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Personnel Psychology – analyzing jobs, recruiting applicants, selecting employees, determining
salary levels, training employees, and evaluating employee performance.
Organizational Psychology – issues of leadership, job satisfaction, employee motivation,
organization communication, conflict management, organizational change, and group
processes within an organization.
Human Factors/Ergonomics – concentrate on workplace design, human-machine interaction,
ergonomics, and physical fatigue and stress.

Distribution Errors
Leniency Error – raters tend to rate every employee at the upper end of the scale regardless of
the actual performance of the employee.
Central Tendency Error – supervisors rate every employee in the middle of the sacle.
Strictness Error – rates every employee at the low end of the scale.
Halo Error – occurs when a rater allows either a single attribute or an overall impression of an
individual to affect the ratings that she makes on each relevant job dimension.

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