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ANNEX A Transfer Certificates of Title of the Sellers JUDICIAL FORM NO. 109-4 Geyised January 1951) REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT O¥ JUSTICE Hand Registration Authority ‘quezon ciry REGISTRY OF DEEDS FoR THE Gransfer Certificate of Title No. 20132, - city of muntimiupa, Fs puensny cour shat certain land situated in the... CY Of Muntind | palpi : bounded and described as ellows A parcel of land(Lot 26-B-1-C=1 of the subdn. plan, Psd-00-039756, being a | Portion of Lot 26-B-1-O(ZRC) Pad226168 LoR-C. Heo. Now 2721) ,oreutod in the Brgy. of Tunasan(Sagbagan) thm. of Muntiniupa;Metro Manila,Ialena ef Luzon. Bounded on the N.,and E.,8long linea 1-3 by Lot 26-B-1-C-2 of the subdn. plan, || on the Seyalone Line 3-4 ty Tot 2e-U-I-B(INC) Fed~226150 and. on the Wesalong jt ty Barrio Road, Beginning at a Point marked "ion plan,being S- 16 dog 362033 from Mon. No. 59, Muntinlupa Estate,thence Ne 68 deg. 22*E, ‘point 25 thence S. 7 dog. 15'Hs,15.00 m, to, point 33 thence S. 66 SOB Fatt abled WHR Tae Abr BIO He BroBSiie Rekiande Bonk ok Ind ke RE OF CONSURLO CASACOP, single, of legal age, Mi1spino, 8 owner thereof im foe simple, subject 0 such of the encumbrances mentioned in Section 44 of ‘said Decree as may be subsisting. and 19 of BP cs ovina Cortcete of Tite No {sued in ERC. Recor N This certificate ts a transfer from .. PRBBLSE Certificate of Title No. {is cancelled by virte hereof in so Jar asthe above-described land ix concerned. OWNER'S DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE ee City of Makats Philippines, on the 2A jay of «OSE SB: inthe po runteen handed and Arnsn PANS wagers @unasan, Muntiniups City QAUBTUANLENLORRELEDS a ‘esis ofc” WSRPEEE status, name of spouse if married, age if’ a minor, citizenship and residence of the ‘the owner is a married woman, stale also the ‘citizenship of her husband. If the the name of the conjugal partnership, state the citizenship of bath spouses MEMORANDUM OF ENCUMBRANCES (When mecemsary use this page for the continuation of the technieal seseription> rea of THRPE HUNDRED THIRTY THRKE(333)SQUARE METERS, nore or leas. All points referred to are indicated on the pian and are marked xcept point 4 by 014 PS cyl. jgindl survey, on Narch 21-27, | ervey, on March 6, 1996 ana" | | (Memorandum of Encumbrances continued on Pag (Technical Description continued on Additional Sh JUDICIAL FORM NO. nee | pocmrommie =" yey ge aa sy Evan ea! No. 4380893 REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Hand Registention Authority ‘Quezon cry REGISTRY OF DERDS POR THE secon EEE OF, MARATE Gransfer Gertificate of Title Bo Coe a LO PEO — City of Muntinlupa, nY CERTIMIED that certain land situated tm the a Pte é 2 Scbounded aid described gs flows ii passed “oF “Land (Est BEB IHET SF theaubn. ‘plan Pod-00-059756,veing @ Portion of Let 26-B-1-0(5R0) Pad-226158,L.R.C. Roc. No. 2721) ,aituated in the Bray. of Tunasan(Begbagan) Mun. of Muntiniupa,Metro Vanila,Tetand of Luzon. Bounded on the We ,along line 1-3 by Barrio Road, on the N.,along line 3=4 by Lot 26-5-1-D(IRG) "Pad-226158, on the E.,along line 4-5 by Laguna de Bay, on th S. along line 5-6 by Lot 26-B-1-B(LRC) Pad~226158 and on the W.,along line 6-7. 1'by Lot 26-B-1-0n1 of the gubdn, plan.Beginning at a point marked "1¥on plan, |p being S. 18 deg. 23°E.,362.33 m. from Mon. No. 59,Tunacan'Estatey thence N. 7 Gog. 15'We,9e42 m- to point 23 thonce N. 3 deg. 45'W.,0.79 m. to point 35 then 'F regiuered th accordance with the provisions of ihe Property Regisration Decree in the name of DOMINADOR ALMENDRALA, of legal age, single, Filipino, as owner thereof in foe simple, subject to such of the encumbrances mentioned in Section 44 of said Decree as may be subsisting, and!0 woes On the Eastern portion corners 4 & 5 there is a salvage Zone. day. Fe is SRGUBBAEURTITED what said land was ereinaly retired om they aétn «ay of : «in the year nineveen hundred, vonnoon hen eeet Iesiaon Book ofthe Orfce ofthe Resiserof Deeds. cae page.2!, az Original Cerujicate of Title No. Tssued in ERC. : » Fotume a puruand io Decree No. 9329 Shope No, “Ti dhe gem cea wanafr fom NEARStOE Ceriaie of Tile No, EREMSNOR which tuaancelled by rane hereofinsoler atthe above-described land ts concerned. Entered ms Philippines: on the ORE Coe OC ey at ake 8 BN — AME ae (Register of Deeds) aje/ret married, age if a minor, citizenship and residence of the te also the citizenship of her husband. If the state the citizenship of both spouses. @rgpas uvye MEMORANDUM OF ENCUMBRANCES (hon necessary use this pase for the continuation of the technical description) Entry No. 2 8. 86 deg. a to point 43 thence 5.8 deg. 56'E. 5} thence S, 88 deg. 22'W.,173.86 m. to point 6} thence N. 7 m, $o point 7; thence S. 69 deg. 22*W.,22.33 m. to the point of beginningsco taining an area ‘of TEREE TEOUSAND(3,000.00)SQUARE METERS,more or less. All pts referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground by PS cyl. |) cone. mons.,15x60 cm.,except points 4 & 5 by Old PS cyl. cone. moni bearings true,date of orig. survey, on March, 21=27(Tubasan Ei subin. survey, on March 6, 1996 and approved on Sept. 12, 199 HOR, 7 ! gyry. 9 ean NOs 13,1996 ; ae ROLLNO ma / EVierenseeres: Best ye ZBI womans 4 ORTGAUR ‘obligation in tho anny of P. Date of Tmaerintion ST FAST Pawn Te FORO lo : (Memorandum of Bs eA oe ana JUDICIAL FORM NO. 109 (vised January 1991) No. 4380896 REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Land Registration Authority ‘QUEZON CITY REGISTRY OF DEKDS POR THE vooonn SEX OF MONEE Transfer Certificate of Title Me EMO | 722872 — city of Muntintupay sp CERTINED chat certain land situated in the oon. S*Y. int past ppney tet noun and described a fons: —-A parcel of land(Lot 26-B-1-4-2, of the subdn. plan Psé-00-039754,being 2 portion of Lot 26-B:1-A(LR0) Pad=226158,1.8.C. Recs No. 272}),aituated in the Brey. of Tunesan(hagbagan) Mun. of Mantiniupa;Metro Manila,taland of Luzon. Pounded on the W.,along line 1-3 by Rarrio Road, on the NW.,along line 3-4 by Lot 26-B-1-B(LRC) Psd=226158, on the E.,along line 4=5 by Manila de Bay,on the! SB. ,along line 5-6 by Lot 2620 Pad~16939 and on the W.yalong lines &=7~1 by Lote 2érBimk=t of the gubén. plan.Feginning at a point marked “|Yon plan,being S« 17 Gees, 00"2+4411.55 me crom None How S9yMuntiniupa Rotates thence Ne 15. see. O5tWs47436 m.'t0 point 25 thence N. 7 ded. 15'We42.6O m. to point 53 thence Ne “es epcrad tt atcortance with the"promdions Wf WE" Propers Rewstation Decree tn the nate of FQ ALMSNDRALA, of legal age, single, Filipino,, as owner thereof in fee simple. subject 10 such of the encumbrances mentioned in Section 44 of Said Decree ar may be subsisting. and to NOTE: On the Eastern portion comners.4 & 5 there is Salvage Zone 20.00 m. wide) 16th, ee i i eon Nba i he Resisggiion Book ofthe Office ofthe Resistr of Deeg of nnn ALRAN. es Volume nny day race Pa Orisa Cnt of Tite why mPa 0 Bre Ne Timed ini range ame : "thas evipesic ia anaher rom ReaRSESE. Cerificate of Tate Na. ZOAREGNCVORT which te canted bp true evel to fr os the above deatibed and concerned City of Makats Entered at = ppines, om the . 24M Gay of. OSESERE, in'thg yggr nineteen hundred and ..PAPESY=S: ot 88. Bom Artes, eo Ais P. GRACO Rep LRY (Register of Deed) WSe/ret if married, age if a minor, citizenship and residence of the ‘woman, ‘state also the citizenship of her husband. If the Rartnership, state the cia ) ‘Srgruie MEMORANDUM OF ENCUMBRANCES (When necessary use his page for the continuation of the technical deseription) BG 03 ded. SOBT AIEEE WI W point 45 thence 8. 6 deg. 56'E.,9.00 m, to point 55 thence S. 76 dog. 59'E+,174-75. m+ to point 67 thence Ms 5 dese O5+W.,15400 me to point 7; thence Se 73 dem. 59'Wes22033 me to the point of beginninaicontai— ning an area of TENSE THOUSAND( 5,000 .00)SQUARE METERS more or leag-All points referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground ty PS cyl. cone. mons. 15x60 em. ,except pointe 2,3,4,5 by Old PS cyl. conc. monse, 15x60 ‘hearings true,date of orig. survey, on Vareh 21-27, 1912(Punasan Bstate) of the subdn. surveyjon March 6, 4996, and approved on Septs 12, 1996+/« FERRENAND P. EGNACTO vepulytepister of Deeds v ‘a prineipel obligratioa io th= ez No, AHS! y » 2epel_ ore es % Pa i fopepegparin ene i ¢ Utd of Instouisert a Li oa earn OA 8, DE LA VINA Seige &ovvde gor (Memorandum of Encumbrances continued on Page (Teciagal pea is mecorgaess om Adiitionat Sheet ae . pes (3) Gevieea Teauncy 1991) No. 4041156 REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE . Bland Registration Authority \ ‘QUEZON cry REGISTRY OF DEEDS FOR THE a Crarsfer Certificate of Title ) Ne close — 161960 — NY CERTINED chat certain land siiuaed'in the CLtY Cf Hunienleps Fhslivpiner, | ‘bounded and deseribed as follows. cubs. bees Lae jes Se LOe BES ALE SP the 5 220151, boing a ports ? 2 lot 2—3-1(Lad} Ped 117629,La0 Roe.Wo.272 Was tuted In te Kovof Dunaea4, lc. f huntinluca,?rov.o? dizal,ie.of Luzon, sounted on the te 3 by’ ipt 1 6-B-I-0 af the subs, plunjon the KE, pointe 3-to 4 by the Josate 4 to 1 by lor Zo—i71-a or tha a erro HosG(toud 10. TB. 54074 79m. 7 valan ane on Sho oscguointe 1 to 2 bet: ord3) Soginaing. ats pe.merkoo"}40n plenyoe-a OTT Tuntialie Bew:togtasacn Ne] Weg, 15's) 25e ide te De once 8.08 deg. 22',, 196. 19m. t0 92034 thekoe B.0dag. 55"2,,9.00m.t0 Pisdy suonce 183 dogs 3 they 195. 54h.t0 the stb! beginesagyoontething af-area of Line Theo Sepe is retistered "in accordance ‘with the provisions of the Property Resieration Decree in the name of PEDRO WiAN, oY loyal age,Pilipino, married to Meda Anan. ‘as owner thereof’ in fee simple, aid Decree as may be Su ect 1 such i of the encumbrances mentioned in Seétion 44 of jeisting. and to of Inthe sear mineteen’ hud ae Resisertion book of the Oifice of the Resiser of Beads of Volue 15 page...S1., as Original Certificate of Tile No. spinnin PPSUANE 10 Decree NO. snes 2. Rwedin LB e Recor eng S ehh the name This cernfieate'is a wansfer from cn ern .. Certificate of Title No. Iweaneeted by virtue heresfin fara the above: fercrbed land tsconcenned Gity of Naketa ‘entered ar Philippines, on ihe. In gee poe sta sl URRS an married, age if a mingr, ci miatecred eee te eee camel womeks oote a __ land is repistered in the name of the MEMORANDUM OF ENCUMS3EANCZ! (When mecessary use this page for the continttaton of the technieal deseription) 15x60 cus. bearinse trus uate oF the orig. survey, Bvu.c.curvey wan executed by sourigo J aa tm OCT 301996 AZ sa (0 Veo LB era sept ‘AFFIDAVIT OF Loss: = tating under ox

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