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Are You Strategic?

by Rich H orw ath

I was thrown out of college for cheating on the strategy skills required to take your business to
metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the boy the next level?
sitting next to me.
Wood y Allen Ten Strategic Thinking Competencies
To rem ove the guessw ork from the issue of
Until now , looking into som eone’s soul is about d eterm ining the level of a m anager’s strategy
the only w ay w e’ve had to guess at w hether or skills, research w as conducted to id entify the
not som eone is “strategic.” When the question tangible com petencies that com prise strategic
“Are you strategic?” is posed , it’s usually thinking. As d eterm ined by the research, the ten
answ ered by the follow ing people in the strategic thinking com petencies are as follow s:
follow ing w ays: 1. Strategy—m astering the three criteria of
o Senior executives confidently reply “yes”; great strategy.
o Mid -level m anagers squirm a bit w ith som e 2. Insight—generating new id eas about the
saying “yes” and others “no”, d epend ing on business.
w ho else is in the room ; 3. Context—m atching competencies w ith
o Entry-level m anagers respond “no” so as not opportunities.
to be seen as overconfid ent by upper 4. Competitive Advantage—creating d istinct
m anagem ent. offerings w ith superior value.
5. Value—d eterm ining the benefits/ costs of
As you m ight im agine, strictly using som eone’s one’s offerings.
title to d etermine their strategic ability is as 6. Resource Allocation—decid ing w here to
accurate as using a H ollyw ood star’s popularity focus capital, talent and tim e.
to d eterm ine their know led ge of political issues. 7. Modeling—visually capturing the essence of
I’ve heard entry-level m anagers in strategy business issues.
d evelopm ent m eetings synthesize several 8. Innovation—creating new value for
custom er and com petitor facts to com e up w ith custom ers.
brilliant insights leading to successful strategies. 9. Purpose—d eveloping m ission, vision and
I’ve also heard a senior level executive running a values.
m ulti-billion d ollar business say that their 10. Mental Agility—ability to im provise, ad apt
strategy w as to be d ifferent, w hich is akin to and excel through adversity .
saying that they like their w ater w et. So if title
and experience are not definitive m easures of The ten com petencies w ere then used to d evelop
one’s strategic thinking skills, then w hat is? a Strategic Thinking Assessm ent. The assessm ent
is a 50 question d iagnostic that provid es an
The answ er to the question “Are you Strategic?” objective assessm ent of m anager’s strategic
isn’t nearly as im portant as the follow up thinking skills. Questions are grouped into the
question: How do you know? H ow d o you really ten com petencies of strategic thinking in ord er to
know if you or your fellow m anagers have the provid e a clear picture of the exact areas of
d evelopm ental need s. Follow ing

Copyright © 2007. Strategic Thinking Institute. All rights reserved.

are several sam ple questions from the Once the Strategic Thinking Assessment is
assessm ent: com pleted , a one-to-one interview should also be
Successful business strategy is about: cond ucted . The interview provid es a d eeper d ive
A. Being better than the com petition. into the areas of potential focus to ad d rich
B. H aving the “ right people on the bus.” qualitative inform ation to the quantitative
C. Being different than the com petition. assessm ent. The result is a holistic picture of the
m anager’s strategy skills and a tangible road m ap
One m ethod of influencing com petitive to enhancing their strategic thinking
ad vantage is to: com petencies.
A. Red uce prices to d rive out com petition.
B. Change the custom er’s value preferences. Soul Searching or Truly Know ing?
C. Benchm ark com petitors and excel at best As research by the Am erican Managem ent
practices. Association on lead ership has show n, t he most
import ant compet ency for a leader t o possess is
Context is d efined as: t he abilit y t o dev elop st rat egy . Unfortunately,
A. The specific problem in a given business w hen researchers exam ined lead ers at all levels
situation. in organizations, they found only 4% to be
B. The circum stances in w hich an event strategists. Without an objective w ay to evaluate
occurs. m anager’s strategy skills and program s
C. The combination of strengths and specifically d esigned to enhance the strategic
w eaknesses an organization possesses to thinking com petencies, it’ s no w ond er the
balance w ith opportunities and threats. percentage of m anagers that are strategists is so
low .
For m y business, purpose in the form of a
m ission, vision or values statem ent: Organizations can continue to operate in first
A. Influences m y d aily activities. gear w ith only a hand ful of people strategically
B. Doesn’ t exist. contributing to the business or they can tap into
C. In reality has little, if any, im pact on m y the d eep reservoir of insights that are w aiting to
business. be aw akened in managers at all levels.
Developing m anagers into truly strategic lead ers
The three value d isciplines are: begins w ith the proper assessm ent of their
A. Revenue grow th, gross m argin and return strategic thinking com petencies and then
on capital. program s specifically d esigned to enhance their
B. Custom er intim acy, operational excellence strategy skills. World-class com panies such as
and prod uct lead ership. P&G and GE are m axim izing the strategic
C. Operational Effectiveness, low -cost d ecision m aking pow er of m anagers at all levels
lead ership and innovation. of their organizations. Are you?…

To view the full 50 question Strategic Thinking

Assessment, visit w w w .

Rich Horwath helps managers develop their strategic thinking skills to achieve competitive advantage and
reach their leadership potential. He is the president of the Strategic Thinking Institute, a former Chief Strategy
Officer and professor of strategy at the Lake Forest Graduate School of Management. Rich is the author of
Sculpting Air: The Executive’s Guide to Shaping Strategy and frequently speaks to organizations on strategy.
Rich can be reached at (847) 756-4707, email or visit
Copyright © 2006. Strategic Thinking Institute. All rights reserved. 2

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