related records for smooth operations
of department

 Designing and maintaining filing systems

 Ensure protection and security of files and records

 Transfer and disposal of files and records according to retention schedules

and policies

 Maintenance of office equipment.

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LWMC recognizes its staff as being fundamental to its success. A strategic and
professional approach to the recruitment processes will help enable LWMC to
attract and recruit staff with the necessary skills, qualification and attributes to
fulfill its strategic aims, and support LWMC values.

LWMC is committed to ensure that the recruitment and selection of staff is

conducted in a manner that is systematic, efficient and effective, and promotes
equality of opportunity. The hallmark of this policy will be to strictly follow the
merit in order to attract and recruit high caliber staff. .

The salient features of LWMC recruitment policy are:

 To ensure that recruitment processes are fit for the intended purposes;

 To recruit the best person for each position purely on merit;

 To ensure compliance with equal opportunities policy and relevant

employment legislation;

 To promote LWMC values; and

 To meet LWMC operational requirements and strategic aims.

4.1.1 Responsibility

The recruitment of the employees shall be the responsibility of the Human

Resource department.

a. Head of Department

Every department head within LWMC shall prepare their annual recruitment plan
identifying staffing needs of their respective departments and submit the same to
the GM (HR&A) (as mentioned in the Appendix-1). These will be prepared, as HR
plan, annually by the GM (HR&A) in line with the annual business plan of LWMC.

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b. GM (HR&A)

The GM (HR&A) shall be responsible for the preparation of annual recruitment plan
in line with the business plan incorporating the staffing needs of the respective
departments. The GM (HR&A) shall perform the following functions relating to the
recruitment of personnel:

 Issuing contracts of employment;

 Approval of segregation of duties and selection criteria;

 Finalizing the advertisement of positions;

 Provision of professional human resource advice;

 Recruitment training and development of Human Resource;

 Evaluating, monitoring and reporting on the recruitment process; and

 Ongoing improvement of the recruitment process.

4.1.2 Search Committee

The Search Committee shall be responsible for identifying, screening, checking

references and streamlining interview process for the candidates. .

4.1.3 Recruitment Procedures

The following procedures shall be followed in the recruitment process:

a. Need Assessment

i. A comprehensive need assessment provides a systematic way to

identify performance gaps, which can then provide substance and
direction for strategic HR department planning, including the
identification of performance improvement initiatives.

ii. Every Head of department shall make regular assessment of their area
of work and relevant workforce. They will inform HR department

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about their departmental human resource requirements in a formal

manner by sending their staffing requisition the format provided in
Appendix-1. HR department will meet these departmental
requirements according to the specific policies and procedures
described in this HR manual.

iii. HR Department shall develop recruitment plan which identifies

staffing needs of the representative departments of LWMC, the
desired qualifications and experience, skills and competencies needed
to meet the organizational goals.

iv. Needs within LWM C may be assessed at a high strategic level, a

departmental or functional level, a team or group level, or at the
individual level. Choosing an appropriate level of assessment is critical
to the effectiveness of the analysis.

v. All unanticipated staffing needs shall be identified by the department

heads and reported to the HR department as and when the need

b. Recruitment Process

i. The recruitment and selection process shall commence after a full

evaluation of the need for the role against the department‟s strategic
plans and budget has been completed by the HR department.

ii. The recruitment will be made taking into account LWMC need for new
ideas and approaches and shall support LWMC commitment to ensure a
diverse workforce,

iii. Recruitment shall form an integral part of the staffing strategy for
LWMC and should take account of the equal opportunities targets, by
incorporating „positive action‟ initiatives into the recruitment and
selection process.

iv. Each Head of department shall intimate the HR department in writing

about the staff requirements to perform the work effectively and

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efficiently and to achieve the mission and vision of LWMC. The GM

(HR&A) will evaluate the requisition of the department and start the
process for the recruitment of the required staff.

v. The recruitment process may be initiated by the HR department if any

one or more of the following events have occurred or are due to

 Departure (expiration of contract, resignation, termination,

dismissal or death of the employee);

 Termination of contract during or at the end of the probationary


 Transfer of a staff member to a different post within LWMC; and

 Creation of new posts.

4.1.4 Recruitment Method

a. Preparing the job description and personnel’s specification

GM (HR&A) shall be responsible for preparing job descriptions and personnel‟s

specifications for all vacancies. The respective heads of departments shall be
responsible for approving the job descriptions and personnel‟s specifications of

b. Approval

GM (HR&A) shall send the staffing request, job descriptions and personnel‟s
specifications to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for confirmation of budget
(funds) availability. After the confirmation, GM (HR&A) will forward it to the
Managing Director. GM (HR&A) shall initiate the recruitment process after the
approval by the Managing Director.

c. Preparing the advertisement

i. The contents of advertisement shall be consistent with the position

description and personnel specifications. Manager HR may write or

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edit advertisements and other support documentation in consultation

with department heads and will ensure that relevant legislative and
LWMC policy is adhered to.

ii. Care should be taken not to include any potentially discriminating

criteria (this also applies to the position description and personnel
specification). Age related terms such as mature, senior or junior
should be avoided. Job advertisements must accurately describe the
position. Deliberately misleading the potential employees can
seriously damage the repute of LWMC.

iii. Advertisements must be guided by LWMC equal opportunity employer

policy. No one should be excluded from consideration for a position for
which he/she is skilled and qualified as a result of inappropriate
processes, rules and attitudes. LWMC is firmly committed to the
principle of non-discrimination.

iv. The possibility of a vacancy being filled on a part-time or job share

basis should be made clear in advertisements where such flexibility is

v. The Job shall be advertised in both English and Urdu language

newspapers and placed on LWMC website.

vi. The advertisement should focus on:

 attracting the highly qualified personnel;

 elicit a positive response from an appropriate range of people;

 Demonstrate that LWMC is an equal opportunity employer.

 Designing the advertisement to make optimum utilization of

space and budget

vii. A salary range or an indication of the salary level for a position should
generally be included in advertisements but may be omitted where
genuine flexibility in salary levels is possible.

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viii. Where the position advertised is for a limited period, the fixed-term
for which it is available must be specified. Similarly if a position is not
full-time, an indication of the period involved should be included in
the advertisement.

ix. The Job advertisement should include the following at a minimum:

 The job title;

 The level of the position;

 The principal duties and responsibilities of the position;

 The skills, qualifications and experience;

 The essential and desirable selection criteria (taken from the job

 A direction to applicants to address each of the specified criteria

in their job application;

 The status of the position (i.e. continuing, fixed term, full-time,


 The closing date for receipt of applications;

 The availability of a specific application pack for the position

with a link to the appropriate website address; any website so
referenced should be checked to ensure it is up to date and

 Remuneration details; and

 Contact information.

Once the advertisement is finalized, the Manager HR shall send electronic

copies of the advertisement to Manager Communication for publication in the
newspapers and the LWMC web site. The draft of the advertisement is given
at Appendix-02

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d. Recruitment schedule

Before the recruitment commences, the HR department shall prepare a

recruitment schedule. This will help to ensure that timescales meet both parties'
requirements, are realistic and will enable interview dates to be communicated to

Interview and presentation dates, interview selection panel composition and

presentation venue shall be finalized at this stage. This is to ensure an effective
and timely recruitment process. Assistant Manager HR will communicate interview
dates to candidates.

e. Appointment by Invitation

The circumstances under which direct recruitment through invitation may be made
are summarized as follows:

 An existing staff member may be appointed to a new or different position

where to do so is a necessary part of restructuring or re-organization;

 An existing staff member may be redeployed (e.g. to resolve personal

difficulties) in a redundancy situation;

 An existing staff member may be transferred to a vacant position as a means

of rotating staff for staff development purposes; and

 Other justified exceptional circumstances include:

 The need to act quickly to secure a particular person with exceptional

talent and qualification;

 The need to appoint for a fixed-term of longer than one year where
specialist skills are required and not available within LWMC; and

 Requests to waive advertising procedures to appoint by invitation

require the approval of the Managing Director.

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f. Cost of Advertising

Costs vary substantially according to the placement and size of the advertisement.
The cost of external advertising shall be charged to the budget account code
provided in the chart of accounts. Print media costs are based on the number of
columns or size of advertisement in centimeters. Composite advertising helps to
reduce costs. Quotes for advertisements can be obtained by Manager
Communications to assist managerial decision-making provided that final copy is
available at least 2 days prior to the publication deadline.

g. Closing Dates

The closing date of the advertisement must allow sufficient time for applicants to
collect relevant information and submit an application. Longer periods will be
required where advertisements need to be placed in specialist journals that have
long lead times for publication or are published infrequently. The advertisement
should also indicate that only short listed candidates will be contacted.

h. Placement of Advertisements

External advertisements may be placed on appropriate internet sites, newspapers

or journals, depending on the nature of the position and the expected ease or
difficulty of securing an adequate number of candidates. GM (HR&A) will outline
the various options available and determine placement of advertisements.

i. Receipt of Applications

Applications in response to the advertisement shall be received by the HR

department where they shall be held in a secure area until the closing date. Only
short listed candidates shall be acknowledged promptly. This will ensure efficient
co-ordination of the recruitment process and appropriate notification to the short
listed candidates at the conclusion of the short listing process.


LWMC is committed to a systematic approach to selection in order to attract,

select and appoint the best staff through a fair and merit based process. GM

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(HR&A) shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with LWMC selection policy
and processes. The objectives of this policy are:

 To promote a transparent, flexible and legally compliant selection process for

staff positions that facilitates LWMC endeavors in seeking to attract, select
and appoint staff of the highest caliber;

 To respect the core and guiding values of selection process;

 To provide a reasonable pool of potential candidates;

 To ensure a consistent, fair and merit based approach in accordance with

equal opportunity employer policy and relevant employment legislation; and

 To maximize the effectiveness of LWMC recruitment and selection practices.

4.2.1 Accountability

i. The Selection Board comprising of the, GM (HR&A), Chief Financial Officer and
the department head in which the vacancy exist shall be responsible for:

 Ensuring the selection process is transparent and equitable;

 Managing the interview;

 Conveying verbal offer to preferred candidate;

 Providing feedback to applicants; and

 Providing HR with a record of all stages of the recruitment process,

including the reasons for selecting/rejecting each candidate.

ii. The HR department shall be responsible for the overall recruitment, selection
and induction process and will also perform the following functions:

 Making arrangements for the interviews;

 Issuing contracts of employment of selected candidates; and

 Evaluating, monitoring and reporting of the selection process.

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iii. The Manager Communication shall be responsible for arranging publication of

job advertisements on appropriate internet sites (including LWMC site),
newspapers or journals depending on the nature of the position and the
expected ease or difficulty of securing an adequate number of candidates.

4.2.2 Selection Procedures

The following procedure shall be followed to ensure a transparent selection


a. Short listing

After the receipt of applications and passing of the closing date, the applications
shall be scrutinized by the HR department.

The applications should be carefully scrutinized and only those meeting the
minimum criteria should be short listed. Wherever suitably qualified persons are
available there should not be any discrimination on account of their gender/
race/color/religion. A minimum of three (3) applicants shall be short-listed for
interviews for each vacancy.

HR department should ensure that short listing is carried out promptly so that all
short listed candidates can be notified within a week.

b. Short listing candidates against the selection criteria

The HR department shall be responsible for ensuring short listing is carried out by
at least two members of the selection board.

All candidates should be assessed and scored against the selection criteria listed in
the advertisement. A short list of candidates meeting the minimum criteria should
be prepared based on these scores.

I. Preparing for selection tests

The HR department in consultation with the department heads shall decide

whether or not candidates should undergo a test as part of the selection

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The HR department shall be responsible for ensuring that the selection test
is relevant to the applicant‟s qualification and job description, is valid and
a fair method of selection.

The HR department shall also be responsible for setting the test,

determining the test date in line with the agreed recruitment schedule,
booking the test venue and making any arrangements required for the
administration of the test.

II. Inviting candidates for interviews

The HR department shall be responsible to formally invite all short listed

candidates for interviews.

III. Interview date and venue

The HR department shall be responsible for setting the interview dates and
ensuring all interview selection board members are available on this date.
Normally this should be done at the planning stage and arrangements
finalized at short listing stage.

All department heads shall ensure that the HR department is given at least
three week's notice in advance to arrange interviews in line with the agreed

IV. Interview panel composition

An Interview panel, consisting of at least 3 members, shall be constituted to

conduct the interviews of the short listed candidates. The composition of
the Panel shall be determined on the basis of job position to be
interviewed. The formation of the panel shall be approved by the GM
(HR&A) in the case of staff, and MD in the case of Officers.

All interviews shall be structured. Two rounds of interviews (initial and

second) shall be conducted. The Assistant Manager HR shall arrange
photocopies of the relevant documents like interview evaluation sheet, job
description along with the CV and other credentials submitted by the

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candidates to distribute among the members of Interview Panel. Only the

candidates who stand qualified in the initial interview will be called for
second interview.

Call letters will be issued to the short listed candidates for second interview
giving notice of not more than 14 days from the date of the call letters. In
exceptional cases the recommendations of the panel will be accepted by
the GM (HR&A) and no second interview will be conducted in such cases.

Immediately following the final interviews, each panel member shall

independently rank the candidates before any discussion takes place amongst
them. The HR department shall collate the rankings and after mutual
discussion, the panel shall arrive at a consensus on their recommendation for
appointment of candidates on the prescribed number of post(s).

The interview panel shall obtain input regarding candidate‟s current and
expected salary and record it on the Interview Evaluation Sheet (as mentioned
in the Appendix-04). Each Member of the Interview Panel shall fill and sign the
Interview Evaluation Sheet separately in respect of each candidate.

If the panel decides that none of the candidate is found suitable for the job,
this information together with reasons shall be recorded on the Panel
Recommendation Form (as mentioned in the Appendix-05). In this case,
process shall start again through advertisement/ reference or search
through Placement Consultants.

The candidates with the highest rankings shall be given the first preference.
In case the number of recommended candidates exceeds the prescribed
number of posts, the HR department shall maintain a list of Reserve
Candidates comprising of those high ranking candidates who are in excess of
the selected candidates for the prescribed posts and who will be offered
employment in case selected candidate rejects the job offer or leaves
within 90 days after joining. The recommendation of the panel, together
with any other relevant information, for example, salary requirements,
shall be detailed on the Panel Recommendation Form (as mentioned in the
Appendix-05) and sent to the HR department.

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V. Changes to interview arrangements

If there are any late changes to the arrangements, with regard to venues or
timing, it is the responsibility of the HR department to inform all those
involved directly.

VI. Interview packs

The HR department will circulate an interview pack to the interview panel

at least a week before the interviews. The pack will include short listed
candidates' application forms, an interview schedule, job description and
personnel specification and related evaluation forms (Appendix-04).

VII. Interview questions

All interview questions must relate to the selection criteria and should be
prepared before the interview.

A preliminary discussion prior to the interviews should be held amongst the

panel members to approve the questions and to allocate broad areas of
questioning to each panel member.

c. Conducting interviews

The head of the interview panel shall ensure that the interviews are conducted
fairly, appropriately and according to schedule.

All the interviews, selection decisions (including the decision not to appoint) made
by the majority of the panel must be recorded for each candidate.

At least the three top candidates shall be recommended to the Selection Board
with an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate with salary

d. Selection of Candidates

This policy pertains to selection of candidates for all open positions to be filled by

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Final selection of candidates for management positions shall be made on merit by a

selection committee. The Committee shall consist of the Managing Director and the
GM (HR&A) whose function shall be to evaluate the recommendations of the
Interview Panel established under this policy and finalize the selection of the
candidates. The standard weightage criterion has been given in the interview
evaluation sheet (Apendix-9).

The selection of candidates for the position of General Manager and above shall be
made by the Board of Directors.

e. Non-appointment

If the interview panel is unable to agree on any candidate following a review of the
evidence obtained during the selection process against the selection criteria for
the post, the panel should refer the issue to the Managing Director.

Following consultation, Managing Director will decide whether:

 to re-advertise the vacancy or

 if GM (HR&A) should review applications for the vacancy including those

interviewed and meeting the selection criteria but not rejected

f. Successful candidates

The Selection Board shall inform the HR department by email of the outcome of
the interview and also send all the evaluation forms to the HR Department for
record. If there are any reserve candidates this should be clearly indicated, along
with any order of preference and conditions.

g. Offers of employment

The GM (HR&A) shall notify the successful candidate after the approval by the
Selection Board within a week (as mentioned in the Appendix-06).The offer letter,
when accepted, should be followed by an appointment letter (as mentioned in the

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h. Unsuccessful candidates

Following the completion of selection process, the HR department will notify

unsuccessful candidates in writing of the outcome of their application within a
week. This will normally occur after the successful candidate has accepted the
formal offer of employment. HR department would exercise care in communicating
with reserve candidates.

i. Staff Appointments

Appointments of staff may be made on contract or permanent basis depending

upon the position for which appointment is made. Employment will start from the
date mentioned in offer letter.

Reference Testing

Prior to issue of the offer letter, the HR Department shall send confidential letters
to the references provided by the candidates to check on the integrity and other
related matters of the prospective employee.


The Induction and Orientation policy reflects LWMC commitment to ensure that all
employees are properly inducted at their place of assignment and they are
acquainted with LWMC policies and procedures.

Orientation programs assist staff in understanding organization values, culture, and

as a result encourage commitment to the organization. As an ongoing process,
orientation begins during recruitment and selection, and continues as needed
throughout the individual‟s employment. The HR department shall support this
process with an orientation program for new staff members. This shall include the
introduction to the following:

 Nature of business operations

 Organizational Structure

 Core values, vision, mission and goals

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 Policies and rules including code of conduct and ethics

 Job Description which shall be discussed in detail by department head

 Helping employees understand their contribution in the organization including

expected behaviors and responsibilities.

4.3.1 Responsibility

It shall be the responsibility of the GM (HR&A) to introduce new staff with

immediate senior and departmental head. In turn the immediate senior shall
introduce the new entrant to their colleagues, and shall apprise the new employee
with regard to the function and procedure of the department. Wherever deemed
necessary, training shall also be imparted before assigning the new employee to
the place of duty.

a. Head of the Department

The head of department shall be responsible for ensuring that staff members are
properly inducted at each stage of the process.

Depending on the nature of the work, the head of the department may streamline
the induction process to make it more appropriate to the needs of the individual
and the organizational unit.

The head of the department shall also be responsible for briefing the staff member
on work expectations, especially probation requirements, helping them settle into
their new job and, in due course, completing their annual performance review.

b. GM (HR&A)

The GM (HR&A) shall be responsible for training the other staff within their
respective areas to help them in discharging their tasks as set out in the procedures
section of this policy.

4.3.2 Procedure

 The HR department shall be responsible to introduce fresh employees with

immediate senior and respective department heads. In turn the immediate
senior shall introduce the new entrant to their colleagues, and shall apprise

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the new employee with regard to the function and procedure of the
department. Wherever deemed necessary, training shall also be imparted
before assigning the new employee to the place of duty.

 The Head of Department shall assign orientation responsibility to an

employee, who shall be a senior peer from the department to welcome the
appointee personally and carry out the orientation process.

 Outline the general induction process, explain the relevant activities and
describe what the appointee will be expected to do to meet the

 Ensure that the appointee's workspace is ready to receive them when they

 Ensure that the appointee has all the equipment they need to commence the
job assigned.

 Assist the new employees to settle into their position, work environment and
begin to interact with the colleagues in connection with the job assigned.

 Arrange for the appointee to have a facilitated tour of the relevant work
area, including staff room, kitchen, toilets, photocopiers, printers, reception
area, etc.

 Discuss the position purpose, goals, progress and links to other areas/
positions introduction to first tasks and activities.

 The review after the completion of the Induction Period is essential and
should cover the following:

 Has the induction been beneficial?

 What were the strong areas?

 What were the weak areas?

 How did the Appointee feel about the program?

 How it can be improved for next time?

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i. A good probation process is vital to enable LWMC to provide the appropriate

level of support and learning to new employees. Probation is an extension of
the appointment process offers a period of mutual testing, during which
decisions on continuation of employment beyond the period of probation can
be made. During a period of probation, an employee shall be required to
demonstrate satisfactory performance of the duties and responsibilities
determined for the position.

ii. Probation involves close supervision and monitoring of an employee's

performance during the initial period of employment to establish whether
there is an appropriate match between the person, the job and the work
environment. There are special terms and conditions which apply in the
probationary period and these are outlined in this policy.

iii. Before the end of the probation period specified in the staff contract, a
decision must be made as to whether the staff member should continue in
employment with LWMC. In the event that the staff member cannot meet the
conditions of probation, the employment may be terminated. Alternatively the
period of the probation may be extended.

4.4.1 Responsibility

i. Human Resource department shall be responsible for developing, reviewing and

overseeing the implementation of the policy, procedures, guidelines and
portfolio template for probationary reviews, and establishing a probation review
committee to observe at each probation review and provide advice as needed.

ii. Concerned head of department /immediate supervisor is responsible for

managing the employee during the probationary period, including overseeing
induction, clarifying duties and expectations, setting objectives, assisting with
professional development, providing feedback, formal counseling on
performance and filling probation period completion report.

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iii. Immediate supervisor and head of department will review the performance of
the staff to determine whether or not to recommend to the Managing Director
that the person be retained for further contract.

The purpose of the Probation and Confirmation procedures is:

i. To provide the supervisor and employee a period of mutual assessment to

determine whether an appropriate match has been made between the
employee, their appointed position and the work environment through ensuring
that staff employed:

 Are skilled, motivated and productive in their position of employment,

 Have clear understanding of the probation procedures to be followed.

ii. To assess the capacity of the new employee to perform the job assigned to
them to a satisfactory standard.

iii. To ensure that all new employees receive adequate training in their role and
receive regular feedback on performance and opportunities to improve

iv. To ensure that the new employees have the requisite performance potential,
are imparted with all the basic trainings, have necessary skills and
competencies for the respective responsibilities and understanding of the work
environment, and to confirm the employment after satisfactory completion of
the probationary period.

v. To provide new employees with timely and relevant benefit information.

vi. To offer the employees a structural and congenial working environment;

vii. To enhance welfare of the employees to a level that provides the best job
satisfaction to the employees.

4.4.2 Probationary Period

Every LWMC employee shall be required to serve a mandatory probationary period

of ninety (90) days. If, during that period, the employee‟s work is unsatisfactory or it

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is determined that continued employment is not advisable, the employment will be

terminated. The probationary period may be extended upto another Ninety (90) days
under extenuating circumstances in consultation with the employee‟s immediate

An employee is not eligible to take paid leave, except for established LWMC
holidays, until successful completion of the probationary period. Leave does accrue
during the probationary period.

On successful completion of the probationary period the employee‟s status will

change to regular. Change from probationary status to regular status will be noted
in the employee‟s personal file through an office memorandum from the HR

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LWMC maintains a sound compensation management program for its employees

according to the value of their job and to reward individual employee performance
in an equitable manner that fosters motivation and high level of performances.

The objectives of the compensation management policies are to implement a

comprehensive remuneration strategy that commensurate to the employee
expectations; that is competitive in the market; that improves employee
motivation and assist LWMC in attracting and retaining quality staff members and
support staff necessary to meet LWMC organizational goals and foster efficient and
effective performance.


In support of LWMC‟s commitment to the principles of equal pay for work of equal
value, all salary offers shall be made within the standard incremental points of the
grade. The administration of salaries aims compensation at an equitable manner,
without any regard to employee race, color, age, sex, religion, marital status or

The salary management policies of LWMC are:

 To compensate employees according to the value of their job relative to its

sensitivity and importance;

 To reward individual employee performance.

 To provide an equitable and systematic means of compensating its various

categories of employees in relation to their assigned duties and
responsibilities and, as much as possible, recognize differences in individual
performance levels. Further, it is the policy of LWMC that salary
administration practices and compensation levels shall be competitive with
those in like organizations for comparable job categories.

 To attract the best qualified people available to achieve the organization‟s


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 To motivate and stimulate employees to achieve a high level of performance.

5.1.1 Responsibility

 The department heads shall be responsible for attesting the employee‟s

performance of duties and leaves.

 The HR department shall be responsible for calculation of the time worked

and forwarding payroll to the accounts department.

 The Accounts department shall be responsible for payment of salaries to the


5.1.2 Salary Grade

Each employee position shall have a job description and each job description shall
have a grade. For each grade, a salary range shall be established.

The minimum and maximum of all salary scales shall be reviewed and adjusted
annually in accordance with salary policy announced by LWMC from time-to-time.
The Salary shall comprise of Basic Salary 65%, house rent 25% and utilities 10%.

The present salary grid (gross) for the management grade is as follows:

Grades Designations Minimum Maximum

M-1 Managing director 280,000 724,450

M-2 Deputy Managing Director/COO 230,000 595,050

M-3 Senior General Manager 200,000 517,450

M-4 General Manager/CFO 150,000 420,930

M-5 Deputy General manager 120,000 388,100

M-6 Senior Manager 90,000 232,800

M-7 Manager 60,000 155,250

M-8 Deputy Manager 40,000 103,450

M-9 Assistant Manager 20,000 51,750

M-10 Executive 16,000 24,000

M-11 Officer 10,000 20,000

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The present salary grid (gross) for the other staff is as follows:

Grades Designations Minimum Maximum

S-10 Assistant Accountant

S-9 Sub Engineer

S-8 Steno Typist

S-7 Loader Operator






S-1 Sanitary Jamadar

5.1.3 Salary Increment

Annual salary increment for the staff shall be subject to the performance appraisal
process, which is described in detail in section on Performance Management, of
this manual.

The performance of the employees shall be appraised by the head of the

department. If the performance is satisfactory and up to the standard criteria and
job description then upon the recommendation of the Head of Department and
final approval of the Managing Director, the increment shall be allowed.

5.1.4 Disbursement of salaries

An employee shall receive a salary that is at least equal to the minimum of the
salary scale for the job description.

The normal starting salary at the time of employment shall be the minimum of the
scale for the job description.

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An employee may be offered a starting salary higher than the minimum of the
salary scale. Any such offer shall require the prior approval of the Managing
Director and the GM (HR&A) in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer.

All employees shall be paid on a monthly basis on the last working day of each
month through bank transfer.

The Accounts department shall pay salaries to employees after deduction of any
advance, contribution by the employee to any funds, income tax (where
applicable), and any other deductions.

5.1.5 Salary Advances from Current Month’s Pay

The following procedure shall be followed in relation to salary advances for staff:

 The Chief Financial Officer shall review the request filed by an employee
for an advance on current month‟s pay.

 The amount of advance shall be deducted from the current month‟s pay
unless specifically requested approved from the next month.


The rules and procedures for reimbursement of travel expenses by LWMC are
defined hereunder:

a. Payment

 LWMC will reimburse the individual which has paid the traveling expenses, all
necessary and reasonable travel expenses incurred for the business of LWMC.
LWMC will not pay expenses that have been or will be paid or reimbursed by an
outside source.

 The reimbursement requests of employees shall be approved by department


 Travel reimbursement requests of Senior Officers will be reviewed and

approved by the Managing Director.

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 If employees use their own conveyance for traveling on LWMC approved

business, the reimbursement will be on mileage basis and the rate for
reimbursement for mileage expenses will be set by the GM (HR&A) in
consultation with the CFO according to their category classification.

Category Classification Scales Division

1st Category M-1 to M-3
2nd Category M-4 to M-6

3rd Category M-7 to M-9

4th Category S-7 to S-10

5th Category S-4 to S-6

6th Category S-1 to S-3

b. Allowable Travel Expenses

The travel expenses shall be allowed on actual basis and will include:

 Travel cost or mileage (if using a personal conveyance)

 Room rent

 Official telephone call

 Food or Daily Allowance

 Other applicable taxes

Expenses which are categorized under luxury facility i.e. room service, food bar
expenses, etc will not be reimbursed.

Any item not specifically addressed above in this policy is not allowed as a LWMC
travel expense.

LWMC at its own discretion may allow the daily allowance to the staff in which case
the reimbursements for food and other expenses shall not be made.

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Category Journey:By Air Journey :By Road
By Rail
Economy Class
1st Category Not Applicable Official vehicle.
Official vehicle. In case
personal car is being used
mileage allowance up to
Economy Class
2nd Category Not Applicable Rs. 10 per Km or
reimbursement on
production of actual bill
whichever is less
Official vehicle (on prior
approval) Public Ac
Coaches , personal vehicle
Economy Class
3rd Category Not Applicable (on prior approval)
reimbursement on
production of bill or Rs 10
per km whichever is less
Public transportation for
If deemed
which actual
necessary by
4th Category Economy Class reimbursement will be
the higher
made on production of
Public transportation for
If deemed
which actual
necessary by
5th Category Economy Class reimbursement will be
the higher
made on production of
Public transportation for
If deemed
which actual
necessary by
6th Category Economy Class reimbursement will be
the higher
made on production of

c. Local Conveyance Allowance

Conveyance Allowance: Conveyance Allowance:

By Car By Motorcycle
Official vehicle. In case
personal car is being used
1st Category mileage allowance Rs. 10 N/A
per Km or reimbursement
on production of actual bill

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Conveyance Allowance: Conveyance Allowance:

By Car By Motorcycle
whichever is less
Official vehicle. In case
personal car is being used
mileage allowance Rs. 10
2nd Category N/A
per Km or reimbursement
on production of actual bill
whichever is less
Official vehicle. In case personal Motorcycle (on prior
personal car is being used approval) reimbursement on
mileage allowance up to Rs. production of bill or Rs 4 per km
3rd Category 10 per Km or whichever is less
reimbursement on
production of actual bill
whichever is less
If deemed necessary by the personal Motorcycle (on prior
higher authority approval) reimbursement on
4th Category
production of bill or Rs 4 per km
whichever is less
If deemed necessary by the personal Motorcycle (on prior
higher authority approval) reimbursement on
5th Category
production of bill or Rs 4 per km
whichever is less
If deemed necessary by the personal Motorcycle (on prior
higher authority approval) reimbursement on
6th Category
production of bill or Rs 4 per km
whichever is less

d. Advance for travel expenses

 Employees may take the advance amount to meet travel expenses up to 90%
of the estimated amount.

 No new advance will be provided to a staff member who has not cleared a
previous advance by submitting an adjusting voucher setting out the details
of expenditure. On such occasions where the approving authority is satisfied
that employee would be unduly inconvenienced by, further advances may be

 Advances will not normally be paid more than one week before departure.

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e. Air Travel (Domestic)

 Employees after the permission of the Managing Director will be allowed to

travel by air for the official LWMC duties.

 Employees are allowed to travel by air in the economy class.

f. Air Travel (Foreign)

 Employee will be allowed to travel by air for foreign official visit.

 Employees are allowed to travel by air in the economy class.

g. Daily Allowance (Local)

Classification Ordinary

1st Category 2000/-

2nd Category 1000/-

3rd Category 800/-

4th Category 500/-

5th Category 220/-

6th Category 200/

h. Daily Allowance (foreign)

Classification Ordinary

1st Category US $100

2nd Category US $ 75

3rd Category US $ 75

i. Room Rent

Hotel accommodation charges in the following cases mean actual room rent charges
plus mandatory taxes like bed tax, GST, etc. Charges like mini bar, laundry,
telephone etc will be borne by the employee. Any other charges related to the

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official visit can be reimbursed on production of actual bills provided these

services/goods have contributed directly in the efficiency of the official assignment.

Classification Accommodation

1st Category Five star hotels

2nd Category Four star hotels

3rd Category Four star hotels

4th Category Three star hotels

5th Category Three star hotels

6th Category Three star hotels


The policy and procedures for reimbursement of fuel costs to all regular
management employees of LWMC as per their entitlements are defined in this
section. The terms and conditions for reimbursement are subject to change from
time to time at the sole discretion of the Company.

Monthly Usage Limits

The monthly limits of fuel consumption by the following grades of employees shall

Designation/Grade Liters/Month
M-1 As per actual
M-2 As per actual
M-3–4 300

 The monthly consumption of fuel shall be calculated and compared on the

basis of aggregate annual consumption of fuel by an employee.GM (HR&A)
shall review actual consumption versus annual consumption limit of an
employee on a monthly basis and shall inform the employee when the annual
limit is exceeded.

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 If during a year claim of an employee exceeds the annual limit due to genuine
business reasons like business trips, etc. the employee shall obtain approval
from his concerned General Manager or the MD as the case may be, either in
the particular month or at the yearend in case the monthly claim exceeds the
total annual limit at the end of the year.

a. Claim and Reimbursement Process

Employees incurring expenditure shall submit claim on the Standard Expense

Claim Form to the Finance Department along with actual receipts.


5.4.1 Responsibility

The GM (HR and Admin) and concerned department head shall be responsible for
authorizing the mobile phone allocation.

a. Entitlement

Employees shall be provided with the Mobile Phones for business purposes, in
accordance with the LWMC‟s decision and the nature of employee‟s job. Generally
the mobile phones shall be provided to General Managers, Senior Managers and other
employees with the approval of their Department Heads Monthly Usage Limits

Following limits on the phone usage and phone specifications shall apply:

International Monthly Telephone

Designation Usage
Roaming Facility Limit Set
Personal &
Managing Director Yes Unlimited Executive
Personal &
General Managers Yes 5,000 Executive
Personal &
Senior Managers Yes 3,500 Standard
Personal &
Managers Yes 2,000 Standard
Personal & Standard
Lower Staff No 1,000
Pool Use No Unlimited Business Economy

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 If during the year the official mobile usage exceeds the annual limit due to
genuine business reason such as foreign calls etc, the employee shall obtain
approval for excess usage from the concerned Department Head.

 The Officers who are entitled to the LWMC allocated Mobile Phones and also
have their own personal Mobile sets or numbers shall continue to use their
personal mobile phones for LWMC business can claim official calls from the
LWMC with the approval of concerned Department Head.

 The Company shall allocate six (6) Mobile phones for Pool use which shall be
allocated to any employee for company business.

 The Pool mobile phones shall be available with the Manager Administration and
can be obtained on submission of requisition with appropriate prior notice.

 All users are expected to take care of mobile phones for any damage, misuse,
loss or theft.

b. Responsibilities of Users of Mobile Phone

 In case the mobile phone set is stolen, misplaced or lost, the report of the
same shall immediately be made to the cellular company for the blockage of
SIM under intimation to Manager Administration. The Company shall lodge a
claim with the insurance Company if its risk is covered under an insurance
policy. If the employee is found responsible, the price of the mobile phone
shall be recovered from him/ her.

 The Company has the right to impose any further penalties in case of a gross


Dependable and prompt attendance is an essential requirement for every staff

position at LWMC. The efficiency of the entire work group is impaired if all
individuals are not present when expected. Planned absences such as vacations
should be scheduled in advance. Unscheduled absences and tardiness are particularly
disruptive and must be kept to an absolute minimum. It is the policy of LWMC to

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keep proper record of attendance of the employees and the employees are required
to follow this policy as LWMC places high importance to punctuality and discipline.

5.5.1 Responsibility

 The department head shall be responsible for observing daily attendance and
timing of employees under his/her jurisdiction.

 HR department shall be responsible for keeping the time records,

implementation of timekeeping and attendance policy and to monitor

5.5.2 Marking attendance

i. Manual attendance

Every employee must mark attendance in the particular attendance

register placed at the department or place of work. The HR department
shall be responsible for safe custody of attendance register.

ii. Electronic attendance

Every employee shall go through the electronic equipment installed at

designated points. The database of the attendance shall be stored in the
HR department.

5.5.3 Attendance and Punctuality

Every employee shall ensure punctuality and be available at the place of duty.
However, depending on the requirement and nature of job the HR department may
devise a system of attendance for the field staff.

5.5.4 Office Timings

Monday to Friday 0900 hrs to 1700 hrs with 45 minutes lunch break.

Lunch Break on Friday will be 90 minutes.

Saturday 0900 hrs to 1400 hrs without break.

Sunday Office shall be closed on Sundays.

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5.5.5 Operational Staff Timing

Operational staff timing will be according to the schedule prepared by Operations


5.5.6 Attendance Policies

Every employee shall be required to record his/her attendance on a daily basis

irrespective of the designation and department. The employees are required to record
their Time-In and Time-Out. HR Department will monitor discrepancies, if any.

Daily attendance shall be governed by the following policies:

 A tolerance level of + 15 minutes shall be exercised with respect to the

scheduled timings [Starting Time+15 min].

 If an employee is late, he/she shall present a written explanation to HR

department approved by his/her supervisor on the same day before 1 pm or
very next day incase of supervisor is on leave.

 If an employee is late by more than 15 minutes for 3 days at random in a

week, he/she shall give a written explanation to his/her department head. If
the explanation is not found to be satisfactory, one day‟s salary shall be
deducted from his/her pay at the end of the month.

 If an employee is late by more than 15 minutes for 7 days consecutively or at

random in a month, he/she shall give a written explanation to the
department head. If the explanation is not found to be satisfactory, one day‟s
salary for every three days of coming late shall be deducted from his or her
salary at the end of the month.

 Any absence from duty must have prior approval from the department head.
It will be the responsibility of the employee to obtain the prior approval.

 Any unauthorized absence from duty shall be recorded and investigated by

the department head. Where no satisfactory reason is established, the matter
shall be forwarded to GM (HR&A).

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 Employees are required to plan their work and time allocation to finish their
work within office timings.

 The field staff shall report for duty at their respective locations according to
the time schedules.

5.5.7 Break during Working hours

Any employee seeking absence from the normal workplace during normal working
hours must obtain prior written authority using the Performa at Appendix - 14.

5.5.8 Publication of Holidays and Weekly Off Days

Festivals, National and other Gazetted Holidays and Weekly Off days under the
provisions of the labor laws and LWMC policies, shall be displayed, in English and
Urdu, on the Notice Board of LWMC, in July each year.

5.5.9 Overtime

Employees falling within grades S 1-5 only shall be eligible for overtime pay for the
time worked in excess of fifty working hours per week. Time off on personal time,
holidays, or any leave of absence shall not be considered hours worked when
calculating overtime.

Overtime work shall be approved by the Departmental Head prior to being

performed. No employee shall receive credit for overtime hours worked without
the consent of his/her supervisor.

The Departmental/Sectional Head's signature, as the case may, on a timesheet

shall authorize compensation for overtime hours worked.

Employees shall not refuse to work overtime at any time and on any day to meet
exigencies of service.

Compensation for overtime worked shall be in the form of one day off for every 8
hrs of accumulated overtime on the days specified by the management when the
work load is relatively less. In case the management is unable to provide the day
off, overtime shall be paid to the employee at the rate of twice of the daily rate.

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This section sets out the procedures for granting various types of leaves that an
employee is entitled to. LWMC encourages its employees to take break from work
as this provides for a healthy and efficient work force.

5.6.1 Annual Leave

Annual leave is an important part of work life balance; equally the good
management of annual leave by the individual is essential to health and safety of
employee and LWMC.

The annual leave for employees shall be earned, used, and dispensed as set forth in
accordance with this policy and procedures.

Entitlement of annual leave applies to all regular employees of LWMC. The

employees under probation are not entitled for sick and causal leaves. Contractual
staff and daily wagers shall be allowed leave as per their individual agreements.

All department head shall encourage and plan that all employees working under
them avail annual leaves. The department heads where applicable shall submit a
tentative annual leave schedule to the HR department. Responsibility

Each departmental head will receive the leave application, and after approval shall
forward it to HR Department. Procedure

a. Notification

Employees shall apply for annual leave on the pre-printed application form as
mentioned in the Appendix-14 and shall submit the application to department head,
who shall forward the request to the HR Department.

b. Grant of Leave

All regular employees are entitled to one and a half day leave for every calendar
month of completed service i.e., eighteen (18) days annual paid leave during a year.

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However the Managing Director in case of emergency may require members to

devote at least part of their vacation for some specific work or assignment. In such
cases, the annual leave shall be adjusted accordingly.

c. Benefits during Leave

All leaves will be considered paid leaves up to the extent of total granted leaves
(i.e.18 days).

d. Calculation

All leaves will be calculated on the basis of fiscal year (July 01 through June 30) and
may be carried forward to the maximum of one year (accumulated upto 2 years). For
the purposes of calculation of the leave entitlement, an employee joining before the
15th of the month will be entitled to one and half days leave for that month and the
one joining between 15th and 20th shall be entitled to one day while those joining
after 20th shall not be entitled to any leave.

e. Leave encashment

Subject to the approval of the management the un-availed annual leave may be en-
cashed, after the employee has completed one year of service, or adjusted against
the notice period in cases where the employee has tendered his/her resignation.

5.6.2 Maternity Leave

The female employees shall be granted leave to cover a specified period of time
during pregnancy and child birth. Procedure

a. Notification

Female employees shall apply in advance for this leave on the pre-printed
application as mentioned in the Appendix-14. To the department head, who, shall
forward the request to the HR Department after approval.

b. Grant of Leave

On receipt of formal application, the female employees shall be allowed Sixty (60)
days maternity leave.

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Only in exceptional cases, subject to an authentic validated medical certificate from a

practicing medical doctor, leave may be extended for Ninety days (90) days. Thirty
(30) working days of extended leave shall be on half pay. Only the head of department
can grant the extension and confirmation to that effect shall be in writing.

Maternity leaves are not allowed in the period of probation.

c. Benefits during leave

During the maternity leave period, an employee will be granted leave on:

Full Pay: Only twice during an employee‟s entire service;

Half Pay: On third occasion;

Without Pay: On all subsequent occasions.

5.6.3 Casual Leave

Casual leave with full pay may be granted to employees for a maximum of Ten (10)
days in a calendar year subject to certain conditions. Procedures

a. Grant of Leave

All employees shall have TEN (10) working days casual leave per annum. However,
only a maximum of three (3) days casual leave can be taken at any one time.
General conditions relating to casual leave are:

 Cannot be combined with other types of leave;

 Cannot be accumulated;

 If attached to a weekend, the casual leave can be availed only in prefix/suffix

otherwise the days of weekend will be included in the casual leave.

 The casual leave requested for in excess of prescribed period shall be treated
as leave without pay.

b. Entitlement

All employees are entitled after probation period to casual leaves.

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c. Benefits during Leave

All applications for casual leaves will be entertained upto available balance in
employees leaves account. The casual leave requested in excess of prescribed period
shall be treated as leave without pay.

d. Calculation

All leaves will be calculated on the basis of fiscal year (July 01 through June 30).

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5.6.4 Sick Leave Procedure

a. Notification

All employees are responsible to inform their respective department heads of their
intended or unintended sick leaves. All staff members must apply in writing to their
respective department heads informing of his/her intention to take sick leave and
the tentative commencement date of the sick/medical leave. The application shall
be submitted to departmental head, who will forward it to HR Department after

b. Grant of Leave

All employees shall be entitled to 12 days sick/medical leave for each year of
service. If an employee requires additional sick/medical leave than he/she has
earned at the time of illness, the employee shall then use his/her available casual
leave balance.

If an employee is absent from the work for three (3) or more than three (3) days,
LWMC will require a medical certificate from a licensed Physician/Medical Doctor
indicating the reason for leave, the need for additional leave and the expected date
of employee‟s return to work.

c. Benefits during Leave

Sick leave applications with pay will be entertained up to the employee‟s available
balance of sick leave and casual leave. In case sick leave and casual leave balance is
not available then the leave shall be counted as leave without pay.

d. Calculation

All leaves will be calculated on the basis of fiscal year (July 01 through June 30).

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5.6.5 Extraordinary Leave Procedure

Extraordinary leave for study abroad or special training is permissible under the
following circumstances:

 Employee has completed at least three (3) years of service in LWMC.

 Can be granted up to maximum period of one (1) year.

 These will be without pay and no benefits will accrue to the employee during
this period.

a. Grant of Leave

 The employee shall apply for this leave on the pre-printed application as
mentioned in the Appendix-14.

 The employee will get the application recommended from his/her head of

 The departmental head will forward it to HR Department for the approval of the
GM (HR&A).

b. Study Leave Sponsored by the Company

A staff member sponsored for study I training leave by the company, will be
governed by the specific agreed conditions under the provisions of the course nature
and arrangements with the course institutions with signing of bond agreement.

c. Resignation during Leave without Pay

The staff member, who resigns during leave without pay, will be entitled to benefits
as if he resigned at the commencement of the leave without pay. Any other special
conditions applicable under the 'Bond' if signed by the staff will apply additionally.

Resignation by staff member after up to 6 months after resuming duty after such
leave will be consider as resigning during leave for al accruable financial entitlement
except monthly salaries paid on regular basis.

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d. Termination during leave without Pay

The applicant on "Leave without Pay" is supposed to report back on due time, as well
as keep the employer informed about his/her contact. On no return on time, the
services will stand automatically terminated w.e.f. the date of employee's preceding
on leave and the employer will subsequently issue the notification to this effect.

5.6.6 Public Holidays Responsibility

GM (HR&A) will circulate a list of public holidays to all head of departments and also
place the same on the notice board. List of Public holidays

LWMC observes all public and gazette holidays listed below;

Name of Holiday Date

Eid-ul-Fitr Subject to appearance of moon

Eid-ul-Azha Subject to appearance of moon

Ashoura Subject to appearance of moon

Eid Milad-un-Nabi Subject to appearance of moon

Kashmir Solidarity Day February 05

Pakistan Day March 23

May Day May 01

Independence Day August 14

Iqbal Day November 09

Birthday of Quaid-e-Azam December 25

5.6.7 Hajj Leave Procedure

 Employees with minimum three year service shall be eligible for Hajj
pilgrimage leaves.

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 Employees will apply for the leave on the pre-printed form.

 Employee to get the application approved from his/her head of the

department and to forward it to the HR Department.

 GM (HR&A) will grant the leave if the employee has not already availed such
leave during his service.

 This leave may be granted on the approval of GM (HR&A) subject to maximum

of forty (40) days.

a. Benefits during Leave

An employee may avail forty (40) days of Hajj leaves in entire service period.

5.6.8 Short Leaves Procedure

 Employee will apply for the leave on the pre-printed form as mentioned in
the Appendix-14.

 Employee will get the application approved from the respective department
head and then forward it to the HR Department.

 This leave may be granted on the approval of the head of the department.

 If an employee is late for more than fifteen (15) minutes, then he/she will
have to apply for the short leave.

 Short leave can only be availed under unavoidable circumstances but for not
more than two (2) hours. If in case employee needs leave for more than two
(2)hours maximum up to three (3) and half hours, it will be considered as a
half day leave.

 In case the total number of short leave hours reaches up to eight (8) hours in
a month, one day casual leave shall be reduced from his/her leave balance.
Short leave‟s record shall be maintained by the HR Department.

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 Short leave benefits are not available during the probation period. However,
the head of the department in consultation with the GM (HR&A), under
certain circumstances, may approve time off (sick, causal and short leaves) at
his/her discretion.

5.6.9 Compensatory Leaves Procedure

a. Notification

All employees shall apply for this leave on the pre-printed application form. This
application should be submitted to each employee‟s departmental head, who then
forwards the request to the HR Department. Application for Compensatory Leave
must be submitted within twelve (12) hours before the commencement of the

b. Grant of Leave

One day compensatory leave with full pay will be awarded in case the employees
worked for eight (8) hours on a holiday.

5.6.10 Leave Record

Leave record will be maintained centrally by Human Resources Department. The

management has also nominated resource persons who will be responsible for
maintaining and furnishing monthly personnel record to the H.R Department

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LWMC shall set up provident fund for all its employees, except daily wagers or any
other employees who are on contract for six months or less. The new employees
shall be entitled to this benefit on completion of their probation period. The decision
as to the nature of the trust and the policy and procedures for maintenance of the
Provident Fund Trust shall be developed by GM (HR & A).

6.1.1 Procedure

LWMC and the employee shall contribute to the provident fund at the rate of ten
(10) percent of basic salary, in equal proportion. All provident fund contributions
made by an employee shall remain his/her property.

The contributions made by LWMC on behalf of an employee are subject to following


 The provident fund contribution shall be deducted from the employee‟s pay
and deposited in the provident fund account together with equal contribution
from LWMC.

 The contributions made by LWMC shall vest in the provident fund account of an
employee after probation period of continuous employment with LWMC.

 If employee leave his/her position with LWMC prior to the conclusion of the one
(1) year vesting period, he/she will only be entitled to receive the
contributions he/she has made to the provident fund account along with
accrued markup .

 If an employee takes an unpaid leave of absence during that one (1) year
period, his/her vesting calendar shall pause during the leave of absence and
only restart when he/she returns to full time employment with LWMC.

 In case of termination of contract, the employee shall receive his/her provident

fund after obtaining clearance from all departments as part of final settlement.

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a. Benefits

Followings are benefits covered under this policy:

At the time of retirement

LWMC employee will receive a lump sum amount from provident fund including:

 All of personal contributions,

 The contributions made by LWMC, on behalf of employee and

 All accumulated income credited to his provident fund account.

In the case of death

The employee‟s nominated beneficiary will receive his/her provident fund proceeds

 All LWMC belongings in his/her possession at time of death are returned to

LWMC, and

 All personal belongings are removed from LWMC premises.

b. Advances secured by Provident Fund

The following procedure shall apply in this regard:

 The staff shall obtain written approval of the department head & GM (HR&A)
before requesting a provident fund secured advance.

 If an employee with loan secured by the provident fund leaves LWMC prior to
full payment of this advance, the balance shall be deducted from that
employee‟s provident fund account.

 80% of the balance standing to the credit of employee‟s account in the

provident fund may be drawn as advance.


The purpose of bonus policy is to ensure that the recommendations, the approval
and payment of bonuses are applied in a fair and consistent manner in accordance

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with the LWMC‟s overall remuneration strategy and structure, and its employment

Any Employee who has completed at least 180 days service with LWMC
(Leavers/Joiners) during the year shall be entitled for consideration for bonus.
Unpaid leave is considered as non-active employment period and shall be excluded
for the purpose of bonus calculation.

Bonus shall be paid according to performance of the management employees at the

sole discretion of the Management. Employees dismissed on disciplinary grounds shall
not be entitled to bonus payment.

6.2.1 Procedure

The executive committee shall recommend the general bonus for the permanent

The MD shall recommend the performance bonus for the management employees.

6.2.2 General Bonus

Award of bonus shall be at the discretion of the Management.

 The Executive Committee consisting of the MD, CFO and all the General
Managers shall consider and recommend whether or not a bonus is to be paid to
the employees falling in staff category (grade S-1 to S-XX).Subject to the
recommendations of the Executive Committee, all permanent employees in this
category are entitled for the bonus. The final decision for payment of bonus
rests with the Board of Directors.

 The Executive Committee may also recommend special onetime bonus for a
particular category of staff on various occasions or special engagements. This
type of bonus shall be approved by the Board of Directors.

6.2.3 Performance Bonus

 Performance bonus shall be based on the individual performance of executives

and management employees as may be assessed in section 9.4 - Performance

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 The MD shall recommend the amount of performance bonus in consultation

with the GM (HR&A) and the CFO.

 For all management employees, the performance bonus may be determined on

the following basis:

 Management employees with exceptional performance.

 Management employees exceeding expectations,

 Management employees meeting expectations


This policy provides for the mechanism to regulate the use of pool transport
facility at LWMC for business use, non-business use and for streamlining
requests involving LWMC Transport and other arrangements.

This policy shall cover all company transport matters including provisions
related to vehicles provided to officers for their personal use and all LWMC
staff for business or private use.

6.4.1 Responsibility

i. The Manager Administration shall be responsible for ensuring proper

implementation of and compliance with this policy.

ii. The Departmental Managers shall be responsible for forwarding the

requests after scrutiny to ensure that the requests are justified and
are in accordance with the policy.

iii. The Administration Section shall be responsible for day to day matters
relating to transport operations.

iv. Requisitions for transport for official business journeys by officers or

staff that have not been provided with the official vehicles.

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6.4.2 Procedures

i. Requisition Form

A requisition shall be introduced which provides comprehensive

information to make proper planning/arrangement of transport and
facilitates both Administration section and the requisitioner. Please
refer to Appendix-23

ii. Business Journeys

 All journeys required by LWMC, which involves no personal use

shall be treated as official business. It equally applies to all LWMC
Officers and Staff.

 Pool Transport shall be provided to all officers, Staff and LWMC

guests on official business journeys, except to those officers who
have been provided with Company maintained cars. Where a pool
vehicle is not available the Administration Section shall arrange an
alternate vehicle depending on the urgency of the request.

iii. Requesting Transport

 The requisition for pool transport shall be submitted to the

Administration Section giving reasonable time prior to start of
journey to enable the Administration Section to arrange a suitable
vehicle for the journey. In case of emergency short notice can be
given with proper justification.

 Requisitions for pool transport shall be approved by the Manager


 In case of emergency, the Transport Officer/Supervisor shall use

his/her judgment to allow the transport depending on the
availability of vehicle/ driver. However, the officer or staff
requesting transport vehicle shall file the requisition explaining
the emergency, which shall be approved as above, as soon as
possible after the journey.

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iv. Availability and Use of Transport

a. The Transport department shall make the transport available on

time, at the desired point and properly filled with fuel; tyre
pressure checked and in full road worthy condition for the journey
and the user shall not be made to face any delay or disturbance.

b. Drivers shall be polite, punctual and courteous within the

framework of their duty and shall always obey reasonable
instructions of the user. In turn the users are also advised to use
the transport for the specified purpose only.

c. The Requester shall be ready for journey at the time noted in the
requisition and return the vehicle within the specified time so that
the next requester/journey should not suffer unreasonably.

d. In case there is any problem with the transport e.g. the driver fails
to reach desired meeting point at the requested time with the
vehicle, the requester shall wait for a reasonable time and then
check with security gate in the first instance and then call the
Assistant Manager Administration or the person deputed to look
after the transport arrangements who shall immediately help the

e. No person other than the approved driver shall be authorised to

drive the pool vehicle particularly where LWMC driver has been
requested and provided by the Administration Section.

f. Drivers shall strictly observe the speed limits, traffic rules and
safe route; users are not expected to instruct the driver to the

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g. All officers and staff shall strictly use the transport for specific
purpose. Any unauthorised personal use shall result in disciplinary
action against the individual.

h. No direct instructions or phone calls shall be made to

drivers/helpers by the requisitioner. In case of any query/request,
following persons may be contacted:

a) Transport Supervisor

b) Assistant Manager Admin

c) Manager Admin

v. General Rules

a. Officers having been provided with company maintained cars shall

not be allowed to use pool transport in any case for private and
business journeys except in case of entire emergency where an
officer having company maintained car can avail pool car :

1. Pool car will be arranged upon availability in case of entire

emergency where officer‟s car is unavailable or is not able
for journey due to some repair, malfunctioning, etc.

2. The fuel tank of pool car in such cases will be filled by driver
at start of journey and on return the same will be again filled
by the officer availing the facility.

3. In case the facility is availed for drop purpose only the driver
will get the fuel filled and the bill slip will be required to pay
by the officer availing facility. In such case officer will
provide the driver estimated amount.

4. The concerned officer can get this paid amount reimbursed

from his monthly fuel entitlement.

5. All such requisition will be forwarded to Manager

Administration for approval along with details regarding
reason for unavailability of officer‟s car and nature of

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vi. Maintenance of Log Books

Each pool car shall be provided with a Vehicle Log Book. This shall be
maintained up to date at all times. Each user of the vehicle shall state
the purpose of use, the duration in Kms, the meter reading at the
start and end of the journey and sign at the place provided for this
purpose. (Appendix 24)

The driver of the pool car will ensure that all filling of fuel is recorded
along with the meter reading. Similarly all maintenance carried out on
the vehicle is recorded and that the same is verified by the Admin
department. (Appendix-25).

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The section provides the guidelines regarding counseling, performing separation

activities, the recording of separation data and the calculation of final payment.


 The employee shall submit his/her resignation letter in writing to the Head of
Department at least 30 days in advance from the date the employee seeks to
be relieved from his professional and contractual obligation, as an employee of
LWMC. The employment of employees on probation can be terminated on three
(3) days notice by either party. Head of the Department shall forward the
resignation to GM (HR&A) for approval.

 When an employee is separated from LWMC, it shall be the responsibility of the

HR & Admin Department to document the termination, stop payroll and stop
benefit premium payments.

 Full and final settlement shall be affected only when the employee fulfils the
exit formalities, laid down by LWMC. The exit formalities shall be initiated by
the HR & Admin Department within three (3) working days, after the
resignation has been accepted and approved by the Head of the Department
and GM (HR&A).

 It will be the responsibility of AM HR to complete all exit clearance before

completion of notice period.

 The immediate head will take over all office file, official corresponding with
any party, status of assigned work etc.

 The Employee shall return all the Company‟s property to issuing authority, such

a. Identification card (except those of retiring employees);

b. Keys (if any);

c. Library books; and

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d. Vehicles

e. Any other Company assets.

 Employee shall take clearance from HR & Admin Department regarding all
facilities, such as vehicles, mobile phones etc., provided to him/her.

 Full and final settlement or any termination of service or contractual obligation

shall not be affected in case the exit formalities are not fulfilled and no dues
shall be cleared by LWMC.

 All amounts due from the employees, such as loans and advances etc, shall be
adjusted against the full and final settlement of the employee.

 Final settlement payment is to be made within 15 days from the completion of

notice period.

a. Exit Interview

 LWMC shall seek to obtain objective and confidential feedback from the
employees who voluntarily terminate their employment, regarding their
perceptions and satisfaction levels towards their working experience with the
Company and for ascertaining and discussing exact reasons for his/her decision
to leave LWMC.

 The employees who are leaving shall be invited for an interview before final
settlement by the Head of the Department concerned and GM (HR&A).

 The Exit Interviews shall be conducted in the following manner:

i. The MD shall conduct interviews of all General Manager and Sr.


ii. The GM (HR&A) shall conduct interviews of Managers and Assistant

Managers and below.

 Responses recorded in employee separation/exit interviews are confidential

and hence shall not be used in a manner that allows identification of an
individual employee unless the express authority of that individual is obtained.

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 Employee participation in separation interviews shall be voluntary.

 Based on data collected, reports shall be provided to the GM (HR&A) on a

quarterly basis, with annual reporting of major trends to the MD.

 The head of Concerned Department shall intimate the need for the induction of
new employee or adjustment of internal employee for the vacant position to
the HR & Admin Department.


7.2.1 Death Responsibility

 The GM (HR&A) shall be responsible for the communication, administration and

interpretation of the policy and shall also be responsible for assisting
departments in the event of employee‟s death.

 The department head shall inform the HR Department upon first hearing of the
death of an employee. The legal heirs of deceased employees should be asked
to approach HR Department regarding furnishing the proper documents (like
Death Certificate and decree of the court ) for insurance claims and for release
of final pay checks.

 The head of department and the Managing Director, in consultation with the
GM (HR&A), shall be responsible to initiate procedures for replacements. Procedure

In the event of the death of an employee:

 The HR Department shall be notified immediately about the death of an

employee who will start to process insurance and other benefits claims.

 The legal heirs or the beneficiaries, as the case may be, shall be entitled to:

 Amounts accrued or owing to but not yet paid to the deceased employee;

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 Other benefits in accordance with applicable welfare plans and programs of


 The employee‟s beneficiaries will receive his/her provident fund proceeds


 All LWMC belongings in his/her possession at time of death are returned to

the LWMC, and

 All personal belongings are removed from LWMC premises.

 A termination paper shall be processed immediately showing last day worked

by the deceased employee.

7.2.2 Retirement

Staff retirement policy defines the criteria and sets out the procedures to be
followed when an employee approaches retirement age. It also defines the process
that will be followed if an employee wishes to make a request to work beyond
his/her normal retirement date.

Under this policy, employees shall apply for retirement Six (6) months prior to the
retirement age or after completion of twenty-five (25) years of service, whichever
is earlier. Procedure

a. Notification

 At the beginning of each fiscal year, the Human Resources department will
inform all employees whose normal retirement date falls within that year.

 The letter will specify their retirement date and the procedure they shall
follow whether they are planning to retire on their normal retirement date, or
alternatively, the steps to be taken if they wish to request continuation of

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b. Application

 The employees shall inform LWMC of their intention to retire within one month
of receipt of notice from the HR Department.

 The employees shall submit application for retirement to the head of his/her
department which will be forwarded to the GM (HR&A).

 Employee‟s application shall contain the effective date of retirement.

 If an employee wants to retire prior to reaching the age of sixty (60) years, the
employee shall contact the HR Department confirming this early retirement
decision six months before the date of early retirement.

 Where the application is accepted and approved by the Managing Director, the
GM (HR&A) will intimate such approval to the employee in writing.

 The employee will continue to be employed by LWMC under the existing terms
and conditions and with the same rights and benefits as he/she had prior to
reaching their planned retirement age, unless otherwise stated.

c. Retaining of Employee

A recommendation to retain any employee beyond the normal retirement age shall
be firmly grounded in the strategic planning needs of LWMC. If funds are available
and both the parties mutually agree, Employee can be retained by LWMC.

d. Benefits

At the time of Retirement, the employee shall receive a lump sum amount of
provident fund account including all of his/her personal contributions, contributions
made on his/her behalf by LWMC, and his/her share of all accumulated earnings
credited to the provident fund account in the period that individual was employed at

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7.2.3 Resignation Procedure

 If an employee intends to resign during the year, he/she will have to give at
least thirty (30) days notice.

 If service contract is about to expire and it is not intended for renewal, then
the employee is required to submit a notice thirty (30) days prior to the
expiration date of the contract.

 The resignation letter or notice given by employee shall specify his/her

effective date of resignation.

 The employees written resignation letter will be furnished to the head of

department which will be forwarded to the GM (HR&A).

Exception to Notification

The foregoing resignation notice period shall not apply in case of:

 Dismissal from service of an employee.

 Suspension without pay.

 Employees on daily wages, who shall be governed by the term of their

respective employment contracts.

a. Confirmation of Resignation

 When the resignation is accepted and approved, the GM (HR&A) will intimate
the approval to employee in writing.

 The employee will continue to be employed by LWMC under the same terms
and conditions and with the same rights and benefits as he/she had prior to
reaching their planned resignation date, unless otherwise stated.

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b. Benefits

 Upon resignation, LWMC shall pay the retiring employee, the pro-rated salary
for the month in which employee leaves his/her employment.

 At the time of resignation, the employee will receive a lump sum distribution
of his/her provident fund including all of his/her personal contributions,
contributions made on his/her behalf by LWMC and his/her share of all
accumulated income credited to the provident fund account in the period that
individual was employed at LWMC.

7.2.4 Dismissal/Termination

Notwithstanding anything contained in the regulations, LWMC may terminate or

dismiss an employee, with or without issuing any notice or payment of salary in lieu
thereof, if:

 The employee is found guilty of breach of contract;

 There are reasonable grounds or conditions for termination as stated below in

this policy. Procedure

a. Conditions for Termination or Dismissal

LWMC may terminate an employment of the employee if he/she is found guilty of or

there are reasonable and prima facie grounds of assumptions that the employee is
responsible for any of the following:

 Committed a criminal offence or an offence of moral turpitude. For the

purposes of these regulations, offence has the same meaning as defined in the
Pakistan Penal Code, 1860.

 Intentionally submitted incorrect information about his academic/professional

qualifications and experience.

 Taken up second employment after LWMC working hours.

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 Disclosed any official or confidential information relating to the activities,

operations, financial exigency, and/or affairs of LWMC to any person who is not
entitled to receive such information.

 Committed any act or omission outside the scope of the employment contract
which resulted in damage or loss to property, monetary loss and/or damage to
reputation of LWMC.

 Gross incompetence where the employee fails to discharge his/her job duties
and responsibilities.

 Unprofessional conduct including excessive tardiness, excessive absence, sexual

harassment, or harassment of any other kind.



Absence from place of work without Verbal Written Final Dismissal


Unauthorized absence from work for Written Final Dismissal

more than 3 day without contacting the


Refusal to obey a lawful & reasonable Final Dismissal

work instruction

Using company property for a purpose Written Final Dismissal

other than intended

Poor quality of work Verbal Written Final Dismissal



Under the influence of alcohol or drugs Dismissal

Threat of assault, assault, fighting Dismissal

Unauthorized possession of weapons Dismissal

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Sexual harassment Written Final Dismissal



Insubordination; disrespect Final Dismissal

Gross negligence Final Dismissal



Theft Dismissal

Unauthorized possession of company, Dismissal

client or employee property

Divulgence of confidential information Dismissal

Fraud Dismissal

Supplying incorrect or falsified Dismissal


Attempting or causing to bring the Dismissal

company into Disrepute

Failure to follow company policies, Final Dismissal

procedures and Rules

Failing to act in the best interests of Written Final Dismissal

the company

Competing with the employer Written Final Dismissal

NOTE: Nothing in this disciplinary code shall affect the employer‟s right to summarily
terminate an employee‟s contract of employment on grounds recognized by law
as sufficient after holding a disciplinary enquiry.

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b. Notice

 LWMC has discretion that it may or may not issue any notice prior to

 LWMC may issue thirty (30) days notice prior to the effective date of
termination, where the termination is taking place due to economic and
financial position, reorganization or lack of work.

c. Benefits

Normal Termination/dismissal;

If services of an employee are terminated or he/she is dismissed on grounds other

than due to reasons of economic/Financial position, reorganization or lack of work,
LWMC is not obligated to make payment of salary and provident fund in lieu thereof.

Terminations Due to Economic/Financial Position, Reorganization, or Lack of Work

 In these situations, employees whose positions are being discontinued will

receive all leave payments accrued as of the date of termination.

 Sick leave benefits are intended for use in times of illness and therefore no
payment for unused sick leave will be made on this account at time of


Organizational and/or financial limitations or changing needs in a department may

result in the discontinuation of positions and the necessity to lay-off employees.
When this happens, the affected employees are given a notice of layoff, or
severance pay in lieu of notice.

7.3.1 Procedure

a. Conditions for Layoff

In case where:

 An employee‟s services are no longer required by LWMC due to reorganization,

financial position and downsizing.

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 LWMC does not have sufficient funds to continue supporting the position.

 LWMC has planned to postpone a specific project or session.

b. Notice

 LWMC will issue sixty (60) days notice prior to the effective date of layoff.

c. Benefits

In case of layoff, employees will receive following benefits:

 Employees whose positions are being discontinued will receive all leave time
accrued as of the date of termination;

 The affected employee will receive severance pay in lieu of notice in case of
immediate lay off.

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Manpower plans and budgets must be finalized and approved before the start of
next financial year in order to accomplish LWMC goals and objectives in a timely
and efficient manner.

8.1.1 Responsibility

 A manpower plan and budget for any given year must be approved by the
Board of Directors.

 Manpower requirements are provided by the departmental heads for

preparation of the manpower budget keeping in view the objectives and
future needs.

 Annual manpower plans and budgets are required to be submitted to the HR

department by each departmental head by April 1steach year.

 As part of the manpower planning process, departmental heads will be

required to send a list of surplus employees.

 In case of any clarification, queries can be made to GM (HR&A).

8.1.2 Procedure

To prepare a manpower plan and budget, the following procedure shall be


 Every head of the department shall prepare a budget and specify the number
of vacancies, surplus employees etc. for the financial year within the
specified deadline. This budget will be forwarded to the HR department by
April 1st each year. The department head will consider scope and burden of
work on the existing employees while preparing the budget.

 The departmental heads shall forward the budget to the HR department even
if there is no need for additional staff or retrenchment in the existing

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 The GM (HR&A) shall receive all the departmental budgets and forward a
summary to the CFO. The CFO shall assess the budgetary requirements in
consultation with the Managing Director and respective departmental heads.

 Managing Director with the assistance of finance and planning committee,

shall forward a final list of the manpower requirements, to the Board of

 The Board of Directors shall approve the proposed or modified summary

manpower plan by April 10th each year.


LWMC maintains certain policies to guide its employees with respect to standards
of conduct expected in areas where improper activities could damage LWMC
reputation and otherwise result in serious adverse consequences. The purpose of
this policy is to affirm required standards of conduct and practices in a
comprehensive statement.

LWMC has developed a Code of Conduct (the “Code”) to provide guidance to

employees in identifying situations that create or have the potential to create legal
and ethical problems, or the appearances of such, and to provide direction in
handling actual and potential conflicts of interest between personal and
professional relationships.

LWMC shall operate in full compliance with all applicable laws. The conduct of
employees shall conform to the requirements of all applicable laws and policies,
rules and regulations.

The Code requires faithful compliance with all applicable laws, rules and
regulations by employees, even if an employee believes non-compliance does not
present ethical implications.

Compliance with all applicable local and federal laws, rules and regulations shall
not eliminate the need for employees to consider the business conduct and ethics
element in their activities.

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It is important to avoid even the appearance of any illegal or unethical behavior.

Employees shall behave in a manner that promotes the trust of other employees,
and public.

8.2.1 Responsibility

 The HR department shall be responsible to obtain at the time of hire, and

subsequently in each calendar year, a code of conduct and ethics statement
signed by all the employees indicating their understanding of an agreement
with this code.

 The GM (HR&A) shall have overall responsibility for implementation and

updation of the code. He/she shall also be responsible for responding to the
queries, providing clarifications and take appropriate action in case of non-
compliance with the code.

 All heads of departments shall be responsible to ensure that employees under

their control operate within the specific terms and conditions of the Code as
well as its intent.

 Every employee shall be accountable to LWMC for performance that fulfills

the specific terms and conditions of the Code as well as its intent.

8.2.2 Procedure

Any question regarding whether a specific behavior is covered by the Code shall be
addressed to the GM (HR&A), who shall review the question and clarify the position
to the employee. However the Code provides guidance regarding the following

 Conflict of interest;

 Improper personal benefits;

 Financial interests in other businesses;

 Institutional opportunities;

 Outside employment or activities;

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 Protection and proper use of LWMC Assets;

 Full, fair and accurate disclosure of facts;

 Workplace harassment;

 Weapons, workplace violence, drugs, alcohol and gambling;

 Loans and other credit facilities from financial institutions;

 Responding to inquiries from the press and others;

 Confidentiality;

 Compliance with laws and the Code;

 Rights created;

 Disclosures of interest, affiliation or activity;

 Whistle-blower protection; and

 Sanction.

a. Conflicts of Interest

A conflict of interest shall occur when personal interests of an employee

interferes, or appear to interfere, in any way, with the interests of LWMC.
Conflicts of interest may also arise when an employee takes action or have
interest, or a member of the employee‟s family have interest, that may make it
difficult for the employee to perform his/her duties objectively and effectively.
When a potential conflict of interest arises, it is important that the employee
should declare his/ her interest, act with great care to avoid such conflict.

If the employee becomes aware of an actual, potential or apparent conflict of

interest, he/she shall bring it to the attention of the Head of Department.

b. Improper personal benefits

An employee shall not solicit or accept, directly or indirectly, any cash or monetary
equivalents, objects of value or preferential treatment from any person or business
that has or is seeking business with LWMC, where doing so may influence or appear
to influence an employee‟s judgment.

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c. Financial interests in other businesses

An employee shall not have an interest in any other business if that interest
compromises or appears to compromise an employee‟s loyalty to LWMC.

d. Outside employment or activities

Simultaneous employment with or serving as a consultant to or director or

employee (with or without consideration) of any other entity is strictly prohibited.

e. Protection and Proper use of LWMC Assets

An employee shall be expected to protect LWMC assets and ensure their efficient
use, and is prohibited from engaging in theft, carelessness, or waste. All LWMC
assets should be used for legitimate purposes, but incidental personal use may be
permitted if ancillary to a LWMC purpose. An employee shall also be prohibited
from making any improper use of property such as funds, software, e-mail systems,
voice mail systems, computer networks, vehicles and facilities for personal benefit
or profit.

f. Full, Fair and Accurate Disclosure of facts

 LWMC commitment shall be to provide full, fair, accurate and timely

disclosure in the reports, documents and communications filed with the
regulatory authorities. Although certain personnel are more directly involved
in the preparation of such reports, documents and communications than
others; nevertheless, LWMC expects all of its employees to accept this

 Accordingly, all employees shall have an ethical responsibility to provide

prompt, complete and accurate information in response to any inquiry related
to preparation of LWMC public disclosure documents and public
communications. In addition and in order to ensure accurate financial
reporting, the personnel who participate in the maintenance and preparation
of LWMC books, records and accounts must ensure that the transactions and
events recorded therein are done so in an accurate and complete manner in
compliance with required accounting principles and LWMC policies.

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g. Workplace Harassment

 LWMC is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to cultivating a

diverse work environment where individual differences are appreciated and
respected. It is LWMC policy, through responsible management, to recruit,
hire, train, and promote persons regardless of their cast, religion, color, sex
and creed.

 An employee shall maintain an environment that is free from harassment and

in which all employees are equally respected. Workplace harassment shall
include, but not be limited to sexual harassment, disparaging comments and
insinuations based on gender, religion, race and ethnicity.

h. Weapons, Workplace Violence, Drugs, Alcohol and Gambling

 LWMC staff whether on duty or not, may not possess or use weapons of any
kind, ammunition, gunpowder, fireworks, explosives, and other dangerous
articles and substances in LWMC premises. Individuals employed as contract
security guards may be given authorization to carry, keep and handle pistols,
firearms and ammunition.

 Specific classification of employees may be required to utilize dangerous

articles or hazardous material to carry out their job requirements. Each
department is responsible for monitoring the use of dangerous articles or
hazardous materials in its areas.

i. Loans and other Credit Facilities from Financial Institutions

Any loan and/or credit facility obtained on false representations including, but not
limited to, preparing of forged financial statements shall be deemed to be a
violation of the Code.

j. Responding to Inquiries from the Press and Others

Only authorized spokespersons shall speak with the press as LWMC representatives.
Requests for information about LWMC from the media, the press, the financial
community, or the public shall be referred to the Manager Communication.

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Requests for information from regulators or the government shall be referred to

the Company Secretary.

k. Confidentiality

 The confidential Information shall include all non-public information,

correspondence, documents, papers, records, drawings and data.

 The employees shall maintain the confidentiality of information entrusted to

them or which comes to an employee‟s knowledge because of the position
that the employee holds. An employee shall disclose confidential information
if the employee is duly authorized by LWMC or is legally mandated to do so.
Prior to making a disclosure of any confidential information which is legally
mandated, an employee shall be required to consult with the Manager

 An employee shall not make or keep for personal use, copies of any
confidential information. All confidential information shall be surrendered to
LWMC when a person ceases to be an employee.

 This responsibility continues in the case of ex-employees and LWMC shall pursue all
available legal remedies to prevent current and former employees from benefiting
or misusing such confidential information.

l. Compliance with laws and the Code

 An employee shall be expected to comply with, both in letter and spirit, all
applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations and the Code, and to
promptly report any actual or suspected violations to the HR Department. No
one shall be subjected to retaliation because of a good faith report of a
suspected violation. If an employee fails to comply with the Code or any
applicable laws, rules or regulations, the employee shall be subject to
disciplinary actions under the rules of LWMC, including termination of

 To avoid inadvertent violations, an employee shall be encouraged to ask

questions to resolve any uncertainty as to whether or not some act or conduct

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complies with the Code. To encourage open communication, employees are

advised to discuss the related matters with the GM (HR&A).

m. Rights Created

The Code shall be a statement of certain fundamental principles, policies and

procedures that govern LWMC employees.

n. Disclosures of interest, affiliation or activity

 The following procedures shall be established to allow disclosure of any

material interest, affiliation, or activity on the part of any employee that
conflicts with, is likely to conflict with, or may appear to conflict with the
duties of any employee, LWMC , or the Code.

 On an annual basis, HR department shall distribute to all staff members, a

questionnaire to elicit disclosures of conflict or possible conflicts.Human
Resources department shall distribute to each newly hired employee, at
the time of employment, a questionnaire to elicit disclosure of conflicts
or possible conflicts.Any employee who, in the course of year, becomes
aware of a potential conflict shall immediately contact the GM (HR&A) to
obtain and complete a questionnaire.All completed questionnaires shall be
returned to the GM (HR&A), who shall prepare a report for determination of
any act that indicates a possible conflict.All information reported by
questionnaire shall be treated as confidential, except to the extent
necessary for the protection of LWMC interest or as required by any
applicable law.Employees not subject to the disclosure procedures, as
represented by completion of questionnaire, shall not be excluded from
the Code.On the annual basis, HR department shall distribute to every
employee, the Code and a memo stating that the Code was previously
signed by the employee and is still in full force and effect.HR department
shall obtain a signed code from each new hired employee at the time of

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o. Sanction

Any breach of LWMC code or requirement of this policy and procedure shall expose
the employee to disciplinary action, including termination of employment.

p. Integrity

Integrity on the job means;

 Treating staff fairly.

 Comply with all laws, regulations, rules, and policies that govern the conduct
of LWMC business, wherever that business is transacted.

 Ensure that all transactions are handled honestly and recorded accurately.

 Avoid conflicts of interest, both real and perceived.

 Not to use LWMC assets, information, or relationships for personal gain.

 Refrain from any acts of retribution or retaliation against an employee who

has properly reported a business conduct issue or question.

 Respect the rights of all employees to fair treatment and equal opportunity,
free from harassment.

 Conduct all business dealings with honesty and fairness.


LWMC encourages and supports efforts by employees to develop their capabilities

and advance their careers in the overall context of meeting the goals and
objectives of LWMC. Activities designed to support such staff development are
contained in the various collective agreements or in training and development
policy and include employee orientation programs, internal promotional
opportunities, performance reviews and departmental training and development.
Staff will receive training and development to help them perform their duties
effectively. Where new or additional duties require the development of further
skills, staff should expect to be given training in those skills.

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These benefits of training include:

 Higher standards of work performance

 Greater understanding and appreciation of factors affecting work


 Sharing of ideas and dissemination of good practice

 Effective management and implementation of change

 Encouragement of team spirit

 Increased motivation and job satisfaction for the individual

 Greater understanding of LWMC business.

8.3.1 Procedure

a. Planning the Training

 Every year, performance objectives are set; the GM (HR&A) shall initiate the
training planning process.

 The HR Department shall carry out April ever year Training Need Assessment
(TNA) for the employees, either internally or through consultants and identify
areas in which the training courses will be conducted.

 For this purpose, a skill matrix shall be prepared by every departmental head
for his department. The following ranking will be used against each course to
indicate the competency level of the individual in that course.

 Beginner

 Intermediate

 Suitably trained

 Expert

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 The HR Department shall obtain input regarding training needs of the

employees from their respective department heads who will ensure that
following factors have been considered while outlining the training

 Changes in the job responsibilities

 Areas for improvement of the employee

 Introduction to new skill

 Introduction of new technology

 While conducting training need assessment, GM (HR&A) will indicate the

training courses that can appropriately be carried out internally.

b. Planning the Development Activities

 On the basis of TNA, GM (HR&A) shall prepare a one year training calendar
using TNA Form (as mentioned in Appendix -15).

 Along with the calendar, budgeted costs shall also be estimated and
presented for budgetary approval to CFO and Managing Director.

 Each proposed training event calendar will contain at minimum following


 Brief description of course;

 Expected attendee department;

 Management or staff level

 Number of persons attending the course;

 Being conducted in house or off-site

 Proposed dates

 Expected completion date

 The calendar shall also contain a summary of the plan giving brief description
of number of training courses, number of employees to be trained, number of
staff training days etc.

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 Final approved copy will be distributed among the departments.

 The GM (HR&A) may make amendments in the training calendar by

rescheduling or adding training events (as identified by himself or requested
by employees).

 The GM (HR&A) will decide about the venue of the training courses.

c. Delivery of Training

The training will be provided using two main methods.

i. In-house Training

In house training shall be provided for those areas for which sufficient
knowledge base exists within LWMC.

ii. External Training

External training may be imparted to the employees through various training

institutions. Departmental heads will send the training request to GM (HR&A)
who will obtain its approval from the Managing Director. Upon approval, all
arrangements for the training will be carried out by the Manager

After completion of the course, the trainee will submit a copy of the training
certificate and his/her feedback on the training evaluation form to the GM
(HR&A). The copy certificate shall be filed in the employee‟s personal file.
The head of the department who referred the employee for the training shall
evaluate on the performance of the employees and give the feedback to GM

d. Evaluation of Training Effectiveness

At the end of each training event, the GM (HR&A) shall obtain feedback from
employees attending the event and document the evaluation of training
effectiveness for future reference.

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The effectiveness of training may be evaluated through following methods:

 Evaluation of trainer and training program will be done through Training

Evaluation Form, which will be filled by the trainees at the end of the
training programs. The evaluation Forms will be passed on to GM (HR&A) who
may review the performance of training programs.

 The trainer will evaluate the trainees through tests, discussion or exams
during or at the end of training program. These evaluation results, where
practical, will be maintained by the GM (HR&A).

e. Development Counseling

 Every department head is encouraged to assist employees with their

development. This can be accomplished through the annual appraisal process
and as part of the ongoing communication between head of the department
and the employees.

 The HR department will assist in this process whenever requested by the

employee or the head of the department.

 HR department will maintain current files and sources of available job-

related courses.


LWMC will conduct performance evaluations of all personnel using established

procedures. The annual performance appraisal of each employee shall:

i. Determine the strengths and weaknesses of the employees;

ii. Enhance the organizational and individual performance;

iii. Provide the enhanced career opportunities for staff;

iv. Provide clarity of expectations regarding duties, and the identification of

individual objectives within the context of the departmental objectives;

v. Regularly review and identify staff development and training needs;

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vi. Identify organizational and operational changes which might be necessary to

enable individuals enhance their performance and enable the departments and
sections to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness;

vii. Ensure the provision of constructive feedback about performance;

viii. Encourage dialogue between staff members and their supervisors, to enhance
the professional development of all staff in achieving LWMC goals;

ix. Ensure that job performance and accomplishment information is recorded in

employees personal file, and;

x. Provide basis for decisions on compensation level.

8.4.1 Procedure

 The employee‟s performance appraisal shall be conducted once a year by the

immediate supervisor through the pre-designed Evaluation Form.

 Appraisal process will be performed on different criteria including

punctuality, efficiency and effectiveness.

 On completion of appraisal by the supervisor, it will be discussed with the

concerned employee and signed by the reviewer(s) and the employee.

 The employee‟s signature only indicates that the performance appraisal has
been discussed with him/her, not necessarily indicating his/her agreement
with the assessment of performance.

 Completed Appraisal Forms will be forwarded to the Appraisal standard

committee consisting of the concerned Departmental Head, GM (HR&A) and
Chief Financial Officer.

 Committee will forward its recommendations to the Managing Director.

 Managing Director is the final authority to take the decision on the

performance appraisal.

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 The performance Appraisal Form shall be a confidential document and will

become part of the employee‟s personal records.


LWMC recognizes the importance of creating and maintaining an effective career and
succession planning program focused on timely replacement of talent within the key
positions. LWMC is an equal opportunity employer and encourages career growth in
keeping with applicable provincial and federal legislation.

8.5.1 Responsibility

 The GM (HR&A) will be responsible for monitoring annual exercise of

succession planning, ensuring that it takes place as per the policy and
evaluating whether it meets its desired objectives.

 The GM (HR&A) shall also be responsible for collection of details of succession

plans from the head of departments and incorporate that into computerized
succession plan of LWMC. The responsibility also includes updating of personal
files of the employees in this context.

 The Head of department shall be responsible to create, present and review

succession plans of their respective departments on annual basis.

8.5.2 Procedure

The succession planning program will be carried out as under:

a. Individual plan

The GM (HR&A) shall prepare the individual plan templates and get the same
approved from the Managing Director.

b. Management Co-ordination Meeting

The heads of departments will attend a meeting coordinated by the GM (HR&A) and
chaired by the Managing Director.

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 The Managing Director will emphasize the importance of succession planning,

give insights from the “business plan” and review the previous year‟s results.

 The GM (HR&A) will distribute templates of Departmental Succession Plans to

the head of departments and establish due dates for their completion and
return. It will be ensured that all the duly filled plans are submitted within
the pre-determined time. The templates will be discussed and after the
meeting, computer copy of the templates will be emailed to the head of
departments to facilitate completion.

 All heads of departments will be given opportunity to express their views on

any related matter requiring immediate action.

c. Procedure for Head of Departments

Each head of department will review the updated development of each employee
and on its basis will prepare a plan for his/her respective functional area.

The head of departments will be required to consider following details:

 Identify key positions in respective functional area;

 Document the expected time after which the position shall become vacant;

 Identify the potential candidates for the positions identified;

 Document the time period for which the proposed employee will hold that

 Further steps required to improve employee‟s skills shall be documented in

each employee‟s Personal file in the Development Plan section.

d. Basis of Succession planning

Succession planning shall be done on following three bases:

i. Contingency

It involves identification of personnel who can cover the position in case of

emergency when the position becomes vacant temporarily or permanently
within a very short period or with no prior anticipation.

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ii. Short term

It involves identification of personnel who can take on the responsibilities in

one year time.

iii. Mid - term basis

It involves identification of personnel who can take on the responsibilities in

three years time.

 The individuals identified may be from the same or other departments.

In case of contingency, subordinate or peer from other departments can
take responsibilities on short term basis.

The Succession Plans will contain the following:

 A follow-up review of existing departmental succession plan.

 Key positions identified and incumbents targeted for succession

planning. This will include an analysis of planned retirements,
predictable turnover, etc.

 After identifying the key positions, the head of departments shall

document replacements for the contingency, short term and mid-term
basis, based on the personal files of the respective employees.

Completion of Individual Plans and Submission

 Individual plans once completed shall be reviewed and authorized by the

concerned head of departments.

 The departmental plans will be completed and returned to the GM

(HR&A) for final compilation.

 If needed, a follow-up meeting will be held for final discussion.

Finalization of Process

 GM (HR&A) will summarize the individual plans and compile in the form
of succession plan summary.

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 GM (HR&A) will review the results of individual position plans and

succession plan summary, prepared on the basis of individual plans
collected from the head of departments, to pinpoint areas of the
organization in which predictable turnover, resulting from retirements
or other changes, will lead to special needs for required talent.

 Final approval of the succession plan shall be granted by the Board of

Directors upon the recommendation of the Managing Director.

Final Approval Process Report and Subsequent Actions

 By the end of April the GM (HR&A) will present the summary of

succession planning to the Managing Director.

 GM (HR&A) will periodically monitor and review progress in developing

identified successors.

 The database will be accessed to identify possible successors in the

organization on the need basis.

 The succession planning process shall be linked to LWMC Executive

Committee planning process and to its operational planning.

 Succession planning shall be closely related to the employee

performance evaluation, and shall be recorded in the Personal file of
each employee.

 Every second year, the HR department will prepare a report on

demographics of work force. This report will evaluate the impact of the
external influences such as trends in market and prevailing conditions in
the comparable institutions. It will also determine how much manpower
has to be arranged from outside due to limitations identified in the

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Transfers, promotions and grade review policies are applicable to all employees
and specific procedures are laid down for transfers and promotions. Promotion
policies are aligned to performance management and succession planning policies.

8.6.1 Responsibility

 The GM (HR&A) shall be responsible for issuing transfer and promotion orders
and implementation of policy.

 The heads of the departments shall be responsible for recommending

transfers and promotions.

 The Managing Director shall be responsible for the approval of transfer or

promotion of staff.

8.6.2 Procedure

Following procedures would be followed for transfers and promotions:

a. Transfers

An employee may be transferred from one department to another or from one

place to another or from one post to another or from one shift to another:

 In the interest of work, or

 On request of the individual employee, if it is suitable.

 In some cases employee will be moved from one job to another to gain
experience and new skills in alignment with succession planning. This will be
at the discretion of the top management.

 In case of transfers, salary structures shall be reviewed as per Salary Policy.

b. Promotions

 Vacancies and positions are identified by the head of department in

alignment with succession planning. For each position identified there must
be work to be done at the appropriate level which cannot be met by existing

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employees. A case will be prepared for each vacancy for submission to the
GM (HR&A) and approval by the Managing Director.

 In case where suitable candidate is available within the organization, the

vacancies would be advertised internally and employees shall be given

 All employees with the necessary skills and experience will be able to apply
for vacancies

 Applications will be evaluated on the basis of following criteria:

 Performance appraisal scores

 Attendance (excluding Privilege Leave)

 Competencies

 Education
 Leadership skills

 Experience

 Tests and interviews may be conducted for evaluation of candidates.

 Successful candidates will be appointed to the post and will receive the
appropriate benefits as per LWMC Salary Policy.

 Employees will be promoted on the basis of academic qualification or specific

length of service in case of available vacancies.

 A letter of promotion must contain the terms and condition of new


 Promoted employees will not be subject to a probation period.

 Where employees have some concern about their grading or salary position
they may consult the appropriate authorities as mentioned in LWMC
Grievances Policy as described in section 9.2.

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 Where the management is convinced that none of the internal candidate

meets the criteria, the vacancies would be filled using external means and
sources as described in section 5.1of this manual.


LWMC is dedicated to be a fair and reasonable employer and is, therefore,

committed to promote good and transparent employee relations. LWMC is committed
that all its employees should be aware of their obligations with regard to conduct,
including acts of neglect or omission and standards of work performance and of the
likely consequences of failure to meet these obligations. In case of unsatisfactory
conduct and performance, LWMC after investigation will adopt the formal
disciplinary procedure through which the issues can be identified without delay and
appropriate action is taken in a consistent manner.

8.7.1 Procedure

When an offence is alleged to have been committed an appropriate administrative

process will be initiated. If the offence is not proved then the process shall be

a. Informal Disciplinary Actions

If the offence is neither severe nor repeated by the employee, it shall be

disposed-off through counseling and verbal warning.

b. Formal Disciplinary Actions

For severe offences and in case of false statement, formal disciplinary actions shall
be taken as per following procedure:

 A written complaint about the alleged misconduct shall be submitted to the

GM (HR&A).

 Written charge sheet, if necessary, of the alleged misconduct shall be served

upon the employee concerned by the head of department.

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 Charge sheet shall be served with-in a week of the date of the alleged
misconduct or the date the alleged misconduct comes in the notice of the
head of department. Three copies of charge sheet shall be prepared and
distributed as follows:

 First copy to the employee concerned.

 Second copy to the head of department.

 Third copy to the HR department.

 No employee shall be punished for any offence unless he/she has been
informed in writing and given an opportunity of explaining the charge or
charges alleged against him/her within one (1) week of issue of charge sheet.
On receipt of an explanation which, in the opinion of the GM (HR&A), is
unsatisfactory, or upon no explanation being received within the stipulated
time, the GM (HR&A) shall decide about the action to be taken. The employee
shall be notified of the decision in writing within three days from the date of
receipt of employee‟s explanation.

 If an employee is charged with an offence which is likely to be punished with

dismissal, the GM (HR&A) shall in his discretion hold an inquiry or appoint a
responsible officer for this purpose who shall submit a written report for
decision. The inquiry officers shall be of higher grade than the concerned
employee and should not be connected with the charge forming the subject
of inquiry.

 The GM (HR&A) shall suspend the concerned employee for a period of 4 days;
however, this period of suspension can vary according to the intensity of the
alleged misconduct. However, total period of suspension shall not exceed four
weeks. The order of suspension shall be in writing and shall take effect
immediately. During the period of suspension, the employee concerned shall
not be paid any remuneration.

 The enquiry shall be conducted in the presence of the concerned employee

and shall be impartial, comprehensive and complete. The employee
concerned shall be given full opportunity to cross-examine the witness and

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also to provide his defense. No material shall be relied upon against the
employee without the employee being given an opportunity of explaining it.

 The employee shall be given reasonable opportunity of explaining the


 The nature of the offence and its details shall be explained to the employee
and any witness who can prove the offence shall be examined by the
employee and statements of the officer and the witnesses shall be recorded.
The accused employee shall be given an opportunity of questioning the
witnesses, if the employee so desires. All the relevant questions and answers
shall be recorded. If the accused employee declines to question a witness this
fact shall also be recorded.

 The person holding the inquiry shall, whenever anything is said prejudicial to
another person, whether already before the inquiry or not, summon and ask
that other person whether he/she wishes to ask any question of the person
making such prejudicial statement. Such questions and answers as well as the
refusal by that other person to ask any question shall be recorded.

 An employee against whom an inquiry is ordered shall be allowed to produce

witnesses and they may be questioned by the person conducting the inquiry.
The employee may nominate a fellow employee to assist in the enquiry.

 In the event of an inquiry the employee and all the witnesses shall be
required to sign the statement that they make before the inquiry officer.

 If the charges are proved to be correct in an impartial inquiry, the GM (HR&A)

shall serve a show cause notice to the accused stating the findings of the
inquiry and providing him/her a further chance to clarify his/her position.

 If the accused fails to reply to the show cause notice or fails to produce any
cogent reason for his / her misconduct, the GM (HR&A) or the nominated
responsible officer shall take into account the gravity of misconduct, the
previous record of the employee, views of the Head of the department and
any other extenuating or aggravating circumstance before awarding

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punishment. The final decision on the inquiry against the employee shall be
taken by the GM (HR&A).

 Copies of notices, explanation and the final order along with the other
relevant records of the inquiry shall be placed on the personal file of the
concerned employee in all cases.

 The employee shall be notified in writing within one working day of such
decision. The punishment awarded shall be entered in the service record.

 The employee will be required to sign and acknowledge receipt of notification

of punishment. In case of refusal to sign the notification, the fact would be
recorded and decision will be implemented. Any un-favorable entry in the
service record shall be signed by the employee concerned.

 If the charges are not proved then the employee shall be considered on duty
during the suspension period and shall be entitled to same wages/salary as
he/she would have received during the period.

a. Appeal

i. An employee shall have the right to appeal against a penalty to a higher

level authority appointed by the Managing Director.

ii. The appeal shall comply with the following requirements:-

 It shall be in writing.

 It shall state the grounds on which the appeal is made, containing

all relevant materials and shall be complete in all respects.

 It shall be made within one month from the date on which the final
order was passed.

 It shall state the desired relief.

iii. The appellant authority shall consider the following:

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 Whether the facts on which the orders were based have been

 Whether the facts established afford sufficient grounds for taking

disciplinary action.

 Whether the penalty imposed is excessive, adequate or inadequate.

 Whether there has been substantial compliance with the

disciplinary procedure.

iv. The appellant authority shall have the discretion to consider the appeal
based on the documentary material which is submitted. The appellant
authority may interview any of the persons involved in the case for
clarification of facts.

v. After consideration, the appellant authority shall confirm, reject or vary

the penalty in writing to the appellant.

vi. The appellant authority shall have fifteen working days with in which to
give its decision on the appeal filed.

b. Penalties

i. An employee found guilty of misconduct shall be liable to any of the

following penalties:-

 Written warning.

 Withholding of increment or promotion for a specific period not

exceeding one year.

 Demotion to a lower post.

 Dismissal without payment of any compensation in lieu of notice.

ii. Deduction of pay on account of absence from duty shall be made

separately to any penalty for misconduct.

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c. General

i. Nothing herein contained shall affect the right of LWMC to terminate

the service of an employee by proper notice or payment of salary in lieu
of notice in accordance with the rules.

ii. All complaints of alleged misconducts shall be treated as confidential.

iii. If an employee lodges a complaint against a colleague which later

proves to be false, then any complaint lodged in the future by the same
employee shall be considered with caution.

In case of any violation, for which no complaint is received or after receipt of

the complaint by the GM (HR&A), the employee withdraws the complaint, the
GM (HR&A) may take SuoMotto action.


It is the policy of LWMC to be non-discriminating in all matters regarding the

selection, hiring, termination, promotion, transfer, work assignment, scheduling,
and compensation of employees, and any or all conditions of employment.

8.8.1 Procedure

For all written complaints formal channel shall be followed to resolve the issue.

This channel shall consist of following stages:

Stage - I: Head of Department

i. The employees shall address their grievances in writing to their head of

department, within one month of the day on which cause of such grievance
arises, and seek redress of his / her grievance. The immediate head of
departments is the first source of information, help, advice, encouragement
and training and is the person directly responsible for assigning, directing and
reviewing the employee‟s work.

ii. If the complaint is against the person to whom the grievances are normally
addressed, the employee can approach head of department directly for
redress of the grievance.

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iii. Head of department shall deal with all grievances within 03 days of receipt of
complaint, whether or not the grievance is addressed in writing. Before taking
a legal route for redress of grievance, an employee shall first exhaust all
grievance handling procedures of LWMC.

iv. In circumstances where a grievance of similar nature may apply to more than
one person, the problem is resolved through head of department.

Stage - II: GM (HR&A)

If the aggrieved individual is not satisfied with the decision of head of department,
that individual may approach the GM (HR&A), either in person or through an
application. GM (HR&A) shall ensure to redress the grievance within three (3)
working days from the date of meeting with the individual concerned or receipt of

Stage - III: Grievance Committee

If the employee is not satisfied with the response from the GM (HR&A); the
employee may refer the problem to LWMC Grievance Committee consisting of:

 GM (HR&A)

 GM Operations


Any resolution developed by the Grievance Committee, acceptable to the

employee, will be approved by the GM (HR&A) before implementation.

Stage - IV: The Managing Director

In case the aggrieved individual is not satisfied, then he/she may approach the
Managing Director in writing within seven (7) days from the decision of the
Grievance committee. The Managing Director shall review the case after verifying
the facts and if required, the aggrieved individual may be called for a personal
interview with the Managing Director. Decision of the Managing Director shall be
communicated to the aggrieved employee within four (4) days from the receipt of
application and shall be final and binding. This decision shall supersede all previous

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decisions made by the Grievance Committee and the concerned head of

departments or GM (HR&A).

If LWMC fails to communicate a decision within fifteen (15) days from the date of
application or if a worker is dissatisfied with such decision, the worker may take
the matter to Labor Court within a period of two months from the date of
communication of decision by the employer or, as the case may be, from the expiry
of the 15 days from the date of application to the employer if no decision is made.

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LWMC will not compromise on the safety and health of those who work for its
business. All injuries, work-related illnesses and accidents are preventable, and
LWMC strives for the highest standards of safety and health performance. Safety
culture is based on prevention, hazard awareness and continuous improvement.


 Providing appropriate training to ensure awareness of potential hazards and

competence in performing specific duties or job tasks in a safe manner;

 Using of proper gadget at waste collection Location like Gloves, Masks, Long
Shoes etc;

 Consult with employees on matters affecting their health and safety;

 Provide and maintain safe equipment;

 Provide information, instruction and supervision for employees;

 Ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and provide them
adequate health and safety training;

 Prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health;

 Maintain safe and healthy working conditions;

 Review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals

 Verify that proper safety and health procedures are followed by visiting work

 Defining roles and responsibilities of all members of management towards

health and safety to include review of goals and objectives during all annual
and subsequent performance evaluations;

 The storage, processing, and disposal of hazardous waste (Medical Waste ,

industrial waste) at municipal solid waste facilities pose a risk to public
health and the environment, and in order to protect the environment and to

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Lahore Waste Management Company

provide measures for adequate protection of public health, it is in the public

interest to ensure hazardous waste is stored, processed, and disposed of only
at permitted hazardous industrial solid waste facilities

 To implement Hazard Specific Immunization Programs e.g., Hepatitis B

vaccine, Vaccine (Smallpox), Rabies, Influenza, Measles, mumps and rubella,
Tetanus-diphtheria, and Foreign travel immunizations/medication for
employees planning travel.

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Lahore Waste Management Company


LWMC may, from time to time, acquire the services of various persons on
deployment basis from various government offices. This specifically applies to the
services of regular employees of the City District Government, Lahore, other
persons engaged on basis of periodical service contracts (work charged employees)
and civil servants of the Federation or of the Province and employees of other
entities serving in connection with affairs of the City District Government, Lahore
regarding Solid Waste Management (SWM) which are hereby, with prior consent of
the Managing Director of LWMC, placed at the disposal of LWMC. These employees
fall under the following categories:

 Regular employees of the City District Government along with their

sanctioned strength

 Persons engaged on basis of periodical service contracts along with their

sanctioned strength

 Civil servants of the Federation along with their sanctioned strength

 Civil servants of the Province along with their sanctioned strength

 Employees of other entities along with their sanctioned strength.

(Last payment certificates, service books and other service records of re-
deployment employees shall be provided to LWMC by the City District Government,
Lahore within one month of their re-deployment).

This policy applies to all employees of City District Government Lahore, Civil Servant
of Province and Civil Servant of federation that are at the disposal of LWMC by virtue
of a contract.

MD and GM (HR&A) shall be responsible to approve employees of City District

Government Lahore, Civil Servant of Province and Civil Servant of federation at the
disposal of LWMC.

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Lahore Waste Management Company


Employees of City District Government Lahore, Civil Servant of Province and Civil
Servant of federation will be on re-deployment at LWMC under the following

 All regular and work-charged employees on re-deployment shall be entitled to

the same pay and allowances as they were in their service prior to this re-

 The Managing Director or any other person authorized by him in this behalf
may repatriate any person whose services are placed at the disposal of the
LWMC by the City District Government, Lahore without assigning any reason
and if repatriation is ordered on account of charges of inefficiency,
misconduct or corruption, the competent authority shall initiate and
complete disciplinary proceedings and intimate results thereof to the LWMC
within one month of the repatriation.

 If an employee is repatriated to the City District Government, Lahore by the

LWMC, the LWMC shall issue a last pay certificate, return duly completed
service book and other service records, if any, to the City District Government,
Lahore and shall be liable to pay the salary up to the day the employee
remained at the disposal of LWMC.

 Conditions of service of civil servants of the Federation and of the Province and
employees of other entities except that of the City District Government,
Lahore whose services are placed at the disposal of LWMC by the City District
Government, Lahore shall remain the same as would have been applicable to
them had their services not been placed at the disposal of LWMC. The City
District Government, Lahore shall provide adequate funds to LWMC to enable it
to make payments on account of pension contribution, leave encashment,
group insurance and financial assistance in relation to in-service death and
other death related liabilities. The liability of LWMC on account of pension
contribution and leave encashment in respect of these employees shall not
exceed the funds provided to it by the City District Government, Lahore for the

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Lahore Waste Management Company

 Conditions of service of the regular employees of the City District Government,

Lahore, whose services are placed at the disposal of LWMC by the City District
Government, Lahore, shall not be varied to their disadvantage during the
period their services remain at the disposal of LWMC and these employees shall
render their services in the manner and in accordance with such standing
operating procedures as are framed in this Manual and they may receive
remuneration not less than what would have been admissible to them had their
services not been placed at the disposal of LWMC. In case an inquiry is deemed
necessary on account of inefficiency, misconduct or corruption of these
employees, a person or persons recommended by the Managing Director of
LWMC shall act as inquiry officer or, as the case may be, inquiry committee in
respect of those employees and it shall be compulsory for the competent
authority to initiate and finalize disciplinary proceedings against its employees
not later than thirty days. The competent authority shall be deemed to be
guilty of inefficiency and / or misconduct if it fails to initiate or finalize
proceedings within the period specified hereinabove.

 Adequate resources shall be allocated for payments to the said regular

employees or their legal heirs on account of encashment of leave preparatory
to retirement, leave encashment, four month's pay and financial assistance due
to in-service death and other death-related liabilities already accrued or to be
accrued in future. Resources so allocated by the City District Government,
Lahore shall be transferred to LWMC. Payment of commuted value of pension,
monthly pension, family pension, gratuity and reimbursement of medical
charges to retired regular employees or their families shall remain the
responsibility of the City District Government, Lahore. LWMC shall contribute
to the pension and other funds and group insurance in the prescribed manner,
if an arrangement regarding group insurance is already in place, in respect of
the regular employees and adequate resources shall be provided by the City
District Government, Lahore to LWMC for this purpose.

 Regular employees of the City District Government, Lahore whose services are
placed at the disposal of LWMC shall not communicate with their competent
authorities except through designated persons deputed by LWMC for the
purpose save in situations where initiation of disciplinary proceedings is

Page 119
Lahore Waste Management Company

demanded by LWMC without repatriating the employees to the City District

Government, Lahore.

 Powers of leave sanctioning authority of the regular employees of the City

District Government, Lahore whose services are placed at the disposal of
LWMC, shall be exercised by designated persons deputed by MD for the purpose
during the period these employees remain at the disposal of LWMC.LWMC shall
intimate the City District Government, Lahore, twice a year, names of the said
regular employees who would be superannuating within coming six months and
shall return duly completed service books, other service records, if any, and
presumptive last payment certificates of those employees for preparation and
processing of their pension cases. The same exercise shall be completed within
two weeks of in-service death of a regular employee.

 Recruitments against existing or enhanced sanctioned strength of posts of the

said regular employees may be made by competent authority of the City
District Government, Lahore in the prescribed manner only on demand of
LWMC. Services of persons recruited against these posts shall be placed at the
disposal of LWMC with prior consent of the Managing Director.

 Persons engaged by the City District Government, Lahore as work-charged

employees, whose services are placed at the disposal of LWMC by the City
District Government, Lahore shall continue to be governed by the conditions of
service specified in their service contracts. LWMC shall exercise all powers
available to the City District Government, Lahore in respect of these employees
including but not limited to recruitment of persons on work-charged basis,
variation in conditions of service of work-charged employees not less favorable
as those applicable to such employees on the commencing day, termination of
services of work-charges employees and extension in contracts for periods to
be specified by LWMC. The existing work-charged employees shall be deemed
to be employees of the City District Government, Lahore and the City District
Government, Lahore shall orders in respect of extension in their service
contracts. The City District Government, Lahore and LWMC, with mutual
consent and with prior approval of the appropriate authority, may or may not
decide to regularize services of some or all existing work-charged employees

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Lahore Waste Management Company

and reserve their posts for filling in through regular employees.

 Persons recruited or to be recruited on work-charged basis shall not be

repatriated by LWMC to the City District Government, Lahore.

 Tentative list of staff and employees is annexed as Appendix - 27.



Services and Asset Management Agreement for Solid Waste Management Services

An agreement has been executed on _________ between the City District

Government Lahore, all TMAs of Lahore and Lahore Waste Management Company
for provision of Solid Waste Management services and related assets. This
agreement entails that the CDGL employees engaged in Solid Waste Management
are placed at the disposal of LWMC and that all administrative matters including
compensation management shall be dealt with the following related provisions of
the agreement:

 Managing, controlling and supervising persons engaged by the CDGL in

connection with solid waste management and whose services are placed, at the
disposal of the LWMC, repatriating such persons to the CDGL, incurring
employee-related expenditures out of moneys received for the purpose and
exercising other powers and functions in respect thereof;

 Receiving moneys from the CDGL for performance of functions assigned to the
LWMC under this Agreement and appropriating and spending these moneys in
accordance with standing operating procedures of the LWMC;

 Adequate resources shall be provided by CDGL to LWMC for payments to the

regular employees of the CDGL or their legal heirs, on account of encashment
of leave preparatory to retirement, four month‟s pay and financial assistance
due to in-service death and other death-related liabilities to be accrued in
future. Group Insurance of regular employees which are placed at the disposal
of LWMC will also be paid by the LWMC after making deductions from their

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Lahore Waste Management Company

 Matters relating to payment of, pension contribution of regular employees,

commuted value of pension, monthly pension, family pension, gratuity and
reimbursement of medical charges to retired regular employees of CDGL or
their legal heirs and in this regard the adequate resources shall be allocated by
the CDGL each year in prescribed manner.

 CDGL shall exclusively be responsible for payment of all previous liabilities

relating to pension payments, compensation in death cases and leave
encashment of CDGL employees.

 Carrying out the disciplinary proceedings of regular and work charge employees
of CDGL whether placed at the disposal of LWMC or retained by CDGL;

 CDGL shall carry out regular promotion board meetings for consideration of
promotion cases of regular employees placed at the disposal of LWMC as and
when requested by the LWMC.

 In case of special circumstances or emergency the CDGL may by making

requisition to the LWMC require manpower and machinery and the LWMC shall
provide the required manpower and machinery to the CDGL on mutually agreed
basis of compensation.

Transfer of CDGL Staff

 Services of regular employees of the CDGL and employees engaged on work-

charged basis working in solid waste management department along with their
sanctioned strength, are hereby , placed at the disposal of the LWMC except
employees mutually agreed to be retained by CDGL for the performance of
residual functions of CDGL as specified in Clause 3 Separate lists of (i) regular
employees of the City District Government along with their sanctioned strength
(ii) employees engaged on work-charged basis along with their sanctioned
strength have been appended to this Agreement as Annexure-D.

 Last payment certificates, service books and other service records, if any, of
employees specified in Sub-Clause (i) of clause 8 of this Agreement shall be
provided to the LWMC by the CDGL within one month from the commencement
of this Agreement.

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Lahore Waste Management Company

 The LWMC may repatriate any person whose services are placed at the disposal
of LWMC by the CDGL without assigning any reason thereof. In such cases LWMC
will also surrender its post and budgetary allocation made for this post. If
repatriation is ordered on account of charges of inefficiency, misconduct or
corruption, the competent authority of CDGL shall initiate and complete
disciplinary proceedings and intimate results thereof to the LWMC within two
months of the repatriation and the LWMC shall not bear the remuneration cost
of the employee beyond two months.

 If an employee is repatriated to the CDGL by the LWMC, the LWMC shall issue a
last payment certificate in his respect, return his duly completed service book
and other service records, if any, to the CDGL and shall be liable to pay his
salary up to the day he remained at the disposal of the LWMC.

 The CDGL may retain such number of posts and their present or future
incumbents connected with solid waste management as mutually determined
by LWMC and CDGL. A list containing number of posts in each basic pay scale
along with their present incumbents mutually agreed by the LWMC and the
CDGL to be retained by the CDGL and its organogram is appended to this
Agreement as Annexure-E.

 Conditions of service of employees of CDGL whose services are placed at the

disposal of LWMC by the CDGL shall remain the same as would have been
applicable to them had their services not been placed at the disposal of the

 Conditions of service of the regular employees of the CDGL, whose services are
placed at the disposal of the LWMC by the CDGL, shall not be varied to their
disadvantage during the period their services remain at the disposal of the
LWMC and these employees shall render their services in the manner and in
accordance with such standing operating procedures as are framed and made
applicable to them by the LWMC and they may receive remuneration not less
than what would have been admissible to them had their services not been
placed at the disposal of the LWMC and in case an inquiry is deemed necessary
on account of inefficiency, misconduct or corruption of these employees, a

Page 123
Lahore Waste Management Company

person or employees nominated by the Managing Director of the LWMC shall act
as inquiry officer or, as the case may be, inquiry committee in respect of those
employees and the competent authority will in the light of inquiry report
decide the case within sixty days of the submission of report.

 Regular employees of the CDGL whose services are placed at the disposal of the
LWMC shall communicate with their competent authorities through designated
employees deputed by the LWMC for the purpose save in situations where
initiation of disciplinary proceedings has started on the demands of the LWMC
without repatriating the employees to the CDGL.

 Powers of leave sanctioning authority of the regular employees of the CDGL,

whose services are placed at the disposal of the LWMC, shall be exercised by
designated employees deputed by the LWMC for the purpose during the period
these employees remain at the disposal of the LWMC.

 The LWMC shall intimate the CDGL, twice a year, names of the regular
employees who would be superannuating within coming six months and shall
return duly completed service books, other service records, if any, and
presumptive last payment certificates of those employees for preparation and
processing of their pension cases. The same exercise shall be completed within
two weeks of intimation of in-service death of a regular employee.

 Services of existing work-charged employees of the CDGL shall be placed at the

disposal of the LWMC which may execute a separate Agreement with each of
them on conditions not less favorable than those admissible to them on the
commencing day. Extension in period of employment of existing work-charged
employees and termination of their employment shall be made by the
competent authority in the CDGL on the recommendation of the LWMC.

 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, conditions of service of

the existing work-charge employees whose services are placed at the disposal
of the LWMC by the CDGL shall remain intact and their right of regularization of
service, if any, with the CDGL shall not be adversely affected by joining the
LWMC. However the status of work charge employees with respect to being
skilled or unskilled will be reviewed by the LWMC and any change in such status

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Lahore Waste Management Company

shall not be deemed as a change in condition of service. The CDGL may, on

recommendations of the LWMC, decide to regularize services of some or all
existing work-charged employees whose services are placed at the disposal of
the LWMC in accordance with the applicable rules, procedure and criteria for
the time being enforce.

 The posts of regular employees of CDGL, whose services are placed at the
disposal of LWMC, will, deemed to be notionally retained in CDGL budget for
the purpose of their promotions and retirement. The LWMC will make
recommendations to the competent forum for promotion considerations.

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Lahore Waste Management Company


Page 126
Post Title Department

Staff Grade No. of Vacancies

Nature of Post

Permanent Contractual Daily Wages

If Contractual, No of days/months If Daily Wages, No of Days

Post Already Sanctioned Not Sanctioned


Training / Certification
Experience Age

3. Job Description:

4. Person Specification:

5. Justification:

Department Head/G.M. (concerned) _____________________________________

CFO _____________________________________

G.M. (HR & ADMIN) _____________________________________

Managing Director _____________________________________



This is a senior management position reporting directly to the

Managing Director of the Company.

The position shall be responsible and accountable for:

Candidate Profile:

LWMC is an equal opportunity employer and offers conducive work
environment, competitive salary package, Interested candidates
should send their detailed resume along with a recent passport
size photograph latest by

Only short listed candidates shall be contacted.


Lahore Waste Management Company

4th Floor, Shaheen Complex Please attach TWO
copies of your recent
Egerton Road Passport size Photograph

Name: __________________________________

Name: __________________________________

Present Address:__________________________________ * PLEASE ATTACH ATTESTED

__________________________________ COPIES OF QUALIFICATION
Phone: __________________________________
Fax # __________________________________
E-Mail: __________________________________

Permanent Address:__________________________________
_______________________________ POSITION APPLIED FOR
Phone:______________________ Fax #

Religion: _______________ Nationality: _______________ Age:______

Date of Birth: _______________ Place of Birth: __________________________

Male Female Identification Mark_______________________

Present Gross Salary Salary Desired When can join duties, if job is
Rs._____________ Rs._________ or on…………………………..









EDUCATION (Academic & Professional)



(If any)

Completion of
IMMEDIATE FAMILY DATA (Wife, Husband, Children)

Name Relation Age Occupation Place of Work

IN CASE OF EMERGENCY PLEASE NOTIFY:________________________________________________



Excel. Well Fair Excel. Well Fair Excel. Well Fair

List the positions you have held, showing last position first:-

Name & address of present/ ex- Employer‟s Your Gross
employer Business From To Position Salary

Have you ever been dismissed Removed/terminated from service? If yes, give

Reference 1 Reference 2

Name______________________________ Name______________________________

Phone_________ Phone_________

Occupation________________ Occupation________________

Years Known______________ Years Known______________

Address____________________________ Address____________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________

Relation with candidate ________________ Relation with candidate ________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________

give detail:

Name: __________________________________ Position:_________________________________

Name: __________________________________ Position:_________________________________

Use this space for any additional information you may wish to give, e.g. extracurricular
activities etc.

I do hereby affirm that the contents of this application are true to the best of my knowledge and
belief; I understand that any misrepresentation of facts omission thereof can be a cause of my
dismissal from service.

Applicant Signature/Date CNIC#

Guidelines for Interviewer
Name :_____________________________________ 1. Arrange proper seating
2. Hand shake / Greet
Position evaluated for : ________________________ 3. Introduce yourself and other interviewers
4. Describe the timing of the interview
Date :_____________Time from______to ________ 5. Tell candidate he/she shall do most of the talking
6. Mention note taking
Interviewer's Name : __________________________ 7. Tell candidate when he/she should ask questions
General :

AREAS OF Poor Unsatisfactory Required Skills Superior Skills
S. No Needed Points [0-4]
EVALUATION (0) (1) (3) (4)
EDUCATION Not directly
Unsuitable for Fit for the core Well suited for
1 [grades, Slightly suitable applicable, but
job function the core function
institution] helpful
Not directly Not directly
Fit for the core Well suited for
2 EXPERIENCE Fresh relevant to the applicable, but
function the core function
position helpful
Appear familiar Demonstrates a Demonstrates an
Does not appear Has fair
TECHNICAL with the subject very good excellent
3 familiar with the understanding of
KNOWLEDGE with minimal understanding of understanding of
subject the subject
depth the subject the subject
AREAS OF Poor Unsatisfactory Required Skills Superior Skills
S. No Needed Points [0-4]
EVALUATION (0) (1) (3) (4)
Also aware of Advance practical
4 No knowledge Can use MS Office other supporting knowledge of
[MS Office] software
software technology
Logical &
EXPRESSION OF Speaks without Dwells on non- Can convey in Thoughts clearly convincing
IDEAS thinking essential thoughts broader term expressed thoughts with
specific examples
Outspoken / over Reasonably Inspires
6 CONFIDENCE Introvert Submissive
confident confident confidence

PHYSICAL Reasonable
Unpleasant, Lethargic, lacks Good carriage & Alert, smart &
7 APPEARANCE & appearance and
Unhealthy energy posture. energetic
HEALTH posture

Ask intelligent Quick thinker,

MENTAL Dull and non- Slow to grasp Expresses own
8 question to clarify grasps complex
ALERTNESS responsive ideas ideas only
thoughts ideas & thoughts
SKILLS - Use of No Clarity in areas of Listen & speak Ability to sell his
9 Unexpressive.
words, tonality, expression communication with assurance point of view
body language skills
Social with win- Ability to respond
INTERPERSONAL Rigid in dealing Fails to recognize Purposefully
10 win attitude and to other's needs /
SKILLS with others other's needs Cooperative
team player Empathetic
Points available = 40. Securing more than 20 points shall qualify the candidate to compete.
Behavioural Information
Please fill the following by asking examples of related topics. Check the box if explained by the candidate.
These are 6 behaviours, out of which at least 3 must be filled for each position.
Situation Action Result Rating 0-4

Ability to Learn
In your most recent position, what did you learn? How did you apply this learning

Situation Action Result Rating 0-4

Tell me about a time when you took charge as a leader in a work situation without being formally assigned to that role by your boss.

Situation Action Result Rating 0-4

Recall a time when you started an initiative on your own, what were the reasons for starting it, how things turned out?

Situation Action Result Rating 0-4

Team Work

Tell me how you increased teamwork among a previous group with whom you worked.

Situation Action Result Rating 0-4

Setting Stretched Targets
Tell me about a time when you set stretched work goals for yourself. What did you achieve?

Situation Action Result Rating 0-4

1. The Situation ( S )

Why did a candidate take a particular course of action? What were the circumstances?

2. The Action ( A )

What did the candidate do or say to respond to the situation?

3. The Result ( R )

What was the impact of the candidate's actions?

Securing more than 50% points shall qualify the candidate to compete.
Recommendation :
Selected for the position applied: Further evaluation required by: Pending for another position of : Dropped

Current Salary: Expected Salary:


Signature of Interviewer








(PANEL CHAIRMAN/CONVENER) _______________________________

Deputy MANAGER HR _______________________________

GM (HR & ADMIN) _______________________________

MANAGING DIRECTOR _______________________________

Date: _______

Name and address: __________________________


Dear ______________________:

I am very pleased to offer you a permanent employment as a _______________________,

in LWMC, based on the following terms and conditions:

1. Position

You are appointed to the position of ____________________, in department

________________ of LWMC, and in this capacity, you will report directly to
___________________. This is a permanent position, and as discussed and agreed
with you, your start date in the position will be ___________.

2. Remuneration

Your salary will be Rs. ___________. Your salary will be payable once a month at
month end in accordance with LWMC payroll practices.

3. Benefits
As a permanent employee, you will be eligible to participate in LWMC provident
fund for employees, according to the terms of the plans.
4. Increment
Increment in the salary will depend on the result of performance appraisal
performed at specific time according to the performance management policy.
5. Probation Period
Probationary period will be first three (3) months of your appointment to this
position. We will review your progress in the position on a regular basis and provide
you with regular feedback. We will be in a position to confirm continued
employment upon successful completion of the probationary period.

6. Acceptance

This is an offer letter only, as a token of your acceptance., sign and return a copy
of it indicating the joining date.

7. Tax Deduction

Any tax applied by the FBR will be deducted from your gross salary.
Lahore Waste Management Company

8. Reference Check

9. The company shall perform all necessary reference checks on the submitted
documents. However, if any of the provided information has been misquoted, the
company reserves the right to alter the above package or cancel the contract as

You will have to give a notice in writing at least thirty (30).

10. Confidentiality

During the course of your employment with LWMC, you will be entrusted with
confidential and proprietary information.

I would ask that you review the contents of this offer carefully. If the terms of
employment as set out in this agreement are acceptable to you, please sign and
date one copy and return a fully signed copy to my attention latest by

Mr./Ms.______________, I wish to convey my sincere enthusiasm about the

possibility of you joining LWMC. I hope that you find the terms of this offer
reasonable and attractive.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at __________________.

Yours truly,


I agree to accept the conditions of employment indicated above, this day of , 201-
In case you fail to report for duty on the offered date of joining, without prior intimation,
your employment shall stand cancelled automatically.

(Employee Name)

NOTE: Please ensure that you forward a copy of the acceptance letter within 10 days
at the following address:

Lahore Waste Management Company
4th floor, Shaheen Complex,
Egerton Road, Lahore, PAKISTAN.

Mr. -----------------------------



Dear Mr. ------,

I am pleased to offer you a contract of employment with Lahore Waste Management Company,
hereinafter called “LWMC”, on the following terms and conditions:


I. The terms and conditions of this contract are conditional upon your signing and
returning the acceptance attached to this letter to HR Department within 10 days
of the receipt of this letter of appointment.

II. The effective date of this contract shall be the date of your joining.

III. You being found medically fit to the satisfaction of LWMC, your antecedents being
verified and acceptable to the satisfaction of LWMC.

IV. You shall be on probation for a period of 3 months in the first instance, or until
such time as LWMC at its sole discretion confirms in writing that you have
successfully completed your probation.

V. During probation period clause # 8 (II), 8 (III), 4 (D) 1 and 8 (V) C of this letter shall
not be applicable


Your contract details shall be as follows:

a) Designation: -------------------------------------
b) LWMC Grade: -------------------------------------
c) Place of Work: LWMC Lahore
d) Duties/ responsibilities, and administrative /supervisory jurisdiction and functions
shall be determined by LWMC and notified to you from time to time.
e) Working hours shall be commensurate with job needs at times to be notified to you.

I. LWMC may change your designation or place of duties / responsibilities from time
to time as it may consider fit.

II. You may be transferred, deputed or assigned to any affiliated organization, at any
time, permanently or otherwise, at LWMC sole discretion.

III. You agree to perform, observe and conform to such functions, duties and
instructions as may from time to time be assigned, communicated, entrusted or
delegated to you by LWMC or by its affiliated organisations.


Your monthly salary/cash benefits shall be as under:

A. Basic Salary: Rs. ------/-

B. Allowances:

 House Rent @ 30% of basic Salary

 Utility @ 10% of basic salary

Note: The salary components are strictly confidential and employees are advised in their
own interest not to disclose this information to anyone.

C. Monthly Reimbursements

 Petrol ---- liters

 Cell Phone Rs. -----/

D. Annual Benefits

1. Leave 18 days
2. Sick Leave 12 days
3. Casual leaves 10 days

Lahore Waste Management Company

II. Provident Fund Scheme shall be available to you with matching contribution by you
and by LWMC up to 10% of basic salary.

III. Medical Cover

You shall be provided medical cover through the LWMC medical insurance scheme.

IV. Holidays entitlement as follows:

Annual Leave:

 You shall be entitled for 18 days annual leaves. This entitlement can be carry
forward to next year but this leave cannot be accumulated for more than 40
days in total.

Casual Leave:

 You shall be entitled for 10 days casual leaves per year.

Sick Leave:

 You shall be entitled for 10 working days medical leaves per year in
accordance with the LWMC laid rules.


I. This agreement represents the entire agreement between you and LWMC and it
supersedes all prior Agreements signed by both parties with each other. All the
clauses in this Agreement are intended to be enforced in accordance with their
terms valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permissible by the law.

II. If any term of provision in this agreement shall be held to any extent to be invalid,
unenforceable, or illegal, under any enactment or rule of law, that term or
provision shall to that extent be deemed not to form part of this agreement, and
the enforceability and validity of the remainder of this agreement shall not be

Please confirm that you accept all terms and conditions of regular employment as given in this
letter by signing and returning the attached duplicate copy of this letter but not later than specific
period mentioned earlier.

This has been issued with approval of Managing Director LWMC.

Yours sincerely,

General Manager
HR & Admin

M. Yousuf Adil Saleem & Co., Chartered Accountants Page 146

Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited5
Acceptance of Appointment Letter

I confirm that all terms and conditions of regular appointment as given in the letter dated …………..
are accepted by me.




WITNESS SIGNATURE........................................

NAME ...............................................................

Name ________________ Designation _______________

Cell # - Email _______________ Date of Joining _________________

Note: Please briefly explain or tick the appropriate option.

Q 1: Have you visited company website as yet?

a. Yes
b. No

Q 2: LWMC mission will provide a waste management program that contributes to maintaining
the health of the residents by ensuring that waste is removed from the city and disposed
off in an acceptable manner.

Q 3: When did Lahore Waste Management Company establish?

a. 20th May 2010

b. 25th June 2011
c. 19th March 2010
d. 27th December 2010

Q 4: Write any 2 strategic objectives of the company?




Q 5: What is the slogan of LWMC?

a. We clean Lahore very soon
b. We will clean whole city
c. We clean Lahore like never before

Q 6: Out of four below mentioned values of LWMC, identify which was not written in orientation?
a. Commitment
b. Hardworking
c. Hygiene
d. Respect

Q 7: How many Union Councils are working under LWMC?

a. 145
b. 150
c. 152
d. 166
Name: _______________________________________ Designation: _______________________

Department: __________________________________ Location:__________________________

Date: ___/___/______

Copy of CNIC should be attached.










For HR use only

DOJ: _________________________________ Length of Service: ____________________________

Credit Limit: __________________________ Monthly Entitlement___________________________

Manager HR: _______________________

___________________ ____________________ ___________________

Employee Department GM -HR & Admin
Signature Head
Date ]

The Manager Human Resources

Lahore Waste Management Company

I have read the LWMC Officers‟ Car Policy and Procedures governing Company cars for my grade and
undertake to abide by the policy. My specific preference is as follows:

Manufacturer ..........................................

Model ..........................................

Preferred Colour of Car: ..........................................

SIGNED ..........................................

NAME: ..........................................

DESIGNATION: ..........................................

GRADE: ..........................................

DATE: ..........................................

OFFICE USE Human Resources Department

Date received …………..…………………..

Officer is entitled as per contract/policy ---------------------------

Approved by GM (HR&A) ...……………………………..


Budget Available ............................................

Cost Code ............................................
Signature of CFO ............................................

Employee’s Personal Info:

Person ID: Name:
Job Title: Department


Leave at Credit Carry Forward Total

(Year 0000-00) (Previous Year)


Employee‟s Name:


Department: Employee Code:

Type of Leave: Medical Casual Annual Compensatory Unpaid

Duration of Leave: Full Half Short Leave

From: _______________ To: ____________ No. of leave (s) / Hours (s): ___________


Applicant‟s Signature _____________________

Date: ________________

Departmental Head: _____________________ Date: ________________

Remarks: _________________________________________________________________

Head HR: _____________________ Date: ________________

Remarks: _________________________________________________________________

HR Department
Leave Category:
Leave Record Medical Casual Annual
Previous Balance
On This Form
Current Balance

HR Department
Note: i) Management reserves the right to call any employee on job in case of emergency.
ii) All Department Heads and General Managers will get leave approval from MD.
(To be filled by the immediate head)

1. Name of Employee:

3. Date plan was developed:

4. Rationale for setting the goals(s)

5. Identify the events that justify need and resulting goal(s)

6. Describe the professional development training and learning opportunities planned in support
of accomplishing established goal(s)

7. How do the goals and training and learning opportunities align with assigned Job
Description/Role Profile? Which area of the role profile will be the focus of this plan?

Trainings attended (Details for the last 1yr)

Achievements (w.r.t targets – last yr) Designated Target Achieved Target

Career Plans

Potential for future growth

When will the employee be ready for promotion/ to move to the next level?

Where will the employee be in the next level (career growth path)?

Remarks/ any specific job


Venue : Date of Training:

Title Of Course:
Name Of Trainer

NAME: _______________________________ Phone: _______________________________

DESIGNATION:_________________________ Email:________________________________

Rate Your Knowledge and Skill Level

(circle your rating)

Before this course: Low-------------High After this course: Low--------------High

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

We are interested in your assessment of the training provided and would like to ask you to
complete the form. For each statement, please check if you agree or disagree using a
rating scale from “1” to “5”.

1= Strongly Disagree 2=Disagree 3=Neutral 4=Agree 5=Strongly Agree

Categories Check your response

Preparation 1 2 3 4 5
1. The invitation for the training stated the goals clearly
2. I was given enough information to prepare for the training

Content Delivery
3. The goals of the training were clearly defined
4. The topics covered were relevant
5. Each session stated the objectives clearly
6. There was sufficient opportunity for interactive
7. The format allowed me to get to know the other


Name of Employee: Job Title:

Staff Number: Type of Employment
Department: Date of Joining:
Appraisal Term (From) Location:
Appraisal Term (To) Grade:
Line Manager Name Date of review meeting


Assessment Manager/
1) Objectives: Reviewer
To what extent you met your objectives during the year
List 4-5 of your major objectives for the year and evaluate
your performance with marks 1-5.
1 = not attempted 2 = partially achieved 3 = largely achieved
4 = fully achieved 5 = exceeded expectations.

2) Achievement:

(List out 4-5 major achievements during the current year)

3) Training Needs:

(Identify areas in which you plan to improve your skill during

the subsequent year).

4) Career Planning:

(State if you desire to stay with the company on long term

basis specify field of your interest which you would like to
develop further).

Employee Name/Signature:______________________________

Designation : _________________________________________

Date : __________________________________
Signature Signature


1) Personal Attributes:

Very Good Below

Excellent Good Average
5 4 3 2 1
i. Honesty & Integrity

ii. Aptitude

iii Initiative & Drive

iv Perseverance and devotion

to duty
v Leadership Qualities

vi Personal conduct &


vii Loyalty and Commitment

Total in each Column

Grand Total Performance Rating

2) Professional Attributes:

Excellent Very Good Good Average
5 4 3 2 1
i. Professional Knowledge

ii. Technical Competency

iii Work Performance

iv Analytical ability

v Interpersonal skills

vi Acceptance of responsibility

vii Foresight & Creativity

viii Ability to take decision

ix Goals Vs Targets achieved

x Team Work

xi Power of expression (oral)

xii Power of expression


Name:________________________ Person ID: ____________ Designation: _________________ Department: ______

Particulars of Journey and Destination Journey by Road Journey by Rail Daily Allowance
Kind of Total
Date Date & No. of No. of No. of of Remarks
Departure Arrival Journey Rate Amount Class Amount Rate Amount Amount
Time Time KM Fares Days Journey

Department Head:____________________ Date:___________________ Approved by:_________________ Received:____________________

Lahore Waste Management Company

Immediate Head

Name: ______________

Designation: ___________

Comment Date Signature

Status of work

Office files

Other Team Members

Name: ______________

Designation: ___________

Comment Date Signature

Status of work

Office files

M. Yousuf Adil Saleem & Co., Chartered Accountants Page 179

Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited5
Lahore Waste Management Company

System Administrator / Network Administrator

Name: ______________

Designation: ___________

Comment Date Signature

User Id disabled

Email disabled

Finance department

Name: ______________

Designation: ___________

Comment Date Signature

Travel Advance

Outstanding Loan

M. Yousuf Adil Saleem & Co., Chartered Accountants Page 180

Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited5
Lahore Waste Management Company

Administration Department

Name: ______________

Designation: ___________

Comment Date Signature


ID Card

Drawer / Cabin Keys

Mobile Phone


Any other company


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Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited5
Lahore Waste Management Company

Human Resources Department

Name: ______________

Designation: ___________

Comment Date Signature

Exit Interview

Reliving Formalities

Signature of HR-Manager

Date: ________________ Signature: ________________

Signature of Department Head

Date: ________________ Signature: ________________


 List of Documents handed over

 List of Things Handed over

M. Yousuf Adil Saleem & Co., Chartered Accountants Page 182

Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited5

______________________ Termination Date______________________

Employee ID # ______________________ Eligible for Rehire [ ] Yes [ ] No

Job Title ______________________ Region/Project

Reason for Leaving

Voluntary Involuntary

[ ] Better Position [ ] Attendance

[ ] Personal Reasons [ ] Violation of Company Policy
[ ] Relocation [ ] Lay Off
[ ] Retirement [ ] Management Discrimination
[ ] Return to Province [ ] Company’s Policies
[ ] Other_______________ [ ] Other_______________

Employee Comments:

GM Human Resources Comments:

Employee's Signature ____________________ Date: ____________________

Interviewer's Signature ____________________ Date: ____________________
2. What did you find most satisfying about your job?
3. What did you find most frustrating about your job?
4. Were there any company policies or procedures that made your work more difficult?
5. Would you consider returning to this company in the future?
6. Would you recommend this company to a friend as a good place to work?
7. Is there anything the company could have done to prevent you from leaving?

Lahore Waste Management Company

LWMC Business: Others:

Remarks (Please give brief details of the visit):

Signature of Requester: Approval of Competent Authority

Date of Request:

Department: Transport Services
Transport Provided: Yes / No on: Day: Date:
Transport Confirmed for:
Vehicle No: Driver
Name: Signature:


Transport Confirmation Receipt

To: Department: Telephone No:
Transport Confirmed for:
Travel Date: Time: Pickup Address:
Signature: Date:

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Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited5
Lahore Waste Management Company

Lahore Waste Management Company LWMC/HR- 24


Vehicle No. ________________ Average per Liter ________________

Time Detail of Purpose of Name of Officer/ Meter Reading Distance P.O.L

Date Signature Remarks
From To Journey Journey Official From To Covered Drawn

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Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited5
Lahore Waste Management Company

Lahore Waste Management Company LWMC/HR- 25





Change oil
Lubricate chassis
Change oil filter
Change air filter
Change transmission fluid
Flush cooling system
Add antifreeze
Align wheels
Rotate tires
Replace tires
Adjust brakes
Tune engine
Other service
Other service

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Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited5



CFO Procurement &

Manager Manager Sr. Manager

Communication QA/QC Manager Sr. Manager Finance
Administration Manager Manager
MSWM Planning Procurement Contracts
Manager HR
Dy. Manager
Dy. Manager Asst. Manager Asst. Manager
MSWM (20)
Assistant Assistant Asstt. Manager
Asstt.Mn Asstt. Asstt. Asstt. Asstt.
Manager Manager HR Mngr. Mngr.
gr. Mngr. Mngr.
Admin Collection Transport Accounts Finance

Manager Transfer Manager Treatment Manager Manager Dy. Manager Dy. Manager Dy. Manager Dy. Manager Dy. Manager Dy. Manager
Station & Disposal Industrial Waste Construction&
MIS Workshop MSE H& SH Waste Demolition Waste R&D Planning

Asst. Asst. Asst. Asst. Asst. Asst. Asst. Asst. Asst. Asst.
Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager
Lahore Waste Management Company

Lahore Waste Management
SR # Grades Designations
1 District Officer (S.W.M) 18
2 District Officer (Workshop-11) 18
3 Assistant District Office (Sanitation) 17
4 Deputy District Officer (Account &Finance) 17
5 Deputy District Officer (Admin) 17
6 Chief Sanitary Inspector 16
7 Office Superintendent 16
8 Revenue Officer 16
9 Pool Officer 15
10 Private Secretary 15
11 Assistant Superintendent Sanitation 15
12 Assistant Accountant 14
13 Office Assistant 14
14 Steno Typist 11
15 Sub Engineer 11
16 Sub Engineer 11
17 Sanitation Officer 11
18 Account Clerk 11
19 Sub Engineer 11
20 Forman 10
21 Steno Typist 10
22 Load Driver 9
23 Load Operator 9
24 Motor Vehicle Inspector 9
25 Account Clerk 9
26 Bus Driver 8
27 Bulldozer Operator 8
28 Driver 8
29 Sanitary Inspector 8
30 Driver 8
31 Diesel Mechanic 7
32 Telephone Operator 7
33 Junior Clerk 7
34 Tracer 7

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Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited5
Lahore Waste Management Company

SR # Grades Designations
35 Junior Clerk 7
36 Sewer Inspector 6
37 Assistant Sanitary Inspector 6
38 Market Inspector 6
39 Veterinary Compounder 6
40 Assistant Superintendent 5
41 Naib Darogha 5
42 Mechanic 5
43 Gate Keeper 5
44 Sewer Inspector 5
45 Store Keeper 5
46 Auto Mechanic 5
47 Denture 5
48 Electrician 5
49 Welder 5
50 Tractor Driver 5
51 Black Smith 4
52 Carpenter 4
53 Plumber 4
54 Fitter Operator 4
55 Metal Worker 4
56 Darogha 4
57 Sanitary Jamadar 3
58 Naib Darogha 2
59 Naib Qasid 2
60 Cattle Attendant 1
61 Helper 1
62 Lorry Baildar 1
63 Lorry Cleaner 1
64 Cleaner 1
65 Qulee 1
66 Service Man 1
67 Gariban 1
68 Sanitary Worker 1
69 Watch Man 1
70 Water Carrier 1
71 Water Carrier (Part Time) 0
72 Sanitary Worker (Part Time) 0
73 Work Charge 0

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Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited5
Lahore Waste Management Company

Lahore Waste Management

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Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited5
Lahore Waste Management Company

Lahore Waste Management
Category DA DA
Grades Designations Air Train Car Hotels
Classifications (Loc) (Int)
Official Vehicle
Board of Eco along with fuel
N/A 5 Star 2000 $100
Directors Class as per actual
Official Vehicle
Consultant Eco along with fuel
N/A 5 Star - -
(Senior Staff) Class as per actual
Official Vehicle
Consultants Eco along with fuel
N/A 4 Star - -
(Jr. Staff) Class as per actual

Official Vehicle.
In case personal
vehicle @ 12 Rs.
Managing Eco / KM or
M-1 1st Category NA 5 Star 2000 $100
Director Class reimbursement
on production of
actual bill
whichever is less

Official Vehicle.
In case personal
vehicle @ 12 Rs.
DY. Managing Eco / KM or
M-2 1st Category NA 5 Star 2000 $100
Director/COO Class reimbursement
on production of
actual bill
whichever is less

Official Vehicle.
In case personal
vehicle @ 12 Rs.
Snr. General Eco / KM or
M-3 1st Category NA 5 Star 2000 $100
Manager Class reimbursement
on production of
actual bill
whichever is less

Official Vehicle.
In case personal
vehicle @ 12 Rs.
Eco / KM or
M-4 2nd Category GM /CFO NA 4 Star 1500 $75
Class reimbursement
on production of
actual bill
whichever is less

M. Yousuf Adil Saleem & Co., Chartered Accountants Page 192

Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited5
Lahore Waste Management Company

Category DA DA
Grades Designations Air Train Car Hotels
Classifications (Loc) (Int)
Official Vehicle.
In case personal
vehicle @ 12 Rs.
Dy. General Eco / KM or
M-5 2nd Category NA 4 Star 1500 $75
Manager Class reimbursement
on production of
actual bill
whichever is less

Official Vehicle.
In case personal
vehicle @ 12 Rs.
Senior Eco / KM or
M-6 2nd Category NA 4 Star 1500 $75
Manager Class reimbursement
on production of
actual bill
whichever is less

Official Vehicle.
In case personal
vehicle @ 12 Rs.
Eco / KM or
M-7 3rd Category Manager NA 4 Star 1000 $75
Class reimbursement
on production of
actual bill
whichever is less

Official Vehicle.
In case personal
vehicle @ 12 Rs.
Eco / KM or
M-8 3rd Category Dy. Manager NA 4 Star 1000 $75
Class reimbursement
on production of
actual bill
whichever is less

Official Vehicle.
In case personal
vehicle @ 12 Rs.
Assistant. Eco / KM or
M-9 3rd Category NA 4 Star 1000 $75
Manager Class reimbursement
on production of
actual bill
whichever is less

* In case of personal Motor Cycle, (on prior approval) reimbursement on production of bill or
Rs. 5 per KM whichever is less.

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Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited5
Lahore Waste Management Company


Category Monthly Fuel Limits Per Month

Grades Designations
Classifications (Litre)
M-1 1st Category Managing Director As per Actual
M-2 1st Category DY. Managing Director/COO As per Actual
M-3 1 Category Snr. General Manager 300
M-4 2nd Category GM /CFO 300


Designation / International Monthly Telephone

Grade Roaming Facility Limit Set

As per
Managing Director Yes Personal & Business Executive

General Mangers Yes 5000 Personal & Business Executive

Senior Managers Yes 3500 Personal & Business Standard

Managers Yes 2000 Personal & Business Standard

Lower Staff No 1000 Personal & Business Standard

Pool Use No N/A Business Economical

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Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited5

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