Outlinexam 2018

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Final Exam, June 26, 9:00am-12:00pm,

AT101 (check before exam)
• Allowed material: Scientific calculator (non-graphing), closed book
• Cell phones are not permitted. You must not have a cell phone in your
possession, even if it is turned off. Place your phone in your bag at the
front of the room otherwise leave it at home.
• Final Exam 55% (Must obtain at least 45% to be eligible to pass).
• If your final exam grade is better then your midterm then it will be
weighted 70% final 5% midterm

PA TA office hrs
• Monday June. 25th
• Room: ME4494
• 10:30am-12:00pm and 12:00-1:30pm
• Both sessions open to all students. Pick up marked A2.

Multiple choice (30x1=30% +2 bonus, may be quantitative or qualitative)
-Mark answers on scantron (in pencil) and exam paper.
Six long answer questions 70% (10-14 marks each)
1. AC Power analysis
2. Thevenin/Norton*
3. Superposition*
4. Impedance/Admittance
5. Bode Plots
6. Transient Analysis

* One is AC and the other DC analysis

No Wye-Delta related questions

Clearly show your work for the long answer questions. Multiple or illegible
answers will be marked as incorrect.


AC Power analysis
• AC question will contain more then 1 source
• AC average power of R, L, C components and voltage/current
• Sources can be given in time domain or as phasors
• Note: be sure to express absorbing elements as positive and
supplying elements as negative. Answers should be -5 W supplied
or +2 W absorbed

• Given circuit derive norton or thevenin source.
• Maximum power transfer
• This problem may be AC or DC

• Given circuit with multiple V or I sources determine some unknown
current or voltage by summing the contribution from each source.
• This problem may be AC or DC

Bode Plots
• Factor poles/zeros into standard form before plotting
• Draw the magnitude and phase Bode plots.
• Include both the straight line (asymptotic) approximate plots as
well as a sketch of the actual curve.
• Indicate the value of any slope(s). ie. +/-45deg/dec or +/-
• For the magnitude plot, indicate the value of the difference
between the straight line approximation plot and the actual
curve at the corner frequency. ie. +/-3dB
• Show the final result graphically as the sum of the poles and zeros.
Just plotting (calculating) the final result without showing your work
is not awarded full marks.
• Be able to plot mag/phase for simple zeros, poles, zeros at the origin,
poles at the origin and constants. 4


• Calculate impedance and/or admittance of a network consisting of
R’s, L’s and C’s.
• Giver Z find L or C.
• Given L or C calculate Z,Y
• PA A2

Transient Analysis
• Circuits can contain 1 L or 1 C, multiple resistors and multiple
independent sources (voltage or current).
• Find Vc(t), IL(t), or arbitrary Vx(t), Ix(t) using the step by step

Resonance (included in multiple choice)

• Series resonance
• Need to know formulas for Q, BW and fo

• You are responsible to verify all marks on culearn. Any discrepancy
must be reported as soon as possible.
• Culearn will go offline after the exam.

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