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Prepositions of place: In, on, at.

Uses of “in”.
We use “in” when we speak about enclosed places (places you can walk into). For example, “I
am in the bank.” Or “We are in the classroom.” The bank and the classroom are enclosed

We can use in for large places with boundaries. For example, “Tall trees grow in the amazon
forest.” “He works in the corn fields.” “There are oases in the desert.”

We use “in” when we speak about towns, cities, and countries. For example, “She lives in
London.” Or “They live in Rinekby.”

We use in when we speak about bodies in the water. For example, “the boat is in the water.”
“He is in the lake.”

We use “in” when we use “standard expressions”. Standard expressions have no rules, so they
must be memorized. For example, “I read it in a book.” “I saw it in a movie.” “I heard it in a

Use of “on”.
We use “on” when we speak about surfaces. For example. “The apple is on the table.”
(Horizontal surface). “The picture is on the wall.” (Vertical surface).

We use “on” when we speak about Islands. For example, “There is a volcano on that island.”

We use “on” when we speak about streets. For example, “He lives on Linington street.”

We use “on” when we use “standard expressions”. For example, “the store is on the left.”

We use “on” when we speak about water and air transportation methods. “I am on a boat.”
“They’re “on” a plane to China.”

We use “on” when we talk about some technological devices. For example, “I work on my
laptop.” “I watched it on TV.” “I heard it on the radio.” “He is on the phone.”

We use “on” when we speak about things attached to other things. For example, “Look at the
light bulb on the ceiling.” “There are many apples on that tree.”

We use “on” when we use “standard expressions.” For example, “the store is on the left.
(Direction). “You have an apartment on the third floor.” “Floors and levels”.

Uses of “At”.
We use at when we speak about specific points. For example, “I am at the desk.” “The cat is at
the door.”
We use at when we speak about specific points on pages. For example, “The activity at the top
of page 64.”

We use at when we speak about an exact address (name + number). You work at 687
Manhattan street.

We use at when we speak about events. For example, “we are at a wedding.” “They are at a

We use at when we speak about houses. “I am at home.” “I am at my friend’s house.”

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