Natural Law-The Real Law of Attraction Part 1

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Natural Law: The Real Law of Attraction Part 1

Based on Mark Passio's presentation "Natural Law: The Real Law of Attraction and How to Apply
It In Your Life

Mark Passio's website


 We should consider with great care our sources for information.

 Many modern institutions seek to control human perceptions and limit what human beings
may come to understand by two main ways:

 They refuse to present certain information.

 They dismiss certain information as unimportant or unncessary to consider.

Requirements & The Role of Knowledge

 We say we want certain conditions to be present for both ourselves and everyone as a
whole (e.g., happiness, health, peace, freedom, prosperity, etc.)

 Certain REQUIREMENTS are mandatory for these things we say we want to manifest.

 They are NOT automatically manifested via "magical" means.

 Knowledge of these requirements are either absent or if present, the knowledge is willfully
being ignored.

What has been hidden, kept secret and concealed from humanity that helps humanity to
manifest happiness, health, peace, freedom, prosperity, etc.?

 Hidden Knowledge = Occult Knowledge

 People automatically assume that the word "occult" means "evil, dangerous, etc.)"

 Occult comes from the Latin adjective occultus: "hidden"

 It further comes from the Latin verb occultare: "to hide, to conceal, to keep secret"

 Occult Knowledge is made up of two main parts:

 Knowledge of human consciousness and how it operates

 Knowledge of Natural Law, the unseen Universal Spiritual Laws which govern the
consequences of human behavior.

So why haven't we heard about these things before?

 Think of it as a pyramid.
 The Hidden Knowledge held by the Few is at the top of the pyramid.

 The vast supportive bulk of the rest of the pyramid of the mass of humanity do

 Power differential between those who hold that information of human consciousness and
how it operates and Natural Law and those who are ignorant of it.

 Natural Law and its operations is the most deeply occulted knowledge on Earth.

 The Powers that Be seek to keep all of this hidden from us because

 Its understanding would level the playing field, and

 Put an end to the currently entrenched Systems of Control

The Context of Not Knowing Natural Law: Nescience vs. Ignorance

 Nescience

 From Latin verb nesciere: "to not know because knowledge was absent or

 Ignorance

 From Latin verb ignorare: "to not know even though necessary information is present,
becasue that information has been willfully refused or disregarded"


Main Steps to Problem Solving

 Recognize there IS a problem. Fear based DENIAL of the problem must first be dealt with
and conquered.

 Recognize that symptoms are merely effects of underlying causes. An accurate diagnosis of
the cause(s) of the problem is vital and mandatory.

 Diagnosis: From Greek preposition dia: "through, by way of" & Greek noun gnosis:


 Through the knowledge acquired via accurate diagnosis, take the required ACTION
necessary to RECTIFY the causal factors which led to the manifestation of the problem.


 Truth is what has occured in the past and that which is occuring in the present.

 Truth is OBJECTIVE, not subject to the ever changing and wavering perceptions of human
 Perception is NOT reality.

 But it is our Work to align Perception with Truth.

 Travis Walton: "I've come to realize that the biggest problem anywhere in the world is that
people's perceptions of reality are compulsively filtered through the screening mesh of what
they want, and do not want to be true."

 Truth is knowable. The mental virus of Solipsism keeps people stagnant.

 Solipsism comes from the Latin adjective solus "alone" and the Latin pronoun ipse:

 Rather than being some high minded ideal, Solipsism is a highly egoic and infantile cop

 Solipsists believe in the ideology that only one's own mind is sure to exist.

 Knowledge of anything outside one's one mind is unsure, so there's no such thing as
objective truth.

 Solipsists also say that nothing about the external world and its workings can actually
be known.



 NATURAL: Inherent; having a basis in Nature, Reality and Truth; not made or caused by

 LAW: An existing condition which is binding and immutable (cannot be changed)


 "Universal, non-man-made, binding and immutable conditions that govern the

consequences of behavior. Natural Law is a body of Universal Spiritual Laws which act
as the governing dynamics of Consciousness."


 Natural Law is at work and is binding no matter if human beings "believe in it" or not. Just
like one does not have to believe in the Law of Gravity for its effects to be felt if one jumps
off a tall building or cliff.

 The workings of Natural Law doesn't require any belief in order for them to be both
discovered and known.

 It works flawlessly 100% of the time whether we understand them or not.

 Natural Law is NOT a religion or a belief system.

 The Creator of the Universe set Natural Law into motion.

 We can either become aware of Natural Law and align ourselves with it or remain
IGNORE-ant of Natural Law and suffer as a result of that ignorance.

 Soren Kierkegaard: "There are two way to be fooled. One is to believe what is not true; the
other is to refuse to accept what is true."

Consciousness and The Brain

 Consciousness is the ability of a being to recognize patterns and meanings with respect to
events taking place, both within oneself (aka the microcosm) and in the realm in which the
self exists and operates (the macrocosm).

 The Three Expressions of Consciousness are Throughts, Emotions and Actions.

 Thought is the creative force that is the expression of consciousness within the
individual. It's a neutral force, not masculine nor feminine. (Father)

 Emotions are feminine aspect of consciousness. It's an internal expression. The spirit in
which we do something. (Mother)

 The marriage between Thoughts and Emotions begets the male child, Action. It
interacts with the physical world to change it. It is the only way to save ourselves.


Brain Structure and Human Behavior

 Three main complexes make up the human brain:

 R-Complex (Reptilian) Brain-Facilitates basical survival functions.

 Limbic System (Mammalian Brain)-Facilitates human emotions.

 Neocortex (Human Brain)-Facilitates higher thought functions and Conscience.

 The brain is bilaterally symmetical, that is, divided evenly into two halves.

 Left part of the brain governs logical, analytical thought, scientific and mathmatical
thinking, linear time, real world tasks and details, being able to break things down and
analyze them. Symbolized by a red upward pointing triangle, phallic symbol called the

 Right part of the brain governs human creativity, our emotional makeup, holistic
thought, pattern recognition, compassion, nurturing, care, ethics to a large extent.
Symbolized by a blue downward pointing triangle, womb symbol called the Chalice.

 Balance must be maintained between the left and right parts of the brain for optimum
health and performance.
 If left part of the brain is chronically dominant, the limbic emotional brain will suffer.
The R Complex will dominate with stimulus response mode only. The Controller/Master

 If right part of the brain is chronically dominant, the R complex suffers. We do not stand
up for ourselves. We freeze. Ruled by the emotions. The Slave Mentality.

 When both hemispheres are in balance, the Neocortex acts in its proper role as the
executive command center of the human brain, and true Intelligence (Intellect &
Creativity) is born.

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