WP Extreme 2015

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leading the way in

inaccessible terrain

Cable Crane systems – the pipe laying solution

for steep and demanding seCtions.

12 33 66

03. Guest comment

Steve Preston, Ceona. REMOTE LOCATIONS

05. Editor's comment 55. Keeping connected
To boldly go. Chuck Moseley, Inmarsat, UK.
61. Calculating hardship allowances
KEYNOTE ARTICLES Neil Ashman, Senior Analyst, ECA International, UK.
6. Is the OPEC era over?
Jodi Quinnell, Brian Busch, Dominick Chirichella and Robert L. Barton, OFFSHORE
Genscape, USA, cover themes that are playing into the US production
outlook and assess the situation on the OPEC front. 63. A technological evolution
Vibha Zaman, USA, and David Barnard, UK, Lloyd’s Register Energy.
12. The end of easy oil offshore
The end of easy oil is driving offshore exploration and production
into harsher environments, making the construction and operation of CONFLICT
pipelines more challenging, as Olav Fyrileiv, Pipelines & Materials, 66. Making safety an urgent priority
DNV GL, Norway, reports. Colin Griffiths, Managing Director of OPITO International based in Dubai.


19. The cold frontier for pipelines 71. An unfazed workforce
Aiman Al-Showaiter, Special Projects Team Lead, Wood Group Kenny,
Jeff Wilson, Chief Technology Officer, T.D. Williamson, USA.
25. Bringing structure to defiant landscapes CLIMATE CHALLENGES
Julie Burke, Duane DeGeer and Mike Paulin, INTECSEA, Americas.
76. Repairs in the jungle

29. Dealing in extremes: coating performance in 83. Protecting turbines in harsh environments
Stephen Hiner, CLARCOR Industrial Air, UK.
sub-zero conditions
Geoff Addicott, Exova, UK.
SUBSEA WORK 87. A significant engineering feat in Ireland
33. Assessing seabed challenges Adrian Blakemore, Murphy International Ltd, Ireland.
Zack Westgate, Consultant Engineer, Fugro GeoConsulting Inc., USA.
COVER STORY 93. The growing threat
38. Carrying the load in tough terrain Jay Abdallah and Adrian Clarke, Schneider Electric, USA.
Christoph Ludescher, LCS Cable Cranes, Austria.
CONSTRUCTION 95. IPLOCA member contribution
45. Natural hazards Laurini, Italy
Meghan Connors, Operations Manager, PipeSak Pipeline Products,

49. Identifying the threat

Dr. Chris Minto, OptaSense, UK.


ON THE COVER Reader enquiries [www.energyglobal.com]

LCS Cable Cranes is an experienced company offering innovative transport solutions for
the construction of pipelines in steep and inaccessible terrain. The Austrian company is
ISSN 1472-7390

able to solve transportation challenges with the help of cable cranes and makes
pipelaying possible in very inclined mountain ranges with over 70° or rock faces. Cable
Crane systems are environmentally friendly, safe and cost-efficient solutions that are
applied at numerous projects all over the world.
For more information visit www.lcs-cablecranes.com leading the way in
inaccessible terrain

Member of ABC Audit Bureau of Circulations

Cable Crane systems – the pipe laying solution

Copyright© Palladian Publications Ltd 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form for steep and demanding seCtions.

or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. All views expressed in this www.lcs-cablecranes.com

journal are those of the respective contributors and are not necessarily the opinions of the publisher, neither do the publishers endorse any of the claims made in
the articles or the advertisements. Printed in the UK.



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Steve Preston
Founding Chief Executive Officer at Ceona

iant leaps of faith in oil and gas have made for a strategy. Our vision to create next generation vessels that go
dynamic and pioneering industry that continues to above and beyond the evolving subsea sector’s deepwater
explore new frontiers and drive forward its own demands is closer to realisation every day as we push the
destiny. While the current oil price collapse will go boundaries with our work in areas such as Brazil and the Gulf
down in history as one of its low points, the industry’s of Mexico.
ingenuity at reinventing itself never ceases to inspire me. Our newly-launched Ceona Amazon is a powerful,
This is particularly evident in the subsea construction purpose-built hybrid vessel that can execute complex logistical
sector where the evolution into ultra-deepwater and projects in remote, harsh and deepwater territories in one trip.
increasingly complex and challenging Designed to deliver full flexible or
environments has resulted in full rigid pipelay, she can change
significant advancements in THE EVOLUTION INTO easily and quickly between each
technology and innovation.
However, with the cumulative
ULTRA-DEEPWATER AND mode within five days and is
weather resilient.
effect of recent industry events
heightening the focus on cost and
INCREASINGLY COMPLEX Due to her onboard capacity
– the Amazon has a deck area of
production efficiency, there’s an AND CHALLENGING 4600 m2 and the ability to carry
urgency to think and work even
smarter than ever. We need to develop
ENVIRONMENTS HAS 9500 t of pipe on deck and in her
two holds – she can carry more
more sophisticated and innovative RESULTED IN SIGNIFICANT product than any other of her
engineering techniques and counterparts while the multiple,
technological applications that will ADVANCEMENTS IN vertical-lay pipelay system
allow us to recover hard-to-reach
hydrocarbons economically, safely and
TECHNOLOGY AND features a top tension of 600 t
and capable to lay rigid pipe to
with no harm to the environment. INNOVATION 3000 m (10 000 ft) water depth.
But these are not the only The Amazon can cover the
challenges we face when breaking into new deepwater majority of deepwater field development needs including
markets. While technical expertise and know-how is crucial, 100% of tie-backs while her two 400 t cranes, which have been
there are often cultural, political and geo-economical barriers designed to operate in tandem to support work in water
to overcome. depths of up to 3000 m (10 000 ft), enabling her to lay
Understanding the characteristics of each market and manifolds and other structures.
engaging meaningfully with all stakeholders is vital to building Being involved in the Amazon’s design from concept to
robust, successful relationships that help an organisation to seeing the vessel in her full glory has been an inspirational
gain a strong foothold in a new region. Ceona is still a relatively and truly magnificent experience, particularly for someone
new name but we have already expanded our reach as a SURF who, during the seventies in the North Sea, helped deploy
contractor with heavy subsea construction capabilities across the first semi-submersible crane vessels. I have been
the Gulf of Mexico (GoM), Brazil and West Africa. fortunate to experience pioneering developments that have
Key to this has been forming strategic partnerships with revolutionised the industry, such as my involvement in the
established companies in these regions, which has allowed us design of a mechanical lifting clamp for foundation piles.
to develop a considerable track record including repeat At 84 in. dia. and about 200 t each, the foundations were
business for delivering engineering, construction and project the largest ever at that time to be used in an industry that
management on complex operations. was previously somewhat hydraulics-averse
Gaining a proper understanding of how different regions Witnessing the results of ingenuity in engineering – and
like to do business, including respective policies and how it has dramatically evolved over the last five decades –
regulations, takes considerable time, due diligence and has always been one of the greatest privileges of working in an
commitment. But it’s a long-term investment that delivers more industry which continues to reinvent itself to go further and
than financial returns in terms of credibility, experience and deeper into more extreme environments, and I look forward to
connections which, in turn, create value for clients. seeing the Amazon achieve a new milestone for the subsea
It’s certainly been integral to Ceona’s successful growth sector.
Elizabeth Corner

James Little

Hannah Priestley-Eaton ipeline contractors are meeting as floods, landslides, shifting sands and
hannah.p-eaton@worldpipelines.com ever more challenging scenarios seismic activity, cyber threats and the
ADVERTISEMENT DIRECTOR for pipeline design, construction longest gas pipeline tunnel anywhere in
Rod Hardy and operation. We’re talking Europe.
rod.hardy@worldpipelines.com bigger pipelines, higher specs for material, The saying goes: “be stubborn about
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Chris Lethbridge found in ever more remote places, methods”: sometimes a pipeline project
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pipe robustness and integrity for 20, 30, got some interesting pipeline tales.
Stephen North
40 years on, closer Also included in
stephen.north@worldpipelines.com government this special issue is a
Laura Cowell
regulatory scrutiny,
more press attention be stubborn major focus on
workforce safety: with
than ever before and,
ultimately, a true end about your articles from OPITO
(p.66), T.D. Williamson
Victoria McConnell
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Jo Repton
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Callum O’Reilly
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methods cope with extreme
temperatures and
callum.oreilly@worldpipelines.com a challenge in the how to meet
DIGITAL EDITORIAL ASSISTANT service of the oil and gas pipeline industry. demanding targets while staying safe.
Joseph Green They were happy to share details with us The industry increasingly uses rugged,
about recent projects that placed them at the advanced technology for heavy
PUBLISHER edge of what is normal in the pipeline sector. machinery and equipment. We are seeing
Nigel Hardy
For the purpose of this special issue, automated systems taking the place of
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t has been eleven months since the
downtrend in oil prices began, making
it one of the longest on record. Simply
put, the market finally caught up with
the phenomenal oil revolution taking place in
the US, and, to a lesser extent, in Canada and
several other non-OPEC countries. Not only
has the flat price of oil declined by close to
US$50/bbl, but many of the various spread
relationships for both crudes and refined
products have also changed.
In addition, global oil logistics are still
adjusting as various oils look for their
optimum disposition point. This process
will continue for months, or even years,
to come, as oil supply has the potential to
outstrip demand for an extended period of
time. Several months after the price decline


began, OPEC, led by Saudi Arabia, joined the fray
by embarking on the second market share war of
its tenure. The last time this occurred was back
in the 1980s, when OPEC became threatened by
the advent of North Sea and Alaska North Slope
(ANS) crude oil in particular. Once again, OPEC is
threatened by the robust growth in non-OPEC oil
supply, this time led by the US.
So far, there have been three main outcomes
from the market share war. First and second are
strong cuts in oil company capital expenditure
(CAPEX) budgets and a strong decline in oil rigs
deployed to the oil sector in both the US and
Canada. Oil production has continued to grow, but
Figure 1. 2014 vs 2015 CAPEX guidance.
Genscape expects that trend to reverse soon.
The third and most visible outcome has been
a surge in global crude oil inventories. Total crude
oil inventories in the US are now at the highest
level on record, and this holds true for other
locations around the world, such as Europe, with
inventory levels well above 75% of capacity.

CAPEX cuts
Responding to weaker commodity prices in
late 2014 and early 2015, many producers are
re-evaluating their CAPEX for 2015. Of the
95 E&P companies tracked by Genscape, 77 have
announced their CAPEX guidance for fiscal year
2015, resulting in a cumulative domestic CAPEX
reduction of 36%, from US$85.7 billion in 2014 to
US$54.7 billion in 2015.
These changes indicate that producers are
preparing for more volatility ahead with a more
resilient and flexible strategy. Before WTI dipped
below US$50/bbl, some companies, such as
Figure 2. Current 2015 CAPEX guidance vs 3Q-2014 2015 CAPEX ConocoPhillips, BP, and Continental Resources,
guidance. gave out their 2015 CAPEX guidance and then
quickly revised it to lower levels.
Figure 1 shows the current CAPEX for US and
multinational companies in 2014 and 2015. While
the global decrease in 2015 is not unexpected, the
US$17.5 billion in recent revisions is noteworthy.
Despite sometimes-drastic CAPEX cuts, US E&P
companies are expected to increase production by
7% in 2015 year-over-year, and most have started
concentrating on their core areas. For example,
in December last year, EOG announced that it
was divesting Canadian assets in Manitoba and
Alberta for US$410 million. The company plans to
use the proceeds for its high return assets in the
Lower 48. PDC Energy decreased its 2015 capital
budget by 27% when compared to 2014. However,
its 2015 capital budget is focused on core areas of
Wattenberg, which is expected to help increase
production by 30% year-over-year.
Figure 2 shows CAPEX revisions made by
Figure 3. Current 2015 production guidance vs 3Q-2014 2015 production specific companies while Figure 3 shows the
guidance. expected impact on production. Note that despite

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sometimes-drastic revisions, production is often close to Ford, Bakken and Permian. EOG stated in its 4Q call it would
original 2015 estimates. intentionally delay completions, “building a significant
inventory of approximately 350 uncompleted wells. This
Implications of rig cuts allows EOG to use rigs under existing commitments, and when
Corresponding with CAPEX revisions, total rigs in the Lower 48 prices improve we will be poised to ramp up completions.”
have now dropped by 1012 rigs since their peak on 24 October, It is evident oil companies also anticipate a further benefit
2014. Genscape believes another 381 rigs will be cut by August, of decreased pressure pumping costs, with SM Energy stating
resulting in a drop in total rig count in the Lower 48 of in its 4Q call that “this will allow us to take advantage of
approximately 65% from the peak in October. The rig count completion cost deflation when we enter 2016. We’ll also be
drop is very similar to what occurred during the downturn of able to accelerate quickly if we see an improvement in the
2008/2009, which can be seen in Figure 4. commodity prices.”
Genscape forecasts that US production will peak in April The impact of these 720 wells, if they all came online in
at almost 9.6 million bpd before declining through the back the same month, would be about 345 000 boe/d of liquids
half of 2015 and into 2016. Production is expected to climb and 428 million ft3/d gas. With a rough rule of thumb that the
slightly through the back half of 2016 as higher prices in the first 12 months of a new horizontal well averages about 50% of
forward curve incentivise producers to begin slowing adding modelled initial production rates, the impact over 12 months
back rigs. Year-over-year production in 2015 is expected to of production would be approximately 63 million boe of
climb by 477 000 bpd and decline by 372 000 bpd year over liquids and 78 billion ft3 of gas.
year in 2016.
There are two other main themes that are playing into the Inventory analysis
US production outlook. We have seen crude oil inventories build worldwide, but
The first theme is how much well and rig efficiency will nowhere is the transparency of those builds more clearly
improve over time due to the hard declining rig environment measured than North America. Just looking at the stocks of
and producers’ ‘high-grading’ to their best assets. In a lower crude oil reported by the EIA we have seen inventories grow
price environment, producers begin to allocate capital of only by more than 100 million bbls in the US alone during the past
their best assets, and average initial production rates across a six months. PADDs 2, 3 and 4 are at all-time storage highs.
basin increase. This could result in improvements of 10 - 30% But the current crude stocks do not tell the whole story. The
in well productivities over the next year. Also playing into the capacity to store crude has significantly increased over the
efficiency improvements is rig productivity. In a decreasing rig past five years.
environment, operators leave the best crews with the most Cushing, Oklahoma, the single most important group of
efficient rigs running, which will lead to an improvement in storage terminals in the US, is monitored twice weekly by
drill days and ultimately a reduction in costs. Genscape. Inventories have surpassed 60 million bbls for
The second theme is producers delaying well the first time in history. However, the storage capacity at
completions due to economics. Over the past month, Cushing has been expanded by more than 30 million bbls since
producers have announced 720 well completion deferrals, 2009 and now exceeds 85 million bbls. Historically, Cushing
meaning they still intend to drill the wells because the rigs inventories have never exceeded 80% of storage capacity,
are locked in under contract but have decided to hold off although, as of late March, they were well above 70%,
completing the wells until prices improve and completions according to Genscape monitoring.
cost come down. If that level can be attained, there is still another
Cabot, Chesapeake, EOG, SM Energy and Apache alone 10 million bbls of operational capacity available. Given the
have announced 720 well completion deferrals in the Eagle rate at which inventories have been building since 1 November,
2014, those levels could be reached
in late April or early May of this
The same story of record
stocks and significant capacity
growth is true for most locations.
Storage at Hardisty, AB, has
seen capacity grow by 25%,
since Genscape started tracking
inventory levels in Canada in
mid-2010, and stocks in Edmonton
are the highest they have been
since that time. Several new
terminals have been built along
the US Gulf Coast, and Genscape
is currently monitoring the
Figure 4. 2008/2009 vs 2014/2015 historical total rig downturn comparison.
construction and development

of 40 million bbls of new crude storage capacity in PADD 3. oil, the market was reminded at the end of March that the
That is in addition to the 60 million bbls of capacity that is surplus is fragile and could be short-lived if those geopolitical
currently empty along the Texas Gulf Coast between Corpus issues continue to grow. The latest action involves Saudi
Christi and Beaumont. Arabia striking Iranian-backed Houthi forces in Yemen.
If crude production continues to outpace demand at its Yemen produces only about 100 000 bpd of oil – a
current pace, there is still ample storage space available to drop in the bucket in a world currently afloat in oil. The
accommodate additional stock builds for at least another year. other risk is shipping around the Gulf of Aden or through
Once stocks at Cushing have reached operational maximums, the Bab el Mandeb waterway, although it does not appear
the production that has been going into storage there, about that the Houthis have the capability to interrupt shipping.
2.2 million bbls/week since last November, will work its way In addition, the Bab el Mandeb is well patrolled by
back into the US Gulf Coast and East Coast markets. In addition international vessels.
to putting downward pressure on WTI, especially the front of Certainly, there is always the concern of this type of a
the price curve, it will also put pressure on the differential for conflict spreading to other areas of the region. That said,
other grades of crude. there is currently no indication of this happening. In fact,
The deferred production of wells discussed above is with just days before an Iranian/West nuclear framework
effectively storage beyond that monitored by Genscape and deal was expected to be concluded, there was a very low
reported to the EIA. The impact of so much crude going into probability that Iran would do anything to aggravate the
storage will be to keep prices lower for a longer period of time Yemen situation.
since the storage will have to be run off before any production So, it is far from certain how the final chapter in OPEC’s
shortfall will significantly affect the market. The more stocks market-share battle will play out, depending as much
build, the longer the storage hangover will last and the more on geopolitical conflict as on whether US producers cut
difficult it will be for marginal producers to ride out the production and global demand picks up.
downturn. Given current storage and
production, this could be a long and
deep market cycle that will favour
the most efficient producers.

Conclusion: will OPEC

As much as the US producing
sector has taken an economic hit
from the collapse in prices, so have
OPEC countries, many of which
have been continuously lowering
their budgets and cutting social
programmes to keep their heads
above water. Although Saudi Arabia,
the orchestrator of the OPEC market
share war, continues to reaffirm Figure 5. Cushing crude oil stocks and capacity.
that it has no intention of cutting
production anytime soon, the
situation on the OPEC front could
First, the OPEC countries that are
experiencing financial difficulties are
becoming more and more uneasy
with the current strategy. The
upcoming June OPEC meeting will
be interesting, as the OPEC ‘have
nots’ battle the OPEC ‘haves’ on the
However, the growing unrest in
OPEC countries in the Middle East
and Africa could ramp prices back up,
resolving the organisation’s internal
conflict while undermining the Saudi-
led push for market share. In spite of
the growing global surplus of crude Figure 6. Crude oil storage at Cushing, Oklahoma.

The end of easy oil

The end of easy oil is driving offshore exploration
and production into harsher environments, making
the construction and operation of pipelines more
challenging, as Olav Fyrileiv, Pipelines
& Materials, DNV GL, Norway, reports.

eepwater and ultra-deepwater, and remote
and more hostile environments, such as
the Arctic, pose new challenges for oil
and gas pipeline design, construction,
installation and operation.
Definitions of deep and ultra-
deep vary. The manned diving limit
of 400 m is sometimes viewed as a
boundary between shallow and deep,
though drilling contractors and
producers have tended to regard
600 m as the transition point. The
Energy Information Administration
(EIA) defines US waters as ‘deep’
between 300 m and 1500 m, and
‘ultra-deep’ beyond 1500 m.
It is worth stating that
there can be advantages to
laying and operating pipelines
in greater water depth.1 There

Figure 1. For
installations in more
remote areas, pipelay
vessel availability may
be more limited.

is no wave effect, currents are usually moderate, and there Many fundamentals of pipeline design, construction
are fewer challenges with on-bottom stability and free and installation are the same for deepwater and ultra-
spans. There is no trawl gear and no dragged anchors to deepwater developments as for shallow waters. That said,
damage pipes, and there is less need for protection against the deeper the water, the higher the external pressure on
third-party damages. the pipeline, and the greater the technical, logistical and
The disadvantages – actual and potential – are economic challenges.
nevertheless considerable. The high external pressure External pressure is a critical parameter because
can potentially cause pipeline collapse. Having a heavy pipelines in deepwater and ultra-deepwater fields are
chain of pipes before touch down on the seabed creates a typically installed empty before becoming operational.
challenging installation scenario. Also, the empty pipeline is subject to large bending
Steep slopes, mudslides and soft seabed are potential moments in the sag bend during laying.
geohazards. Pre-commissioning and seabed interventions Whilst the highest risk of collapse is during the
are costly, while survey and inline inspections are hard to installation phase, it may also be a consideration during
perform and repairs are difficult and expensive. the operational phase if a pipeline is expected to be
Despite these factors, the end of ‘easy oil’ is reflected subject to significant corrosion causing longitudinal
in the rising number of field developments at great grooving or channelling. If the internal pressure becomes
depths. Ultra-deep production was practically zero little low, as may be the case for some gas lines, the risk of
more than 10 years ago; but most new developments in collapse can also increase over time due to the corrosion
recent years have been in deepwater and ultra-deepwater. effects.
Flowlines of up to 16 in. dia. have been installed at around
3000 m depth, and export lines up to 30 in. dia. at 2200 m. Pipe manufacturing
The simplest solution is to increase collapse capacity by
Fundamental pipeline challenges thickening the line pipe’s wall. However, thicker walls
Current and potential future examples of deepwater and mean using more steel, thus adding cost. Also, few pipe
ultra-deepwater developments can be found, among other mills worldwide currently have presses capable of forming
locations, in the North Atlantic, Brazil, Gulf of Mexico, pipes from heavy steel wall plates to meet potential
West Africa and Asia. Even where pipelines could be demand for long trunk lines in deepwater and ultra-
made and laid using today’s technology and solutions, deepwater.
innovations developed for more extreme environments Furthermore, DNV GL calculated that for UOE pipes,
could bring cost and operational benefits. there are practical limits on the wall thickness that limit
the maximum water depth that these can be used at. For
example, the limit for 42 in.
pipes is around 2000 m while
that for 24 in. pipes is 4000 m.
Depending on the
diameter of pipe, thicker
walls may also run up against
limitations on the capacity of
different pipelaying vessels
to hold the weight of a
submerged pipe string in the
catenary. Recent additions
to the global pipelay fleet
have improved the capacity
to lay heavier pipes at greater
depths, but more such vessels
will be needed.
One response to the
limitations is simply to avoid
exposing pipeline to high
external over-pressure, so
that pipe walls need not be as
thick as would otherwise need
to be the case. For example,
by using DNV GL’s X-Stream
Figure 2. DNV-OS-F101 has built in flexibility to ensure that design criteria reflect improved pressure control system
physical aspects and capacities stemming from improvements in manufacturing.
concept in combination with a

partially pre-flooded pipe, external pressure on a pipeline metaphorically ‘on ice’ for now. Efforts are continuing,
is counteracted by maintaining internal pressure above a however, to scope out the challenges that running
level required to prevent collapse and below a level where pipelines to shore beneath some of the most biologically
a burst could occur. productive and pristine waters in the world would bring in
As expressed in the DNV-OS-F101 Offshore Standard its wake.
for Submarine Pipeline Systems, the mathematical formula Ice gouging, strudel scour, subsea permafrost, and
for pipeline collapse due to external pressure includes sea-ice forces have been identified as issues of particular
a measure of how much the pipe deviates from perfect interest here. In a 2014 paper, Professor Andrew Palmer
rotundity. The greater the deviation, the higher the risk of of the National University of Singapore analysed these
collapse. threats and explained how choosing between pipeline
Improved manufacturing can also reduce the negative construction methods depends on seasonal ice conditions,
effects on compressive yield limit that result from water depth and equipment availability.3
cold-forming UOE pipes from steel plates. Moderate For example, in shallower waters where subsea lines
heat treatment during manufacturing can zero out the would approach shore, they could be exposed directly or
Bauschinger effect that lowers the compressive yield stress indirectly to the gouging effect of drifting sea-ice running
up to 15% and reduces the collapse capacity of such pipes aground.
accordingly.2 Palmer and co-researchers have described previously
DNV-OS-F101 has built in flexibility to ensure that how such ice can cut 5 m or more into the seabed.4 The
design criteria reflect improved physical aspects and forces generated are enough to seriously damage or
capacities stemming from improvements in manufacturing. rupture a pipeline. Strengthening the pipe to withstand
It thus allows the industry to optimise design and save the loads is impossible from a practical perspective.
cost. For example, making imperfect roundness explicit Covering or burying it is considered by the industry to be
rather than implicit in the design criteria means any the solution, but is still not a fully formed concept with
improvement in pipe circularity may be accounted for straightforward acceptance criteria.
in the design check. Viewed another way, the code is a DNV GL led the ICE PIPE joint industry project (JIP) in
framework that encourages the development of solutions 2008 to assess how guidelines might be developed for
for deepwater and ultra-deepwater pipelines. Arctic pipelines exposed to these natural ice phenomena.
The main difficulty encountered was that the industry had
Arctic little or no empirical data against which any guidelines
Despite the recent announcement that Shell is determined could be calibrated. This remains the case, though
to start Arctic drilling this summer, widescale offshore experience of Arctic conditions is growing and efforts are
oil and gas development in the Arctic appears to be afoot to widen research.
A JIP involving oil and gas
industry companies operating
offshore exploration, significant
discovery or production
licences issued by the Canada-
Newfoundland and Labrador
Offshore Petroleum Board is
currently underway to develop
improved ice management for
operations in Arctic and harsh
Its scope covers sea-ice and
icebergs, and aims to add to the
database and understanding of the
processes at work and how threats
posed by ice can be managed.
Along with related JIPs in Canada –
such as on the feasibility of towing
icebergs – it is directed more
at drilling operations, but could
provide valuable insights for the
pipeline industry too.5
Pipelaying in Arctic waters can
involve laybarges and reelships, so
Figure 3. DNV GL has also launched an Arctic ‘RigSpray’ JIP of relevance to pipelaying and
issues such as maintaining dynamic
other vessels requiring winterisation.
positioning where sea-ice is present

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are of interest, particularly when the installation season between the need for anchoring with a requirement to
is so short. build in flexibility to absorb forces without too much
DNV GL has also launched an Arctic ‘RigSpray’ JIP concentrated bending in the pipeline.
of relevance to pipelaying and other vessels requiring Clearly, the risk that a floating pipeline may be
winterisation. It will develop a simulation model of sea ruptured and/or sink needs to be quantified and factored
spray icing, a major challenge. into the cost-benefit analysis. However, when DNV-
OS-F101 code requirements were looked at during Ormen
Remote locations Lange’s concept stage, it was apparent that neither the
Offshore oil and gas projects in more remote locations code nor regulatory issues would rule out applying the
create a range of logistical issues including availability concept.
of onshore and offshore infrastructure, transportation, DNV GL has captured its own industry learning
pipelaying, accommodation, and skills of sufficient points about such solutions in the company’s FloatPipe
standard and of sufficient supply. concept, which was developed through an extraordinary
Aside from the extreme example of the Arctic, innovation project in response to a perceived emerging
these considerations perhaps spring to mind more need. This is an adaptable concept whose main objective
readily in discussing offshore developments in Tanzania is to overcome the uneven seabed and the need for
or Mozambique, for example. However, even a more massive seabed preparation. A secondary effect or benefit
established investment region such as Australia is may be achieved by anchoring it high enough in the water
quite remote in that it is a long way from the greatest column to avoid the collapse challenge and then to save
concentrations of suppliers, specialist vessels and steel.
experienced personnel.
Mobilisation and demobilisation costs are Conclusions
consequently high in Australia. This represents a The end of easy oil is driving offshore exploration and
significant part of installation costs where just a single production increasingly into deep and ultra-deepwater,
project is involved rather than being able to allocate and into harsher and/or more remote environments in
these across a number of developments. For pipeline general.
installations, the availability of vessels may be more The challenges to the construction and operation of
limited than for other oil and gas regions, which may pipelines centre on the need for these to withstand high
impact on the choice of method for example when it external pressures and a range of metocean effects and
comes to seabed intervention. geohazards that demand new solutions.
In design and throughout the supply chain, the
Difficult terrain pipeline industry is pushing against limits imposed
Where the seabed is uneven, or slopes sharply in by physics, materials, manufacturing methods, and
moving between depths, or is subject to mudslides and capabilities of pipelaying vessels, and addressing the
earthquakes, non-traditional solutions may be needed. dearth of empirical historic data.
In unstable seabed areas, the pipeline can be exposed to Innovations such as partially pre-filled pipes with
turbidity flow or ‘slide’, which places strong lateral loads pressure control systems, and floating pipelines,
on the pipe. have emerged. Research is underway to better define
One non-traditional solution whose time may be at challenges and cost-effective, safe solutions, but more is
hand is floating pipelines. The idea was considered for needed.
Statoil’s Ormen Lange field offshore Norway, which is The DNV-OS-F101 standard for subsea pipelines allows
located in a prehistoric slide area with a very uneven design criteria to reflect improved physical aspects and
seabed at nearly 900 m water depth. The proposition capacities stemming from improved manufacturing.
was that a buoyant pipeline moored to the seabed would
eliminate any need for costly seabed intervention work.6 References
A traditional, seabed installation was eventually
pipelines – status, challenges and future trends’, Proc JMechE Part M: J
preferred, mostly because of the threat that trawl gear Engineering for the Maritime Environment 0(0), ImechE, 2012, pp. 1 - 15.
might pose to the mooring lines and the floating pipeline 2. STARK, P.R., and MCKEEHAN D.S., ‘Hydrostatic collapse research
in support of the Oman India gas pipeline’, In: Conf Proc Offshore
itself in an area of considerable commercial fishing activity. Technology Conference, Houston, USA, 1995.
However, the concept has been applied successfully 3. PALMER, A., Arctic subsea pipelines, J Pipeline Eng, 2nd Quarter, 2014,
pp. 77 - 82.
in a different industry: for a water supply line made of 4. PALMER, A. C., and NIEDORODA, A.W., ‘Ice gouging and pipelines:
high density polyethylene (HDPE) passing through Lake unresolved questions’, Proc 18th Int Conf Port and Ocean Eng under Arctic
Conditions, 2005.
Oswego in Oregon, USA.
5. Petroleum Research Newfoundland & Labrador, Joint Industry Programme:
In a marine offshore location, the design and Development of improved ice management capabilities for operations in
engineering challenge would be to achieve a balance Arctic and harsh environments, November 2014.

Aiman Al-Showaiter, Special Projects
Team Lead, Wood Group Kenny,
USA, presents advanced modelling tools
that bridge the technology gap in Arctic
pipeline design.

The cold D
riven by the increasing demand for oil and gas and
by the great promise of the amount of undiscovered
hydrocarbons potentially located in the Arctic,

mostly offshore, a new wave of interest in the region
has started. In 2008, The United States Geological Survey
(USGS) estimated the undiscovered oil and gas resources to
be approximately 90 billion bbls of oil and 1669 trillion ft3 of
natural gas. The study only included those resources believed

to be recoverable using today’s existing technology.
Due to climate conditions and ice coverage, the design
of pipelines in the Arctic area requires the consideration of
certain challenges that do not apply elsewhere, such as ice
gouging, frost heave and permafrost. Advanced numerical

analysis is apt to play an important role in addressing these
challenges and to bridge the technology gaps that still exist in
order to enable optimised developments to proceed. Wood
Group Kenny, part of international energy services company
Wood Group, has developed advanced modelling tools to
deal with these pipeline design challenges.

Ice gouging depth. However, studies have shown that horizontal soil
The phenomenon of ice gouging, or ice scour, occurs when deformations (subgouge deformations) extend two or more
environmental forces drive ice features (icebergs or ice-ridges) gouge depths below the gouge base, as schematically shown
with keels that extend further than the water depth through in Figure 1. For safe pipeline design, the soil displacement
the seabed soil, resulting in deep cuts (gouges) in the seabed. induced at the pipeline depth, and the resulting pipe strains,
Ice gouging poses a significant threat to offshore must be assessed and checked against design limits.
pipelines in the Arctic. Originally, it was thought that In some regions where seabed conditions present
sufficient pipeline protection would be achieved by avoiding challenges to pipeline burial, pipelines are exposed to the
direct contact between the ice mass and the pipeline, i.e. risk of direct contact with the ice masses. In such scenarios,
to bury the pipeline below the maximum expected gouge the pipeline is considered sacrificial and the design
objective is to limit damage propagation to the facilities
at either ends of the pipeline. This is often achieved by
incorporating breakaway connections, ‘weak-links’ into the
pipeline system that will sever at a pre-determined load.
Wood Group Kenny utilises the coupled Eulerian
Lagrangian (CEL) finite element (FE) method, available in the
commercial finite element software ABAQUS/Explicit, to
model the ice gouge process and has carried out extensive
validation work to ensure its models behave accurately.
The major advantage realised by this modelling technique
is that it overcomes mesh distortion and convergence
issues experienced by other FE methods. In the CEL FE
formulation, the seabed soil is modelled using an Eulerian
material that is allowed to freely flow throughout a fixed
mesh. Because the mesh does not distort, very large
Figure 1. Sea floor gouging schematic. deformations experienced during the ice gouge process can
be realistically simulated. The model captures some of the
important aspects of the ice gouging process, such as the
subgouge deformation, the ice-soil interaction, and ice-soil-
pipe interaction. Figure 2 shows a typical CEL FE model of
ice-soil-pipeline simulation.
The use of such desk top finite element analysis (FEA)
tools can allow for investigation of the governing failure
mechanisms and optimisation of the trench depth, hence
making significant financial savings in the trenching and
burial of the pipeline. In the case of surface laid pipeline, the
tool can allow for better understanding of the ice-soil-pipe
interaction and prediction of the loads propagation to the
subsea end termination equipment.
Wood Group Kenny was involved in the DNV ICE PIPE JIP,
which aimed at evaluating and presenting design methods
and recommendations specifically related to the installation,
Figure 2. Typical CEL FE model of ice-soil-pipeline simulation.
operation and maintenance of offshore pipelines in areas
of extreme cold and ice. As part of its
involvement, Wood Group Kenny used its ice
gouge CEL FE tool to contribute to a major
study on numerical ice-soil-pipe interaction.
The study conducted a series of ice-gouging
simulations where the impacts of ice keel
movement on the soil and on the pipeline
were studied for a range of pre-specified
governing parameters. The simulations were
preceded by a soil model calibration subtask,
and two selected reduced-scales physical
tests matching subtask, one in clay and one
in sand. Figure 3 shows an example output
Figure 3. Subgouge deformation and pipe movement (magnified five times in the
of the model predictions for subgouge
gouging direction).
deformations and pipeline movement when

phenomenon, all of the aforementioned
models needed improvements to better
predict frost heave in field conditions.
Whatever model is adopted, reasonable
assumptions and simplifications have to be
made to achieve a method that is robust
and practical for engineering purposes.
Strain prediction for the design of
Arctic pipelines subject to frost heave
involves modelling of thermal, geotechnical
and mechanical behaviours of both the
pipeline and soil. Wood Group Kenny
developed a comprehensive FE model in
which an extended PRF model for frost
heave prediction is implemented. The
concept of water draining is introduced to
the PRF and thus removes the limitation of
temperature range and time derivative of
temperature in the soil-pipe system.
The formulation of this approach is
consistent with continuum mechanics,
making it possible to generalise the model
to arbitrary three-dimensional processes,
and use the standard numerical techniques
in solving frost heave problems under
cyclic temperature. The model validation is
carried out by comparisons with published
experimental data.
The model is used in calculating
frost heave under cyclic environmental
temperate and arbitrary pipe temperature.
The model predicts the soil behaviour,
as well as the behaviour of the buried
chilled pipeline. Figure 4 plots the model
predictions for a study case where the
temperature contours, porosity contours,
Figure 4. Comparison model predictions between 1st summer and 5th summer. and ground displacements in the first and
Temperature profile in 1st and 5th summer (top), porosity countour in 1st and 5th fifth summers are compared.
summer (middle), and displacement countour in 1st and 5th summer (bottom).
Frost heave mitigation methods,
thermal insulation, deep burial, the use
the ice keel front bottom edge is at 4 dia. away from the of non-frost susceptible backfill material and the use
pipe. of thermosyphons, are also evaluated through FEA.
Efficiency of each mitigation method are evaluated
Frost heave by comparing with the base case frost heave analysis.
Frost heave describes the phenomenon whereby soil Figure 5 illustrates ground temperature contours for a
freezing causes upwards motion due to the action of case study where pair pattern thermosyphons are used.
capillary suction that absorbs water from the unfrozen The temperature distributions are given on two cross-
region below. Chilled pipelines buried in unfrozen, sections. In the winter, soil temperature differences with
frost heave-susceptible soil require special design or without thermosyphons are substantial. In the summer,
considerations. Frost heave may cause differential heave soil temperature is also lower than the case without
and possibly overstress or cause upheaval buckling of the thermosyphons, however, the temperature differences are
pipeline. not significant.
There are several models available to predict the frost
heave from a theoretical, constitutive, phenomenological Permafrost instability
and empirical point of view. Among them, the rigid ice By definition, permafrost is the ground that remains at
model, the segregation potential (SP) model and the or below 0˚C for at least two consecutive years. The
porosity rate function (PRF) model are the most notable. existence of permafrost presents another significant
However, due to the complex nature of frost heave challenge to the design, construction and operation of


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pipelines in Arctic terrain. Pipelines transporting warm is likely to occur, overstressing pipelines and inducing
hydrocarbons can transfer heat to the surrounding soil, bending strains.
causing the ground to thaw over years of operation and Wood Group Kenny has developed a 3D FE model for
lose load-carrying capacity. Differential ground settlement investigating the effects of permafrost on Arctic pipelines.
The model predicts unsteady-state heat
transfer, thaw settlement, and global
deformation processes of a pipeline
buried in permafrost soil. The thaw
settlement of the pipeline is assessed
based on the actual growing size of the
thaw bulb.
Wood Group Kenny’s model helps to
accurately predict pipe stresses through
using state-of-the-art FE modelling,
rather than available tools that use
rudimentary approximations to predict
the response of the thawed ground.
Besides being less accurate, available
prediction tools are generally over-
conservative as they usually predict
settlements that are likely to occur
long after the pipeline useful life had
finished. Conversely, Wood Group
Kenny’s model predicts the ground
settlement at any time during the service
life of the pipeline, which results in a
more economic design of the pipeline.
The model is versatile and can be used
in the initial design of pipelines as well
as in the assessment of existing pipelines
embedded in the permafrost.
In addition to developing advanced
simulation tools, Wood Group Kenny has
provided its Arctic expertise to a number
of projects, including a consortium
comprising Gazprom, Total and
StatoilHydro for a trunkline project that
will bring gas from the Shtokman field
in the Barents Sea to Northern Russia.
As part of phase 1 of the development,
Figure 5. Horizontal plane at 4m depth (top left), vertical plane crossing pipe Wood Group Kenny executed FEED
(top right). Temperature field in winter (middle) and summer (bottom) with engineering for the 600 km twin 36 in.
thermosyphons. pipeline and two fibre optic cables
running south into Teriberka, Russia.
Wood Group Kenny also collaborates
with the Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN)
in St John’s, Canada, to develop leading-edge solutions
for engineering in Arctic regions. Wood Group formed
a partnership with MUN and is donating CAN$500 000
every five years for the sponsorship of the Wood Group
Chair in Offshore Engineering for Arctic and Harsh
Environments, focused on oil and gas engineering in cold

There are a number of challenges presented by Arctic
conditions. Pipelines and oil and gas engineering face issues
not found in other regions. Many initiatives such as advanced
Figure 6. 3D permafrost thaw-settlement-pipeline interaction modelling and simulation, as well as research projects, all
model. work towards addressing these unique factors.

Julie Burke, Duane DeGeer
and Mike Paulin, INTECSEA,
Americas, present an effective
spatial technique that can
be used to aid pipeline
route selection in extreme

Bringing structure
to defiant
ipeline routings for Arctic and sub-Arctic offshore projects
are subject to a myriad of issues including geohazards,
environmentally sensitive areas, challenging seabed terrain
and economics. Many project teams face a dilemma
in deciding how to accurately prioritise these challenges to
determine the optimal pipeline route.
INTECSEA has successfully used a spatial analytical hierarchy
process (AHP) to explore and assess pipeline routing projects in
extreme areas. AHP allows team members’ perspectives to be
ranked on the importance of each of the routing assessment
criteria, thereby building a workable model and bringing greater
clarification of the project’s objectives. AHP, a multi-criteria
decision making technique, prioritises the specific concerns

relating to the criteria identified in the AHP
Table 1. Pair-wise comparison creates a global weighting for the criteria
assessment, were symbolised in unique ways
Criteria Weighting Influencing factors Global weighting
using colour, line weight, graphic symbols and
Ice scours 14.4% fills for polygons, so that the users were able
Geohazards 31.3%
Slope 10% to distinguish and compare a wide range of
Existing 6.9% attributes purely by visual representation.
infrastructure The criteria rankings are compared with a
Surficial sediments/ 6.7% GIS evaluation. The attributes are represented in
Technical aspects 14.7% geology individual ‘layers’ of information on a GIS map
Bathymetry 8% that are superimposed to the study area. What
Procurement costs 8.6% makes GIS data even more useful is the fact
Economics 8.6%
(material) that every feature within a layer has a unique
Protected zones 11.4% set of attributes – thus creating the basis of the
HSE 45.4% No go zones 26% AHP analysis. Items such as ice gouge depth,
Fishing zones 8%
seabed slope, soil type, pipe diameter or cable
type also can be indicated. Even elevation gain
or loss for flow assurance or the ice gouging density for a
given area may be present in the GIS data.
By analysing the spatial intersection of the proposed
route and assigning a score to each point along the route
line according to the associated AHP score, the optimum
pipeline route can be determined. Linking the AHP
weightings with the GIS technologies and the knowledge
and experience of pipelining professionals brings about
the spatial AHP for pipeline route selection.

Benefits of the spatial AHP method

The spatial AHP method brings several benefits to the
pipeline assessment team:
)) Once the base data and segment-wise scoring or model
has been set up, the model can produce solutions in a
Figure 1. Optimal pipeline route from the Orphan Basin to short period of time.
Placentia Bay, Newfoundland.
)) Engineering data, including new data, new start/
along the pipeline route to provide a rational method for destination points or different parameters, can be
identifying a robust route selection. implemented easily.

)) Subjectivity can be balanced as all data is treated

The AHP technique equally. The attributes can be compiled into a single
AHP is completed in three steps: factor once the weightings are complete. The factor is
)) Structure the decision by identifying the ultimate applied to the GIS map to determine the most optimal
goal (i.e. a robust pipeline route) and the criteria and pipeline route as it crosses the seabed.
attributes that affect the goal.
)) Multidisciplinary efforts and input from diverse areas
)) Once the attributes are identified, pair-wise such as environmental, geological, historical, social,
comparisons of criteria and sub-criteria are made economic and engineering, can be facilitated.
using verbal judgments, such as equal, more important,
much more important or extremely more important, )) Different political and social requirements pertinent to
correlated to values ranging from 1 - 9. the project area also can be included.

)) Using the numbers from the verbal judgment Putting spatial AHP into action
assessment, matrix algebra is then used to determine While Arctic and sub-Arctic areas share certain
weightings of the criteria and ranking of the options characteristics such as a harsh physical environment, low
from highest priority to lowest priority. temperatures and the presence of ice features, region-
specific attributes play a role in determining the design and
Elements of a GIS database operation of offshore pipeline systems. A pipeline route
For INTECSEA’s pipeline routing selection studies, a from the Orphan Basin to Placentia Bay, Newfoundland,
geographical information system (GIS) database was was considered. An initial parameter was established that
constructed to provide multi-criteria analysis through the pipeline would not cross overland and would remain
data visualisation. Different layers of information, offshore.

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Prime considerations for the INTECSEA team included: Terrain-induced slugging due to pipeline bathymetry as
)) What size pipeline is required for the proposed route well as ‘climb’ – the summation of all the upward sloping
based on flow assurance studies? sections of a pipeline – also bring similar flow assurance
issues. The PI number and climb can be easily derived from
)) What is the ice gouge regime and how deep does a the bathymetric data extracted by the GIS, and used to rank
pipeline need to be buried for protection? routing options.
)) Can the pipeline be trenched and backfilled (where
required) using existing technology? Cost maps applied to route optimisation
Based on engineering requirements and other limiting
)) What is the bathymetry/seabed morphology and how factors, a heat map raster was constructed from existing and
does that affect routing and installation? custom digitised vector datasets with each area assigned a
cost value.
)) What are the sediment types into which the pipeline
The process was then repeated for all the influencing
must be trenched and backfilled?
factors. For the INTECSEA study, these included distance
)) Are there environmentally sensitive areas that must be and defined values for aspects of HSE, geohazards,
avoided? technical aspects and economic aspects. Each factor
produced one or more sub-layers of spatial data that was
)) Where are areas of existing infrastructure? overlaid upon the other layers to visualise the cost of
moving through a particular area. Combining the layers
)) What is the cost and schedule associated with the
into a single heat map represented the overall cost of
selected route?
moving across any cell and allowed estimation of proposed
One of the prime considerations that emerged from the pipeline routes based on holistic estimations, rather than
exercise was protection from ice gouging inherent in the focusing on individual aspects one at a time. Initially
area. Icebergs present offshore Newfoundland frequently digitised in a vector format as a series of straight lines,
exhibit drafts in excess of 100 m (328 ft) and masses the pipeline route was then assigned to a raster map,
greater than 100 000 t, thereby presenting unique design which has only binary values that indicate whether the
challenges. pipeline crosses a particular cell or not. The amount of line
The integrity and operability of the pipeline can be crossing any particular cell was weighted against those in
affected by direct contact between the ice keel and the neighbouring cells, the necessity of continuing the line to
pipeline, or from loading imposed on the pipeline through another selected cell and the cost estimate for the cell
soil deformation caused by ice gouging. Pipeline burial often itself.
is used to protect against the risk of damage caused by ice With rasters generated for the pipeline map and the
gouging. cost-weighted heat map, the INTECSEA team was able to
The four main criteria for pipeline routing offshore calculate a cost. A penalty (‘cost’) scoring was assigned to
Newfoundland were established: the pipeline as it crossed each pixel of the seabed map. After
)) Geohazards. comparing the heat raster to the pipeline map, the least cost
or optimal pipeline route is determined and highlighted.
)) Technical aspects.
)) Economics.
Harsh Arctic and sub-Arctic environments create
)) Health, safety and environment (HSE). additional challenges compared to typical developments.
Spatial AHP is an effective tool that can be used in
A pair-wise comparison was completed and it was extreme environments to aid in the complex pipeline
determined that HSE was most important, followed by route selection process. Pipeline route selection
geohazards, technical aspects and finally cost. The criteria requires consideration of issues from several different
were further broken down into influencing factors, or areas such as engineering, environment, society and
attributes, highlighted in Table 1, and a pair-wise comparison economics. Priority weighting of design issues in a pair-
was completed on the influencing factors to establish a wise comparison allows for a visual approach to scoring
global priority weighting. algorithms and associated GIS layers. Using offshore
Economics were deemed to be directly proportional Newfoundland as an example, spatial AHP was used to
to pipeline length. Longer pipelines increase the cost of validate a pair-wise comparison of several important
materials, installation and maintenance. ‘No go’ zones are routing issues and highlight the optimal pipeline route.
prohibited environmental areas. The route avoided key environmental ‘no go’ areas as well
Flow assurance also is an important consideration in as areas with historically high ice gouge frequencies and
pipeline design with operability at turndown paramount to deep events in this extreme environment. Although this
project success. As a ‘rule of thumb’, the INTECSEA team case study was simplified to demonstrate the spatial AHP
used a pipeline profile indicator (PI) to predict operational principles, this application can be applied to real, highly
issues relating to liquids handling in a multi-phase pipeline. complex pipeline route selection challenges.

Dealing in
coating performance in sub-zero conditions

e take protective coatings, and how they perform
and protect things in our everyday lives, for granted
– for example, the paint on our car, the paint on
our garage door, etc. But how would these coatings
Geoff Addicott, Exova, UK, explains cope within extreme environments? With ever more challenging
how a unique testing methodology environments being explored and developed, it has never been
tackled the issue of pipeline coating more important for the oil and gas sector to understand how
materials and processes will perform in extreme conditions.
performance at sub-zero temperatures. Across the globe, different temperatures and conditions prevail
and, for many of these, laboratory tests including impact testing in
accordance with ISO 21809-1 Annex E, and in conjunction with high
voltage holiday testing in accordance with ISO 21809-1 Annex B,
give accurate data on anticipated coating performance. In a recent
customer project, Exova deployed a high voltage holiday detector
that finds pin holes or flaws in the continuity of a surface coating.
For this to work, the substrate, which the equipment is connected
to, must be conductive in order to complete the circuit and in this
case the test specimens were steel pipes. As Figure 4 shows, results
can be seen in action as the spark jumps from the brush to the pipe
through a crack in the coating to make the connection with the
conductive substrate.
However, for new gas lines being installed to cross the Black
Sea at a depth of 2.2 km, and then crossing Eastern Europe and

into Austria, the specific conditions of depth and distance bring protect the pipeline before, during and after installation? Clearly a
their own issues. Exova’s customer needed a better understanding bespoke solution was required and the company worked in close
of the coatings’ performance to address concerns relating to the partnership with the customer team to create the answer.
properties of polypropylene coated pipes, which can become
brittle at low temperatures. This can cause cracks to appear in the Pushing the limits of testing
coating and can lead to complete failure in some circumstances, Such specific testing had never been conducted before, putting
with the coating shattering and becoming detached all around Exova at the forefront of this technically demanding test. A
the pipe. Therefore, Exova specifically needed to have an insight specialist climate chamber located on the outskirts of Paris, with
into how these coatings perform during handling and installation the ability to go to temperatures as low as -80˚C, provided the
processes. For example, should these pipes accidentally collide ideal base for the team to work from. This allowed testing at
with each other, would the coating withstand the impact and temperatures between -10 to -40˚C, providing information and
precise data on how coatings would perform in such extreme
A purpose-designed impact tester (2 m in length) was
fabricated at Exova’s laboratory and workshop in Salford,
Manchester. The tester was calibrated, ensuring it was traceable
to national standards and compliant with the required standards
under correct operation, to guarantee the delivery of accurate
Individual samples were supplied by two different pipe mills.
In order to meet the specification for extreme sub-zero test
conditions, the pipe samples were fitted with thermocouples at
various points and depths in the pipe substrate, and also at the
surface of the coating to enable precise temperature measurement,
before, during and after the test.
The following information was recorded for each pipe tested:
)) Pipe mill supplier.

)) Heat number.

)) Pipe number.

)) Coating applicator.

)) Coating material.

A grid, drafted to the customer’s specification, was drawn

on each pipe in order to record concise information and enable
consistency of reporting. The coating thickness was recorded at
each impact point prior to testing and photographed, then again
after testing had taken place at each individual location.
Figure 1. Impacting the coating at -10˚C to 40˚C.
Each impact point was allocated its
own unique identification mark. The pipes
had to be closely inspected visually for any
obvious defects to the external coating, such
as cuts or gouges that would potentially be
detrimental to the impending impact testing
taking place. This was checked and confirmed
by the high voltage holiday test to ensure the
integrity of the coating. Anything observed
was recorded prior to testing and marked on
the coating, enabling the team to factor in a
distance allowance to ensure the test was not
compromised or recorded as a failure. Each
impact point was photographed before and
after impact for visual comparison as well as
technical reporting.
At each test temperature, the pipes had
a specific minimum soak period, at which
Figure 2. The Arctic ‘A team’ prior to entry at -40˚C.
the data collected from the chamber, pipe

that each test pipe could be prepared for high voltage holiday
detection. It was essential that the pipe samples were moisture-
free prior to next stage testing to avoid the voltage tracking along
the moisture.
The holiday detection was performed in accordance
ISO 21809-1 Annex B, and any failures recorded and reported.
Using a high voltage holiday detector (25 kV), the spark that shows
a failure in the coating is clearly visible as it jumps across to the
pipe substrate. Each impact point was meticulously scrutinised
for failure. The determination point for the coating to have failed
enough to be of concern was set at three consecutive fails along
the pipe at the test temperature. Tests were repeated by rotating
the pipe to the next line on the circumference of the grid, and then
the chamber conditions were programmed and set ready for the
next test.
How did the pipes perform under these extreme sub-zero
Figure 3. Frost layer on a test pipe at -40˚C. conditions? They performed well. As for the final part of the
testing not mentioned above, Exova moved on to impact testing
both pipes on the seam weld at -20˚C. This is the thinnest part of
the coating, where you could potentially get a failure. There was a
small number of fails, but nothing that met the three consecutive
fails criteria in the customer’s specification. This would have meant
a fail of that coating at that temperature, signalling the end of
testing on the ‘one under test’.
By using specialist chambers to replicate some of the harshest
environments on Earth, Exova was able to perform tests that
provided the customer with valuable data and insight into tackling
challenging conditions. The thorough testing methodology proved
to be invaluable in terms of outweighing the potential costs of
failure in the field during transportation and installation, as well as
the longevity of the coating of the system used on the pipeline.

Challenging conditions
Even in controlled environmental conditions, there are risks of
Figure 4. A bright spark highlights a fail in the impact. hypothermia setting in if people are subjected to low temperatures
for too long. So extreme were the temperatures required for the
pipeline testing that specific procedures had to be followed.
substrate and surface coating temperatures was recorded Temperatures down to -15˚C did not create too much of a
and graphs produced to prove the temperatures and relative problem, but anything below this required advanced protective
humidities over the soak and test periods. This also enabled further clothing to be worn, and the resulting margin of safety from the
monitoring of the pipes and chamber throughout their return to extreme coldness of the chamber was rated for temperatures as
ambient temperature. low as -50°C.
On completion of the allotted soak period, the data collected Additional, tried and tested, procedures also had to be
from the chamber and pipes was scrutinised, ensuring that implemented. One person remained outside the chamber at all
conditions met the required client specification. Impact testing times while testing was carried out. Specialist personnel from
could then be carried out at the designated points along the the chamber company’s team monitored reactions of personnel
pipes and conducted in accordance with ISO 21809-1 Annex E at working in the low temperatures. As soon as temperatures went
temperatures: -10, -15, -20, -25, -30, -35 and -40°C. Variable impacts below -20°C, time allowed inside the chamber was restricted to
were used to replicate the effect on the exterior coating during a 15 min. window, before personnel were withdrawn and given a
pipe handling. Therefore, a fixed impact force was used for the first minimum rest period of 45 min. to recover from any effects of
five impacts, with the impact energy being increased incrementally being subjected to extreme cold.
thereafter. Everyone present was also schooled in emergency procedures,
Each impact point was visually inspected for any obvious such as escalating the need to exit the test chamber, or how to
evidence of cracking. If cracking was evident, the next impact was evacuate anyone suffering ill effects or showing signs of distress
done a set minimum distance from the coating failure. This was due to the low temperatures involved.
repeated for each of the pipes under test, at each of the above Health and safety is paramount when working in extreme
temperatures. sub-zero temperatures, and procedures were reviewed and agreed
Following completion of each individual temperature test, by all parties who were involved prior to commencement of live
the chamber had to be brought back to ambient temperature so testing, as well as the team responsible for safety onsite.

Zack Westgate, Consultant Engineer, Fugro

GeoConsulting Inc., USA, presents subsea pipeline
design solutions that address seabed challenges in
extreme environments.

seabed challenges

he global demand for oil and gas production
has continued to push the offshore industry
into increasingly difficult environments, from
carbonate regions with highly mobile seabeds, to
deepwater regions with ultra-soft seabeds and to Arctic
regions where buried pipelines dodge iceberg keels, all
of which complicate subsea pipeline design. Exacerbating
such challenging geotechnical conditions is the increased
prevalence of deeper reservoirs characterised by high
temperatures and high pressures (HTHP), which can
cause pipelines to expand axially and buckle laterally
across the seabed. Infrastructure in these regions must
accommodate increasingly larger expansions due to
extreme thermodynamic conditions, while at the same
time remaining stable in areas of extreme hydrodynamic
conditions. While joint industry projects like SAFEBUCK
and STABLEpipe are helping to improve pipeline
engineering in frontier regions, uncertainties remain. To
help eliminate these uncertainties, Fugro is applying unique
solutions that address specific engineering requirements
for clients working in extreme environments throughout
the world.

seabed scour, sediment mobility and pipeline sagging and
burial as part of the overall pipeline design.
The strength and drainage characteristics of carbonate
sediments can span several orders of magnitude, from
soft ‘fine-grained’ sediments with very low strength and
permeability to stiff ‘coarse-grained’ sediments with very
high strength and permeability. The distribution of these
sediments can vary widely over short lengths of pipeline
routes, and they can become cemented together over
time due to their calcium content leaching throughout
the particle-water-void matrix. Such highly variable
seabed conditions make it difficult for pipeline engineers
to produce a solution that satisfies all required design
criteria, since there is no single conservative approach
to follow. Fugro, through links with the Centre for
Offshore Foundation Systems at the University of Western
Australia, is closely involved with research related to
improved characterisation of carbonate sediments. This
collaboration includes the recent kick-off of the Remote
Intelligent Geotechnical Seabed Surveys (RIGSS) joint
industry project, focused on developing new tools to
quantify soil properties remotely using highly specialised
tools capable of being deployed from novel investigation
platforms including remotely operated vehicles.
In these shallow water, carbonate regions, the
initial pipeline seafloor geometry resulting from the
Figure 1. Probabilistic pipeline routing analysis. All images pipelay process can quickly change due to seabed scour
courtesy of Fugro. and sediment mobility. The pipeline itself acts as a
scour initiator, increasing the fluid shear stress on the
surrounding seabed and producing a scour pit below the
pipeline. The process eventually propagates along the
route, causing the pipeline to sink into the scour pit and
become buried by mobile sediments. The patterns of
burial and exposure can also be intermittent, varying with
seasonal cyclonic conditions and direction of flow. Well-
established analytical tools for quantifying these changes
in pipeline seabed geometry are now being re-examined
against data from observed pipelines in the field, allowing
validation of existing tools and development of new
predictive models. This capability is particularly important
for HTHP pipeline design where the variation in seabed
resistance along a pipeline strongly influences pipeline
Figure 2. Pipeline ‘superspan’ over scarp. integrity throughout its operational lifetime.

Navigating the slippery slope

As subsea pipelines traverse mobile continental
Carbonate shelves and sinking pipelines shelves and onto continental slopes, a key challenge is
Carbonate sediments pose longstanding design challenges determining the optimal pipeline route to avoid areas of
to offshore infrastructure due to their high compressibility seabed instability. Using seismic imaging and bathymetric
and brittle particle structure. Often located in shallow measurements, local histories of slope movements can be
water environments exposed to severe metocean evaluated to assess the potential risk of future landslides
conditions such as cyclones, these silty and sandy and debris flows. Mobilised seafloor relics termed ‘mass
sediments lack particle-to-particle cohesion, making transport deposits’ can often be found at the base of
them inherently mobile. The two main pipeline related these slopes, indicating past submarine landslide events.
geotechnical challenges associated with carbonate These deposits can be dated using laboratory testing and
sediments are difficulty defining their strength and drainage back-analysed using slope run-out simulations to help
characteristics, and capturing the complex mechanisms of determine the likelihood of imminent future events. This

type of data collection and analysis is then fed into a created by the length of the span and loading from
probabilistic geohazard assessment to determine optimal external currents and internal flows (Figure 2).
pipeline routes that minimise the overall geohazard risk
(Figure 1). Walking pipelines and sliding foundations
In some cases, high risk areas cannot be avoided, and In deep and ultradeep water regions where it is common
the potential impact loading due to a mass transport to have very soft clay seabeds, the resistance to axial
event must be quantified. New techniques for assessing pipeline expansion from temperature and pressure is often
this load on the pipeline and related infrastructure are very low as a result of positive excess pore water pressure
available using numerical analyses that capture the effects generated during axial sliding at the pipe-soil interface.
of changes in soil strength and weight on impact forces as However, recent observations from laboratory and in-situ
the seafloor mass runs down the slope. A gentle transition tests demonstrate that repeated cycles of axial pipeline
between the shelf and slope environments is not always movement, mimicking the operational sequence of a real
an option, and in some cases purposely implementing pipeline, can produce significant increases in axial pipe-soil
a spanning pipeline is the only solution. This situation resistance as the soil consolidates and ‘hardens’ with time.
poses additional design challenges due to the increased The axial pipe-soil resistance can double or even triple
susceptibility of the pipeline to vortex-induced vibrations, in magnitude during this process. The rate of increase is
which cause fatigue damage and reduce the life of the influenced by a variety of factors such as the number and
pipeline. In particularly challenging locations at the duration of start-up and shutdown events during the initial
boundary of the continental slope, it can be necessary few years of operation, as well as the soil properties.
to design a long ‘superspan’ over the edge of the scarp, Proper assessment of these conditions can reduce the
capable of accommodating the additional fatigue loading extent of cumulative axial expansion, or ‘walking’, and
associated expensive mitigation requirements such as
hold-back anchors, as implemented on a recent project in
the Caspian Sea.
Due to the high temperatures and pressures associated
with deeper reservoirs, the magnitude of individual cycles
of axial pipeline expansion can be very large, exceeding a
metre or more. The infrastructure connected to a pipeline
such as an end termination structure must accommodate
this expansion. Traditionally, mudmats are installed on
the seabed at the structure locations prior to pipelay.
The structure is then lowered onto the mudmat, and the
axial expansion is accommodated through slider rails
on the structure, allowing it to move back and forth
with each movement. However, soft seabeds and large
installation tolerances can require very large mudmats,
which are increasingly difficult to accommodate within
complex field architecture, resulting in additional costly
offshore operations. An alternative approach, currently
being used for a project offshore Australia, is to design
Figure 3. Images of iceberg keel scours. the base of the structure to slide directly on the seabed,
removing altogether the need for the mudmat and rails.
Extensive testing and analysis is required to design these
structures, but this level of design effort can demonstrate
that movements should remain within allowable vertical
and rotational tolerances. A key step in the design process
for these types of structures is to perform an integrated
‘system’ analysis, modelling the interaction between the
pipeline, the sliding structure and seabed, as well as any
spools or jumpers facilitating connections to the manifold.

Dodging icebergs and upheaval buckling

One of the main challenges with Arctic developments is
mitigating iceberg keel scour and its impact on pipeline
Figure 4. Sage Profile 3D upheaval buckling analysis. integrity. Most of the Arctic developments that have

been considered to date lie in shallow water close to pipeline. Fugro’s expertise in pipe-soil interaction helps
the shore, and therefore shipping and fishing zoning pipeline designers utilise this software effectively,
regulations often require some level of trenching and selecting the most appropriate geotechnical models for
burial below the seafloor. However, additional burial specific seabed conditions.
depth may be needed to avoid impact loading from
the iceberg keel. Unlike shipping and fishing zone Next steps
burial depths, the additional depth requirement for As the offshore industry pushes into more complex and
iceberg scour is highly uncertain. Given the high cost of technically challenging extreme environments, unique
trenching and burial, especially in such remote regions, solutions are required to ensure safe, reliable and
this uncertainty needs to be reduced and quantified to cost-effective development and production to satisfy
allow cost-effective solutions for development in these demand for oil and gas. Fortunately for operators, the
areas. Surveys of iceberg scours can be highly effective need for a unified approach to safe pipeline design has
at helping to predict the required burial depths, and arisen, and the key bodies that provide guidance for
Fugro’s database is extensive in this respect (Figure 3). operators are in agreement. Technical advisor to the
With use of probabilistic tools, optimal burial depth global oil and gas industry, DNV GL, has announced
requirements can be determined to minimise pipeline that their design code for HTHP pipelines (RP-F110)
route construction costs. will incorporate the latest recommendations from the
Once the pipeline is trenched and buried, axial SAFEBUCK III Guideline, revised in January of this year.
forces can cause the pipeline to buckle in an upward The next step for industry is to validate the recently
direction out of the trench. The latest solutions for developed solutions through close monitoring of
predicting upheaval resistance have recently been pipeline and infrastructure performance, especially
implemented within Fugro’s Sage Profile 3D software in the initial stages of operation. This will provide
(Figure 4). The three dimensional aspect of this finite confidence in these techniques, pioneered by Fugro and
element software allows for complex modelling of the now being used on pipeline projects around the world,
interaction between varying trench depths, backfill and allow for further refinement of geotechnical models
conditions, and thermodynamic properties along the to improve pipeline design.


DECKHAND® Pipe Handling System
Now available from CRC-Evans, the DECKHAND® Pipe Handling System
by LaValley Industries allows precision pipe handling and placement
without the need for a ground crew in the vicinity of moving pipe.

DECKHAND can be mounted to any brand of excavator, with interchangeable

grab arms safely and securely lifting and moving pipe. Achieve 360° pipe
handling—whatever the conditions—with DECKHAND.

ing the load in
Christoph Ludescher,
LCS Cable Cranes, Austria,
covers successful pipelaying
projects conducted in steep
and inaccessible terrain.

Figure 1. Construction of a section of the Tamazunchale gas Figure 2. Transportation of construction equipment along a
pipeline on a rock-face in Mexico with the help of a cable crane horizontal bend in an 70˚ steep slope.
hen pipelines are constructed in rough terrain, it is essential to
work with innovative solutions and equipment that enable safe,
efficient and environmentally friendly construction. LCS Cable
Cranes is a specialist for situations where traditional methods
meet their limits due to nature’s challenging characteristics, such as steep
mountain ranges.
During the last 25 years, LCS Cable Cranes has been providing reliable
transportation and pipelaying solutions for numerous construction projects. The
company has worked in some of the most challenging environments, such as
steep terrain, on rocky surface in inaccessible areas, in the rainforest and hilly

Figure 3. Sandbags transported in a transport bucket into Figure 4. Transportation of a 36 in. pipe with a cable crane
inaccessible terrain. disposing of two lifting devices.
countryside. “Our systems are unaffected by climatic
conditions”, states David Domig, Project Manager at
LCS Cable Cranes, mentioning exemplary projects that
were realised in challenging situations such as rain, high
altitude, humidity and snow.
LCS provides proven methods and systems that
enable the laying of pipelines in totally inaccessible
terrain. Among others, LCS offers earth work services
with special equipment for steep slopes and cable
crane systems that are able to transport and position
pipes with the highest possible precision. The payloads
reach over 20 t and loads can be transported along
more than 3000 m with only one cable crane system.
In the last year, LCS has worked on sections of the
Tamazunchale gas pipeline project in Mexico and the
Zawtika gas-pipeline in Myanmar.

A gas pipeline over a rockface – the

Tamazunchale gas pipeline
This project was part of the 230 km extension of
TransCanada’s Mexican Tamazunchale gas pipeline,
built by the contractor GDI-SICIM, which had to
Figure 5. Lowering of a pipe in a steep section. overcome several critical sections. With the help
of a solution provided by LCS Cable Cranes, it was
possible to construct the pipeline on a direct route in
a rough, rocky area with a slope that exceeded 70˚ of
inclination. On this section of approximately 800 m,
LCS installed a cable crane system with a payload of
8 t to lay the pipeline.

Setting up a cable crane system in rough

After an in depth analysis and detailed planning phase,
LCS installed the cable crane system directly above
the planned track of the pipeline. The LCS cable crane
system is similar to a material ropeway that is able
to load and unload the transported goods along the
whole track. The system applied in Mexico included
four towers. One of the towers was placed in the
Figure 6. Fitting of the pipe in its welding position. steepest part of the track, where the system needed
to make a bend of 16˚ to exactly follow the pipeline
route. All towers could be erected without the use of
a helicopter by using single elements of 2 m that were
mounted one after the other until a height of 25 m
was reached. The cable crane system was driven by
the diesel-hydraulic winch GW500D with 550 PS and a
line pull of 170 kN, constructed by GANTNER, a sister
company of LCS. The winch was positioned at the top
station and pulled or lowered the crane unit, the heart
of each cable crane system.
A crane unit, a carriage GC80, produced by
GANTNER, was used. The carriage has its own diesel-
hydraulic engine and is able to lift 8 t.

Transportation of all necessary material

Figure 7. No heavy machinery needs to enter the steep slope The cable crane was used to transport all necessary
for the dispersal of padding material on the laid pipe. material to the slope – pipes, clamps, sand bags,


Liquid Pipeline Coating Technology

padding material or coating and sandblasting equipment.
Even machinery such as small excavators was transported
to the slope. Materials were lifted by the crane unit at the
bottom station and moved upwards by the winch to the
slope, where they could be unloaded at the desired position
with the crane unit.

Safe pipelaying on the steepest rock slopes

The use of the highly technological crane unit was not
limited to the simple transportation of the material. Thanks
Figure 8. Modular cable crane systems can be applied at to its double lifting system it was possible to lower and
different sections, thanks to their flexibility.
incline loads.
For example, with the help of a transport bucket,
sandbags were transported above the slope and unloaded by
inclining the transport bucket – a simple way to unload the
bags in difficult areas. “With the cable crane system, we are
able to accompany the whole construction process of the
pipeline in steep terrain”, confirms David Domig.
Due to the steepness and the rocky surface of the slope,
it was necessary to construct numerous sandbag barriers to
lay the pipes on.
Once the pre-padding was done, the pipes could be
transported to their position and lowered with the crane
unit, which was controlled via remote control. The crane unit
was able to lower and place the pipe precisely in its welding
position by inclining them. Afterwards, it could be welded
in a traditional way. On one day, up to four 36 in. pipes were
welded in steepest terrain, where it seemed impossible to
construct a pipeline.
Finally, sandbags to cover the pipes or padding material
were transported with the cable crane and unloaded with
the help of the transport bucket.
The crane system was crucial in all construction phases
of the pipeline on that section, as it was the only way to
handle the material and equipment in such critical areas and
no heavy machinery had to access dangerous areas.

Pipeline laying on mountainous forest – the

Figure 9. Trenching in steep terrain on a ROW without road
Zawtika gas pipeline
The Zawtika onshore pipeline project, owned by MOGE
(Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise) and PTTEPI (Petroleum
Authority of Thailand Exploration and Production
International) and operated by PTTEPI, is running through
Myanmar to Thailand. Thereby, it crosses mountainous forest
areas. The LCS involvement in this project was multiple. First,
LCS provided several cable crane system installations to the
contractor for construction work on a 5 km long section.
Towards the end of the project, LCS was contracted by
PTTEPI and MOGE to fulfil the complete construction of the
pipeline on two sections in critical terrain with a total length
of 6 km.

Flexible solutions – quickly available

LCS cable crane systems are highly flexible and can be
used in diverse situations and different critical sections of
a pipeline route. The systems are modular – LCS can adapt
Figure 10. Narrow ROWs contribute significantly to an them to the different sections and therby use on system for
environmentally friendly construction. several critical sections of one project.

in Arctic Conditions

JSC Transneft, Moscow, owner of more than 50.000 km Even under these severe application conditions in an
of oil pipelines, invited DENSO GmbH Germany and unheated tent and strong winds, the entire application
other leading heat shrink sleeves manufactureres, to process took not more than 37 minutes.
take part in an extreme application tests at the Zapo-
lyare-Purpe 40” (DN 1.000) Pipeline in Western Siberia After 24h all applied sleeves for the participating
in March 2013. companies were tested by the third party inspection
Transneftstroy, Tjumen.
Due to a very short preparation time, the DENSO Engi-
neers decided to use the standard DEKOTEC®-HTS70 DENSO GmbH was the only manufacturer who perfor-
shink sleeve, which has been successfully used in med its standard heat shrink sleeve, all other manufac-
different climate zones from -15°C (5°F) to +50°C (122°F). tureres tailorised systems for arctic conditions.
But would the standard formulation still perform under
arctic conditions? DEKOTEC®-HTS70 passed all test criteria, even under
this arctic cold. This impressed JSC Transneft Moscow
The weather forecast predicted -25°C (-13°F), but as DENSO GmbH Germany was the first company
suddenly the temperatures dropped down to -38°C which could pass the tests as a newcomer! Fit for all
(-37°F) with strong arctic winds. temperatures!

■ For operating temperatures up to +70 °C (158 °F).
■ Lower installation temperature required than
comparable competitive products.


In Myanmar the cable crane systems had a length of system, it took again only three months to realise the
approximately 1000 m and were assembled five times, construction of the 28 in. gas pipeline along 6 km in hilly and
always in close co-operation with the contractor who mountainous terrain.
used the system to realise the pipelaying. Although each
application of a cable crane system requires a detailed Earth works in exposed locations
analysis and planning of the line as well as time for the Additionally to the cable crane service (providing
installation and dismantling, it took only three months to transportation and pipelaying solutions), LCS disposes of a
construct the 5 km section, including the entire logistics and special division to do earth works in critical terrain, where
pipe laying activities. only particular machinery and equipment is able to do
For the second part of the project, where LCS performed grading, trenching or drilling. This was the case in Myanmar.
the complete construction work, two cable crane systems LCS prepared the ROW and trench in order to lay the pipes
were used. Each system was installed twice. Including the without any problems. By using spider excavators, LCS
sections where the pipelaying was possible without a crane entered steep slopes to perform earth works.
After the pipe was laid, LCS took care
of the re-instatement works, adjusting
the surface properly to avoid landslips –
especially caused by rain in highly inclined
LCS has provided this service on
numerous pipeline construction sites
around the world. LCS prepared the
surface for the pipeline laying by
trenching, blasting and rock-drilling in
complicated slopes as well as doing
re-instatement works. In very inclined
tracks, the company took care of the
stabilisation of the slope by setting
anchors and nettings.

Efficient environmentally
sensitive construction
By using a cable crane system, the
construction of numerous access roads
to the slope can be avoided as the whole
section can be accessed using the ropeway.
The environmental impact was kept as low
as possible. Additionally, the cable crane
system just needed a narrow ROW of only
8 m – a width that can even be reduced,
if necessary, as LCS already did in other
projects. Furthermore, this contributed to
a reduction of costs due to fewer expenses
in road construction and re-instatement

Complete construction service

LCS is able to provide several services for
pipeline project owners and contractors,
always focused on demanding terrain, as
provided in the two mentioned projects.
Its new subsidiary company, LCS Pipelines
GmbH, provides complete construction
services – but again especially for special
sections in rough and critical slopes,
where traditional methods come to their
Figure 1. PipeSak GPW
being installed on
floating pipe.

Manager, PipeSak
Pipeline Products,
Canada, reviews
buoyancy control systems
for onshore pipelines.

uried pipelines are not typically
considered susceptible to
damage from natural hazards.
However, floods, seismic
activity, landslides and other types of
soil movement have been known to
jeopardise pipeline integrity. When
designing a buoyancy control system for
buried pipelines, soil and pipe movement
potential should be a consideration.
Buoyancy control of buried pipelines
is standard practice in areas where
pipeline sections may be subject to
buoyant forces during different stages
of construction and operation. Virtually
all onshore transmission pipelines
cross buoyant environments at some
point along their route. According
to Archimedes’ principal, the upward
buoyant force is equal to the weight

of the water displaced, making large diameter pipelines aquatic areas due to their instability. Trench conditions
particularly susceptible to floatation. The most direct solution must be relatively firm and dry to ensure the top heavy
to counteract buoyant forces would be to increase the wall concrete weights do not tip off of the pipe during installation,
thickness of the steel pipe, making the pipe heavier than the decreasing the buoyancy control and potentially damaging the
water it displaces. However, this is generally not practical, pipe coating in the process.
so the industry has developed cheaper yet effective external The risks associated with unstable concrete set-on weights
buoyancy control systems including concrete set on weights, do not stop after the pipeline is buried. If the area is subject
concrete coated pipe, and geotextile pipeline weights. While to any sort of natural hazard such as floods, seismic activity,
all these methods can achieve sufficient negative buoyancy, landslides, or other types of soil movement, the integrity of
care has to be taken in areas subject to soil movement, either the pipeline can easily be compromised if even a single weight
by natural disaster, flooding or simple erosion. shifts, damaging the pipe coating and setting the stage for
corrosion to set in (Figure 2). When concrete set-on weights
Early buoyancy systems shift due to soil or pipe movement, they often become
The earliest buoyancy control system was bolt on cast iron unbalanced. It is not uncommon to see ‘a domino effect’ occur
weights, which consisted of two cast iron half shells that were – as the centre of gravity of one weight shifts the pipeline
bolted together around the pipe to increase its weight. This moves and the buoyant force of entire sections of weighting
was quickly replaced by less costly pre-formed concrete bolt is lost, allowing the pipeline to float to the surface (Figure 3).
on weight and then saddle-type concrete set-on weights. The problem is further complicated when the concrete
Concrete set on weights offer the contractor the flexibility to set-on weights have to be removed. The steel lifting loop,
set on the weights after the pipe is laid in the trench. These as well as the steel rebar used throughout the weight, has
weights, which are placed on the pipe at pre-determined often corroded and weakened making the safe removal of the
intervals, are top heavy and typically only used in semi- weight difficult – particularly with a ‘live’ pipeline.

Concrete coatings
Concrete coating the entire length of pipe seems the logical
solution to the inherent limitations of concrete set-on
weights in semi-aquatic onshore applications. Concrete
coatings are often used for mechanical protection in areas
where the pipe must be dragged into place. Concrete coatings
used for buoyancy control applications have the added
benefit of offering pipeline protection and an anti-corrosion
coating during the entire pipeline construction process.
However, the financial trade-off for these added benefits
is considerable. In order to achieve the desired weight to
counteract buoyant forces, the concrete coating must be
much thicker than that used for mechanical protection
alone. The plant-applied coated pipe is often 4 - 5 times
heavier, dramatically increasing transportation, handling
Figure 2. Coating damaged caused by concrete set-on weight.

Figure 4. Kink in concrete coated pipe caused by rushing flood

Figure 3. Floating pipe weighted by concrete set-on weights.

and stringing cost. Concrete coating applied in the field can
reduce transportation related costs, but it is a much lengthier
processes that can potentially delay pipeline construction.
Concrete coatings are generally not bendable, reducing the
ability of the pipeline constructor to accurately follow the
Concrete coatings are a rigid method of negative
buoyancy. While it was once thought that it was ideal for
all onshore applications, we now know that it is not only
extremely expensive but not suitable in areas at risk of
ground movement, particularly by erosion and flooding. The
reasoning behind this is two-fold: 1) the increased weight of
the pipe makes it susceptible to lengthening and bending if
the soil around the pipe erodes away and 2) the inability of
the pipe to flex under pressure can cause kinks and breaks if Figure 5. Left: 30 in. OD pipe weighting with GPW remains in
it is subject to the sustained force of flood water. A classic design position. Right: 20 in. OD pipe sinks due to the weight
example of this occurred during the 2013 Colorado floods of the concrete coating.
that washed out several pipelines, including a 20 in. OD
concrete coated pipeline. During the floods large sections of
the pipeline were exposed and subject to sustained pressure Geotextile pipeline weights
from the fast moving flood waters. Figure 4 clearly depicts a Buoyancy control systems in areas subject to natural hazards
section of pipe that kinked under the pressure of the wet soil such as flooding and ground movement should allow the
and water. Without immediate corrective action, this natural pipeline the ability to flex and move with the shifting soils
disaster could have quickly escalated to a full out pipeline while maintaining negative buoyancy. Geotextile pipeline
rupture. weights (GPW) offer a solution that both unstable concrete
set on weights and the heavy and rigid concrete coated managed to stay in its design position while the 20 in. pipeline
pipe do not – by offering a soft, stable method of buoyancy has settled under the weight of the concrete coating, causing
control. The original geotextile pipeline weight was developed considerable stress to the pipe. Without corrective action,
by PipeSak® Pipeline Products and has been in use since the the stress on the 20 in. pipeline could build and eventually
early 1990s. PipeSak geotextile pipeline weights (GPW) have rupture.
been proven to provide safe, effective, economical and The pipeline weighted using GPWs was able to maintain
long-term buoyancy control for all onshore applications, its design position throughout the flood and resulting soil
including areas of flooding and soil movement. Figure 5 erosion for a number of reasons. While most other methods
depicts two pipelines that were exposed during the 2013 of buoyancy control provide weighting from the top down,
Colorado flooding – on the left a 30 in. OD pipeline that used the weight of the PipeSak multi-compartment GPW is situated
PipeSak GPW for buoyancy control and on the right a 20 in. along the sides of the pipe. This creates a lower centre of
OD pipeline that was concrete coated. The 30 in. pipeline gravity, making the GPW substantially more stable than
concrete set on weights. So stable
in fact, that the GPW can even be
installed on a floating pipe (Figure 1).
In addition, the negative buoyancy
of the GPW is only activated
during a buoyant situation – when
groundwater levels are high. Once
settled on the trench bottom, the
GPW’s wide base creates sufficient
bearing surface to maintain the GPW
mass and not drag the pipe down
further – which helps to prevent the
pipe from sinking if the surrounding
earth becomes unstable. PipeSak
GPWs are also designed to allow
water to flow through the weight.
This is achieved by utilising high
strength woven geotextiles that are
filled with natural aggregates that
allow an easy path for ground water.
This design reduces any shielding of
the cathodic protection system, and
also has the benefit of allowing flood
waters to move through and around
the weights without building up
pressure against the pipe.

The safest way to provide negative
buoyancy in areas subject to natural
hazards such as floods, seismic
activity, landslides, and other types
of soil movement is the use of
geotextile fabric weights. They offer
a soft, stable method of buoyancy
control that limits the risk of pipeline
damage caused by shifting concrete
weights and rigid, heavy concrete
coating. The low centre of gravity,
permeability, and flexibility of the
GPW makes it ideal for all nearly
types of onshore applications.
Identifying the
Dr. Chris Minto, OptaSense, UK,
examines how distributed acoustic
sensing can be used to protect LNG
pipelines in challenging desert

n late 2012, OptaSense was invited to demonstrate the
potential of distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) to prevent
third party intrusion on a 320 km natural gas pipeline
supplying LNG processing facility in Balhaf, Republic of
Following a successful demonstration in the challenging
desert environment, OptaSense made a full installation in 2013,
which since then has contributed to a significant improvement
in pipeline availability and the regularity of LNG shipments.
This article will examine the steps in the deployment of the
system in Yemen and consider the success factors involved in
the resulting project.

Yemen case study

After a number of incidents that disrupted product supply,
a security review by OptaSense’s client in Yemen identified
a critical need for early identification of potential threats,
whilst at the same time minimising the deployment of in-field
equipment to avoid further exposure of threats to personnel.
Studies concluded that the use of DAS techniques with the
existing fibre optic cable that followed the route of the
pipeline (providing the communications for the SCADA system)
had reached sufficient maturity to potentially act as an early
warning of attempts on the integrity of the pipeline.

The following challenges were faced: light is similar to the operation of an active radar or sonar
)) Coping with extreme temperatures (50°C) in a desert system, but on a one dimensional medium: the glass fibre.
environment with no air conditioning. This OptaSense interrogator unit manages output of
4000 channels of audio data, which is then automatically
)) Low power budget and minimal space available at block analysed in real time to look for potential acoustic detections
valve locations. and signatures of the monitored threat activity. The nature of
the activity may vary depending on the circumstances – for
)) Needing to detect digging attempts above the pipeline in up
to 3 m of soft shifting desert sand. example, listening to footsteps in a border defence scenario,
manual digging in an improvised explosive device (IED)
)) Providing sufficient early warning and correct detection of emplacement scenario, or mechanical digging when attempting
activity with a low nuisance alarm rate. to prevent accidental damage.
This detection process works 24 hr/day and acts as the
)) Be effectively operated by the local security force.
brains behind the ears. In effect, it is a personal security guard
listening to a microphone placed every 10 m along the asset,
OptaSense has a strong track record of facing tough such as a pipeline or fence.
challenges, having transformed pipeline security for many In the Yemen example, the fibre was placed close to the
clients, including BP’s Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline and the pipeline during the first implementation and possessed spare
Western Route Export Pipeline (WREP) in Turkey and Georgia cores that could be utilised, terminating in block valve stations
respectively, and providing essential security to thousands approximately every 30 km along the pipeline.
of kilometres of pipeline in Kazakhstan, contributing to over
15 000 km of protected and secure assets worldwide.1 Feasibility test
OptaSense uses the Rayleigh backscatter phenomenon that Prior to the full deployment along the pipeline, a feasibility test
occurs when an optical interrogation pulse interacts with the was conducted to verify the following:
frozen molecules in a glass fibre. A small percentage of light is )) The ability of the system to detect threat signatures in the
scattered back to the source, which can be captured with the range of environments presented (hard packed desert, scrub,
transmission source replaced by a detector. This concept of a loose shifting sands).
short interrogation pulse with a long received tail of scattered
)) The ultimate operating range of the system (tested beyond
deployment ranges expected in a real deployment).

)) Reliability of the equipment in the local environment.

)) Practicality of deployment with the aforementioned

constraints, particularly the security and safety of any infield

)) The ability of an OptaSense team to deploy to this

challenging location and to execute the project.
The tests were conducted at the end of 2012 and comprised
a three-man team from OptaSense, together with hand carried

Figure 1. The dramatic and challenging deployment Figure 2. Remote equipment hosted at block valve locations
environment of the pipeline. has to cope with extreme temperature swings.



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equipment deployed at the Balhaf terminal, covering a distance )) In parallel carry out an acoustic calibration. This provides a
(50 km) through to the second block valve, greater than the relative sensitivity plot of the fibre (sensor) vs the asset. By
stated performance limits. referencing to the asset, variances in fibre deployment and
OptaSense uses the following comprehensive deployment burial conditions are taken into consideration automatically.
strategy to deal with all manner of circumstances:
)) Production of a set of detectors from the calibration data,
)) Get the entire system up and running, and iron out any taking into consideration the client’s threat profile. This is a
networking issues (if a client backbone has been provided). crucial document and analysis in which the client sets out
what the system should alert against and how that may vary
)) Carry out a land based calibration to provide a mapping of
along the asset. This is normally a ‘living’ document, as the
optical distance to latitude/longitude (or pipeline kilometre
client may revisit this through the life of the programme as
point). The system at its core is one dimensional, so this
they gain more knowledge, and it becomes apparent what
process provides the system with knowledge of where each
level of background activity is present.
channel on the fibre sits in real space.
)) Testing of the detectors and initial tuning to maintain a
probability of detection (PoD), while minimising nuisance
alarm rate (NAR). This is the first step in a longer process that
will continue beyond the initial acceptance period.

)) Carry out a client acceptance test.

)) OptaSense would then proceed to an operational transition

programme, where the initial accepted performance at site
acceptance is then improved upon, as client knowledge
grows and statistically valid data patterns build up.

For the feasibility trial, this process was followed successfully

Figure 3. OptaSense has developed a standard project delivery with calibration points taking into account the different terrain
workflow that recognises the bespoke nature of each client’s types mentioned, and a detector suite produced, which allowed
requirements and places them in a standard deployment a constant level of performance along the route.
framework. This was then followed by the client producing a number of
representative tests of the types of threat considered, including
digging down towards the pipe (for a threatening period),
mechanical digging on the pipe and vehicle transits.

The performance surpassed expectations, delivering detections
even in loose shifting sand piled high above the pipeline
in a berm, and also at ranges well beyond the desired
implementation distance. This, together with a rapid time
to alert and accurate positional reporting, confirmed that a
practical solution to the needs of pipeline protection was
Early in 2014, the client contracted to protect the entire
Figure 4. OptaSense’s automated detection and classification
of the manual digging in the tough conditions. pipeline and by the end of March, equipment was shipped and
teams en route for a full deployment.
Prior to deploying the equipment, a full survey of the
fibre optic infrastructure was conducted to ready the cable
for deployment. This included ensuring that fibre losses and
reflective events were minimised in accordance with the
OptaSense optical loss budget.* This, together with minimal
reorientation of the existing equipment cabinets, paved the way
for the eventual system deployment.
Given the security considerations, a partnership approach
was successfully employed where the deployment effort
was shared between OptaSense and the client. After
a short period of installation and calibration training
for the telecommunications technicians and field staff,
Figure 5. Overnight acoustic trace illustrating a suprising level the equipment deployment commenced. After a rapid
of activity. deployment, the aforementioned process was followed

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)) Areas where underground water caused some nuisance alarms.

)) Improvements to detector suppression (to avoid multiple

output from a single event).

)) Improvements to the system logic.

An improvement to the system logic

The system includes a powerful vehicle detector, and an initial
fair assumption for alerts was to alert on vehicles travelling along
the right of way during night time hours. This resulted in the
generation of a significant number of alerts.
Figure 6. OptaSense acoustic trace with OptaSense detections Analysis by engineering staff revealed a number of issues to
overlayed on top. address, which could only practically be experienced through
)) Breakup of a vehicle transit into multiple detections (i.e. not

)) Some areas of spurious detection.

)) A significant degree of vehicle transit during the night.

This led to a number of improvements including:

)) A need for OptaSense to tighten the vehicle detection
characteristics to avoid nuisance detection.

)) An improvement to detection linking to minimise the number

of alerts.

)) A reassessment of the threat profile to focus on abnormal

vehicle behaviour (many of the alerts being driven by the
Figure 7. Project workflow 2015. security forces themselves).

The transition programme was a success, giving the clients an

and system acceptance achieved. System operations then enhanced ability to manage their own platform and fully transition
commenced in May 2014. ownership into their hands. This, coupled with local administrator
Client feedback in the first stages of operation is essential. training and an analytical approach to sparing based on probability
As such, OptaSense has developed its initial and final operating of failure and repair turn around times, ensured that the system
capability (IOD-FOC) programme. The company found that in could be effectively operated in country, with the maximum
early deployments that completed at the system acceptance test availability.
(SAT), the client was often surprised at the answers developed
by the system, even if correctly installed. It is impossible to visit Conclusion
every metre of pipeline, so there are always some issues that Since this deployment, OptaSense’s capabilities have been
need addressing. OptaSense developed the IOC-FOC transition extended to include protection around the plant and perimeter,
programme to ensure the following: bringing into service a disused asset, and providing high levels of
)) There is a programmed return to site to address any client reliable performance.
concerns, operational issues, repurposing or training deficit. The system has also provided benefits in addition to alerting
to potential negative action. Above ground activity has also
)) The system continues to be monitored remotely (or through been monitored by the system, including aerial vehicle and
exported data) from the UK, during the transition period. armaments, as well as expected background events such as
weather patterns.
)) The programme includes a mandatory revisit to the threat
profile to ensure that the correct question is asked of the The key aim of the system was to provide enhanced security
system. for the pipeline in order to bring stability to the plant’s ability to
export LNG.
Although a desert situation, the deployment to Balhaf was
no different in this respect from most OptaSense projects. References
1. ALSANCAK, Hasan, BP & BTC Turkey Country Security Manager, “Security Threats
Programmed revisits to the site were able to address the following:
to the Oil & Gas Pipelines”, Oil & Gas Energy Security Summit, 11 May 2012.
)) Particular training needs.
)) Requested additional capability by the operator (e.g. a simple * A specification on the minimum amount of light that must be returned to the
interrogator before a loss in performance is experienced.
‘right click’ to suppress alerts).

Operators are faced with
numerous challenges when
implementing a remote
communications strategy.
Chuck Moseley, Inmarsat, UK,
presents a way of securing reliable

ctive oil and gas pipelines cover a total length of over one million miles across
the globe, or over four times the distance from earth to the moon. It is inevitable
that these pipelines traverse some of the most remote and challenging locations
on the planet. These locations are costly for pipeline operators to regularly
inspect, proactively maintain, and identify and respond quickly to issues that may severely
impact productivity. Remote monitoring of key performance metrics and remote control for
optimal pipeline operations is essential to drive efficiencies and promote health and safety
compliance. Satellite communications provide the reliable connectivity pipeline operators
must have to ensure safe, efficient, secure access to their telemetry data.
Without the connectivity to establish remote monitoring and control functionality,
the only way pipeline operators can gather crucial data on the health and operational
status of the line is to send a team out to check it manually. This approach is fraught with
potential risks, especially when sending teams out to survey
pipelines located in the most remote parts of the world.
The time it can take to receive the report data could

Figure 1. Tank level

management is made more
affordable by satellite
enabled monitoring.

mean identifying the source of any leaks could take days robust enough to withstand the impact of weather and
or weeks, having significant impact on productivity and other environmental factors, and data connectivity needs
revenue, as well as the environmental damage caused by to be absolute – stable and always available.
a breach. This is in addition to the expense of dispatching
and supplying an inspection team, and the potential Availability
hazards to their health and safety. Cellular and terrestrial networks suffer when compared
With crude oil prices falling 50% in 2014, oil companies to satellite networks in this instance, relying as they do
are under significant pressure to improve efficiency in on ground-based infrastructure, which is vulnerable to
order to maintain profitability. Simply put, operators must disruption through environmental disasters and other
manage these vast areas with less people. Automation disruptions. Cellular coverage is linked directly to ‘cells’
configured reliably through satellite-based M2M or areas where towers provide connectivity. Network
communications affords significant resource, time and operators are much more focused on providing service to
money savings for pipeline operators. densely populated areas and remote areas are left as lower
Areas of concern Terrestrial networks again suffer from their
When pipeline operators are implementing a remote dependence on infrastructure, in this case through fixed
communications strategy, there are four key areas of copper wires or fibre optic cables. These services are
concern: reliability, availability, security and ease of use. primarily found in urban areas and are not often available
throughout the breadth of territory pipeline operators
Reliability need to cover. Radio networks were a popular choice for
Having often thousands of kilometres of pipeline to older automation implementations, however they have
manage, operators need to ensure that any implemented become increasingly susceptible to interference issues and
solution can operate successfully without constant the construction, maintenance and liability issues posed
oversight or maintenance. Any hardware needs to be by erecting the necessary towers have caused operators to
look elsewhere for remote automation connectivity.
With the search for operational efficiency paramount,
pipeline operators are looking for standardised solutions
to widespread challenges. Cellular, terrestrial and radio
options will work, but different technologies are necessary
for different areas depending on network availability.
This creates more inventory necessary for companies to
purchase and train their operations crews to effectively

Satellite connectivity is much less vulnerable to
disruption, thanks to its ubiquitous network presence and
employment of end-to-end 3GPP encryption. This security
of connection means pipeline operators in remote or
Figure 2. Reliable communications for your entire pipeline
hostile environments can rely on the data they receive
network. through their remote monitoring and automated control
services, and also have the peace of mind that they will
be alerted in a timely fashion to any pipeline breaches or
hostile activities that could affect their pipeline.

Ease of use
Traditionally, satellite connectivity has been seen
as difficult to install and operate, requiring trained
technicians and dedicated technical resource. Pipeline
operators must do more with less without sacrificing
efficiency and certainly safety, so some have shied away
from considering satellite connectivity for their remote
automation needs. Whilst there are satellite services that
do require this level of technical expertise, Inmarsat’s M2M
satellite services are designed specifically for this purpose
– to be easily installed in remote areas where conditions
are harsh, power is sometime scarce and low maintenance
Figure 3. Pipelines demand reliability, and satellite delivers.
is an absolute.

Figure 4. Uptime is the number one goal of production and Figure 5. Even robust fittings need monitoring and inspection.

The Inmarsat advantage BGAN M2M terminals are small, reliable and easy
Inmarsat’s BGAN M2M and IsatData Pro services are to install. They can operate on very low power and can
designed for long-term unmanned use in remote and provide speeds up to 400 kbps. IsatData Pro terminals
inhospitable locations. Powered by Inmarsat’s global too are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, and
satellite network that affords 99.9% availability, pipeline are easy to install and require very little power. They are
operators can implement one solution to cover their used commonly in alarm management, cathodic protection
entire network, no matter how broad. and many other pipeline and oil and gas production
Inmarsat’s customers are able to access a global, applications. And because both services operate via
two-way data services designed for long-term machine- Inmarsat’s L-band network, both services can continue to
to-machine management of fixed assets through BGAN operate in the most challenging of weather conditions,
M2M and mobile or fixed assets through IsatData Pro. This unlike other, more easily disrupted satellite networks.
allows pipeline operators to use monitoring and control Inmarsat’s M2M services are designed to operate in
applications in remote, unmanned locations, giving them the most hostile environments. With terminal options
full visibility and management their assets in real time featuring IP 66 and IP 67 ratings as well as -40˚C to
across an entire operational pipeline area. In turn, greater +85˚C temperature ratings, the Inmarsat network
levels of remote monitoring and control help to reduce utilises geosynchronous satellites that are fixed over
worker risk by minimising the need for physical inspection geographic areas. Combined with L-band technology,
in potentially hazardous environments. this satellite based M2M system provides unmatched
In the past, a significant hindrance in the adoption uptime and performance in adverse conditions and the
of satellite connectivity was the assumption that it was added resiliency of a network not affected by weather
expensive and complex, and terminals needed to access or even the natural disasters that can disable terrestrial
connectivity were both bulky and sensitive to operating communications.
in extreme conditions. With Inmarsat, this is no longer the The terminals are small and nondescript, so as not to
case. attract unwanted attention and are easily installed by


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non-satellite savvy technicians. Finally, technicians can GEOS International Emergency Response Co-ordination
use the same terminal choices, regardless of which part Centre (IERCC), who will then contact the user to
of the world in which they operate. This translates to establish the nature of the emergency and then liaise with
much simpler inventory management; much less training appropriate local emergency services to effect rescue or
and support issues and a more effective communications provide aid.
solution to be managed by a smaller group of personnel. This type of partnership underlines Inmarsat’s
commitment to ensuring the safety of those people who
Safety and security for pipeline personnel rely on its products when operating in remote, isolated
While the use of satellite technology can significantly and potentially hazardous environments. With 99.9%
reduce the requirement for physical inspection of availability and advanced tracking functionality across
pipelines, pipeline maintenance requirements mean that their global network of satellites, the incorporation of
people will still need to operate in these potentially GEOS services into Inmarsat’s IsatPhone 2 evidences
hazardous environments. The reliability, availability and the important role that satellite technology can have in
security of Inmarsat’s global satellite network has been keeping the people who operate and maintain pipelines
further harnessed through IsatPhone 2, a satellite phone safe, beyond M2M operations.
service for voice communications, to provide global
security and potentially life-saving emergency services A complete suite of flexible solutions
to those people operating in extreme and remote empowering oil and gas pipeline operators
environments. In this time of increasing uncertainty and depressed crude
In addition to its durability and unrivalled battery life, oil prices, Inmarsat is empowering pipeline operators
which make it a natural choice for people operating in to increase their efficiency through a unique offering
extreme environments, the IsatPhone 2 handset features of unrivalled network reliability and a flexible range of
a one-press assistance button on the top of the device services for the facilitation of M2M automation and
that can access GEOS’ Worldwide Emergency Response monitoring that can be tailored to individual needs and
Co-ordination service. Pressing the assistance button sends budgets.
a message containing the user’s GPS co-ordinates to the Furthermore, when operating in extreme or isolated
environments, where the safety
of those working is of paramount
importance, Inmarsat is able to
provide reliable connectivity for
voice calls and tracking for its
customers through its market
leading satellite phones. This
ensures that emergency response
is contactable when required, and
provides piece of mind for those
people operating in hazardous
As demonstrated by its
extensive array of products and
services, Inmarsat understands
the challenges facing the oil and
gas industry, and is the perfect
communications partner for
improving efficiency and safety at
pipelines in extreme environments.
With a network used by thousands
of users who rely on the very
best communications option for
remote site operations, wherever
your pipeline network currently
extends, or wherever you plan on
extending, you can rest assured
that Inmarsat’s reliable global
Figure 6. Satellite communications can keep your people safe and secure during inspections. network is already there.


or the oil and gas industry,
the need to send staff into
remote and extreme locations is
Neil Ashman, Senior Analyst,
inevitable. Does your company have a ECA International, UK, presents a new
systematic, defensible approach to compensating
calculation system used to assist oil
employees for having to live and work in such
environments – one that recognises that some locations are and gas companies in assessing the
harder than others? hardship of staff working in
While the technical challenges of operating in the hard-to-access locations
and/or harsh environments are considerable, there is the additional ongoing challenge remote and exceptionally
of attracting appropriately skilled, experienced employees to operate and manage sites challenging locations.
in extreme locations. Salary packages need to be competitive but with global economic
pressures and low oil prices, costs are coming under greater scrutiny. Although companies
know they need to both incentivise staff to take jobs in such locations and compensate
them for the hardships they will have to endure, not all have a defined process for
establishing the figures nor distinguishing between the particular circumstances of
one plant, rig or facility, and another.
In a typical long-term assignment scenario, calculating pay packages for
mobile workforces means taking into account a large number of factors –
protecting the employee’s spending power, equity with home or local peers,
market rates, tax and social security and labour law jurisdiction, to name
but a few. In addition, a location or ‘hardship’ allowance is likely to be
provided to recognise the difference in living conditions the employee
and their family, if applicable, may encounter when on assignment.

Although rotator or offshore assignment types so commonly )) Access to location – ease of access and availability of
seen within the industry often require a revised structure – for international flights may be restricted at a remote location. Poor
example cost of living or per diem allowances become less accessibility not only poses practical issues but can also increase
the sense of loneliness and isolation felt by expatriates in these
relevant for locations where the assignee is fully catered for or in
which there is little to purchase – having a systematic approach
to calculating allowances for the additional hardship of living and )) Type of accommodation – often, the kind of accommodation
working in extreme places is usually warranted, even if this element provided in remote locations in no way resembles the town
is not quoted separately in the pay package. Providing a structure house or apartment a standard assignment would involve; it is
enables compensation and benefits teams to take the guesswork more likely to be a tent, a portakabin or a dormitory. Privacy, as
out of the equation while also providing companies with a means of well as comfort, is a major consideration in many remote sites.
streamlining and justifying expenditure when necessary.
)) Recreation facilities – boredom is one of the key issues
identified by our clients as a hardship in remote locations.
Assessing the difficulty factor
Employees without access to a reasonable range of facilities will
Assessing locations in order to establish the level of difficulty an
need higher compensation.
expatriate will experience adapting to a new location will usually
involve evaluating a number of factors. The factors ECA looks )) Medical provision – most sites require a minimum standard of
at, for example, include climate; availability of health services; healthcare and companies are likely to have an evacuation plan
housing and utilities; isolation; access to a social network and in place, but for expeditionary assignments (for example), where
leisure facilities; infrastructure; personal safety; political tensions there really is very little or no medical support, an allowance
and air quality. Each factor has a different maximum score in beyond that already provided by the location allowance may be
order to reflect its impact on everyday life and to weight its warranted.
influence. The higher the score, the greater the level of hardship
)) Family status – assignments to remote locations are largely
and adaptability required, and therefore the greater the location
unaccompanied and many companies consider this part of
allowance recommended. ECA’s system is unique in that it also
the job so the base salary will reflect this. Nevertheless, some
takes into consideration the home as well as the host location
companies will want to evaluate whether separation from the
of the employees, recognising that where they are going from family should be considered as part of the remote location
and to can affect the level of adaptation required by them for allowance calculation or not.
some of these factors. So while some scores are absolute, some
are relative. For example, while air pollution, health facilities or Using this information, and continuing to liaise closely with
personal security will have the same impact on all people living in a clients, a calculation system was created enabling companies with
particular location, the impact of factors such as language, climate, employees in remote locations to determine whether they want to
culture, distance from home and education will vary depending on assess these additional elements and the particular facilities on their
the employee’s home location. sites or missions, or not.
However, standard location allowance calculations are not
designed to reflect the exceptional circumstances people working Calculating remote allowances
in remote locations experience. In order to calculate appropriate, Essentially, ECA’s remote allowance calculator works by determining
consistent and fair location allowances for staff relocating to the recommended location allowance for a standard move between
projects in remote environments, additional considerations really a home and host location, and asks the user to provide more detail
need to be taken into account. on the particular circumstances and characteristics of the remote
Working together with its clients employing staff in remote host site(s) in which their company is operating.
locations, ECA International was able to identify the common Because the remote location is likely to be unique to the user,
factors cited that turn a location into a ‘remote’ location for the the calculator asks them to identify a nearby standard location as
purpose of paying additional allowances. an ‘anchor’ spot for the host. This provides a starting point for the
calculation. If the assignment is to an oil platform in the Niger Delta,
Extra considerations for remote locations for example, Port Harcourt might be chosen as the anchor host.
In the context of mobility, remote is a lot more than simple Doing this will return the standard suggested location allowance
distance from home. Instead, it is often used for places where for Port Harcourt, which covers the typical considerations for
facilities are limited – for example where accommodation is in establishing location allowances including security, distance from
tents or dormitories, flights out are infrequent, leisure facilities are home, climate, language etc as outlined above.
non-existent and medical care is basic. Alternatively, or additionally, Building on this standard calculation, the user can then factor
it will refer to challenging environments such as the desert, jungle in the other characteristics identified that may add to the hardship
or offshore, or are expeditions – the very places and scenarios in experienced by the assignee, additional to those already accounted
which many oil and gas companies regularly operate. The following for – and once these extra details have been taken into account
factors were identified as being the ones most commonly having an a recommended addition to the standard location allowance is
additional impact on staff in such locations: calculated.
)) Climate – weather conditions at a remote location are often Creating consistent and fair allowances for workers in extreme
more extreme than in other nearby ‘standard’ locations, for locations can be challenging, but using a systematic approach will
example an oil rig regularly battered by storms, the extreme facilitate the process enabling companies to apply a coherent,
cold of the Arctic or a mine in the middle of a desert. defensible and ultimately cost-effective policy.


Innovative new technologies continue to be developed
as easily accessible fields are depleted. Those new
technologies bring improvements, but many also bring
new limitations, as Vibha Zaman, USA, and David
Barnard, UK, Lloyd’s Register Energy, explain.

ith many of the easily accessible stores of hydrocarbon energy having
been recovered, the world’s offshore exploration activities are migrating
into exceedingly hostile environments and pushing the boundaries of
technology and materials.
Reserves are being explored in ever-deeper waters and remote locations where
development requires the oil and gas industry to push the boundaries of existing
The drive to push the boundaries of capabilities within the offshore oil and gas
industry come with challenges on two fronts, those of internal origin and those derived
from external sources.
Internally, more and more pipelines are being required to operate at temperatures
that reach or exceed the limits of traditional materials of construction. Depending on the
service, pipelines must be able to withstand increasingly high operating temperatures, or
the extreme cold conditions associated with arctic exploration.
Pressure limits are also being pushed, just as demand rises to transport increasingly
‘sour’ fluids.
Externally, the push is on to operate pipelines in ever deeper waters and in
increasingly hostile environments with bigger waves and stronger, more complex

currents. These activities are often taking place in more isolated examined the state of technology innovation within the industry,
locations with dwindling amounts of supporting infrastructure, including the motivators and barriers to implementation. Cost, not
while facing the possibility of significant environmental hazards, technological capabilities, was identified as the greatest barrier.
such as icebergs or unsurvivable storm conditions. “The [international oil companies] have great difficulty
replacing their hydrocarbon reserves, which drives them to go
Challenges and design considerations into the most challenging and expensive environments,” Duco De
Deepwater pipelines are exposed to high external pressures that Haan, Chief Executive Officer of Lloyd’s Register Drilling Integrity
require thicker pipe to withstand the subsea pressures and stresses Services, said in the report. “As a result, costs have exploded in the
they are subjected to during installation. last four to five years”.
However, the added weight of the thicker diameter pipe Nonetheless, technical innovation continues to be a central
together with the length of the catenary when the pipe is laid in focus for subsea pipeline owners as they explore operations at
deepwater environments has led to challenges associated with the unprecedented new ocean depths. In part, the drive towards
tension capacity of pipelaying vessels and their ability to withstand emerging technologies has been brought about by the limitations
the bending stresses, which may result in collapse or buckling. of traditional engineering materials and technology; simply
The tension capacity of current vessels significantly limits how put, the industry is at the extremes of the existing envelope of
deep pipelines can be laid; as such, water depths are currently capability, and the application of new design techniques, along
capped at around 3000 m for traditional steel pipelines. with exotic materials, are now necessary to achieve the industry’s
To go beyond 3000 m, new installation techniques, increased goals.
tension capacities from laybarges or alternative materials will be However, just as the materials and designs in use today
required. needed to be tested and qualified prior to being used in current
Once installed, deepwater and cold climate pipeline operators operating conditions, new technologies need to undergo the same
face challenges of flow assurance due to the formation of due diligence: They need to be tested, qualified and verified as fit
hydrates, a mixture of water and gas molecules that crystallise to for service, while also having their operating characteristics tested
form a solid ‘ice plug’, or due to plugging from wax deposition. and verified to ensure accurate system design and performance
In fact, managing the flow assurance and integrity of assets assessment.
that are difficult to access presents its own challenges, let alone Often, new technologies require a whole new set of test
those that are also exposed to risks from extreme environments. parameters to be developed, along with new test methodologies,
Pipelines operating in frigid climates, such as off the coasts of which themselves need to be assessed in detail prior to their
Nova Scotia, Alaska and the Arctic, face extreme storm conditions application. All this makes new technology expensive to develop.
that can affect their structural integrity and floating icebergs, The processes can take years to complete, but they are essential
which can result in mechanical damage, particularly to their risers. to keep the engineering and financial risks at acceptable levels.
There are ways to mitigate these potential risks: pipelines Some new technologies that have been implemented
can be buried beneath the seabed or covered with protective in deepwater fields include subsea boosting and processing.
concrete mattresses; and rigid steel risers or catenaries can be These technologies have allowed many reservoirs to be more
replaced with flexible risers that are designed to disconnect from economically developed, while reducing the risks of damage to
FPSOs when floating icebergs approach, or when extreme storm assets from adverse weather conditions on the surface.
events threaten. Subsea boosting provides the pressure needed for the risers
However, pipelines situated in deep water or remote areas to transfer production fluids from the reservoir to the surface,
both face challenges associated with a lack of supporting thereby increasing the recovery volumes from mature wells
infrastructure. Each engineering project will have its own specific and making viable the production of fields that may have been
challenges which, to manage costs and maximise environmental previously considered marginal.
performance, are best addressed in a holistic manner throughout Subsea processing is being implemented in several
the design, installation, operations, life-extension and deepwater fields to separate the oil and gas phases and remove
decommissioning stages. water and sand, thereby reducing the amount of fluids that
The technology that is immediately available to an operator need to be transported to the surface. This improves the
and the associated financial risks often have greater influence efficiency of flowlines and risers by supporting a single-phase
on the selection of the solution than does the promise of transportation of production fluids, and it reduces or eliminates
innovation, largely due to the time it takes to test and validate the need for the chemical injections that control the formation
new technology. of hydrates.
Similarly, technically challenging projects with longer gestation Subsea processing can also allow the operator to maintain
periods more readily lend themselves to exploring the application operations during extreme weather conditions on the surface, and
of new technology. reduces the risk of damage to the asset during such an event.
To support asset-integrity management programmes, the
New technologies industry is exploring the use of autonomous underwater vehicles
With oil revenues in decline, the greatest barrier to innovation and (AUV), which are docked and recharged subsurface to perform
its implementation is cost. Nowhere is that more true than with routine visual inspections, freespan pipe monitoring and cathodic
projects located in the ‘frontier’ sectors. protection surveys that detect erosion.
Last year, Lloyd’s Register Energy published a comprehensive In some cases, AUVs could replace current remotely operated
industry report – ‘Oil And Gas Technology Radar 2014’ – which vehicles and their support vessels, potentially reducing cost and

improving integrity-management practices and maintenance The technologies associated with additive manufacturing
activities. have progressed to support component manufacture, moulding
Advancements in data analytics are also playing an increasingly applications and structure repair. These advancements have been
important role in the integrity management of pipelines. They are enabled by significant innovation in materials (e.g. metal and
giving operators better visibility of the operating health of subsea thermoplastic powders, wire, resins and composite materials)
pumps and the fluids produced in subsea processing facilities, as and binding sources (e.g. laser melting, electron beam melting,
well as helping to monitor the condition of the pipeline, including photopolymerisation and chemical reaction).
the use of leak-detection systems. One of the related short-term opportunities for the subsea
Pipelines, too, are undergoing a technological evolution with industry appears to lie in the ability to rapidly generate or repair
the emergence and application of thermoplastic composite pipes. often-replaced or obsolete components from ageing assets.
The fibre materials providing the strength within the But, just as additive manufacturing offers an opportunity to
composite are typical industry materials, such as glass or graphite customise materials, these variations from solid materials can
fibres and Kevlar. And the polymers remain typical industry compromise the structural integrity of an asset in ways that would
materials. be new to the industry. Clearly, a deeper understanding of the
The real innovation is that the pipe is a true composite pipe, benefits and barriers to adoption is required.
rather than a reinforced thermoplastic pipe. The reinforcing
fibres are embedded in the composite matrix, resulting in a Summary
solid pipe wall, whereas in a reinforced thermoplastic pipe the Operating pipelines in ultra-deepwater and harsh climates requires
fibre reinforcement ‘rovings’ (tapes) are wound around the liner design, maintenance, and integrity management to maintain a high
pipe. level of reliability.
This is similar to traditional fibre reinforced plastic pipe, Innovative new technologies continue to be developed
but it uses a high performance polymer as the matrix rather as the easily accessible fields are depleted. Those new
than a thermoset plastic, such as epoxy. This advance produces technologies bring improvements, but many also bring new
a collapse-resistant pipe that can operate at a wider range of limitations, which require engineers to revisit accepted risk-
temperatures. It is also less brittle, therefore more flexible, and management techniques, develop their standards, procedures
less susceptible to the problems associated with sour service and methodologies, and apply their experience in new ways.
operations and corrosion.
When compared with traditional flexible pipes, the new
reinforcement materials can improve structural performance,

reduce fatigue and improve a pipeline’s compatibility with
the fluids it is moving – reducing its reliance on the chemical
scavengers and inhibitors that are injected to control the
composition of the bore fluids.
The reduced mass offers engineers lower connection loads 3-Step Solutions

Step 1
and, ultimately, simpler installation in ultra-deep water.
However, the improved structural performance and
increased resistance to corrosive liquids comes at an
engineering cost, including a significant increase in the bending
stiffness of the pipe and its minimum bend radius, both of
which have implications for system designs and installation
Another exciting emerging technology is the use of additive
manufacturing for fabrication of subsea equipment. Since
deepwater processing facilities require thick-walled vessels to
contain pressure, equipment such as gravity-based separators
have become very large and difficult to transport when
fabricated using solid steel plate.
In fact, the size of today’s subsea separation equipment is
often limited by the capacity of the lifting equipment during
installation, rather than the performance that is required for
Additive manufacturing can be used to build plates

Cleaning Tool
constructed in different shapes – such as 3D honeycomb lattice
– to provide a high strength-to-weight ratio when compared
with solid steel plate.
The additive manufacturing process takes a 3D model of an
object stored in a computer and translates it into very thin layers
and builds the object by adding one layer at a time, stacking up
material until the object is complete.

800-752-1628 • 918-446-1934
w w w. e n d u ro p l s. co m • i n fo @ e n d u ro p l s. co m
he success of the oil and gas industry depends on
achieving the right balance between optimising
production and ensuring the safety of workers.
Wherever we are in the world, we need to set
standards in training and competency before teams are sent
offshore or into other hazardous environments.
Ageing offshore assets and creeping complacency in the
oil and gas industry can have catastrophic repercussions.
All too often people are focused on the task rather than on

safety, which is the cause of many accidents. OPITO OPITO’s standards are being rolled out by the major
aims to make sure that every oil and gas worker is employers and it is working with regulators, industry
totally focused on safety with the right training and and governments to develop a safer workforce through
competence to carry out the task. positive changes in behaviour through its standards
The nature of the oil and gas industry, which has framework.
been operating some of the most complex technology While this improvement is not solely down to
in some of the most hazardous areas in the world for OPITO, there is more than simply coincidence here.
decades, dictates that there will always be risk.
However, as we exploit our natural resources in Effective leadership
countries with less stable regimes and growing conflict, OPITO’s standards framework ensures employers
where the threat of terrorism, war and piracy presents change the way in which people think about workforce
a very real danger, and as we seek to squeeze the development in relation to safety and then accurately
world’s remaining hydrocarbons from ever deeper measure the improvements. The measurement is
waters in the Gulf of Mexico and under the ice in vital because it is about the impact of change, rather
the Arctic, the people in our industry are exposed to than the process of change itself. OPITO can lay the
greater risks than ever before. groundwork but it is the employers themselves who
It is how we effectively prepare and support our will ultimately drive long-term high value change. And
workforce to reduce the risk that ultimately dictates this needs strong, committed, courageous leadership.
our success. When organisations start talking about change, people
OPITO believes that the industry still needs inevitably become apprehensive, even fearful, and
more effective leadership on safety to prevent fatal often disillusioned and disengaged. It takes bold
accidents, lost time incidents and near-misses. The and inspirational leaders to make change happen
most recent figures (2012) from OGP – the association effectively, to bring people on board and make them
of oil and gas producers – revealed that there were part of that change, to ensure they embrace it, rather
88 fatalities in the industry with lost-time incidents than fear it. New ways of doing things will only
increasing by 12%. actually happen if people understand why they need to
This is simply not good enough. The global change and the benefit change will have on them and
industry has to change in its approach to safety those who work with them.
and competence. Staying the same is not an option Shell, for example, has shown real leadership
because, despite improvements, too many major and in safety through a new global programme that
minor incidents are happening. And that is before we it outlined at OPITO’s Safety and Competence
start ramping-up activities in even more hostile and Conference in Abu Dhabi towards the end of last year.
hazardous territories. Equally, its leadership in the development and roll-
out of a major training programme in Iraq alongside
Adopting adequate standards OPITO, has to be commended. In a region fraught with
There are a number of common causal factors but conflict, OPITO is working with the Iraqi government
one factor highlighted in the report was inadequate to help deliver a safe and competent indigenous oil
standards. This is hugely disturbing to OPITO as the and gas workforce. As a major employer here, Shell has
solution already exists. OPITO standards, recognised been involved in the first industry-led programme to
as the best in the world, can and must be adopted train Iraqi workers. Up to 15 000 Iraqis will be trained
by every employer in every oil and gas region in the in how to deal safely with the potential hazards of
world. Every worker has the fundamental right to know hydrogen sulphide (H2S), a prevalent risk in the region.
that the person working above or below or alongside The multinational has invested in a new training
on the helicopter has been trained to the same high centre in Majnoon and worked with us to customise
standards. the training standard relating to H2S for the Iraqi
While over 250 000 people in 40 countries workforce.
are trained annually to OPITO standards, universal Customisation is important. While OPITO’s quest
adoption of these standards is yet to be seen. This is to deliver common global safety standards, it
is despite the evidence that inadequate standards recognises the need to customise standards for each
are a cause of incidents and the growing correlation region.
between the increase in uptake of OPITO standards
and the decrease in fatal and other accidents. Safety training and new standards
In the OGP report, a five year rolling average in In 2010, OPITO commissioned a first of its kind
the Middle-East showed a marked improvement in research study into how internationalisation impacted
the reduction of accidents between 2007 and 2012. on emergency response and basic safety training
OPITO has been active in this region since 2005. requirements in the industry.

The study highlighted the regional barriers to the OPITO’s tropical basic offshore safety induction
implementation of safety standards. These related to emergency training standard (TBOSIET), of which
culture and behaviours, climate, as well as specific THUET is one element, is not mandatory in the Gulf
local issues, protectionism, legacy, history and ‘not of Mexico. However, OPITO is hopeful that it will
invented here’ syndromes. OPITO has sought to eventually become a statutory requirement in this
overcome these barriers by engaging and consulting region as operators accept the value of this three day
with the industry in several countries to develop course over what is currently being offered.
standards within a framework that takes account OPITO has recently been tasked with regionalising
of specific local and regional requirements in a its existing BOSIET standard to deal with Arctic
meaningful way. This involves taking the guiding conditions. Although this has been put on the back
principles of OPITO’s standards, their quality and burner in the current low price oil climate where
rigour, and then adapting them for each region. frontier projects, particularly in the Arctic region, have
During the eighties, in the harsh North Sea been shelved, it anticipates getting back on track as
environment, OPITO pioneered the basic offshore these projects start up again.
safety induction and emergency training (BOSIET) and
helicopter underwater emergency training (HUET) Summary
standards. Every North Sea worker must be trained Whatever the environment, benign or extreme, safety
to these standards before going offshore and OPITO, cannot be taken for granted and wherever there is
through a rigorous accreditation process, makes sure oil and gas exploration and production, you will find
that training providers are delivering the training OPITO.
to the highest standards in order to demonstrate OPITO is a guardian of global safety standards and
competency among trainees. Since then, these will never be complacent in its mission to protect
standards have been successfully customised to reflect those who risk their personal safety to provide the
local needs and environments and rolled out all over world with hydrocarbons.
the world.
For example, OPITO has recently set new and
higher standards for the 2.3 million people travelling

to work on offshore installations by helicopter in
the Gulf of Mexico every year. The training has
increased from four hours to a one-day course,
which must be repeated every four years. It covers
how to get out of a helicopter in the event of a 3-Step Solutions

Step 2
ditching or controlled landing on sea as well as rig
abandonment and sea survival. The training takes
an individual through many scenarios to get them
comfortable with a safe evacuation of the helicopter
whether it is upright or submerged and upside down.
Survival training in the Gulf of Mexico has been
sporadic with no common standard and no common
quality control. The new THUET standard goes well
beyond what is outlined by the Bureau of Safety
Environment and Enforcement (BSEE) by the US
government and is designed to give offshore workers
the knowledge, competence and confidence they
need to remain safe in the event of an incident
while travelling to work.
The new training standard meets the criteria of
all the various operating companies in the region
and it is anticipated that more training centres will
be seeking accreditation from OPITO to run these
courses as demand increases. In the last three years,
OPITO has been raising awareness in the Gulf of
Mexico of its offshore safety training standards,
Caliper Tool
recognised to be the best in the world, and as a
result the number of training centres in the region
certified to run OPITO courses has doubled.

800-752-1628 • 918-446-1934
w w w. e n d u ro p l s. co m • i n fo @ e n d u ro p l s. co m
Leading the way to
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Jeff Wilson, Chief Technology
Officer, T.D. Williamson, USA,
celebrates elite technicians who
brave some of the world’s most
unforgiving climates to keep
pipelines running.

s anyone in the pipeline industry knows, hot
tapping and plugging (HT&P) requires a specific
skill set aligned to unique challenges – the
procedure involves isolating small sections of
a pipeline in order to perform routine maintenance or
make repairs or modifications, all without shutting down
the entire line. And, because of the nature of the work,
there is simply no room for error. To mitigate the risks and
ensure that the job is done safely, the people performing
the actual HT&P work have to be the best of the best – no
Even in the most favourable of working conditions,
HT&P is a delicate undertaking. But when the pipeline
you are working on is located in one of the world’s
most extreme climates, words like ‘challenging’ and

‘delicate’ seem wholly inadequate. In the mercilessly hot,
sandblasted deserts of Iraq or Saudi Arabia, or the isolated
tundra of Siberia, the environment itself becomes a risk
Suddenly, the best of the best is no longer good
enough. And that is when you turn to someone like Olga

A high pressure job in an unforgiving

It has been awhile since Olga Kondratyeva held the
position of General Manager, Russia, with pipeline services
provider T.D. Williamson (TDW). She currently works out
of the company’s global headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma,
as the Director of Pigging Technology. These days,
Kondratyeva spends most of her time solving operator
challenges by developing new products, such as fully
automated pigging systems. But before coming stateside,
she spent 15 years working on the operations side of the

Guaranteed completion
It is a common problem: in some of the swampiest areas of
northern Russia and Siberia, pipeline excavations can start
flooding within hours of a project start. Until a few years
ago, this was especially problematic for crews when it came
time to permanently seal – or ‘plug’ – the fitting after hot
tapping was completed. The completion process required
frequent stopping and starting to ensure that the fitting
plug would not leak. A technician would use a tapping
machine or plug-setting device to guide the plug in place,
stopping every few minutes to ensure that the plug was
Figure 1. Hot tapping and plugging stackup in Siberia. fitting snugly into the grooves of the flange. This process
could take quite a while.
“A technician would have to climb a ladder to get up
to the machine, do some work, climb back down, check the
plug installation, and climb back up and start loading the
plug,” says Kondratyeva. “The installation required several
trips up and down, and every hour the water level in the dig
was rising.”
When the water levels got too high, the technicians
would have to stop working in order to pump water out of
the excavation. As a result, a process that normally should
have taken one day was stretched out into two or more
But when TDW introduced its LOCK-O-RING® Plus
technology, completion times were shortened dramatically.
The LOCK-O-RING Plus completion plug features a special
design that indicates when it is attached snugly, eliminating
the need for technicians to stop the work and manually
check the fit. This feature also helps guard against human
error during installation.
“With the new completion plug, we could complete the
job in several hours,” says Kondratyeva. “This technology
saved us several days of operations in a harsh environment,
which translated into cost savings for the operator.”
Figure 2. Technicians working in shifts.

business in Russia, where she was in charge of organising
some of the most complicated – in terms of preparation
and risk mitigation – HT&P jobs in the world, on some of
the largest pipelines in the industry.
A typical large pipeline in the US or Western Europe
might measure between 34 and 38 in. dia. In Siberia and
other parts of northern Russia, the pipelines run much
larger – in some cases, up to 96 in. This is mostly due to
the enormous distances involved in these pipelines, which
transport huge amounts of oil and natural gas from Siberia
all the way west through Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and
on to Poland, Germany, and other European destinations,
as well as east to China. Figure 3. Sinking in the thawed earth.
Kondratyeva’s job was to make sure that all HT&P work
on these massive pipelines was performed quickly, safely
and efficiently – without incident and without disrupting And not just the workers require special gear: much
the flow of oil and gas to customers throughout Russia. It of the standard HT&P equipment – even the equipment
is a tough, high pressure job. And, in Siberia and northern specially designed for work on large pipelines – simply
Russia, it is a job where nearly everything – from your cannot stand up to the conditions of a typical Siberian
equipment, to the length of the days, to the very ground winter.
beneath your feet – seems to be working against you. “You have to have a particular grade of steel that
One of the biggest challenges, explains Kondratyeva, is doesn’t lose its properties in extreme cold conditions,”
that the larger pipelines in places like Siberia require larger says Kondratyeva. “And you need to be able to start the
equipment. For example, the necessary HT&P equipment engine on your power unit when it’s -30°C outside. That’s
for a more standard 34 or 38 in. pipeline might weigh in not easy. You have to have a special cover for it and
at around 7000 kg (approximately 15 000 lbs). Similar
equipment for a 48 or 56 in. pipeline could easily weigh in
at 23 000 kg (approximately 50 000 lbs). And in northern

Russia, weight matters – a lot.
While the word ‘Siberia’ may bring to mind images
of an endless, frozen wasteland, that is not exactly an
accurate picture. The area does freeze during winter,
but during the spring and summer it is a vast, marshy 3-Step Solutions

Step 3
swampland that makes HT&P work virtually impossible.
“Most of the pipelines in Russia are buried in swamps
or rivers,” says Kondratyeva. “And when there’s no
snow or ice on the ground, the soil does not support
anything – you’ll just go right through. So when you’re
working with big, heavy equipment, it’s very difficult –
the only time you can really make repairs or make a new
connection to a new oilfield is in the winter when the
ground is frozen. This is why maybe 60 or 70% of our
work in Russia takes place in the wintertime.”

Cold, short days and wet, muddy nights

Working on a pipeline in Siberia in the dead of winter
poses its own unique set of challenges. While the frozen
ground is better able to support the heavy equipment
necessary for HT&P work, the trade-offs are substantial.
For one thing, it is cold: winter temperatures in the region
commonly reach -30°C. To reduce the risk of injury due to
exposure, pairs of technicians typically work in two hour
shifts, dressed head-to-toe in cold-weather gear. When
their shift is over, they take shelter in a heated trailer
Technology Tool
onsite while another pair of technicians takes over. It
makes for a slow process, but it is the only way to really
ensure worker safety in such extreme temperatures.

800-752-1628 • 918-446-1934
w w w. e n d u ro p l s. co m • i n fo @ e n d u ro p l s. co m
protection with heating. As a result, TDW developed “HT&P is a very complicated operation,” Kondratyeva
custom equipment that withstands such cold weather.” says. “You’re drilling into the pipeline and making a cut,
But innovations and highly specialised equipment and you have to plug the line and install a temporary
can only do so much: for example, there is no getting valve. It’s not a dangerous operation if you follow the
around the fact that Siberian winter days are incredibly rules, but you really need daylight.”
short – and adequate daylight (and heat) is essential to a And, because most operations take place in swampy
detail-oriented job like tapping and repairing a pipeline. In marshland, it is not unusual to leave a jobsite at night
the interest of safety, HT&P crews have no choice but to and come back the next morning to a hole full of muddy
work as efficiently as possible in the two to four hours of water. Even in winter, when the top layers of the ground
available daylight. are frozen solid, it is a different story beneath the surface.
The lower layers of soil never quite
“There might be snow around,
but the soil is so wet that even when
it’s frozen on top there is still water,
and the job takes several days,” says
Kondratyeva. “We dig the pipe out, weld
a fitting, and then the day is gone, so
people go home and the next morning,
we start again – but now the dig is full
of water. So we have to start every
morning by pumping the water out. It’s
very time-consuming. Instead of working
for three days, we end up working for a

Action, adventure and a

changing Russia
Even in a large, global company
Figure 4. Working in the snow.
like TDW, there are only a cadre of
technicians able to perform such
highly complex HT&P jobs in extreme
environments. To qualify for a job in
a place like Siberia or Saudi Arabia, a
technician must have five or more years
of experience, plus extensive, site-
specific training. It is an art, Kondratyeva
says. And it is a skill that takes time
to master. Currently, the company
has a specialised team of devoted
technicians who travel the world to
complete complex pipeline repairs and
“Very few people in the world can
do such operations,” says Kondratyeva.
“Our technicians come from all over,
including Belgium, France, the UK, the
US, Russia and more – and they go to
these extreme environments all over the
world. Hot tapping means you have to
drill the pipe under pressure – and in
these environments you have to be very
experienced to be able to do this safely.
Because we can deliver this expertise,
extreme environments and complicated
operations become simple routine
Figure 5. Sandwich valve buried in fresh snow. maintenance for our customers.”

Kondratyeva has spent enough time in the field to had scaled back her time on jobsites considerably.
gain a deep respect for these extreme environments: But she remains proud of her time in the field and of
When she joined TDW’s Russian office 15 years ago, she the role she and her elite team of technicians played
was the person responsible for supervising the jobs – in maintaining pipelines in one of the world’s most
this meant that, wherever her crews were working, she unforgiving climates.
was usually out in the field with them. As a result, she “Whether challenged to complete the Far East
has a near-endless supply of stories that sound more like gasification programme; building a new railway to
heroic quests rather than routine pipeline maintenance. Sheremetievo airport; delivering gas from Sakhalin
Today, from her office in Tulsa – far from the Island to a key LNG plant; or connecting existing
frozen, swampy Siberian landscape – she can tell you infrastructure to a Nord Stream pipeline…we are proud
about the time her crew had to use a pontoon boat to serve, whatever the environment.”
to complete a job after a
frozen ‘winter road’ over
the normally icy Pur River
thawed unexpectedly. She
can tell you about the day
the Amur River flooded,
creating an island around
a jobsite and stranding her
technicians until military
boats and helicopters could
come to the rescue. And
she can tell you about when
her technicians were tasked
with replacing seven large
sections of a major pipeline
responsible for serving the
Sochi Olympic facilities
from a remote mountain
landscape only accessible by
air – the crew was able to
finish the work just in time
for the games to begin.
Since her early
days in Russia, TDW’s
presence there has
expanded considerably,
Kondratyeva says. Today,
field supervision in Siberia
and northern Russia
is usually handled by
designated supervisors or
technical directors. The
service centres now house
their own specialised
equipment, localised
pipeline solutions, and
expert Russian personnel,
including engineers and
technicians. This expansion
means that TDW is better
equipped than ever to meet
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Repairs in the

Jose Zapata, NRI,

USA, discuses a repair
project in a notoriously
challenging jungle

t was an urgent repair request that called us out into the middle of the jungle
in the middle of August. The humid air was alive with insects and the drone
of the river as we disembarked from the boat. Behind us was Barrancabermeja
and civilisation. Ahead was almost a mile of steaming Colombian jungle. A
jungle filled with puma, poison dart frogs and pit vipers. A jungle through which
we would walk to a pipeline repair located underneath the Magdalena River – the
very river on which our unloaded supply boat was now sailing away, leaving behind
a crackling walkie-talkie as our connection to the rest of the world. Picking up the
boxes of supplies and equipment, which included a generator and gallons of fresh
water, we began our walk through the jungle.
The Magdalena River has a reputation as being ‘the most dangerous part of the
world,’ earned partly from the years of warfare that have engulfed the area and
partly from literature and journalists, but walking through the jungle in the August

heat, it was easy to picture pitfalls around every bend. In
fact, one member of our eight man crew carried a shotgun, in
order to ward off vicious prey – animal or otherwise – that
might stalk our vulnerable caravan.
The walk was made more precarious by the fact that the
ground was such a muddy mire that we had to walk on the
pipeline to be sure that we were following the right path. A
wrong step off the pipe meant the exhausting task of hauling
self and load up out of the sucking mud, which was 3 in. deep
in spots, and back up onto the pipe. Not an easy task under
the best of circumstances, but when weighted down with
over 20 lbs of equipment or supplies, not to mention hip
waders or rubber boots, digging out from the mud, retrieving
the fallen boxes, and regaining footing on the pipe, took
increasing effort.
Figure 1. Buried under Colombia’s Magdalena River, And just what was it that called us out to such a
the 900 psi (62 bar), 12 in. OD petroleum transmission line was treacherous spot, at such an unforgiving time of year? The
found to have significant wall loss over a 42 in. area, including
a bolted flange. Shutting down the pipe for repair was not an energy company that owned the pipeline had discovered that
option. the 900 psi (62 bar), 12 in. OD petroleum transmission line
had substantial wall loss over a 42 in. area, including a bolted
flange. This pipeline was instrumental to their service and
could not be shut down. A full replacement of the troubled
section, scheduled or not, was out of the question.

A river runs over it

Finally, after more than a half-mile slog balancing on the
mucky 12 in. pipe, we reached the repair site and quickly set
up camp. Since the surrounding area was either mud 3 in.
deep or underwater, we first had to use sandbags to create a
temporary dam around the section of pipe and flange in need
of repair. Even with the sandbags in place, the Magdalena
kept weeping into the freshly dug trench, seeping around the
edges, as if to remind us to hurry.
Once we had identified the site to be repaired, we began
surface preparation. First, we fired up the generator. In
order to promote proper adhesion following the standards
Figure 2. All the components of the job, from the materials and
tools, to the generator and drinking water, had to be carried –
for surface preparation established by NACE 2 or Sa2.5, we
literally – by the crew, as they trudged through muddy water used an MBX Bristle Blaster to remove the mud, rust, paint,
to the repair site. and any other foreign matter from the surface of the pipe.

Figure 3. In order to access the pipe the crew had to hold Figure 4. To meet the standards for surface preparation
the Magdalena at bay. They created a temporary dam using established by NACE 2 / Sa2.5, the crew used an MBX Bristle
sandbags. Blaster to clean the pipe.

While cleaning the steel, the MBX Bristle Blaster also creates
an anchor profile, which allows the composite-reinforced
coating system to properly adhere to the pipe’s substrate.
Working quickly so that the freshly profiled pipe and flange
were not re-contaminated, we cleaned the steel surfaces
with solvent wipes that contain a high percentage of alcohol
and no oil.
With the pipe and flange cleaned and prepped, it was
time to restore the pipe to its original configuration. Any pits
in the steel substrate were filled with NRI’s Syntho-Poxy™
HC. Syntho-Poxy HC is a high-compressive, two-part, load-
transferring epoxy compound that cures quickly and is used
to reinforce and reconfigure pipes. Using cartridge guns,
we applied the Syntho-Poxy HC, filling each pit with the
epoxy compound as needed. Combined with the next steps
Figure 5. The freshly prepped steel was wiped with an oil- in the composite system, the epoxy would help to transfer
free solvent and then brought back to configuration with the pipe’s load stresses from the damaged pipe wall to the
the application of Syntho-Poxy™, a load-transferring epoxy
composite system.
Next, the entire repair area was coated with Syntho-
SubSea™LV, a solvent-free, two-part, Kevlar® reinforced
epoxy. Able to displace water, this two-part epoxy is
designed to stop corrosion. It is engineered to cycle and
work with the 900 psi (62 bar) pipeline. After mixing the
epoxy resin with the curing agent, we applied the 100% solids
mixture onto the pipe and flange using trowels and putty
knives at a thickness of 30 mm.
While the epoxy was still wet, we then wrapped the
line, including the flange, in 12 layers of Syntho-Glass™ XT, a
54 000 psi (3723 bar) tensile strength, fibreglass composite.
Syntho-Glass XT is designed to provide structural integrity
to the pipeline. Working in combination with the Syntho-
Poxy HC and the Syntho-SubSea LV epoxy resin, the Syntho-
Glass XT composite is designed to ‘pick up’ the load stresses
from the damaged pipe, fully restoring the pipe’s integrity.
The wrap also provides corrosion protection, encapsulating
Figure 6. Using trowels and putty knives, the crew applied
the pipe and preventing the elements from reaching the
Syntho-SubSea™ LV, a Kevlar® reinforced epoxy that displaces
water and is engineered to cycle with the 900 psi (62 bar) compromised section of steel.
pipeline. The engineered, water-activated, polyurethane resin in
the fibreglass composite system, not only ensured proper
fibre-to-resin ratios, but also made for a quick application
process – even over the flange’s difficult geometry. This was
something for which we were all grateful, especially given
the heat, humidity, and unsettlingly large paw prints that we
discovered in the mud near the jobsite. Even though we had
an armed guard, nobody wanted to come face-to-face with a

Hydration for product and crew

A major challenge in the midst of this fast-paced, watery
project was to avoid dehydration. The crew was constantly
reminded to drink from the supply of fresh water that
was trudged in, but even with the reminders, it was barely
enough to keep sun stroke at bay. Heavy personal protective
equipment (PPE) was another challenge in the sweltering
morass. The work shirts, so vital a protection against sunburn
Figure 7. To fully restore the pipe’s integrity, 12 layers of and bug bite, became our own personal saunas. Our rubber
Syntho-Glass™ XT, a 54 000 psi (3723 bar) tensile strength, boots also quickly filled with river water and mud. For
fibreglass composite was installed.
most of us, that happened within our first few steps on the

pipeline, which meant that the entire project was bogged
down in mud from the start.
Fortunately, four hours after we first started digging
our sandbag dam, the Syntho-Glass XT was installed. This
meant that a repair that would ordinarily have taken weeks
was inexpensively completed in one day. Our Syntho-Glass
XT composite-reinforced coatings system fully restored
the pipe’s strength and enabled operations to return to full
maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) of 900 psi
(62 bar).
The crackle of the walkie-talkie never sounded as
sweet as when we called for our return boat. Packing up
our boxes, somewhat lighter now that they contained
mostly trash – empty product containers and water
bottles – powering down the generator, and dismantling
the sandbags, we prepared for the trek out of the jungle,
Figure 8. In less than four hours, the Syntho-Glass XT
before the sun set. Somewhat slower, having put in an composite-reinforced coatings system fully restored the pipe’s
exhausting days’ slog before putting in a full day onsite, strength and enabled operations to return to full maximum
we hiked back on top of the pipe, balancing our way over allowable operating pressure (MAOP) of 900 psi (62 bar).
mud that caught at our feet, seeming to want us to stay
in the jungle. Occasionally we would hear the cry of some
creature, bird or cat, I could not say, but I was glad as the and humid evening, I could understand the hold that the
drone of the river increased and the welcoming sight of Magdalena has – the raw power and the pull. For a time, we
our boat came into view. stood up to those forces. We met the challenge. And we
Loading our generator and the remains of our hard work won – as of this writing, the pipeline and our repair are still
onto the boat as the afternoon faded into an equally hot in full operation.

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Protecting turbines in

Gas turbines are used in a wide variety of
sh or
environments, many of which present har
extreme conditions that can affect the life
reliability of the installation. Stephen Hin
CLARCOR Industrial Air, UK, examines
importance of customised filter designs.

he air inlet filter on a gas turbine installation may not
be the highest priority or concern when specifying a
system, but it is a vital component in prolonging the
life of the turbine and reducing ongoing maintenance
and repair costs. Selecting the optimum filter configuration is
a balance between the level of protection, cost, and pressure
drop across the system.
Environmental characteristics that may affect the system
include levels of salt, water (rainfall or fog) and dust, as well
as types of particulate (dry or sticky), size of particulates,
minimum temperatures and any snowfall. Each one of these
needs to be evaluated to determine the optimum filtration
solution to protect turbine performance.

In coastal and offshore locations, a combination of salt This, in turn, reduces the efficiency of the turbine and
and moisture in the air threatens the turbine. If the salt is increases operational costs.
not prevented from entering the machine, it will combine In extreme cold conditions where ice and snow are
with fuel in hotter areas and cause Type I and Type II present, the turbine can usually handle the associated
highly accelerated corrosion. The mean time to failure in water content. When, however, this is combined with salty
such conditions is usually dependent upon the level of this or dusty environments, the level of protection can be
corrosion in the machine and what protection is in place compromised as the filter becomes blocked.
to stop the salt getting into the turbine. Each turbine installation will have varying
Dust is another threat to turbine life and performance. environmental conditions, performance requirements, cost
Large dust particles (>2 µm) cause erosion throughout considerations and, as such, different filter house needs.
the machine. This damage can affect the efficiency of the Where both dust and salt are present, different filtration
turbine but if the erosion causes parts in the front end stages will afford better protection. However, by adding
of the equipment to break, these may travel through and a filtration stage for each contaminant, the pressure loss
cause severe damage in other parts of the machinery. across the system is increased. This can be countermanded
Coarse filter media can prevent the dust that causes such by making the filter house larger but this is very much
problems, but this still leaves finer dust (<2 µm) entering a balance between cost and performance. The type of
the system. This dust can stick to parts of the machine, application and value of the turbine output are also,
creating a build-up that changes operating aerodynamics. therefore, considerations when specifying filtration needs.
Offshore applications tend to require smaller, faster
running turbines due to the space restrictions on platforms
and floating production units. Onshore, land based
applications where there is easy access for maintenance
often require more basic filtration requirements and many
applications can be more cost-sensitive. In high value
applications such as pipelines, LNG, aluminium smelting,
etc.; low maintenance, high availability, high performance
and long machine life are the priority and the return on
investment on a more comprehensive filtration system can
make sound business sense.
Low maintenance is also a requirement for remote
pipeline locations where mobilising personnel adds
significant cost to an operation. To meet this need
specifications often include precision materials, paint that
does not flake, proven technology and large filter houses.
Applications are slow running to help prolong maintenance
intervals and the installation of pre-filters and/or a HEPA
Figure 1. The wrong system design can lead to filter blockage filter stage is not uncommon.
and eventual loss of gas turbine performance. In multi-stage filtration systems it is usually the last
filter that is the most efficient. Where it is highly desirable
not to have to stop the process to change a filter, a
further protection filter stage may be installed after this to
enable maintenance while the turbine is running without
risk of damage.

Evaluating site characteristics

Let’s take a look at the broad decision process for
filtration requirements for a dusty, coastal application
where the output of the gas turbine is high value by way
of example.
Static filters are suitable for low to average dust
concentrations but self-cleaning systems, such as
‘pulse’ filters, are more typically applied for higher
concentrations. In some locations with particularly high
dust in the atmosphere, an upflow pulse system may also
be used to extend the filter life.
If dust levels are high, the dust also needs to be
Figure 2. Every gas turbine site is different. The inlet filter
system must be optimised to handle extreme conditions. evaluated in terms of type and size. High levels of ‘sticky’
dust mean that long life filters in an oversized filter house

Figure 3. At this coastal site in the Middle East, fog, sand, dust and
hot temperatures create a unique environment that makes inlet filter
optimisation essential.

may offer significant benefit to outweigh the additional cost. If the

average dust particle size is less than two microns, high dust efficiency
F9 or EPA/HEPA filters should also be installed.
The type of turbine technology and standard of fuel used
are further factors to be considered when defining the filtration
stages. High tech turbines with long life components are likely to
need a solution that avoids outages simply to change filters. These
turbines are also less tolerant of fouling so higher efficiency filters
are required. The use of sour fuel will also require high efficiency
filters to protect these units, which have a lower tolerance of high
sulphur fuels. Older, low tech turbines, however, have relatively
short component life and are more tolerant of fouling. As such, lower
efficiency filters may be perfectly acceptable.
The ease of maintenance is another stage in evaluating filtration
requirements. If the turbine is in a remote location, for example,
where there are no site personnel to carry out regular maintenance,
increasing the intervals between maintenance is an important cost
consideration. Maintenance frequency will determine the filter house
material and construction. If onsite maintenance is readily available,
consideration also needs to be given to whether there is any backup
capacity available in the system. If there is, standard filter house
materials and construction can be utilised and the number of filtration
stages installed can be reduced.

Addressing moisture
Once the requirements for the filtration system have been defined,
levels of moisture in the area should also be factored in. Moisture
can cause captured contaminants in the filter system to swell,
increasing pressure loss. If fog or mist is a common phenomenon
or a site is within 12 miles of water, the installation of coalescers is
recommended. These remove moisture and liquid phase corrosives
from the air stream to help protect the downstream filters and the gas
The issue with installing coalescing filters is that they frequently
need to be maintained. This increases the downtime of the system and
replacing them adds to ongoing costs. If they are left out, however,
Figure 4. CLARCOR Industrial Air has a full suite of filter products that are proven to protect gas turbines in extreme environments.

small water droplets will mix with contaminants. If there quality, means that one filtration solution certainly does
is a lot of dust present, for example, the water will not fit all. To get the best in terms of efficiency, life and
combine with dust to form mud – increasing the system optimised maintenance, each application needs to be
pressure loss and maybe even tripping the gas turbine. evaluated and a customised air inlet filtration solution
If the final filter allows the moisture to wash through defined.
to avoid this, contaminants will also pass through and Harsh environments will present unique challenges
increased fouling, damage and corrosion of compressor from extreme volumes of contaminants through to the
blades may occur. need to consider multiple environmental elements to
To counter these conflicting issues, a new type of protect the turbine. The ideal filter solution may be
coalescer, the TS1000 from CLARCOR Industrial Air, was costly but this needs to be assessed against all lifetime
developed that allows sand and dust to pass through operational and maintenance costs for the turbine as
while removing moisture from the air stream. This has well as lost production from increased downtime.
been shown to extend periods between clogging, require Through the use of the latest media technology
less monitoring and less maintenance. The media is also and clever aerodynamics, filters that perform well at
easily cleaned with a water hose, reducing maintenance elevated flowrates and provide the same performance
time and cost compared with traditional coalescers that to similar solutions but in a smaller filter house can be
require replacement when clogged. achieved. This reduces the compromise between cost
and performance, lowering the cost of adding greater
Each site is different protection to the system.
Each gas turbine installation has different requirements. CLARCOR Industrial Air has 50 years of experience
In exceptionally harsh environments, such as remote delivering innovative solutions for gas turbine inlet
pipelines in desert or jungle, offshore platforms, marine filtration and monitoring fleet-wide performance
vessels or coastal sites where there is a mixture of dust, data across a variety of environmental conditions.
salt and moisture, turbines are particularly vulnerable Its altair® brand of filters are specifically designed
to damage that will reduce efficiency and increase with predictable and reliable performance in mind to
the risk of failure. Multi-stage filtration systems which meet the challenges of the oil and gas industry. Altair
incorporate vanes, hoods, coalescers and/or preheaters gas turbine inlet filtration can extend turbine life
to combat water, vapours, snow or ice may be needed through efficient and effective removal of moisture in
to handle all conditions present. combination with handling other filtration requirements
in harsh, remote environments. With a full range of
Summary filter media at all efficiency levels, altair filters can
At the end of the day, the variance in the requirements help achieve higher power output, extended gas turbine
of each turbine installation depending on environmental availability and maximum protection against corrosion
conditions, turbine technology, application and fuel and fouling.

A significant
Adrian Blakemore, Murphy International Ltd, Ireland, outlines how
early contractor involvement, collaboration and a strong focus on
innovative engineering, ensured the safe and successful completion
of the Corrib Gas Pipeline Project.

Figure 1.
Assembling vent
pipe strings in the

he Corrib natural gas field was discovered in 1996
by Enterprise Oil, some 83 km off the north-west
coast of Ireland, 350 m underwater, with the gas
reservoir a further 3000 m below the seabed. The gas
field was bought by Shell E&P Ireland Ltd (SEPIL) in 2002. By
global standards, the Corrib gas field is a medium sized field,
estimated to contain approximately two thirds of the amount
of gas contained in the Kinsale Head gas field. It will supply
up to 60% of Ireland’s gas needs during peak supply and is
estimated to have a field life of between 15 and 20 years.
Corrib gas is being developed using subsea technology
tied back to an onshore gas terminal at Bellanaboy, Co. Mayo.
As a result, the Corrib Gas Pipeline Project would be one of
the most significant engineering projects ever undertaken
in Ireland, and Murphy International (Murphy), a subsidiary

of J. Murphy & Sons Limited, was awarded the final phase of Murphy, with considerable research and development done
its construction – the laying of the onshore pipeline from the by its welding engineers, used its Scorpion automated welding
landfall site at Glengad to the Bellanboy Bridge Gas Terminal. equipment to develop a system and set of welding procedures
The onshore pipeline is 8.3 km long, with 4.9 km of this being that could work consistently in the field. The approval process
laid in a 3.5 m ID tunnel running at a depth ranging from 5.5 - 12 m was both exhaustive and rigorous and a co-ordination exercise
under Sruwaddacon Bay in north-west Mayo. The tunnel is the in itself to marry the requirements of numerous specifications,
longest in Ireland, making the gas pipeline the longest gas pipeline approval agencies and designers into one approval regime.
tunnel in Europe. Commenting, the SEPIL Welding Engineer said: “SEPIL
The works were awarded in two stages – the first in January sought to uniquely apply a set of offshore mechanised welding
2013 for the 3.2 km land section from Aghoose to Bellanboy acceptance criteria to an onshore pipeline, a weld engineering
in collaboration with Roadbridge, who prepared the spread, process that had never been attempted prior to Corrib.”
backfilled and reinstated it. The second phase involved the
installation of a 500 mm dia. gas pipeline in the tunnel. Constructing suitable welding habitats
Murphy subcontracted the specialist AUT operations to Shaw
Aghoose to Bellanboy weld challenges Pipeline Services, who was responsible for the offshore pipeline
Murphy was employed as the specialist pipeline contractor to AUT works. Prior to works commencing onsite, Murphy had
weld, NDT and ditch the 310 weld pipeline in single pipe lengths to overcome a number of separate challenges that the site
in a trench wide enough to fit a side boom. The first five months conditions presented.
of the project, which was scheduled to be completed at the end The first of these was to provide a welding habitat that could
of October 2013, were spent developing the weld procedures and fit over the pipe, be transportable, and also protect the welding
gaining approval. process from the extremes of north-west Mayo weather. Murphy
The 500 mm dia. pipe had a 27.1 mm wall thickness and was International developed a lightweight aluminium shelter made
specified for offshore use. The contractual requirement was to from chequer plate shaped for placement over the pipe that was
use an automated welding process together with an automated self-contained to support the Scorpion welding equipment. This
UT process that would give the client total guarantee of quality. was designed to be lifted into position using either a crane or
The second challenge was to develop a set of plant and
equipment specifically for use on a narrow spread where weight
and mobility were important considerations. The normal pipeline
plant for handling pipe and equipment – side booms and cranes
– were unsuitable for the geography and condition of the spread.
There were several pinch points along the route where the
spread was less than 8 m wide so it was essential to have plant
that could travel through these sections and function without
disruption to welding production. The team engineered an option
whereby all the welding plant and power packs were mounted
on the back of zero-slew 20 t rated backhoes. The counter-
balance weights were removed from the machines and platforms
welded in place to mount the generators, gases and welding
equipment. The backhoe was also used to lift and transport the
welding habitat along the spread. Murphy developed two of
Figure 2. Corrib onshore pipeline route. these backhoes and put them out in the field in mid May 2013 for
Production welding eventually commenced in late June,
with one crew averaging one to two butts a day depending on
circumstances. The second crew joined the spread a month later
following bend prepping works at the Murphy offsite fabrication
facility in Newbridge.
By this time, many of the expected start-up problems
had been overcome and production increased considerably.
Murphy International further increased the welding resources
during September with conventional 4WD welding rigs to boost
production and achieve SEPIL’s milestone date of completion by
30 October, 2013.

Specialist design of the pipeline

The second stage, negotiated with the tunnelling contractor
Figure 3. Gas pipe lowered into pit. BAM/Wayss Freytag Joint Venture (BW JV), was tendered in

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May 2013 and following an international competition, was approximate MAOP of 100 bar and a test pressure in excess of
provisionally awarded to Murphy International in November 2013 500 bar had to be designed for this.
under a letter of intent. The award was for the installation of the All pipelines, services and umbilical lines had to be supported
500 mm dia. gas pipeline, together with a number of service and in the tunnel and some 10 000 brackets were required to
umbilical control lines into the tunnel, through the pits to the achieve this. These were designed by Murphy International and
tie-in locations. manufactured locally ahead of the tunnel being made available
Murphy undertook the design of the pipeline installation by BW JV.
and services within the tunnel and landing areas, employing the
specialist design services of J. Murphy & Son’s Limited specialist Early engineering and design tackle project
design subsidiary Protech to approve the pipeline support and challenges
restraint systems. The pipeline was designed to operate at In the five month lead up to the tunnel handover by BAM,
Murphy had a number of challenges to surmount.
The first of these was the tweaks required to the welding
process to make it more suited to welding strings in the pipe
yard. Again, it was required to weld using an automated welding
process and AUT. Murphy decided to use the Firefly bug system
over the Scorpion bugs as they were more stable and consistent
in a pipe yard environment. Shaw Pipeline Services was appointed
again as an AUT subcontractor.
From lessons learnt on the previous model, Murphy decided
to further develop the welder’s habitat to make it considerably
larger to accommodate welders, mates and inspectors in one go.
Ventilation was also improved in the habitat.
From the outset, the main challenge was how to install the
gas pipe, water pipes, grout pipes, umbilicals, fibre optic and
signal cables and ventilation ducting into the tunnel in a set
Figure 4. Gas pipe entering tunnel. sequence to satisfy the planning layout requirements.
Extensive early engineering and design work was required
by the Murphy team to propose, test and approve the various
systems required to install the pipework. This process took four
months to gain all approvals and involved the construction of a
life-sized tunnel mock-up to prove the installation methodology.
In the final scheme, the tunnel locos were utilised to pull
a working platform mounted on tunnel bogeys up and back
through the tunnel.
The working platform was 72 m long and on it were mounted
bespoke designed and engineered work stations providing
welfare, lifting, welding, NDT and coating operations as well as
transport for the tunnel crews. All of this was designed from first
principles and manufactured in Murphy’s Newbridge workshop.
The designed and approved installation method of the main
pipelines involved welding them into 72 m long strings and
stockpiling them in the yard in Aghoose before delivery and
Figure 5. Welding on spread.
lifting onto the working platform in the drive pit and subsequent
travel and installation into the tunnel. The compound in Aghoose
was designed and constructed to minimise environmental
impacts particularly as the site stood in a dedicated conservation
area – a candidate special area of conservation (SAC) and
proposed special protection area (SPA).

Safety in the tunnel section

BW JV handed over possession of the tunnel in mid June 2014.
From then on, Murphy International worked a 24/7 three-shift
system for nearly five months to install the series of support
brackets, pipelines and umbilical lines to complete the tunnel
section works.
The prefabricated strings of pipe were transported from the
Figure 6. Improved welders habitat.
pipe yard to the Aghoose Drive Pit by four backhoe excavators



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working in tandem and lowered down on to the working including detailed site environmental safety inductions for new
platform before being pulled up the tunnel by the locos. Inside employees, management HSQE inspections and weekly meetings,
the tunnel, the pipe was lined up and levered into position method statements for all work activities, detailed lift plans,
using the mechanical arms on the loading platform, put in the work permits, toolbox talks, pre-task talks and lifesaving rules.
clamp and welded, NDT’d and wrapped before the next string A safety stand-down was also held once a week and after all
was brought up the tunnel. At peak times, Murphy installed four bank holidays, and safety observations and conversation cards
strings in a 24 hour day with six welders. were also introduced. As a result, Murphy achieved the milestone
of 200 000 man-hours worked without an accident.
Safety milestone
Safety was the primary driver on this project, and Murphy Successful project completion
shared a common objective with SEPIL during the construction Murphy completed the tunnel installation works exactly two
of the pipeline to promote a strong culture of behavioural and months ahead of schedule in early November 2014. The tunnel
attitudinal safety with everyone feeling responsible for their own was handed back to BAM on 7 November 2014 and all as-built
safety and the safety of their co-workers. documentation and records were completed and submitted a
With the participation and support of all employees, Murphy few days later.
introduced and implemented a number of safety initiatives, The hydro-testing of the pipeline was carried out by others
before Murphy completed the final golden weld at the LVI in
Glengad on 15 December.
Installation facts: The project was considered a success on all levels by
) Construction duration – 11 months. all parties, with the main factors for this being the effective
planning, good communication and key people involvement
) Tunnel possession – five months.
throughout the project.
) Number of men employed at peak – 70 front-line Early involvement by all concerned parties through meetings
staff and 15 supervisors. and workshops ensured that a robust design for the installation
process was agreed. This enabled a smooth installation when
) 200 000 Murphy hours worked accident free.
works started onsite. Regular site meetings with all concerned
) 6200 brackets installed in two weeks. parties led to early intervention and the efficient and effective
resolution of all challenges which the project faced. Finally,
) 4900 m of 750 mm dia. PE ventilation pipe Murphy International allocated key people dedicated to the
installed in one week.
adherence and attention to detail the project demanded, to
) 18 000 m of 250 mm dia. PE water outfall and ensure all design, planning, safety, quality and environmental
grout pipe installed in three weeks. challenges were met within the budget forecasts, throughout the
duration of the contract ensuring no surprises.
) 4900 m of 500 mm dia. welded steel gas pipe
installed in seven weeks. A delighted Corrib Project Director for SEPIL, Roeland
Borsboom stated: “At every stage, the team adopted measures to
) 30 000 m signal and fibre optic cable installed in minimise risks as well as construction and environmental impacts
three days. on the local community.”
) 20 000 m of umbilical cable installed in The bulk of the gas produced from the Corrib field will be
10.5 weeks. supplied to the national grid via the finished 149 km pipeline
from the gas terminal in Bellanaboy Bridge Gas Terminal for
processing in Mayo to Ballymoneen outside of Galway.

Figure 7. Weld equipment mounted on backhoe. Figure 8. Terminal tie-in.

Cyber security is a growing concern around the globe and a major talking point
within the oil and gas industry. Jay Abdallah and Adrian Clarke, Schneider
Electric, USA, discuss how targeted attacks over recent years have led to
mandated compliance, with standards and directives widely enforced to protect
the distribution of oil and gas.

The growing


ccording to Eugene Kaspersky, the threat posed by an oil and gas company resulted in the Chief Executive Officer
cyber terrorists to critical infrastructure is very real, personally delivering a deadline for system improvements to every
and growing all the time. As the head of one of the single Plant Manager across the organisation. This directive did not
world’s leading security firms, Kaspersky’s words carry come via a circular email, a company-wide teleconference, or a
weight. When asked what the worst case scenario was, his advice monthly newsletter. It involved the CEO personally speaking with
was to watch Die Hard 4.0, a Hollywood action movie where cyber every Plant Manager to reinforce the importance of the measures,
terrorists cause chaos by attacking vulnerable US IT infrastructure. and to ensure the deadline would be met.
“States are scared,” Kaspersky said. “They’re absolutely not yet The reasons for the CEO’s involvement were clear. The attack
ready for this challenge. They understand the problem, and it’s had resulted in a significant loss of time, money, and reputation,
huge. But they don’t yet have the strategy in place.” What applies both at national and regional company level. What’s more, it
to states, also applies to oil and gas, and as a cornerstone of was evident that the losses were preventable and would not
infrastructure all around the globe, the energy industry needs to get have been incurred had mistakes not been made. It was vital not
ready for increasingly regular and more sophisticated cyber attacks. only that these mistakes should not be repeated, but that newly
However, there are signs that progress is being made, and that emerging security threats in the oil and gas sector were also
the threat is being taken seriously. One recent cyber attack on insured against.

Cyber meltdown the world. The site on which it is located stretches over several
Cyber attacks are not new. On the eve of a major public holiday in kilometres, and the plant has been in operation for about 30 years.
2012, an IT vulnerability was exploited. This targeted cyber attack The path to cyber security compliance was split into two separate
against several energy plants resulted in thousands of systems phases, following the initial incident response process.
being rendered inoperable. The cause of the devastation at such an The first task was to set the baseline for a well defined, fast,
inconvenient time was a destructive computer virus, and all affected multi-tiered, reliable security infrastructure that could sustain
plants needed urgent assistance to help remedy the situation. failures and continue to function when under attack. This involved
Cyber security teams were contacted and mobilised to provide a number of planning and design meetings at a corporate level and
urgent incident response based upon pre-existing action plans. A at the plant sites. The architecture proposed was based on the
best practice approach focuses on swiftly implementing six key standard recommended solutions developed over time and based
chronological stages – identify, isolate, remediate, verify, re-join on the unique architecture of the plant IT systems. This security
and monitor. infrastructure is well documented, tested thoroughly, and has been
Resources were dispatched across numerous countries in executed several times previously.
order to implement and execute this plan, and work was carried With good reason, phase one timescales were extremely
out around the clock in order to bring the situation under control aggressive. Once the approach was agreed upon, appropriate
and to accurately report the fallout of the attack. There had been network hardware was ordered for express delivery, cleared
thousands of infections, and considerable resources were needed customs, and arrived on site. Two members of the cyber security
in order to bring all impacted systems back on line. team were then dispatched to the site and undertook a challenging
but rewarding 10 day implementation.
The fallout – mandatory compliance With the deadline met, the refinery now had a fully redundant,
Despite thousands of impacted systems having to be rebuilt across fast, reliable, and secure network infrastructure and secure zones
multiple plants, a combination of factors meant the production to protect its systems in the event of another attack. The newly
environment and infrastructure were not adversely impacted. installed controls would also help prevent such an attack from
Fortunately, the plant control systems themselves, the safety occurring again in the future.
systems, the supporting infrastructure and overall production
safety, were all unaffected and not a single hour of production Protecting against advanced persistent threats
time was lost due to the incident. Phase two involved upgrading the existing distributed control
Strong host security and the segregation of business and plant system (DCS), which was functional and reliable, but out-dated.
networks had helped to contain the virus outbreak, but the virus The plant had already performed an upgrade to the control system
code itself was examined and classified as having been relatively network infrastructure, and was running a reliable and secure MESH
poorly written. In essence, a more sophisticated attack could have platform. The plan was to perform minor infrastructure upgrades
had a devastating impact, but in this case the incident response across the system without affecting production.
plan was swiftly implemented and proved to be effective. The solution involved upgrading to the latest distributed
It had been a close shave for this particular refinery. There was control and safety system offerings, as well as the purchase of
a widely held view within the region that additional preventative new engineering and operator stations. State of the art security
measures had to be introduced to defend against advanced technologies managed the entire environment in order to meet the
persistent threats. The realisation that the attackers were going to remaining criteria set out by the government directive.
become more sophisticated and potentially unleash a plethora of As with phase one, timescales were again extremely tight, but
attacks in the near future sparked a review of operations. the necessary resources were deployed to ensure that all project
Options were discussed and considered at the highest possible tasks could be delivered on time. The new environment was
government levels, resulting in the introduction of cyber security secure, reduced maintenance costs, improved return on assets and
controls through mandated compliance. This directive also had a significantly improved flexibility.
mandatory compliance date, and despite the considerable size and
complexity of the various companies and plants involved, the first Insulating against cyber attacks
phase was to be implemented within months rather than years. The successful implementation of this coherent and integrated
The task was substantial, but all parties were aware that there strategy demonstrates the value of a joined-up approach when
was a lot at stake. CEOs and Plant Managers sat down to urgently dealing with cyber security in oil and gas. However, the threats
consider multiple issues, including operating systems, updated are ever present and attacks will continue to occur and evolve in
antivirus and anti-spyware, intrusion prevention, device control, complexity. Adhering to mandatory compliance is just one part of
storage systems and centralised monitoring and management that process, but the energy industry needs to do even more to
of all plant assets. When the dust settled, the hard work of stay ahead.
implementation began. Energy is at the core of our infrastructure, underpinning
international trade and transport, and helping to fuel the world
Practice makes perfect economy. By acting now, the sector can insulate against the worst-
To illustrate how mandatory compliance worked in practice, it case scenarios that cyber attacks pose. Hollywood’s depiction
is perhaps best to examine the efforts involved in one particular of widespread infrastructure chaos is genuinely terrifying, but
plant. The plant in question is deemed to be one of the most by putting the right systems in place, organisations can ensure it
critical in its country, assisting in the production of millions of remains the stuff of big screen blockbuster, rather than real-life
barrels of oil per day. In fact, it is the largest plant of its type in disaster.

IPLOCA member contribution Laurini, Italy

Pipelines are still built in the same way as they always have been,
ever since pipes were laid some 80 years ago: individual 12 m
pipe lengths are transported by truck and laid along the side of a
ditch, welded together and then lifted and laid into the trench by
Existing tried and trusted methods have served the industry
well over the years. Technical innovation arrived in the 1960s
with the introduction of hydraulic excavators, and in the 1970s
with automatic welding, both of which have contributed to a
substantial increase in construction efficiency and speed.
However, there is still a market driven demand for a shift in
technology to generate the required productivity improvements. Laurini Laying System: line-up pipe/ditch.
A project was initiated in 2004 by BP and IPLOCA under
the name of ‘Novel Construction’ and was aimed at increasing
)) Would allow a quantum leap in laying operation by
onshore pipeline construction productivity to the level of contractors.
offshore methods. In the early days this project was also known
as the ‘Land Train’ or ‘Land Barge’. “My vision”, says Marco Laurini, “was that a revolutionary
After years of development in what was defined as the machine or laying system was needed to meet all of these
‘innovation desert of onshore pipeline construction’, the requirements. It took a lot of thinking out of the box,
challenge was taken up by Marco Laurini of Laurini Officine developmental work and testing to create the Laurini Laying
Meccaniche of Busseto, Italy. Winner or runner up of the System (LLS) but we think we have achieved all these objectives.
BP-sponsored IPLOCA Innovation Award in 2007, 2009, 2011 The LLS meets all the requirements of the ‘ideal laying machine’
and 2013, Marco focused on what was defined within the Novel and in addition provides other substantial benefits to the
Construction Initiative as ‘the ideal laying machine’ – a machine contractor, to the client, and in the end also to the general
or system that would meet the following requirements: community.”
)) Would be totally safe. In other words, would not be subject
to tipping-over when overloaded. Key features
The LLS is totally safe for the operator. One track sits on the
)) Would be easily transported to the next project. Risks and right-of-way and the other track stays inside the trench. No
costs associated with machine transportation are more and matter how much load exists on the machine, the LLS cannot
more important to pipeline contractors. tip over. Unfortunately, it is sometimes still the case nowadays
)) Would minimise ‘bureaucratic’ requirements such as that poor soil conditions, unexperienced operators and
inspections and permissions and the huge amount of incorrect laying techniques are causing sidebooms to tip over,
paperwork that contractors have to meet in order to lay pipe sometimes with dramatic consequences for the operator. Some
in certain countries. 12% of all accidents in pipeline construction are due to lifting
and laying operations. This danger is completely eliminated
)) Would be useable in developed regions with high quality fuel, when using the LLS.
and also in less developed countries where only high sulfur Having only one track on the right-of-way means that the LLS
content diesel is available, without requiring the use of two needs approximately 3 m less right-of-way than using a traditional
different fleet of machines. sideboom with counterweight extended. This feature can be
)) Would be more economical in terms of initial investment. critical in areas where a narrow right-of-way is imposed by the


Advertisers’ client. In any case it constitutes a substantial saving opportunity for

the contractor: 3 m less to prepare, to maintain and to restore. For

Directory a length of 100 km this equals a saving of 30 hectares, which is over

60 soccer fields.
The load distribution between tracks gives another substantial
Advertiser Page advantage versus traditional sidebooms. Due to the revolutionary
design the maximum load on one of LLS tracks will be about 50% of
ABC 82 the maximum load on the left track of a traditional sideboom. This
American Augers 53 means better flotation and the capacity to work in worse terrain
conditions, thus extending the working range of the LLS system.
Borealis 70 Differing from the traditional sideboom, the LLS is not a lifting
Bor-it 44 device. It is therefore not subject to special certifications and
verifications by governmental or safety agencies. This constitutes
Corinth Pipeworks SA 21 a considerable saving for contractors, which cannot be quantified
17, 37
specifically but every contractor will know what type of benefit this
could be for operations.
Darby 35 Marco Laurini is particularly proud of one specific feature of
this new system: transportability. “Based on customer input coming
from the field, we have developed in the past few years a welding
DMI International 48 tractor that could fit inside a 40 ft container. A similar system,
which is covered by International Patent, has been designed into
Enduro 65, 69, 73
the LLS, allowing each LLS unit to be disassembled into modules
Erciyas 2 that fit in a 40 ft open top container. Customers are telling us that
transportation costs of a container can be up to 70% lower for
Gulf Interstate Engineering 31
road transportation and 90% lower for ocean freight, compared to
Hoelscher Dewatering 85 transporting a traditional Ro-Ro machine”.
Another benefit of modular design is the possibility to swap
Holdtight Solutions, Inc. 51 engine modules as separate units. This not only allows proactive
Horizontal Drilling International 89 engine maintenance without interruption of operations, but also
allows for installation of Tier 4 or Tier 2/3 engines, according to the
Laurini 57 destination of the unit. With traditional sidebooms, a contractor
LCS Cable Cranes OFC, 91 will need two different machines in order to be able to work with
high sulfur content fuels, and in regulated countries.
Maats Pipeline Equipment OBC As far as economics, Laurini’s calculations indicate that the
Magnatech International IBC
LLS system requires one less unit for every five sidebooms used
in the laying operation. In addition, the LLS unit is lighter, simpler
Midwestern 4 and does not carry any dead counterweight, thus its unit cost
will be considerably lower than one traditional sideboom. The
Neptune Research, Inc. 15
LLS can handle various sizes of pipe, indicatively from 36 - 56 in.,
Pipeline Inspection Company Ltd 81 thus eliminating the need for two or three sizes of traditional
sidebooms. Laurini is now developing a smaller LLS system that will
PipeSak International IFC
use the same patented design to handle pipes from 18 - 36 in. All
Platipus Anchors 82 this will bring substantial savings to contractors for their pipe laying
Quest Integrity 23
“Do we think we have found the universal answer to all
Seal For Life Industries 41 pipelaying situations, or do we think the LLS will completely
substitute the traditional sidebooms? No”, says Marco Laurini, “we
Shawcor 9
are well aware that traditional working methods, or certain specific
STATS Group 59 portions of projects with high slopes, or some utility work done by
traditional sidebooms, will not cause the death or disappearance
Vacuworx 75 of traditional sidebooms. However, we are strongly convinced
Vermeer 27 that, like it happens for trenchers versus the traditional hydraulic
excavators, the LLS can provide a more economical, more efficient
Wasco 79 and certainly safer method of laying pipe.”
Weld Revolution 47 Laurini looks forward to providing IPLOCA members with
more details on the LLS, and to welcoming them to see the LLS in
World Pipelines 89 operation on various jobsites in the near future.


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