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MARCH 2, 1945 SCIENCE 209

training, it will thus be at least six years before a Increased cooperation and concern for each other's
normal supply of young professionals will again be welfare, greater attention to education for everybody,
available to our laboratories. Can we afford to wait fresh consideration of the goals of living worthy of
any longer? our great new powers, such human developments are
This is a situation of national concern which needs sure consequences of the emphasis that science places
to be carefully watched lest when the war is won we on specialized skills and on coordinated effort in learn-
may find that we have gained a Pyrrhic victory, hav- ing and using knowledge. But more of this later.
ing lost so much of our technical strength that we shall What I want to bring to you to-day is the fact that
be unable to carry on the great task of world leader- greatly increased emphasis on science is a "must" for
ship which we now see before us. our nation's safety and future welfare. If a wise
It remains for those who follow me on this program course is followed with regard to training and in other
during the next weeks to explain how the growth of support of science, our nation is in favorable position
science will bring to us life of greater human value. to lead the world in the scientific age that lies ahead.



THE concept of integrative levels of organization one, as in mechanism, nor describes the higher level in
is a general description of the evolution of matter vague non-material terms which are but substitutes for
through successive and higher orders of complexity understanding, as in vitalism. Unlike other "holistic"
and integration. It views the development of matter, theories, it never leaves the firm ground of material
from the cosmological changes resulting in the forma- reality. Integration does not imply, as Lillie has
tion of the earth to the social changes in society, as recently maintained, "special vital factors"2 or "some-
continuous because it is never-ending, and as discon- thing of the mental or psychic."8 Both parts and
tinuous because it passes through a series of different wholes are material entities, and integration results
levels of organization-physical, chemical, biological from the interaction of the parts, as a consequence
and sociological. of their properties. The concept points the need to
In the continual evolution of matter, new levels of study the organizational interrelationships of parts
complexity are superimposed on the individual units and whole. This full recognition of both units and
by the organization and integration of these units whole leads to a more adequate understanding of the
into a single system. What were wholes on one level whole.
become parts on a higher one. Each level of organi- The different levels of matter, while distinct, are not
zation possesses unique properties of structure and completely delimited from each other. No boundary
behavior which, though dependent on the properties in nature is fixed and no category air-tight. "Meso-
of the constituent elements, appear only when these forms" are found at the transition point of one level
elements are combined in the new system. Knowledge of organization to the next. Between the highest level
of the laws of the lower level is necessary for a full of organization of non-living, the crystal, and the
understanding of the higher level; yet the unique lowest level of unicellular organisms are protein para-
properties of phenomena at the higher level can not crystals, the viruses, with some of the internal struc-
be predicted, a priori, from the laws of the lower ture and behavior of living substance. Between the
level. The laws describing the unique properties of single-cell organism and the multicellular organism
each level are qualitatively distinct, and their discov- are the colonial organisms. Yet the absence of rigid
ery requires methods of research and analysis appro- demarcation between two levels does not make the
priate to the particular level. These laws express the difference between them any less clear or fundamen-
new organizing relationships, i.e., the reciprocal rela- tal. Mesoforms, "the more clearly we understand
tionships of elementary units to each other and to the them, will all the more clearly serve to bring out the
unit system as a whole. essentially new elements of (the) higher order."4
The concept of integrative levels recognizes as There is both continuity and discontinuity in the
equally essential for the purpose of scientific analysis evolution of the universe; and consideration of one
both the isolation of parts of a whole and their integra- 2Ralph S. Lillie, The American Naturalist, 72: 414,
tion into the structure of the whole. It neither re- 1938.
3 Ralph S. Lifflie, Philosophy of Science, 7: 327, 1940.
duces phenomena of a higher level to those of a lower 4 Joseph Needham, The Modern Quarterly (London) 1:
1 Contribution No. 62. 30: 1938.
210 SCIENC0E VOL. 101, No. 2618
to the exclusion of the other acts to retard the devel- and integrated system, to the level of free molecules
opment of biological and sociological sciences. and atoms. Certainly chemical and physical forces
Knowledge of the general qualities of development are operative in cells, yet defining physiology as "the
common to all levels of organization of matter will physics and chemistry of life processes" overlooks the
aid in the analysis and description of the concrete fact that the cell organization imposes a new and
attributes of each level. But it can not be a substi- higher order on physico-chemical change, and that
tute for such analysis or for the determination of the tissues, organs, organ-systems and organism impose a
qualitative uniqueness of each level and the charac- higher order on cell activity. Physiology rightly con-
teristic laws which govern it. cerns itself also with the activities of the higher
orders: cellular organization and function as well as
PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL LEVELS chemistry and physics in the narrow sense; the tissue,
The concept of integrative levels does not regard organ, organ-system as well as the cell. No matter
living organisms as machines made of a multitude of how complete our knowledge of the chemistry and
discrete parts (physico-chemical units), removable physics of living systems becomes in the future, living
like pistons of an engine and capable of description substance must still be recognized as matter on a
without regard to the system from which they are higher level, with new, unique properties which have
removed. Its approach is one which biochemists are emerged on combination of the lower-level units.
adopting more and more: living cells present problems When molecules become part of a highly integrated
not to be encountered in the test-tube or flask. The system, protoplasm, it is important to know the prop-
structural pattern of the cell plays a decisive role in erties of the molecules, but protoplasmic behavior
many of the chemical reactions which constitute needs description in terms and laws which have no
metabolism. The ordering, as well as speed, of the meaning for molecules, in specifically biological terms
chemical reactions in the cell are largely the result of and laws.
the distribution and activity of colloidal enzymes. BIOLOGICAL LEVELS
Korr5 has indicated that even simple colloidal systems Within the biological level, there are a series of
"represent a much higher level of integration. . . other integrative levels.
and that, because of the quantitative and qualitative I
modification which interfaces and their molecular
groupings impose, there emerge new classes of phe- In the multicellullar organism there is a hierarchy
nomena for which there are no analogies in homo- of levels-cells, tissues, organs, organ-systems and or-
geneous systems, and which, therefore, require new ganism. Viewed in terms of integrative levels, Heil-
sets of rules." Commoners has discussed the increased brunn's assertion that "general physiology thus be-
dependence of enzyme function on structural factors comes cellular physiology" and that "the ultimate
in the living cell. The degree of dependence of a par- mechanism responsible for any form of vital activity
ticular enzyme system on protoplasmic structure or lies inherent in the individual cells"7 is one-sided. A
physico-chemical organization can be revealed by full understanding of the organism is not possible
changes in this structure, both natural and experimen- without complete knowledge of the activities of its
tally produced. cells. But knowledge of "the individual cells" does
It has been the great contribution of the "organi- not exhaust the problems of organism physiology;
cists" that they have demonstrated the error of the the activity of the individual cell is greatly influenced
mechanistic reduction of the biological organism to the by the products of activity of other cells in tissue,
physico-chemical. It is therefore unfortunate that organ, organ-system and organism.
"organicism" has been marred by non-material con- The inadequacy of a cell concept in which the cell
cepts. Organicists fail to picture the "whole" as is considered an independent unit of activity is clear
developing through the integration of individual units from the work of experimental embryologists. The
of matter into a 'single system; they omit a discussion embryo is not a collection of unrelated portions devel-
of the organizing relationships of the parts. They oping independently of each other; on the contrary,
try to describe the behavior of the organism solely in the development of any cell is dependent not only on
terms of the higher level, the whole. As a result, the its own constitution but also on the nature of the
impression is created that no material-basis exists for surrounding materials outside the egg or produced in
the part-whole relation. adjacent cells of the embryo. If ectoderm cells which
Almost all the text-book definitions of physiology normally form belly skin were removed from a sala-
reduce phenomena of living matter, a highly complex mander embryo and transplanted over the mouth
5 Irvin Korr, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia, 7: 74, 1939. organizer of a frog embryo, they would develop into
'Barry Commoner, Quarterly Review of Biology, 17: 7 L. V. Heilbrunn, " An Outline of General Physiol-
46, 1942. ogy," pp. 3, 4. Philadelphia, 1943.
MARCH 2, 1945 SCIENCE 211
salamander structures-of the mouth; they would speaking, the Eciton worker has no behavior pattern
form teeth and not belly skin. outside the social sphere."lb"
Similarly, in the adult organism, plant or animal, Dobzhansky, in his authoritative work on popula-
the behavior of a cell is influenced by the activity of tion genetics, similarly describes populations as higher
other cells of the body. Thus, the hormone, auxin, levels of integration. The fate of a newly-arisen
produced in the apical cells of a plant, will cause the genetic variant depends not alone on its effect on the
elongation of stem cells, inhibit the growth of cells individual organism but also upon the "dynamic regu-
of lateral buds, influence the course of differentiation larities of the physiology of populations." Thus, it
of root cells and stimulate the growth of cambium is the effective size of a population which may deter-
cells. Chiefly through such hormones, the cells of the mine whether a useless or even deleterious mutant will,
plant body are integrated into an organism. In ani- through chance recombinations, become incorporated
mals, the activity of cells is under the integrating into the constitution of the group. The smaller this
influence of nerve impulses, hormones and other cell population size the less effective is selective pressure
products like carbon dioxide. Activity of cells of in evolution. Dobzhansky emphasizes that evolution-
the salivary glands is dependent upon stimulation by ary changes are changes in the genetic constitution of
nerve impulses begun elsewhere in the body. The groups-of populations. Through natural selection,
behavior of uterine cells depends not only on its own migration, and isolation, biological groups are pro-
constitution, but also on hormones produced by cells duced whose genetic structure is molded in relation to
of pituitary and ovary. Carbon dioxide produced by the environment. The laws of population genetics
muscle cells in the legs will influence the behavior of which describe these evolutionary changes are on a
the respiratory center cells in the medulla. higher level than those of the genetics of the indi-
Just as cells do not exist in isolation in the organ- vidual. "The rules governing the genetic structure
ism, neither do organs or organ-systems. Thus, the of a population are, nevertheless, distinct from those
functioning of the heart (the rate and force of its governing the genetics of individuals, just as rules of
beat) is not unrelated to the pressure of the blood sociology are distinct from physiological ones, al-
in the aorta and carotid arteries, the diameter of the though they are in fact merely integrated forms of
arterioles or the amount of blood returning through the latter.fhlc
the veins; nor is the circulatory system unaffected by The concept of integrative levels stresses the need
or without effects on the nervous, endocrine, muscular to study living organisms at all levels-cells, tissues,
or respiratory systems. Coghill,8 using embryos, and organs, organ-systems, organisms and populations.
Lashley9 and Goldstein,'0 studying adult animals and It is not "organicist"; always the reciprocal relation-
men, have demonstrated the weakness of an atomistic ship of elementary units to each other and to the unit
approach to the activity of the nervous system and system as a whole must be studied. It is not mecha-
have emphasized that it functions as an integrated nistic; the detailed methods of study at higher levels
whole. will include not only some used at lower levels but
II new methods peculiar to the higher levels; the laws of
one level will be expressed differently from those of
Populations constitute a distinct level of integra- the others.
tion, higher than that of the individual organism.
Schneirla, in his excellent studies on the interrelations BIOLOGICAL AND SOCIAL LEVELS
between individual behavior of the army-ant and the
population unit or colony, stresses this point. "Any According to the concept of integrative levels,
social organization represents a qualitatively new man's social relationships represent a new level, higher
emergent level not that which might than that of his biological make-up. Man's behavior
be attained through a mere summation of the proper- differs from that of other animals because of his pos-
ties of its constituent individuals.7711a It is solely the session of body structures, notably, the highly devel-
reactions of the individual ant which are responsible oped nervous system, which make thought and speech
for the highly organized mass behavior; yet "strictly possible and whose functioning is profoundly affected
8 G. E. Coghill, SCIENCE, 78: 131, 1933.
by. social or cultural influences. Man possesses a
9K. S. Lashley, "Brain Mechanisms and Intelligence, "
unique head and hand, and is able to confront nature
Chicago, 1929. not only with his body but with tools devised and
10 Kurt Goldstein, "The Organism." New York, 1939.
wielded by him. The crude tools of primitives give
11 (a) T. 0. Schneirla, Psychological Review, 48: 465,
1941; (b) idem, The Journal of Comparative Psychology, way to the more complex technology characteristic of
29: 447, 1940; (c) Theodosius Dobzhansky, " Genetics modern society. As the technological forces change,
and the Origin of Species," p. 11. New York, 1941; (d) the social and economic relations of men change, and,
Francis H. Bartlett, "Sigmund Freud," p. 80. London,
1938. with them, man's behavior. Socio-economic or eul-
212 SCIENCE VoL 101, No. 2618
tural forces thus come to dominate biological factors Every phenomenon is approached by them in terms
in directing man's actions. of human experience. There is no time scale other
In a penetrating analysis of Sigmund Freud's fail- than the clock, calendar or century. Yet important
ure to recognize the inseparability of the biological biological change can be expressed only in a "non-
and the cultural forces which determine man's be- human" time scale. For each living organism travels
havior, Bartlett writes, at two enormously different speeds of life.12 The
The biological organism, by its existence in society, has comparatively rapid one is easy to comprehend be-
become a "new biological species." . . . The biological cause the changes can be observed; the birth, growth
organism is transformed; it no longer exists as a biologi- and death of the body, the movement of the plant
cal phenomenon, strictly speaking. Under the influence of on the window sill, and even the less obvious chemical
society, the biological has become the psychological. New changes of cells and organisms. But only the end
laws of motion have come into being which are neither results of changes over many thousands of centuries
biological nor sociological, bult the subject of study of a
different science, psychology.lld can be seen in the diverse plants and animals, each
almost perfectly adapted to its environment. A spe-
The concept of integrative levels, as it stresses the cies, in high-speed terms, is constant; but in low-speed
need to study the interrelationships between the bio- terms, it is changing.
logical and sociological, emphasizes the fact that the Thinking in high-speed terms of these low-speed
two constitute two distinct levels. Blurring this dis- phenomena leads almost inevitably to teleological con-
tinction leads to anthropomorphism and to mystical, ceptions, ascribing these phenomena to a divine pur-
often dangerous, statements about society.
pose in nature. The terrestrial mammal has no gills
Anthropomorphism-endowing animals, and even because the air, containing little water, would dry out
plants, with human attributes, psychical and social- the exposed soft tissues; the earthworm has no eyes
transports the higher level (social) bodily into the
lower level (biological). In doing so, it presents a because it has no need for them, buried as it is in the
wholly erroneous picture of the animal. The aspects ground. Such teleological reasoning is carried over
of behavior common to man and animals are studied even to changes which are directly observable. The
in comparative psychology, just as comparative cytol- heart beats in order to bring food-laden blood to all
ogy studies the uniformity of structure of diverse cells cells of the organism. The leaf bends to the light in
order to intercept more energy for photosynthesis.
and comparative biochemistry the fundamental chemi-
cal changes common to all cells and organisms. There is no awareness that ascribing such purposive
Often, the significance of certain aspects of man's behavior to the heart or the plant imparts the ability
behavior (e.g., instincts) can be illuminated by studies to reason and to look into the future, in one case to a
on lower animals where the problem may be analyzed
small individual part of the organism, and, in the
more directly. And in the anthropoid apes, it is other, to an organism which lacks a nervous system,
possible to investigate the beginning of reflective let alone a brain!
thought and of social influences on behavior. The history of biology demonstrates that teleology
Yet the study of animal behavior can not be a explains nothing, and, worse still, hampers the search
substitute for the study of man's behavior. As we for explanations and causes. You do not study the
establish the likenesses in behavior of animals and causal development of eyes in worms if you believe
men, we must simultaneously investigate the funda- their absence in earthworms is explained by the state-
mental qualitative differences between them. Except ment that underground worms need none. Nor do
in certain pathological conditions, man's behavior is you trouble to analyze the causes of cardiac muscle
as unique as the organs which he, alone of all animals, contraction or the distribution of plant growth hor-
possesses; thought, speech, labor are impossible with- mones if it suffices to say that the heart beats to pump
out a highly developed brain and a hand. It is his blood and the leaf bends to get light. You do not
unique biological constitution which makes possible study the causes of evolution or the explanation of
the development of truly social relations among men. mutual adaptation of organism and environment if
Many investigators studying the integrated animal you assert, as Gerard has recently, that the "selection
populations, the so-called societies of animals, appear or creation of these particular mechanisms" is voli-
to have overlooked the fact that animal societies never tional or purposive.'3 Only when purpose was ex-
rise above the biological level, that only man's society eluded from descriptions of all biological activity
is truly sociological. except rational behavior of- human beings, could bio-
Any one who has tried to teach biological change 12 Henry Collier, "An Interpretation of Biology,"
to college students knows the barriers to learning Chapter 5. London, 1938.
which have been created by the identification of ani- 13Ralph W. Gerard, "Organic Freedom," p. 425, in
"Freedom, Its Meaning," edited by R. N. Anshen. New
mals with men throughout the student's lifetime. York, 1940, Scientific Monthly, 50: 349, 1940.
MARcH 2, 1945 SCIENCE 213
logical problems be properly formulated and ana- The "forces . . . governing . . . human social and
lyzed. ethical characteristics" have been not biological but
social, the relation of man to changing technological
CRITIQUE OF SomS BIOLOGICAL LITERATURE and economic relations. The "forces . . . governing
ON INTEGRATIVE LEVELS . . . organismic evolution through the ages" have
In a recent volume devoted to the concept of in- been biological (mutation, etc.). That is why what-
tegrative levels,'4 a number of serious errors occur. ever similarities one notes in animal and human socie-
These errors stem from a tendency to concentrate ties must be purely formal and therefore meaningless.
exclusion of any consideration of the uniqueness of Gerard accepts the old analogy between society and
ter from low to high levels. While the "organicists" the living organism and, by what Simpson has aptly
concentrate their attention exclusively on the unique- described as the "most reckless, unjustified, and non-
ness of the biological level ("the organism as a scientific extrapolation,'s he draws a great many
whole") without relating it to the lower levels, this parallels between aspects of society and organisms.
tendency is preoccupied with the general similarity Thus, he equates scientists with receptors,'8 the for-
of organizational development in evolution to the mation of an army by a nation with the fusion of
exclusion of any consideration of the uniqueness of slime molds in the face of "emergency conditions,"'9
each level. This overemphasis of the continuity of altruism of men with "service and mutual helpfulness
evolution leads to the confusion of biological and seen in the interplay of cell nucleus and chloroplast,"20
sociological levels. and so on. It is unnecessary to enumerate all the
A. E. Emerson acknowledges the distinction between parallels. In every one of them, the social activities
biological and social sciences but then says, "Society for which Gerard finds biological counterparts are
is surely a manifestation of fundamental life attri- not of biological origin but are the results of long
butes which are shared with other biological systems processes of social development. We can not overlook
and the division between the social and non-social is the fact that the origin of social integrations of ra-
not sharp."'15 Elsewhere, he maintains that "the evo- tional men in society is fundamentally distinct from
lution of human social and ethical characteristics is that of biological integration of masses of protoplasm
governed by the same forces which have been directing in the living organism. Aside from its refinement in
organismic evolution through the ages."'' However, terms of modern biological data, the organism-society
the material in Emerson's articles reveals the basic analogy of Gerard is the same as that of Herbert
difference between the forces making for change in Spencer in which, Needham has pointed out, instead
human society and those producing changes in "or- of seeking the economic basis of social relations, he
ganismic evolution." There has apparently been no "elaborates to a degree sometimes almost fantastic
important change in the society of insects in the the analogy between animal and social organisms."2'
thirty-five million years since the Oligocene period. Just as the striking but fundamentally misleading
Since insects possess neither intelligence nor the abil- analogy between living organisms and non-living en-
ity to transmit the results of experience to others, gines has stimulated both mechanical and vitalistic
change is dependent on the slow process of germinal biology, so this organism-society analogy leads to
change (mutation) and their society is therefore rela- erroneous and dangerous social conclusions as well
tively fixed. On the other hand, in the seven or eight as to anthropomorphism.22 Because he fails to dis-
thousand years of recorded history, man's society has tinguish the social from the biological, Gerard23 is led
continually changed; because of the transmission of
17 George G. Simpson, Journal of the Washington Acad-
experience symbolized by tools, language, printing, emy of Sciences, 31: 18, 1941.
photography, etc., there is social-cultural inheritance 18R. W. Gerard, "Higher Levels of Integration," p.
as well as biological inheritance. It is the plasticity 79, in Redfield, op. cit.
19 Idem, "Higher Levels of Integration," p. 81.
of man's intelligence which brings ethics into being. 20 Idem, " A Biological Basis for Ethics," p. 108.
While man's social relations have undergone marked Philosophy of Science, vol. 9, 1942.
transformation, his biology has remained essentially 21Joseph Needham, The Modern Quarterly (London),
unchanged. What small biological change has oc- 1: 38, 1938.
22Needham, Huxley and Simpson have noted that even
curred (e:g., increased mean length of life) has been the formal aspect of the. organism-society analogy is
the result and not the cause of social development. erroneous because it overlooks the fundamental differ-
ences between organism and society in: (1) the degree
14 Biological Symposia, VIII. "Levels of Integration of concentration of consciousness in specialized parts, (2)
in Biological and Social Sciences," edited by R. Redfield. the degree of differentiation arising during reproduction
Lancaster, 1942. (of individuals in society and of cells in organisms), (3)
15 Alfred E. Emerson, "Basic Comparisons of Human the mode of reproduction and inheritance, and (4) the
and Insect Societies, " p. 173, in Redfield, op. cit. degree of subordination of individual parts to the whole.
16 Alfred E. Emerson. Abstract 21423, in Biological 23 R. W. Gerard, "Higher Levels of Integration," pp.
Abstracts, vol. 16, 1942. 83-85.
214 SCIENCE VOL. 101, No. 2618
to formulate a single principle to govern the entire work and plan if he is to achieve further progress
historical process from the origin of molecules to the for himself and so for life."25
development of human society, the progressive growth Needham26 has demonstrated that the most danger-
of cooperation and altruism. By oversimplifying phe- ous aspect of the reduction of social phenomena to
nomena and divesting each level of organization, the biological level, at the present historical moment,
among organisms and in society, of its specific char- is the basis it provides for fascist "philosophy." The
acteristic qualities, a metaphysical statement is pro- central point in this "philosophy" is the thesis that
duced, to the effect that society will inevitably-be- man's biology decides his social behavior, and ruthless
cause it is an organism-progress toward a cooperative oppression of certain groups of people is justified be-
state. "The ultimate future of society, however dark cause these groups are for all times fixed as "inferior"
it may look to the contemporary sociologist or even by their biology. Gerard's view gives indirect support
to the historian, appears in the eyes of the biologist, to this thesis, by making biological principles the
sighting down the long perspective of organic evolu- guide for social thought and action.
tion, as bright with hope." A sharp separation of the two levels-biological
It should be remembered that even in the biological and social-must precede a fruitful discussion of how
man's society can be kept free and democratic. That
world, evolution is not always in the direction of
discussion must be based on a study, by means appro-
progress-witness the "regression" of the tapeworm.
priate to the level, of the social forces making for
We can not afford to take refuge in Gerard's idea of a change. Only a scientific analysis of these forces will
mysteriously operating "organizing trend"24 which enable man to speed social progress.
will insure the steady march of progress for man's It is perhaps not surprising that Gerard's one-sided
society. Such evolutionary fatalism is unsound sci- view of evolution-which ignores the qualitative dif-
ence, and dangerous social advice for it leads only ferences of successive levels of integration and the
to inaction. Fortunately, the United Nations are not specific part-whole relationships in each-should lead
guided by such fatalism; they are relying not on any him to embrace the concept of purpose.27 The retard-
"trend," but on their armed might, in order to defeat ing influence of teleological thinking on the advance
fascism and keep society on the road of progress. of biological science has already been referred to.
Despite occasional backward movements and many Here we add our agreement with Huxley that any
blind alleys, biological evolution has moved in the "apparent purpose" in evolution is "just as much a
direction of progress-towards more and more highly product of blind forces as is the falling of a stone
integrated and efficient organisms in which there is to earth or the ebb and flow of the tides. It is we
an increasing independence of and control over the who have read purpose into evolution, as earlier men
external environment. This is to be explained on the projected will and emotion into inorganic phenomena
basis of phenomena such as genetic mutations and like storm or earthquake. If we wish to work towards
natural selection. We may agree that, despite more a purpose for the future of man, we must formulate
or less temporary setbacks, society will develop even- that purpose ourselves. Purposes in life are made,
tually to a high level of cooperation. But it will do not found."28
so not because of "organizing trends," mutations or CONCL.USION
natural selection. Discussion of social evolution in
The concept of integrative levels describes the prog-
terms of natural selection as it applies in the bio- ress of evolution of the inanimate, animate and social
logical world is no more meaningful than metaphysics, worlds. It maintains that such progress is the result
for, as we have indicated, without a study of man's of forces which differ in each level and which can
socioeconomic relations, it is impossible either to properly be described only by laws which are unique
explain the past history or to indicate the prospects for each level. Since higher level phenomena always
for the future development of society. Progress in include phenomena at lower levels, one can not fully
social development is basically different from progress understand the higher levels without an understanding
in organic evolution; the latter does not involve con-
of the lower level phenomena as well. But a knowl-
scious activity, the former, depending on scientific
edge of the lower levels does not enable us to predict,
and technological advance, is the result of conscious a priori, what will occur at a higher level. Although
activity of men and is directed by experience of life some may have validity for the higher level, laws of a
and study of history. Progress in organic evolution
occurs without a set plan or direction; social progress 25 Julian Huxley, " Evolution, The Modern Synthesis,,"
rests upon planned activity of men. As Huxley says, p. 578. New York, 1942.
26 Joseph Needham, Foreword to Prenant, "Biology
human progress "is not inevitable; man . must
. . and Marxism.'" New York, 1938.
27 See references, note 13.
24 Idemn, "A Biological Basis for Ethics," p. 108. 28 Julian Huxley, op. cit., p. 576.
MARCH 2, 1945 SCIENCE 215
lower level are inadequate to describe the higher level. element imparting the uniqueness to the phenomena
The laws unique to the higher level can be discovered under study. It emphasizes the importance of study-
by approaches appropriate to the particular level; to ing the "mesoforms," matter at the point of transition
do otherwise is invalid scientifically and, in some in- from one level of organization to the next, so as to
stances, dangerous socially. deepen our understanding of the unique qualities of
By stressing the material interrelationships of parts the higher level. For example, it would indicate that
and whole and the qualitative uniqueness of each level an intensive study of the transition region between
of integration, the concept is of genuine help to biolo- the chemical and biological levels, between protein and
gists. Its dialectical approach avoids "organicism," protoplasm, will help reveal the organizing relations
"fatalism" and mechanical "atomism," and helps at- unique to living matter and fundamental to vital
tain a fuller understanding of such problems as the activities.
interrelations of cellular structure and metabolism, of As biologists become more familiar with the con-
cell and organism in ontogeny and in adult physiol- cept, a greater number will recognize its value both
ogy, of individual and population biologies, of bio- as an aid in the understanding of biological data
logical and social factors in the development of man's already accumulated and as a reliable guide for re-
behavior; and the mechanisms responsible for organic search. Such recognition of its value will, however,
evolution. By avoiding teleology, the concept aids be delayed by any presentation which creates the
the search for causes of biological phenomena. erroneous impression that it is metaphysical, teleologi-
The concept of integrative levels indicates to re- cal or mystical. This article has pointed to shortcom-
search biologists the crucial aspects of their problems, ings in the presentation of the concept in some recent
the solution of which puts the known facts into proper biological literature, with the hope that this may help
perspective by revealing the decisive element, the make future references to the concept more reliable.

SIR ARTHUR EDDINGTON bridge. Again the judgment of the electors was fully
THE death of Sir Arthur Eddington deprives astro- vindicated.
physics of its most distinguished representative and His interest in physical problems now became pre-
the philosophy of science of its most notable ex- dominant, and he entered upon the most notable period
positor. of his career, with his studies of the internal con-
Appointments to major scientific posts in England stitution and radiation of the stars.
have been made with a very high average of success. These form a contribution of the highest order to
The electors have shown excellent judgment in picking the progress of physical science. When he began, a
the ablest men and courage in putting them, while large number of properties of the stars were known,
young, into positions which gave them adequate op- from the observations of the preceding decades, and
portunities. They never did better than when a young the properties of atoms were also fairly well under-
man of twenty-four was appointed chief assistant stood. By analysis of remarkable incisiveness and
at the Greenwich Observatory in 1906. His early skill, he established the relations between the two, and
work-a series of papers dealing with the motions ended by showing that the stars had to be what they
of the stars and the dynamics of star-clusters-was were, just because they were composed of atoms. He
notable for the thorough insight into the problems and proved that only large masses-exceeding fifty thou-
skill and elegance in their mathematical discussion sand times that of the earth-could shine brightly
which marked his later work. It may not be as well enough to be seen at distances of even a few light-
remembered that he was also a very competent ob- years, and that all larger masses must inevitably so
server. A floating photographic zenith telescope (sup- shine, with a brightness depending mainly, though not
ported by a mercury bath) had failed to give results entirely, upon the mass, and increasing very rapidly
of the anticipated precision. Eddington took on this with it. These conclusions were fully confirmed by
discouraging problem, and found that the errors could the observed data, and the era of secure interpretation,
be eliminated by changes in the details of observing rather than empirical study, of the properties of the
methods. The instrument was thus started on a pro- stars began.
gram of almost thirty years of successful operation, The greater part of this work is presented in "The
interrupted only by the present war. Internal Constitution of the Stars" (1926). This
In 1913 Eddington was elected, at the age of thirty- volume marks an epoch in the progress of astro-
one, to the historic Plumian professorship at Cam- physics. It is no less admirable as an example of the

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