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Tesla's Little Secret

A proposal to jam the entire frequency spectrum in a small area

Background and Theory of Operation

Nickola Tesla was born July 10, 1856 and died Jan 7, 1943. He is credited with inventing
most of the electric technology we use today. He invented the spark transmitter one of the earliest
radios. A spark transmitter was used on the Titanic. Spark transmitter's were later outlawed
because they interfered with the entire radio frequency spectrum. It generated a powerful spark
and was used exclusively with Morse code. Later in life he experimented with wireless energy
transfer using a Tesla coil. He built an entire generating facility at Wardenclyffe in New York
state. The project was abandoned because you can't make money on free energy. A Tesla coil is a
simple device where electricity is generated and then put through a transformer as a circuit. The
primary of the transformer is at the generating facility and the secondary is at the remote
location where the power is to be used. This idea combines these two inventions to shut down the
entire frequency spectrum in a small area.

Tesla's little secret might be this. In the beginning television and radio were broadcast only
and completely free. Corporations made their money on the advertising. Weather disturbances,
such as lightning or any electric device nearby could interfere with the signal and make them
unusable. In the 1970's they figured out how to deliver TV via cable. It both helped to shield the
signals from interference and got people to pay for it. The conventional method for delivering
electricity has always been wire. Wire is the medium. This way people must pay an electric bill. A
Tesla coil delivers energy via the air and could be cost free. The air is the medium. Noise can
interfere with surveillance on a wire if it is introduced artificially by methods such as X10
technology. Noise on a wire defeats it's purpose. A Tesla coil could be used to introduce noise to
the frequency spectrum in a similar fashion as X10 technology does on wires.

The purpose for shutting down the entire spectrum is to defeat synthetic telepathy, the
microwave hearing effect and communication with any people who have neural implants in the
area. It also slows down police and military response. In a popular uprising shutting down the
radio spectrum would help to level the playing field. Modern military tactics are heavily
dependent on radios and technology in general. If the greatest military power known to man
were forced to fight for every inch of ground without radios and technology the cost in human life
would be so great no one would sign up.
The schematic above is a spark transmitter. It has a power source some basic components
and an antenna. This schematic doesn't show a Morse code key. The one below does. It could be
replaced by another circuit to generate a random spark.
The difference between a spark transmitter and a Tesla coil is the antenna is part of the
transmitter and a Tesla coil doesn't have an antenna. The remote secondary (receiver) helps to
attract energy and thus jam the entire area. The schematic above is a Tesla coil with a spark gap.

The idea is to place numerous receivers (secondary coils) around the area you want to jam.
You need a good solid earth ground. Every building has to have a earth ground. Every few
telephone poles has an earth ground. It might be possible to piggy back a receiver (secondary) on
every pole. The picture below is a grounding rod.
My idea for building a low power version involves an ordinary lawn mower spark plug
mounted in a piece of metal run by a Velleman 2543 Electronic Transistor Ignition for Cars and
an autotransformer I bought from Amazon. See below.

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