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Juveria Majeed,
How to Read an X Ray??
 Plain Xray or
 Which part?

 What is the view?

 Findings?

 Provisional Diagnosis?

 Management of the

Xray Mastoids
 Plain xray mastoids rt and left.
 Schullers view

 Showing cellularity of mastoid air

cells on rt and sclerosis on left.

 Ch. Left mastoiditis

 Mastoid exploration.
 Why do you take X ray mastoids? What are
the advantages of taking X ray mastoids?
 What are the views for temporal bone?

 Which is the common view for mastoids?

 What are the various types of mastoids?

 What is mastoiditis? Coalescent mastoiditis?

 How do you manage it?

 Advantages of CT Mastoids over xrays?

X Ray Para Nasal Sinus
 Plain X ray Para
nasal sinuses
 Waters view
showing haziness
in the left
 What are the views for PNS?
 What is the view with open mouth? Open

mouth is for what?

 What is the other name for waters view?

 What is the other view to see frontal sinusitis?

 Air fluid level is seen in _____ sinusitis where as

complete haziness is seen in chronic sinusitis.
 What is the treatment for acute sinusitis?

 What is the treatment for chronic sinusitis?

 Destruction of the walls of the sinuses is seen in

1. 2.
X Ray Nasal Bones
 Plain X ray Skull Lateral View R
and L showing fracture.
 Diagnosis: #Nasal Bones.

 Treatment : Correction under GA.


 Classify fractures of the face?

 What are symptoms and signs of

fracture nasal bones?

 Lateral view Rt and Lt. why?

 What are the complications of # ?

 What is open book fracture?

 What is closed and open reduction?

 Plain X Ray Skull
 Lateral View
 Showing soft tissue
shadow in the roof and
posterior wall of
 For Adenoid
 Occluding the airway
 Ch. Adenoiditis

 What are the symptoms of Acute and

Chronic Adenoiditis?
 What is adenoid facies?

 How do you manage Chronic

 What is crescent sign? How AC

polyp/masses/tumors of nasopharynx
differentiated from adenoid hypertrophy?
 Management of adenoid hypertrophy?
{ {

Fig 1
Fig 2
Foreign Body Oesophagus (Coin)
{ Plain X Ray neck ,
 Plain X Ray neck
chest and abdomen Lateral view.
AP view.
 Showing edge on
 Showing a round view in lateral view
radio opaque foreign suggesting of FB in
body in the oesophagus (in
contrast to FB
 Probably a coin. trachea)

Fig 1 Fig 2
Foreign Body Trachea

 How to differentiate FBs of oesophagus from

 What are the common FBs in the food passages?

 Complications of FBs?

 How it is managed?

 Management of FBs in air passages?

 Indications of O’scopy and Bronchoscopy

 Complications of O’scopy and Bronchoscopy?

 Contrast X ray
narrowed distal
end of
oesophagus( bird
beak appearance)
 Proximal dilated

part above.

Achalasia Cardia
 Contrast X ray –
Barium swallow.
 Showing Irregular

filling defects in the

middle 1/3rd of the

Ca. Oesophagus

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