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Modal Verbs

MODAL VERBS have special characteristics:

 they are followed by bare infinitive (infinitive without to);
 no –s on the 3rd person singular;
 no –ing form;
 no auxiliaries in the interrogative and negative forms.

Modal Verb Function Substituing verb

Can Could · ability - John can speak English, but he can't speak Spanish. · To be able to
· ability (in the past) - My mother could swim when she was younger. · To be capable of
· possibility - I can learn English. · To be (im)possible to
· permission - Can I smoke in the room? · To be allowed to
· offer - Can I help you, madam?
· request - Could you bring me a cup of tea, please?

May Might · permission (politeness) - May I open the window, please? · To be allowed to
· possibility - The chauffeur may be in the car. · To be likely to
Susan may not come tomorrow. · To be probable to
You might participate in the contest.
· probability - It might rain. · Perhaps… will

Will Would · requests (more polite) - Would you mind closing the door? · To want
· determination/intention - I will pass the exam. · To desire
· To be determined to
Shall Should · offer - Shall I open the door for you? · Do you want…?
· suggestion - Shall we go to the cinema? · Let’s
· advice - You should eat more vegetables. · To have to (morally)
· duty/moral obligation - Children should listen to their parents. · To be the (moral) duty
· To be better
· … would better…
Must · obligation/duty - You must do your homework, · To have to
whether you want to or not. · To be obliged to
· deduction - He has a great car. He must earn a lot of money.
· To have the obligation
· necessity - You must go to the doctor if you can't see well.
· To be certain
Mustn't · prohibition - You mustn't cross the road when the red light is on. · To be forbidden
· To be prohibited to
Ought to · recommendation/moral obligation - You ought to study more. · To have to

Need/ · (absence of) obligation/necessity - You needn’t run. It’s still early. · To be necessary
· Don’t need to
· Don’t have to
Dare · audacity or lack of it - How dare you?/He daren’t look at me. · To have the courage to

Rewrite the following sentences replacing some words or expressions by a modal verb and making
the necessary transformations.

1. The students are allowed to go to the zoo.

2. Jane isn’t able to eat food with garlic.
3. It was impossible for the man to carry the heavy suitcase upstairs.
4. Look at the sky. Perhaps it will rain.
5. It is better for you to tell your father what happened.
6. It is necessary for them to come this morning because it’s urgent.
7. It isn’t necessary for you to come. There’s no work to do.
8. Ten steaks are likely to be enough for everybody.
9. The government has the obligation of building houses for the homeless.
10. It is children’s duty to respect their parents.
11. My sister is forbidden to arrive home after midnight.
12. Let’s go to a bar.
13. She is determined to go to the concert.
14. It is forbidden to smoke inside the building.
15. It is almost certain that Peter missed the train.

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